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Bhutto Murder

William Kelly

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Norman Mineta Confirms That Dick Cheney Ordered Stand Down on 9/11 [27]

URL: http://www.jonesreport.com/articles/260607_mineta.html [28] A testimony left out of the 9/11 report.

That nicely puts paid to Len Colby's earlier misstatements, misremembering and subsequent evasions when challenged about his contorted version of events regarding Mineta's testimony to the 911 Commission.

Better yet, look at the last several CHAPTERS of Peter Dale Scott's book The Road To 9/11.....destroys the offical version....errrr....offical conspiracy theory.

Obviously neither of you bothered to watch the video.

- Mineta never said on it or anywhere else that Cheney ordered a stand down to the contrary he understood it as a shoot down order.

- He said was not sure “about the 9:25”

PDS's chapters on the subject are crap as I will make clear soon.

And yes on the thread where this was discussed considerable evidence was provided that Mineta was often confused in his recollections of events that morning he has given contradicary accounts and is contradicted by others who were there.

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My case is, admittedly, a circumstantial one. Deeper probing of AAZ's activities will probably reveal more. Twitchers have spotted 'The Great Drago' swopping and soaring over 'The North West Frontier.' What does he make of all this?


This legendary avian presence allegedly sighted in recent days in fact has been to ground. Listening. Watching. Sharpening his talons.

Hear his plaintive call ...

The shortest of thrusts is the deadliest of thrusts.

Those who would dispatch a potentate or prophet cannot succeed absent the treachery of at least one member of their target's innermost circle.

Is that a dagger in your toga, Brutus baby, or are you glad to see me?

Hey Jude, pass the salt.

Thanks for the Dallas tour book, Walt.

It's OK honey, you get some rest, watch on TV, and I'll wave to you through the sun roof.

Edited by Charles Drago
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PDS's chapters on the subject are crap as I will make clear soon.

Now THIS is rich.

To HELL with Peter Dale Scott!

We must trust he who is revealed below:

WARNING: In my personal opinion: "Len Colby" is an agent provocateur, a breeder of disinformation. It is likely that "he" is in fact a composite character, a fiction created to attack the truth and those who speak it. But even if "Colby" exists as advertised, "he" yet serves the agendas of the assassins of John F. Kennedy. Informed, cynical readings of "his" posts will lead to deeper understandings of our enemies, their methods, and their goals.

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Guest David Guyatt
PDS's chapters on the subject are crap as I will make clear soon.

Now THIS is rich.

To HELL with Peter Dale Scott!

We must trust he who is revealed below:

WARNING: In my personal opinion: "Len Colby" is an agent provocateur, a breeder of disinformation. It is likely that "he" is in fact a composite character, a fiction created to attack the truth and those who speak it. But even if "Colby" exists as advertised, "he" yet serves the agendas of the assassins of John F. Kennedy. Informed, cynical readings of "his" posts will lead to deeper understandings of our enemies, their methods, and their goals.

Prof. Colby has spoken, Charles. Who are we (as mere mortals) to argue with his ineffable rambling?

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Do YOU have any evidence (other than the clearly interested and unsupported claims by the PPP) which would impugn the honesty of the experts sent out from Scotland Yard, or is this just another "they're from the government so they must be bent" rant?

Further evidence of the Metropolitan Police's unremitting probity:

Sean O’Neill, “Judges condemn police lies after 9/11 attacks that ruined pilot's life,” The Times, 15 Feb 2008


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Guest David Guyatt

Let's hope the wider British judicial system can learn from this appalling episode. It has been rather docile and compliant of late.

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  • 5 months later...
As I write, we have been told that the cause of death was head trauma caused when Bhutto dropped from her through-the-sunroof perch after having been shot. Immediately we are put in mind of the Rabin hit, and how evidence suggests that he might have been killed after initial shots were fired and he entered his security vehicle.

Who was inside her SUV?


Key Benazir Bhutto assassination witness shot dead

The bodyguard of Benazir Bhutto, who was to be a key witness in an investigation into her assassination, has been shot dead.

Last Updated: 3:19PM BST 23 Jul 2008

Khalid Shahenshah, who was the former Pakistan prime minister's security chief at the time of her assassination, was killed in a drive-by shooting as he left his house in the southern port city of Karachi on Tuesday, police said.

Mr Shahenshah, 45, was riding in Mrs Bhutto's bullet-proof car when she was killed in a suicide attack in the northern city of Rawalpindi on December 27.

He was expected to be called to give evidence at a United Nations probe into her death.

"He was a key witness in the case and was also interviewed by the Scotland Yard experts who came to Pakistan to investigate her killing," said Waqar Mehdi, the junior information minister of Sindh province.

"There is a possibility that his killing could be linked to his status as a witness, although investigations are still underway."

A team of Scotland Yard detectives concluded in February that Mrs Bhutto was killed by a suicide bomb and not by gunfire, backing the previous Pakistani government's claim the attack was masterminded by Baitullah Mehsud, Pakistan's top Taliban commander.

But the UN earlier this month agreed to set up an independent panel to investigate her slaying, following a request by Pakistan's new government.

In elections held in February, a coalition led by Mrs Bhutto's Pakistan People's Party (PPP) defeated allies of President Pervez Musharraf, who seized power in a military coup in 1999.

PPP officials have accused Pakistan's powerful military and intelligence services of involvement in her killing, rejecting suggestion the Taliban were responsible.

Party officials suspect that more than one attacker was involved in the murder.

Hundreds of mourners attended the funeral of Mr Shahenshah, a father of three, in Karachi. He was most recently employed as a security chief at the home of Mrs Bhutto's widower, Asif Ali Zardari.

Police have recovered the car which Mr Shahenshah's assailants used in his murder and were still investigating, Iqbal Mehmood, a senior Karachi police official said.

Zulfikar Mirza, the Sindh home minister, said it was "premature to say that Khalid was killed for being a witness in Benazir Bhutto's assassination case".

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As I write, we have been told that the cause of death was head trauma caused when Bhutto dropped from her through-the-sunroof perch after having been shot. Immediately we are put in mind of the Rabin hit, and how evidence suggests that he might have been killed after initial shots were fired and he entered his security vehicle.

Who was inside her SUV?


Key Benazir Bhutto assassination witness shot dead

The bodyguard of Benazir Bhutto, who was to be a key witness in an investigation into her assassination, has been shot dead.

Last Updated: 3:19PM BST 23 Jul 2008

Khalid Shahenshah, who was the former Pakistan prime minister's security chief at the time of her assassination, was killed in a drive-by shooting as he left his house in the southern port city of Karachi on Tuesday, police said...

Who is - was - Mr Shahenshah? Three links filling in some of the background. The third contains some interesting footage of Shahenshah at Bhutto's last rally:




Tuesday, July 22nd, 2008 at 5:27 pm

Khalid Shahenshah’s murder deepens the mystery around BB’s assassination

The murder of Khalid Shahenshah, a key witness in Benazir Bhutto’s murder case, has been blamed rather quickly on the ‘terrorists’ by Sind Home Minister. But Khalid had a highly controversial background which included a record of criminal cases, working as an activist of People’s Students Federation in the 1980s, an alleged member of Dawood Ibrahim’s gang later, and most recently as one of the body guards of Benazir Bhutto. He was sitting in the back seat of Benazir’s car when she was hit by bullets and bomb blasts and was a key witness in her murder case. He was also interviewed by the Scotland yard. His most controversial part was his antics on the stage where BB addressed her last public meeting. See the following video:

Follow link above - PR

After BB’s murder, the above video was run by many channels including DAWN News and Rehman Malik denied Khalid Shahenshah’s or his responsibility in BB’s secuirty lapses. (See Daily Times of Jan. 06, 2008)

According to the Post of January 4, 2008:

PPP sources have reported that the moment Benazir ended her address, this (servant) man was the first one to dive into her bullet proof Land Cruiser; an unusual change from past routine whilst he always boarded the vehicle after Benazir, often hanging by the external pedestals of her Cruiser, as was evident in videos.

One other household servant and Dr Safdar Abbassi got seated in the rear portion of the Cruiser, and when the suicide bomber blew himself apart, Khalid was also present in the Cruiser. Afterwards he (Khalid) went over to the Zardari House, Islamabad where he lived for two days, and did not visit Naudero despite Benazir’s death, making it there on third day. When informed about the video of his antics he promptly disappeared from the scene, over the excuse of his mother’s death.

Khalid’s name figured in Asia Times reports of July 16, 2003 and October 22, 2003 as a gang member linked to the famous underworld don Dawood Ibrahim. The News in its June 18, 2006 issue published a report speculating Dawood may have moved to Waziristan.

The Newsline in its September 2001 issue had reported:

Meanwhile, not only have the Pakistani authorities turned a blind eye to the gang’s activities within Pakistan, but many in the corridors of power have partaken of Dawood’s hospitality. Dawood often throws lavish mujras for Pakistani politicians and bureaucrats. A recent guest was a former caretaker Prime Minister.

These are not the only members of the establishment who have close ties with Dawood. He is said to have the protection of assorted intelligence agencies. In fact, Dawood and his men move around the city guarded by heavy escorts of armed men in civvies believed to be personnel of a top Pakistani security agency.

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The third contains some interesting footage of Shahenshah at Bhutto's last rally: . . .


It looks to me like Shahenshah sees someone who wants to shoot her, and is ducking down out of the line of fire. (How do you say "My God, they're going to kill us all" in Pakistani?) Or it could have been someone who just wanted to take her picture. In any case, the guy standing behind Shahenshah (who looks off just before Shahenshah does) seems to find it all amusing.

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As I write, we have been told that the cause of death was head trauma caused when Bhutto dropped from her through-the-sunroof perch after having been shot. Immediately we are put in mind of the Rabin hit, and how evidence suggests that he might have been killed after initial shots were fired and he entered his security vehicle.

Who was inside her SUV?


Key Benazir Bhutto assassination witness shot dead

The bodyguard of Benazir Bhutto, who was to be a key witness in an investigation into her assassination, has been shot dead.

Last Updated: 3:19PM BST 23 Jul 2008

Khalid Shahenshah, who was the former Pakistan prime minister's security chief at the time of her assassination, was killed in a drive-by shooting as he left his house in the southern port city of Karachi on Tuesday, police said.

Mr Shahenshah, 45, was riding in Mrs Bhutto's bullet-proof car when she was killed in a suicide attack in the northern city of Rawalpindi on December 27.

He was expected to be called to give evidence at a United Nations probe into her death.

"He was a key witness in the case and was also interviewed by the Scotland Yard experts who came to Pakistan to investigate her killing," said Waqar Mehdi, the junior information minister of Sindh province.

"There is a possibility that his killing could be linked to his status as a witness, although investigations are still underway."

A team of Scotland Yard detectives concluded in February that Mrs Bhutto was killed by a suicide bomb and not by gunfire, backing the previous Pakistani government's claim the attack was masterminded by Baitullah Mehsud, Pakistan's top Taliban commander.

But the UN earlier this month agreed to set up an independent panel to investigate her slaying, following a request by Pakistan's new government.

In elections held in February, a coalition led by Mrs Bhutto's Pakistan People's Party (PPP) defeated allies of President Pervez Musharraf, who seized power in a military coup in 1999.

PPP officials have accused Pakistan's powerful military and intelligence services of involvement in her killing, rejecting suggestion the Taliban were responsible.

Party officials suspect that more than one attacker was involved in the murder.

Hundreds of mourners attended the funeral of Mr Shahenshah, a father of three, in Karachi. He was most recently employed as a security chief at the home of Mrs Bhutto's widower, Asif Ali Zardari.

Police have recovered the car which Mr Shahenshah's assailants used in his murder and were still investigating, Iqbal Mehmood, a senior Karachi police official said.

Zulfikar Mirza, the Sindh home minister, said it was "premature to say that Khalid was killed for being a witness in Benazir Bhutto's assassination case".

Thanks, Paul.

This is "deja vu all over again" to quote the inestimable Yogi Berra.

I have thought that this was an intelligence hit since it occured.

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