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Photographic Challenge

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I was going to reply, but I see Craig has done so. Nothing more I need to say... except I'll get you the images of them using the camera like they were in the image Craig provided. There is video footage available, I am sure. It will just take me time to review the missions and find it.

Could you please give me the video ID of an astronaut taking a photo when the camera wasn't fixed to the chest bracket ? ... You have hours and hours of Apollo EVA video footage to choose from .


Edited by Evan Burton
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I'll get you the images of them using the camera like they were in the image Craig provided. There is video footage available, I am sure. It will just take me time to review the missions and find it.

I asked for video footage of any of them holding the regular cameras in their hands , not attached to their chestplates ... This has nothing to do with Craig's red herring of how the 500 mm camera was held .... I would also like to see how the photos in Jack's study were taken on the "Moon" by astronots , not by Dave and him on the beach or on a sidewalk .

Also , if you could find any footage of BOTH astronots using their cameras at the SAME TIME ( hand held or on their chestplates ) then I think NASA will give you a special award as one of their biggest defenders of the Apollo cause !... ( the A12 Bean/Conrad piccy doesn't count ) :unsure:

Edited by Duane Daman
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I asked for video footage of any of them holding the regular cameras in their hands , not attached to their chestplates ...

Apollo 11, Aldrin photographing his bootprints. About 2/3 of the way in to the video.


There's a still frame from the footage below:-


This has nothing to do with Craig's red herring of how the 500 mm camera was held .... I would also like to see how the photos in Jack's study were taken on the "Moon" by astronots , not by Dave and him on the beach or on a sidewalk .

Are you asking for video footage of specific photos in Jack's study as they were being taken? You're going to have a long wait. All but one were Apollo 12 photos, when the TV camera failed. The other is an Apollo 11 photo taken well out of frame of the camera.

It's a red herring anyway - you could EASILY prove this issue to yourself by using a camera and taking your own photos. I'm sure you're quite capable of holding a camera pointing straight in front of you in a similar manner to a chest-mounted Hassie. My camera was pointing straight in front when I took my beach photo. You don't have to believe me of course, but you really should try it yourself and bury this issue once and for all (hey, you might join David C in thinking Jack is a CIA/NASA plant!)

Also , if you could find any footage of BOTH astronots using their cameras at the SAME TIME ( hand held or on their chestplates ) then I think NASA will give you a special award as one of their biggest defenders of the Apollo cause !... ( the A12 Bean/Conrad piccy doesn't count ) :unsure:

What would this footage prove? Zippo! Think I'll decline on searching through hours and hours of footage on a wild goose chase just because you think NASA will give me a special award - after all, you can't even be bothered spending a few minutes getting off your lardy backside and taking some simple photos!!! :D

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Oh , and Evan .... while you're tracking down all of this non existant evidence , could either you or maybe quickdraw Craig find an ASTRONAUT'S SHADOW that matches this common bent knee position ? :unsure:


Changing the subject again I see.

Duane the evader.

How about telling us how they cropped those images I posted?

How about doing the testing you said you were going to do?

How about you educate yourself so we can put this issue to bed and YOU can finally show just how wrong all your pals really are?

How about you finding out the TRUTH for once?

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Also , if you could find any footage of BOTH astronots using their cameras at the SAME TIME ( hand held or on their chestplates ) then I think NASA will give you a special award as one of their biggest defenders of the Apollo cause !... ( the A12 Bean/Conrad piccy doesn't count ) :unsure:

Not sure WHICH of the Apollo 12 images you are talking about (if you want the hi-res images, just put HR on the end of the URLs):


http://www.hq.nasa.gov/office/pao/History/...S12-47-6899.jpg (I think this is the reverse shot of the one above - but will have to check further to be sure)

http://www.hq.nasa.gov/office/pao/History/...S12-48-7071.jpg (Bean taking photo of Conrad)

http://www.hq.nasa.gov/office/pao/History/...S12-49-7281.jpg (Conrad taking photo of Bean just before / after 7071 above)

Of course, we have the images of John Young being photographed during his "jump salute":



along with the video footage of it:


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Are you asking for video footage of specific photos in Jack's study as they were being taken? You're going to have a long wait.

Yes, I'm sure I will Dave . :D

Evan ... Out of the seven links you posted above , only ONE shows the astronots using their cameras at the same time .... So I don't understand your point in posting photos that I didn't ask for .

This was evidence that Jack discovered and provided in his very revealing article on Aulis .... If you can't see how strange it was for the Apollo astronots to NEVER use their cameras at the same time , except for once , then you really do wear NASA blinders .

Craig ... There is no reason for me to duplicate your experiment , as no one does it better than "MrPhotGod"' himself ! :unsure:

Changing the subject again I see.

No , this IS the subject ... So have you found any bent at the knee astronot shadows yet ?

Edited by Duane Daman
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Are you asking for video footage of specific photos in Jack's study as they were being taken? You're going to have a long wait.

Yes, I'm sure I will Dave . :D

Evan ... Out of the seven links you posted above , only ONE shows the astronots using their cameras at the same time .... So I don't understand your point in posting photos that I didn't ask for .

This was evidence that Jack discovered and provided in his very revealing article on Aulis .... If you can't see how strange it was for the Apollo astronots to NEVER use their cameras at the same time , except for once , then you really do wear NASA blinders .

Craig ... There is no reason for me to duplicate your experiment , as no one does it better than "MrPhotGod"' himself ! :unsure:

Great, is it your considered opinion then that my work is uninpeachable and that it trashs White, Percy, Mr. Magoo and you?

Changing the subject again I see.

No , this IS the subject ... So have you found any bent at the knee astronot shadows yet ?

No Duane its not the subject at all, its just another attempt by you to deflect.

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Great, is it your considered opinion then that my work is uninpeachable and that it trashs White, Percy, Mr. Magoo and you?

No , it's my opinion that in your delusions of grandeur , you believe that you really are "MrPhotoGod ".

No Duane its not the subject at all, its just another attempt by you to deflect.

Wrong again Craig ... We are discussing amomalous shadows in the Apollo photographs .... You claimed that an astronot bending his knees was a typical position for him to be in to take certain photgraphs . ( or words similiar to that ) ... So all I'm asking is to see some shadows that prove your claim is correct , instead of what it really is ... A LOAD OF NONSENSE .

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Great, is it your considered opinion then that my work is uninpeachable and that it trashs White, Percy, Mr. Magoo and you?

No , it's my opinion that in your delusions of grandeur , you believe that you really are "MrPhotoGod ".

Sorry off topic AGAIN Duane. Back to the original subject, Who is right about the offset shadow issue and why? No more deflections. Simply answer the question.

No Duane its not the subject at all, its just another attempt by you to deflect.

Wrong again Craig ... We are discussing amomalous shadows in the Apollo photographs .... You claimed that an astronot bending his knees was a typical position for him to be in to take certain photgraphs . ( or words similiar to that ) ... So all I'm asking is to see some shadows that prove your claim is correct , instead of what it really is ... A LOAD OF NONSENSE .

No Duane, we were discussing a VERY SPECFIC set of issues, and bent knee shadows were not part of the issues at hand. If you want to discuss this, start another thread.

Edited by Craig Lamson
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No Duane, we were discussing a VERY SPECFIC set of issues, and bent knee shadows were not part of the issues at hand. If you want to discuss this, start another thread.

We have enough threads about Apollo , don't you think ? ... That reply is just another cop out because you have no reply .

Sorry off topic AGAIN Duane. Back to the original subject, Who is right about the offset shadow issue and why? No more deflections. Simply answer the question.

Jack has already answered the question here ... and you've already read my answer ... It's the same as Jack's .


Now why don't you go flog another one of your dead horses .

Edited by Duane Daman
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No Duane, we were discussing a VERY SPECFIC set of issues, and bent knee shadows were not part of the issues at hand. If you want to discuss this, start another thread.

We have enough threads about Apollo , don't you think ? ... That reply is just another cop out because you have no reply .

Sorry off topic AGAIN Duane. Back to the original subject, Who is right about the offset shadow issue and why? No more deflections. Simply answer the question.

Jack has already answered the question here ... and you've already read my answer ... It's the same as Jack's .


Now why don't you go flog another one of your dead horses .

This says otherwise:


So your answer is based on WHAT exactly? Perhaps you can enligthen us as to why all of the empirical evidence posted says both you and Jack are wrong. Surely you are not just taking this on faith now are you? You say you are a truthseeker. If thats the truth, then you surely must have investigated White's claims and my counter claims in great detail to find the real facts. WHat did that investigation tell you and what photography tidbits did you learn in the process.

Come on Duane, show us you photography, research and cognitive skills!

Edited by Craig Lamson
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Come on Duane, show us you photography, research and cognitive skills!

Okay , here's some cognitive research skills for you .

Craig can't prove that the stagelights which are reflected in the Apollo 12 (Conrad) and the Apolo 17 (Cernan) visors are really"smudges on the visors " ... but he can prove how fine looking his legs are ! :lol:


Edited by Duane Daman
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Come on Duane, show us you photography, research and cognitive skills!

Okay , here's some cognitive research skills for you .

Craig can't prove that the stagelights which are reflected in the Apollo 12 (Conrad) and the Apolo 17 (Cernan) visors are really"smudges on the visors " ... but he can prove how fine looking his legs are ! :lol:


I like the way you complain about people going off topic and making personal attacks... then you do exactly the same as what you are complaining about.

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