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Interesting Apollo Picture (Small Astronaut)

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Oops ... That's very clever how you cropped out the stagelight reflection in the A12 visor in your little study here .


Too bad you weren't able to do the same with the stagelight reflection that you call a " smudge" in the A17 photo . :D

Ref the visor image: what are you taking as the astronaut? I am using part of the smudge. I'll check the hi-res version and see if I am wrong.


You are wrong ... The "smudge" spotlight reflection is not part of the astronot ... The "astronot " is that tiny little thing that looks like a dwarf , which has a "shadow" that looks like a spotlight in this photo and a "feathery horn " in the next one .

Edited by Duane Daman
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Sorry Evan but they were not taken from anywhere near the same camera to subject distance. The A17 helmet is about 20% smaller than the A12 helmet which indicates a change in distance.

Thanks for finally answering Jack's question and proving his evidence is correct .

I'm afraid that quoting from the ALSJ won't help you with this one either .... Schmitt stood closer to Cernan in the A17 photo than Bean did to Conrad in the Apollo 12 photo ,

You have that backwards. The a17 helmet being smaller indicates that the a17 photogrpaher was farther away, not closer.

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Sorry Evan but they were not taken from anywhere near the same camera to subject distance. The A17 helmet is about 20% smaller than the A12 helmet which indicates a change in distance.

Thanks for finally answering Jack's question and proving his evidence is correct .

Uh No, both of you got it backwards and you have just gotten it backwards again. Jack has been shown wrong again.

I'm afraid that quoting from the ALSJ won't help you with this one either .... Schmitt stood closer to Cernan in the A17 photo than Bean did to Conrad in the Apollo 12 photo , which proves that the visor reflection in the Apollo 17 visor is a load of NASA baloney because the little dwarf astronot is much too small and weird looking to be a real reflection of an astronot standing only a few feet away from the visor he is allegedly reflected in .

You have done nothing to show the subject to camera distances in ANY of the images including the ones Gavin posted so your claims about who stood where are pure handwaving. Keep trying that little ploy and you might fly. The Apollo images tell the tale, and the tale they tell is that the reflections fit perfectly regardless of what the woo woo's might imagine.

Look at the photos Gavin posted at the beginning of this thread again which show what people really look like reflected in a visor while standing only a few feet away from it .... and then try to convince yourself that the little dwarf in the A17 visor is real . :D

I don't have to convince myself of anything. Unlike you or White I'm not waving my hands wildly...I've actually measured the images.

Try again next time Duane.

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Sorry Evan but they were not taken from anywhere near the same camera to subject distance. The A17 helmet is about 20% smaller than the A12 helmet which indicates a change in distance.

Added on edit:

The A17 photo shows the astronaut reflection to be about 35% smaller than the A12 reflection. Thats a bit more tha the 20% reduction in size of the A17 Visor.

However I think the sizes are a perfect fit considering this:

118:26:08 Cernan: Try that one time, then we'll give up and get to work. (Long Pause)

[Jack holds the camera in his hand and gets it as low to the ground as he can without kneeling.]


18:26:26 Cernan: Point it up a little...Yeah. (Pause)

[This is AS17-134- 20385.]

I thought they looked about the same distance. I didn't check which lens were being used, etc, just a rough assessment.

Ref the visor image: what are you taking as the astronaut? I am using part of the smudge. I'll check the hi-res version and see if I am wrong.


Its the same lens, and you need to normalize the images to compare the actual scale of the images. To do that correctly you need to resize one image so that the crosshairs on both match.

IN the A17 image the reflection starts below the smudge. I did my comparison in Photoshop at work and the files are still there. I'll redo it tonight here at home.

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I took a copy of both normal sized images and placed them side-by-side. The fiducials on the Apollo 17 image are generally hidden by the dark background, but the bottom row is visible and seemed to match up (horizontally) with Apollo 12 image. That said to me that both images were the same size.

I then just did a "looks like it to me" assessment of the relative sizes of each astronaut, and thought they they looked roughly the same size.

Trying to determine how you can estimate the relative size of each is problematic. Each would be a different height, posture might be different, which would introduce error in determining the relative distance of each to the other.

I suppose I could do a better check, and compare the vertical height of the OPS on each one; scale one to the other and note the difference. The OPS is something that will be the same size regardless... though they are at slightly different angles.

More thinking required.

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I don't believe your evidence is correct about the different sizes of the A12 and the A17 astronot visor reflections, because Schmitt was standing very close to Cernan when he allegedly took those A17 still photos... I will see if I can find the information about the difference in the distance between the A12 and A17 photo shoots and post whatever the results are, either way .

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IN the A17 image the reflection starts below the smudge

It's not a "smudge"... It's a stagelight, and the astronot's reflection is much too small .


This is not a "smudge" either ... It's another stagelight that quality control forgot to airbrush out of one of their phony moonset photographs.


Edited by Duane Daman
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I don't believe your evidence is correct about the different sizes of the A12 and the A17 astronot visor reflections, because Schmitt was standing very close to Cernan when he allegedly took those A17 still photos... I will see if I can find the information about the difference in the distance between the A12 and A17 photo shoots and post whatever the results are, either way .

No one is asking you to believe ANYTHING. The images tell the tale, you can "believe" it or not.

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IN the A17 image the reflection starts below the smudge

It's not a "smudge"... It's a stagelight, and the astronot's reflection is much too small .


This is not a "smudge" either ... It's another stagelight that quality control forgot to airbrush out of one of their phony moonset photographs.


And you know this from your massive knowlege base gain from years of photographing products and hands on experience using studio lighting fixtures. or is is just more Duane bullsnit parroted from the likes of Percy, White and Mr. Magoo.

I bet you are aces at seeing bunnies in the clouds too.

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The only one with 'blinders" is YOU Duane...Try again next time....maybe you can find a feathery horn! ROFLMAO!

And that coming from a blind fool who actually believes THIS IMAGE is really the REFLECTION OF AN ASTRONAUT and a "SMUDGE " !!! :plane


ROTFLMAO is right !

Edited by Duane Daman
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The only one with 'blinders" is YOU Duane...Try again next time....maybe you can find a feathery horn! ROFLMAO!

And that coming from a blind fool who actually believes THIS IMAGE is really the REFLECTION OF AN ASTRONAUT and a "SMUDGE " !!! :plane


ROTFLMAO is right !

Wow You can see parrots in the clouds too! How astute! Polly wanna cracker?

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The only one with 'blinders" is YOU Duane...Try again next time....maybe you can find a feathery horn! ROFLMAO!

And that coming from a blind fool who actually believes THIS IMAGE is really the REFLECTION OF AN ASTRONAUT and a "SMUDGE " !!! :lol:


ROTFLMAO is right !

Not a problem Duane or Jack (this looks like one of Jack's studies). The crop is taken from AS17-134-20387

You can find a high-resolution version of the image here.

Or download an ultra-high resolution version from the Gateway To Astronaut Photography of Earth.

Here's a GIF showing what the various features are. It's quite large at around 2.5 MB so I'll link it instead of pasting the image itself.


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I'm not sure how to prove the difference in distance between the A17 photo and the A12 photo, because Bean so convienantly "broke" the TV camera during Apollo 12 ... but this IS the proof that the A17 visor reflection is a F A K E .

I know Lamson will just post more insulting nonsense to me but it doesn't matter because this video footage is THE PROOF of how close the astronots were to each other when that A17 still photo was allegedly taken , which shows that the DWARF ASTRONOT REFLECTION is a ridiculous fake.

This visor reflection photo posted at the beginning of this thread shows what a REAL REFLECTION would look like with someone taking a picture only a few feet away from a visor, and obviously the Apollo 17 visor reflection in no way reflects that reality.



Apollo fantasy .... :lol:




Moon Hoax - Jack Schmitt The Dwarf In The Visor


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