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Harry Dean :

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Posted for Harry.......

""Most of my fellow activists and many of their superiors, involved in plans and actions to murder J. F. Kennedy, have died. The final activists, in 2006.

Each of them were living when this chart and an expose' of them was written


All were protected when the 'NEW AMERICANIST ORDER' seized power on

22 November 1963.

Harry J. Dean ""


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Posted for Harry.......

""Most of my fellow activists and many of their superiors, involved in plans and actions to murder J. F. Kennedy, have died. The final activists, in 2006.

Each of them were living when this chart and an expose' of them was written


All were protected when the 'NEW AMERICANIST ORDER' seized power on

22 November 1963.

Harry J. Dean ""


Harry, You lean heavily on involvment of LDSs. It seems to me there were others, but it has always been most curious to me that there are a disproportionate [to their population] numbers of LDS persons in the CIA. I had always assumed and been told it was because in their belief system this is 'the chosen land' by god they could be relied upon for religious as well as 'patriotic' reasons to keep secrets and have a strong alliegance to the Country - no matter what. However, I'm not aware that any were high-level leaders in the Company. What makes you so suspicious of them in this matter? I wouldn't argue about some in the JBS knowing or maybe having a hand, but that they were LDS-connected is new to me. H. Hughes surrounded himself with many Mormons and CIA people and his money {I believe} helped fund Dallas. [and other covert operations] He was a controlled CIA - deep pocket, as Murdoch is today. There are others and were others. I can't see the whole thing as a LDS plot, but I'm sure many were involved. Just looking on the internet now, I came across an account of someone Mormon saying his Bishop was CIA analyst and his other Bishop was a CIA operative....and another where the CIA and other intelligence agencies are hiring them for their language skills [and belief America is God's chosen land]...as the Oligarchy that run the CIA do believe on non-theological grounds and many born-agains also do.


As a deeply involved member of this anti-Kennedy operation at many levels, {mapped out

above}, and as one of them, even religous-wise, I was/am sadly aware of who and what was

in the works. It was motivated by a no-nonsence, but erroneous spirit of patriotism. It did include former military people, and persons posing as agents of the CIA & etc. under what was a nationwide umbrella organization. The purpose, to seize control of the US. Government, an ideal I

favored until 'they' actually murdered Kennedy.

H. Dean

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Posted for Harry.......

""Most of my fellow activists and many of their superiors, involved in plans and actions to murder J. F. Kennedy, have died. The final activists, in 2006.

Each of them were living when this chart and an expose' of them was written


All were protected when the 'NEW AMERICANIST ORDER' seized power on

22 November 1963.

Harry J. Dean ""


Harry, You lean heavily on involvment of LDSs. It seems to me there were others, but it has always been most curious to me that there are a disproportionate [to their population] numbers of LDS persons in the CIA. I had always assumed and been told it was because in their belief system this is 'the chosen land' by god they could be relied upon for religious as well as 'patriotic' reasons to keep secrets and have a strong alliegance to the Country - no matter what. However, I'm not aware that any were high-level leaders in the Company. What makes you so suspicious of them in this matter? I wouldn't argue about some in the JBS knowing or maybe having a hand, but that they were LDS-connected is new to me. H. Hughes surrounded himself with many Mormons and CIA people and his money {I believe} helped fund Dallas. [and other covert operations] He was a controlled CIA - deep pocket, as Murdoch is today. There are others and were others. I can't see the whole thing as a LDS plot, but I'm sure many were involved. Just looking on the internet now, I came across an account of someone Mormon saying his Bishop was CIA analyst and his other Bishop was a CIA operative....and another where the CIA and other intelligence agencies are hiring them for their language skills [and belief America is God's chosen land]...as the Oligarchy that run the CIA do believe on non-theological grounds and many born-agains also do.


As a deeply involved member of this anti-Kennedy operation at many levels, {mapped out

above}, and as one of them, even religous-wise, I was/am sadly aware of who and what was

in the works. It was motivated by a no-nonsence, but erroneous spirit of patriotism. It did include former military people, and persons posing as agents of the CIA & etc. under what was a nationwide umbrella organization. The purpose, to seize control of the US. Government, an ideal I

favored until 'they' actually murdered Kennedy.

H. Dean


I can no longer find my copy, but in the mid 70's a couple of the guys at the Assassination Information Bureau (Harvey Yazijian and Jim Kostman) wrote a piece on this very issue: Mormans high up in the CIA. I believe it was for "Gallery" or some other "skin" mag. You may recall but back in those days these kinds of publications were practically the only way serious articles on maters such as these could get published.


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Posted for Harry.......

""Most of my fellow activists and many of their superiors, involved in plans and actions to murder J. F. Kennedy, have died. The final activists, in 2006.

Each of them were living when this chart and an expose' of them was written


All were protected when the 'NEW AMERICANIST ORDER' seized power on

22 November 1963.

Harry J. Dean ""


Harry, You lean heavily on involvment of LDSs. It seems to me there were others, but it has always been most curious to me that there are a disproportionate [to their population] numbers of LDS persons in the CIA. I had always assumed and been told it was because in their belief system this is 'the chosen land' by god they could be relied upon for religious as well as 'patriotic' reasons to keep secrets and have a strong alliegance to the Country - no matter what. However, I'm not aware that any were high-level leaders in the Company. What makes you so suspicious of them in this matter? I wouldn't argue about some in the JBS knowing or maybe having a hand, but that they were LDS-connected is new to me. H. Hughes surrounded himself with many Mormons and CIA people and his money {I believe} helped fund Dallas. [and other covert operations] He was a controlled CIA - deep pocket, as Murdoch is today. There are others and were others. I can't see the whole thing as a LDS plot, but I'm sure many were involved. Just looking on the internet now, I came across an account of someone Mormon saying his Bishop was CIA analyst and his other Bishop was a CIA operative....and another where the CIA and other intelligence agencies are hiring them for their language skills [and belief America is God's chosen land]...as the Oligarchy that run the CIA do believe on non-theological grounds and many born-agains also do.


As a deeply involved member of this anti-Kennedy operation at many levels, {mapped out

above}, and as one of them, even religous-wise, I was/am sadly aware of who and what was

in the works. It was motivated by a no-nonsence, but erroneous spirit of patriotism. It did include former military people, and persons posing as agents of the CIA & etc. under what was a nationwide umbrella organization. The purpose, to seize control of the US. Government, an ideal I

favored until 'they' actually murdered Kennedy.

H. Dean


I can no longer find my copy, but in the mid 70's a couple of the guys at the Assassination Information Bureau (Harvey Yazijian and Jim Kostman) wrote a piece on this very issue: Mormans high up in the CIA. I believe it was for "Gallery" or some other "skin" mag. You may recall but back in those days these kinds of publications were practically the only way serious articles on maters such as these could get published.



"I believe it was for "Gallery" or some other "skin" mag. You may recall but back in those days these kinds of publications were practically the only way serious articles on matters such as these could get published."

And, Col. L. Fletcher Prouty, as well, for "Gallery," and Jim Garrison for "Penthouse."

Mainstream Mockingbird wouldn't touch this with a ten foot pole back then, and they're not about to give an "unbiased" op-ed on it now.

"All were protected when the 'NEW AMERICANIST ORDER' seized power on 22 November 1963."

And, they ain't about to let go of it any time soon, either.

We're screwed and skewered. Ready for another down home barbecue, folks?

I'd like to cast my ballot for Ron Paul, though I'm a Pro-Choice advocate. Which seems inconsequential, when you think about it, compared to his take on the other issues that appeal to me, upon which I happen to agree.

But, the opposition will find a way to character assassinate him, I'm sure.

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Posted for Harry.......

""Most of my fellow activists and many of their superiors, involved in plans and actions to murder J. F. Kennedy, have died. The final activists, in 2006.

Each of them were living when this chart and an expose' of them was written


All were protected when the 'NEW AMERICANIST ORDER' seized power on

22 November 1963.

Harry J. Dean ""


Harry, You lean heavily on involvment of LDSs. It seems to me there were others, but it has always been most curious to me that there are a disproportionate [to their population] numbers of LDS persons in the CIA. I had always assumed and been told it was because in their belief system this is 'the chosen land' by god they could be relied upon for religious as well as 'patriotic' reasons to keep secrets and have a strong alliegance to the Country - no matter what. However, I'm not aware that any were high-level leaders in the Company. What makes you so suspicious of them in this matter? I wouldn't argue about some in the JBS knowing or maybe having a hand, but that they were LDS-connected is new to me. H. Hughes surrounded himself with many Mormons and CIA people and his money {I believe} helped fund Dallas. [and other covert operations] He was a controlled CIA - deep pocket, as Murdoch is today. There are others and were others. I can't see the whole thing as a LDS plot, but I'm sure many were involved. Just looking on the internet now, I came across an account of someone Mormon saying his Bishop was CIA analyst and his other Bishop was a CIA operative....and another where the CIA and other intelligence agencies are hiring them for their language skills [and belief America is God's chosen land]...as the Oligarchy that run the CIA do believe on non-theological grounds and many born-agains also do.


As a deeply involved member of this anti-Kennedy operation at many levels, {mapped out

above}, and as one of them, even religous-wise, I was/am sadly aware of who and what was

in the works. It was motivated by a no-nonsence, but erroneous spirit of patriotism. It did include former military people, and persons posing as agents of the CIA & etc. under what was a nationwide umbrella organization. The purpose, to seize control of the US. Government, an ideal I

favored until 'they' actually murdered Kennedy.

H. Dean


I can no longer find my copy, but in the mid 70's a couple of the guys at the Assassination Information Bureau (Harvey Yazijian and Jim Kostman) wrote a piece on this very issue: Mormans high up in the CIA. I believe it was for "Gallery" or some other "skin" mag. You may recall but back in those days these kinds of publications were practically the only way serious articles on maters such as these could get published.


Dawan, Harry, the places people had to put articles in the past [before the internet]doesn't effect me in the least - notable such as Prouty and Brussell had to - many others. Also, that H. Hughes and Maheu and many others were involved with both CIA and LDS is clear as can be.....There is even a book [out of print] on this, I see.

I'm not questioning it - as is not believing it...just asking for more definitive references. I once heard that the mid and lower ranks of the intelligence agencies were way out of proportion to % LDS in population.

Excision of state of Utah will begin in two hours.......


"Excision of state of Utah will begin in two hours......."

How about just the city of Salt Lake City, instead. Monument Valley is there, and we have an obligation to the Native American population to not desecrate their homeland, regardless of what some witless Mormons believe about that fairy tale Joe Smith fashioned of being handed a couple of gold tablets by some outer space angel, with an equally outer space name. Like Smith was some kind of 19th Century modern day "Moses," or something. He never could reproduce those golden tablets from what I understand. But, of course, maybe Citizen Hughes, with all his billions, might have gotten some jeweler to fabricate a set out of 18 carat gold, for their "Tabernacle," just to legitimize the myth.

Because, "myth" is what this "religious" sect is all about, as well as what the Catholic religion, or any other "organized" religion, believing in all this fear-of-the-wrath-of-God, "rapture," this hokus-pokus, slight-of-hand, this sacred bleeding-heart-of-Jesus, and walking-on-the-water, is based upon. Myth and superstition. What better way to control and manipulate the masses of impressionable "sheeple," as well as slapping a guilt complex on them for not tithing their hard earned cash to finance the show. How to "Best Buy" your way into the heavenly promised land... WOW! Doesn't it make you feel real secure to know that these religious "hustlers and hucksters" have the U.S. gov. by the balls? Oh, excuse me, I meant by the "short and curlies."

Sorry folks, but I've been standing here in the corner, losing my religion, ever since I learned how to use a defibrillator.

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Posted for Harry.......

""Most of my fellow activists and many of their superiors, involved in plans and actions to murder J. F. Kennedy, have died. The final activists, in 2006.

Each of them were living when this chart and an expose' of them was written


All were protected when the 'NEW AMERICANIST ORDER' seized power on

22 November 1963.

Harry J. Dean ""



Thanks, Bean. And, thank you, Harry for all your insights on the LDS and the JBS. Most appreciative.


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Based on your view, wouldn't the Mormons and CIA do everything in their power to see that Mormon Mitt Romney gets the Republican nomination and is elected president? Yet he seems to be doing rather poorly, despite the amount of his own fortune he has spent on his campaign. His father's candidacy years ago fared even worse.

In contrast, look how the Clinton crime family is able to manipulate its way (i.e. make utter fools out of American voters) right back into the White House (barring anything unforeseen).

The Mormons and CIA with all their power are no match for Bill and Hillary?


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Based on your view, wouldn't the Mormons and CIA do everything in their power to see that Mormon Mitt Romney gets the Republican nomination and is elected president? Yet he seems to be doing rather poorly, despite the amount of his own fortune he has spent on his campaign. His father's candidacy years ago fared even worse.

In contrast, look how the Clinton crime family is able to manipulate its way (i.e. make utter fools out of American voters) right back into the White House (barring anything unforeseen).

The Mormons and CIA with all their power are no match for Bill and Hillary?



You are likely right re; the Clintons as a bad choice?

Re; CIA....LDS Washington, DC. Saints refer to themselves, among themselves, as

a Sisterhood it's a term with roots at the CIA were the church is particularly well

represented. CIA agents also refer to one another as sisters. These are only some

of other thousands of LDS Saints with influencial positions in the federal government.

Similar Mormon knots thrive at the state, county and local levels throughout the nation.

With or without Mitt Romney as president, these firmly placed agents of the Mormon

church hierarchy will continue until their 'New Americanist' scheme of a world-wide

church-state combination is finalized.

Keeping in mind we are faced with fifth column type people and plans for the rest of us,

already in action. Having mumerous willing secular allies.

Jr. Bush is an example that could again be played to seat Romney in the White House?


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Harry, I'm on a very fast learning curve vis-a-vis LDS, thought I thought I knew a lot. Tosh just sent me a private email telling me that he too was pursuaded to join for a while by the same man who sent him to Dallas. He is not longer in the LDS. Very interesting. I find them all over here in Europe and they often come up to me and try to convert me. I always point and say - that is the way to Utah, please go back home and leave people to make up their own minds on theology and personal philosophy.


It is known there are 75000, and very likely by now 100.000 Mormon Missionaries on

the streets of the entire world laboring diligently to recruit converts. More importantly

their mission within the United States along with members in upper, middle and lower

positions of power within the U.S. Government et al. serve as political representatives

for their Mormon candidate for U.S. President, Mitt Romney. The cause is also supported

by 'persuaded' secular allies in place.


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what a bunch of nonsense. I was born in Salt Lake City and been a Mormon all my life-I know a number of retired CIA folks and only one of them is LDS.

I also served a Mission for the Church and our focus was on sharing our message. people don't agree-fine but the Church did not gain from JFK's assassination and remains poliitcally neutral.

Why not focus on fields of investigation that have some merit?

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