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I Feel History is about to repeat itself

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I pray I am wrong I have seen this developement once before. I post this for no other reason than to establish what I think is about to happen once again.

I feel the wheels are again slipping into gear and moving. I fear for Obama. I pray that he gets solid security protection and fast. You can not win in this country unless you are part of the machine, (by partisan.) If it looks like you might go againest the powers that be..., then those powers that be..., will take you out and cover their tracks and pin it on some poor unsuspecting soul and then he too, will be eliminated. History will repeate itself... This is what I feel.

I believe we Americans are fast approaching that point of no return with these pending elections. It has already been decided who will win this upcoming election in Nov. And I believe a "LONE NUT" or a bunch of "Lone Nuts" are being Groomed as I type this.

America has too many sins and cannot afford to have them revealed to the world.., and they or those powers will shut Obama or anyone else who changes or attempts to change the direction of this election. Perhaps, in my own way this post might help to stop or change that direction. History, I feel is about to repeat itself once again. I believe and feel strongly that there is a movement to assassinated him. I believe someone are lurking out there to protect the status quo; and all the power of the good people of this nation and those which are in government must protect this man anyway we or they can... That is why I write this... I feel I am doing my part to stop this before it escalates and goes beyond the secret planning stages. I know, I too, am playing with the powers that be at this moment.... BUT, if it happens it is before the fact... This is what I see, and what I believe, and what I am compelled to write. I pray I am wrong.

Edited by William Plumlee
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Tosh is right. Redneck patsies are being selected. A hand-picked v.p. will be in place.

A black muslim with a middle name of Hussein has 3 strikes before he is sworn in.

The assassination will be blamed on "terrorism". Faked evidence will doom the patsy,

who will be killed by muslim terrorists while awaiting trial. Martial law will be declared. The

coup will bring dictatorial powers. History will repeat.

However, if the election is stolen again, Barrack may be spared.


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Guest Stephen Turner
I pray I am wrong I have seen this developement once before. I post this for no other reason than to establish what I think is about to happen once again.

I feel the wheels are again slipping into gear and moving. I fear for Obama. I pray that he gets solid security protection and fast. You can not win in this country unless you are part of the machine, (by partisan.) If it looks like you might go againest the powers that be..., then those powers that be..., will take you out and cover their tracks and pin it on some poor unsuspecting soul and then he too, will be eliminated. History will repeate itself... This is what I feel.

I believe we Americans are fast approaching that point of no return with these pending elections. It has already been decided who will win this upcoming election in Nov. And I believe a "LONE NUT" or a bunch of "Lone Nuts" are being Groomed as I type this.

America has too many sins and cannot afford to have them revealed to the world.., and they or those powers will shut Obama or anyone else who changes or attempts to change the direction of this election. Perhaps, in my own way this post might help to stop or change that direction. History, I feel is about to repeat itself once again. I believe and feel strongly that there is a movement to assassinated him. I believe someone are lurking out there to protect the status quo; and all the power of the good people of this nation and those which are in government must protect this man anyway we or they can... That is why I write this... I feel I am doing my part to stop this before it escalates and goes beyond the secret planning stages. I know, I too, am playing with the powers that be at this moment.... BUT, if it happens it is before the fact... This is what I see, and what I believe, and what I am compelled to write. I pray I am wrong.

Tosh, I'm a Brit, and not as aware as you of the merits, or otherwise of the respective candidates. Do you believe that Obama is that much of a threat to the power elite? From what I've seen he looks every inch the typical smooth operating politico.

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I haven't followed the campaigning all that closely, because as a matter of principle I don't vote in America's sham democratic system. But I have heard nothing from Obama to suggest that he is a threat to the powers that be. He throws around the word "change," but the word is meaningless unless he defines what he's talking about. I doubt that he's talking about anything. Ron Paul talks about a national sales tax replacing the federal income tax. Now that would be change. But of course Ron Paul doesn't stand a snowball's chance in hell of getting elected.

As of now the biggest threat I see to Obama's physical well-being is if he wins the nomination and is compelled to choose Hillary Clinton as his running mate. If Obama looked sure to be nominated but was assassinated before the nominating convention, this national trauma would not ensure the nomination for Hillary. Too many folks might ask "Qui bono?" and a compromise nominee might therefore emerge. But if Hillary got elected vice president, she would be in and no one could stop her. It would be a death warrant for President Obama, faster than Reagan got shot about a month after taking office. (Once Obama was president and Hillary vp, how long would Bill Clinton be willing to wait to get to those White House interns?)

That said, I would certainly suggest that Obama, if it begins to look like he's going to be nominated, stay out of small planes as much as possible. The powers that be may decide not to count on Obama being naive enough to choose Hillary as his running mate.

This is all academic, as I think Hillary will get the nomination without violence. I base this on the manipulative power of the Clinton crime family and the powers that be including the controlled media. (The New York Times has endorsed Bill's moll.) Such things as Slick Willie's charm and popularity, dirt on Obama, fraud, or whatever it takes short of assassination, will prevail, when coupled with that old reliable, the apparent collective stupidity of the American people.

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I would ditto William Plumlee's concerns about Obama being assassinated if elected president ... but considering the fact that Obama doesn't have a snowball's chance in hell of ever being elected president in white racist America, where the powers that be control and rig the elections in favor of the radical right anyway, I believe that Obama is safe .

But if I'm wrong and by some miracle he is elected, he will be taken out much faster than they took out JFK .

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Guest David Guyatt
I haven't followed the campaigning all that closely, because as a matter of principle I don't vote in America's sham democratic system. But I have heard nothing from Obama to suggest that he is a threat to the powers that be. He throws around the word "change," but the word is meaningless unless he defines what he's talking about. I doubt that he's talking about anything. Ron Paul talks about a national sales tax replacing the federal income tax. Now that would be change. But of course Ron Paul doesn't stand a snowball's chance in hell of getting elected.

As of now the biggest threat I see to Obama's physical well-being is if he wins the nomination and is compelled to choose Hillary Clinton as his running mate. If Obama looked sure to be nominated but was assassinated before the nominating convention, this national trauma would not ensure the nomination for Hillary. Too many folks might ask "Qui bono?" and a compromise nominee might therefore emerge. But if Hillary got elected vice president, she would be in and no one could stop her. It would be a death warrant for President Obama, faster than Reagan got shot about a month after taking office. (Once Obama was president and Hillary vp, how long would Bill Clinton be willing to wait to get to those White House interns?)

That said, I would certainly suggest that Obama, if it begins to look like he's going to be nominated, stay out of small planes as much as possible. The powers that be may decide not to count on Obama being naive enough to choose Hillary as his running mate.

This is all academic, as I think Hillary will get the nomination without violence. I base this on the manipulative power of the Clinton crime family and the powers that be including the controlled media. (The New York Times has endorsed Bill's moll.) Such things as Slick Willie's charm and popularity, dirt on Obama, fraud, or whatever it takes short of assassination, will prevail, when coupled with that old reliable, the apparent collective stupidity of the American people.

We share the same cynical views about the uselessness of voting Ron, and I also suspect that Barak is more establishment than most consider. I understand his campaign is well funded by much the same people who fund the other leading candidates, and who's donation are made under the rubric "heads we win, tails you loose."

For me it's the people who truly get no funding - who can never be successful runners - who are the most likely genuine reformers. They will never get elected. Everyone else is part of the smoke and mirrors circus that pulls wool over our collective eyes...

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I'm a charter member of the cynics' chorus.

But I also remind one and all that John and Robert Kennedy did not leave us as they met us. They evolved monumentally -- spiritually and otherwise -- during their respective final years to the points where what they had been had become what they vehemently opposed.

Change is the only constant.

And change is all we can pray and hope and strive for.


Edited by Charles Drago
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I'm a charter member of the cynics' chorus.

But I also remind one and all that John and Robert Kennedy did not leave us as they met us. They evolved monumentally -- spiritually and otherwise -- during their respective final years to the points where what they had been had become what they vehemently opposed.

Change is the only constant.

And change is all we can pray and hope and strive for.


Good point, Charles.

Both JFK and RFK evolved in their final years. Suspicion regarding Obama's funding is unnecessary, imo. You can't get elected without funding, as JFK was well aware.

If elected, Obama might evolve into something like JFK. It all depends on whether he decides to serve the people or the wealthy elites. Of course, if he should choose the former, his life expectancy would be significantly reduced.

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I believe I was the first person to say Obama will be killed on this Forum. I got chastised a bit for bringing up a subject like that. As I said in Myra's thread about Obama, I couldn't vote for him today because it would be like voting for a dead man. They -- the zllionnaires -- could poison him as was done to Yushenko in the Ukraine -- a horrible thing. He'll die in a small plane crash. He'll be shot by a nut or he'll crack up and shoot himself -- they better find out if he's left or right-handed. He'll be in a horrendous car crash or be hit by a car. There are many methods.

THEY will never let a black man become president, especially as he's an Arab. NEVER! NEVER!!!!!!


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I'm a charter member of the cynics' chorus.

But I also remind one and all that John and Robert Kennedy did not leave us as they met us. They evolved monumentally -- spiritually and otherwise -- during their respective final years to the points where what they had been had become what they vehemently opposed.

Change is the only constant.

And change is all we can pray and hope and strive for.


Good point, Charles.

Both JFK and RFK evolved in their final years. Suspicion regarding Obama's funding is unnecessary, imo. You can't get elected without funding, as JFK was well aware.

If elected, Obama might evolve into something like JFK. It all depends on whether he decides to serve the people or the wealthy elites. Of course, if he should choose the former, his life expectancy would be significantly reduced.

I think this is a first, I agree with Charles and Mark. The evolution of RFK was especially notable. Around the same period Malcom X also eloved towards the end of his life. Though I worry about his electability due to his lack of experience Obama is the best of the remaining candidates.

Kathleen wrote:

THEY will never let a black man become president, especially as he's an Arab. NEVER! NEVER!!!!!!

I think at this point "they" are more preoccupied with a person's politics that their skin color, running a black Republican would be a master stroke. Also Obama isn't an Arab, his dad was from Kenya.

EDIT - Typos

Edited by Len Colby
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Guest Stephen Turner

Its doubtful that either brutus, or cassius were involved in Caesar's assassination. I started a thread about it here ages ago.

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