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Vanity Fair article on Jack Worthington

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What about the DNA test? Will it be done?



You might have missed this passage in post #9:

"The DNA testing the magazine commissioned failed to establish a match.

“This data is supporting non-paternity,” an official of the lab that oversaw the tests is quoted as saying."

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The DNA test has been done with hair from a barber. The barber CLAIMED it was JFK's hair.

What a test! Says much about Vanity Fair!

I will be convinced that this man is a con when DNA testing with VERIFIED Kennedy DNA has been done.


Edited by Wim Dankbaar
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The DNA test has been done with hair from a barber. The barber CLAIMED it was JFK's hair.

What a test! Says much about Vanity Fair!

I will be convinced that this man is a con when DNA testing with VERIFIED Kennedy DNA has been done.


Ah, I was unclear on that rather significant detail.

Thanks Wim.

I was also wondering why no percentage was attached to the "non-paternity" quasi-verdict.

Don't they normally assign percentages in DNA matches/misses?

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The DNA test has been done with hair from a barber. The barber CLAIMED it was JFK's hair.

What a test! Says much about Vanity Fair!

I will be convinced that this man is a con when DNA testing with VERIFIED Kennedy DNA has been done.


Jack Worthington is scheduled to be interviewed on ABC's 20/20 on Friday night, March 7.

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Jack Worthington is scheduled to be interviewed on ABC's 20/20 on Friday night, March 7.

ABC is calling the show:



(to guarantee his 15 minutes of fame)

Edited by J. Raymond Carroll
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Jack Worthington is scheduled to be interviewed on ABC's 20/20 on Friday night, March 7.

ABC is calling the show:



(to guarantee his 15 minutes of fame)

Cleaning out the skeletons in the family closet


From Tuesday's Toronto Globe and Mail

February 19, 2008

John F. Kennedy hardly charted new territory if he fathered a child with a mistress in the early 1960s.

History has no shortage of philandering husbands who have been forced to deal publicly with the consequences when the illegitimate child from an extramarital affair came calling.

Former Toronto mayor Mel Lastman was embroiled in a scandal in 2000 when two men who claimed to be his children from a lengthy affair sued him for compensation. Rev. Jesse Jackson's reputation suffered a serious blow in 2001 when it emerged that he had fathered an illegitimate child. Prince Albert's ascent to the throne in Monaco in 2005 was overshadowed by the revelation that he fathered an illegitimate child with a flight attendant. A year later, he admitted he also had a teenaged daughter from an affair with another woman.

While high-profile scandals like these make for great material at the water cooler, family members involved in such real-life dramas are often left struggling with the fallout when the past comes knocking, forced to question everything they believed and to confront memories that now seem tarnished by deception.

"It's like finding out you're adopted at 23," said Mark Laing, a therapist at the Bayridge Family Center in Burlington, Ont. "The biggest difficulty is we remove that parent from the pedestal."

The Kennedy family may be experiencing that kind of emotional turmoil after recent reported allegations that the former U.S. president conceived an illegitimate child during the early part of his presidency. The man claiming to be his son, Jack Worthington, is now living in British Columbia and seeking a DNA sample from the Kennedys to determine his parentage.

Talk of affairs and dark secrets from the past can cause family members to rethink how well they really know one another, said Catherine Lee, a family psychologist and clinical psychology professor at the University of Ottawa.

"It causes you to question what else you don't know and it causes you to question your relationship with your parents," said Dr. Lee, who is also president-elect of the Canadian Psychological Association.

Many parents decide to keep past indiscretions, affairs and even the existence of another child a secret in order to protect their children. But Mr. Laing says this approach is exactly what causes so much hurt and anguish when the truth does emerge."Sometimes that can backfire," he said. "We all can make mistakes and when we can admit them, and apologize for them, families can work through it. When it's kept a secret, you're rolling the dice. You might get away with it, but often you don't."

But even when parents are honest with their children about the nitty-gritty details of their past lives, finding out about the existence of another sibling can be difficult information for a child to process.

It's an experience former Toronto New Democratic MPP Marilyn Churley experienced first hand when she decided to tell her nine-year-old daughter about the boy she had given up for adoption after an unplanned pregnancy years earlier.

Although there were some issues at the beginning, Ms. Churley said, her daughter, an only child, was "delighted" by the news she had an older brother out there.

But when Ms. Churley went on a mission to find her boy, eventually having a reunion with him 11 years ago, her daughter, who was by then in her early 20s, experienced some emotional stress coming to grips with the changes in her family.

Ms. Churley said that even though her daughter was excited to meet her brother, she experienced severe headaches following the reunion that they now attribute to the roller coaster of emotions she was feeling.

"I think it was difficult to share her mom for a while and to see her mom completely fixated on somebody else," Ms. Churley said. "It was very stressful for her for a while - being raised a beloved only child, having to share a spotlight with the long-lost boy."

Even if an extramarital affair doesn't produce a child, finding out the truth can have significant consequences on the affected family members - particularly for the children involved.

"It causes [children] to question their own judgment," Dr. Lee said.

It's often much more difficult for grown children to deal with these types of family dramas, she said. Adults are less flexible than children and often have trouble facing the fact they were in the dark for so many years about a family bombshell.

"The longer a secret goes on, the longer the deception is and potentially the more challenging it is," Dr. Lee said.

But in situations where the parents involved have already died, their children are often left with many mixed feelings and unanswered questions that can haunt them.

"If the parents are dead, they can't even talk to them about it. They can't express their anger, they can't ask questions," Mr. Laing said.

Although it is possible to recover from such a devastating blow, psychology experts say it's difficult unless family members are willing to be open and honest and discuss how they feel.

The best thing to do, according to Dr. Lee, is to tell the truth, regardless of how difficult it seems.

"You're not doomed for life if you've discovered this," Dr. Lee said. "I think it poses a challenge, but yes, I've looked at families who are able to come to terms with it."

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The Kennedy family may be experiencing that kind of emotional turmoil after recent reported allegations that the former U.S. president conceived an illegitimate child during the early part of his presidency. The man claiming to be his son, Jack Worthington, is now living in British Columbia and seeking a DNA sample from the Kennedys to determine his parentage.

I seriously doubt that the Kennedy family is in turmoil over the delusions of one Jack Worthington. This guy's DNA will match his parents DNA, and that's the reason he has jerked everyone around about his inability to allow his parents DNA to be compared to his own.

It is Mr. Worthington's own family that is in turmoil tonight, God help them.

The Kennedys are busy plotting Obama's takeover of the White House.

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The Kennedy family may be experiencing that kind of emotional turmoil after recent reported allegations that the former U.S. president conceived an illegitimate child during the early part of his presidency. The man claiming to be his son, Jack Worthington, is now living in British Columbia and seeking a DNA sample from the Kennedys to determine his parentage.

I seriously doubt that the Kennedy family is in turmoil over the delusions of one Jack Worthington. This guy's DNA will match his parents DNA, and that's the reason he has jerked everyone around about his inability to allow his parents DNA to be compared to his own.

It is Mr. Worthington's own family that is in turmoil tonight, God help them.

The Kennedys are busy plotting Obama's takeover of the White House.

Both Jack Worthington and David Friend, author of the Vanity Fair article, will be interviewed on Friday, March 7, on ABC's Good Morning America. Mr. Worthington will also appear that evening on 20/20.

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The more I read the more positive I am that Jack Worthington is telling the truth.

I hope it will be proven soon. In that regard, why are the Kennedies refusing cooperation? Odd isn't it? After all, their DNA would prove he is lying.


"Bobby, I get a migraine headache if I don't get a strange piece of XXX every day"

-John F. Kennedy according to Bobby Baker

Edited by Kathy Beckett
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The more I read the more positive I am that Jack Worthington is telling the truth.

I hope it will be proven soon. In that regard, why are the Kennedies refusing cooperation? Odd isn't it? After all, their DNA would prove he is lying.


"Bobby, I get a migraine headache if I don't get a strange piece of XXX every day"

-John F. Kennedy according to Bobby Baker

Because you appear to believe every crackpot that comes down the pike. The DNA from his family proved that the husband was his darn father. The yearbook pics of young Worthington (father) look like the son. On and on and on.

And why the ugly "JFK quote" about a "piece of XXX"? Like Bobby Baker would REALLY have this conversation with JFK?

Wim what the heck are you smoking?

Don't get me wrong: I would LOVE to believe this guy. It would be wonderful to have another Kennedy. But thus far I have seen nothing that convinces me that this guy is any more than a con. And we've had more than enough cons in this case.


Edited by Kathy Beckett
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Dawn, who are you to label Jack Worthington a "crackpot"? And based on what?

You can bet your XXX that Bobby Baker said that and that it is the truth! Sorry to dissapoint you. I have proof too!

You said and I quote: "The DNA from his family proved that the husband was his darn father."

Please give me your proof that this DNA test was done........ A link to an article maybe?

Also, please specify the other "crackpots" that came down the pike that I believe? The main witnesses that I believe are Chauncey Holt, Tosh Plumlee, Judyth Baker and James Files! Which of those are crackpots in your opinion and why?

BTW, I am smoking nothing that gives me hallucinations. You?


Edited by Kathy Beckett
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The more I read the more positive I am that Jack Worthington is telling the truth.

I hope it will be proven soon. In that regard, why are the Kennedies refusing cooperation? Odd isn't it? After all, their DNA would prove he is lying.


"Bobby, I get a migraine headache if I don't get a strange piece of XXX every day"

-John F. Kennedy according to Bobby Baker

Jack Worthington's MySpace page:


Edited by Kathy Beckett
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JFK impregnated Marilyn Monroe too, and then he and Bobby had her taken care off ( by Giancana's men) because she (said she) wanted to keep the child, and was going to give a press conference on August 5, 1962, the day after her murder.

Jack Worthington is lucky he had a tacit mom. Tell that to Jack ! And that I support him 100%!

It's these kind of scandals that make the Kennedy family still support the Warren Report today.


Edited by Wim Dankbaar
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JFK impregnated Marilyn Monroe too, and then he and Bobby had her taken care off ( by Giancana's men) because she (said she) wanted to keep the child, and was going to give a press conference on August 5, 1962, the day after her murder.

Jack Worthington is lucky he had a tacit mom. Tell that to Jack ! And that I support him 100%!

It's these kind of scandals that make the Kennedy family still support the Warren Report today.


Now that Wim has glommed onto the Jack Worthington story I consider it officially discredited.

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