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I've always been intrigued by the line of equidistant fragments that appear above JFK's head in Z313. I've always assumed their regularity is an illusion - i.e. they are separate artefacts on film that represent the same fragment, but not being an expert in photography I struggle to find an explanation. Can anyone here explain?

Apologies if this has been covered before, but I've yet to come across a reference to it.

In any case, the trajectory of the dots does suggest to me that they are a result of a shot from behind. I can't imagine how a shot from the front or side could result in that effect. It's not so clear from the stills, but if you watch the film there does appear to be a forward outburst of material at right angles to the line of fragments, which to me supports a bullet entering from the rear. Conservation of momentum, basic principle of Newtonian physics.



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Hi Paul,

Here's some more useful evidence to consider regarding the debris from the head shot at 313.

Officer Hargis' testimony. He was to the left of the President and behind him.


Hargis by the way has commented later, along the lines that at the time of the 313 shot, he thought he had been hit by a gunshot himself, of course this was a result of the power of the debris from JFK's head hitting him. As I recall this was something he related in one of the first 3 episodes from "The Men Who Killed Kennedy" (Nigel Turner series).

On the Other hand there is evidence from Mrs. Connally


and Mr. Connally


Then there is of course the famous Harper fragment. A skull fragment found about 1 day later, by a medical student. The location of this fragment was approximately in line with a shot from the TSBD SE window.

My personal take on this 313 issue is that the Harper fragment was a plant (because the general Dealey area was carefully searched 11/22/63). Also based on all the evidence (Zapruder film, witness testimony and medical records of the autopsy) the deadly shot at 313 came from the front or side. A good source for the exit wound (location) in JFK's head is to see what the first physicians to attend Kennedy had to say (aka Parkland Doctors).

Further in my opinion numerous items of evidence seem to contradict each other. This leads me to believe that some of the evidence has been "fudged" deliberately in order for the official record to point only to one shooter from high and behind (TSBD) only.


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I've always been intrigued by the line of equidistant fragments that appear above JFK's head in Z313. I've always assumed their regularity is an illusion - i.e. they are separate artefacts on film that represent the same fragment, but not being an expert in photography I struggle to find an explanation. Can anyone here explain?

Apologies if this has been covered before, but I've yet to come across a reference to it.

In any case, the trajectory of the dots does suggest to me that they are a result of a shot from behind. I can't imagine how a shot from the front or side could result in that effect. It's not so clear from the stills, but if you watch the film there does appear to be a forward outburst of material at right angles to the line of fragments, which to me supports a bullet entering from the rear. Conservation of momentum, basic principle of Newtonian physics.


In any case, the trajectory of the dots does suggest to me that they are a result of a shot from behind. I can't imagine how a shot from the front or side could result in that effect

Which statement is indicative that you already know more than most of the self-proclaimed "Experts".

And, provided that you hold with that idea until such time as some of these "Experts" can provide a single item of forensic; ballistic; pathological; and/or phyiscal evidence to the contrary, then you will still be of that opinion if you live to be 100 years old.

The equilateral/equidistant spread which you observe is the result primarily of bullet fragments which sheared from the nose of the bullet as it first began it's exit from within the skull of JFK and carried with them cerebral tissue and limited blood.

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Encountering of the bullet nose against the skull bone, cut portions of the nose of the bullet, and allowed these fragments to exit forward and up, thus creating the "fan" of fragments; cerebral tissue; small skull bone fragments and limited blood.

Which we see in Z313, and which has absolutely nothing in common with "blood spatter" from a forward shot.

This is also partially the reason that this debri from JFK's head disappated so rapidly as it's velocity was considerable.

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The nice thing about this bullet is the fact that it basically "told" us what it did.

After having completed it's exit forwrard, which removed considerable additional parietal and frontal bone, the bullet left it's "tell-tale" mark on the inner table of JFK's skull at the initial point of exit.

This consisted of metallic residue embedded within the inner table of the skull, and which residue is easily observed on the anterior posterior X-Ray.

Item "B" of the anterior/posterior X-ray is the metallic residue embedded within the inner table of the skull of JFK at that point where the bullet began it's initial exit.

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In event that you will compare the attached drawing with the anterior/posterior X-ray, then it just may tell you a thing or two about the Z313 impact.

Also, might I recommend that you have all of the "frontal shot" crowd throw in their 2-cents worth as I am in great anticipation of reviewing all of their actual evidence.


P.S. Hang in there, as soon as there is more space availagle, I will also explain something which has never been gone into before.

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Hi Tom,

Thanks very much for your replies, I have a better understanding of the fateful moment now.

Looking forward to reading more.


As I will soon (again) be reboxing this junk, a word of advice.

Believe nothing stated by anyone.

Gather the facts; evaluate it for yourself; and anything which you can not fully understand for yourself, take to true EXPERTS in the specific fields.

Helps one not look too stupid!

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The lateral autopsy X-ray of JFK.

As has been discussed before, that item marked "A" is the skull cap/top portion of the skull which was blown over to the right hand side of JFK's head at the time that the skull, due to severe compromise from the cowlick bullet, exploded open.

That the metallic residue is embedded into this portion of the skull, and that it was blown over to the right hand side of JFK's head after the Z313 impact, relatively establishes the fact that the metallic residue embedded on the inner table of the skull at the bullet's initial exit point, was created by the shot which caused this portion of the skull to separate.

And, as previously stated, absolultely no known bullet, fired on a downward angle of approximately 15-degrees downward, has ever struck anyone at the base of the neck (hairline) to turn upwards and traverse the soft tissue at the base of the skull, only to strike the skull at a higher location than it struck the scalp, when an indivdual is in the position which JFK is in at frame Z312.


Which pretty well leaves us with the "Cowlick" entry as the cause of this damage to the head of JFK, and which entry wound is also located within the same skull fragment as the metallic residue embedded at the exit point.

Lastly, and since item "B" /aka the EOP damage to the rear of the skull of JFK was not seen until after Clint Hill got into the car, and it certainly can not be observed in the Z-film after the Z313 impact, then that too leaves little doubt as to where the third/last/final/aka Altgens impact occurred.

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Commander HUMES - No, sir; I am speaking here of the wound in the occiput. The wound on the inner table, however, was larger and had what in the field of wound ballistics is described as a shelving or a coning effect. To make an analogy to which the members of the Commission are probably most familiar, when a missile strikes a pane of glass, a typical example, a B-B fired by a child's air rifle, when this strikes a pane of glass there will be a small, usually round to oval defect on the side of the glass from whence the missile came and a boiled-out or coned-out surface on the opposite side of the glass from whence the missile came.

(At this point, Mr. Dulles entered the hearing room.)

Commander HUMES - Experience has shown and my associates and Colonel Finck, in particular, whose special field of interest is wound ballistics can give additional testimony about this scientifically observed fact.

This wound then had the characteristics of wound of entrance from this direction through the two tables of the skull.

Mr. SPECTER - When you say "this direction," will you specify that direction in relationship to the skull?

Commander HUMES - At that point I mean only from without the skull to within.

Mr. SPECTER - Fine, proceed.

Nope! This comment is not in regards to the occipital wound.

It is in reality about the "shelving"/coning effect/aka beveling effect of the bullet which exited the frontal portion of JFK's skull and left the metallic residue embedded on the inner table of the skull.

The following attachement is a portion of that segment of skull marked "A", which represents the skull cap section of the top of JFK's head which was blown off as a result of the Cowlick entry and frontal exit of the bullet.

If one will look at "a1", they can observe the "shelving" of the outer table of the skull, where the exiting bullet created it's shelving/coning/beveling effect on the outer table of the skull as it blew this portion of the outer table away and thus left the "stair-step" effect in the top table of the skull where the skull goes from normal thickness, down to only approximately 0ne-half thickness.

Thusly, there is the exit point where the bullet which struck in the cowlick, began to exit the skull and thereafter left it's "shelving" effect on the outer table of the skull.

It is also noted that this point, just below and slightly rearward of the exit point, in the brain, is the beginning of metallic residue embedded in the brain.

That I am aware, no one has ever taken the time and effort to explain this exiting point either!

Simply amazing what one can learn if they actually conduct research!


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