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Saturday, January 22, 2005 2:51:44 AM


Last year you asked me "...What veteran's affair?" You had just sent me excerpts from either a file or a document wherein reference was made to a very high official of the Veterans Administration. Part of my response made reference to The Department of Veterans Affairs. What used to be just an "Administration" [which is one notch higher than an "Authority", but lower than an "Agency" in the hierarchy of government offices] was raised to the level of a White House Cabinet Post, thereby substituting "Administrator" for "Secretary".

With reference to Plumlee. You really need to upgrade your research/investigative tools. Normally, the "Privacy Act" would forbid the Government from giving out information on private citizens, but in this case [The FAA -- Federal Aviation Administration (not an "Agency") was mandated by the Congress to release all information on federally licensed pilots, mechanics, repair stations, etc. -- just as they are required to release ownership records of aircraft. [Which is one of the tools that the Washington Post used last week to track a CIA business jet which was being used to fly "EPWs" (Enemy Prisoners of War) to and from around the Middle East, and showing ownership by a CIA proprietary company headed up by alias IDed or non-existent people.]

Every now and then, I get an invite from John Simpkin to join the UK/Spartacus Forum.

[i don't have time for "Forums", but I do search out "threads" of same from time-to-time --

and last year I noticed the heated exchanges between Plumlee and various members.

One exchange involved how you had strongly supported Plumlee overburdened "confess-ions". My last encounter with Plumlee was on the telephone last year, and it was non-productive to say the least. The last time I met with him was in Miami Beach [1998] when Gus Russo and I were busy doing investigations for the Peter Jennings/ABC/Seymour Hersh/ "Dark Side Of Camelot" production. I made a few thousand dollars on that job, and the only annoying experience was to have to listen to Plumlee [eagerly lapping-up acceptance & approval] spin his well-worn and obviously phony tales of his legendary (In-His-Own-Mind!!) "Terry & The Pirates" escapades!!

Just like your guy Files -- TOTAL BULLxxxx!! Just like Chauncy Holt -- TOTAL HORSExxxx!!

Absolutely nobody in "The Joint" -- "The Pen" -- "The Chain Gang" -- "The Gaol" etc., etc., spill-the-beans on ANYBODY'S criminal acts, not even his own -- without getting his canary-ass "Shanked" [stabbed with a knife]; because his fellow Cons would put out a 2 carton of cigarettes murder contract on him "toot-sweet"!! Wim, these are phony "Book-Readers"; just like Weberman -- and have never done xxxx in their whole useless miserable lives.

I have read "Plumlee's Interviews, PDFs on FBI, etc. "Files"; and they are totally worthless collection of fantasy-land scrivening.

Firstly, the CIA/DEA/Customs Service/FBI only hire contract pilots who are previously MILITARY PILOTS!! Moreover, they only hire "Rated" pilots, preferably those with the highest category ATP (was ATR) "Airline Transport Pilot". A "Rated" pilot is one who holds a certification to fly aircraft which weigh more than 12,500 Lbs; such as the DC-3, DC-4, etc.!

Plumlee started out as a "Private Pilot" [less than 200 hours flight experience] during the 1960s. Now, some 40+ years later, he has a "Commercial" designation (only +200 hours flight time and passing a written exam and check ride is needed.)

So, what does he have now in the 21st Century? "Commercial" with "A.S.E.L." -- "Airplane - Single Engine - Land". Where is his "Multi-Engine Ticket"? Where is his "Instrument Ticket"? Check with Brad Ayers, he has all of the above since the early 1960s. [During the 1960s, Brad ran a company styled as "AyerVentures" at the old "Tamiami Airport, Miami, Florida" [Now the Florida Int'l University campus].

The majority of pilots I flew with [some were Air America, C.A.T., CIA, etc.] possess "A.S.M.-E.L &S." (Airplane-Single & Multi-Engine Land & Sea), together with a wallet full of separ-ate licenses exhibiting "Ratings" in Turbo and pure Jet, heavy aircraft of all types, includ-ing commercial airline models; and also hold foreign pilot licenses from a dozen different countries around the Globe.

One of my last flying partners held just about every category and rating existing, including Hot-Air Balloon (Instructor), Aircraft Mechanic (A & P, E & E, Hydraulic, etc.), Rotorary-Wing Instructor (Helicopters -- even one that was + 12,500 Lbs.).

No way Delta Airlines would have given him "The-Time-Of-Day"!! No way he would have manned the right-seat (Co-Pilot) in a DC-3 without a "Rating".

Lastly, the aviation outfits (including CIA proprietaries) carry insurance -- and no way would Plumlee get insurance cover with his meager "Comm/Pilot -- A.S.E.L." !!

More importantly, "Covert Ops" are always compartmentalized, so there is no way an individual operator can know even 2% of any given mission !!

"Velly Strange" that within a week of my informing Chris Cox as to my heavy doubts about Plumlee's veracity RE: his legendary and heroic tales -- that he informed the UK/Forum that he was "bowing out"; his last communication, and I guess that he then "Exited Stage-Left"??!!

Danke und Bitte,



P.S.: Here is a sample of the E-mail chatter that I have with fellow pilots and air traffic controllers in my veteran's association: If you have difficulty translating the below missive, fear not -- the "Great Aviator" Plumlee wouldn't have a clue as to what this conversation entailed !! GPH


HaroldH - Don't know if this will help you any but here goes:: Out of the eight (8) IFR approaches that serve the RNO [Reno, Nevada] airport, the one with the lowest minima is the LOC/DME BC to runway 34L at 700-1 on the straight in and 1000-1 1/4 on the circle. Also noticeable in the U.S. Terminal Procedures for the RNO airport were Departure Minimums which for all practicable purposes were about the same as the approach minima. No where in the minima did I see a 600-1/2.

Although the ceiling is important, my understanding is the visibility is the no/go breaker on an app-roach. In other words if the weather was reporting 1 mile vis, the pilot could legally start down on the approach regardless of the ceiling. If the vis dropped to less than 1 mile before the aircraft made it to the FAF then legally the aircraft would have to abandon the approach and enter holding or go to his


If the vis changed after he passed the FAF then he could legally continue the approach and "take a look" to see if he could land. If RNO was reporting 600-1/2 at the time, then the way I read the app-roach plates no part 121 or 135 operator could legally depart or land at RNO. Part 91 could do it all day long though. Your approach minimums are in direct relation to the MAP to protect you from obstructions during the missed approach phase of the approach.

Bob M. is the duty expert to ask about approach minima and missed approach procedures because as far as I'm concerned, "He wrote the book on this subject." Someone mentioned that may have been pilot minimums. This is true in single piloted aircraft like some of your smaller Part 135 Oper-ators but not in your 121 operations that require 2 people in the cockpit. For example: CapeAir pilots under part 135 need 100 hours in type before they can fly by themselves in IFR conditions.

Again, this is not the case in 121 Operators like Northwest. Weather delays, when taken by the

airlines because of a minimum issue, are NOT reported as delays under the delay reporting system. Its unfortunate the airlines blame everything on ATC when a lot has to do with company policy or weather minimums.

In perspective my airport, Bullhead City Arizona, has three 3 IFR approaches to the airport and the lowest minima I have is 1200-1 1/4.Sure hope this didn't confuse you even more but you have really touched on a subject that is kinda hard to explain.



For the FAA types.

Just returned from a little trip to Winnamucca, NV to see the grand kids. On the the return trip flying out of Reno numerous flights were delayed or cancelled due to what I would have called light fog. I was informed by "Northworst" that the minimums at Reno were 1/2 mile and 600 feet. I'm sorta curious if "Northworst" was yanking my chain, and if not, why would an airport in 2005 have 1950's type minimums. Note, this little episode caused the wife and I to have to spend the night in Minnea- polis, the not so entertainment capital of the world.




Date:Sunday, January 23, 2005 11:39:05 PM

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Google Search: "JERRY LEONARD"


The “Manchurian Candidateâ€: Lee Harvey Oswald?

By Jerry Leonard

Article Word Count: 1564 [View Summary]

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By killing JFK in the guise of a pro-Castro agent, Oswald eliminated a roadblock to the CIA's more militant anti-communist policies (Kennedy had fired the CIA director who oversaw these policies and then served on the Warren Commission), and indeed provided a justification for them!

As the prophetic CIA memo on mind control foreshadowed, JFK’s murder served as the “trigger mechanism†for the “bigger project.†With Kennedy out of the way, thanks to the actions of a “Manchurian Candidate,†the Cold Warriors were free to escalate their mission with unspeakable brutality in Vietnam and elsewhere.

Far-fetched? Not when you sit down and really think about it.

Jerry Leonard is a physicist who has been actively involved in microelectronics research and production for over 15 years. He has numerous patents and publications related to his scientific career. In his personal research he has analyzed the extensive though hidden role American corporations played not only in creating Nazi Germany but in recruiting Nazi war criminals following the war. Jerry documents how this resulted in the continuation of the unethical human experimentation conducted in Nazi concentration camps--including mind control research, which he proposes ultimately led to the assassination of JFK. http://www.winstonsmith.net

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/


I don't know that I still buy my own theory - but I do believe / know that multiple films were never seen by the public. Looks like we may never see Hemming's book either - which I volunteered to assist with on numerous occasions. : (

Tuesday, February 15, 2005 2:31:15 AM

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From: LForman23@comcast.net

Mr Hemming.

You no longer reply to any of my emails, but I thought I'd give it one last try. Having read your latest post on Simkin's forum, I didn't appreciate the fact that you were wheel-chair and house bound - very sorry to hear that. I have a great deal of admiration and respect for you, and consider you one of the most interesting and significant figures present in the world today. Your experiences with some of the most climatic and historically explosive events in the history of the past century of the United States are both incredible and fantastic to me.

I look forward with great interest to your story on the forum. I would like to ask you one last question, which is of personal interest to me.

As you know, I have spent quite a bit of time working on the photos and films concerning the events that unfolded in Dealey Plaza on 11/22/63. I have come to the conclusion that the entire event was filmed - not simply the motorcade, but the entire assassination - from cameras located in various locations. Camera 'teams' I should say. One team was located on the stairs at Elm street, at the Knoll, another was behind the retaining wall, another behind the fence -- but the one that interests me most is the one at the North Peristyle position - at the corner of Elm and Houston.

From examination of the Zapruder film, it appears that CD Jackson [or someone given the task of 'altering' the film], took it upon themselves to introduce segments or sequences from some of the other camera's footage, as an underlayer in the 'extant' version of the film. In the upper righthand corner of the film, IMO, is a view of the knoll, taken from the North Peristyle position. This is consistent with other sequences, which I believe were taken from other locations [z196 - z206 for example, I believe is a sequence of a film taken from the retaining wall position].

Anyway - I put this theory out on a forum and was told that perhaps a dog could be seen lifting it's leg in the picture, which would account for why the area appears tinted. In your travels and through any of your connections, has it ever been drawn to your attention that the entire assassination may have been recorded? Any reply would be confidential - I'd simply reference 'an unidentifiable source.'

I'd greatly appreciate any info or support.

Kind regards,

Lee Forman

P.S. If there's anything that I can do for you, please let me know. I can type some 65 wpm - maybe I could do some typing for you.



Don't give up so quick. I am still working on web list E-mails from March of last year; and this is due to request from associates that don't have the time or connections to get deep background information that is necessary to their research. Google, Jeeves, Altavista, Northstar, etc., etc., are great search engines.

But, like the N.S.A. [and other Intel/Community entities] they tend to fall victim to a flood of information; and like the example in the Gene Hackman movie "Class Action" -- lawyers learned long ago that if they bury the opposing counsel in tons of files -- the document, or page, or paragraph -- will never be found in time to hand it to the investigators for verification and analysis. (by the way -- the movie plot did not involve a "class action" as there was only one "Plaintiff" -- so the studio screwed up with the misnomer title.) In fact, this was the very reason that the seemingly innocuous "CIA IG's Report on the Bay of Pigs" was kept top secret for over 37 years. Why, because with said report was contain just a few references to items which even today would cause a xxxx storm if the blanks were filled in.

[To date I have heard of no one scrivener having discovered what it only took me 5 hours to find !!]

Let me bring you up to speed with a little "snivlin' & whining". It is not just that I am wheelchair & housebound (in fact the electric scooter has a well padded seat for my sore fat butt.) I moved into my new quarters (and I mean everything here is NEW) on the 16th of last December. I am still slowly un-packing because I am on crutches due to a foot fracture occasioned while moving my quite small amount of files, an office chair, an ottoman, and bookcases. My eldest daughter, son-in-law, and grandkids supplied me with a computer desk, couch, and dining table -- what I call sparse furnishings, but totally satisfactory from my point of view.

I suffer from Congestive Heart Failure (which means constant fatigue); Chronic Bronchitis; Type-2 Diab-etes; Cervical Vertebrae failures (discs & calcium spurs, which brings on the Carpal quite heavy and requires a neck brace/cervical collar & cervical pillow to sleep on). For 55 years I never even took aspirin, much less vitamins or medications -- except for the annual return of Dengue Fever every year for 11 years [1959 thru 1970, and then I would be on Phenifen-3s for four days or more]. I have a bottle of Morphine Sulphate given to me 5 years ago when I was discharged after being an inpatient for eight months at the local VA/Med-Center. I don't like pain killers, but due to the broken foot in a cast up to my knee, I succumbed to using one pain/med a day (instead of the prescribed "every 4 hours") -- and I paid a very heavy price for that one daily pill since mid-December. It tore my guts out, caused my left foot to go numb, caused stomache cramps, 3-4 days of continous constipation -- and aggravated the neck pain horribly !! But, that is what comes will getting elderly -- the first 50+ years were a great ride !! So now I just ignore the pain and keep on truckin' !!

[it is after midnite, and this is the only typing for today. Anything else is "copy & paste"]

Since your first E-mail last year, and after forwarding all to experienced researchers, reporters, authors, et al. -- the consensus was that you were up to speed on most of the critical background information; so you passed the test. Since then you have been in touch with many of our group. But my problems remain as a constant:

1. I am doing telephonic interviews over the last three months with Pulitzer Prize winning (or nomin-ated for same) reporters from the Toledo Blade, The Washington Post, Boston Globe & WGBH, and recently with Tim Gratz down at the Key West paper. Everybody has deadlines, or are racing ahead in attempting to fill in critcal blanks for their work.

2. Even while I was in the VA hospital, the inquiries kept rolling in. A German Public TV crew couldn't wait for my release (having just finished filming in Cuba); so the VA boss allowed the filming to take place in the luxurious lobby of the hospital -- and which drew a crowd of uniformed military and hospital staff. The Administrator was worried that I was going to "bad-mouth" the VA; but I assured him that this interview was about "Cold-War" issues of long past.

3. In every case, including your own -- there are questions, and more questions. Before answering, I usually do an actual or mental review of whether my answers are amongst declassified documents, or generally or specifically available to the Public. As I told many authors and reporters, I am not deferring to the "Intelligence Identities Act of 1982" -- because I don't give a rat's ass. But then, I think that Bob Novack is going to pay the price under that law for "Outing" covert CIA Officer Valerie Plame, along with Rove and some other worthless miscreants.

4. No, my greatest focus is on the 40 years of misquotes, lies, libel and slander -- aimed specifically at "The No Name Key Bunch"; as the perpetrators or support element in the assassinations of JFK, RFK, and MLK, Jr. (and they might throw in "Cock Robin" and Judge Crater also) -- and the stupid bastards just can't grasp that this was engineered by faggot J. Edgar Hoover in retaliation for getting the goods on his ass and delivering same to RFK. His final queer stroke was to cover his ass on the Sylvia Odio meeting with Oswald in Dallas, Sept. 1963.

5. Most of the InterPen guys aren't even aware (nor interested) in this JFK fantasy crap -- and those who are don't really give a xxxx. However, some have been called out of retirement and are currently serving in Iraq, Afghanistan, Kuwait, etc. -- and others non-military are working (even in their late 60s) for government agencies -- including "Homeland Defense". They sure as hell don't need snitches like Weberman, et al. bandying their names about on the internet at this stage in their careers.

6. I put out what some called a "new name" on the UK Forum last month, and forthwith there was confusion. Well, let me clue you in on the reality; there are over a hundred VERY serious names that absolutely nobody in the game has ever seen nor heard -- and the UK bunch are some extremely sharp people, save for a half dozen self centered egoistic xxxxheads who obviously have too much time on their hands -- "and act like they had sense of their own !!"

7. When I worked for Oliver Stone I insisted to him that we be treated as shooters who had been just hired to assassinate the President -- and that we would try our professional best to go through ALL of the movers that genuine "Operators" must go through !! The biggest problem was Stone's self imposed limitation on scripting only those "facts, data, and evidence??" THEN known by Jim Garrison during his "Tour" [1966 thru 1969].

8. I had a couple of arguments with Oliver over those weeks of 1990-'91; The most salient being:

(A) The shooting teams were autonomous and unknown to one another -- and moreover, there existed the strong possibility of autonomous financial sponsors and "directors";

(:eek The "soldier filmer Arnold?" story is total bovine feces; as is the "black-mutt man", the"umb-rella-man, and most important -- the worthless toy Oswald rifle was NOT purchased from Klein's, and was never lawfully imported into the United States. It was given to him by the same man whose photos appeared in the CIA Mexico, D. F. surveillance shots. His alias at that time was Saul Sage". His real name is Mario Tauler Sague, and he appeared on the list of assassins given to Senator McGovern by Fidel in Havana. He was born before WWII in what later became Sov-controlled East Germany, raised in Leipzig -- worked for the Gehlen organization until hired by Harvey in Berlin. Our "little Joe" Garman always called him "Sal Saggy". [More on "Saul" (MacDonald's) and his role with "Raul" in the MLK, Jr. hit later]

What we have here is "The-Failure-to-not-Hallucinate" !! Citing forged W. Comm'n documents and thousands of other "Legend" and "Black-Tape" files has been the catastrophic failing. As an aside, has anybody ever spoken with other purchasers of the said M. Carcano rifles?? Primarily to ascertain if they were in compliance with the National firearms act, the IRS A.T.T.U. Regs published in the Federal Register, and the rules/regulations of State Department's "Office of Munitions Control" that so frustrated Sam Cummings (InterArmCo), Numrich, et al. -- in that a lawfully imported weapon MUST have a serial number on the frame, not on the barrel of every weapon imported?? [circa 1958].

'Nuff said for now??

Keep on Truckin',


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