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Gerald Patrick Hemming

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I was reading the Spartacus.schoolnet site and the biography on Gerry Hemming. In the biography John Simkin provides interesting information:

Hemming left the marines in October 1958 and the following year travelled to Cuba where he gave help to Fidel Castro and his revolutionary forces. In January 1959 he met Lee Harvey Oswald.

I would like John or someone else to elaborate on this. As I recall Lee Oswald was discharged in September 1959 and soon left for Russia thereafter. Under what circumstances did Lee Oswald and Gerry Hemming meet? Was this during Lee's El Toro period?

Furthermore John states:

It has been noted that Hemming travels seem to have mirrored those of Lee Harvey Oswald. This has led to the suggestion that he was working for the FBI in preparing a "legend" for Oswald.

What were Hemming's travels? Did Gerry Hemming's and Lee Oswald's paths cross at any point?

What are the source and the evidence suggesting this interesting claim?

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I was reading the Spartacus.schoolnet site and the biography on Gerry Hemming. In the biography John Simkin provides interesting information:
Hemming left the marines in October 1958 and the following year travelled to Cuba where he gave help to Fidel Castro and his revolutionary forces. In January 1959 he met Lee Harvey Oswald.

I would like John or someone else to elaborate on this. As I recall Lee Oswald was discharged in September 1959 and soon left for Russia thereafter. Under what circumstances did Lee Oswald and Gerry Hemming meet? Was this during Lee's El Toro period?

Furthermore John states:

It has been noted that Hemming travels seem to have mirrored those of Lee Harvey Oswald. This has led to the suggestion that he was working for the FBI in preparing a "legend" for Oswald.

What were Hemming's travels? Did Gerry Hemming's and Lee Oswald's paths cross at any point?

What are the source and the evidence suggesting this interesting claim?

Most of this information comes from Anthony Summers’ book The Kennedy Conspiracy (1980 updated in 1998). Summers interviewed Gerry Hemming in 1978. According to Hemming he met Oswald in January 1959 at the Cuban consulate on the outskirts of Los Angeles. At the time Oswald was at the Santa Ana base, near Los Angeles. Summers claims that recently released files indicate that during this period Hemming was a CIA informant.

In January, 1959, Hemming was working with Castro’s people (at this time CIA were also giving support to Castro). Hemming told Summers: “Someone had briefed him (Oswald); somebody told him to approach me.”

In 1961 Hemming established Interpen (Intercontinental Penetration Force). Other members included several people suspected in being involved in the JFK assassination: Loran Hall, Roy Hargraves, Lawrence Howard, William Seymour, Ed Collins, Dick Whatley, Steve Wilson and James Arthur Lewis.

Thomas Bethall, wo was involved in the Jim Garrison investigation, told Edward Jay Epstein (letter dated 25th July, 1967)

According to Gerry Patrick, (he usually drops the Hemming) there were in 1963 numerous "teams" with paramilitary inclinations out to "get" Kennedy. Some of these teams had been approached by wealthy entrepreneurs of the H.L. Hunt type, (though not, I think, in fact H.L. Hunt) who were interested in seeing the job done and even provided financial assistance. Then, on November 22, 1963, Kennedy is shot down on the streets, ("Maybe Oswald got there ahead of them," Patrick commented) and then for 2 years or so, there the story rests.

However, since all the mounting controversy of the last 12 months, a startling new development has occurred, according to Patrick. Recently, members of the "teams" have been returning to their sponsors, taking credit for the assassination, and at the same time requesting large additional sums of money so that they won't be tempted to talk about it to anyone. In turn, the sponsors have apparently been hiring Mafia figures to rid themselves of these blackmailers.

Gerry Patrick admitted that his own association with some of these extremist groups in 1963 has recently been causing him some concern. Incidentally, this may very well be the true story behind the Del Valle murder in Miami, reported this spring in the National Enquirer.

In November, 1977, Marita Lorenz gave an interview to the New York Daily News in which she claimed that a group called Operation 40, that included Lee Harvey Oswald and Frank Sturgis, were involved in a conspiracy to kill both John F. Kennedy and Fidel Castro. She also claimed that Hemming, Sturgis and Oswald participated in moving guns from Miami to Dallas just before the assassination.

Lorenz also testified before the House Select Committee on Assassinations where she claimed that Sturgis had been one of the gunmen who fired on John F. Kennedy in Dallas on 22nd November, 1963. The committee dismissed her testimony, as they were unable to find any other evidence to support it.

Hemming is still alive and I am told reads this forum. I have invited him to join the forum but so far he has declined the offer.




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Thank you for this link. This document is very interesting indeed.

I haven't read through the entire document, however in particular, the following from Hemming's statement is new information to me. I wonder if anyone has been able to corroborate this:

"In May or June of 1962, at Luis Rabel's house, Hemming met Rabel, Frank Bartes, Larry Laborde, Guy Bannister, Demorenschield (Sp! referring to George DeMohrenschildt?) and there was an attaché case filled in $100 bills. The purpose was to pay for assassinating Fidel Castro. Hemming declined because he thought Raoul Castro would be even worse."

This would tie together Banister and DeMohrenschildt, both who know Oswald, and I suspect also "handled" Oswald.

Are there any other sources supporting this meeting, or that Banister and DeMohrenschildt knew of each other?

Edited by Antti Hynonen
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  • 11 years later...

GP Hemming (RIP) knew both Lee Harvey Oswald and Edwin Anderson Walker. Interestingly Hemming was at the home of Walker on the 4th of July following the assassination attempt on April 10th, 1963.

Hemming and I shared a few emails while he was still living and he did assure me that Walker was on the team that "inserted" Oswald into the Soviet Union.

Part of the reason I started my post, "Did Oswald Lie" examines the information contained in "Oswald and the CIA" along with the special relationship of Hemming to Oswald and of Hemming to Walker as well as Walker to Oswald.

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