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JFK was murdered by the British as part of a plot to...

Len Colby

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Meanwhile over at the Political Conspiracies forum Terry Mauro wrote:

After JFK was murdered (by the British), they turned back the clock on progress, taking down our productive economy and replacing it with a "post industrial economy". They introduced the "sex, rock, drug counter culture"(The British Invasion), along with environmentalism. All this nonsense has worked to destroy our nation.

I don’t suppose any evidence in support of these bizarre claims will be forthcoming? This is based on the rantings of LaRouche no doubt.

Edited by Len Colby
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Meanwhile over at the Political Conspiracies forum Terry Mauro wrote:

After JFK was murdered (by the British), they turned back the clock on progress, taking down our productive economy and replacing it with a "post industrial economy". They introduced the "sex, rock, drug counter culture"(The British Invasion), along with environmentalism. All this nonsense has worked to destroy our nation.

I don’t suppose any evidence in support of these bizarre claims will be forthcoming? This is based on the rantings of LaRouche no doubt.

Yes, I read that. Very strange. Would like to hear more details of this plot.

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Weren't sex, rock, and drugs already here in 1963?

I had already lost my virginity by 1963, and I'm still mad about Ed Sullivan censoring that obscene rocker Elvis by showing him only from the waist up on his late-1950's TV show. It's true, however, that in 1963 I had never smoked a joint or snorted cocaine, but then 45 years later I still haven't.

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As a student of history, I must agree with Ron. Sex has been in America a lot longer than just since the JFK assassination; I was born 9 years befor that, and I'm sure it was a natural conception and not some test-tube sort of thing [though, obviously, I wasn't there to confirm that]. Sex in America surely predates the Jamestown settlement in 1607, as there were natives here when the colonists arrived. Or Google "Sonny Wisecarver"...

Ever read The Autobiography of Malcolm X? In it, the former Malcolm Little tells of getting high, years prior to his conversion to Islam...and The Hate That Hate Produced, chronicling Malcolm's rise within the Nation of Islam, was aired on TV in 1959, prior to the JFK presidency. Musicians were smoking marijuana and partaking of other drugs [opiates, for example] prior to WWII. If Americans weren't using drugs before the JFK assassination, then the folks who produced the movie Reefer Madness in the 1930's were wasting a lot of money--Depression-era dollars at that--to make a movie that wasn't necessary for another 30 years! And for that matter, LSD wasn't made illegal in the US until 1966--nearly three years AFTER the JFK assassination.

As far as the rock and roll angle, it was already in America in the 1950's...and I daresay, the "British Invasion" led by The Beatles, was a juggernaut that was coming whether JFK was dead or alive.

It just goes to show that if you were sitting on the sidelines waiting for the JFK assassination to bring about the era of "sex, drugs, and rock and roll," the "revolution" had already started without you.

Edited by Mark Knight
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As far as the rock and roll angle, it was already in America in the 1950's...and I daresay, the "British Invasion" led by The Beatles, was a juggernaut that was coming whether JFK was dead or alive.

It just goes to show that if you were sitting on the sidelines waiting for the JFK assassination to bring about the era of "sex, drugs, and rock and roll," the "revolution" had already started without you.

I've read this theory too. Supposedly 4 British young men were programmed with musical talent and sent over here after Kennedy died. This was a big distraction to America -- the Beatles and everything that came with them, such as fashion, etc.

It's a crock of s----. But the timing of the assassination and the Beatles' arrival will always stick in people's minds. What was that?

Kathy C

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As far as the rock and roll angle, it was already in America in the 1950's...and I daresay, the "British Invasion" led by The Beatles, was a juggernaut that was coming whether JFK was dead or alive.

It just goes to show that if you were sitting on the sidelines waiting for the JFK assassination to bring about the era of "sex, drugs, and rock and roll," the "revolution" had already started without you.

I've read this theory too. Supposedly 4 British young men were programmed with musical talent and sent over here after Kennedy died. This was a big distraction to America -- the Beatles and everything that came with them, such as fashion, etc.

It's a crock of s----. But the timing of the assassination and the Beatles' arrival will always stick in people's minds. What was that?

Kathy C

Kathy, what happened to the four British young men with musical talent? I must have missed them.

You dont mean the four lads that wrote "I wanna hold your hand" or "She loves me, yeah, yeah yeah".

It's funny how the boomers swallow every JFK murder plot that comes down the pike but absolutely refuse to look at the radical cultural changes during the years following JFK's murder. Changes they took part in, and followed without question We never make a critical examination of the cultural changes introduced during the 1960's. The very same period our best leaders were killed, our industrial cities sent up in smoke (no pun intended) and gutted, and the begining of our industries being shut down. It all strikes me as a case of irregular warfare against the United States.

If anyone can look at Woodstock and tell me that wasn't a mass brainwashing operation, then they are very naive, lying or just plain stupid. What turned Wally and Beaver Cleaver into dope smoking "zombies"? My guess, it was the mass trauma and fear, resulting from the successive murders of JFK, MLK and RFK, the Vietnam war. and the urban riots. They broke under the pressure.

PS- you might want to ask Len about his musical artist GG Allin. Now that was one talented "zombie". And Len promoted him, in between his rugged schedule of selling T-shirts. Today Len is involved in the heavy industry of manufacturing native Brazilian art. Where does he find the time? I'm still waiting on his promised documented "slanders".

Here's GG performing one of his popular songs "Bite it Scum". Nothing like this in 1963


Edited by Terry Mauro
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I've read this theory too. Supposedly 4 British young men were programmed with musical talent and sent over here after Kennedy died. This was a big distraction to America -- the Beatles and everything that came with them, such as fashion, etc.

It's a crock of s----. But the timing of the assassination and the Beatles' arrival will always stick in people's minds. What was that?

Kathy C

Kathy, what happened to the four British young men with musical talent? I must have missed them.

You dont mean the four lads that wrote "I wanna hold your hand" or "She loves me, yeah, yeah yeah".

It's funny how the boomers swallow every JFK murder plot that comes down the pike but absolutely refuse to look at the radical cultural changes during the years following JFK's murder. Changes that they took part in, and followed without question We never make a critical examination of the cultural changes introduced during the 1960's. The very same period our best leaders were killed, our cities sent up in smoke (no pun intended) and gutted, and the begining of our industries being shut down.

If anyone can look at Woodstock and tell me that wasn't a mass brainwashing operation, then they are very naive, lying or just plain stupid. What turned Wally and Beaver Cleaver into dope smoking "zombies"?

PS- you might want to ask Len about his musical artist GG Allin. Now that was one talented "zombie". And Len promoted him, in between his rugged schedule of selling T-shirts. Today Len is involved in the heavy industry of manufacturing native Brazilian art. Where does he find the time?

Terry, I don't understand your post. Are you putting down the Beatles, or saying an intelligence agency was involved in their success?

As for myself, I don't swallow every JFK theory that comes along. But I do report it.

As for what happened to the Beatles -- one of them was murdered while a survivor of the Bay of Pigs was on watch that night.

Kathy C

Edited by Kathleen Collins
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I've read this theory too. Supposedly 4 British young men were programmed with musical talent and sent over here after Kennedy died. This was a big distraction to America -- the Beatles and everything that came with them, such as fashion, etc.

It's a crock of s----. But the timing of the assassination and the Beatles' arrival will always stick in people's minds. What was that?

Kathy C

Kathy, what happened to the four British young men with musical talent? I must have missed them.

You dont mean the four lads that wrote "I wanna hold your hand" or "She loves me, yeah, yeah yeah".

It's funny how the boomers swallow every JFK murder plot that comes down the pike but absolutely refuse to look at the radical cultural changes during the years following JFK's murder. Changes that they took part in, and followed without question We never make a critical examination of the cultural changes introduced during the 1960's. The very same period our best leaders were killed, our cities sent up in smoke (no pun intended) and gutted, and the begining of our industries being shut down.

If anyone can look at Woodstock and tell me that wasn't a mass brainwashing operation, then they are very naive, lying or just plain stupid. What turned Wally and Beaver Cleaver into dope smoking "zombies"?

PS- you might want to ask Len about his musical artist GG Allin. Now that was one talented "zombie". And Len promoted him, in between his rugged schedule of selling T-shirts. Today Len is involved in the heavy industry of manufacturing native Brazilian art. Where does he find the time?

Terry, I don't understand your post. Are you putting down the Beatles, or saying an intelligence agency was involved in their success?

As for myself, I don't swallow every JFK theory that comes along. But I do report it.

As for what happened to the Beatles -- one of them was murdered while a survivor of the Bay of Pigs was on watch that night.

Kathy C

The counter culture is one topic that seems to be off limits, and I dont know why. Maybe "boomers" are still in denial? The conspiracy theories around JFK are a bunch of crock. Boomers are attracted to these kooky theories because it deflects the real issue behind the murder; and the boomers dont really want to deal with the reality of JFK's murder. They prefer "bullet diagrams" "autopsy pictures" and BS about the CIA and government. But JFK's murder has been reduced to the absurd.

Edited by Terry Mauro
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As a student of history, I must agree with Ron. Sex has been in America a lot longer than just since the JFK assassination; I was born 9 years before that ....
No sir, I'm here to tell you that you were born a mere eight years before sex was practiced in America! If you wish to be famous, please find a different way to do so, okay? False claims such as this have a way of interfering with some of the classes I teach, and I want you to know that I don't appreciate it!

:flame Yours (Roy "Back to Basics") Truly :D

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Meanwhile over at the Political Conspiracies forum Terry Mauro wrote:

After JFK was murdered (by the British), they turned back the clock on progress, taking down our productive economy and replacing it with a "post industrial economy". They introduced the "sex, rock, drug counter culture"(The British Invasion), along with environmentalism. All this nonsense has worked to destroy our nation.

I don't suppose any evidence in support of these bizarre claims will be forthcoming? This is based on the rantings of LaRouche no doubt.

Yes, I read that. Very strange. Would like to hear more details of this plot.

When the Beatles came to Dallas they ducked in their limo as they rode through Dealey Plaza and stayed at the Cabana Motel.

Certainly conspiratorial to me.

Conspiracy means to breath together so I guess they did, huddled in the backseat joking around.


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... The conspiracy theories around JFK are a bunch of crock. Boomers are attracted to these kooky theories because it deflects the real issue behind the murder; and the boomers dont really want to deal with the reality of JFK's murder. They prefer "bullet diagrams" "autopsy pictures" and BS about the CIA and government. But JFK's murder has been reduced to the absurd.
Right. Just what I've been trying to tell everyone: "I read the Report and the Report's right" (sung to the tune of "I fought the Law and the law won," just as was intended by that song's writers ... who were actually Peter Paul and Mary, on a re-write of their infamous "Puff the Magic Dragon" espousing drug abuse).

Absent the "kooky ... conspiracy theories," there is, quite frankly, no "reality of JFK's murder" other than the absurdity of the WCR, which - that being the case - proves that there's no reason for any of us to be having these silly conversations (or singing such ridiculous songs like "I read the Report and the Report's right ...").

But I was so much older then ... (sigh). Other than proving to his wife that he was an honest-to-God DUDE, man, what exactly was "the real issue behing the murder?" Just curious ....

Damn, now everyone will know who I am! (Fritz! Yo, Will! Don't you be writin' that xxxx down now, y'hear?)

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I've read this theory too. Supposedly 4 British young men were programmed with musical talent and sent over here after Kennedy died. This was a big distraction to America -- the Beatles and everything that came with them, such as fashion, etc.

It's a crock of s----. But the timing of the assassination and the Beatles' arrival will always stick in people's minds. What was that?

Kathy C

Kathy, what happened to the four British young men with musical talent? I must have missed them.

You dont mean the four lads that wrote "I wanna hold your hand" or "She loves me, yeah, yeah yeah".

It's funny how the boomers swallow every JFK murder plot that comes down the pike but absolutely refuse to look at the radical cultural changes during the years following JFK's murder. Changes that they took part in, and followed without question We never make a critical examination of the cultural changes introduced during the 1960's. The very same period our best leaders were killed, our cities sent up in smoke (no pun intended) and gutted, and the begining of our industries being shut down.

If anyone can look at Woodstock and tell me that wasn't a mass brainwashing operation, then they are very naive, lying or just plain stupid. What turned Wally and Beaver Cleaver into dope smoking "zombies"?

PS- you might want to ask Len about his musical artist GG Allin. Now that was one talented "zombie". And Len promoted him, in between his rugged schedule of selling T-shirts. Today Len is involved in the heavy industry of manufacturing native Brazilian art. Where does he find the time?

Terry, I don't understand your post. Are you putting down the Beatles, or saying an intelligence agency was involved in their success?

As for myself, I don't swallow every JFK theory that comes along. But I do report it.

As for what happened to the Beatles -- one of them was murdered while a survivor of the Bay of Pigs was on watch that night.

Kathy C

The counter culture is one topic that seems to be off limits, and I dont know why. Maybe "boomers" are still in denial? The conspiracy theories around JFK are a bunch of crock. Boomers are attracted to these kooky theories because it deflects the real issue behind the murder; and the boomers dont really want to deal with the reality of JFK's murder. They prefer "bullet diagrams" "autopsy pictures" and BS about the CIA and government. But JFK's murder has been reduced to the absurd.

Terry, your remarks about the Beatles... Was I under hypnosis that Feb night in 1964 when I first saw the Beatles? Mass hypnosis via TV? Was the Ed Sullivan Show broadcasting subliminal messages other than John Lennon was married?

In my living will I requested Beatle music (esp. the early years) be played when I'm dying.

I still don't understand your point. Were the Beatles detrimental to this country, USA? Is everything their fault?

Now you're anti-conspiracy. You've deemed that the CIA and our govt were not involved in Kennedy's murder. Then who was and why? Everywhere you look there's a motive.

Possible Culprits: CIA, Cuban Exiles, the Mob, Oswald and Ruby, Harvey and Lee, Texas oil men, military intelligence, the NSA, Ari Onassis, the Mossad, LBJ, Mac Wallace, French hitman, the 3 tramps, Dallas police dept., big business, George Bush, NASA, etc.

Are you saying Oswald did it from behind? Do you believe the Warren Report? The purpose of the murder was to overthrow the govt, with the power going back to the oil men, who sponsored the assassination. Of course, that's my opinion. Please state explicitly what you mean. Why are you so mad tonight? Did the OJ guilty verdict knock you out of orbit?

Kathy C

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Meanwhile over at the Political Conspiracies forum Terry Mauro wrote:

After JFK was murdered (by the British), they turned back the clock on progress, taking down our productive economy and replacing it with a "post industrial economy". They introduced the "sex, rock, drug counter culture"(The British Invasion), along with environmentalism. All this nonsense has worked to destroy our nation.

I don’t suppose any evidence in support of these bizarre claims will be forthcoming? This is based on the rantings of LaRouche no doubt.

I am still interested in hearing more about this British JFK plot. In the meantime here is a poem by Philip Larkin (Annus Mirabilis).

Sexual intercourse began

In nineteen sixty-three

(which was rather late for me) -

Between the end of the Chatterley ban

And the Beatles' first LP.

Up to then there'd only been

A sort of bargaining,

A wrangle for the ring,

A shame that started at sixteen

And spread to everything.

Then all at once the quarrel sank:

Everyone felt the same,

And every life became

A brilliant breaking of the bank,

A quite unlosable game.

So life was never better than

In nineteen sixty-three

(Though just too late for me) -

Between the end of the Chatterley ban

And the Beatles' first LP.

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Guest Stephen Turner
Meanwhile over at the Political Conspiracies forum Terry Mauro wrote:

After JFK was murdered (by the British), they turned back the clock on progress, taking down our productive economy and replacing it with a "post industrial economy". They introduced the "sex, rock, drug counter culture"(The British Invasion), along with environmentalism. All this nonsense has worked to destroy our nation.

I don’t suppose any evidence in support of these bizarre claims will be forthcoming? This is based on the rantings of LaRouche no doubt.

Yes, I read that. Very strange. Would like to hear more details of this plot.

See Marilyn Ferguson, "The Aquarian Conspracy"

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... The conspiracy theories around JFK are a bunch of crock. Boomers are attracted to these kooky theories because it deflects the real issue behind the murder; and the boomers dont really want to deal with the reality of JFK's murder. They prefer "bullet diagrams" "autopsy pictures" and BS about the CIA and government. But JFK's murder has been reduced to the absurd.
Right. Just what I've been trying to tell everyone: "I read the Report and the Report's right" (sung to the tune of "I fought the Law and the law won," just as was intended by that song's writers ... who were actually Peter Paul and Mary, on a re-write of their infamous "Puff the Magic Dragon" espousing drug abuse).

Absent the "kooky ... conspiracy theories," there is, quite frankly, no "reality of JFK's murder" other than the absurdity of the WCR, which - that being the case - proves that there's no reason for any of us to be having these silly conversations (or singing such ridiculous songs like "I read the Report and the Report's right ...").

But I was so much older then ... (sigh). Other than proving to his wife that he was an honest-to-God DUDE, man, what exactly was "the real issue behing the murder?" Just curious ....

Damn, now everyone will know who I am! (Fritz! Yo, Will! Don't you be writin' that xxxx down now, y'hear?)

I have no idea what she was talking about she previously said that the “British” killed JFK. She offers no evidence for this claim nor will any be forthcoming nor does she think it necessary - her guru must have said this and his word, no matter how absurd is gospel. And speaking of LaRouche below are some of his pronouncements on the subject of sex and drug and Rock n Roll etc. No, I’m not making this up!

In general: The post-1930 promotion and use of cannabis and ergotamine/LSD, was launched from London by the self-described "utopian" circles of followers of the 19th-Century Thomas Huxley—associated with H.G. Wells, Bertrand Russell, Satan-cultist Aleister Crowley, and a younger generation including Aldous and Julian Huxley, and George Orwell. The practice of mass-indoctrination in use of cannabis, and synthetic ergotamine LSD, was launched, with a leading role by the British psychological warfare organization known as the London Tavistock Clinic and associated circles. The popularization of cannabinol, LSD, and other strongly psychotropic drugs, including the highly destructive use of Ritalin among primary and secondary students, are intended to replicate the fictional role of "soma" depicted in Aldous Huxley's cult-novel, Brave New World.

The U.S.A. and Canadian use of these practices was pioneered in Los Angeles, Hollywood, and left-wing circles, and in Canada locations, during the 1930s and 1940s-1950s, through circles associated with Aldous Huxley and with the London Tavistock Clinic and Tavistock Institute. During the post-war decades, this work was promoted through the Department of Defense's Special Warfare division, including projects such as "Delta Force." The post-war "Beatniks," and the orchestrated cult of Elvis Presley, are typical of the pilot-projects used to prepare the way for the "rock-drug-sex youth-counterculture" launched, like a rocket, with the appearance of the "Beatles" on the Ed Sullivan Show.

These, including the "Unification of the Sciences" project which Bertrand Russell launched at the University of Pennsylvania, in 1938, were some of the stepping-stones to a sweeping mass-change in U.S. culture, from a productive society, to an increasingly decadent, "post-industrial," consumers' society over the interval which coincided with the U.S. War in Indo-China, 1964-1972.


"The Beatles had no genuine musical talent, but were a product shaped according to British Psychological Warfare Division specifications, and promoted in Britain by agencies which are controlled by British Intelligence."

--Lyndon LaRouche, from the pamphlet, "Why Your Child Became a Drug Addict" 1978

I am not only a life-long lover of science, but have contributed several closely related fundamental scientific discoveries of my own [LOL - Len], to the field known as the science of physical economy.

Beginning in the late 1960s, once millions of high school and college age youth had been lured into the drug-rock counterculture -- through such mass media extravaganzas as The Beatles and Rolling Stones appearances on the Ed Sullivan TV show, the Woodstock festival, the Haight-Ashbury "summer of love," the Broadway smash hit rock opera Hair -- the social engineers steering "Operation Satan" began peddling the "sexual revolution" which said that lesbianism and homosexuality were "liberating" forms of behavior.

Put the pieces together. First, the creative capacities of the nation's youth -- truly their most precious possession -- are destroyed by drugs. Next, the sexual identities of millions of Americans are thrown topsy turvy by a culture that extols the virtues of homosexuality. And finally, Satanism, the worship of Evil, emerges as a new religion.

-- 1989 pamphlet "Is Satan in Your Schoolyard?"


The parrot parrots on another thread “In fact the Brits launched an Opium War against this country starting after the murder of John Kennedy in the mid 1960's, with their launching of the sex, rock, drug counter culture.”

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