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360 degree view taken from the 'x' on Elm st

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Wherever the 'X' is on Elm Street, isn't it generally acknowledged that that it does not represent where the limo was when Z313 hit?

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Wherever the 'X' is on Elm Street, isn't it generally acknowledged that that it does not represent where the limo was when Z313 hit?

Well, it certainly is a matter for conjecture. Pedantically, it is the location of JFK's head/body that's the issue. I place it ''back and to the left'' of the usual ''X''. (BTW the re-released JFK ''Directors Cut'' is worth a watch).

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Wherever the 'X' is on Elm Street, isn't it generally acknowledged that that it does not represent where the limo was when Z313 hit?

I don't see that as relevant for the simple task I am hoping to accomplish. It is a simple matter of a view from the 'X' to the Records Building windows - which would be taken with a grain of salt, since the growth on the trees in that park would have to be taken into consideration since 1963 timeframe. I used this tool in the past, and found it very interesting. I am no longer able to locate it - only 3d nonsense constructs in virtual reality.

In the meanwhile - if you would like that scan I did of an 11/23 print of the Altgens crop - which I would imagine should hold some interest for you - shoot me an email at lforman23@comcast.net.


- lee

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Guest Gary Loughran
Wherever the 'X' is on Elm Street, isn't it generally acknowledged that that it does not represent where the limo was when Z313 hit?

Well, it certainly is a matter for conjecture. Pedantically, it is the location of JFK's head/body that's the issue. I place it ''back and to the left'' of the usual ''X''. (BTW the re-released JFK ''Directors Cut'' is worth a watch).

Hey John, Great to see you back. Some folks were worried about your absence. I hope you are well and can continue to add your reasoned and well researched views and facts.

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Wherever the 'X' is on Elm Street, isn't it generally acknowledged that that it does not represent where the limo was when Z313 hit?

Well, it certainly is a matter for conjecture. Pedantically, it is the location of JFK's head/body that's the issue. I place it ''back and to the left'' of the usual ''X''. (BTW the re-released JFK ''Directors Cut'' is worth a watch).

Hey John, Great to see you back. Some folks were worried about your absence. I hope you are well and can continue to add your reasoned and well researched views and facts.

Thank you Gary. A-1 here. On the issue of where Kennedy was, frames show location at time of headshot. Thus the bullet enetered Kennedys head prior to this at a determinable moment. Fragments for the duration of the frame exposure indicate moment when they left his head. Moments prior to this is the skull was compromised and moments prior to this a signal was sent from the brain to the hand that had the finger that then contracted and pulled the trigger and so on. Therefore the location of Kennedy at the moment when the deciscion was set in train is paramount as each and every object; whether it be antennas, persons, aspect of the built and natural environment, Limo components (et.c.?); cast a 'shadow' beyond which a shooter cannot see Kennedy. Conversely those locations not in shadow prior to, up to, including and following are likely to be the possible shooting directions. Other issues are corridors of fire that minimise collateral damage. Interestingly the headshot occurs just when 2 roughly northsouth and southwest corridors present themselves, apparently just as both are there. Can this be narrowed down. I suggest: Yes, it can.

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Not it, but close enough for a 'leaner' in horseshoes.




Google maps also has a 'street view' today for Elm St - you can plug in 402 Elm Street and get a nice view.

I see no reason to believe that a shot from the Records Building 2nd wasn't a possible for the shot to the back of Kennedy's head. That tree would have been quite a bit smaller - as demonstrated by Don Bailey and Chris Davidson. The concrete structure would also not create an obstacle.

Beer and pretzels,

- lee

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Lee :

This photo is from the Shaw & Harris studies......showing a possible

trajectory....Where DPD Weatherford is said to have been stationed on the

roof with a rifle..303 ?? not sure now....Also showing the height of the trees

this was taken that day...


Edited by Bernice Moore
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Lee :

This photo is from the Shaw & Harris studies......showing a possible

trajectory....Where DPD Weatherford is said to have been stationed on the

roof with a rifle..303 ?? not sure now....Also showing the height of the trees

this was taken that day...


Thanks Bernice - this is further down from Elm - but it's still of some usefulness to be sure. Also I was very impressed by the one Chris Davidson pulled out. But the fact of the matter is - it really doesn't mean much of anything - only that it was possible. And in dispelling the myth about the windows not opening - and coupling it with Hemming's comments about the use of silencers, as an example - it has even more validity. Still more to come - hopefully.

And thanks to Stephen Roy - I hadn't realized that he had already pointed out the google maps street view - this is new since the time I had originally found the work someone had done - which was from the 'x' which made it the most relevant - give or take a few feet in either direction.

- lee

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