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Bill Ayers

William Kelly

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Bill Ayers for Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare!

Terrorists in the Cabinet!

The Constitution works, and provides for the citizens like Ayers the right to own guns and bombs in order to not only protect themselves, but to revolt against an illegal, unjust government, which the LBJ presidencey was - shows that you can take over the government.

God Bless America!


Brazil is not so uptight about such things. The leading candidate for mayor of Rio, Fernando Gabeira, participated in the kidnapping of the US ambassador during the dictatorship. He even wrote a book about it which became a movie known as Four Days in September in English. Alan Arkin played the ambassador.

He has been a Federal Deputy (MP / Congressman) since 1994 and ran unsuccessfully for president and governor. His ban from entering the US was even protested by right wing politicians tied to the military government.

Yeah, Brazil is very liberal about such things.


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On LaDouche (oops, I've been reading too much Len Colby),

One can never read too much of my writing! Did I ever type "LaDouche" that must have been a typo! :lol:

What I find interesting about this conviction is that James Bevel went to Omaha Nebraska around 1991 to take a leading role in exposing the pedophile, murder ring involved in the molestation and kidnapping of hundreds of children from Omaha NB. Also involved on the Bevel side were local black officials like Johnny Rogers the former U of Nebraska "Heisman Trophy" winner along with other black elected officials. The LaRouche organization also took a leading role in the fight against these pedophiles.

Nebraska Senator John de Camp wrote a book about the entire sorrid affair titled "Franklin Cover-Up". The book was published by the LaRouche organization.

Now if I told you the names of the people implicated in this international child perdophile and murder ring you would likely scoff. Which is typical. But 15 years after an alleged act of "incest by Bevel against one of his daugters he is convicted? Thats one for the ages. The pedophile ring out of Omaha is still running full steam.

The case was tried in Virginia where luckily there is no statute of limitations. How difficult would it be to get prosecutors to prosecute a claim of incest 15 years after the fact? I think it would be very difficult.

But the irony here is that you have the case of James Bevel going after a group of very wealthy pedophiles only to be charged and convicted of a similiar crime some 15 years after the alleged crime occured.

Oh yeah I guess he was set up by his own kids.

It's possible. You have no idea what pressure was brought to bear. 15 years after the fact? That's a long long time to prove an allegation like this.

Do you love your dad (or did you if he passed away)? If so what could some do to you to make you set him up like that? What could the authorities do to get several of his kids including his sons to back such accusations?

How did they get him to admit in court to fondling her breasts as part of her "sexual education" and to tell her on tape he got her to use a vaginal douche after a "sex ed" class so that she wouldn't get pregnant? You do know how people get pregnant don't you? No it has nothing to do with storks.

Look Dennis King is right on top of the story. He even makes a LaRouche connection, 15 years after Bevel was his running mate. That Dennis King, he isnt obessed or anything, right?


Let's see Bevel was his running mate, yeah associating the two was a real stretch.

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Bill Ayers for Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare!

Terrorists in the Cabinet!

The Constitution works, and provides for the citizens like Ayers the right to own guns and bombs in order to not only protect themselves, but to revolt against an illegal, unjust government, which the LBJ presidencey was - shows that you can take over the government.

God Bless America!


Brazil is not so uptight about such things. The leading candidate for mayor of Rio, Fernando Gabeira, participated in the kidnapping of the US ambassador during the dictatorship. He even wrote a book about it which became a movie known as Four Days in September in English. Alan Arkin played the ambassador.

He has been a Federal Deputy (MP / Congressman) since 1994 and ran unsuccessfully for president and governor. His ban from entering the US was even protested by right wing politicians tied to the military government.

Yeah, Brazil is very liberal about such things.


So decades before I was born the Brazilian government let Nazis take refuge there. I moved here as an adult. This reflects poorly on me how exactly?

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Isnt it John Murdagh making the charges? That's what I read. You're blind walking around with a cane.

And you're appalled that members of the forum feel free to slander people on the flimsiest of charges? You better give Dennis King a call to complain. It's all just "rubbish"? Isnt that a popular NYC expression?

Murdagh made them and LaDouche endorsed them.

Lyndon LaRouche identified "The New Left" as being a fascist movement way back in 1968.

I guess that's why he felt justified in sicking his goons on them. Perhaps you should take this up with your friend Dawn who says she was in the SDS back then. Was she a closet fascist or just a dupe?

He does get one fact correct. James Bevel was a leading figure in the civil rights movement of Martin Luther King.

And he pretty obviously had serious psychological problems at the time, you think his association with a guy who had sex with his daughters starting age 6 reflects well on your messiah?

Damn how does that racist LaRouche attract so many of Martin King followers? Maybe they havent read Dennis King?

Three or four out of thousands is "so many"? LOL

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I said no such damn thing. I was not EVER in SDS or even knew what it was, until I met Carl Oglesby. I said I was "part of the anti- war movement". In 1965 until it ended. I did not even go to college until after I was divorced with a child: 1973. I met Carl Oglesby, via the JFK assassination, in 1973. Look up "Assassination Information Bureau". This was LONG after Carl left SDS.

This is ALL in my damn bio.

I will not defend myself against the likes of you again, but when you distort what I said I have no choice.

Learn to read, or at least not misquote people.


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LaRouche comments on Weatherman and Bill Ayers.


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Isnt it John Murdagh making the charges? That's what I read. You're blind walking around with a cane.

And you're appalled that members of the forum feel free to slander people on the flimsiest of charges? You better give Dennis King a call to complain. It's all just "rubbish"? Isnt that a popular NYC expression?

Murdagh made them and LaDouche endorsed them.

Lyndon LaRouche identified "The New Left" as being a fascist movement way back in 1968.

I guess that's why he felt justified in sicking his goons on them. Perhaps you should take this up with your friend Dawn who says she was in the SDS back then. Was she a closet fascist or just a dupe?

He does get one fact correct. James Bevel was a leading figure in the civil rights movement of Martin Luther King.

And he pretty obviously had serious psychological problems at the time, you think his association with a guy who had sex with his daughters starting age 6 reflects well on your messiah?

Damn how does that racist LaRouche attract so many of Martin King followers? Maybe they havent read Dennis King?

Three or four out of thousands is "so many"? LOL

"He pretty obviously "had" serious psychological problems at the time".

I know of no one in his circle of friends and colleagues that ever had a single question regarding Bevel's state of mind. Sir Rubbish, you were the only one to see these "obvious" psychological problems.

Edited by Terry Mauro
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Isnt it John Murdagh making the charges? That's what I read. You're blind walking around with a cane.

And you're appalled that members of the forum feel free to slander people on the flimsiest of charges? You better give Dennis King a call to complain. It's all just "rubbish"? Isnt that a popular NYC expression?

Murdagh made them and LaDouche endorsed them.

Lyndon LaRouche identified "The New Left" as being a fascist movement way back in 1968.

I guess that's why he felt justified in sicking his goons on them. Perhaps you should take this up with your friend Dawn who says she was in the SDS back then. Was she a closet fascist or just a dupe?

He does get one fact correct. James Bevel was a leading figure in the civil rights movement of Martin Luther King.

And he pretty obviously had serious psychological problems at the time, you think his association with a guy who had sex with his daughters starting age 6 reflects well on your messiah?

Damn how does that racist LaRouche attract so many of Martin King followers? Maybe they havent read Dennis King?

Three or four out of thousands is "so many"? LOL

"He pretty obviously "had" serious psychological problems at the time".

I know of no one in his circle of friends and colleagues that ever had a single question regarding Bevel's state of mind. Sir Rubbish, you were the only one to see these "obvious" psychological problems.

He was screwing his teenage daughter and had been since she was 6, but I guess to a LaRouchite that doesn't constitute having "serious psychological problems "

Edited by Len Colby
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I said no such damn thing. I was not EVER in SDS or even knew what it was, until I met Carl Oglesby. I said I was "part of the anti- war movement". In 1965 until it ended. I did not even go to college until after I was divorced with a child: 1973. I met Carl Oglesby, via the JFK assassination, in 1973. Look up "Assassination Information Bureau". This was LONG after Carl left SDS.

This is ALL in my damn bio.

I will not defend myself against the likes of you again, but when you distort what I said I have no choice.

Learn to read, or at least not misquote people.


Sorry for misquoting you Dawn. I misremembered what you wrote. But I doubt any active members besides Terry and Craig would consider being IDed as a former member of the SDS something they would have to "defend themselves against". Ask your friend Terry whether she thinks your friend Carl Oglesby "was a closet fascist or just a dupe?"

Would it be fair to classify any of the anti-war groups you belonged to as "New Left"? IF so the question still applies according to your friend's logic you were one or the other.

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Isnt it John Murdagh making the charges? That's what I read. You're blind walking around with a cane.

And you're appalled that members of the forum feel free to slander people on the flimsiest of charges? You better give Dennis King a call to complain. It's all just "rubbish"? Isnt that a popular NYC expression?

Murdagh made them and LaDouche endorsed them.

Lyndon LaRouche identified "The New Left" as being a fascist movement way back in 1968.

I guess that's why he felt justified in sicking his goons on them. Perhaps you should take this up with your friend Dawn who says she was in the SDS back then. Was she a closet fascist or just a dupe?

He does get one fact correct. James Bevel was a leading figure in the civil rights movement of Martin Luther King.

And he pretty obviously had serious psychological problems at the time, you think his association with a guy who had sex with his daughters starting age 6 reflects well on your messiah?

Damn how does that racist LaRouche attract so many of Martin King followers? Maybe they havent read Dennis King?

Three or four out of thousands is "so many"? LOL

"He pretty obviously "had" serious psychological problems at the time".

I know of no one in his circle of friends and colleagues that ever had a single question regarding Bevel's state of mind. Sir Rubbish, you were the only one to see these "obvious" psychological problems.

He was screwing his teenage daughter and had been since she was 6, but I guess to a LaRouchite that doesn't constitute having "serious psychological problems "

Wasnt that part of GG Allins live act? I'm serious wasnt that part of his act?

All I said was that none of his friends, or colleagues ever considered his behavior odd; or suspected him of the crime he was charged and convicted. It is ironic, here you have a guy that was attacking a group of pedophiles and then 17 years later he's convicted of an indentical crime. The pedophiles in Omaha are still operating. Funny, but theyt cant seem to get arrested to save their lives.

Where's the outrage Sir Rubbish of Colby, where is the outrage?

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I said no such damn thing. I was not EVER in SDS or even knew what it was, until I met Carl Oglesby. I said I was "part of the anti- war movement". In 1965 until it ended. I did not even go to college until after I was divorced with a child: 1973. I met Carl Oglesby, via the JFK assassination, in 1973. Look up "Assassination Information Bureau". This was LONG after Carl left SDS.

This is ALL in my damn bio.

I will not defend myself against the likes of you again, but when you distort what I said I have no choice.

Learn to read, or at least not misquote people.


Sorry for misquoting you Dawn. I misremembered what you wrote. But I doubt any active members besides Terry and Craig would consider being IDed as a former member of the SDS something they would have to "defend themselves against". Ask your friend Terry whether she thinks your friend Carl Oglesby "was a closet fascist or just a dupe?"

Would it be fair to classify any of the anti-war groups you belonged to as "New Left"? IF so the question still applies according to your friend's logic you were one or the other.

I was defending against being called either a fascist or a dupe, that was your question. And once again you have misread so let me try this ONE LAST TIME: Carl was president of SDS in 1965. When SDS turned violent he severed ties. Waked away. Terry neither considers Carl a fascist or a dupe. Because he was neither, and is neither. He is still anti war, as am I.

So whatever the last word is here I am now out of this conversation.


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What happened to Bill Ayers?



The 1960s radical William Ayers was not invoked on the campaign trail yesterday, but for anyone living in a battleground state, his name may have been left on an answering machine.

This Story

Ayers and his connection to Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama are at the heart of an ambitious "robo-call" campaign from GOP nominee John McCain and the Republican National Committee, part of a $70 million get-out-the-vote operation underway in electorally important states.

"Hello. I'm calling for John McCain and the RNC because you need to know that Barack Obama has worked closely with domestic terrorist Bill Ayers, whose organization bombed the U.S. Capitol, the Pentagon, a judge's home and killed Americans," a voice says in the automated calls that have been heard in Virginia, Ohio, Florida and elsewhere.

The short call adds: "Barack Obama and his Democratic allies lack the judgment to lead our country."

The message is among what one Republican campaign worker described as "a couple of hundred" different calls that the GOP plans to employ, tailored to different states and areas and paid for by state parties, the RNC or the McCain

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All I said was that none of his friends, or colleagues ever considered his behavior odd; or suspected him of the crime he was charged and convicted.

You actually made no reference to the crime. You obviously were trying to say there was no basis for my comment "serious psychological problems."

How do you know that “none of his friends, or colleagues ever considered his behavior odd”? Are you in contact with any of them? Apperently he lived on an isolated compound with his family, how many “friends, or colleagues” did he have at that point?

You claimed that I was “the only one to see these "obvious" psychological problems” wrong again his family saw it first hand and the jury and so I imagine every none LaRouchite to hear about the case.

It is ironic, here you have a guy that was attacking a group of pedophiles and then 17 years later he's convicted of an indentical crime.

If you find it surprising that a preacher or politician could display hypocrisy between his public denunciations of illegal (or socially condemned) sexual behavior and their own habits you should look into the lives of Elliot Spitzer, Ted Haggard, Jim Baker, Elijah Mohamed, Paul Crouch, Tim Mahoney, and the people nailed by the “Flynt Report” including Bob Livingston .

The pedophiles in Omaha are still operating. Funny, but theyt cant seem to get arrested to save their lives.

Where's the outrage Sir Rubbish of Colby, where is the outrage?

I’m not aware of the details of the case. IF what you say is true they should be prosecuted the fullest extent that law permits but since this is based on the allegations of LaRouchites I’d say the odds of it being true are slim.

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I said no such damn thing. I was not EVER in SDS or even knew what it was, until I met Carl Oglesby. I said I was "part of the anti- war movement". In 1965 until it ended. I did not even go to college until after I was divorced with a child: 1973. I met Carl Oglesby, via the JFK assassination, in 1973. Look up "Assassination Information Bureau". This was LONG after Carl left SDS.

This is ALL in my damn bio.

I will not defend myself against the likes of you again, but when you distort what I said I have no choice.

Learn to read, or at least not misquote people.


Sorry for misquoting you Dawn. I misremembered what you wrote. But I doubt any active members besides Terry and Craig would consider being IDed as a former member of the SDS something they would have to "defend themselves against". Ask your friend Terry whether she thinks your friend Carl Oglesby "was a closet fascist or just a dupe?"

Would it be fair to classify any of the anti-war groups you belonged to as "New Left"? IF so the question still applies according to your friend's logic you were one or the other.

I was defending against being called either a fascist or a dupe, that was your question. And once again you have misread so let me try this ONE LAST TIME: Carl was president of SDS in 1965. When SDS turned violent he severed ties. Waked away. Terry neither considers Carl a fascist or a dupe. Because he was neither, and is neither. He is still anti war, as am I.

So whatever the last word is here I am now out of this conversation.


No this stems from a reading comprehension error on your part.

I) Terry claimed that “the New Left” was “a fascist movement”*

II) Based on my mistaken belief you had been in the SDS I replied to her “Perhaps you should take this up with your friend Dawn who says she was in the SDS back then. Was she a closet fascist or just a dupe?”

I wasn’t accusing you of being either, but the logical implication of her assertion is that some one who was part of the “New Left” had to be one or the other and that applies to Oglesby or anyone else who belonged to such a group. If one is a member of “a fascist movement” masquerading as a leftist one (her characterization not mine) you are either: “in the know” and a fascist or not and a dupe.

* True she said “Lyndon LaRouche identified "The New Left" as being a fascist movement way back in 1968” but you well know that she unquestioningly accepts every pronouncement of her guru and his disciples as gospel.

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