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Congratulations To Barack Obama

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This is a Great day in History.

The free world now has a new leader (elect).

I sincerely hope he will deliver on the promises of hope he has installed in Millions of people throughout the whole world.

Congrats Barack.


Edited by Steve Mcdonagh
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Obama's election shows why America is truly a great country.

After the goodwill afforded America after 9/11 which Bush and Cheney recklessly squandered, I believe this election result may well go a long way in returning some of that goodwill.

Let us all look to the future now and let God not only bless America, but indeed bless us all - wherever we may live.


Obama's election shows
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Watching the crowds at Grant Park in Chicago with Jesse Jackson in tears, makes me wonder if our country is again finding its heart.

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Your heart and mind it seems - at last.

These pictures are going out all over the World - I am currently in China - and I am sure they will give inspiration and hope to everyone.

Watching the crowds at Grant Park in Chicago with Jesse Jackson in tears, makes me wonder if our country is again finding its heart.
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Black, White, Asian, Hispanic, Men, Women, Young, Old, Rich and Poor.

Today I witnessed tears on all of this collection of people’s faces as I felt a single tear running down the cheek of my own face; the first since my daughter was born 10 years ago.

Thus was the impact of Obama’s speech.


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I'm going to miss seeing Sarah Palin around. (Not hearing her, just seeing her.)

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Thank you America.

I watched the election on BBC and the most significant comment was from one of Bush's speech writers. He said that college-educated Americans will no longer vote for politicians who try to make a virtue out of their ignorance. He was obviously thinking about Palin but his point hopefully will mean that America is changed for good.

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Guest Stephen Turner
Watching the crowds at Grant Park in Chicago with Jesse Jackson in tears, makes me wonder if our country is again finding its heart.

No she lost her mind tonight.

GOPs, always gracious in defeat. :lol:

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This really was a foregone conclusion. The day McCain picked Palin- well a couple days after when I actually heard her speak, I vowed to not vote for a Republican for President for the first time since 1992. And I know many others who feld- the intelligent ones :lol: .

Though I did not vote Obama (voted Libertarian), I think Obama's victory was the better one for America at this stage. And based on much of what I see here and on other forums, it is certainly very welcome in other countries.

I was sad to see McCain really floundering at the end. He came in with so much promise then had to work against a tide of bad decisions, and the complete idioacy that is Sarah Palin. For whatever disagreements you may have with his politics, McCain is an admirable American who went through a hell I think most of us cannot even begin to imagine.

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Today, I am proud to be an American.


Black Man Given Nation's Worst Job

WASHINGTON—African-American man Barack Obama, 47, was given the least-desirable job in the entire country Tuesday....

In his new high-stress, low-reward position, Obama will be charged with such tasks as completely overhauling the nation's broken-down economy, repairing the crumbling infrastructure, and generally having to please more than 300 million Americans and cater to their every whim on a daily basis. As part of his duties, the black man will have to spend four to eight years cleaning up the messes other people left behind


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McCain made three such gracious and admirable gestures during the final stage of the election:

1) Where he corrected the woman about Obama being a Muslim, which he did in a no nonsense fashion.

2) His gracious comments during the benefit dinner.

3) His concession speech today.

He ran a very good race considering he was trying to sell the GOP brand after Bush - kind of like trying to sell milk on the corner of the street right now here in China. I wonder if his age was a factor (last shot and all) in him becoming the GOP nominee. - I mean how many younger alternatives genuinely wanted to risk taking their shot at it now, with the 'Bush affect' in play.

Anyway, I wish him all the best.


Good on him - I think the US has promise again.

BTW, I thought McCain was very gracious in his speech when conceding defeat. He deserves a thumbs up too.

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Voter Turnout was highest in 1960 (as a % of electorate)

So far, the popular vote total is 120 million. The vote total would have to reach 135 million to exceed the 1964 turnout, when Johnson beat Barry Goldwater, another Republican senator from Arizona, Gans said.

It would take 140 million votes this year to reach the 67 percent turnout recorded in 1960 when Democrat John F. Kennedy defeated Republican Richard Nixon, he said.


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