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Fine Time for McKinley Comments Lucile!

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I found this compilation of interesting footage from a group called WingTV. From what I know about them they are hairy and from Vermont, and might have had a bit too much.. Ben and Jerry's if their film production is an indication. However, that does not mean their film clips are not interesting.

Please go to 12 minutes 15 seconds (around?) and hear the telecaster sudenly mention the Secret Service and sudenly wax McKinley.

Who is this? What channel? Do you agree with the commentary that it sounds "read in?"



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This is a definite Gary Mack question!

The voice sounds the same to me.

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What I mean by the question was not "was it dubbed" but does it sound like the reporter was reading some material that was inserted into his narrative?

If so, this raises the question of why would he have this reading material readily available.

That is the implication of the film-makers.

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I received this message from Gary Mack:


The newsman's name is Ed Herbert, who was then news director at independent KTVT-TV. KTVT produced the pool coverage of the Fort Worth breakfast and all four commercial Dallas-Fort Worth stations carried it live.

As you may know, JFK was a late arrival at the breakfast and, as Ed told me several years ago, he was just ad-libbing to fill for time. All the local news people knew there were security concerns for Kennedy's appearances, so that knowledge was the likely source for his comments.

Gary Mack


Yes I know there were reasons for hightened security in the Dallas area. Still the comments about the wide ranging security and the morbid McKinley comments seem morbid and very specific, even if viewers were on their third cup. Then again, TV news was still evolving, and perhaps the pap of Today Show morning fare had not yet fully evolved. Then again...

Edited by Nathaniel Heidenheimer
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I received this message from Gary Mack:


The newsman's name is Ed Herbert, who was then news director at independent KTVT-TV. KTVT produced the pool coverage of the Fort Worth breakfast and all four commercial Dallas-Fort Worth stations carried it live.

As you may know, JFK was a late arrival at the breakfast and, as Ed told me several years ago, he was just ad-libbing to fill for time. All the local news people knew there were security concerns for Kennedy's appearances, so that knowledge was the likely source for his comments.

Gary Mack


Yes I know there were reasons for hightened security in the Dallas area. Still the comments about the wide ranging security and the morbid McKinley comments seem morbid and very specific, even if viewers were on their third cup. Then again, TV news was still evolving, and perhaps the pap of Today Show morning fare had not yet fully evolved. Then again...

Nathaniel, if you are speaking of the references to other assassinations, I felt the same morbid overtones that you did. On a similar unrelated note, it wasn't until after the passage of a few decades that I really listened to the lyrics to The Eyes Of Texas.

The eyes of Texas are upon you,

All the live long day.

The eyes of Texas are upon you,

You cannot get away.

......Doubtless the song is older than dirt, meaning it was obviously not anything along the lines of, some type of conspiracy song. But considering the comments attributed to JFK speaking to Jackie over the black-bordered ad, "Well, you know we're in nut country," the experience for Jack was undoubtedly not a "feelgood moment".....

Edited by Robert Howard
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