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The Ghost Of Gordon Arnold

Guest Duncan MacRae

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Theres no point whinging repeatedly about my refusal to answer your request/question before you answer the question which I asked you first. This is how it goes in any normal civilised procedure, ie, I answer, you answer, I answer, you answer, and so on.

My question/ request was and still is for you to show me where you place Gordon Arnold's feet in the Moorman photograph, not in any modern day photograph from a completely different angle, which is all that you are continously doing. Complete my request and then I'll complete yours.

As for my previous beliefs about Badge Man, so what?..We are all entitled to change our minds any time we chose.....Now about those feet?

Duncan MacRae

Yes Duncan ... why didn't I think of guessing at what the ground level is behind the wall before examining the evidence that would help determine it ......... now isn't that how Moorman got into the street. (sigh~)

Arnold said he was standing on the ground ... so that would be where Arnold's feet would be. Now determining the elevation of that ground against the wall is what I have been trying to establish despite your resistance.

Bill Miller

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Terrific answer Bill, just terrific, it's a pity he decided to fire up his jet pack to raise himself in to the air just as Moorman took her shot, or maybe the mole in the non existant mound bit his butt and he jumped in the air to take him to that level :lol:

Duncan, are you satisfied that you have done all that is necessary to have correctly read the Moorman photo???

Bill Miller

Edited by Bill Miller
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Duncan, are you satisfied that you have done all that is necessary to have correctly read the Moorman photo???

Bill Miller

Can you be more specific???

Duncan MacRae

"Duncan, are you satisfied that you have done all that is necessary to have correctly read the Moorman photo???"

It's a simple question.


satisfied: Paid or discharged in full; convinced beyond a doubt.

done: Having finished or arrived at completion

all: The whole extent or quantity of; the greatest possible; as much as possible

necessary: Absolutely essential; needed to achieve a certain result or effect; required by obligation

Correctly: In an accurate manner

I hope these definitions help you better understand the question.

Bill Miller

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"Bill, are you satisfied that you have done all that is necessary to be more specific when I requested that you do so??? rather than quote drivel from Dictionary.com"

Duncan MacRae

I believe that I have done enough to realize that there are facts to consider that never made it into your rush to judgment. Ignoring relevant data and merely being another idiot who merely draws lines on a wall is not research or something that I want to be known for.

Bill Miller

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If you prefer to be the man who is known for using photographs from a completely different angle than Moorman and using red arrows poiinting to a man at a different location than the Moorman Arnold to make your point that Gordon Arnold is real in Moorman, then so be it.

Have a great Christmas day.

Duncan MacRae

Thanks, Duncan ... I know that those who understand the relevance of it all will appreciate it.

Bill Miller

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