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India Year Book

Sumir Sharma

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I desire to introduce the forum to one of the important source of information on India from post colonial period.

It can be accessed at the following link.

India Year Book 2008, Publications Division of India.

I am sure that it will satisfy the need of the members who may like to teach or prepare lessons about the India for the period after 1947. It is published by Publications Division, Ministry of Information and Boradcasting, Government of India. It is in pdf format and spread over 1186 pages. It is the most authentic source of reference on different aspects of Republic of India as it has developed after 1947.

The book is available in India for Rs. 300 in paperback form, which roughly comes out to be three to four pounds if we take one Sterling Pound equalent to Rs 80. However, from the link, anyone can obtain the book. One download can be useful for next two to three years.



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It seems that there is some dissatisfaction with the contents of the above post. Kindly ask some thing specific.

I must substantiate that the India Year Book is published by Publication Division. It is a department of the Information and Broadcasting Ministry of India which is a Central government ministry. The book contains the details about the policy decisions of all the government of India departments. It also gives a detailed statistics of the previous years. No doubt, it is not an history book but it is definitely an authentic source of information about India. On the other hand it can be good source on social and economic developments in India.

I had seen some teachers writing and discussing about the history of India. They had been discussing the ICT resources as well making some websites about the specific events. I understand that there are topics about the post colonial period also. For that purpose, I had suggested this source which is now available online free of cost.

I take this opportunity to share that Year Book 2010 is also available. I must add that the book is in pdf and by clicking on the link you are asked to save the whole file on your computer. It is a reliable source and there are no cause of fear of any damage to the user's device on downloading. The site is maintained by NIC that is National Informatics Centre which can be accessed at www.indiaimage.nic.in. The url of Publication Division is http://www.publicationsdivision.nic.in/.

I am looking forward to your comments.

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