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The Houma Arms Cache Raid Revisited

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For my money, if it was just Schlumberger, one can make a case that it might have been either CIA or something more innocent, like oil company explosives, notwithstanding some type of CIA contact with the company.

But if it was Interarmco, that waves a flag for me. If so, it's hard to see it as innocent.

On the other hand, God bless Novel, but from my own contact, I take what he says with great caution.


I take what both Novel says and La Fontaine's say with a grain of salt.

I also believe the internal CIA memos that Novel was not CIA, and neither was the Houma bunker material.

But I certainly didn't make up the fact that it has been reported in more than one place that the boxes taken from Houma bunker were stamped "INTERARMCO" and "SCHLUMBERGER," both of which would make sense, and leads worth pursing.




You showed us in an earlier post (#44) that Gordon Novel told the police in Louisiana that the boxes from the Houma "bunker" were marked "INTERARMCO."

More recently you've said, "... it has been reported in more than one place that the boxes taken from the Houma bunker were stamped "INTERARMCO" and "Schlumberger..."

Question: Who else besides Novel said that the boxes had INTERARMCO markings on them? (Or did you mean that more than one place reported that Novel said that?)

Thank you,

--Tommy :sun

PS Do you agree with Tom Purvis that the "arms" that were stolen from the Houma shed consisted solely of explosives (and detonators and fuses, etc) used by the oil drilling industry in seismic testing, or do you think it included stuff like guns and ammo ?

(In post #41 you wrote, "Some of the boxes of arms, ammo and explosives removed from the Houma bunker bore the stamps INTERARMCO and SCHLUMBERGER.")

Edited by Thomas Graves
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Well after considerable study of INTERARMCO I think its safe to say if the boxes had their markings, they contained weapons and not explosives.

And it is verifiable that the CIA continued to that company as a source for deniable weapons through 1964 in Cuban exile activities...

It is worth noting that on other and earlier operations, as in "Archipelago" in Indonesia, when crates of weapons with their markings turned up, Cummings told

the press that he had nothing to do with the Agency so they much have been using his company as a type of cover....shows the man had a sense of humor.

-- Larry

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Well after considerable study of INTERARMCO I think its safe to say if the boxes had their markings, they contained weapons and not explosives.

And it is verifiable that the CIA continued to that company as a source for deniable weapons through 1964 in Cuban exile activities...

It is worth noting that on other and earlier operations, as in "Archipelago" in Indonesia, when crates of weapons with their markings turned up, Cummings told

the press that he had nothing to do with the Agency so they much have been using his company as a type of cover....shows the man had a sense of humor.

-- Larry


My question was whether or not Gordon Novel was the only person to claim that Interarmco markings were on the boxes stolen from the Houma "bunker."

--Tommy :sun

Edited by Thomas Graves
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