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The Houma Arms Cache Raid Revisited

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What laundry truck...the one at Elm and Houston?


Thanks to Stephen Roy for the info on the arms cache being moved to Florida.

And Jack, I only repeated someone else's reference to a laundry truck at Dealey Plaza.

Do you know of any photos of it?

The one used in the Houma Arms Cache raid had Louisiana license tags.

Jack Ruby's brother also owned a commercial laundry.



Here is the Laundry truck in Altgen's 5, referenced by Jack.......

B.. B)

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What laundry truck...the one at Elm and Houston?


Thanks to Stephen Roy for the info on the arms cache being moved to Florida.

And Jack, I only repeated someone else's reference to a laundry truck at Dealey Plaza.

Do you know of any photos of it?

The one used in the Houma Arms Cache raid had Louisiana license tags.

Jack Ruby's brother also owned a commercial laundry.


Without digging out the various statements of Carlos Crusto Quiroga, I recall him stating that he had decided in about September 1961 to become active in New Orleans anti-Castro activity, and I THINK he went to the FBI, and they pointed him toward Arcacha's FRD. One of his first acts was to take the Houma arms to Miami in a U-Haul. He said he heard that the people there were not impressed with the arms. Quiroga became fairly close to Arcacha, but within several weeks, Ferrie dropped out (allegedly due to bad vibes over his morals arrests) and Arcacha was removed as FRD (then being absorbed by the CRC) head. At least, that's the way those characters told it.

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What laundry truck...the one at Elm and Houston?


Thanks to Stephen Roy for the info on the arms cache being moved to Florida.

And Jack, I only repeated someone else's reference to a laundry truck at Dealey Plaza.

Do you know of any photos of it?

The one used in the Houma Arms Cache raid had Louisiana license tags.

Jack Ruby's brother also owned a commercial laundry.



Here is the Laundry truck in Altgen's 5, referenced by Jack.......

B.. B)

Hey B. Thanks for that.

It's obviously a laundry truck at DP.

Are there any other photos that show the license plate?

If so, perhaps it could be nailed down closer.


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What laundry truck...the one at Elm and Houston?


Thanks to Stephen Roy for the info on the arms cache being moved to Florida.

And Jack, I only repeated someone else's reference to a laundry truck at Dealey Plaza.

Do you know of any photos of it?

The one used in the Houma Arms Cache raid had Louisiana license tags.

Jack Ruby's brother also owned a commercial laundry.



Here is the Laundry truck in Altgen's 5, referenced by Jack.......

B.. B)

Hey B. Thanks for that.

It's obviously a laundry truck at DP.

Are there any other photos that show the license plate?

If so, perhaps it could be nailed down closer.


Hi Bill :

Your welcome,

That is the last clear photo, I do believe until, we see the next frontal photo of Altgens the 6, after he has been hit...

and none that I have ever seen as a frontal photo, of that corner of Houston and Elm....showing the truck again...

I wish....


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John, What is that drawing?

Who is James Branum?

And what does it have to do with the Houma Arms Cache again?



William, I dont know who JB was/is. Thats why i asked.

And why is it hidden at the end of Buellers stuff?

add: TY Bernice

attachment Q.jpg

Edited by John Dolva
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John, What is that drawing?

Who is James Branum?

And what does it have to do with the Houma Arms Cache again?



William, I dont know who JB was/is. Thats why i asked.

And why is it hidden at the end of Buellers stuff?

add: TY Bernice

attachment Q.jpg


What is that again?

Whose Bueller?

And what's the photo of?



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The Houma Bunker Raid Revisited - By William Kelly

The Houma, La. bunker raid of the Schlumbuger Wells Company munitions and arms cache, which took place in the late summer of 1961, included participants who later became entwined in the New Orleans aspects of the assassination of President Kennedy.

The owner of the Schlumberger company, Jean DeMenil, was also a close associate of those in the Texas White Russian community who assisted the accused assassin Lee Harvey Oswald, when he returned from the Soviet Union with his Russian wife and child.

There are a number of covert operations that are related to what happened at Dealey Plaza, but the Houma Bunker Raid is one of the best documented and worthy of further study on a number of levels.

The exact date of the raid has never been established, and it has been published as being in July, August and September, 1961, with Garrison’s Grand Jury investigation saying it occurred “on or around August 22, 1961,” some four months after the Bay of Pigs.

The munitions and arms taken in the raid were originally said to be destined for the Bay of Pigs, or to be used in the OAS revolt of the French Generals against DeGaul. When they weren’t used in either event, they were taken to the New Orleans offices of Guy Bannister at 544 Camp Street, which was used by Lee Harvey Oswald in his Fair Play for Cuba Committee activities in the summer of 1963, and to the Lake Pontchartrain anti-Castro Cuban training camp owned by William McClaney, which was raided by the FBI in July, 1963.

There has been the question as to whether some of these arms and ammunition were part of the Venezuelan Arms Cache, a Northwoods operation, or used in the attack on Gen. Walker, the assassination of the President or the murder of Dallas policeman J.D. Tippit, since the source of the ammunition in those incidents were never determined.

The Houma bunker raid has been the subject of a New Orleans Grand Jury and a libel case brought on by Gordon Novel, and is frequently mentioned in JFK assassination books and articles, including Jim Garrison’s Playboy interview, and is featured in Oliver Stone’s film JFK.

The participants in the raid included David Ferrie, Sergio Aracha Smith, Rancier Blaise Ehlinger, Carlos Quiroga, Layton Martins, Luis Rabel Nunez, Gordon Novel, Novel’s wife Marlene Mancuso and Andrew Blackmon, an ex-Marine who carried around a bolt action rifle that he frequently cocked and dry fired for fun.

Leaving from and returning to David Ferrie’s apartment at night, they traveled in two vehicles, Gordon Novel’s 1959 Lincoln, which he drove, and a laundry truck, which Layton Martins reportedly drove.

Luis Rabel Nunes owned the laundry truck used in the raid that was also used by the Catholic Church to assist Cuban refugees, and resembles a truck said to be seen at Dealey Plaza at the time of the assassination.

Luis Rabel Nunez and his brother Capt. Jose Ricardo Rabel Nunez, of the Cuban military, were childhood friends and neighbors of Fidel Castro. Capt. Jose Rabel was well positioned in the Cuban military before he defected and was used by the CIA to identify other disenchanted military officers who could be used in a coup in Cuba, if such a contingency plan developed.

It’s not clear how Luis’ laundry truck was used by the Church for the Cuban Refugees, but Luis was succeeded as head of the New Orleans Cuban Revolutionary Council by Frank Bartes, who owned a Cuban railroad before it was confiscated by Castro, and he ran a Washateria in New Orleans.

A. J. Weberman wrote, “…in a telephone interview Luis Rabel denied he met David Ferrie or Guy Banister, but said he knew Sergio Arcacha Smith. Regarding the burglary, "Well, I used to run a dry cleaners, and I had a truck that I used to loan to about 40 or 50 exiles here. Arcacha asked me to loan him the truck to move some furniture. Whether the truck was used to move anything other than furniture is beyond me."

Well, one thing they used the truck for was to move the munitions from the Houma bunker to Ferrie’s apartment, Bannister’s offices in New Orleans and the Lake Pontchartrain training camp.

According to a CIA memo, the Houma bunker was NOT used to store CIA supplies at all, though they do acknowledge using the Schulmberger Company, whose board of directors today include former CIA head John Deutch and former 9/11 Commissioner Jamie Gorlick.

The same CIA memo that denies the Houma bunker was used to store CIA supplies also acknowledges that the CIA did operate an anti-Castro Cuban training camp in Louisiana that included a munitions supply cache, which was connected to CIA spymaster David Atlee Phillips.

There was some confusion as to whether it was a burglary at all, as Garrison contended in persuading the grand jury to subpoena and indict Sergio Aracha Smith and Gordon Novel, both of whom fled the state rather than testify. Some of the participants claimed they were given a key to the bunker by a CIA contact, while others testified that burglary tools were used to break into the bunker, which was suppose to be used for securing munitions and blasting caps used in drilling oil wells.

The cases the arms were stored in were said to be labeled either “SCHULMBERGER” or “INTERARMCO,” the company owned by Sam Cummings, the Philadelphia arms merchant who supplied the guns for many a revolution in South and Central America.

On the return trip back to Ferrie’s apartment, some of the participants fell asleep, but were awaken by the explosion of some dynamite that was apparently thrown from the truck by Jerome Andrew Blackmon, the ex-Marine who liked to play with guns.

The most serious connection to the assassination of President Kennedy is Jean DeMenil, the owner of Schlumberger, who lived in Houston and was known for his art collection, and was part of the network of White Russians who befriended Oswald when he returned from the Soviet Union.

While the Catholic Relief Services in Dallas also assisted the Cuban refugees, it was the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia that was the center of the social and religious life of the White Russian community. Both the Catholic Cuban Refuge society and the White Russian Church were financially supported by the CIA through the Catherwood Fund of Philadelphia.

Gus Russo, of course, puts his false spin on the whole episode, trying to pin the blame on RFK, as he does for Dealey Plaza as well, but his version is included here too for you to judge.

The Garrison Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy

By William W. Turner Ramparts Magazine, January, 1968

….A man who knew Banister well has told Garrison that Bannister became associated with the Office of Naval Intelligence through the recommendation of Guy Johnson, an ONI reserve officer and the first attorney for Clay Shaw when he was arrested by Garrison.

A copyrighted story in the New Orleans States-Item, April 25, 1967, further illuminates the Camp Street scene. The newspaper, which at the time had an investigative team working parallel to the Garrison probe, reported that a reliable source close to Banister said he had seen 50 to 100 boxes marked "Schlumberger" in Banister's office-storeroom early in 1961 before the Bay of Pigs. The boxes contained rifle grenades, land mines and unique "little missiles." Banister explained that "the stuff would just be there overnight ... a bunch of fellows connected with the Cuban deal asked to leave it there overnight." It was all right, assured Banister, "I have approval from somebody."

The "somebody," one can surmise from the Gordon Novel episode which follows, was the CIA. Novel is wanted by the DA as a material witness in the 1961 burglary of the Schlumberger Well Co. munitions dump near New Orleans. Subpoenaed by the grand jury last March, Novel fled to McLean, Virginia, next door to the CIA complex at Langley, and took a lie detector test administered by a former Army intelligence officer which, he boasted to the press, proved Garrison's probe was a fraud. He then skipped first to Montreal and then to Columbus, Ohio, from where Governor James Rhodes, in one of the most absurd stipulations ever attached to a normally routine procedure, refuses to extradite him unless Garrison agrees not to question him on the assassination.

From his Ohio sanctuary the fugitive cryptically asserted that the munitions caper was one of "the most patriotic burglaries in history." When an enterprising reporter took him to a marathon party, Novel's indiscreet tongue loosened further. According to the States-Item article, Novel's oft-repeated account was that the munitions bunker was a CIA staging point for war materiel destined for use in the impending Bay of Pigs invasion. He is quoted as saying that on the day the munitions were picked up, he "was called by his CIA contact and told to join a group which was ordered to transport munitions from the bunker to New Orleans." The key to the bunker was provided by his CIA contact. Novel reportedly said the others in the CIA group at the bunker were David Ferrie, Sergio Arcacha Smith -- New Orleans delegate to the Cuban Democratic Revolutionary Front -- and several Cubans. The munitions, according to his account, were dropped in Novel's office, Ferrie's home and Banister's office-storeroom………

From JFK The Book of the Film by Oliver Stone, Zachary Sklar :

Ferrie, banister and several anti-Castro activists were implicated in a late 1961 Raid on a munitions bunker leased by Schlumberger Wells services in Houma, Louisiana. [HSCA X. p. 127; Flammonde, The Kennedy Conspiracy, p. 118-9; New Orleans States-Item, Apr. 25, 1967; Brener, the Garrison Case; A Study in Abuse of Power, p. 48-9] Some of the material taken in the Houma raid resurfaced on August 1, 1963 when the FBI raided the arms cache at the Cuban exile training camp on Lake Pontchartrain.

Garrison alleged that the Houma raid was organized by the CIA to procure weapons for the local anti-Castro forces – making the Houma outing more of a simple “pick-up” than a “raid” (the HSCA maintained that the arms were “stolen,” avoiding the issue of CIA involvement). There are strong indications that Garrison was right. New Orleans attorney Milton E. Brener represented some of the individuals implicated in the raid and writes: “it appears clear that the Schlumberger Wells bunker was serving that night as a transfer point for explosives with the acquiescence of its management and with officials of the United States Government, including, presumably , the Central Intelligence Agency.” [brener, The Garrison Case: A Study in the Abuse of Power, p. 48-49]. When reached by telephone, Brener said his information on the raid was subject to attorney-client privilege and would not discuss his sources.”

Gus Russo, Live by the Sword, p. 150-151 :

The Houma Weapons Transfer

According to the CIA’s own documents and its own admissions, one of the firms that co-operated with the CIA in its preparations to wage secret war against Castro’s recently-declared Marxist government was Schlumberger Wells Services Company. In fact, a 1967 CIA memo released in 1992 confirms that its Domestic Contact Service (DCS) “has discreet and continuing contact with the main Schlumberger office in Houston and branch offices in Minneapolis and elsewhere.” 82

Located in the little town of Houma, deep in the Mississippi River delta, and 50 miles southwest of New Orleans, Schlumberger served as a small arms depot for the CIA. It permitted a bunker leased for storing blasting supplies to be used as a cache for ammunition, bomb casings and other military items, some of which were shipped abroad – presumably to CIA staging areas in Guatemala or areas elsewhere within striking distance of Cuba. The arms were shipped in crates bearing the markings “Schlumberger” and “machinery.” Other weapons were earmarked for rebels in the French West Indies, but were never shipped. Some of the weaponry was to have been used in the Bay of Pigs invasion. The government’s fumbling of the invasion upset the firm, which subsequently decided to terminate its contract with the CIA. 83.

According to Guy Banister’s attorney, Guy Johnson, Banister learned that some of the munitions remained at the Houma depot after the invasion. He thought that they should be put to use in the post Bay of Pigs anti-Castro effort. Even the straight-laced FBI man, Banister wanted to finesse the issue legally.

“Banister went to Washington, and saw a high official in the Justice Department,” says Johnson. “Presumably it was RFK.” 84. At this time, FBI agent Regis Kennedy – who had no blood relationship to the Kennedys in Washington – made one of his regular appearances in Banister’s office. 85 According to Banister associate Jack Martin, “It was about this time that he ‘letters of marque’ and keys showed up.”

A “Letter-Marque” is a legal device, generated by a high federal authority, that hasn’t been employed since the time of Thomas Jefferson. Its purpose is to give legal license to someone who is about to commit a quasi-legal action. More importantly, it prevents prosecution should the person be apprehended by local authorities. Jack Martin recalled some of the wording of the alleged letter: “You are hereby directed to seize munitions or arms, the property of a foreign government, that are illegally located within the United States, using any and all means to do so.” 86

The Letter-Marque was on Justice Department stationary, signed by Robert Kennedy. It was allegedly observed by Jack Martin, Gordon Novel (who says he was involved in the Houma transfer), Guy Johnson, and Banister friend Kent Courtney. Banister and the local anti-Castro activists were thus given the go-ahead to “liberate” the weaponry.

When the weapons transfer was carried out that summer, it became clear that the CIA and the FBI were heavily involved. The transfer didn’t happen overnight; in fact, military supplies were confiscated over a period of three months. In preparation for the transfer, says Jack Martin, Guy Banister (his boss) telephoned M. E. Loy, manager of Schlumberger Well Services Company. The point of the call was to make sure that the FBI or CIA would supply keys to the bunker where the weapons were stored. On another, earlier trip, the work party came armed with a pair of wire cutters in place of the promised keys, which had not been delivered.

“It was a CIA operation,” says Aracha’s attorney, Frank Hernandez. “It was set up so that Schlumberger could report it (the weapons transfer) as a robbery, and be reimbursed by their insurance company. They went in at midnight and the material was waiting for them on a loading dock. We later verified that the CIA indeed reimbursed the insurance company.” 87

Layton Martins, participating in the transfer, remembers one of the trips to the bunker. For this excursion, keys to the depot were in hand and the munitions were delivered to the office of Guy Banister and Associates. “It seemed like there was a whole caravan there, led by David Ferrie,” says Martens. The young participant “didn’t know what the hell was going on,” except for having heard that the transfers were conducted by order of David Ferrie, who participated, and, by inference, under orders of Sergio Arcacha Smith. 88

Arcacha’s attorney, Frank Hernandez, has long believed that Arcacha participated personally in the weapons transfer, but Arcacha denies this. Martens supports Arcacha’s denial, saying, “I don’t remember Sergio there.” However, Arcacha did tell Ronnie Caire that on one occasion, Arcacha drove a truck-load of “plastic explosives” from Houma, Louisiana to New Orleans because no one else wanted to drive the truck.89 Arcacha’s good friend Carlos Quiroga also stated that he participated in the transfer with Banister, Ferrie, Arcacha, and a U.S. Marine named Andrew Blackmon. 90 He put the explosives in a U-Haul trailer to be sent to Miami, Quiroga says, but it stayed in New Orleans for a long time. 91

One of the accomplices in the transfer – unwitting, he insists – was Luis Rabel Nunes, who replaced Sergio Arcacha Smith as New Orleans head of the CRC in 1962. Rabel supplied a laundry truck with which the weapons were transported – but he, like DeLaBarre, didn’t quite know what was up. “I had a laundry truck I used to loan out to help re-settler Cuban refugees – just for humanitarian reasons,” Rabel recalled recently. “The Catholic Church asked us to help out. We also helped the refugees find jobs. In that effort, we had the backing of both Mayors – Mayor Morrison and Mayor Schiro – Dr. Ochsner, and FBI agent Warren De Brueys. It wasn’t until years later that I learned they had sometimes used the truck to transfer weapons.” 92 Rabel gave a bit more information in Congressional testimony: “As far as I knew, they took them (the crates of munitions) to Lake Ponchartrain.” 93 It will be seen that Lake Ponchartrain played host to exile training camps which operated in concert with a White House-backed anti-Castro invasion force training in Central America.



Rancier Blaise Ehlinger Grand Jury Testimony:


HSCA Mug Book 48. Marlene Mancuso photo




Luis Rabel Nunez, aka Luis Ravel, was the delegate of the Cuban Revolutionary Council in New Orleans from 1960 to 1961. Luis Rabel was the son of a native born American citizen and had been raised in comfortable circumstances, on a farm next to that of the father of Fidel Castro. He had known Fidel when both were children. When interviewed in 1977, Luis Rabel said that he had resigned and moved to Venezuela in October 1962, since the Cuban Revolutionary Council had turned out to be a "complete fiasco."Luis Rabel said the names HEMMING or Lawrence LaBorde did not ring any bells. When questioned in HUNT v. ajweberman, HUNT denied having known Luis Rabel.


Francisco Antonio Bates Clarens [CIA 201-289,005 also CIA 201-289,685], was the delegate of the Cuban Revolutionary Council in New Orleans from November 1962 to 1964. Frank Bartes succeeded Luis Rabel. Frank Bartes had been the president of a private railroad in pre-Castro Cuba. His firm, which employed thousands of workers and had assets of $100 million, was nationalized by Castro in 1960. When he came to the United States, he operated a New Orleans Washeteria from 1961 to 1963.


The CIA: "(Deleted) on Frank Bartes shows that he was an FBI informant (dates not given) and that his contact was with S.A. DeBRUEYS."


In September 1961 Gordon Novel took part in the burglary of a Schlumberger Well munitions bunker. He informed the FBI: " Schlumberger Well Service had an arrangement with the CIA wherein it leased a bunker in which ammunition, bomb casings and other materiel would be stored for the CIA. Eventually the materiel would be shipped out of the United States in Sclumberger boxes marked 'Machinery.' The explosives would then be shipped by boat to Cuba where they were going to be used in a diversionary operation during the Bay of Pigs invasion."

The CIA verified Gordon Novel's statement: "Novel has claimed to the press that the munitions from the bunker were to be used for a diversionary operation during the Bay of Pigs invasion. Agency officers familiar with the operation at the (deleted), have indicated that such a diversionary operation was based at (deleted), but that operation was canceled before a landing was made." Gordon Novel continued: "After the Bay of Pigs, Schlumber became upset and wanted out of its CIA contract; three months after the invasion, arrangements were made for the materiel stored in the bunker to be removed by Novel and his group. At the time the material was removed, an individual involved took some of Schlumberger's low grade powder and fuses and other material, and the incident was reported as a burglary." (Gordon Novel had a previous history of assembling bombs).

Gordon Novel said the crates of arms were stamped with the word INTERARMCO. [Police Record Jefferson Parish 1953; Memo Ivan/Garrison re: Novel rec. check; Flammonde Kennedy Conspiracy p76; Wardlaw Plot or Politics p113; New Orleans States-Item4.25.67; HUNT Day p182 CIA 1332-502, 1045] Gordon Novel reported that Andrew Jerome Blackman, David Ferrie, Sergio Arcacha Smith, and Luis Rabel were involved in the burglary…..

To comment on this story contact the author:


From John Hofle- Southern Strategy 2001

With Schlumberger came two important figures: Jean de Menil and his wife, Dominique Schlumberger de Menil. Jean, whose background had been deliberately muddied, was a Tsarist White Russian of some stature, who had fled Russia to avoid Communist reprisals, while Dominique was the daughter of company co-founder Conrad Schlumberger. As a top official of Schlumberger, Jean de Menil's responsibilities included the company's Ibero-American operations, while Dominique was a cultural and political warfare operative who founded the Rothko Chapel as a coordinating point for all sorts of unsavory operations, including terrorist networks involved in the assassination of Egyptian President Anwar Sadat.

While the full story of Schlumberger's intelligence remains the subject for further investigation, some aspects are already known. Jean de Menil, as documented in EIR's book Dope, Inc., was a member of the Solidarists, a group comprised of Eastern European and White Russian fascists and feudalists. Many of the Solidarists had been officials of ``quisling'' pro-Hitler governments during World War II. A leading component of the Solidarist movement was a highly professional espionage, sabotage, and assassination network called the Narodnyi Trudovoy Soyuz (NTS). The NTS had been founded by Menshevik circles in Russia in the 1920s, and functioned as one of British Intelligence's premier spy rings inside Russia. The principal Western financing conduit for the NTS and the Solidarist movement was the Tolstoy Foundation of New York, of which Jean de Menil was a director.

De Menil and Schlumberger were involved in helping to put Castro in power in Cuba, and later in attempts to overthrow him, in operations involving both the CIA and George Bush's Zapata Offshore oil company. More importantly, Jean de Menil was a key figure in Permindex, the corporate front for the assassins of John F. Kennedy and the numerous attempts on the life of French President Charles de Gaulle. Permindex was closely linked with British Intelligence's Special Operations Executive of Sir William Stephenson and Col. Louis Mortimer Bloomfield, and with the FBI's secret Division Five, headed by Bloomfield. Schlumberger's links with the intelligence community are also indicated by its close relationship to former CIA director George Bush, and the presence on its board today of former CIA director John Deutch. This is not to suggest that Schlumberger is a CIA ``front,'' however, but rather that Schlumberger is part of a much older oligarchic intelligence network, with tentacles into national intelligence agencies such as the CIA.


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William, Buell, not Bueller. Musta been thinking of something else. Buell Wesley Frazier.

(What is what again?)

I don't know what the photo's of, its probably just another one of those pixel things open to interpretation. Hence its nick ''q''. It's a crop from the van photo Bernice posted. I'll try to look at it from another computer later. Maybe its not as clear as here. There are features similar to a face there in the vans right top corner, (the vans, not the photo). Just checking to see if anyone else sees something there. Those kind of things are so iffy.

What interests me is who James Branum was and why the sketch was tacked on to Buells statement but not linked to. There are a few more unlinked to pages in the archive boxes to be found if iterating the last number in the link.

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William, Buell, not Bueller. Musta been thinking of something else. Buell Wesley Frazier.

(What is what again?)

I don't know what the photo's of, its probably just another one of those pixel things open to interpretation. Hence its nick ''q''. It's a crop from the van photo Bernice posted. I'll try to look at it from another computer later. Maybe its not as clear as here. There are features similar to a face there in the vans right top corner, (the vans, not the photo). Just checking to see if anyone else sees something there. Those kind of things are so iffy.

What interests me is who James Branum was and why the sketch was tacked on to Buells statement but not linked to. There are a few more unlinked to pages in the archive boxes to be found if iterating the last number in the link.

I think there's a lot to be gained from looking closely at Dealey Plaza photos, especially this one.

As far as I can tell, the lettering on the truck reads: CLEAN towels and linen service,

and appears that racks on the roof are overflowing with dirty towels and linen.

If there is a photo of the truck from the front or back, the license plate should be visible, and it might be able to be determined if it has Texas or La tags and maybe even read the license plate numbers.

Someone who was there at the time - might be able to identify the truck as being the one used by the New Orleans Catholic Welfare or somebody who knows about trucks could id the - make, model, year, etc.

Garrison should have gotten the details of both vehicles used in the Houma operation - the Lincoln and the laundry truck.

Thanks to Jack for pointing it out and for developing this line further,


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I think it might say ''CLEAN towel & linen service inc''

attachment cleanvan.jpg

Edited by John Dolva
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I think it might say ''CLEAN towel & linen service inc''

attachment cleanvan.jpg

Hey John,

What a neat photo.

Clean Towel & Linen Inc. indeed.

There are none in New Orleans today, but one in Houston, who are older than 25 years.


Business Information

This company profile is for the private company Clean Towel Service, Inc , located in Houston, TX. Houston Linen Service's line of business is linen supply services.

Company Name: Clean Towel Service, IncIs This Your Company?

Address: 5743 Wigton Dr, Houston, TX 77096-4822 (Map)

Alt Business Name: Houston Linen Service. Location Type: Single Location. Est. Annual Sales: $2300000. Est. # of Employees: 62. Est. Empl. at Loc.: 62. Year Started: 1990. State of Incorp: TX. SIC #Code: 7213. Contact's Name: Joel Chess ... Other Manta.com users are then invited to view and answer your question. ...

www.manta.com/coms2/dnbcompany_fn9l2r - 42k - Cached - Similar pages -

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It used to be, back in the good old days, that original research was rewarded by contributions by James Richards, who would have supplied a photo of participants, and I had hoped that Linda Miner would have chipped in with some interesting details of DeMenil's social background along with his wife and their art collection, and whether it was part of the art added to the walls of the Ft. Worth Hotel where JFK spent his last night.

And others, with access to news archives that I don't, would give up articles from remote sites on the people under discussion, but today, I don't blame them for not wanting to contribute, and be insulted and stepped on by the ignorant fanatics who have taken over this forum.

I guess Rich Della Rosa and Charles were right, and you can't conduct real research on an open forum because all you do is attract the idiots like bugs to a fire.


It used to be, back in the good old days, that original research was rewarded

Actually! It used to be, back in the good old days, that anyone who wrote completely erroneous articles which were filled with hearsay; half-truths; innuendo; pure speculation; out-and-out lies; and complete BS lack of research, were laughed at by all within the academic community.


William E. Kelly, Jr. was born in 1951, the son of a Camden, New Jersey, USA homicide detective. He majored in history at the University of Dayton, Ohio, School of Education, where he did his thesis on the Bay of Pigs. After graduation he taught history and became a freelance journalist and author of regional history books "300 Years at the Point" and "Birth of the Birdie


Which certainly tells one much about the US Educational System as compared with why the UK actually requires one to learn "History" prior to being classified as an "Histoy Major".

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It used to be, back in the good old days, that original research was rewarded by contributions by James Richards, who would have supplied a photo of participants, and I had hoped that Linda Miner would have chipped in with some interesting details of DeMenil's social background along with his wife and their art collection, and whether it was part of the art added to the walls of the Ft. Worth Hotel where JFK spent his last night.

And others, with access to news archives that I don't, would give up articles from remote sites on the people under discussion, but today, I don't blame them for not wanting to contribute, and be insulted and stepped on by the ignorant fanatics who have taken over this forum.

I guess Rich Della Rosa and Charles were right, and you can't conduct real research on an open forum because all you do is attract the idiots like bugs to a fire.


It used to be, back in the good old days, that original research was rewarded



Actually! It used to be, back in the good old days, that anyone who wrote completely erroneous articles which were filled with hearsay; half-truths; innuendo; pure speculation; out-and-out lies; and complete BS lack of research, were laughed at by all within the academic community.




William E. Kelly, Jr. was born in 1951, the son of a Camden, New Jersey, USA homicide detective. He majored in history at the University of Dayton, Ohio, School of Education, where he did his thesis on the Bay of Pigs. After graduation he taught history and became a freelance journalist and author of regional history books "300 Years at the Point" and "Birth of the Birdie


Which certainly tells one much about the US Educational System as compared with why the UK actually requires one to learn "History" prior to being classified as an "Histoy Major".

Tom: "who wrote completely erroneous articles which were filled with hearsay; half-truths; innuendo; pure speculation; out and out lies; and complete BS lack of research,"

Are you talking about me, Tom?

Even though you haven't read either one of my books you are critical of them?

Why are you attacking me? Have you been bitten by JB's rabbies?

And you cut off my sentence - research rewarded by contributions from others, like photos from JR and deep background by Linda Minor? Why wasn't that relevant? Where are they?

You apparently know all the answers but makes it game, and JB who "solved the assassination five years before it happened," are really confident that you have it all figured out.

Well I don't know the answers, and I take exception to your mis-characterization of my work.

And you are the one who has responded to my articles posted on the training camps and Houma bunker?

Why bother, if my work is irrelevant?

You certainly haven't straightened anything out by refering to Fonzi's report on the MDC.

You don't have to respond to my posts, but don't call me a xxxx and everything else under the sun to insult me without reason.


Bill Kelly


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It used to be, back in the good old days, that original research was rewarded by contributions by James Richards, who would have supplied a photo of participants, and I had hoped that Linda Miner would have chipped in with some interesting details of DeMenil's social background along with his wife and their art collection, and whether it was part of the art added to the walls of the Ft. Worth Hotel where JFK spent his last night.

And others, with access to news archives that I don't, would give up articles from remote sites on the people under discussion, but today, I don't blame them for not wanting to contribute, and be insulted and stepped on by the ignorant fanatics who have taken over this forum.

I guess Rich Della Rosa and Charles were right, and you can't conduct real research on an open forum because all you do is attract the idiots like bugs to a fire.


It used to be, back in the good old days, that original research was rewarded



Actually! It used to be, back in the good old days, that anyone who wrote completely erroneous articles which were filled with hearsay; half-truths; innuendo; pure speculation; out-and-out lies; and complete BS lack of research, were laughed at by all within the academic community.




William E. Kelly, Jr. was born in 1951, the son of a Camden, New Jersey, USA homicide detective. He majored in history at the University of Dayton, Ohio, School of Education, where he did his thesis on the Bay of Pigs. After graduation he taught history and became a freelance journalist and author of regional history books "300 Years at the Point" and "Birth of the Birdie


Which certainly tells one much about the US Educational System as compared with why the UK actually requires one to learn "History" prior to being classified as an "Histoy Major".

Tom: "who wrote completely erroneous articles which were filled with hearsay; half-truths; innuendo; pure speculation; out and out lies; and complete BS lack of research,"

Are you talking about me, Tom?

Even though you haven't read either one of my books you are critical of them?

Why are you attacking me? Have you been bitten by JB's rabbies?

And you cut off my sentence - research rewarded by contributions from others, like photos from JR and deep background by Linda Minor? Why wasn't that relevant? Where are they?

You apparently know all the answers but makes it game, and JB who "solved the assassination five years before it happened," are really confident that you have it all figured out.

Well I don't know the answers, and I take exception to your mis-characterization of my work.

And you are the one who has responded to my articles posted on the training camps and Houma bunker?

Why bother, if my work is irrelevant?

You certainly haven't straightened anything out by refering to Fonzi's report on the MDC.

You don't have to respond to my posts, but don't call me a xxxx and everything else under the sun to insult me without reason.


Bill Kelly


The munitions and arms taken in the raid were originally said to be destined for the Bay of Pigs, or to be used in the OAS revolt of the French Generals against DeGaul.


Who "said" that? LeRoy? BoBo? Jethro? There exists absolutely ZERO evidence that the seismographic mapping charges which were stolen from the Schulmber Well Service SHED at the old Blimp Field in Houma, have any relationship to the Bay of Pigs and/or any supposed revolt of the French.

Sounds good in writing, but nevertheless remains as pure hearsay BS.

When they weren’t used in either event, they were taken to the New Orleans offices of Guy Bannister at 544 Camp Street,

In that regard, one witness stated that he later observed some of the charges in Bannister's office.

which was used by Lee Harvey Oswald in his Fair Play for Cuba Committee activities in the summer of 1963, and to the Lake Pontchartrain anti-Castro Cuban training camp owned by William McClaney, which was raided by the FBI in July, 1963.

There exists absolutely ZERO factual evidence that LHO ever set foot in the office of Guy Bannister at 544 Camp Street.

There exists absolutely ZERO factual evidence that LHO had any relationship with the LaCombe/Lake Ponchatrain training in which the FBI raided the training facilities and camp in July of 1963.

There exists absolutely ZERO factual evidence that any of the Schlumber Well Service seismographic mapping charges which were stolen from the Houma Blimp Field in 1961, ended up at the LaCombe/Lake Ponchatrain training which was conducted and raided in July of 1963.

In fact, to the contrary, virtually all of the munitions (explosives) which were confiscated by the FBI during the July 31, 1963 raid on the LaCombe/Lake Ponchatrain training facilities, was traced directly back to the manufacture who had sold the explosives to Richard Lauchli.

Lauchli, was a known "arms/munitions" dealer who appears to have totally supplied the LaCombe/Lake Ponchatrain 1963 operation.

There has been the question as to whether some of these arms and ammunition were part of the Venezuelan Arms Cache, a Northwoods operation, or used in the attack on Gen. Walker, the assassination of the President or the murder of Dallas policeman J.D. Tippit, since the source of the ammunition in those incidents were never determined.

So! Who asked those questions! LeRoy? BoBo? Jethro?

Last time that I checked, General Walker was shot at. No one of my knowledge chunked a small explosive charge at him, and since that was the only thing taken in the "GREAT" Houma arms raid, I am certain that inquiring minds would be highly interested in exactly who keeps asking these stupid questions.

Well, one thing they used the truck for was to move the munitions from the Houma bunker to Ferrie’s apartment, Bannister’s offices in New Orleans and the Lake Pontchartrain training camp.

At best, this would be 66 2/3 correct! Which still happens to be a failing grade in most academic institutions.

Who told you that the truck carried some of these seismographic mapping charges to Bannister's office?

And, even more importantly, who told you that charges were than taken to the LaCombe/Lake Ponchatrain training area some almost three years later??

Surely not LeRoy; BoBo; and Jethro again!

Did they tell you exactly what filing cabinet Garrison kept this stuff laying around in for some 2 1/2 years???

The same CIA memo that denies the Houma bunker was used to store CIA supplies also acknowledges that the CIA did operate an anti-Castro Cuban training camp in Louisiana that included a munitions supply cache, which was connected to CIA spymaster David Atlee Phillips.

Yeah, it did! And, had you bothered to read the memo and then look at a map (minimal research) then you would have found that the CIA training facility was located just outside New Orleans (about 8 miles away) at the old Naval Ammunition Storage Facility, while the Houma Blimp Fieldj (where the seismographich mapping charges were stolen from a SHED) was located some 45 miles south of New Orleans.

There was some confusion as to whether it was a burglary at all, as Garrison contended in persuading the grand jury to subpoena and indict Sergio Aracha Smith and Gordon Novel, both of whom fled the state rather than testify. Some of the participants claimed they were given a key to the bunker by a CIA contact, while others testified that burglary tools were used to break into the bunker, which was suppose to be used for securing munitions and blasting caps used in drilling oil wells.

Well, lets see if we can figure this out!

They drove down to the old Houma Blimp Field which was leased out to a variety of private enterprises, they broke into a SHED which contained materials belonging the the Schlumber Well Service Company, they took the personal property of Schlujberger Well Service Company, IE: several crates of seismographic mapping charges, to include blasting caps and fuse, and then they left with these materials.

LeRoy; BoBo; and Jethro may be dumb, but betcha that they can tell you what that constitutes.


which was suppose to be used for securing munitions and blasting caps used in drilling oil wells.

Even as dumb as they may be, LeRoy; BoBo; and Jethro are aware that one does not drill for oil utilizing explosive chages.

Unless of course one is dumber than LeRoy; BoBo; and Jethro, combined.

The cases the arms were stored in were said to be labeled either “SCHULMBERGER” or “INTERARMCO,” the company owned by Sam Cummings, the Philadelphia arms merchant who supplied the guns for many a revolution in South and Central America.

Again, exactly "WHO" was it that said that? LeRoy; BoBo; and Jethro have denied it.

Personally, I was totally unaware of any activities in which INTERARMCO became involved in providing the specialized (small) explosive charges which are utilized in seismographic mapping.


Enough of this!

Bill, this is one of the singularly most ill-researched documents to ever hit print in regards to what is in fact mostly simple, but is also relatively easiy to research the facts of.

To call this the "Educational Forum" and allow such garbage to go unchallanged would be an insult to those who are in fact attempting to ascertain factual information relative to the assassination of jFK; LHO; and those activities in New Orleans during the period of early 1961 through the latter part of 1963.

It is a direct result of such writings that few of any worth will pay any attention to anything stated on the assassination of JFK, and it is the continuation of such pure BS that will keep anyone from paying sufficient heed to anything factual which could/may lead to the US Government finally disclosing all in this matter.

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