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The Guardian's series on the 2009 Bilderberg meeting

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The article below is from Gary North’s Specific Answers website. Gary North’s invaluable website, subscription based, has provided me with countless insights into how the real world works, not only in the realm of finance and business but in other key areas as well.


May 30, 2009

Charlie Skelton was assigned by the Guardian to cover the 2009 meeting in Greece. At first, he did not take it seriously. After run-ins with the Greece police for daring to try to cover the meeting, he finally figured out what and whom he was dealing with. They have power. He has none. It miffed him.

I have never read anything like this in the mainstream press -- not in 40 years of reading.

Spend an hour reading this series. It could change your outlook permanently -- or reconfirm it.

Start with the oldest first (bottom-up).


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The article below is from Gary North’s Specific Answers website. Gary North’s invaluable website, subscription based, has provided me with countless insights into how the real world works, not only in the realm of finance and business but in other key areas as well.


May 30, 2009

Charlie Skelton was assigned by the Guardian to cover the 2009 meeting in Greece. At first, he did not take it seriously. After run-ins with the Greece police for daring to try to cover the meeting, he finally figured out what and whom he was dealing with. They have power. He has none. It miffed him.

I have never read anything like this in the mainstream press -- not in 40 years of reading.

Spend an hour reading this series. It could change your outlook permanently -- or reconfirm it.

Start with the oldest first (bottom-up).


Thanks, Douglas.

This was well worth the read.

The secrecy and security surrounding the Bilderburg Group throwdowns lends credence to its (well-denied) significance.

It's the elite being kind enough to set the global agenda for the unwashed masses for the ensuing year.

What are the identity cards he refers to in the article?

Is Great Britain trying to impose a national id card system?

Perhaps to assist law enforcement with its warrentless stops and searches?

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I’m not sure what you think the series proves though the authors tone changed a bit it was satirical till the end. Take for example the following from the last essay

“Only out of sheer desperation did I try to arrest one of the goons following me and then follow my flimsy leads up the Greek police ladder, finally catching one of the goons wet-handed in the lavatory of the department of government security. And only then did I know the extent of Bilderberg's paranoia: they had set the state police on me.

So who is the paranoid one? Me, hiding in stairwells, watching the pavement behind me in shop windows, staying in the open for safety? Or Bilderberg, with its two F-16s, circling helicopters, machine guns, navy commandos and policy of repeatedly detaining and harassing a handful of journalists? Who's the nutter? Me or Baron Mandelson? Me or Paul Volker, the head of Obama's economic advisory board? Me or the president of Coca-Cola?

It makes me want to spit, the absurdity of it: the cost, not just in Greek tax euros, but on my peace of mind, of having (conservatively) a dozen Jack Bauers assigned to tailing me. I hope the operation at least had a cool name: Operation Catastrophic Overreaction, perhaps”

He still shows no signs of thinking Baron Mandelson, Paul Volker and “the president of Coca-Cola” et al are plotting world domination but rather is making a point about to use his own words the security forces’ “Catastrophic Overreaction”.

he has a point as Christopher points such secrecy fuels speculation. But then again he was poking around uninvited and apparently with no press credentials at a meeting of large number of VIVIP’s in a city and country that had been rocked by violent riots and sporadic attacks from extremists groups 4 – 5 months earlier in a world still jittery from 9/11, 3/11, 7/7 etc.

He is very funny but made his intent clear at the end of his first article from the day before the meeting started “Charlie Skelton will be filing regular updates from Athens until he is arrested by shadowy figures in dark glasses”

I’m surprised you’re into Gary North an extremist proponent of Austrian School economics and an almost Taliban style Christian theocracy where women who get abortions, people who help them, children who curse their parents and homosexuals would be stoned to death.


Oddly you also said you admire Lyndon Larouche whose economics are almost the polar opposite of North’s but shares his hated of gays. I find it odd that an openly gay man would be a fan of gay bashing extremists, how many Jews do you think support David Duke? or Blacks support Jared Taylor?

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I’m not sure what you think the series proves though the authors tone changed a bit it was satirical till the end. Take for example the following from the last essay

“Only out of sheer desperation did I try to arrest one of the goons following me and then follow my flimsy leads up the Greek police ladder, finally catching one of the goons wet-handed in the lavatory of the department of government security. And only then did I know the extent of Bilderberg's paranoia: they had set the state police on me.

So who is the paranoid one? Me, hiding in stairwells, watching the pavement behind me in shop windows, staying in the open for safety? Or Bilderberg, with its two F-16s, circling helicopters, machine guns, navy commandos and policy of repeatedly detaining and harassing a handful of journalists? Who's the nutter? Me or Baron Mandelson? Me or Paul Volker, the head of Obama's economic advisory board? Me or the president of Coca-Cola?

It makes me want to spit, the absurdity of it: the cost, not just in Greek tax euros, but on my peace of mind, of having (conservatively) a dozen Jack Bauers assigned to tailing me. I hope the operation at least had a cool name: Operation Catastrophic Overreaction, perhaps”

He still shows no signs of thinking Baron Mandelson, Paul Volker and “the president of Coca-Cola” et al are plotting world domination but rather is making a point about to use his own words the security forces’ “Catastrophic Overreaction”.

he has a point as Christopher points such secrecy fuels speculation. But then again he was poking around uninvited and apparently with no press credentials at a meeting of large number of VIVIP’s in a city and country that had been rocked by violent riots and sporadic attacks from extremists groups 4 – 5 months earlier in a world still jittery from 9/11, 3/11, 7/7 etc.

He is very funny but made his intent clear at the end of his first article from the day before the meeting started “Charlie Skelton will be filing regular updates from Athens until he is arrested by shadowy figures in dark glasses”

I’m surprised you’re into Gary North an extremist proponent of Austrian School economics and an almost Taliban style Christian theocracy where women who get abortions, people who help them, children who curse their parents and homosexuals would be stoned to death.


Oddly you also said you admire Lyndon Larouche whose economics are almost the polar opposite of North’s but shares his hated of gays. I find it odd that an openly gay man would be a fan of gay bashing extremists, how many Jews do you think support David Duke? or Blacks support Jared Taylor?

I view myself as a consumer in the marketplace of ideas., which is why I read your postings in the Forum.

The picture you paint of Gary North does not do him justice. I subscribe to his website primarily to get his views on finance and business. For example, below is a worthwhile article by him that he made available today to his readers:


It's Not Just Foreclosures. It's Why.

Gary North

June 1, 2009

I have already reported on Fitch's estimate that two-thirds to three-quarters of all loan modifications lead to foreclosure within a year.

How did Fitch come up with this estimate? Diane Olick of CNBC called Fitch to find out. What she was told throws new light on what is about to this the economy. The borrowers can't pay other debts, either.

It's the back end that is driving the home owners to default. Fitch talked to loan servicers in other parts of the economy. This included the auto loan industry, the credit card industry, and even student loans. Same story everywhere: the borrowers are in over their heads. They have stopped paying.

In the good old days, people stopped paying their mortgage last. These days, that may still be true, but it's irrelevant. Too many debtors have stopped paying at all.

The fact that a loan modification lowers their monthly payments isn't enough to save their lifestyles, which had been based on debt rather than repayment.

The fall in housing prices accelerates the "stop paying" scenario. The owners have no equity to defend.

Yes, a foreclosure hurts their credit rating. So what? They have stopped paying other debts, too. They have given up on their credit rating.

This means that there will be no recovery in housing this year or next year. Housing prices will continue to fall.

The consumer markets are funded by debt. But Americans' willingness to take on more debt is now much reduced. We find this in other reports. Consider this. Consumer spending has been contracting. Consumers say they will use their income tax refunds for savings or to retire debt. Talk is cheap, but it's amazing that they say this. In March, consumer outstanding debt levels fell at an annual rate of over 5%.

Consumer credit has fallen in 6 of the last 8 months. Yet for years, this increased by 7% per year. This is an unprecedented reversal.

Austrian School economics think this is healthy. Keynesians don't.

Outstanding revolving debt -- mostly credit cards -- fell $5.4 billion, representing a 6.8% annualized pace, to $945.9 billion in March. Having dropped for six months in a row, credit-card debt is down 1.2% in the past year.

Until February, credit-card debts had never fallen on a year-over-year basis since the record keeping began in 1969.

This is not business as usual. This recession is different.

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The article below is from Gary North’s Specific Answers website. Gary North’s invaluable website, subscription based, has provided me with countless insights into how the real world works, not only in the realm of finance and business but in other key areas as well.


May 30, 2009

Charlie Skelton was assigned by the Guardian to cover the 2009 meeting in Greece. At first, he did not take it seriously. After run-ins with the Greece police for daring to try to cover the meeting, he finally figured out what and whom he was dealing with. They have power. He has none. It miffed him.

I have never read anything like this in the mainstream press -- not in 40 years of reading.

Spend an hour reading this series. It could change your outlook permanently -- or reconfirm it.

Start with the oldest first (bottom-up).


Thanks, Douglas.

This was well worth the read.

It's the elite being kind enough to set the global agenda for the unwashed masses for the ensuing year.


From my standpoint someone like William F. Buckley, Jr. was the classic Bilderberg elitist and he was so well

connected into this millieu that he is in my Dirty Dozen who are directly responsible for the JFK hit...

Would you agree or disagree after browsing some of these postings...?

Did you read my posts on:

1) The Buckley associations with the Carlist Catholics under "Killing Commies for Christ the King..."

2) His friends from Brown University: E. Howard Hunt, Anastase Vonsiatsky and George Lincoln Rockwell head of the ANP

3) His history with The Coudert Brothers Law Firm who ran Buckley's 1965 NYC mayoralty race who were immigration

lawyers for all the ROCOR Fascists and Nazis including people like George de Mohrenschildt, Adrian Arcand, Boris Brasol

and Anasatase Vonsiatsky among others. The Rapp-Coudert Committees actually were the forerunner of McCarthyism.

Shouldn't Buckley actually get as much credit for founding McCarthyism as was given to Robert J. Morris by Whittaker Chambers?

Do you think Buckley was short-changed by Chambers on this score?

4) His association with Clendenin J. Ryan, during the founding of YAF, who had worked with Ulius Amoss and Carleton Coon

of the OSS on programmed assassination squads which were later turned over to Ray S. Cline of WACL and the CIA.

Ryan, Coon and Amoss basically originated the concept of Murder, Inc. in Latin American "banana dictatorships" for United Fruit

5) His father's history with Pantapec Oil in Mexico, the Cristeros Rebellion and the Gang of Four who rode

after Pancho Villa into New Mexico for John J. Pershing's cavalry: Angleton's father, James Hugh Angleton, Buckley's father,

William, Sr., a young Charles Willoughby and Wickliffe Draper's uncle, George Otis Draper. This was the paradigm for all United Fruit

coups in Honduras, Nicaragua, Guatamala and Cuba for the next 75 years.

6) Buckley's mention in The Manchurian Candidate by Richard Condon as "...that fascinating younger fellow who wrote about men and

God at Yale." Of course Buckley wrote "Man and God at Yale" in maybe 1952 for the Regnery Press who published more anti-Semitic

and Holocaust Denial material than anyone in that period. Just seems like he was involved with Edward Hunter and his "Brainwashing"

ventures as early as 1952 with American Mercury where Buckley worked. Why do you think Richard Condon mentioned "men and God at Yale?" What was he possibly trying to warn us all about here?

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I’m surprised you’re into Gary North an extremist proponent of Austrian School economics and an almost Taliban style Christian theocracy where women who get abortions, people who help them, children who curse their parents and homosexuals would be stoned to death.


I view myself as a consumer in the marketplace of ideas., which is why I read your postings in the Forum.

The picture you paint of Gary North does not do him justice. I subscribe to his website primarily to get his views on finance and business.


I don’t know if I was being ‘unjust’ to North as much as I was being overly simplistic, just because he is a religious, political and free market economics fanatic doesn’t mean his finance and business analysis is not worthwhile. Analogously just because I think Fetzer’s, Griffin’s and Jones’ understanding of 9/11 is completely off base and in the former’s case insane isn’t justification for dismissing their work in their areas of expertise. I am touchy about people who display bigotry though, by the same logic Arthur Butz PhD being a Holocaust denying anti-Semite does not impugn his electrical engineering research but I would find it hard to imagine myself citing him if I were interested in the subject.

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The article below is from Gary North’s Specific Answers website. Gary North’s invaluable website, subscription based, has provided me with countless insights into how the real world works, not only in the realm of finance and business but in other key areas as well.


May 30, 2009

Charlie Skelton was assigned by the Guardian to cover the 2009 meeting in Greece. At first, he did not take it seriously. After run-ins with the Greece police for daring to try to cover the meeting, he finally figured out what and whom he was dealing with. They have power. He has none. It miffed him.

I have never read anything like this in the mainstream press -- not in 40 years of reading.

Spend an hour reading this series. It could change your outlook permanently -- or reconfirm it.

Start with the oldest first (bottom-up).


Thanks, Douglas.

This was well worth the read.

It's the elite being kind enough to set the global agenda for the unwashed masses for the ensuing year.


From my standpoint someone like William F. Buckley, Jr. was the classic Bilderberg elitist and he was so well

connected into this millieu that he is in my Dirty Dozen who are directly responsible for the JFK hit...

Would you agree or disagree after browsing some of these postings...?

Did you read my posts on:

1) The Buckley associations with the Carlist Catholics under "Killing Commies for Christ the King..."

2) His friends from Brown University: E. Howard Hunt, Anastase Vonsiatsky and George Lincoln Rockwell head of the ANP

3) His history with The Coudert Brothers Law Firm who ran Buckley's 1965 NYC mayoralty race who were immigration

lawyers for all the ROCOR Fascists and Nazis including people like George de Mohrenschildt, Adrian Arcand, Boris Brasol

and Anasatase Vonsiatsky among others. The Rapp-Coudert Committees actually were the forerunner of McCarthyism.

Shouldn't Buckley actually get as much credit for founding McCarthyism as was given to Robert J. Morris by Whittaker Chambers?

Do you think Buckley was short-changed by Chambers on this score?

4) His association with Clendenin J. Ryan, during the founding of YAF, who had worked with Ulius Amoss and Carleton Coon

of the OSS on programmed assassination squads which were later turned over to Ray S. Cline of WACL and the CIA.

Ryan, Coon and Amoss basically originated the concept of Murder, Inc. in Latin American "banana dictatorships" for United Fruit

5) His father's history with Pantapec Oil in Mexico, the Cristeros Rebellion and the Gang of Four who rode

after Pancho Villa into New Mexico for John J. Pershing's cavalry: Angleton's father, James Hugh Angleton, Buckley's father,

William, Sr., a young Charles Willoughby and Wickliffe Draper's uncle, George Otis Draper. This was the paradigm for all United Fruit

coups in Honduras, Nicaragua, Guatamala and Cuba for the next 75 years.

6) Buckley's mention in The Manchurian Candidate by Richard Condon as "...that fascinating younger fellow who wrote about men and

God at Yale." Of course Buckley wrote "Man and God at Yale" in maybe 1952 for the Regnery Press who published more anti-Semitic

and Holocaust Denial material than anyone in that period. Just seems like he was involved with Edward Hunter and his "Brainwashing"

ventures as early as 1952 with American Mercury where Buckley worked. Why do you think Richard Condon mentioned "men and God at Yale?" What was he possibly trying to warn us all about here?


You try hard (and perhaps successfully) to associate WFB with McCarthyism, but completely fail to mention RFK.

When I think of Joe McCarthy, the 2 people who come to mind are RFK and Roy Cohn.


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Of course Buckley wrote "Man and God at Yale" in maybe 1952 for the Regnery Press who published more anti-Semitic

and Holocaust Denial material than anyone in that period.

This is not accurate, though it has been a publisher of right and far right literature since the 1940s Regnery as far as I know never published any anti-Semitic [or] Holocaust Denial material. There is only one reference to the company on the massive Nizkor site, dedicated entirely to documenting the Holocaust and refuting denial/revisionism:

Roger Lourie's Devin-Adair company is a long-time source of right-wing publications. In addition, "Devin-Adair and Regnery published the greater part of those World War II revisionist studies which faulted the Roosevelt administration for intervening against the Axis powers." (Mintz, 48)


Though anti-Semitism was obviously already a problem in the 1950s Holocaust denial (outside of Germany at least) seems to have only stated in ernest in the 1960s. Ironically two of its original proponents were leftists, French socialist Paul Rassinier and American populist turned libertarian Harry Elmer Barnes. The first work I found reference to was Der Erzwungene Krieg (The Forced War) by David Hoggan an American published in Germany in 1955 and written at Barnes urging. The main publishers of anti-Semitic and Holocaust Denial material in the US were (are) associated with Willis Carto, the Noontide Press, IHR and Barnes Review.

There seems to be a case of Holocaust denial denial among Barnes libertarian fans, or at least with one. Murray Rothbard (who was Jewish) wrote at least two essays (including an obituary) of him but made no mention of his central role as one of the first Holocaust revisionists



Chris wrote:

"When I think of Joe McCarthy, the 2 people who come to mind are RFK and Roy Cohn."

I always thought of that as a youthful indiscretion on his part due to his fathers influence, sort of like Hugo Black joining the KKK. McCarthy and McCarthism would not have been much different if RFK hadn't worked with the senator. Nixon of course had much more of a role bringing such hysteria central stage.

Edited by Len Colby
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