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Beware of British Anti-Vaccination Operation

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Beware of British Anti-Vaccination Operation

by Laurence Hecht Editor, 21st Century Science & Technology

June 29, 2009

A British-orchestrated Delphic operation is afoot to dupe

Americans and others into opposing mass vaccination against the

swine flu. The operation appears specially targeted at populist

layers, of a sort well known to our phone teams, with some reach

also into Green layers. The current operation features a lawsuit

filed in an Austrian court in April, charging that the Austrian

subsidiary of the American pharmaceutical company Baxter, is part

of a genocidal plot to use flu vaccine as a bio-weapon to reduce

world population by 5 billion people in the next 10 years. The

suit was brought by Jane Burgermeister, a science writer of green

inclination, apparently of dual Austrian and Irish origin, who

has written for the British science organ {Nature}, the {British

Medical Journal}, and {American Prospect}.

While we welcome serious investigation into the possibility

that Prince Philip's operatives might be cooking up new means of

implementing their genocidal intentions, nothing in the lawsuit

provides the slightest scientific evidence for such a contention.

The telltale sign of an operation is that nearly every entity in

the world but the British Empire is cited as responsible for the

genocidal intention. In particular the known susceptibilities of

American populist dupes are massaged by citing the United Nations

Organization, the Bilderbergers, and even the Illuminati as among

those responsible.

The suit also invokes the possible connection of Presidents

Obama and Bush, the U.S. Federal Reserve, JP Morgan and Goldman

Sachs in complicity with Baxter AG's alleged genocidal plot. To

enhance its Delphic appeal, the suit also invokes the Kissinger

NSSM 200 Memorandum of 1974, the existence of FEMA security

camps, and alleged mass gravesite preparations in the U.S.A.

Lacking cogent evidence for the allegation of a specific

intention to poison flu vaccines, the lawsuit offers as

supporting evidence a potpourri of circumstantial evidence, much

of it known to us, and draws liberally on Wikipedia entries for

technical issues relating to swine flu virus mechanisms.

While opposing vaccination as a plot, the lawsuit also

charges that the swine flu and avian flu were engineered in

laboratories, and falsely asserts that re-assortant viruses

cannot occur naturally. The logic of the stated position is of

the same type so often encountered from impotent conspirophiles:

An engineered virus is out there, but we should not attempt to

fight it with vaccine, because the pharmaceutical companies will

poison the vaccine. In other words: You can't win; they're too

powerful, anyway; so go home and die. Those who choose to become

the willing victims of such manipulation may deserve their fate.

These facts, and the telling failure to mention the leading

world entity behind the presently genocidal intention. most

clearly identifies the lawsuit and surrounding publicity as a

classic British social control operation. If successful in

evoking resistance to flu vaccination, the Delphic operation will

cause the very effect which its credulous dupes are being rallied

to oppose--the spread of a deadly flu pandemic which has the

potential to escalate into a mass killer. True patriots should

recall Cotton Mather and Zabdiel Boylston's courageous battle to

introduce the smallpox vaccine into the Massachusetts Bay Colony,

and reject this new version of a very old British game.

[For further elaboration, people confused by this ploy

should be referred to the excerpt from the June 27 webcast, now

posted on the LPAC site: www.larouchepac.com/lpactv?nid=10835 ]

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Talk about reverse psychology.

This reminds me of when I was in Ireland and this young girl was complaining that they were required by law to take Gaelic as a language in school even though few people speak it anymore.

Then she said, "If they'd outlaw it, everybody'd be speakin' it."


Beware of British Anti-Vaccination Operation

by Laurence Hecht Editor, 21st Century Science & Technology

June 29, 2009

A British-orchestrated Delphic operation is afoot to dupe

Americans and others into opposing mass vaccination against the

swine flu. The operation appears specially targeted at populist

layers, of a sort well known to our phone teams, with some reach

also into Green layers. The current operation features a lawsuit

filed in an Austrian court in April, charging that the Austrian

subsidiary of the American pharmaceutical company Baxter, is part

of a genocidal plot to use flu vaccine as a bio-weapon to reduce

world population by 5 billion people in the next 10 years. The

suit was brought by Jane Burgermeister, a science writer of green

inclination, apparently of dual Austrian and Irish origin, who

has written for the British science organ {Nature}, the {British

Medical Journal}, and {American Prospect}.

While we welcome serious investigation into the possibility

that Prince Philip's operatives might be cooking up new means of

implementing their genocidal intentions, nothing in the lawsuit

provides the slightest scientific evidence for such a contention.

The telltale sign of an operation is that nearly every entity in

the world but the British Empire is cited as responsible for the

genocidal intention. In particular the known susceptibilities of

American populist dupes are massaged by citing the United Nations

Organization, the Bilderbergers, and even the Illuminati as among

those responsible.

The suit also invokes the possible connection of Presidents

Obama and Bush, the U.S. Federal Reserve, JP Morgan and Goldman

Sachs in complicity with Baxter AG's alleged genocidal plot. To

enhance its Delphic appeal, the suit also invokes the Kissinger

NSSM 200 Memorandum of 1974, the existence of FEMA security

camps, and alleged mass gravesite preparations in the U.S.A.

Lacking cogent evidence for the allegation of a specific

intention to poison flu vaccines, the lawsuit offers as

supporting evidence a potpourri of circumstantial evidence, much

of it known to us, and draws liberally on Wikipedia entries for

technical issues relating to swine flu virus mechanisms.

While opposing vaccination as a plot, the lawsuit also

charges that the swine flu and avian flu were engineered in

laboratories, and falsely asserts that re-assortant viruses

cannot occur naturally. The logic of the stated position is of

the same type so often encountered from impotent conspirophiles:

An engineered virus is out there, but we should not attempt to

fight it with vaccine, because the pharmaceutical companies will

poison the vaccine. In other words: You can't win; they're too

powerful, anyway; so go home and die. Those who choose to become

the willing victims of such manipulation may deserve their fate.

These facts, and the telling failure to mention the leading

world entity behind the presently genocidal intention. most

clearly identifies the lawsuit and surrounding publicity as a

classic British social control operation. If successful in

evoking resistance to flu vaccination, the Delphic operation will

cause the very effect which its credulous dupes are being rallied

to oppose--the spread of a deadly flu pandemic which has the

potential to escalate into a mass killer. True patriots should

recall Cotton Mather and Zabdiel Boylston's courageous battle to

introduce the smallpox vaccine into the Massachusetts Bay Colony,

and reject this new version of a very old British game.

[For further elaboration, people confused by this ploy

should be referred to the excerpt from the June 27 webcast, now

posted on the LPAC site: www.larouchepac.com/lpactv?nid=10835 ]

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Talk about reverse psychology.

This reminds me of when I was in Ireland and this young girl was complaining that they were required by law to take Gaelic as a language in school even though few people speak it anymore.

Then she said, "If they'd outlaw it, everybody'd be speakin' it."


Beware of British Anti-Vaccination Operation

by Laurence Hecht Editor, 21st Century Science & Technology

June 29, 2009

A British-orchestrated Delphic operation is afoot to dupe

Americans and others into opposing mass vaccination against the

swine flu. The operation appears specially targeted at populist

layers, of a sort well known to our phone teams, with some reach

also into Green layers. The current operation features a lawsuit

filed in an Austrian court in April, charging that the Austrian

subsidiary of the American pharmaceutical company Baxter, is part

of a genocidal plot to use flu vaccine as a bio-weapon to reduce

world population by 5 billion people in the next 10 years. The

suit was brought by Jane Burgermeister, a science writer of green

inclination, apparently of dual Austrian and Irish origin, who

has written for the British science organ {Nature}, the {British

Medical Journal}, and {American Prospect}.

While we welcome serious investigation into the possibility

that Prince Philip's operatives might be cooking up new means of

implementing their genocidal intentions, nothing in the lawsuit

provides the slightest scientific evidence for such a contention.

The telltale sign of an operation is that nearly every entity in

the world but the British Empire is cited as responsible for the

genocidal intention. In particular the known susceptibilities of

American populist dupes are massaged by citing the United Nations

Organization, the Bilderbergers, and even the Illuminati as among

those responsible.

The suit also invokes the possible connection of Presidents

Obama and Bush, the U.S. Federal Reserve, JP Morgan and Goldman

Sachs in complicity with Baxter AG's alleged genocidal plot. To

enhance its Delphic appeal, the suit also invokes the Kissinger

NSSM 200 Memorandum of 1974, the existence of FEMA security

camps, and alleged mass gravesite preparations in the U.S.A.

Lacking cogent evidence for the allegation of a specific

intention to poison flu vaccines, the lawsuit offers as

supporting evidence a potpourri of circumstantial evidence, much

of it known to us, and draws liberally on Wikipedia entries for

technical issues relating to swine flu virus mechanisms.

While opposing vaccination as a plot, the lawsuit also

charges that the swine flu and avian flu were engineered in

laboratories, and falsely asserts that re-assortant viruses

cannot occur naturally. The logic of the stated position is of

the same type so often encountered from impotent conspirophiles:

An engineered virus is out there, but we should not attempt to

fight it with vaccine, because the pharmaceutical companies will

poison the vaccine. In other words: You can't win; they're too

powerful, anyway; so go home and die. Those who choose to become

the willing victims of such manipulation may deserve their fate.

These facts, and the telling failure to mention the leading

world entity behind the presently genocidal intention. most

clearly identifies the lawsuit and surrounding publicity as a

classic British social control operation. If successful in

evoking resistance to flu vaccination, the Delphic operation will

cause the very effect which its credulous dupes are being rallied

to oppose--the spread of a deadly flu pandemic which has the

potential to escalate into a mass killer. True patriots should

recall Cotton Mather and Zabdiel Boylston's courageous battle to

introduce the smallpox vaccine into the Massachusetts Bay Colony,

and reject this new version of a very old British game.

[For further elaboration, people confused by this ploy

should be referred to the excerpt from the June 27 webcast, now

posted on the LPAC site: www.larouchepac.com/lpactv?nid=10835 ]

Paranoia strikes deep... into your heart it will creep.

Neil Young with his group Buffalo Springfield...

Paranoia strikes deep / Into your life it will creep /

It starts when you're always afraid / You step out of line, the man come and take you away

The chorus: I think it's time we stop, children, what's that sound / Everybody look what's going down

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  • 2 months later...

What is happening regarding the swine flu vaccine? Just recently there have been a spate of posts and videos with various points of emphasis, such as an rfid chip in the needle(s) to be used, bad reactions re military personnel who have been innoclated, including navy ships having to return to port, everything being hushed up, mandatory innoculations in oklahoma, police and military being poised to enforce this...




Edited by Pamela McElwain-Brown
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If you listen to some of the anti-vaxers, you can get a "homeopathic" vaccination. If you believe them, then get that and then expose yourself to the virus. Those who survive will help produce better vaccines.

Stop the paranoia. Are there risks? Yes, but they are relatively small. If you don't need the vaccination, then don't get it. If you are in a respiratory risk group or are in a position where you might be exposed the the virus, then you'd be wise to get it.

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While we welcome serious investigation into the possibility

that Prince Philip's operatives might be cooking up new means of

implementing their genocidal intentions, nothing in the lawsuit

provides the slightest scientific evidence for such a contention.

The telltale sign of an operation is that nearly every entity in

the world but the British Empire is cited as responsible for the

genocidal intention. In particular the known susceptibilities of

American populist dupes are massaged by citing the United Nations

Organization, the Bilderbergers, and even the Illuminati as among

those responsible.

He's a little tinker that Duke of Edinburgh isn't he??

Shame you can't get vaccinated against insanity is it not?

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If you listen to some of the anti-vaxers, you can get a "homeopathic" vaccination. If you believe them, then get that and then expose yourself to the virus. Those who survive will help produce better vaccines.

Stop the paranoia. Are there risks? Yes, but they are relatively small. If you don't need the vaccination, then don't get it. If you are in a respiratory risk group or are in a position where you might be exposed the the virus, then you'd be wise to get it.

With all due respect, you seem to be missing the point of my concern.

The question is being raised is not only as to the negative side effects that may have proven to be fatal in at least two instances, but also as to whether the vaccine is some sort of bioweapon. Another question is being raised as to whether the needles intended to be used with the injections will have some sort of tracking chip in them that is then implanted into the recipient. Surely this pushes the idea of getting a flu shot into some sort of a new dimension?

Then there is also the concern that these shots may be mandatory and that those who refuse them will have to be put into some sort of quarantine. Apparently, some law along this line has already been put into place in Oklahoma. Surely if there is any truth to this concern it opens the door to the possibility of a pandemic being used as a means to control the citizens.

Or, is all of this hype some sort of propaganda scheme to cause a revolt against getting the shots, per the title of this thread?

Edited by Pamela McElwain-Brown
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Vaccinations are public health measures designed to protect the health of the population.

They have been enormously successful in this respect. They have not always been welcomed. For instance in 1796 when Jenner discovered the first vaccination people reacted rather hysterically.


If you want to learn more about the history of vaccinations click here


If you want to learn more about paranoia click here


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Guest Stephen Turner
Vaccinations are public health measures designed to protect the health of the population.

They have been enormously successful in this respect. They have not always been welcomed. For instance in 1796 when Jenner discovered the first vaccination people reacted rather hysterically.


If you want to learn more about the history of vaccinations click here


If you want to learn more about paranoia click here


Stop trying to Educate People Andy.

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Vaccinations are public health measures designed to protect the health of the population.

They have been enormously successful in this respect. They have not always been welcomed. For instance in 1796 when Jenner discovered the first vaccination people reacted rather hysterically.


If you want to learn more about the history of vaccinations click here


If you want to learn more about paranoia click here


Good points. Is it your interpretation of the swine flu shot paranoia that the claims are unfounded? Or are they deliberate misinformation?

It seems that the flu is spreading in the south and people are in real need of a vaccine that can help them.

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Good points. Is it your interpretation of the swine flu shot paranoia that the claims are unfounded? Or are they deliberate misinformation?

It seems that the flu is spreading in the south and people are in real need of a vaccine that can help them.

Both, but clearly the motives of the source of the paranoid misinformation needs to be examined. Given it was Terry who posted it I guess it is the usual head spinningly insane conspiracy stuff from the Larouche movement, and unless all medical professionals worldwide are part of the 'British conspiracy' I guess we can dismiss it as dangerous rubbish.

Governments I believe are making preparations to vaccinate their populations against swine flu


It may or may not be more difficult to reach and manage national coverage given the health system in the USA.

Swine flu is very real. We have had a number of cases in our local schools and it is starting to spread again quite quickly. The illnes children have experienced in my area has amounted to a week of very heavy flu followed by a slow recovery of up to 10 days - no worse than proper seasonal flu infact. However people die of even seasonal flu every year. The danger with swine flu however is the lack of any immunity within communities (it's new). It therefore spreads alarmingly quickly putting potentially more of those with underlying health issues at risk.

My advice would be if you're offered the vaccine take it. If the Duke of Edinburgh is maliciously attempting to insert tracking devices into you please accept my apologies in advance ;)

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Good points. Is it your interpretation of the swine flu shot paranoia that the claims are unfounded? Or are they deliberate misinformation?

It seems that the flu is spreading in the south and people are in real need of a vaccine that can help them.

Both, but clearly the motives of the source of the paranoid misinformation needs to be examined. Given it was Terry who posted it I guess it is the usual head spinningly insane conspiracy stuff from the Larouche movement, and unless all medical professionals worldwide are part of the 'British conspiracy' I guess we can dismiss it as dangerous rubbish.

Governments I believe are making preparations to vaccinate their populations against swine flu


It may or may not be more difficult to reach and manage national coverage given the health system in the USA.

Swine flu is very real. We have had a number of cases in our local schools and it is starting to spread again quite quickly. The illnes children have experienced in my area has amounted to a week of very heavy flu followed by a slow recovery of up to 10 days - no worse than proper seasonal flu infact. However people die of even seasonal flu every year. The danger with swine flu however is the lack of any immunity within communities (it's new). It therefore spreads alarmingly quickly putting potentially more of those with underlying health issues at risk.

My advice would be if you're offered the vaccine take it. If the Duke of Edinburgh is maliciously attempting to insert tracking devices into you please accept my apologies in advance :)

Terry's post was simply a heads-up to something that is now a factor in the swine flu situation. I am not speaking from a personal standpoint, at least at this point, as much as I am concerned as to whether these posts and videos are simply fear-mongering, something with an agenda, or something with some grains of truth in them. I don't know, and would like to find out. There are posts today that the state of NY is insisting on mandatory vaccination for all of their healthcare workers. As the vaccine becomes available, it seems likely there will be better definition as to just how much control the govt at one level or another intends to exert on this situation.

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In the event that I am reincarnated, I would like to return as a deadly virus, in order to contribute something to solve overpopulation

Prince Phillip, August 1988

Interview with HRH Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, in People Dec. 21, 1981 titled "Vanishing Breeds Worry Prince Philip, But Not as Much as Overpopulation.''

Q: What do you consider the leading threat to the environment?

A: Human population growth is probably the single most serious long-term threat to survival. We're in for a major disaster if it isn't curbed--not just for the natural world, but for the human world. The more people there are, the more resources they'll consume, the more pollution they'll create, the more fighting they will do. We have no option. If it isn't controlled voluntarily, it will be controlled involuntarily by an increase in disease, starvation and war.

May 18, 2009 (LPAC)—British Health Secretary Alan Johnson marched into the opening of the annual meeting of the World Health Organization (WHO) in Geneva today, and demanded the WHO not declare the new, highly infectious Type A H1N1 virus a fullscale, Level 6 pandemic, a declaration which would trigger emergency measures globally, including mandating ramping up production of a vaccine against this new influenza strain which has spread to 40 countries across the planet in less than a month.

Johnson instead proposed that the WHO change its criteria for declaring a pandemic, from mere "mechanistic" geographic criteria (i.e. based on spread), to take into account "severity," when the one thing that is known about influenza viruses, is that they mutate. Today's mild virus, particularly in more healthy populations, may become tomorrow's mass killer, especially in poor and weaker populations.

Even should the inevitable mutations of this new H1N1 virus not become more deadly, WHO Deputy Director Dr. Keiji Fukuda warned on May 7 that it could infect one-third of the human race, over two billion people, and that that means that very large numbers of people could develop pneumonia and die. Just two days ago, top French virologist Bruno Lina, a founding member of the European Influenza Surveillance Scheme (IASS), stated in an interview with a Lyon newspaper, that two billion infections is "a certitude," given that this is a virus to which no one has developed antibodies.

The British Health Secretary is spreading the "customary British lies," as part of the revival of Adolph Hitler's policy of genocide as health care, American statesman Lyndon LaRouche responded bluntly today.

Their policy is to reduce the world's population to two billion people or less, and they are working on it! Remember, said LaRouche, that Prince Philip has declared publicly, more than once, that "in the event I am reincarnated, I would like to return as a deadly virus, in order to contribute something to solve overpopulation."

Remember, too, that Lord Bertrand Russell wrote in his 1953 book, The Impact of Science on Society: "At present the population of the world is increasing.... War so far has had no great effect on this increase.... I do not pretend that birth control is the only way in which population can be kept from increasing. There are others.... War has hitherto been disappointing in this respect, but perhaps bacteriological war may prove more effective. If a Black Death could be spread throughout the world once in every generation, survivors could procreate freely without making the world too full.... The state of affairs might be somewhat unpleasant, but what of that? Really high-minded people are indifferent to happiness, especially other people's."

Compare what the British are doing and saying, to what's coming out of France, LaRouche noted. There, researchers following in the tradition of the great Louis Pasteur are, like LaRouche, warning that the world must prepare for the worst, if a new 1918 Spanish flu pandemic, in which at least 40 million people died, is not to be repeated.

Edited by Terry Mauro
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Head for the hills the British are coming to wipe you out!

Larouche 'world statesman'???????????????????? :rolleyes:

'in the same tradition as the great louis Pasteur'??????? :blink: - are you trying to clean the inside of your Fuhrer's hat from below?

I am sorry Terry but you deserve to be ridiculed. Your latest post is straight from the mad house.

Should I be reincarnated I'd like to come back as a vaccination against such galloping stupidity

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