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Simon Dee, George Lazenby and the Assassination of JFK

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Mervyn - I’ve been reading up as much as I can, and will continue. Would you illuminate what you mean when you include RFK in your theory about McClendon and friends?

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8 hours ago, Paul Brancato said:

,Mervyn - I’ve been reading up as much as I can, and will continue. Would you illuminate what you mean when you include RFK in your theory about McClendon and friends?

Paul, I have no theory as such, I am merely following existing threads derived from existing research, but although I don't want to come across as being trite, it would require the book that I am working on to join many of the dots. Therefore my response will have to be in abstract form:

I have stated several times that for decades I drove by the grave of LHO and over the spot where JFK was shot, and that I had nothing but passing interest in this subject. To that end I also visited the DSBD and peered out of "that" window at the vehicles and people going by.

My interest as an investigative journalist began as a kid, and my first paid feature article was a half page analysis in 1966 of the offshore stations broadcasting to Britain, the largest and most successful being financed out of Eastland, Texas and inspired as a clone of McLendon's KLIF in Dallas. "Big D" became "Big L".

Over decades of investigative research and interviews of participating management, I discovered that the key to this "fleet" of ships and towers was in the American model using the word "sponsored" in conjunction with the word commercial, and that the biggest block buyer on these stations was 'The World Tomorrow'. It was an unusual broadcast of talk with a closing Hollywood instrumental jingle at the end. It was announced by Art Gilmore, who was famous for introducing Amos 'n' Andy; Highway Patrol; Red Skelton and many others. He also appeared on camera in episodes of 'Dragnet'. It was Gilmore who announced the broadcast and gave out the mailing address at the end. No requests for money were ever made and a monthly clone look-alike of US News and World Report was offered free to listeners. Behind the broadcast was a college campus and radio studio in England, another in Texas and a parent in California. Members of the Board included Basil Wolverton, famous for his sci-fi cartoons and weird drawings in 'Mad' and even the cover of 'Life' magazine. The message of the broadcast was geo-political, although it was couched in references to the Bible. It appeared on many stations and in several languages; many known to be CIA 'front' operations. Without this sustaining sponsored daily half hour, most of the pop music stations would have gone out of business or failed to start, and they were the British end of the 'Swinging Sixties', so called. Running this operation was a practicing lawyer and media man who attended a synagogue. The theology of this program evolved into a form of neo-Buddhism and it eventually sponsored an auditorium concert series which was named by the L.A. Times as the "Carnegie Hall of the West". The broadcast's senior speaker was repackaged as "Ambassador for World Peace" without portfolio", and the organization was a very early promoter of anti-pollution - years ahead of the "Greens". It even had a proto-garbage digester and promoted books such as 'Silent Spring' and 'Famine 1975' by well known ecological authors.

The true ownership of the originating British offshore station (Radio Caroline), was couched in secrecy and misdirection. A year after it came on the air Robert Kennedy was persuaded to make a broadcast over the station in support of Irish independence. He was told that Radio Caroline was named after his niece - it wasn't, it was named after a Society fashion magazine style sheet which had been in use for many years prior to the station coming on the air. That Establishment publisher was close friends with Princess Margaret who even stayed in his Bahamian guest house when her marriage to Lord Snowdon was breaking up. Snowdon also worked for the publisher as a photographer. Princess Margaret (sister of the present Queen) was also close friends with Peter Sellers, and she cavorted with him on a home movie made at the magazine publisher's residence in England. His wife was a "Lady in Waiting" to Princess Margaret. 

Nevertheless the rubbish stories about the origins, purpose and ownership of Radio Caroline stuck, and they were adopted by the mainstream press as true.

But back to RFK.

Radio Caroline had two ships, and the one off the south coast of England aimed at London was owned and created by Gordon McLendon and Clint Murchison Jr for an original operation in the Baltic Sea aimed at Stockholm. It then went to Galveston where it docked for many months before crossing the Atlantic again as the base for the station that became known as Radio Caroline South.

This ship, called 'Bon Jour' when it was off Sweden; 'Magda Maria' during an interim, and finally 'Mi Amigo', was brought to Galveston upon request of RFK as part of 'Operation Mockingbird'. Then the Cuban Missile Crisis blockade took place and prevented its passage. When it did arrive it was found to be too small and another ship called 'Olga Patricia' was substituted. That ship came from a USAF dock in Miami via a contract with CIA operating via Manuel Artime Buesa (BAM) who had been ransomed from POW captivity in Cuba by JFK. BAM had a ship's mortgage on 'Olga Patricia' from the same bank in Miami whose building BAM used for his RFK directed operations. After the assassination of JFK, and the start-up of the British offshore stations, the 'Olga Patricia' became home to 'Swinging Radio England' and sister station 'Britain Radio', both equipped with new, Dallas Continental Electronics 50kW transmitters, and financed out of Texas with oversight by Pierce Langford III, manager and personal pilot of US Senator John Tower. The 'Mi Amigo' was also equipped with the same Texas brand. Tower should have recused himself from the Church-Tower Hearings about past CIA activities due to his conflict of interest, but no one knew that he had a conflict of interest.

There was even a direct connection between the man who created "Big L" and CIA Director Bill Colby, because the entrepreneur had begun a Freeport venture in Haiti with the blessing of Papa Doc - who died, and his son - Baby Doc - expropriated it. So retired Bill Colby came to Texas to see if he could get the US State Department to pressure Haiti into making restitution. How do I know this? I was in the office when Colby walked in and I shook his hand. Colby who was then a public speaker, and he also appeared in California at the venue known as the "Carnegie Hall of the West".

Obviously there is a lot more to this which will fill a series of books, and that is what I am working on.

Edited by Mervyn Hagger
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There is so much multi-tentacled information in Mr. Haggar's post I will have to go back and reread it several times to absorb it all.

It's clear however, even in the first read, how massively involved our secret and wealthy power structure has always been in the broadcast information field. And there is such incredible complexity in these operations.

Ominous how often the name "Clint Murchison" ( and there are other familiar ones as well ) pops up in background research of who finances these operations. 

The subject of James Bond does have some ( if only society party talk)  connection to JFK in his apparent attraction to Ian Fleming's Bond books. As well as E.Howard Hunt and maybe even David Phillips?  Both of whom later tried to make money writing their own "secret agent" spy books.

As far as George Lazenby...I am a life time James Bond film afficionado.

The Bond producers (obviously desperate after losing Sean Connery ) found Lazenby and wooed him and cast him as Bond more for his looks and body type versus any real acting training and experience. They made a huge mistake in this regard. Lazenby was a male model...and any portrayal of a Connery Bond image using him should have been kept strictly in that role...advertising pictures.

Lazenby was in the worst possible position as a Sean Connery Bond acting replacement.

He knew he didn't have adequate training and was extremely unsure and unconfident and even insecure the whole time the producers tried to make him another Sean Connery.

And to make matters worse, Lazenby's lead female co-star Diana Rigg "reportedly " disliked Lazenby personally from the very start of filming so much she actually made things as hard as she could in any supportive way to help Lazenby get along in his role.

Even through all this background hindrances for Lazenby, I must say that I have always liked this OHMSS Bond film and even Lazenby's role.  Especially knowing how hard it all was for him.

Yes, Lazenby was stiff as a board at times in his delivery and facial expressions, but he did have that extraordinary "manliness" good looks and and athleticism quite identical to and almost as much as Connery and I believe he was confident about this aspect of his natural abilities and gifts in a very physical movie role as this was. This played well in OHMSS.

Diana Rigg, as difficult as she may have been toward Lazenby, was one of the best "Bond women" in my opinion.  She would have been extremely well cast alongside Connery as Bond.

Roger Moore had tons of acting experience so walking into the Bond role was probably easy for him. But he was at times as wooden as Lazenby...as if he was totally bored with this role and lines.

Moore's Bond portrayal crossed over into a comedic even farcical one.

Now back to the more serious subjects at hand.





Edited by Joe Bauer
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Joe, if you want a simple 'take' from the above, it is that 'fake' news and 'fake' history' has been around for a long time and since the Establishment decides what is, and what is not to be accepted as 'true' and what is to branded 'fake', clearly a lot of absorbed 'knowledge' is rubbish, and that includes both the Warren Report and the idea that Donald Trump colluded with the Russians. Consequently Hillary Clinton who did collude for cash got a clean bill of health, and now, even Trump's personal lawyer is being raided. In other words there is not only no Facebook privacy, there is no attorney-client privilege either. Eisenhower warned about this slippery slope with his admonition concerning the industrial military complex, and now we are seeing the idea of a written constitution being buried under an avalanche of hyperbole stirred up for commercial reasons ... by America's real arch-enemy, the British Crown who not that long ago hired mercenaries to burn down the Library of Congress and set fire to the White House. That is why the James Bond myth works. It's all about gadgets and a star culture. It is not about MI6 and its creator, the British Crown and that is why the great unwashed think that the British Crown is the Queen, when in reality she is a Minnie Mouse mascot and the British Crown is hidden behind the equivalent of the Disney Corporation.

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