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Eugene Rostow

Jim Root

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Within my theory of the assassination it would be important for any conspirators to be able to cover up any potentially damning information that could lead inquiring minds to those same conspirators.

As I understand it Eugene V. Rostow, Dean of the Yale School of Law, was the first to suggest that the Federal Government take the lead in the investigation of the assination of John F. Kennedy. I also believe that the record shows that John J. McCloy played a very "strong" role in guiding that investigation.

A quick glance at Eugene Rostow's career shows that the first position that he held as a lawyer was for the same firm that John J. McCloy was working for, Cravath, deGersdorff, Swaine and Wood.

While a member of the Kennedy Administration John J. McCloy drafted a bill that led to the establishment of the US Arms Control and Disarmament Agency. As I understand it, in 1981, with a push from McCloy, President Ronald Reagan appointed Eugene Rostow director of the Arms Control and Disarmament Agency, making Rostow the highest-ranking Democrat in the Reagan administration.

While Eugen Rostow and McCloy did differ over Japanese Internment during WWII, overall the Rostow brothers and McCloy seem to have had a very close (and long term) working relationship.

It seems possible to me that having a distinguished person such as Eugene Rostow pushing for the creation of a "Warren" type commission could have been influenced by like minded persons such as John J. McCloy who did have a current and future relationship with Rostow. Since my theory suggests that the assassination may have been planned as a result of John F. Kennedy's change of direction in nuclear talks with the Soviets it seems interesting that the man who suggested the creation of the "Warren" type commission would be selected to continue McCloy's work in the field of Arms Control.

Jim Root

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Within my theory of the assassination it would be important for any conspirators to be able to cover up any potentially damning information that could lead inquiring minds to those same conspirators.

As I understand it Eugene V. Rostow, Dean of the Yale School of Law, was the first to suggest that the Federal Government take the lead in the investigation of the assination of John F. Kennedy. I also believe that the record shows that John J. McCloy played a very "strong" role in guiding that investigation.

A quick glance at Eugene Rostow's career shows that the first position that he held as a lawyer was for the same firm that John J. McCloy was working for, Cravath, deGersdorff, Swaine and Wood.

While a member of the Kennedy Administration John J. McCloy drafted a bill that led to the establishment of the US Arms Control and Disarmament Agency. As I understand it, in 1981, with a push from McCloy, President Ronald Reagan appointed Eugene Rostow director of the Arms Control and Disarmament Agency, making Rostow the highest-ranking Democrat in the Reagan administration.

While Eugen Rostow and McCloy did differ over Japanese Internment during WWII, overall the Rostow brothers and McCloy seem to have had a very close (and long term) working relationship.

It seems possible to me that having a distinguished person such as Eugene Rostow pushing for the creation of a "Warren" type commission could have been influenced by like minded persons such as John J. McCloy who did have a current and future relationship with Rostow. Since my theory suggests that the assassination may have been planned as a result of John F. Kennedy's change of direction in nuclear talks with the Soviets it seems interesting that the man who suggested the creation of the "Warren" type commission would be selected to continue McCloy's work in the field of Arms Control.

Jim Root


Law School Dean Eugene Rostow Dies

Associated Press

WASHINGTON - Eugene V. Rostow, a law school dean who served in foreign policy positions for both Democratic and Republican presidents, died Monday of congestive heart failure at age 89.

Beginning in World War II and continuing through the Cold War, Rostow moved between the nation's universities and government service.

Rostow was undersecretary of state in the late 1960s when the nation's involvement in Vietnam was growing. He sought to establish breathing space for the South Vietnamese so they could govern themselves, his son, Victor, told The Washington Post.

At that same time his brother, Walt Rostow, was a special assistant to President Lyndon Johnson advocating military action in Vietnam.

Eugene Rostow was dean of the law school at Yale University from 1955 to 1965 and was credited with revamping the curriculum and elevating the school's reputation.

An adviser to the State Department in the early 1940s and again in the early 1960s, he became undersecretary of state for political affairs in 1966. He was head of the Arms Control and Disarmament Agency during the early part of President Reagan's administration.

Rostow was born in Brooklyn, N.Y., on Aug. 25, 1913, and reared in New Haven, Conn. He graduated from Yale in 1933 as a member of Phi Beta Kappa. He then studied economics at King's College, part of England's Cambridge University.

After returning to the United States he studied at Yale's law school, where he was editor of the Yale Law Journal. He practiced briefly with a major Wall Street law firm and then joined the Yale law faculty in 1938. He became a full professor six years later.

He took a leave of absence from Yale during World War II to serve in this country and abroad as an official of the Lend-Lease Administration, dealing with problems of providing supplies to America's allies.

In addition to his sons, Victor and Nicholas, survivors include his wife, the former Edna Greenberg, to whom he was married for 69 years, of Alexandria, Va.; a daughter, Jessica, of New Haven; two brothers, former National Security Adviser Walt Whitman Rostow of Austin and Ralph Emerson Rostow of Sarasota, Fla.; and six grandchildren.

Rostow's full name was Eugene Victor Debs Rostow, recalling the Socialist politician and presidential candidate Eugene V. Debs.



Brother Walt Whitman Rostow:


Walt Whitman Rostow (also known as Walt Rostow or W.W. Rostow) (October 7, 1916 – February 13, 2003) was an American economist and political theorist who served as Special Assistant for National Security Affairs to U.S. President Lyndon B. Johnson.

Prominent for his role in the shaping of American policy in Southeast Asia during the 1960s, he was a staunch anti-communist, and was noted for a belief in the efficacy of capitalism and free enterprise. Rostow served as a major adviser on national security affairs under the Kennedy and Johnson administrations. He supported American military involvement in the Vietnam War. In his later years he taught at Lyndon B. Johnson School of Public Affairs at the University of Texas at Austin with his wife, Elspeth Rostow, who would later become dean of the school. He wrote extensively in defense of free enterprise economics, particularly in developing nations. Rostow was famous especially for writing the book The Stages of Economic Growth: A non-communist manifesto (1960) which became a classic text in several fields of social sciences.

His older brother, Eugene Rostow, also held a number of high government foreign policy posts.

....Walt Rostow was born in New York City to a Russian Jewish immigrant family. His parents were active socialists and their three sons, Eugene Victor Debs Rostow, Ralph Waldo Emerson Rostow and Walt Whitman Rostow, were named after Eugene V. Debs, Ralph Waldo Emerson, and Walt Whitman. Rostow attended Yale University, graduating at age 19 and completing Ph.D. dissertation in 1940. He also won a Rhodes Scholarship to study at Balliol College, Oxford. In 1936, during the Edward VIII abdication crisis, he assisted the broadcaster Alistair Cooke, who reported on the events for the NBC radio network. After completing his education he started teaching economics at Columbia University....

During World War II he served in the Office of Strategic Services under William Joseph Donovan. Among other tasks, he participated in selecting targets for U.S. bombardment. (Nicholas Katzenbach would later joke, "I finally understand the difference between Walt and me[...] I was the navigator who was shot down and spent two years in a German prison camp, and Walt was the guy picking my targets.")......

...Rostow became Assistant Chief of the German-Austrian Economic Division in the United States Department of State in Washington, D.C., immediately after the war. From 1946 to 1947, he returned to Oxford to teach as the Harmsworth Professor of American History. Rostow became the Assistant to the Executive Secretary of the Economic Commission for Europe in 1947, and was involved in the development of the Marshall Plan.

He spent a year in 1949 at Cambridge University as the Pitt Professor of American History and Institutions. Rostow was Professor of Economic History at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology from 1950 to 1961 and a staff member of the Center for International Studies, MIT, from 1951 to 1961. In 1958, he became a speechwriter for President Dwight D. Eisenhower.

In 1960 Rostow joined the Kennedy campaign, helping to coin such memorable campaign phrases as "Let's get this country moving again," "The New Frontier," and "The Development Decade." His ability to couch academic concepts in terms accessible to the layman was always his strong suit.

In 1961, President John F. Kennedy appointed Rostow as Deputy Special Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs, reporting to McGeorge Bundy. Late in 1961, he was then appointed as counselor of the Department of State and Chairman of the Policy Planning Council, Department of State....



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Guest Tom Scully
Within my theory of the assassination it would be important for any conspirators to be able to cover up any potentially damning information that could lead inquiring minds to those same conspirators....

....While Eugen Rostow and McCloy did differ over Japanese Internment during WWII, overall the Rostow brothers and McCloy seem to have had a very close (and long term) working relationship.

It seems possible to me that having a distinguished person such as Eugene Rostow pushing for the creation of a "Warren" type commission could have been influenced by like minded persons such as John J. McCloy who did have a current and future relationship with Rostow. Since my theory suggests that the assassination may have been planned as a result of John F. Kennedy's change of direction in nuclear talks with the Soviets it seems interesting that the man who suggested the creation of the "Warren" type commission would be selected to continue McCloy's work in the field of Arms Control.

Jim Root

Eugene Rostow was a senior in the Yale law school when John Cates Jr. was admitted to the school in the fall of 1936. Cates had earned a batchelor's degree from Yale in spring, 1936, and was a graduating classmate of Eugene's younger brother, Walt.....


Walt Whitman Rostow

...His older brother, Eugene Rostow, also held a number of high government foreign policy posts....

....In 1960 Rostow joined the Kennedy campaign, helping to coin such memorable campaign phrases as "Let's get this country moving again," "The New Frontier," and "The Development Decade." His ability to couch academic concepts in terms accessible to the layman was always his strong suit.

In 1961, President John F. Kennedy appointed Rostow as Deputy Special Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs, reporting to McGeorge Bundy. Late in 1961, he was then appointed as counselor of the Department of State and Chairman of the Policy Planning Council, Department of State. Rostow was appointed by Johnson in May 1964 to be U.S. Member of the Inter-American Committee on the Alliance for Progress (CIAP).

In early 1966, he was named special Assistant for National Security Affairs (the post now known as National Security Advisor) where he was a main figure in developing the government's policy in the Vietnam War, and where he remained until February 1969....

Page 1

Special Session Devoted to Discussion of

Current Issues


JUNE 15, 1962


Page 32

The Increasing industrial Property Licensing in Latin America 121

....It is unfortunate that the objectives of our various administrative de-

partments, such as State, Commerce, and Treasury, cannot be properly


The future of the Alliance for Progress in this instance hangs in the


Thank you.


Mr. Green : I can assure you Mr. Cates of State and Mr. Dale of

Commerce were listening closely.

Our next speaker includes Andover, Yale, and Yale Law School in his

background. He has been assigned to our embassies abroad for many

years. For example, he was in the "hot spot" as head of the political

section at Caracas, and he has been the legal officer both in Mexico and

in Germany.

In addition, his experience encompasses a number of United States-

United Nations participating projects, in which he has had administrative


Currently he has the impressive title that you see in the program,

Deputy Director for Inter-American Regional Political Affairs, U. S.

Department of State ; he is also our alternate representative to the Council

of the Organization of American States.

Page 33

122 Paient, Trademark, Copyright Journal of Research, Education

Mr. Cates will continue the theme of the role of private enterprise in

the Alliance for Progress.

Mr. Cates.




Mr. John M. Cates, Jr. : Thank you.

I am here today representing Theodore Moscoso, who is the Coordina-

tor for the Alliance for Progress and the director for Latin America

for AID.

I confessed to my colleague from the Inter-American Development

Bank, Señor Iraneta, and also to Mr. Dale, that I am really not and I

cannot pose as an expert on patents and trademarks, nor do I in any

way intend to touch on the field of the previous speaker.

What I would like to do very briefly is to say a little bit about what

the Alliance for Progress is and where we think it's going and why, and

stress the importance of private investment abroad and the relationship of

economic development to stable political and social conditions.....

Page 35

124 Patent, Trademark, Copyright Journal of Research, Education

and social reforms. Reforms have to be made in tax programs, although

I don't intend to get into that or our own tax problems here.

But, nevertheless, as you know, there are many countries in Latin

America and other parts of the world that are looked upon as tax havens.

Some of these tax climates have been so favorable that the few have had

the champagne and the poor have had mostly hunger.

And in Venezuela before the recent reforms began, just to give you an

example, there were some figures, that may be a little high, that 85 per cent

of the wealth was in two per cent of the people's hands, while taxes, in

our sense, were non-existent.

I think it is important to recall, at a meeting like this—that we are a

middle class nation, we are a bourgeois people. I don't know about the

rest of you here, but most of our ancestors worked very hard with their

hands. And the concept now of paying our way and sharing our wealth

through some sort of a tax program is something that is so much a part

of our own society that I think we forget the extent to which this is not

true in certain other countries of the hemisphere.

I mention this problem of taxation to introduce the Alliance for Prog-

ress relationship. Tax reform is one of the. steps expected to be taken

by Latin American countries wishing to meet the standards established by

Punta del Este as a prerequisite for help under this mutual aid program.

So much for how and why it came about. Next, it's quite obvious that

if you're going to build up private industry you have got to have a market.

And if you are going to have a market, you have got to have the people

in the market having some money to spend.

This gets us into a favorite topic of a man named Walt Rostow, a

classmate of mine, whose book called Economic Growth has had an enor-

mous success around the world as the first successful intellectual attack

on Marxist precepts.....


Nelia Barletta-Ricart Is Bride of John M. Cates

- New York Times - Nov 20, 1976

Nelia Barletta-Ricart, cultural attache of the Dominican Embassy in London, was married yesterday to John M. Cates, a lawyer in New York. ...


John Cates Jr., 82, A Former Diplomat

Published: Friday, July 29, 1994

John Martin Cates Jr., a retired lawyer and former Foreign Service officer, died on July 14 while on a visit to Santo Domingo, in the Dominican Republic. He was 82 and lived in Nassau, the Bahamas.

The cause was a stroke, his family said.

A native of Denver, Mr. Cates graduated from Yale University and Yale Law School and was admitted to the bar in California, Washington and New York. Starting in 1947, he worked for the State Department as an expert on the United Nations and its specialized agencies, becoming a familiar figure skilled at lobbying United Nations diplomats from Latin America for their votes.

He later served in various positions at the United States embassies in West Germany, Mexico, Venezuela and Switzerland, as well as at the Organization of American States. He advised the United States Mission to the United Nations on Latin American affairs and acted as its liaison to representatives of the region from 1963 to 1970.


John Cates Jr., 82, A Former Diplomat

Published: Friday, July 29, 1994

He was a past president and director of the Center for Inter-American Relations in New York -- now the Americas Society -- from 1971 to 1975.

Mr. Cates is survived by his wife, Nelia Barletta Cates; a son by a previous marriage,...



Published: Tuesday, August 27, 2002

de CATES-Nelia Barletta. After a long and valiant fight against cancer, Nelia Barletta de Cates succumbed in Paris, Saturday, August 24, 2002. Her life will be celebrated at an Anglican service in the American Cathedral, Paris, on Wednesday, August 28. Her husband was the late Jack M. Cates, a former American diplomat. Born in Santo Domingo, the Dominican Republic, on December 21, 1932, of parents, Amadeo Barletta Barletta and Nelia Ricart de Barletta, Nelia Barletta de Cates spent her childhood in Havana, Cuba, where her father owned the newspaper El Mundo as well as other various interests. She was educated in Cuba, Argentina, and the United States where she received her diploma at Duchesne College in 1950. Nelia Barletta de Cates served her country as the Dominican Republic's Cultural Attache to the United Kingdom, 1975-85, and as Ambassador and Permanent Representative to the International Maritime Organization, 1985-94. She has maintained her home and residence in Santo Domingo and also has spent much time during years in Paris and London. Neila Barletta de Cates is survived by her children of a previous marriage, her son, Miguel Barletta, and her daughter,....


On the Block, Grande Dame Décor


Published: Thursday, March 13, 2003

.....Gloria Guinness, the Mexican hothouse beauty who was one of Truman Capote's swans, did not know Nelia Barletta de Cates, a woman whose severe good looks were complemented by a pair of Bulgari rings -- one emerald, the other ruby -- worn on her pinky fingers. But their lives intersected at 18 Avenue Matignon in Paris, in an apartment they occupied at different times, through different styles and certainly, with different men, for nearly 50 years.

Avenue Matignon runs along the Tuileries toward the Rue du Faubourg St.-Honoré, past Alexandre the hairdresser, where the Duchess of Windsor, herself a frequent guest at No. 18, had her chignons done, and past Christie's, where on March 18 the contents of the apartment will be auctioned....

....a set of eight Louis XVI chairs by Jean-Baptiste Tilliard, have not been on the open market since Mrs. Guinness and her husband, Loel, a member of the British banking family, bought them in the mid-1950's. They were sold to Mrs. Cates, who bought the apartment from Mr. Guinness in the late 1980's. ...

...Mrs. Cates, born in the Dominican Republic to an Italian immigrant who made his fortune from car dealerships, lived in the apartment until her death last August from pancreatic cancer. A tall woman with an angular profile and a plantation of silver hair, Mrs. Cates favored the Grecian drapes of Madame Grès -- there were more than 60 Grès dresses in her closet at the time of her death, according to the executor of the French portion of her estate, Deeda Blair, and she traveled below the media's radar, despite a litigious history with her two children over a family trust.

''Nelia was very controlled, emotionally and in every other way,'' said Nan Kempner, a friend of many years, who saw her mainly in Nassau, in the Bahamas, and New York, where Mrs. Cates also had homes. ''I don't think much got under her skin.''

All that is known reliably about the origins of Gloria Rubio von Furstenberg Fahkry Guinness is that she was born in Mexico to a left-wing newspaperman. Very possibly she was a German spy during the Second World War, operating out of a hat shop in Madrid....

...Guests at Mrs. Cates's dinners were treated to delicious food, and individual menus were inscribed in silver ink on leaves from the garden. But, as a New York friend, Phyllis Farley, said, ''It never occurred to Nelia that T-shirts existed at the Gap as well as at Hermès.''

And though she found comfort with her second husband, Jack Cates, a lawyer and Yale graduate who belonged to a quartet that often insisted on singing at parties (''You'd sit down next to him and he'd burst into 'Boola Boola,' '' Mrs. Kempner said), she was estranged from her son and daughter.

Miguel Barletta, who lives in Santo Domingo, said he had not spoken to his mother since 1976, when they disagreed over the use of a trust established by his uncle and by his grandfather, Amadeo Barletta, who opened the first General Motors dealership in the Dominican Republic (and later in Cuba, where he was publisher of the newspaper El Mondo)....

...Today the apartment on Avenue Matignon belongs to a Russian businessman, who bought it for about $10 million last year....


The Mafia in Havana: a Caribbean mob story - Page 16

by Enrique Cirules - Social Science - 2004 - 177 pages

Operations were organized under the supervision of four Mafia families, directed

by Amadeo Barletta Barletta, Santo Trafficante Snr., Meyer Lansky

Corsican Amleto Battisti y Lora...


DOMINICAN REP.: Lese Majeste

Monday, May. 27, 1935

It was lèse majesté for the Italian consul, Amadeo Barletta, to break the tobacco monopoly of the Dominican Republic's Dictator Rafael Leonidas Trujillo. It was lèse majesté against Benito Mussolini, a greater dictator than Trujillo, when Trujillo clapped Barletta into jail and confiscated his tobacco company on dubious charges of an assassination plot (TIME, May 13). Last week a third and greater act of lèse majesté was in the making, as Mussolini moved to get his consul out of jail.

The third would have been against the U. S. Government, which for 112 years has reserved for itself alone the right to spank Latin American troublemakers. But President Roosevelt has shrugged off the responsibilities of the Monroe Doctrine, told Latin America that the Colossus of the North, reformed into a Good Neighbor, would not forcibly interfere in its affairs. In theory this means that, in such a case as Barletta's, the U. S. would let Mussolini do his own spanking, send his own warboat to Santo Domingo, where Dictator Trujillo quietly runs one of the world's most efficient little Terrors. However, in practice, an Italian warboat in the Caribbean would hurt U. S. prestige as much as it would hurt Trujillo. For that reason the State Department last week called in the Dominican Republic's Minister to the U. S., Rafael Brache, put a quiet little bee in his ear. Minister Brache sent his Government a long cablegram, flew down to Santo Domingo to amplify it. Last week, before he had arrived, Trujillo set $50,000 bail for Barletta. Barletta's friends began trying to scrape up the $50,000 and for the moment Mussolini put his warboat back in his pocket.

'Boola Boola,', indeed! :



Infant mortality rate:

male: 6.51 deaths/1,000 live births

female: 5.09 deaths/1,000 live births (2009 est.)


Domenican Republic

Infant mortality rate:

male: 28 deaths/1,000 live births

female: 23.84 deaths/1,000 live births (2009 est.)

Edited by Tom Scully
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Guest Tom Scully

...If C.B. Smith knew Barletta it would not only be a link to de Mohrenschildt but to another director of his company, Jose M. Bosch Lamarque. Bosch Lamarque supported Castro then turned against him in 1959. He was Castro's chief contact with Jules Dubois, a journalist and Army intelligence vet who helped engineer the Guatemala coup in 1954. Dubois' old underground contract, David Salvador, founded the anti-communist 30th of November Movement. A Cuban, identified by the Secret Service as belonging to 30th of November, said during an arms deal on November 21, 1963 that the financial backers of his group would soon "take care of Kennedy."492

A national 30th of November leader, Jesus Fernandez Hernandez, was the resident, in 1962 and 1963, of Hernando's Hideaway. He was leasing the house from the Keys Realty Company. Rolando Cubella's co-plotter in the AM/LASH plot was Eugenio Rolando Martinez, the owner of the CIA front, Keys Realty, which owned Hernando's Hideaway where Kensington witnessed the Rambler similar to George Gordon Wing's. Martinez was also the skipper of the Collins Radio ship Rex during its ill-fated raid on Cuba in late October 1963 -- a fact attributed to Frank Sturgis by Peter Dale Scott in Crime and Cover-Up. Scott adds that Sturgis was probably involved with this raid as well. Sturgis was a long-time associate of Eugenio Martinez.493

Bosch Lamarque was an original supporter of Carlos Bringuier's Directorial Revolucionario Estudiantil (DRE) and Alpha 66 which was linked to three attempts on Castro including the attempt involving the Odios.494 DRE and Alpha 66 grew out of the group originally funded by Bosch Lamarque, and DRE had overlapping goals and personnel with 30th of November.495 It is therefore probable that de Mohrenschildt's fellow oil company employee Bosch Lamarque was one of the financial backers who would soon "take care of Kennedy."

Yet another director of CVOVT, Jose I. de la Camara, was an employee of Augustin Batista Falla's Trust Company of Cuba. The Batista Falla family was behind the Lake Pontchartrain training camp where Loran Hall and Gerry Patrick Hemming were training Cuban exiles.496 Bringuier accused Oswald of attempting to infiltrate this very camp after Oswald allegedly went there with David Ferrie.497 And of course Hall and Hemming bring us full circle back to Hernando's Hideaway. The FBI report, which Michael Kensington wrote about (CD 1179) links Hall and Hemming to Dick Whatley, a former Brigade 2506 trainer in Guatemala, whose address on that report was near Hernando's Hideaway. Also, according to Marita Lorenz, Hemming was among those who left from a Miami safehouse and drove to Dallas in a station wagon to kill Kennedy.498....


And we are all mortal: new evidence and analysis in the John F. Kennedy ...? -

by George Michael Evica - Biography & Autobiography - 465 pages

page 295

The White Baron had continuing connections to the same groups which supplied,

funded, and supported the alliance of anti-Castro groups which stood to gain from the

fall of Cuba and the further exploitation of the Caribbean and the Bahamas.

That de Mohrenschildt looked away from Cuba and toward Haiti was no problem;

that foresight made him a part of the larger context of the assassination, and gave meaning, I think, to his relationship with Oswald.

With members of the Batista (Fallal family, he helped to establish the Cuba-

Venezuela Oil Trust Co.;

it was less important that a Pantipac Oil Company agent who was involved in that operation came from an

exploitation company owned by the Buckley family, and that through the Buckleys,

de Mohrenschildt could be indirectly connected to Manuel Artime and E.

Howard Hunt; rather with the Baron's philosophy and motivation, it would be inevitable he

would work with individuals and groups having such connections.

In fact, his earlier connections with the Batista Falla family would give

him theoretical access to the Lake Pontchartrain project itself. The other

Cuba-Venezuela Oil Trust Co. partner, Trujillo-associate Amadeo Barletta,

The goal of that de Mohrenschildt project was the exploitation of Cuba: "We owned about one-half

of the country under lease. When Castro took over, it was forfeited." Like the casino

operations represented by Lansky and Trafficante, de Mohrenschildt and his investment allies had enough motive to want Cuba to be

regained for exploitation, and, in the process, be rid of a model for other countries which might begin to resist such exploitation, legal or illegal.

George de Mohrenschildt was probably double- hatting through most of his career.

If we reverse the usual explanations of his Mexican- Central American-Guatemalan tour, the story makes at least as much sense: the Baron would then be

on a government intelligence assignment in Mexico, and on an exploitation tour in Guatemala, with the government report-

writing a rather thin cover (why would the United States want an intelligence report on the Bay of Pigs staging?)....

Anthony A. Bernabei


Cuban Paper Gets New Chief

- New York Times - Feb 27, 1960

... appointed director of the newspaper El Mundo, seized Tuesday by the Government. The paper s business manager, Antonio Bernabei, was refused admission ...


Che's Chevrolet, Fidel's Oldsmobile: on the road in Cuba‎ - Page 187

Richard Schweid - Transportation - 2004 - 239 pages

When Barletta left, he did it without regard for the employees he was leaving

behind in Cuba, Olivia Bernabei told me on the phone from her home in Fort ...

Limited preview


Anthony A. Bernabei, 78, ex-Tandy VP, entrepreneur

- Fort Worth Star-Telegram - NewsBank - Sep 10, 2000

It went international when Mr. Bernabei moved to Havana, Cuba, as vice president of Ambar Motors. He was general manager of El Mundo and Telemundo, ..


Anthony A. Bernabei, 78, ex-Tandy VP, entrepreneur

- Fort Worth Star-Telegram - NewsBank - Sep 10, 2000

After the war, Mr. Bernabei graduated from Princeton magna cum laude with a degree in modern languages and literature.

A native of Trenton, N.J., Tony graduated from Princeton University, with a Bachelor of Arts degree magna cum laude in modern languages and literature,

His undergraduate studies were were interrupted by World War II, when he served in the Army and interrogated prisoners of war acting as a special agent in Counter Intelligence Corps.

He earned his master's degree in banking and finance from New York University.

His corporate career began in New York as an officer for Empire Trust Company, but turned international when he moved

to Havana as vice president of Ambar Motors, Inc. He served as General Manager of El Mundo and Telemundo, the national newspaper and television station.

All of his assets were confiscated by Castro's regime when Tony and his family were forced to leave Cuba. In the United States, he was executive vice

of CIT Educational Buildings, Inc. and vice president of Tandy Corporation.


Fort Worth Star-Telegram (TX) - September 10, 2000 - 9 METRO

Anthony A. Bernabei, 78, ex-Tandy VP, entrepreneur

Anthony A. Bernabei, a retired entrepreneur and former vice president of Tandy Corp., died Friday at his home in west Fort Worth. He was 78. Born in Trenton, N.J., Mr. Bernabei is remembered as a true Renaissance man who loved to travel and spoke five languages fluently. Mr. Bernabei was attending Princeton University when World War II interrupted his undergraduate studies. He learned German while serving as an Army foot soldier. He interrogated prisoners of war as a special agent in...


Anthony A. Bernabei, 78, ex-Tandy VP, entrepreneur

- Fort Worth Star-Telegram - NewsBank - Sep 10, 2000

He interrogated prisoners of war as a special agent in the Counter Intelligence Corps, his wife, Olivia Bernabei, said. After the war, Mr. Bernabei ...


Anthony A. Bernabei '44

Published in Dec. 20, 2000, issue

One of our most popular and dedicated class members, Tony died on Sept. 8, 2000, at his home in Fort Worth. He came to Princeton from Trenton [N.J.] H.S., captained both freshman and varsity swimming, was manager of Cap and Gown, and graduated magna in modem languages. His roommates included Buck Sheridan, Joe Walsh, Rufus Carr, Stew Mittnacht, Jim McCaffrey, Hank Russell, and Jack Clemmitt.

After WWII service in the counter intelligence corps, he earned a master's at NYU, was an officer at Empire Trust, and then moved to Cuba as v.p. of Ambar Motors, then became manager of the El Mundo and Telemundo media outlets. After Castro confiscated his assets, he started anew with CIT and later became v.p. of Tandy. He was a founding member of the Natl. Bank of Texas and was involved in many civic and cultural organizations in Ft. Worth.

Tony was v.p. and then pres. of our class from 1965-69. He also served as fifth reunion chair....

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