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Todd W. Vaughan

Todd W. Vaughan

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I’ve been researching the assassination since April of 1975. I’m interested in most all aspects of the assassination, particularly all of the photographic evidence and the photographers, the motorcade, the DPD radio recordings, the television and radio coverage of the weekend, the acoustic evidence, the medical evidence, the ballistics evidence, the trajectory evidence, the physical evidence, Dealey Plaza, witnesses, missed shots in Dealey Plaza, the life of Oswald, Oswald in New Orleans, Mexico City, and Dallas, Oswald’s personal possessions, the Garrison investigation, Richard Case Nagell, Cuban exiles, Alpha 66, documents of investigating agencies (particularly FBI, SS, CIA, WC, DPD/DMARC, NODA, HSCA, AARB), and the overall history of the assassination and the research movement.

Edited by Todd W. Vaughan
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I’ve been researching the assassination since April of 1975. I’m interested in most all aspects of the assassination, particularly all of the photographic evidence and the photographers, the motorcade, the DPD radio recordings, the television and radio coverage of the weekend, the acoustic evidence, the medical evidence, the ballistics evidence, the trajectory evidence, the physical evidence, Dealey Plaza, witnesses, missed shots in Dealey Plaza, the life of Oswald, Oswald in New Orleans, Mexico city, and Dallas, Oswald’s personal possessions, the Garrison investigation, Richard Case Nagell, Cuban exiles, Alpha 66, documents of investigating agencies (particularly FBI, SS, CIA, WC, DPD/DMARC, NODA, HSCA, AARB), and the overall history of the assassination and the research movement.

Hi Todd,

Welcome to the Ed Forum's JFK Assassination Debate.

Thanks for the work you did at the Ford library.

There hasn't been much debate going on around here.

Maybe you can stimulate things a bit.

I see you are listed among those with Dr. Rahn's "Non conspiracists united"

Do you subscribe to his "chance, not conspiracy" coincidentalists theory of the assassination?

Bill Kelly



Edited by William Kelly
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