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Supreme Court Justice Tom C. Clark: A Life of Service

Guest Tom Scully

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Guest Tom Scully

The new book is excerpted at this link.:


Maybe John can invite Ms. Gronlund to participate in a Q&A on this forum. I, for one, have a few questions for her. In the preview linked above, Maury Hughes is mentioned, but this is not covered at all.:


...While Dillon was collecting his bribe money from Testa and Brady, another lawyer named Maury Hughes of Dallas, traveled to Washington and met with Attorney General Clark. The two men had grown up together. Shortly after the meeting, the Attorney General requested the gangsters transfer to Levenworth.

For decades no one in law enforcement was clear on what hand Clark had played in the transfer or where Hughes fit in until Murray Humpreys summed it all up when he, knowingly or unknowingly, told an FBI microphone on October 16, 1964: "Attorney General Tom Clarke was, he always was, 100% for doing favors . . . the guy Maury Hughes who went to Clarke was an ex law partner (from Dallas) and then the scandal broke."

Humpreys also said that another lawyer they hired, Bradley Eben, was paid the astounding fee of $15,000, an enormous amount of money in 1945, to "consult" on the case. Eben's mother was a Truman White House employee who worked as a liaison between Attorney General Clarke and the President....

The friendship between Tom Clark and Earl Warren which began in 1941 when the two men worked to intern the west coast Japanese is described in the book, along with the information that the Warren and Clark families became District of Columbia neighbors when both men served on the US Supreme Court, often walking together to the court.

But there is no mention in the book of this.:


Ex-farmer, judge Crown remembered as 'wise, fair'

- Daily Herald - NewsBank - Mar 8, 1997

Crown clerked for US Supreme Court Justice Tom Clark from 1956 to 1959 and ... law at the Chicago firm of Jenner and Block, where he became a partner. ...

John J. Crown, judge, philanthropist

- Chicago Sun-Times - NewsBank - Mar 6, 1997

John J. Crown, 67, a former Cook County Circuit Court judge and youngest son of ... In 1959, he joined the law firm of Jenner & Block. ...



The Kennedy assassination cover-up‎ - Page 96

Donald Gibson - History - 2000 - 306 pages+





Deep Politics and the Death of JFK‎ - Page 155

Peter Dale Scott - History - 1996 - 424 pages

Tom Clark told me afterward that it led to very high places. ... Henry Crown,

the big Jewish financier in Chicago [involved in Cook Country real estate ...

Limited preview - About this book - Add to my library - More editions

Official and confidential: the secret life of J. Edgar Hoover

Official and confidential: the secret life of J. Edgar Hoover‎ - Page 227

Anthony Summers - Biography & Autobiography - 1993 - 528f John Croe pages

According to the then Attorney General, Ragen's revelations led to "very high

places," including Henry Crown, the Chicago financier, and the Annenberg ...

The author mentions that O. John Rogge gave Tom Clark some trouble during his 1949 Supreme Court confirmation hearing, but she painted Rogge as a communist and thus, not credible. Judging from what I could read in the preview of the book, she did not mention this.:



Monday, Nov. 04, 1946

.....Rogge traced out the oft-told tale of the late oilman William R. Davis, who, inspired by the German Government, had tried to mediate World War II back in 1940. He also mentioned John L. Lewis, Senator Burton K. Wheeler and other touchy names in the same breath with Nazi bigwigs.

To the familiar Davis story Rogge added the authority of months spent in Germany this year, poring over Nazi records. Upon his return Rogge had turned over a report to Attorney General Tom Clark with the expectation that it would be published. Instead, Clark had kept it in the files.

After Rogge's Swarthmore speech Pennsylvania Republicans gleefully recalled that pro-German Bill Davis once had connections with another prominent politico: Senator Joe Guffey, facing defeat Nov. 5.

Indignantly Tom Clark charged Rogge with willfully violating Justice Department rules by making a speech based on the quashed report. Then he fired him.

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Clarks signature:



Four of the Supreme Court Justices sign a first day cover honoring the 100th Anniversary of the birth of U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice Charles Evans Hughes.


First Day Cover signed: "Tom C. Clark", "Arthur J. Goldberg", "Harry A. Blackmun" *and* "Abe Fortas",

6½x3¾. FDC honoring the 100th Anniversary of the birth of U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice Charles Evans Hughes, 4-cent Hughes stamp affixed, postmarked Washington, D.C., April 11, 1962, FIRST DAY OF ISSUE.

HARRY BLACKMUN (1908-1999), a Republican appointed by President Richard Nixon in 1970, served until retiring in 1994. Initially allied with the conservatives on the Court, he is best remembered for his 1973 majority opinion in _Roe v. Wade_, legalizing abortion. In March, 2004, Blackmun's papers collected at the Library of Congress were opened for public view. The papers and video tapes provide a candid look behind the scenes at the Court's deliberations.

Special Assistant in the Justice Department (1937-1943) and Assistant Attorney General (1943-1945) under President Franklin D. Roosevelt, TOM C. CLARK (1899-1977) was appointed Attorney General in 1945 and Associate Justice of the Supreme Court in 1949 by President Harry S Truman. When his son, Ramsey, was appointed Attorney General by President Lyndon B. Johnson in 1967, Clark resigned as Associate Justice to avoid any possible conflict of interest.

After two decades of private law practice, ABE FORTAS (1910-1982) was appointed to the Supreme Court by President Lyndon B. Johnson in 1965. Fortas, who had successfully represented LBJ when Johnson's 84-vote victory in the 1948 Democratic Senate primary in Texas was challenged, remained a confidante of President Johnson. In 1968, LBJ nominated Fortas to succeed Earl Warren as Chief Justice, but then withdrew the nomination. In 1969, "Life" magazine revealed that Fortas had accepted and then returned a fee of $20,000 from a charitable foundation controlled by the family of an indicted stock manipulator. Public opinion forced Fortas to resign from the bench on May 14, 1969, but he denied any wrongdoing. It was the only time in U.S. history that a Supreme Court Justice resigned under public pressure.

ARTHUR JOSEPH GOLDBERG (1908-1990) served as Secretary of Labor under President John F. Kennedy from 1961-1962. Appointed by JFK on October 1, 1962 to succeed retiring Justice Felix Frankfurter, Goldberg served as an Associate Justice until 1965, when he resigned to succeed the late Adlai E. Stevenson as U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations. Goldberg was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 1978.

Tom C. Clark


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Guest Tom Scully
I wonder if the book will even mention Jack Halphen and Johnny Rosselli.

The book seems as sanitized and denial filled as this one did.:


Ironically, the Pryor book at the link above and, the career of former California governor Gray Davis might have not existed in present form if Tom Clark had not surpressed O. John Rogge's "Nazi Report."

If that report had been released by the government after WWII, it might have put into public awareness that Pryor Jr. pushed Abwehr agent William Rhodes Davis with Goering's political sabotage money on Wendell Willkie. Davis was Gray Davis's deliberately obscured grandfather. This twist of fate left Schwarzenneger, who had asked the Wisenthal center to investigate his Nazi family skeletons, as the lone 2003 gubenatorial candidate with Nazi family skeletons in the closet.

Anyway....is anybody "getting" this? Tom Clark knew Henry Crown was an accused mob kingpin, but selected Crown's son as his Supreme Court Law clerk, after appearing to take a bribe to parole 4 Chicago mobsters, after shutting down investigations that had developed the info on Crown and the Annenberg family.

Since Clark only had two law clerks per term, he had to know that his former clerk, John Crown, had gone to work for Albert Jenner, and that Jenner was the Crown family's lawyer, yet Clark is put on the record vouching for Jenner's appointment to the Warren commission. Clark also has to know that Conrad Hilton had been lumped in with Crown in the same mob intelligence file, but he does nothing to stop Earl Warren from associating with Conrad Hilton in friendship, or to keep Warren's daughter, Virginia from traveling the world with Conrad Hilton for more than two years.

With all of those conflcts and impropriety, Tom Clark resigns from the Supreme Court with the excuse that the he want to avoid any conflict arising from his son's appointment by LBJ as US attorney general.

As if effecting the complete invalidation the report of the Warren Commission, by both withholding knowledge of Crown's background and the conflicts Jenner and Clark have, by being associated with Crown's son, Jenner being Crown's lawyer, and along with Earl Warren, ignoring and keeping all of these conflicts from the public knowledge, while both Clark and Warren push for Jenner's appointment to the WC, are not larger and more troubling conflicts than Clark not resigning from the Court upon the appointment of his son?


Official and confidential: the secret life of J. Edgar Hoover‎ - Page 227

Anthony Summers - Biography & Autobiography - 1993 - 528 pages

According to the then Attorney General, Ragen's revelations led to "very high

places," including Henry Crown, the Chicago financier, and the Annenberg ...

Ragen claimed he told Tom Clark and the FBI that he was approaching them because his business activities were interstate and fell under their jurisdiction.:




Hoover's FBI: the inside story by Hoover's trusted lieutenant‎ - Page 303

Cartha DeLoach - Political Science - 1995 - 440 pages

Shortly after World War II ended, the FBI began its first major initiative

against racketeering. Hoover called it by the code name CAPGA, and agents

in all parts of the country were pressed to investigate organized crime and

to gather information on all known criminals. One of the figures targeted was

Bugsy Siegel. An informant from out West had told the FBI that Siegel was

coming to New York to restructure his shaky finances by negotiating a loan

to build a casino in Las Vegas — the Desert Inn. The chief banker for this project,

agents were told, was Frank Costello. They immediately began to surveil his activities.

Every night Costello would entertain Siegel and a select group of the New York mob

in the Copa Cabana, and every night agents would swarm all over the place,

fitting all sorts of pieces into the giant jigsaw puzzle of organized crime.

Then, quite suddenly, the attorney general, Tom Clark, told us to discontinue our operations.

Agents in the field were stunned. They were in the middle of a gold mine,

picking up nuggets every hour. But the attorney general's office pointed out

that we had no business investigating investigating activities that could not be construed

as violating federal...

Edited by Tom Scully
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Tom, I've been following your posts for some time now, never really knowing where you are going, but it has all been interesting, yet elusive as you're coming from a perspective and with information I really know little about. I, as you may be aware, has a particular viewpoint, shared in parts by others. What I keep looking for is some Common Denominator (with the five blind men and the elephant in mind), as I don't think anyone, including myself, has a full clear picture of what went down. I think that there is a strong German connection that involves imported Nazis. So, this is what really got my attention here.: a implied (to me) kind of pre war op valkyrie of sorts, that prepared for all eventualities and merely shape shifted to flow with events but never wavering in intent, (actually, a side step to the football and its supposed contents including contingency plans(Bob Barrett?)), for example, I find the rise of a death squad officer to the position of KriminalRat under Adenour and Erhard (sic) who was pally with member/s of the presidential detail interesting, he trained in the US, oversaw security at the German visits of Heads in both directions, was in the US in oct/nov for a funeral, then was with (how long before?) Erhardt at LBJ's ranch in late Dec ( where LBJ practically ordered Erhard to focus on South/Latin America so the US could focus more on Indochina ) and a few weeks later was uncovered as a (Einsatzgruppen(Death Squad)) Kommando K (C?) leader, (and shortly, somewhat classically, (as far as German State MO goes), arrested and was found in his cell, dead from suicide. Then NOTHING about him!!!), that Followed the Wermacht into The East as OP Barbarossa swung into action, Slaughtering Civilians so that before the establishment of the Death Camps had already killed some 70% of all that would be counted amongst the ''Cleansing'' that The NAZIS were responsible for, ..and his unit operated around the Minsk area, plus the fact that false ID, face, processed (presumably to a large extent in Norway by Walker in Command) wholesale Importation of entire surviving squads into the US, with New Jersey being a place of choice, which brings in Nixon. Nixon afaik largely precided over this importation, ostensibly to bolster Republican votes. So, there, I come to this document and Clark and then Conflicts of Interest and Corruption at other levels (to wit the First Day Cover, the signators and who they were, ((and where and when they signed it too I suppose)(and as well as a person under Ewald Peters in '42 was an Oswald :lol: ), Chuck in the Isolationists, the Bush warcrimes, and Nixon and his role in Government at the time, a picture, (to me anyway), begins to take the form of an entirely different kind of Op Valkyrie...

So, my interests here primarily are this document and any Clark, Nixon connections.

EDIT : formatting, typos

Edited by John Dolva
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Tom, in the fifties there was a best selling series of books entitled New York Confidential, Chicago Confidential, Washington Confidential, etc. They were Drew Pearson-inspired gossippy kind of books filled with info on who runs the rackets in each town, where to go to meet hookers etc. I picked up U.S.A. Confidential--which covered a lot of smaller cities with a chapter each--one day on a lark, thinking it might someday feed into my Kennedy research. Well, when I read about Dallas, I received a big surprise.

Tom Clark RAN Dallas. Got a parking ticket you want fixed? Give him a call. Get busted at a whore house? Give him a call. Clark, a Supreme Court Justice at the time, and a former attorney general--(the one who let Rosselli out early...hmmm)--was more like a Tammany style city boss than a jurist. This put a few other things in perspective. Also in the fifties, a bag man for Marcello named Jack Halphen got arrested in Texas. After he started naming some of those on his payroll, however, all charges were dropped. Two of the names...Tom Clark and Lyndon Johnson.

There's also this: Tom Clark stepped down and let Ramsey become AG at the precise time Johnson was getting beat up over the assassination, and the critics started winning the war of words. In short order, Ramsey 1) had the doctors inspect the autopsy photos and lie to the nation about them on CBS, 2) did his best to shut down Garrison, and 3) had a panel of civilians secretly re-interpret the autopsy photos, and move the head wound entrance to a more convenient location.

Was Ramsey just a dupe? Maybe. But Tom Clark was almost certainly nobody's dupe.

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Guest Tom Scully


Thanks for the info; I found out this week that Clark had close ties to Dallas, but I was not aware that he wielded that kind of power and influence. Isn't it curious that Truman described Clark as being "so dumb"? Truman and Clark seemed to be quite a pair, as Truman was a protege of "boss" Tom Pendergast, and Truman was said to be behind Tom Clark's shelving of O. John Rogge's "German Report" for fifteen years.

I thought it was interesting that Clark was one of two names Warren said were vouching for Albert Jenner, and then I read earlier this week about what you described related to Ramsey Clark and about Ramsey's inserting himself into Jim Garrison's investigation.

I looked further, just a few days ago and my jaw dropped, as it did when I found out that Henry Crown's son, John worked at Jenner's law firm, to now discover that John had also served as Clark's Supreme Court law clerk in 1956-1957!

To reiterate the telling of my brief route to where I am presently, I started less than two years ago, looking first into the backgrounds of our two Bush presidents and their father, and this quickly led to Sam Pryor and his son, the subject of a thread.:


I found that Pryor Jr. had flown Abwehr agent Davis to meet Willkie, and that there had been a lot of partisan republican sourced spin since to attempt to make this Nazi sourced funding of Willkie look like something that absurdly morphed Davis into an innocent role as FDR's "peace making emmisary" to Goering. As I linked above, Rogge's report and Charles Higham's "Treason" make it seem much more ominous.

The decisive influence for me was finding that Pryor Jr. and Lindbergh became so close that they decided to be buried almost next to each other, while Lindbergh's wife, politically reformed in her later years, made other arrangements for her mortal remains. Then I found that Jerry Ford was R. Douglas Stuart's America First founding partner and finally I stumbled upon the coup attempt reported by Smedley Butler. I finally learned about the Gehlen org., and much more about Operation Paperclip, and finally about Dornberger at Bell Helicopter.

I uncovered that Gray Davis was the grandson of Pryor Jr's and Willkie's Abwehr buddy, William Rhodes Davis. I was as surprised by the discovery that Gray Davis had altered his first name to successfully cover this lineage up, as I was that there was absolutely no media interest about it.

Just over a year ago, I found that Obama had the benefit of an early political patron worth $5.8 billion who I had never heard of before. That patron was Henry Crown's son, Lester. I had never heard of either Crown. I started digging....I found Patrick Hoy and then the Torbitt document. Searching Hoy's background led to the Byfields and Kupcinet, and via Kupcinet and the Colitz brothers, Jack Ruby, which was related to the leasing of Glen Ora by JFK and Jackie, and finally, the marriage of McNamara to Byfield Jr's widow.

In between, what I thought was a distracting tangent was research into the background of Cindy McCain's mobbed up father, initial financial backer of John McCain. It turned out that Henry Crown and the Goldwaters were involved in the same organized crime activities as McCain's father-in-law, Jim Hensley and Kemper Marley.

I don't expect to often stumble upon revelations like Tom Clark selecting a Chicago Syndicate chieftain's son as his law clerk, especially when there is such a strong indication that Clark knew, because James Ragen told him so in 1946. or that Earl Warren's daughter was in Crown's inner circle by her close relationship with Conrad Hilton, and that these relationships tie neatly with the Torbitt description of Hoy's role in bringing Crown and Hilton close to Sidney Korshak.

Many more coincidences here, and the list is still growing. Ernie Byfield Jr.'s second wife ends up with McNamara, JFK ends up with a weekend white house owned by Byfield's mother, Byfield Jr.'s first wife has a sister married the B. Rionda Braga's first cousin, GHW Bush escorts Demohrenschildt's partner and step-nephew Edward G. Hooker's daughter down the aisle to marry Braga's son. Braga shares his CIA linked, right hand man, Michael JP Malone, with Bob Kleberg in time for Kleberg to fund the Vejana III. Braga and Malone have kenaf dealings with Joseph Dryer. Kleberg's sister ends up as CEO of the King Ranch, and her late husband was a founder of Celanese Corp. where John Macomber is later president and hires Thomas Devine as VP and controller. Macomber's brother Willaim is a former OSS and CIA operative who ends up at the state dept. and prompts an investigation of Oswald and other defectors in 1960. William Macomber, a close friend of Prescott Bush, is best man in Nancy Bush's 1946 marriage to Alexander Elllis and in the 1973, Jupiter Island wedding of Thomas Devine. William Macomber retires from State and C. Douglas Dillon sets him up as president of the NY Met Museum of Art.

Before John Macomber moved from McKinsey & Co. to Celanese, he takes Michael Ainslie, a son of a man who had a successful career in Dayton at NCR, under his wing through a series of career and other business relationships which resiult in the two being on Lehman's board when Lehman vaporizes in 2008, and with Ainlsie becoming the second husband of former Bush roommate and Demohrenshildt partner, Edward Hooker's daughter.

And somewhere in the mix, is the fact that OSS's Byfield Jr. was the 1943 best man in the wedding of William HG Fitzgerald to Annilise Petschek, a woman whose family's Silesian coal and steel assets were sheltered from Nazi Aryanization through an elaborate shell corporation ruse originated by the Harrimans and Sam Pryor Sr, with Prescott Bush assigned to manage the resulting paper entities.

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Guest Tom Scully

This isn't going away, especially since it's received disproportionately so little inquiry over the past 46 years when, compared to say....the photo and file evidence.

I am attracted both by the symmetry, everyone mentioned below, and Tom Clark, seemingly in bed together, or at most, separate by only one degree. And, for whatever it comes to mean, while the people included below went about their scheming, primarily in Chicago, you have Jackie and the kids "weekending" at Byfield Jr.'s mama's house, most weekends from Dec., 1960 trhu March, 1963. The last act was McNamara marrying Byfield's widow in 2002.

As if there are not enough coincidences, the same Syndicate activity that filled the pockets of Del Webb, Kemper Marley, and the four parolees linked to Tom Clark and Truman's campaign treasurer, generated the "old money" which financed and "juiced" the political careers of John McCain through his father-in-law, Kemper Marley "soldier" Jim Hensley, and in Obama's case, via the "don" in Obama's Chicago neighborhood, Lester Crown. How long after the betrayal of the public trust until the money isn't considered dirty and the players who were aligned with the Syndicate can pose as legitimate businessmen or Judges? In the cases of Tom Clark's family and McCain's and Obama's big backers, I think the answer is, "not long enough."

We had the pleasure of choosing between McCain and Obama, last fall because, 50 years ago, the system failed to investigate and prosecute and confiscate the dirty money of the scions of the families who now sponsor our two mediocre, major party choices to become our president,:

Henry Crown crony, Sam Nanini, is documented with mob ties and a record exists to prove that Sam lobbied Prison officials to parole Louis Campagna, at the same time when Tom Clark was paroling the four mobsters after completion of just one third of there sentences. Bioff had been freed ealrlier and was already living under an assumed name in Arizona, befriended by the Goldwater brothers, real estate "partners" of Nanini, and Henry Crown, Del Webb, and Joe Zerilli.

D'Andrea once again lost the election to Powers. but it didn't matter. D'Andrea was shot five times as he entered his house. Ile died of his wounds shortly after. His funeral was held at Our Lady of Pompeii church in little Italy with 6.000 on lookers in attendance. D'Andrea was to be laid to rest at Mount Olivet cemetery, but because he had not lived his life as a Catholic, he could not be buried in a Catholic cemetery. The only cemetery that would take him was Mount Greenwood. Among the pallbearers, carrying D'Andrea's three-thousand-dollar-bronze casket was Joseph "Diamond Joe" Esposito' Peter Fosco. Dr. Gaetano Ronga. Dr. Eugene Chesrow, Constantino Vitello, and state representative Charles Cola.

Fosco's power grew in politics through the 1920s and 1930s. He was aligned with labor heavyweight Mike "Dago Mike" Carrozzo. president of the Street Labors Union. and number one labor cronies for Johnny Torrio, Al Capone, Vito Miroballi and Ciro Balzano, Another close friend Fosco aligned himself with was labor racketeer Sam Nanini. Nanini controlled and owned Rock Road Construction Company. Rock Road Construction was handed many of the construction contracts throughout Chicago from the crocket hands of Mike Carrozzo. Both Carrozzo and Fosco received a cut of the prophet from all the projects. ...


Investigation as to the manner ... the Board of Parole is operating and ...‎ - Page 182

United States. Congress. House. Comm. on Expenditures in the Executive Departments - 1948 - 938 pages

... Kans., signed by S. Nanini, president and treasurer. Rock Road Construction

Co., Chicago, 111., re recommendation for parole of Louis Campagna. 9-g. ...


Captive city - Page 230

Ovid Demaris - Social Science - 1969 - 366 pages

While Crown hobnobbed with Mike Igoe, Sam Nanini, Jake Arvey, ... and other old-

time cronies, Hoy made the nightclub scene with Sidney and Marshall Korshak, ...

After 15 years under the Byfields, smoozing nightly with Irv Kupcinet, Patrick H. Hoy was hired by Henry Crown after the merger of MSC and General Dynamics. Crown named him the first non-family president of MSC and executive VP of General Dynamics. After spending most evenings in Byfield's Pump Room restaurant from the mid 1940's into the 1960's, Hoy and Irv and Essie Kupcinet knew every VIP in the U.S. , including all the members of the Chicago Syndicate, and Kupcinet's partners the Colitz's were friends of Jack Ruby since boyhood and owned the Clover Bar next door to Byfield and Hoy's Hotel Sherman offices. There was Colitz testimony in the WC record to the effect that Ruby had stopped in at the Clover Bar the last time he had been in Chicago.


The Milwaukee Journal - Mar 19, 1977

Led to More Deals

For Webb, the Flamingo experience led to a series of deals

with other developers including Henry Crown of Chicago and

Arnold S. Kirkeby of Los Angeles.

Crown, now 80, a Chicago financier who owned the Empire State Building

from 1954 to 1961, became a close adviser to Webb. He was a longtime ally of

a Chicago Democratic boss, the late Jacob M. (Jake) Arvey, and a business associate

of Tucson developer Sam Nanini, another Chicagoan with acknowledged mob connections....

Jake Arvey and Pat Hoy opened a bank together. It was one of the banks Pat Hoy spent three years in prison for borrowing funds from though fraudulant means. Byfiield Jr. went into business with Hoy's nephew.


Jet - Page 48

Magazine - Aug 16, 1962 - v. 22, no. 17 - 64 pages

... become original incorporates under an Illinois charter include Jacob M.

Arvey, William Fuller Gregson, RS Holsen, Thomas S. Flannery and Patrick H. Hoy.


Full view -


Front Views & Profiles

Pay-Per-View - Chicago Tribune - ProQuest Archiver - Feb 5, 1957

handsome general manager the Lincoln Park West hotel, where he and the president, Ernest Byfield Jr., are plan- ning a new dining room to be called the Left ...


Front Views & Profiles

Pay-Per-View - Chicago Tribune - ProQuest Archiver - Feb 5, 1957

... the Lincoln Park West hotel, where he and the president, Ernest Byfield Jr., ... Bill is a nephew of Pat Hoy, president of the Sher- man-Ambassador ...

Rozwell Gilpatric, JFK assistant secretary of defense implicated in the $6.8 billion TFX contract award to Crown's General Dynamics, was recommended to JFK by Bush Harriman partner and chair of the committee that designed the CIA, Robert Lovett.

According to this, Gilpatric helped Henry Crown unload Material Service Corp. onto General Dynamics, without noticing,, as Harry Booth did in his October, 1963 suit, that most of MSC's "holdings" and it's long time revenue stream had been appropriated from the people of Chicago, and then sometimes sold back to them, although they owned the assets sitting on top of the land leased to Crown's MSC.


Lions in the street: the inside story of the great Wall Street law firms‎ - Page 14

Paul Hoffman - Law - 1973 - 244 pages

Gilpatric himself had an office in General Dynamics' headquarters in Rockefeller

Center and had advised the company on its acquisition of Material Services ...


Captive city‎ - Page 216

Ovid Demaris - Social Science - 1969 - 366 pages

16 Attorney Harry Booth is Chicago's most formidable dragon slayer. Frail,

myopic, rumpled and no taller or heavier than a jockey, his favorite

mount is a monolithic public utility. The bigger they are, the faster they run

when the diminutive attorney gets that riding gleam behind his thick-lensed spectacles.

In the past forty years, he has filed more suits in behalf of consumers of natural gas,

electricity, telephone, water and transit than all other lawyers in Chicago combined.

"Harry is a gadfly, a troublemaker, a misdirected knight on a white charger,"

say his detractors. "Harry often sees the devil in actions which are merely

part of the routine operation of a large utility. . . . Harry makes us a little impatient sometimes

when we have to spend money defending suits we feel are invalid. . . .

Harry has no understanding of big corporations." It was only natural that Harry's pulse would quicken whenever

he read stories about the scandal-ridden Sanitary District. By late 1962, Smart and Bliss were

concentrating on the district's real estate department and the leasing of its land at bargain prices,

complete with payoffs and kickbacks. Booth knew that along the banks of of the district's waterways

were some two hundred million square feet of the most valuable commercial and industrial property

in the metropolitan area — land that had been leased for up to a century to politicians

favored contractors, land speculators and other Brahmins of the Machine. By October 1963, after months of diligent homework, Booth was ready to fight. But unlike the newspapers, which were satisfied with headlining minor violations, Booth presented the Circuit Court with a 66-page complaint,

charging abuses to the public in the leasing of 2800 acres of district land in a hundred

long-term leases to twenty- three corporations since 1948, .and that "substantially all such leases

represent a gift of eighty to ninety percent" of the land value. His "conservative estimate"

of total loss to the public was placed at $25

Pg 214

million. Included in the complaint was Material Service Corporation, owned and operated by Colonel Henry Crown, and two of its subsidiaries, the description of which occupied ten pages of the brief. Of all the colonels in Chicago, there are none with more prestigious rank than Colonel Henry Crown, the home-grown, multimillionaire owner of Material Service Corporation. Compared to Crown's local press clippings, the writings of Horatio Alger were bitter satires. Born of indigent immigrant parents on Chicago's West Side on on June 13, 1896, the incipient Midas paved the road to success with his own

building materials in an era of such flagrant political corruption, labor racketeering and

cutthroat competition that sheer survival aroused suspicion of capitulation.

Crown was to grow up to become the greatest exponent of sand and gravel in the world— virtually

transforming sanitary district sand piles and quarries into gold mines.

"Henry Crown," said Booth, "views the Sanitary District as a small subsidiary of

Material Service Corporation." From the mid 1920s to the early 1940s, Crown purchased nearly 1000

acres of district land through nominees — Benjamin Z. Gould, general counsel of MSC,

and one Clarence R. Serb — without competitive bidding, paying an average of $64 an acre.

These vast holdings, plus another 420 acres held under long-term leases negotiated mostly in the 1950s, literally formed the foundation of MSC. These properties had mountains of earth and rock deposits on their surface (spoil banks rich in limestone used for crushed rock and cement) which were the residue from channel widening and deepening at the turn of the century. They saved MSC the expense of quarrying for years. In his complaint, Booth pointed out that "none of the leases approved by the Trustees authorized Material Service Corporation to engage in excavation of sand, gravel, or other materials from below the surface of the ground. On information and belief Material Service Corporation has engaged in extensive excavating operations and removed enormous quantities of sand, gravel, limestone and other materials from below the surface of the ground which it has sold. . .[obtaining] large revenues . . . and has unjustly and unlawfully enriched itself thereby.

. . . All such acts and operations . . .

are illegal and beyond the power granted . . . under the laws of the State of Illinois. ...

From time to time Material Service Corporation has also been granted sub-leases

and short-term leases also at inadequate rentals as well as buy the right to take other spoil banks at nominal prices.

Pg 215

Corporation operates over 10 docks on the waterways of the district,

ships several million tons of gravel, sand, and stone over such waterways

by a large fleet of tow boats and barges....The land leased....has a frontage

of more than 5 miles on the Main Channel....Material Service Corporation is

obtaining control of more than 400 acres of district land under long-term leases

at total annual rentals of only $18700 has dominated the Trustees and wrongfully induced such Trustees to favor [it] to the

great loss and injury of the plaintiff and other taxpayers of the district or person? residing within the area served by the district." MSC has always enjoyed good business relations with the district. For example, in 1951 the district paid MSC $456499.32 to buy back some of its land in the form of sand and gravel. From 1951 to 1960, MSC supplied the district with nearly $2 million worth of building material and coal. Its rent for that period was less than 10 percent of that amount. Long-term leases to MSC and its two subsidiaries, Marblehead Lime Company and Producers Supply

and Engineering Company, comprised more than 15 percent of the total industrial real estate leased by the district.

The approximate value placed by the district on its property

value placed by the district on its property leased to MSC was $740 per acre,

about 2000 percent below the value appraised by real estate experts.

The yearly rental was based on 6 percent of the district's valuation.

The total yearly rental received by the- district from all its leases was

$250000, which was an average of four cents per square foot (even that nominal rate

was more than double what MSC paid) for land appraised by experts at from a dollar to a dollar and a quarter a square foot.


Pg 216

contention that rentals paid by MSC were so "grossly inadequate as to constitute a fraud"

was in itself a gross understatement.

If my suspicions here are correct, Tom Clark aided Crown in 1963, as he and Albert Jenner had in 1956 and 1959, both hiring Crown's son. Earl Warren, who was already "on board" via his friendship with Crown partners Hilton and Kirkeby, was given cover by Clark to appoint Crown's lawyer to the WC investigative team. As he did with the suit against Crown's company, filed by Harry Booth, he got it dismissed, and moved to Federal Court where it was dismissed again on grounds that no Illinois citizen had standing to sue MSC and General Dynamics for appropriating public land and assets via influencing Sanitary District officials.

During the WC's investigation, Albert Jenner spent his question time with George Demohrenschildt by compilmenting him on his tan and good looks, and by bringing in Oswald's second grade teacher for questioning. Jenner never got around to questioning Oswald's N.O. landlord on the witness stand, or Tippet's best friend. Hw found that both Oswald and Ruby acted alone. He failed to investigate Henry Crown, although he did question security chief, Max Clark, who worked for Henry Crown at General Dynamics. Hoover and Tom Clark must have forgotten that James Ragen told them that Crown was on top in the Syndicate. Demaris wrote that Harry Booth filed this in Cook County Circuit Court in October, 1963. Jenner was probably drafting an answer to Booth's 66 page brief when he got the call from Earl Warren to come to Washington to meet with J. Lee Rankin in December.



264 F. Supp. 465

Harry R. BOOTH, Plaintiff, v. GENERAL DYNAMICS CORPORATION, a foreign

corporation, Defendant.

No. 66 C 673.

United States District Court, N.D. Illinois,


January 25, 1967.

West Page 466



West Page 467

Harry R. Booth, Chicago, Ill., for plaintiff.

Albert E. Jenner, Jr., Edward R. Johnston, Keith F. Bode,

Raymond, Mayer, Jenner & Block, Chicago, Ill., for defendant.

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Guest Tom Scully

If the accusations were reasonable that Tom Clark was rewarded by Truman with an appointment to the Supreme Court doesn't it follow that Truman had a reward coming, too?


....Suspicions about a fix didn’t go away. Exactly two years later, in 1949, they were stirred up again when President Truman appointed Tom Clark, who had just turned fifty, to the United States Supreme Court. Calling the appointment “disgraceful,” the Chicago Tribune editorialized: “Clark was responsible for the scandalous granting of paroles to the Capone gangsters who got out of the penitentiary just as fast as the law allowed and a good deal faster than it required. The pay-off included the delivery of the vote in the gangster wards of Chicago to the Democrats.”....

Disclaimer: I am reticent to use newspaper reporting as the last word in this branch of research because I am aware that the owners of the US newspapers/news services, by and large, then as now, were politically to the far right of Truman and considered him to be their greatest political enemy. That being said, the "opposing" factions were all right of center, "property party" elected representatives of concentrated power and wealth, as is even more the case, today.

With the limited reliability of the research sources I am confined to work with, examples of which are presented above and below, does anyone think it is reasonable to suspect that Truman distributed this timely article to deflect suspicion away from the actual principles behind the plot to kill JFK, and then Oswald?


The Washington Post

December 22, 1963 - page A11

Harry Truman Writes:

Limit CIA Role

To Intelligence

By Harry S Truman

Copyright, 1963, by Harry S Truman

INDEPENDENCE, MO., Dec. 21 — I think it has become necessary to take another look at the purpose and operations of our Central Intelligence Agency—CIA. At least, I would like to submit here the original reason why I thought it necessary to organize this Agency during my Administration, what I expected it to do and how it was to operate as an arm of the President.....

Making good on a promise to pay a bribe in exchange for earlier "services rendered?"


St. Petersburg Times - Sep 27, 1947

....Dillon testified before a house subcommittee which is investigating the parole of four former lieutenants in "Scarface" Al Capone's crime syndicate.

He said that while he was in Washington for the parole board appearance he was entertained at the While House.by Truman...

....Dillon said that he was interested in acting on behalf of the gangsters because of his enmity for George Browne, convicted former head of the

International Alliance of Theatrical and Stage Employees (AFL). It was Browne's testimony that sent the four gangsters to prison. Dillon said his enmity

for Brown developed in a lawsuit in which Dillon defended John Nick, international vice president of the union.

"Browne lied to us in that case and proved to be as unreliable as it's possible to be," Dillon said. "So when I found out that these four men were convicted

on Browne's testimony, I couldn't believe they were guilty."



Woman Links Truman Ex-Aide to Parole Pay-off

Pay-Per-View - Los Angeles Times - ProQuest Archiver - Feb 18, 1948

... she paid $10000 to Paul Dillon, onetime campaign manager for President Truman, ... Campagna said Dillon testified accurately, but that fol- lowing his ...

… Paid 10,000 for Federal Parole Says He Gave... - Pittsburgh Press - Google News Archive

Hoodlum's Wife Says She Paid 10,000 to Lawyer . - St. Petersburg Times - Google News Archive


Seek Million to Enshrine Truman Files

Pay-Per-View - Chicago Tribune - ProQuest Archiver - Oct 10, 1951

Seek Millionr to Enshrine Truman Files. James B. McCahey, coal mer- chant, former president of the Chi- cago board of education, and close friend of ...

All 15 related -


Pay-Per-View - Chicago Tribune - ProQuest Archiver - Oct 12, 1951

James B. McCahey and other intellectual friends of Mr. Truman are out to raise a million dollars to erect a Harry S. Truman memorial library at the old ...


The President's Day

Monday, July 16, 1951

11:40 am (Mr. James McCahey) OFF THE RECORD...

3:30 pm (Mr. James McCahey)

(Mr. Henry Crown and son John) OFF THE RECORD

Edited by Tom Scully
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''does anyone think it is reasonable to suspect that Truman distributed this timely article to deflect suspicion away from the actual principles behind the plot to kill JFK, and then Oswald'' Oh yes, Tom, I do. I was waiting for you to get around to it :) . The reasons are many: political. I just wrote something that took a lot out of me energy wise, so I'll elaborate later.


(this is not meant as a diversion, but one of the minor and most iffy points would be that Harry D Holmes' family MAY have had a near direct Truman, in-law connection.)

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Tom, the connections between all these people are fascinating, but when you start wondering if Truman's statements about the CIA were some sort of smokescreen, I think you''re going too far. There was lots of talk about the CIA and its going rogue in 1963, and Truman's statements may very well have been in response to those articles, and have had nothing to do with the assassination itself. He may very well have been thinking of another assassination--Diem's.

As far as the connections...you have to keep in mind that American society is a pyramid--the closer you get to the top, the closer the proximity of those involved. As a result, most every successful criminal, and every successful politician, not to mention most every successful criminal/politician, is within two degrees of separation. It is also a truism that "Behind every great man is a crime." As a result, most every successful person either has a criminal in his family, or a criminal next door.

At one point, I was working on a flow chart, connecting Bush and his cronies and his father's cronies with Nixon and his cronies, and then on back to the Bay of Pigs and the anti-Castro Cubans, etc... It all pointed to a vast right-wing conspiracy.

Then Brent Scowcroft, a crony of Bush I, and a protege of Kissinger's, wrote an article criticizing Bush II's invasion of Iraq. I then realized that, just because fish swim in the same pond, it doesn't mean they all swim in a circle, and are a school of fish.

Even so, I welcome the direction of your research. I think too many researchers get hung up on the CIA and the "government", as the probable culprits, and overlook the corrupt underbelly of American society and politics. They claim all the time that the mob couldn't cover up a crime of this proportion, but miss that the mob itself wouldn't have to do anything as long as it had a few key figures, e.g. Johnson, Hoover, and Angleton, in the bag.

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Guest Tom Scully

Fair enough, Pat....but if you read John's poet, he indicated that he was waiting for me to post (state) what he considered, before I reluctantly and independently did it, the obvious conclusion about Truman's 1963 motivation, because of what SEEMS to have preceded it.

I've got a lot to fit in here so I'm going to have to make two posts out of it. First...what pieces of this puzzle should I de-emphasize, in your opinion, Pat, and John, what do you see motivating Truman and Clark as far as burying Rogge's "German Report" and firing him; only to have what was in the report hit the news cycle as "new" news....was it purely a political decision, or is it the democratic party tradition of rolling over to the more intimidating extreme right wing of the property party....(the republican wing.)? I've studied what Butler told the Dickstein Committee in late 1934, and I've delved into the background to the level that I researched the several trips, to Cuba of Gerald Macguire's wife, before he probably even met her.

In the tradition of FDR who did nothing in reaction to Butler and then with Dickstein's findings, Truman and Tom Clark buried Rogge's German report, and in 2003, Karl Rove didn't bother to reveal the recall target in California, then governor Gray Davis, a democrat, had hidden the fact that his grandfather was the Abwehr agent, William Rhodes Davis, mentioned in the following, first four articles:



Pittsburgh Press - Google News Archive - Feb 25, 1940

And the same back ground clings to Mr. Walter Jones, who has been in recent ... said yesterday that his only inter est in Davis was through Walter Jones, ...

Marshall Says Walter Jones Knew Agenda .

Pittsburgh Post-Gazette - Google News Archive - Jan 3, 1941

Verne Marshall, chairman of the No For eign War Committee, said last night that Walter Jones, a Pilt|burgh oil operator, was present when an "agenda for ...


Pittsburgh Press - Google News Archive - May 4, 1941

In those negotiations two prominent Pittsburgh men have been mentioned: Walter Jones, who served for several years as Mr. Davis' representative in ...

Senator Guffey Linked To Deal Supplying Oil To Nazi Germany

Pittsburgh Post-Gazette - Google News Archive - Oct 23, 1946

With him he took Davis partner, Walter Jones. Senator introduced Jones to Senor Francisco Najera, the Mexican ambassador. Senator Guffey told Ambassador ...

Visited Mexico To Do Favor, - Pittsburgh Post-Gazette - Google News Archive


Nazi Plot In 1940 To Put Duke Of Windsor On British Throne Is Revealed

Toledo Blade - Google News Archive - Aug 1, 1957

The British foreign office commented: Eighteen Nazi spies watched royal highness ... They say that Mr. Davis "in February 19-10 acting through Walter Jones, ...

… Papers Show Duke Of Windsor's Loyalty Foiled... - Modesto Bee - Google News Archive


...I would like to quote from my own experience to prove that the whole thing is bluff or camouflage

[bluff oder Tarnung] on the part of the P. [PETSCHEK] enterprises— The

shares of the Kattowitzer AG and the Bismarckhuette in eastern Upper-Silesia

were — even before the separation in 1920 — transferred to a Dutch company by their German owners in agreement with the

Reich Bank and the economic authorities.

The Poles were not deceived, and have always regarded these plants as German property.

For this reason, in 1926, when Laurahuette was transferred from Czechoslovak to

German ownership, a Swiss company was used and — to camouflage the real owner still further — another Swiss company,

and in addition a large American company, were created. This American company, the Consolidated Silesian Steel Corporation,

was founded by Harriman, the American bankers who had enjoyed great prestige in Poland.

The German owners now deliberately withdrew entirely into the background, in

order to emphasize still further the American character of the enterprises.

Apart from the brothers Harriman, the supervisory board consisted of a number of directors

of large American banks, a Rockefeller, and other very prominent Americans....


- New York Times - Jan 4, 1951

3Mrs. Helene Petschek of 2 Kensington Road, , widow of Ignaz Petschek, ... Surviving are four sons, Ernest of White Plains, Charles and William of Scarsdale ...


MISS AR PETSGHEK WED IN CATHEDRal; Bride of Lieut. Commdr. Wm. …

$3.95 - New York Times - Jul 3, 1943

... of Mrs. Vera Petschek of 4 East Seventy-second Street and of Ernest F. Petschek ... Lieut Ernest L. Byfield Jr., iUSA, of Chicago, was best man for! the ...


NASA, Nazis & JFK: the Torbitt document & the Kennedy assassination - Google Books Result

William Torbitt, Kenn Thomas, David Hatcher ... - 1997 - History - 238 pages

his wife, Gali, to Division Five of the FBI and the Defense Industrial Security Command through the Henry Crown, Patrick Hoy dominated General Dynamics

[PDF] http://www.history-matters.com/archive/jfk...H22_CE_1389.pdf

Warren Commission, Volume XXII: CE 1389 - FBI report dated May 19 ...

File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Quick View

On May 13, 1964, Mrs. VIRGINIA Hale, 6475 Fortune Road,. Fort Worth, Texas . employed in the ... Mrs . HALE stated she did not give the names of MAX CLARK or PETER GREGORY to OSWALD, but she believed that Mrs . ANNIE LAURIE SMITH of ...


to OSWALD, but she believed that Mrs . ANNIE LAURIE SMITH of ... conversation, a Mrs . HALL, sitting at the next desk to Mrs. SMITH, overheard the .


The defender: the story of General Dynamics‎ - Page 228

Roger Franklin - Technology & Engineering - 1986 - 385 pages

... Hoy had run Chicago's Sherman Hotel, a job that brought him into regular

contact with purported friends of organized crime like Charles (Babe) Baron,


Hoy Goes to Court on Tuesday to Hear Sentence for Fraud

Pay-Per-View - Chicago Tribune - ProQuest Archiver - Nov 15, 1970

... Ernest L. Byfield, as his ex- ecutive assistant in 1946, Hoy from the outset ... He fit into the Pump Room set as well as he did other lofty cultural, ..

[PDF] http://www.history-matters.com/archive/jfk...H22_CE_1199.pdf

Warren Commission, Volume XXII: CE 1199 - FBI report dated ...

File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Quick View

RUBY was at the Clover Bar about five years ago. RUBY at the time was interested in booking an entertainer and was inquiring of COLITZ and CAM whom he could ...

James Schine Crown is President of Henry Crown and Company, ... Jim Crown was born in Chicago in 1953, the son of Lester and Renée (Schine) Crown. ...



American opinion‎ - Page 65

Language Arts & Disciplines - 1978

Bobby and Roy Cohn developed a mutual hatred, no doubt justified on both


Perhaps Bobby had a special animus toward Cohn's buddy, G. David Schine. Certainly biographer Arthur Schlesinger seems to have one. A tragically ironic point which historian Schlesinger does not mention (nor, I believe, has anyone else mentioned it) is that, as Caesar when stabbed fell at the foot of Pompey's statue, so Robert Kennedy, when shot, fell to the floor in a hotel owned by G. David Schine, who was living there at the time.


Mafia Kingfish: Carlos Marcello and the assassination of John F. Kennedy‎ - Page 352

John H. Davis - Social Science - 1989 - 580 pages

...racetracks. In addition, the FBI found that both

In his extensive investigation of the Robert Kennedy assassination, Theodore Charach

discovered that Cesar had strong ties to California mobster John Alessio,

a friend of Mickey Cohen's and gambling king of San Diego,

who three years after the assassination would be federal prison for skimming millions from

San Diego racetrack revenues. Charach also established that Thane Cesar had not been a regular security guard at the Ambassador but was only called in occasionally by the hotel's management for temporary assignments. In 1987 Cesar confirmed this in an interview with investigative reporter Dan Moldea during which he told Moldea he had not worked at the Ambassador for four months when he was suddenly called by the hotel management to provide additional security for Robert Kennedy on the evening of June 5. Given Sirhan's connections to associates of Mickey Cohen's, Cesar's connection to John Alessio, Cohen's long-standing relationship with the Ambassador Hotel, his fear of a Robert Kennedy presidency, and his friendship with such determined enemies of Kennedy's as Carlos Marcello and Jimmy Hoffa, it is not difficult to envision how a Mafia conspiracy to assassinate the President. Had not the CIA recently entered into a conspiracy to assassinate Fidel Castro in alliance with the Mafia? We know that Carlos Marcello told Joe Hauser he had been in on the CIA-Mafia

plots to assassinate Castro. Could he not have had someone who had been been associated with the CIA-Mafia plot to kill Castro aid him in a possible plot to assassinate President Kennedy? Regrettably, the Assassinations Committee's 300-page nvestigative...


Mafia Kingfish: Carlos Marcello and the assassination of John F. Kennedy‎ - Page 351

...It was Charach who first considered the possibility of Mafia involvement in the assassination, for during his investigation of the murder, he found out that for many years the Ambassador Hotel had been owned in part, by investors connected to organized crime, and

he gradually became

aware of both Sirhan's and Cesar's underworld associations. Charach also found out that not long after the Kennedy

assassination, the

hotel's director of security disappeared and the hotel's files for 1968

were destroyed. Although Thane Cesar has never been officially charged with the assassination of Robert Kennedy, almost all the serious students of the crime, including forensic pathologists, criminologists, university professors, Sirhan's other victims, believe that Cesar was indeed Kennedy's sole killer.


L.A. exposed: strange myths and curious legends in the City of Angels‎

Paul Young - Social Science - 2002 - 297 pages

And it should be noted that Cohen not only ran a Mafia-controlled casino at the

Ambassador Hotel, but that he had control of the Santa Anita racetrack as


;Gladys R. Tartiere, Philanthropist, Dies - The Washington Post | …

Pay-Per-View - Washington Post - HighBeam Research - Mar 5, 1993

OBITUARIES;Gladys R. Tartiere, Philanthropist, Dies ... find The ... Ernest L. Byfield Jr. of Middleburg; a sister,


Former US defense chief, 88, gets married

msnbc.com - Sep 16, 2004

... Robert McNamara married Italian-born widow Diana Masieri Byfield in a ... Byfield, 70, was married to Ernest Byfield, a former officer in the OSS, ...

McNamara marries Italian-born widow -

All of it is a curious jumble of interrelated coincidences, but doesn't it turn into something less coincidental when the element of Tom Clark providing cover for the appointment of Henry Crown's lawyer Albert Jenner is injected into it, and we consider that Max Clark and IB Hale handles industrial security for the corporation controlled by Henry Crown who had to keep the $6.8 billion TFX contract, no matter what?

How small a matter are the links between Ruby and Crown vis Hoy, Irv Kupcinet and the Colitzs in one direction and via Crown's son's wife, Renee's father J. Myer Schine and her brother G. David Schine through the Schine's long association with Mickey Cohen, and Choen and Ruby's mutual friend, Candy Barr?

General Dynamics employee, Nax Clark and his wife, Gali, knew Oswald, IB Hale's wife, Virginia met Oswald and sent him to Leslie Welding for a job, although the FBI SAs included both the street addresses of Annie Laurie Smith (and her length of employment) and Virginia Hale, also in the same report, they only found room to note that a "Mrs. Hall", who actually provided the contact info of Max Clark to Oswald, is described as having a desk next to Annie Laurie Smith's. I suspect that "Mrs. Hall" was a deliberate obfuscation of "Mrs. Hale's" name.

And what is with William HG Fitzgerald, devote RC and later Knights of Malta leafer, marrying Jewish Annilise Petschek, choosing Jewish Byfield Jr. as his best man? Petschek just happens to be the daughter of a man whose assets were hidden from the Nazis, courtesy of Sam Pryor, Prescott Bush, and the Harrimans. Pryor's son, Sam Kr., is buried next to Lindbergh and pushed William Rhodes Davis and his Nazi money on Wendell Willkie, in 1940?

Edited by Tom Scully
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Guest Tom Scully

It seems everyone was handsomely rewarded...


Jan 5, 1964 - William H. Clark 3d, the new head of the Democratic party in Dallas County, does not know offhand the number of precincts in his domain or ... His uncle is Supreme Court Justice Tom Clark. Both his father, before his death, and his uncle had been active supporters of Lyndon B. Johnson. ...

From New Chief Unifying Dallas Democrats

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Tom, everything I said was from my perspective. I've been down a parallell path in a way, so I've always found your posts intriguing because your perspective is different. What I was ssaying was that some time ago, I saw that if you followed a particular path, and I have great respect for your research abilities, you could very well end up mentioning this point. What one makes of it is up to ones self. Let's say, I wasn't surprised, because I have been harbouring those thoughts for some time, but not being able to knit it all together. It caught me by surprise, and I was a bit effusive, sorry, but a piece in a puzzle fell into place, along with a few others over time. Please carry on, and don't let my contributions bog things down.

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  • 1 year later...
Guest Tom Scully

It is impossible IMO, to underestimate the significance of U.S. Atty Gen. Tom Clark's burying of his assistant, John Rogge's "Nazi Report", by firing John Rogge. The effect of this was to bury the evidence that a Nazi agent of von Ribbentrop and Hermann Goring had financed Wendell Wilkie's 1940 campaign with the full knowledge and complicity of candidate Wilkie, himself. The Nazi agent, American William Rhodes Davis, was assassinated by British agent William Stephenson, aka "Intrepid". So final was this assassination, that the fact that William Rhodes Davis was the grandfather of California Governor, Gray Davis. Discovering this shocked me into considering how dysfunctional the politics of our country are, serving u[p two Bushes and Schwarzenneger. Maria is a "journalist"? What a joke!

This post centers around James H. Douglas, background posted at this link, earlier today.:


quote http://www.google.com/search?q=davis+wilkie+clubs&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:unofficial&client=firefox-a#sclient=psy&hl=en&client=firefox-a&rls=org.mozilla:en-US%3Aunofficial&tbm=bks&source=hp&q=%22*ollowing+the+expropriation+by+the+Mexican+government+of+the+foreign+oil+properties.+Just+before+I+left+Washington%2C%22&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&oq=&psj=1&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.&fp=ead475c9b9fbc50

I write from Washington

Marquis William Childs - 1942 - 331 pages

Joseph Pulitzer had sent me to Mexico to do a series of articles on economic and social conditions there, following the expropriation by the Mexican government of the foreign oil properties. Just before I left Washington, he had phoned from Bar Harbor to suggest that I investigate a man named Davis, William Rhodes Davis, who seemed to have some connection with expropriation and the sale of oil by the Mexican government from expropriated wells which had once belonged to Standard Oil and Dutch Shell. Davis had some connection with it all right. I had not been in Mexico City twelve hours before I realized that he was the center of an intrigue which led God knows where — anywhere. After considerable telephoning back and forth with his efficient secretary, I was admitted to the presence itself. There followed one of the most difficult and at the same time one of the most fascinating interviews I have ever had in my life...


From UNITED Feature Syndicate 220 East 42nd Street, New York FOR ...

by D Pearson -

THE WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND -- February 2, 1941 Page 3.

Ambassador Cabero departed not realizing thai; the U.S.

ambassador whom he had criticized in Cuba was the man to whom he had

been talking, Sumner Welles.

place Cabero.

went to college in the U.S.A.

Note - -- Chile has now sent o new man, Rudolf0 Michels, to re-

Michels is born of an American father and grandfather,


It wasn't made public, but thet meeting of Willkie Club chiefs


in New York last month named a Committee of Fourteen to draw up a

plan for the future of the movement.

Actually no one could agree on a definite policy.

leaders reported that there was little hope of keeping the clubs alive

in their particular bailiwicks. Others, particularly in Pennsylvania,

disclosed that a plan already was afoot to set up a permanent

organization of county units to be financed by sustaining membership,

running all the way from 25 cents for rank-and-file members, to $100

f or Founders.

Some state

But after much palaver, it was finally decided to name a

Committee of Fourteen to canvass the national situation and make

recommendations to another meeting, possibly In February.

Members of the group are Robert G, Allen, ex-Demooratic

Congressman from Pennsylvania, who bolted to Willkie; Mrs. Henry

Breckinridge, N.Y.; Henry A. Budd, Topeka,, Kan,; Arthur Bunker, N.Y.;

Mrs, Marie Jay Cady, Grand Rapids, Mich.; Russell Davenport, Willkie

discoverer" and campaign brain-truster; James H. Douglas, Jr.,

Chicago; John til, Hanes, former Roosevelt Under Secretary of the

Treasury; William H. Harrnan, Philadelphia; Richard D. Logan, Toledo,O.;

Oren Root, head of the Willkie Clubs; Howard M. Wall, Portland, Ore.;

Cloud Wampler, Chicago; and James K. Watkins, Detroit ,

Note - -- Before he declared for the lend-lease bill, Willkie

wrote intimate chatty letters to many GOP leaders all Over the

country, thanking them for their efforts and inferentially seeking

their backing for his control of the National Committee.

presumably tipped off regarding the letter, is now doing the same

thing , unquote

This reveiw alone would make me want to read the book:

President George H.W. Bush: "I have read every word of Make It Happen and got an enormous kick out of it."

Peter, Rove's "reaction" to Sam Pryor III's new book is even more priceless....the question is, how ******** stoopid do GHW Bush, Karl Rove, and Sam Pryor III, think we are?


Karl C. Rove: If anything, Make it Happen underplays Sam Pryor's role in the 1940 Republican Convention and nomination of Wendell Willkie. Pryor was the pivot on what so much turned in those quick and important months.

If mainstream US journalists were not thoroughly compromised, the opinion above, of Karl Rove, would justly insure that he would be judged as having lost all remaining credibility and would never work again in any politically related capacity.....

quote http://books.google.com/books?id=Bhnf0fxI2...2&ct=result

In Danger Undaunted

By Justus D. Doenecke, America First Committee

The events of 1940 were distressing to R. Douglas Stuart, Jr., a student at the Yale University Law School. Son of the first

vice president of Quaker Oats, Stuart had graduated from Princeton University in 1937.....

...By the spring of 1940 he was meeting informally with students who feared direct involvement and with such kindred spirits among the Yale law faculty as Edwin M. Bourchard and Fred Rodell.

Late in the spring of 1940, Stuart and four other law students - among them future president Gerald R. Ford and future

Supreme Court justice Potter Stewart - launched a petition aimed at organizing college students into a nationwide

anti-interventionist organization. Their efforts centered on enforcing the key provisions of the Neutrality Act of 1939:

banning loans to belligerents and blocking shipments of war goods abroad. Insisting on cash-and-carry, the students said, "We demand that Congress refrain from war, even if England is on the verge of defeat." In a history of the America First

Committee completed in October 1942, Ruth Sarles tells how the Yale gtoup began it's activities....unquote

Annals of Iowa: A Historical Quarterly‎ - Page 1168

by Iowa. Division of Historical Museum and Archives, State Historical Society of Iowa, Iowa Historical Dept - Iowa

After a week, Pryor took Marshall to the Scarsdale home of fifty-one-year-old

William Rhodes Davis, an independent oil operator. ...

Exquisite Befuddlement - TIME

Monday, Jan. 06, 1941

".... Organized hastily three weeks ago in Iowa was a new isolationist group (No Foreign War Committee) headed by Verne

Marshall, editor of the Cedar Rapids Gazette, a dark, hard-bitten veteran of World War I and of numerous local crusades. (In 1936 Marshall and his Gazette managed to have 31 Iowa State officials indicted, and the Gazette was awarded a Pulitzer Prize for "most meritorious service to the community." Same day the Iowa Supreme Court dismissed the indictments on technical grounds.) Marshall moved to Manhattan, took luxurious headquarters (recently Willkie's) for his committee, at once paid $41,000 for full-page advertisements in 60 papers in 51 cities, asking for money to fight interventionists. Another ad was set for this week in 79 papers in 57 cities.

Marshall, who once described himself as a "rabble-rouser" of the first World War, planned a St. Louis mass meeting soon after Jan. 1, to be addressed by Colonel Lindbergh. ...."

If Sam Pryor II had only worked the hardest of anyone to unite Davis and his Nazi money with Willkie and his 1940 presidential campaign, it would be cause for great concern, but Pryor also chose to have a long and intimate friendship with his fellow at Pan Am airways, Charles A. Lindbergh, and it is Pryor buried close by Lindbergh's grave in a small Hawaiian cemetery, and not Lindbergh's wife, Anne Morrow....

Even Willkie's loss to FDR in November, 1940, did not stop Pryor from continuing to help Nazi abwehr agent Davis:


Mystery Man: William Rhodes Davis, Nazi Agent of Influence‎ - Page 166

by Dale Harrington - History - 1999 - 276 pages

"...The trip supposedly was purely for pleasure, as Willkie said to reporters, "I am

not even going to talk politics."1 ' Despite this declaration, on December 11, Sam Pryor,

Willkie's former campaign manager, invited Davis to Hobe Sound to meet with Willkie.

Accompanied by Marshall, Davis went to Florida to persuade Willkie to oppose

President Roosevelt's aid-to-Britain policy.

According to Willkie, Davis and Marshall were only two of at least fifty people

who argued with him on the war issue.12 Davis and Marshall stayed two days...

There was a long procession of persons, including some of ...

to see Willkie during his vacation stay in Florida. These emissaries tried

to convince him that there was still political capital to be made out of..."

quote http://books.google.com/books?um=1&q=h...nG=Search+Books

Trading with the Enemy: An Exposé of the Nazi-American Money Plot, 1933-1949‎ - Page 65

by Charles Higham - Germany Commerce United States History - 1983 - 277 pages

Hitler said, "Gentlemen, I have reviewed Mr. Davis 's proposition and it sounds

feasible. I want the bank to finance it." Then he walked out. ...

The Official German Report: Nazi Penetration, 1924-1942‎ - Page 239

by Oetje John Rogge - National socialism - 1961 - 478 pages

Hitler said: "Gentlemen, I have reviewed Mr. Davis' proposition and it sounds

feasible, and I want the bank to finance it." As a result of this, ...

Mystery Man: William Rhodes Davis, Nazi Agent of Influence‎ - Page 16

by Dale Harrington - History - 1999 - 276 pages

Hitler sent a reply for Davis to appear the following day at the ... Mr. Davis's

proposition and it sounds feasible, and I want the bank to finance it. ...

The Game of the Foxes: The Untold Story of German Espionage in the United ...‎ - Page 353

by Ladislas Farago - World War, 1939-1945 - 1972 - 696 pages

Admiral Erich Raeder warned Hitler that "the High Command [had] completely

exhausted all possibilities of buying oil for Reichsmarks." Davis, who had been unquote


Dark Horse: A Biography of Wendell Willkie - Page 171

by Steve Neal - Biography & Autobiography - 1984 - 371 pages

After the election, it was learned that William Rhodes Davis, ... Willkie told

Marquis Childs that he had never heard of Davis until Pryor told him about ...



Pay-Per-View - Los Angeles Times - ProQuest Archiver - Jul 8, 1946

A Nazi scheme to use a huge fund to try and defeat President Roosevelt in the 1940 election campaign was disclosed today by Asst. Atty. Gen. O. John Rogge.


Pittsburgh Post-Gazette - Google News Archive - Oct 23, 1946

goering remembered his meet ings with davis Rogge said. recalled that they had discussed Mexican oil and using the influence of John L. Lewis to defeat dent ...

...Rogge said Goering related he was certain he did not talk to Davis about influencing the presidential election "on a basis

as ridiculous" as that of $3,000,000 to $5,000,000.

Davis, FDR Parley Cited

"I would have spent $100,000,000 to $150,000,000," Rogge said the late German marshal stated...

Wendell Willkie

By Ellsworth Barnard

Willkie ought, Childs suggests, to have been more curious about Davis and his motives; ...



Mystery Man: William Rhodes Davis, Nazi Agent of Influence‎ - Page 119

by Dale Harrington - History - 1999 - 276 pages

While Davis was in Berlin, the Abwehr made another interesting decision,

registering John L. Lewis in German military files as a subagent of Davis (agent

quote http://books.google.com/books?id=VBJnAAAAM...e+davis+indiana

Mystery Man: William Rhodes Davis, Nazi Agent of Influence‎ - Page 152

by Dale Harrington - History - 1999 - 276 pages

“Pryor telephoned Wilkie from Davis’s home and told him of the oilman’s willingness to pay for the Lewis broadcast. Wilkie

wanted to immediately meet this mysterious man who would make an offer of such dimensions. Pryor used his private plane to fly Davis to meet with Wilkie, who was then at his home in Rushville, Indiana. After Davis repeated his offer to Wilkie in person, the Republican nominee pointed to the contribution limits of the federal election law and suggested that the money be given to various Wilkie clubs to maintain the legalities. Davis concluded the meeting by reiterating to Wilkie his offer to carry the cost of a nationwide radio speech by his friend John L. Lewis, who would publicly endorse Wilkie...

...Wilkie’s willingness to take Davis’s money puts a tarnish on Wilkie’s incorruptible image both because of Davis’s known

Nazi connections and Wilkie’s early public insistence that the federal campaign finance laws be adhered to in the spirit as

well as the letter of the law. When Wilkie was later asked if he was aware of Davis’s contributions to the Republican Party,

Wilkie lied and said he never knew about these funds. These questionable actions show that Wilkie, like many politicians, was more interested in winning than in the morality of what he had to do to win.”...

At the conclusion of the Davis-Wilkie meeting, an arrangement was made for Wilkie to meet Lewis in New York on the night of September 28. To prepare for this meeting, Davis and Wehrle met with Pryor and several other Wilkie supporters, including Gene Tunney, the famous boxer, to discuss his support for Wilkie at New York’s Waldorf Astoria Hotel. Pryor wanted assurance that Lewis would endorse Wilkie. Davis said, ‘I’ll call Lewis and I think he is ready to make a pro-Wilkie statement.’ Davis telephoned Lewis and Lewis agreed to endorse Wilkie. Davis returned to the meeting and told Pryor of Lewis’s answer, and the Wilkie supporters left the meeting excited about the boost that Lewis endorsement would give Wilkie’s campaign.Soon after, Lewis called Wilkie from Davis’s home in Scarsdale to confirm their upcoming meeting. Wilkie met with Lewis at the Manhattan apartment of Sam Pryor. Joe Martin, the national chairman of the Republican Party, was also present. Late into the night, Lewis and Wilkie engaged in a brisk conversation about their politics.


Mystery Man: William Rhodes Davis, Nazi Agent of Influence‎ - Page 155

by Dale Harrington - History - 1999 - 276 pages

On October 21 Davis called the three radio networks to schedule the broadcast and identified himself as a personal

representative of Lewis. He arranged for the payment of $55,000 for a thirty-minute radio broadcast in which John L. Lewis

would deliver a speech on the national election to more than 362 stations on all three major radio networks. Davis also paid for the printing of millions of copies of Lewis’s speech to be distributed across the country after the broadcast.

Davis financed the Lewis broadcast by passing the money to the Democrats for Wilkie political committee, which included in its leadership such prominent anti-New Deal Democrats as former presidential candidates Al Smith and John W. Davis. This political committee then paid the radio networks for the broadcast. This indirect arrangement was used to get around the federal campaign finance laws and to hide the source of the contribution. There was a furious exchange of checks to ensure that no one individual would be listed as contributing more than the $5,000 limit of the federal campaign law, and Republican lawyers scanned all the transactions and scrutinized the checks to make sure there were no violations.

The White House was aware of who paid for Lewis’s broadcast almost immediately, but chose not to publicize the information until after the election. . . .

. . . With an estimated 25-30 million listeners, Lewis delivered in his deep baritone voice a bitter attack on Roosevelt and

asked trade unionists to oppose his reelection. He accused the president of not ending unemployment and of neglecting labor, but his most emphatic accusation was that he was leading the nation into war. What was the president’s objective, asked Lewis? ‘It is war. His every act leads to this inescapable conclusion. The President has said that he hates war and will work for peace but his acts do not match his words. The President has been scheming for years to involve us in war.’ Vehemently denouncing Roosevelt and asserting that his election could very well mean both war and dictatorship, Lewis declared for Wilkie...unquote


Never Again; a President Runs for a Third Term‎ - Page 233

by Herbert S. Parmet, Marie B. Hecht - Presidents - 1968 - 306 pages

At Davis' home in Bronxville, New York, Pryor was told that the oilman was out

to ... friend to use his private airplane to fly Davis to meet with Willkie, ...

Mystery Man: William Rhodes Davis, Nazi Agent of Influence


Mystery Man: William Rhodes Davis, Nazi Agent of Influence‎ - Page 166

by Dale Harrington - History - 1999 - 276 pages

Hobe Sound, Florida, which was one of Sam Pryor's real estate projects. ... most

of the time in the company of Willkie and Pryor. Davis said that he talked ...


Mystery Man: William Rhodes Davis, Nazi Agent of Influence‎ - Page 151

by Dale Harrington - History - 1999 - 276 pages

... possibly even more, a large percentage of the Republican Party's funds in

1940 came from Adolf Hitler.61 Not surprisingly, following the Germans' lead, ...


...Not surprisingly, following the German's lead, Davis aided Willkie's campaign by contributing large amounts of money. He

directly gave at least $48,000. To sidestep the federal limit of $5,000 in campaign donations,


Mystery Man: William Rhodes Davis, Nazi Agent of Influence‎ - Page 152

by Dale Harrington - History - 1999 - 276 pages

William Rhodes Davis ... called Willkie from Davis's home in Scarsdale to

confirm their upcoming meeting. Willkie met with Lewis at the Manhattan

apartment ....

Never Again; a President Runs for a Third Term

Never Again; a President Runs for a Third Term‎ - Page 233

by Herbert S. Parmet, Marie B. Hecht - Presidents - 1968 - 306 pages

... left the race track with Joe Martin and went to the Manhattan apartment ...

received a phone call from a wealthy oilman named William Rhodes Davis. ...

Snippet view - About this book - Add to my shared library - More editions

A Compassionate Conservative: A Political Biography of Joseph W. Martin, Jr ...

A Compassionate Conservative: A Political Biography of Joseph W. Martin, Jr ...‎ - Page 65

by James Joseph Kenneally - Biography & Autobiography - 2003 - 335 pages

....When John L. Lewis, president of the CIO, needed $5,500 to fund a national broadcast on behalf of Wendell Willkie, the

RNC turned to Hamilton for the money, who in turn received it from William Rhodes Davis, a wealthy oil magnate with Nazi

connections. As one observer noted, what was lacking was not money, but coherence. Even the way it was decided to accept

Lewis's offer was peculiar. The nominee met with the flamboyant CIO leader in Pryor's apartment from midnight until 2 A.M.

discussing the endorsement, while Martin, the nominal campaign manager was asleep in the next room....


Mystery Man: William Rhodes Davis, Nazi Agent of Influence‎ - Page 152

by Dale Harrington - History - 1999 - 276 pages

Soon after the Lewis broadcast, Willkie wrote Davis a letter asking Davis not to

publicly endorse him because of the allegations that Davis had German ...


Wendell Willkie: Fighter for Freedom‎ - Page 559

by Ellsworth Barnard - Biography & Autobiography - 1971 - 628 pages

Willkie told me after it was all over that he had never heard of Davis before

Sam Pryor told him of the oil man's willingness to pay for the Lewis broadcast


Mystery Man: William Rhodes Davis, Nazi Agent of Influence‎ - Page 126

by Dale Harrington - History - 1999 - 276 pages

Like Davis, Hertslet had become an agent for the Abwehr, apparently because the

acquisition of oil was too critical a matter to be left solely under the ...

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The Game of the Foxes: The Untold Story of German Espionage in the United ...

The Game of the Foxes: The Untold Story of German Espionage in the United ...‎ - Page 372

by Ladislas Farago - World War, 1939-1945 - 1972 - 696 pages

As far as it was possible to ascertain, Davis, Hertslet, and Lewis spent about

$1.5 ... The Abwehr supplied him with a Danish passport for the transatlantic


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The Shadow War: German Espionage and United States Counterespionage in Latin ...

The Shadow War: German Espionage and United States Counterespionage in Latin ...‎ - Page 55

by Leslie B. Rout, John F. Bratzel - History - 1986 - 496 pages

Also, when he returned to Mexico in February 1940, Joachim Hertslet, while

ostensibly working for the Reich Economic Ministry, had developed Abwehr ...

Snippet view - About this book - Add to my shared library - More editions

The Shadow War: German Espionage and United States Counterespionage in Latin ...

The Shadow War: German Espionage and United States Counterespionage in Latin ...‎ - Page 55

by Leslie B. Rout, John F. Bratzel - World War, 1939-1945 - 496 pages

Also, when he returned to Mexico in February 1940, Joachim Hertslet, while

ostensibly working for the Reich Economic Ministry, had developed Abwehr ...

Snippet view - About this book - Add to my shared library - More editions

The Game of the Foxes

The Game of the Foxes‎ - Page 372

by Ladislas Farago

As far as it was possible to ascertain, Davis, Hertslet, and Lewis spent about

... and Hertslet set out. The Abwehr supplied him with a Danish passport for ...

Snippet view - About this book - Add to my shared library - More editions

Political Currents in the International Trade Union Movement‎

by G. K. Busch - International labor activities - 1980

Page 27

... Rhodes Davis, an American oilman who was a German agent and run by the

Abwehr ... Hertslet and Davis brought $5 mn to the USA in 1940 for this purpose....

Espionage in Mexico: The 20th Century‎ - Page viii

by Marjorie Locke Mahoney - Technology & Engineering - 1997 - 320 pages

... 147 Dr. Heinrich Norte 147 Edgar Hilgert 148 Abwehr Agents in the 1940s 148

... and Dietrich Klamroth 150 William Rhodes Davis 150 Karl Bertram Franz ...

Das dritte Reich und Mexiko: Studien zur Entwicklung des Deutsch ...‎ - Page 172

by Klaus Volland - Petroleum industry and trade - 1976 - 364 pages

(50) Im März 1941 hob Davis aus nicht sicher bekannten Gründen die Hertslet

gegebene Generalvollmacht für Deutschland und Luxemburg auf ...

Snippet view - About this book - Add to my shared library - More editions

Tagebücher eines Abwehroffiziers 1938-1940: Mit weiteren Dokumenten zur ...

Tagebücher eines Abwehroffiziers 1938-1940: Mit weiteren Dokumenten zur ...‎ - Page 212

by Helmuth Groscurth, Helmut Krausnick, Harold Charles Deutsch - Munich Four-Power Agreement - 1970 - 594 pages

... volligen Zusammenbruchs unserer Abwehr bei Kriegsbeginn noch ein Nebelmeer.

... Mission des Amerikaners William Rhodes Davis, der über Dr. Hertslet, ...

This California attorney suspects his late uncle was "suicided" by Davis and other Nazi agents in Mexico City in 1941, not long after his uncle, WJ Cash had written two pieces published in a US newspaper, critical of Davis's support for Nazi Germany:


The fact that on the last evening of his life Cash suddenly and secretly fled the Geneve within an hour after checking in

and then obtained a room at La Reforma thus does not fit at all Cash's lifelong parsimony--resulting for instance in an angry

reaction from Cash when Mary bought an extra copy of the New Orleans Picayune for a dime during the trip to Mexico.

Subsequent history shows that the Reforma was a favorite hostel for Nazi agents in Mexico City, notably Hermann Goering

protege and one of the the Nazi's top experts on Latin American economic penetration, Joachim Hertslet of the Reich Foreign

Economics Ministry, and his associate and Texas-Louisiana millionaire and Nazi oil supplier, William Rhodes Davis, Abwehr

agent number C-80. The two had repeated meetings with Germany's ambassador to Mexico, Baron Rudt, in the Reforma's

presidential suite throughout 1939 and into early 1940. Davis used the hotel whenever he went to Mexico. Davis went to Mexico City in mid-June, 1941 to meet with Mexican government officials in an effort to establish a bank in Mexico which would have, if implemented, ultimately enabled re-funding of the financially depleted Nazi espionage activities.(See, e.g., Mystery Man, by Dale Harrington, Brassey's, 1999, pp. 63, 80-81, 126, 184; Hitler's Undercover War, by William Breuer, St. Martin's Press, 1989) Cash had editorialized on Davis as late as January 7 and 10, 1941, calling him first a "prize sucker", then a traitor for his trades--in mercury. (See "Bad Defense"

and "A Buyer" ,

Charlotte News) Alchemy may not turn mercury to gold, but may yet yield truth from untruth, reality from unreality....

......THE Cashes never blamed Mary for her judgment but obviously it deprived them of any hope of a proper autopsy and an

objective determination of the cause of death. In times where nearly half the population of Mexico had pro-Nazi leanings as evidenced by the 40% vote the previous summer for the fascist-backed presidential candidate, for anyone today or then to believe that the Mexico City Police Department would have provided a thorough, unbiased investigation into the death of an American journalist who could easily be passed off as a deranged suicide is to engage in fantasy beyond belief.

Indeed, after a deal made with the Texas-Louisiana oil man, William Rhodes Davis, the Mexican government had shipped massive quantities of expropriated American and British oil to the Nazis from 1938 until the invasion of Poland in 1939 and would have continued to do so but for a British blockade preventing shipments into Germany. In return, Mexico received industrial goods from Germany. The Mexican government was trying to walk a tight rope between not overly offending the United States, its geographical ally, and also not offending Germany, its historical economic ally. Meanwhile, the United States was trying not to do anything which would inexorably bring it into the War.


Monday, Aug. 11, 1941

"Died. William Rhodes Davis, 52, the oil world's "mystery man" of World War ii; in Houston, Tex. In 1938 he fixed the barter

deal which gave Germany and Italy some 20 million barrels of Mexican oil, some of it expropriated from U.S. and British oil companies, and in late 1939 he came back from Germany with a negotiated peace conference proposal. "

British WWII spymaster, Stephenson, aka "Intrepid" William Stephenson - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

head of British espionage in the western hemisphere, later, in his dictated memoirs, claims to have "removed" (assassinated) William Rhodes Davis.

quote http://libcom.org/library/allied-multinati...any-world-war-2

Excerpts from "Trading With the Enemy: An Exposé of The Nazi-American Money-Plot 1933-1949" by Charles Higham;

The Mexican Connection


Even the supposed enemies of The Fraternity were connected to it by almost invisible threads. One of Jersey Standard's most powerful rivals in the field of petroleum supplies to Germany, William Rhodes Davis's Davis Oil Company, was connected to Goring and Himmler. Davis was linked to Hermann Schmitz and I.G. Farben through the Americans Werner and Karl von Clemm, New York diamond merchants (who were first cousins to Nazi Foreign Minister Joachim von Ribbentrop by marriage), and through the National City Bank.

The von Clemms were fanatical devotees of Germany, even though both had become American residents in 1932. They used a device typical in Nazi circles: a device copied, ironically, from the Rothschilds. One brother stayed in Berlin, the other remained in New York. They were connected to the Schroder banks through interlocking directorships, and on the board of a company that helped finance General Motors in Germany along with I.G. Farben.

In 1931 they financed the Gestapo with funds supplementing those supplied by Schroder's Stein Bank. Yet another Fraternity link was their involvement with the First National Bank of Boston, an associate of the Bank for International Settlements. They conceived the idea of unblocking First National's blocked German marks to build a vast oil refinery for Goring's air force and for Farben and Eurotank near Hamburg, with Karl von Clemm in charge. This oil refinery would bypass the terms of the Versailles Convention and supply Goring's so-called Black Luftwaffe, which was secretly being prepared for world conquest.

In order to secure the oil for the refinery, the von Clemm brothers had to find an American who would aid and abet them. The choice was easy. From 1926 to 1932, Werner von Clemm had financially sustained a largely unsuccessful oil prospector and confidence trickster named William Rhodes Davis.

Davis was on the face of it unprepossessing. He was short, not much over five feet, with a solid-gold left front molar and a badly bowed left leg that contained a silver plate put there after he was injured in a train wreck in 1918. His head was too large for his body, and his face sported a broken nose. Yet despite his lack of good looks he had the one indispensable quality needed for success. He had the gift of gab. He was capable of talking anyone into the ground. He spoke in superlatives. He never took no for an answer, and he would shaft anyone when the chips were down.

Davis was born in Montgomery, Alabama, in 1889. Poorly educated, he left school at sixteen and jumped a freight car. A kindly porter gave him a job as candy butcher, selling chocolate and ice cream from a tray. Railroad crazy, he graduated to brakeman, fireman, and engineer in the Southwestern states until the collision put him out of commission. Emerging from the hospital with a gimpy leg, he used his plight to his own advantage by working as a comedian on the Keith vaudeville circuit, making audiences laugh as he wiggled his distorted member in a dance. When his popularity ran out, he shipped off on tramp steamers as stoker, fireman, and engineer.

Back in the United States, he dabbled in the oil business but consistently went broke. He was under frequent investigation for a variety of swindles. People were fascinated, even hypnotized, by him; but disillusionment would always set in, followed by the inevitable lawsuit. He sold dry wells, manipulated stocks, and set up and collapsed small companies, carrying the shareholders with him.

In 1926 he was penniless. The von Clemm twins stepped into the picture in 1933. Their support of him saved him from ruin and imprisonment. As a result of this he became deeply committed to Nazism. He was fascinated by the opulence of a Germany heavily financed by American bank loans, the handsome, healthy men in black uniforms, the pretty blond women. It all seemed a far cry from the bread lines and pinched faces of America in the Depression.

After the deal with the German government over Eurotank, Davis saw the way to make his fortune at last. He owned a few wells through the von Clemms' good graces. With German money he could certainly start pumping.

He traveled to Berlin in 1933. He had to have the personal approval of Hitler before he could go ahead. He arrived at the Adlon Hotel, where Karl von Clemm arranged a reception for him to meet Hermann Schmitz of Farben, Kurt von Schroder, and other German members of The Fraternity. He was welcome at once when he gave the group the Nazi salute as he entered the room.

Next morning, two Gestapo officers delegated by Himmler arrived at the door of his suite. They carried with them a letter from the Fuhrer. The former brakeman and candy butcher was overwhelmed. He could not believe he had received so signal an honor. The letter asked him to meet with Finance Minister Hjalmar Schacht at the Reichsbank. When he arrived, Schacht seemed cold and uninterested and brushed the whole matter aside. Schacht already had deals going with Walter Teagle and Sir Henri Deterding of Shell. What did he want with this small fry?

Furious, Davis returned to the Adlon empty-handed. He wrote to Hitler, insisting upon better treatment. Hitler replied immediately in person, asking him to return to the Reichsbank the following morning for another meeting.

Davis arrived in the boardroom at 11 A.M. As FBI records show, Schacht smiled faintly in a corner, obviously in no mood to talk. But a door flew open and thirty directors of the bank appeared, to greet Davis with warm handshakes. Hitler strode in. Everyone jumped to attention and gave the Nazi salute. Hitler said, "Gentlemen, I have reviewed Mr. Davis's proposition and it sounds feasible. I want the bank to finance it." Then he walked out.

It was clear to Davis that the directors of I.G. Farben, along with Kurt von Schroder, had exercised influence over the Fuhrer.

Davis traveled to England, where he resumed an earlier business relationship with Lord Inverforth's oil company. He obtained major concessions in Ireland and Mexico. He traded Mexican oil for German machinery when it proved impossible to export marks. Eurotank was built. By 1935, Davis was shipping thousands of barrels of oil a week from his wells in Texas and eastern Mexico.

Davis knew Senator Joseph F. Guffey of Pennsylvania, whose friend Pittsburgh oilman Walter A. Jones had major contacts in Washington. Through Guffey and Jones, Davis met with John L. Lewis, the labor leader of the CIO. Davis worked hard on Lewis, convincing him that national socialism was preferable to democracy and that the German worker far exceeded in health, good humor and muscular prowess the American equivalent. In 1936, Davis tried to influence Roosevelt by pouring money into the election campaign. From then on he was always able to telephone the Oval Office.

In 1937 he saw a major opportunity in Mexico. He was convinced President Lazaro Cardenas would nationalize the oil fields. He foresaw a way to corner all the oil in Mexico. In February 1938 he started bribing high-ranking officials in the Mexican government. He made a close friend of Nazi Vice-Consul Gerard Meier in Cuernavaca, who was allegedly encouraging Cardenas to invade and repossess California, Texas, Arizona, and New Mexico.

Davis obtained the Mexican government's cooperation. He was promised all the oil in Mexico when Cardenas expropriated it on March 18, 1938. Cardenas kept his promise. On April 18, John L. Lewis telephoned Cardenas's right-hand man Alejandro Carrillo. Lewis told Carrillo that Davis would be making a deal with Germany and Italy immediately and that these two countries were the only two with which it would be safe for Mexico to deal.

Why did America's most famous labor leader support the arming of the Nazi war machine? Because Lewis had major territorial ambitions himself. He dreamed of a Pan-American federation of labor of which he would be the unchallenged leader. Through Davis, and through Cardenas, he would be able to consolidate the unions north and south of the border. In this he had the total collusion of Vincente Lombardo Toledano, head of the Mexican labor force.

By June 1938, Davis's first tanker was steaming to Germany with thousands of tons of Mexican oil. But by 1939 he was already running into trouble. On May 31 his chief geologist, Nazi Otto Probst, was found murdered in his hotel room in Mexico City. Probst had been strangled by a clothesline that was tied to the head of his bed.

The German Embassy intervened and prevented an autopsy. FBI investigators determined Probst had been poisoned. It turned out he had bribed government officials and stimulated action against communists. It was almost certainly a communist killing.

Communist cells infiltrated Davis's growing oil empire. He used strikebreakers to vanquish the opposition and shipped millions of barrels of oil until after World War II broke out in Europe.

Meanwhile, the von Clemm brothers profited enormously from his success. Goring gave them the German franchise in hops, putting them in virtual control of the beer business.

Along with Davis, they became multimillionaires.


Michael von Clemm

Dr Michael von Clemm (1935-1997) was an American businessman, restauranteur, anthropologist and President of Templeton College, Oxford.

Early Life and Education

Von Clemm was born in Long Island, USA on March 18, 1935, the son of Werner von Clemm, a prominent German-American banker, and grandson of a former Citibank Vice-President. When Von Clemm was 6 years old, during WWII, his father was arrested for trading smuggled diamonds from Europe and served two years in prison, before returning to banking....


...Banking career

In a career move away from academia, Von Clemm followed his father and grandfather to Citibank in 1963 where he gained a reputation for innovation - and dealmaking. He responsible for inventing several financial instruments and services. He found himself posted to London where he worked with a fellow American, Stanislas Yassukovich, at White Weld, on the development of the Eurodollar CD market. Citibank launched its first Eurodollar issues in 1966. However Von Clemm went back to Harvard Business School to lecture.

In 1971, Yassukovich hired Von Clemm to join White Weld, first as a temporary consultant on the feasibility of a Euro-commercial paper market, which did not catch on. However in 1972 Von Clemm effectively gave up his academic career to concentrate on banking full time. He had an aggressive style - for example on one occasion printing up T-shirts for staff which read Buy Bonds. He was also said to effectively bully clients into taking on the bank.

When Credit Suisse took a 40% stake in White Weld, he rose rapidly to become a senior Director of the combined Bank. However, Merrill Lynch made a play for White Weld in 1978 and Credit Suisse needed a new partner. The existing Chairman Sir John Craven wanted Dillon (later Warburg Dillon Read). Von Clemm went behind his back and did a direct deal with First Boston. This prompted Craven's resignation.

Von Clemm replaced Craven as Chairman of the newly formed Credit Suisse First Boston, and then additionally Chief Executive in 1979....unquote


NEWS ANALYSIS Has Bush Taken the Right People to Asia? Trade: Heavily...

Pay-Per-View - Los Angeles Times - ProQuest Archiver - Jan 1, 1992

Michael von Clemm Executive vice president/Merrill Lynch & Co. Chairman-elect, U.S.-Korea Business Council Patrick Ward Chairman, CEO/Caltex Petroleum Corp. ...


To Probate WR Davis's Will

- New York Times - Sep 11, 1941

The estate was estimated at $5000000 to 510000000. Beneficiaries under

the will are Mr. Davis's widow, two sons and former wife. ..


DORIS MEYER MORELL, 83: The mother of former California Gov. Gray Davis, who actively campaigned for her son during several key elections, died last Sunday


Davis' Friends Fall Away, Ambition Endures - Los Angeles Times

“I didn’t want a Big Joe and a Little Joe,” recalled Davis’ mother, Doris Morell , 79, who coined the nickname when Joseph

Graham Davis Jr. was an infant.


New York Times - Nov 30, 1941

29u The marriage of Miss Doris Jane Meyer, daughter of Mrs. Thomas Joseph Crowley of this community and the late George H. Meyer, to Joseph Graham Davis, ...


New York Times - Nov 30, 1941

Currie Boyd Davis, brother of the bridegroom, was best man. A reception was held at the Greenwich Country Club. Mrs."Davis was graduated fro



New York Times - Nov 30, 1941

... of this community and the late George H. Meyer, to Joseph Graham Davis, ... N. Y., and the late William Rhodes Davis,

took place here this morning in ...


New York Times - Jun 29, 1947

Miss Barbara Gay Bryant, to Currie Boyd Davis, son of Mrs. Paul G. Matthews of Greenwich, Conn.. and the late William Rhodes Davis. ...


219 NYS2d 533 31 Misc.2d 270 In re DAVIS' WILL.

Subscription - Supreme Court, Kings County - Fastcase - Sep 14, 1950

Account of Proceedings of James Lee Kauffman and Old Colony

Trust Company as Trustees under the Last Will and Testament

of William Rhodes Davis, Deceased...

.... for Joseph Graham Davis and Currie Boyd Davis; Charles L. Brieant, Jr., New York City, of counsel...

...In form it appeared to be a common-law claim for work, labor and services performed for the decedent in Italy prior to

his death on August 1, 1941

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