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Frank Sinatra and the Assassination of JFK

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One of things that is clear is that people who had evidence about the assassination were kept quiet by threats against their children. This is of course the most effective way of keeping people from talking. Virtually no one would take risks with the life of their children. Sixteen days after the assassination of JFK, Frank Sinatra's son, Frank Sinatra, Jr. was kidnapped. Was this a warning to keep him quiet about what he knew?

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Maybe. He was in the ratpack with Sammy Davis who'd married a white woman which horrified the bigots and no doubt caused rifts including between Sinatra and JFK. I suspect these were related peripherals to keep the assassination aftermath in control.

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"no doubt caused rifts including between Sinatra and JFK"


Are you saying that the marriage caused the rift? With JFK working so hard on the equality of the races in this country, I can't imagine him having a problem over Sammy's wife. I have read, though, that Sinatra was always hitting on Jackie (don't know if this true). This possibly could be the reason for any "rift', if there was one.

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Sixteen days after the assassination of JFK, Frank Sinatra's son, Frank Sinatra, Jr. was kidnapped. Was this a warning to keep him quiet about what he knew?

If this account is accurate, there is no mystery left in the Sinatra kidnapping, and no reason to suspect any connection to the assassination.


John: On what basis do you claim that Sinatra Sr. had any special knowledge about the JFK assassination?

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No, simpler than that: the black white marriage.

Militant right inspired elements put pressure on the ratpack while the events leading to the Hollywood ten were being demolished. There's no need to bring in any sleazy depravity into the equation. You answer it yourself with the statement about JFK working hard on racial equality. I can't imagine JFK would have a problem with Sammys marriage either. I can imagine him having a problem with elements who do/did.

How about quoting my entire post and not a portion and twisting it? I answered Johns question and didn't think I need to elaborate.

edit add: (this is mild) http://mdah.state.ms.us/arrec/digital_arch...38|1|1|1|61250|

Edited by John Dolva
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There have been recent reports (including a recent book by Jerry Lewis) that Sinatra was a courrier for the mob. That he did carried large sums of money for Lucky Luciano (Permindex).

Now years later his kid Frank Jr. would be linked to Heidi Fleiss. When Heidi Fleiss was a young girl it was reported that she was dating Bernie Cornfield, who was the mutual fund master of Investors Overseas Services before losing it to Robert Vesco.


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There have been recent reports (including a recent book by Jerry Lewis) that Sinatra was a courrier for the mob. That he did carried large sums of money for Lucky Luciano (Permindex).

Now years later his kid Frank Jr. would be linked to Heidi Fleiss. When Heidi Fleiss was a young girl it was reported that she was dating Bernie Cornfield, who was the mutual fund master of Investors Overseas Services before losing it to Robert Vesco.


Heidi Fleiss is a bum.

I have a theory pertaining to Frank Jr's kidnapping. The Mob, especially out of Chicago, did not want to be blamed for the assassination. The crimes involved the children of certain personages. Jack Ruby made headlines when he killed LHO. He had been close to Paul Dorfman -- waste unions. Another person close to Dorfman was Sid Korshack, mafia lawyer. The most investigated man of his time. Nothing ever stuck to him. He operated out of Hollywood. He was also Irv Kupcinet's best friend. Irv, a reporter, was able to track Dorfman down in Palm Springs, CA. This was Sunday, shortly after Ruby shot Oswald. Kupcinet wanted to know about Ruby; he had met him a long time ago. When Kup told Dorfman that Jack Rubenstein had just shot Oswald, Dorfman came across shocked -- real or not, I don't know. "Sparky wouldn't do that. He's a nebbish kind of guy," he said.

Also in Palm Springs, CA that weekend was Irv's daughter, Karyn Kupcinet. Coincidence?

Theory: The boys in Chicago wanted Ruby off the front pages of the newspapers. What would do that? How about a spectacular crime, something that would shock residents of Chicago? On Nov. 28, 1963, four days after Oswald's death, Karyn Kupcinet was murdered in West Hollywood. She was discovered 3 nights later. The crime was never solved.

Soon after that the son of F. Sinatra was kidnapped -- Mobsters behind that? Because who worked harder to get Kennedy elected in the first place? Frank Sinatra. So they kidnapped his kid to get back at him and to have the public mesmerized by anoher crime story. And then -- the Beatles came over.

When Karyn K. was found, Irv's best friend picked him up at LAX. His best friend even identified the body. His best friend was none other than Sidney Korshack. I hope he never knew about this. If he did, he kept his mouth shut.

Kathy C

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No, simpler than that: the black white marriage.

Militant right inspired elements put pressure on the ratpack while the events leading to the Hollywood ten were being demolished. There's no need to bring in any sleazy depravity into the equation. You answer it yourself with the statement about JFK working hard on racial equality. I can't imagine JFK would have a problem with Sammys marriage either. I can imagine him having a problem with elements who do/did.

How about quoting my entire post and not a portion and twisting it? I answered Johns question and didn't think I need to elaborate.

edit add: (this is mild) http://mdah.state.ms.us/arrec/digital_arch...38|1|1|1|61250|

It might have been the Inaugural day. Sammy Davis was asked by phone if he heard from the Kennedys, wishing Sammy and white wife Mai Britt all the happiness in the world. His answer was an embarrassed no. He never heard from them. Sammy had worked hard to get President Kennedy elected.

I remember wondering if Sammy and his white wife had children, would they come out with polka dots or stripes? I was about 5 years old.

Kathy C

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