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Chemtrails are back!

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So, aeroplanes criss-crossing the sky, leaving "H" and "X" patterns is some sort of evidence of so-called "chemtrails"?

So aeroplanes from ALL directions are supposed to be routed into one direction, and one route, and one altitude, at ALL times so the only contrails they leave merge together into one stream (or several tiered, when viewed at differing angles)?

ROFL. I'd like to see that at and around London, New York, Chicago, and other major, busy international airports.

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  • 3 weeks later...


Most important film and article yet on Chemtrails and Weather Control.


Thanks for the humor page Jack. That is how it was intended right? For starters, anybody who thinks that weather control, which consists of cloud seeding, looks anything like "chemtrails" they are deluding themselves. Then they get into HAARP with all sorts of unfounded BS. Creation of hurricanes and nuclear sized explosions without radiation? Do people actually take this stuff seriously?

The video appears to be the same one that Duane posted weeks ago (at least the same audio) as proof of low altitude spraying (although it is never shown or proven in the video). It is high on innuendo, pseudoscience, lies and scare tactics but preciously low on actual facts. Lots of pretty cloud pictures though!

The text on the page claims in the title that "Evergreen Aviation Admits to Chemtrail Contracts with USAF" but never actually shows that. They admit to weather modification (cloud seeding) but never say they are doing it for the USAF and never admit to "chemtrails" of any sort. Why do you think a page that has a blatant LIE like that is a "most important article yet on chemtrails and weather control"?

I especially thought this claim at the end was hilarious

It is no coincidence that the onset of this unprecedented weather coincided with the completion of the HAARP system

As if there was never freak weather before modern technology! :lol: Funny how the top eleven most memorable weather events according to the Farmer's almanac has 10 of them happening before HAARP and 5 of them before the 1900s.


And then they follow it up with this

Now, scientists can create and control all types of weather, especially disasters.

IF true, then why do sandstorms STILL ground US aircraft in Iraq and Afghanistan and heavy fog creates landing hazards throughout the region?

Keep the humor coming Jack! How about tying in "chemtrails" with crop circles? :lol:

Edited by Matthew Lewis
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Is this how they do it?

If you're asking, is that how they test an aircraft for weight and balance as part of the initial certification of an airframe type, then yes. But I don't see what it has to do with "chemtrails". Your picture has nothing to do with those.

Edit to add: For those who can't see the photo because Jack can't be bothered to use a public hosting site (can't be viewed by non-members or those not logged in) or because a couple months have passed and Jack has removed it to post something else, it shows the interior of an aircraft with multiple containers likely filled with water. It is one example of an aircraft being tested for weight and balance. They are able to shift the water from container to container to test different configurations in flight. Jack seems to think it would be used to disperse his mythical "chemtrails" but one must wonder why such an inefficent setup would be used.

Edit 2nd: I found the original of the photo. These links



show that it was from the flight testing of the Airbus A380. They are even described there. So that means that whoever passed the pic off as the interior of a "chemtrail" plane deliberately and knowingly LIED. Why would a "chemtrail" believer need to LIE to try to prove their case?

Edited by Matthew Lewis
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  • 4 weeks later...

Amazing how 911/chemtrail etc CT "experts" are rarely qualified in the fields they pontificate on. Dr. Perlingieri is a retired professor of art history. The law school she spoke at is not accredited by the ABA. Since she sites no source I don't see how the video should be of interest to anyone outside the choir.


Edited by Len Colby
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As usual, when the two of you can't refute the message, you attack the messenger.. It's one of the oldest, not to mention, one of the most transparent disinfo tactics in the book.

Here's more work by Dr. Perlingieri, exposing the criminals who created the Gulf oil spill disaster.

Gulf Oil Catastrophe - Epic Lies And Deceit ©By Dr. Ilya Sandra Perlingieri



Chemical poisoning, whether from the "areosol scattering" chemtrail program, or from oil spill disasters, are destroying life on this planet.

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As usual, when the two of you can't refute the message, you attack the messenger.. It's one of the oldest, not to mention, one of the most transparent disinfo tactics in the book.

No you’re the one who posted a video which misrepresented the woman’s credentials. Since she cited no evidence there is essentially nothing to refute anybody can claim anything. I’d have been more impressed if ‘Joe the Plumber’ was making similar claims but cited data to back his beliefs.

Her lead claim is quite questionable she said “In 1931 Cornelius P. Rhoads acting under the auspices of the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Investigations infected human subjects with cancer cells, they were not told about it” but that isn’t even the conspiracy theory as it is normally told. Supposedly he did this on his own due his racism, apparently the only evidence he did this was a letter he wrote when he was drunk.

“Neither the investigation ordered by Puerto Rico's governor nor an internal investigation by the Rockefeller Foundation was able to uncover any evidence that Dr. Rhoads had exterminated any Puerto Ricans.”

I doubt he even would have had access to cancer cells his research was related to “studying hookworm-caused anemia and tropical sprue anemia”


“Careful review of patient records at the Presbyterian Hospital in San Juan, Puerto Rico, where Rhoads had performed his research revealed that no patients in the young pathologist's care had died under suspicious circumstances”


See seems to be nothing more than a crackpot

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Here's the complete quote from that article you managed to find in Rhodes defense.

"Neither the investigation ordered by Puerto Rico's governor nor an internal investigation by the Rockefeller Foundation was able to uncover any evidence that Dr. Rhoads had exterminated any Puerto Ricans. When Dr. Rhoads returned to New York in December 1931 he was treated cordially by his colleagues and resumed work at Rockefeller Institute, where he remained until 1939 when he left to become Director of Memorial Hospital."

An interrnal investigation by the people who Rhodes worked for and who also funded his research??? .. Too funny!

As usual, you manage to find every disinformation cover story for every conspiracy known to man.

See seems to be nothing more than a crackpot

As for Dr. Perlingieri, so far I haven't found any information that would discredit her work, or show her to be a "crackpot".

Apparently your particular world view has clouded your judgement on this subject as well.


Chemtrails - The Latest Assault On Us

Dr. Ilya Sandra Perlingieri 4-19-9

These past two days there has been a dramatic Chemtrail assault around much of New England.

Friday morning, April 17 at 6 a.m., the sky was a vibrant deep rose-red, dotted with synthetic blackish clouds. By mid-morning, the cloud cover had changed to artificial, Chemtrail-laden clouds that resembled Morgellons with tendrils. Later in the morning, many counties saw sometimes more than eight planes in the sky, going about their nefarious work making miles and miles of toxic parallel lines.

How could anyone look up at the sky and think this was normal?

With this latest toxic offensive, the air now smells full of chemicals. There is no such a thing as "fresh air" anymore. By mid-afternoon, the sky was entirely blanketed with a greyish-white covering. It lasted the rest of the day and into Saturday.

Meanwhile, there are many reports of hard-to-cure upper respiratory illnesses (colds, severe hacking coughs, bronchitis, pneumonia). Children and the elderly seem hardest hit. It takes weeks and weeks (sometimes two months!) to get over these illnesses. Many people I know are going to work with pneumonia!

What some doctors are diagnosing as colds or bronchitis are not the usual variety that we had prior to about 2000. Drugs do not seem to be working. Alternative choices seem to be doing better. Upper respiratory illnesses are now the third leading cause of death. Five years ago, lung illnesses ranked number eight.

All mammals are targeted. So animals, too, are suffering. Domestic cats and dogs have chronic itchy skin. This also can be seen with farm animals (cows, sheep, pigs, and goats). In my own backyard (and those of many neighbors), the squirrels, hedgehogs, and an occasional raccoon are always scratching themselves. (At this time of year, no mosquitoes or other insects are around.) It seems to get worse for all mammals when there is a constant blanketing of more Chemtrails poisons.

In a 2003 report, Clifford Carnicom interviewed someone who has insider knowledge that the Pentagon and pharmaceutical companies are involved. (1)

Our immune systems continue to be under daily attack and are breaking down significantly with this chronic, government-induced poisoning. Chemicals used (such as barium and fiber-coated nano-aluminum, plus bacteria and viruses) destroy our own body's ability to heal. We are all breathing these poisons constantly. On top of this, how much chemical brain injury has already been done to us, with daily aerosol spraying of aluminum that cause brain damage? (2)

Now there are reports of the illegal current administration wanting to do more planetary geo-engineering. With more lies and deceit piled on to compliant masses, they want to "slow down global warming." Yet, the majority of scientists now are coming out to jointly say that there is no "global warming".

Rather, our planet is suffering from climate change. This is not to say, that humans have not caused significant environmental damage around the globe. The raping and pillaging of the last remaining natural resources continues at a reckless pace. As long as corporations have their short-term profits, it matters not to them what massive environmental havoc they cause to our eco-systems. We, humans, remain at the very top of a poisoned and collapsing web of life.

The earth is showing positive signs of cooling, and there are numerous scientific reports that confirm this. (3) The last IPCC [intergovernmental Panel on Climate Control] Report was a watered-down consensus and did not include some important other considerations, such as sunspot activity.

How much of climate change is being caused by at least ten years of more than 60 different (private, military, and "public", i.e. using our own taxpayer dollars to poison us) Clandestine Weather Modification Programs? None of these has ever had any public discussion, input, or scrutiny.

Meanwhile, in a recent flight across the country (somewhere between Iowa and the Grand Canyon, at 37,000 feet), I counted 10 planes that were spraying dark-grey-to-black Chemtrails. One plane flying perpendicular to our path and below us, was clearly marked "United." So it appears, that at least one plane spraying these aerosols was a United Airlines plane.

Has anyone else noticed/researched these black Chemtrails?

What new toxins are in them?

Millions of people know about the extreme dangers that Chemtrails pose to all life on this planet. Many private citizens have tested soil, water, and snow to find dangerous levels of poisons in them. Why cannot we harness this shared concern? How long are we going to be unwitting test subjects for these deadly daily assaults? When will we wake up and put a collective stop to this criminal activity?

We are in a deliberately planned collapse not just of our economy, but also the destruction of our health. Yet, because every topic of serious concern is compartmentalized -- instead of looking at an inter-disciplinary approach, and how everything relates to everything else -- we do not see how this daily overhead poisoning, along with all the other environmental toxins, is already un-doing what little health we have. This is what we are experiencing now: the Illuminati Ponzi-scheme recipe for disaster.

The Augean Stables that are the beltway must be cleaned out. Each and every corrupt official and bankster who is leading us down a path of disaster must be charged and held accountable. They are all part of our continuing crises that they have deliberately created. They will never do anything to fix what is going on, because those in charge are the problem. We need a completely clean slate.

Dr. Ilya Sandra Perlingieri


1. Clifford Carnicom. "A Meeting Between Investigative Research

and Well-Place Military Source." July 2003: www.carnicom.com

2. Kaye H. Kilburn, M.D. "Chemical Brain Injury". Oct. 2001:


3. "Scientists abandon global warming "lie" 650 to dissent

at U.N. climate change conference." Dec. 13, 2008: www.globalresearch.ca/PrintArticle.php?articleId=11383

See also: comments by Prof. Victor Emanuel Herrera, Institute

of Geophysics, National Autonomous University, Mexico: http://startthinkingright.wordpress.com/...crisis-of-ignorance...;

and Prof. Don J. Easterbrook, "Global cooling is here": www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=10783

Dr. Perlingieri's article is at: http://rense.com/general85/chemm.htm



Edited by Duane Daman
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