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Chemtrails are back!

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I have no idea whether or not these "clouds" contain chemicals. However, I can say with 100% certainty that there have been many days in San Diego--particularly in East County--that began with

absolutely blue skies and literally NO CLOUD cover whatsoever from horizon to horizon. It's San Diego (inland) County--so clear skies are not uncommon. I recall witnessing and pointing out to fellow

officers, (I was a Police Motorcycle Escort Officer back then) while we were in between motorcade details, the odd patterns that were being made in the sky by aircraft. I am NOT exaggerating. The patterns

were obvious and definitely not random. They resembled a "checker board" across the entire sky. We counted as many as 6 to 8 nearly straight lines running parallel to each other across the otherwise

completely clear, blue sky and an additional 5 or 6 lines intersecting those perpendicularly at 90 degrees.

Eventually those well defined lines mutated into what appeared to be cirrus clouds and dissipated--but they did NOT disappear. They hung around in a different form. Then we would observe additional

"lines" being laid out by either the same or additional aircraft, which subsequently dissipated--without disappearing--building up cloud cover over a period of hours. Now, the sky was no longer "clear"

at all. It was filled with "whispy" clouds. But, there is absolutely no question as to how these "clouds" were formed--in terms of their source. The source was definitely the aircraft.

I have observed this same phenomenon for more than 10 years. I have witnessed it more than 30 times, conservatively speaking.

I do not claim to know what it is, what it means, nor do I claim to know what these "clouds" might contain.

However, it is NOT easily dismissed, as it is NOT as "obviously explainable" as some here suggest.


Edited by Greg Burnham
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I have no idea whether or not these "clouds" contain chemicals.

They do, in fact. There is residue from fuel / combustion so they do contain chemicals... but they are not, in general, the "chemtrails" as people claim. So in fact we have a couple of points:

- Ordinary contrails do contain chemicals when formed by the combustion process from a jet engine.

- Chemical spray is a known process, so it is possible to have chemical trails laid by aircraft (I'll mention this later).

They resembled a "checker board" across the entire sky. We counted as many as 6 to 8 nearly straight lines running parallel to each other across the otherwise completely clear, blue sky and an additional 5 or 6 lines intersecting those perpendicularly at 90 degrees.

Again, quite normal. The airspace above us has "roads" in the sky, to help control aircraft and prevent collision. Some are one way, some are speed limited, etc. These often overlap... but are separated in altitude.


Eventually those well defined lines mutated into what appeared to be cirrus clouds and dissipated--but they did NOT disappear. They hung around in a different form. Then we would observe additional

"lines" being laid out by either the same or additional aircraft, which subsequently dissipated--without disappearing--building up cloud cover over a period of hours.

Under certain conditions, the contrails spread out; it all depends upon the environment. I have to question something here: how did you know it was the same aircraft?

Now, the sky was no longer "clear" at all. It was filled with "whispy" clouds. But, there is absolutely no question as to how these "clouds" were formed--in terms of their source. The source was definitely the aircraft.

Yep, that can happen with contrails. With the right lapse rate and little to no horizontal movement of the air parcel, that's what you'll see. It's been seen many time over all parts of the world on a regular basis.

However, it is NOT easily dismissed, as it is NOT as "obviously explainable" as some here suggest.

It is actually easily explainable. If people wish to claim that they are NOT contrails, then why don't they start by recording data such as pressure / temperature / height, wind speed / direction at various altitudes, dew point at various altitudes, what aircraft of what type travelled on what air route and when?

Why don't they arrange airborne sample collection?

(Ground samples are contaminated by whatever is on the ground / local industry, etc)

Lastly, and most importantly, use all that data to correlate where - if the aircraft were laying some type of chemical treatment - the effective area would have been? If you are laying a spray, you'd want to be about 500 - 1500 feet above the ground for it to be accurately laid. Doing it at altitudes over 10,000 or 20,000 feet like the photos of so-called chemtrail operations show would mean the trail would be dispersed widely according to the winds at various levels, making it almost impossible to predict the effected area... that would receive a highly diluted dose from the original spray.

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Under certain conditions, the contrails spread out; it all depends upon the environment. I have to question something here: how did you know it was the same aircraft?

I didn't say that it was the same aircraft. Go back and read it again. I said that it was either the same or additional aircraft. I have no way of knowing which it was--but it was one, or the other, OR both. I don't know.

Edited by Greg Burnham
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Yesterday was a blue sky cloud free CHEMTRAIL FREE day. Today was just the opposite.

Dozens of chemtrails were laid in bizarre patterns all day by planes flying in formation,

mostly parallel, and in bursts instead of long continuous lines.

About sunset there were as many as 8 chemtrails parallel in the west, and I watched as the

sprays quickly turned into parallel cirrus clouds. I wish I had a time-lapse capability to

show the chemtrails morphing into clouds.


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Okay, here's the weather data charts for Dallas/Fort Worth area, Sunday 6th March, 2011.





Not sure what good it'll do, but as we know Mr White will never even bother looking for such, and I have (remote) access to the info..... :ice

Edit : swapping uploaded images for photobucket links. As per Announcement on main section page about reduced disk space for uploads.

post-6341-062366500 1299927971_thumb.jpeg

post-6341-000800700 1299927980_thumb.jpeg

post-6341-031495200 1299927993_thumb.jpeg

post-6341-033434000 1299928011_thumb.jpeg

Edited by Steve Knight
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I was quite serious that it could have been me, though. I was scheduled to fly out of DFW with a 1650 departure, but my inbound flight got delayed so I didn't get there until a little after 1700. As an aside, two people who attended the same conference as me - and who are both highly experienced aircrew members - remarked about just how busy the skies were around DFW.

If you were stuck there long enough you should have called Jack for a quick beer. :) ;0 ;)

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I have (remote) access to the info..... :ice

Thus you admit to being part of the NWO!

lol. I wish. Could do with the funds. :ph34r:

Just my girlfriend working for the Canadian Weather Bureau (Or Met Office, or whatever they call it over there), and her world-wide contacts with people collecting, collating, and analysing the data to produce weather reports.

She says it's a very boring job - sat around doing bugger-all for 50 minutes an hour, then 3 minutes collecting the data, and the rest collating and sending it on to the head office. Nice pay, though, considering how little she does. :P

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I have (remote) access to the info..... :ice

Thus you admit to being part of the NWO!

lol. I wish. Could do with the funds. :ph34r:

Just my girlfriend working for the Canadian Weather Bureau (Or Met Office, or whatever they call it over there), and her world-wide contacts with people collecting, collating, and analysing the data to produce weather reports.

She says it's a very boring job - sat around doing bugger-all for 50 minutes an hour, then 3 minutes collecting the data, and the rest collating and sending it on to the head office. Nice pay, though, considering how little she does. :P

Oh yeah, do think anyone will be convinced by your backpedaling excuse?

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Jack is unable to read the evidence that you put before him. He has no appreciation of what it means. That has never stopped him in the past, though, so I would not expect any radical change in his beliefs.

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Those are not CIRRUS clouds. The are all chemtrails spread out by winds aloft. The chemplanes

were busy all day in an otherwise blue sky. At sunset there were many more parallel ones in the

west as the sun set.


You have not presented any proof of that at all. As usual you make the claim, and fail to provide independent evidence. You have no qualifications in meteorology nor aviation. You haven't given any details regarding which flight it was, the altitude they were at (or passing), what the dew point was at various layers, no indication of an altitude versus temperature graph for the period you claim the image was taken, etc.

As always, you have nothing.

Here's a web site showing plenty of pictures of chemtrails forming into cirrus clouds .. I can't believe you really don't know about this, being a Navy pilot.. Obviously it's more important to disagree with Jack than to post the truth.


Edited by Duane Daman
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