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Why Badgeman Is not real

Guest Duncan MacRae

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Did this guy make his calculations based on BM being at the corner of the retaining wall, or further back behind the picket fence? At one point in this clip Gordon Arnold is quite clear to me and because of the timeline of Arnold's story I still tend to believe he saw what he claimed. Odds are just too long he would appear exactly where he said he was and a policeman without a hat, as he said, would be where he claimed as well.

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Thanks Duncan...

Please tell me that the same type of analysis was done on the image to the left, behind the tree, along the southern face of the fence.

Never have seen size analysis done on that area...


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Thanks Duncan...

Please tell me that the same type of analysis was done on the image to the left, behind the tree, along the southern face of the fence.

Never have seen size analysis done on that area...


Once one looks at and comprehends the ballistic evidence, one will stop wasting time with such foolishness as a knoll shooter. Of course it does keep the goldfish, who gobble up any flake thrown to them, occupied and out of the way of real research.

Some people are so easily fooled.

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Did this guy make his calculations based on BM being at the corner of the retaining wall, or further back behind the picket fence? At one point in this clip Gordon Arnold is quite clear to me and because of the timeline of Arnold's story I still tend to believe he saw what he claimed. Odds are just too long he would appear exactly where he said he was and a policeman without a hat, as he said, would be where he claimed as well.

Gordon Arnold wasn't there.



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I've seen this analysis before and the rebuttals. I'm not convinced of anything, but do tend to go with Arnold due to what I previously stated. Thanks for your time, effort and lack of sarcasm.

Edited by Evan Burton
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Doesn't seem completely out of the realm of possibility....

Size is close whether he is standing on the ground or up on the bumper...

Arnold's story has always been so compelling and I have not studied enough of his being interviewed or his story

as to whether he could be the type to place himself into the situation after the fact.

The reveal of his possibly being in Moorman during TMWKK was amazing... I'd like to believe him

and in reality I believe he says he hit the dirt after the first shot so his being in Moorman may be a moot point.


Edited by Evan Burton
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Thanks Duncan...

Please tell me that the same type of analysis was done on the image to the left, behind the tree, along the southern face of the fence.

Never have seen size analysis done on that area...


Once one looks at and comprehends the ballistic evidence, one will stop wasting time with such foolishness as a knoll shooter. Of course it does keep the goldfish, who gobble up any flake thrown to them, occupied and out of the way of real research.

Some people are so easily fooled.

Well, some folks believe that Badge Man is there, and his shot missed.

The jury is still out on the acoustical evidence.

BTW, I would certainly appreciate it if all here could speak a little more civilly to one another. This is getting to be a little much.



For you Darlin, anything, I can even be nice to this Josephs person, as trying as he may be with all his bluster and no bolster. I will refrain from feeding the fish.

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So you think Badgeman was wearing a jet pack, ok let me ask you this...

Do you think The Other Camera Man was wearing a jet pack also, or did I prove to you that he could have in fact been standing on the retaining wall behind the Pyracantha Bush?

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Thanks Duncan...

Please tell me that the same type of analysis was done on the image to the left, behind the tree, along the southern face of the fence.

Never have seen size analysis done on that area...


Once one looks at and comprehends the ballistic evidence, one will stop wasting time with such foolishness as a knoll shooter. Of course it does keep the goldfish, who gobble up any flake thrown to them, occupied and out of the way of real research.

Some people are so easily fooled.


Enlighten us... what credible, supportable ballistic evidence do you refer to here that refutes those closest to him saying they saw his brains blow out the back of his skull...? Start with Hargis and then address Clint Hill... where you go from there should be interesting.

I know I'd sleep better at night knowing it was only crazy, loner Oswald who did it... fortuitously for the new regime - all by his lonesome.

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This topic is just one of the more Bizarre sub-plots to the whole story. It's just so compelling - yet Duncan's sober analysis (and others) confidently disprove it. I really don't know enough to offer my own theory but always find Duncan's posts on this topic to be dilligent and cohesive. Bit by bit I've lost more and more faith in Badgeman's existence, partly through reading informative posts on this forum. I must say that it's a bit of a disappointment: it's authenticity pretty much wraps up the case for the prosecution.

But how weird is it if, at the exact point of discharge, an assassin is snapped, and years later subsequently discovered, in the background of a grainy B+W poloroid? The chances of that must be immense.

But surely, the alternative is even more fantastical in its surreality. If all we are seeing is a trick of light, how utterly incredulous is it that of all the millions of possible images a "trick of light" could throw up....it shows a cop firing a gun?!

And then, in its vicinity stands yet another trick of light, another image of a man who fits the description of someone who says he was there....

Yet Duncan's methodical presentation clearly and firmly shows that it simply cannot be the case.

Is everything in the JFK saga upside-down, back-to-front and inside-out?

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