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Dr Fetzer theories

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Thanks Mr Hogan. I think I should truly aim for clarification here as far as 9/11, Fetzer, etc. BreakForNews some years ago "ousted" so to speak, more than 100 websites (still counting to this day) that were either willingly or unwillingly part of a vast deception operation initiated by the perpetrators/planners of 9/11. For further reading, check out:


Many may not agree with those accused but the point is that the deception behind 9/11 is/was big, even connecting quite well with the crash of 2008 onto the present day, all of it is connected and honestly that isn't too difficult to believe. They've learned an awful lot since 1963 and even since before that tragedy. Psychological warfare is the name of the game and keeping the public inside the box so to speak is the methodology used. Arguing about space beams, thermite, thermate, etc etc etc has gotten the movement absolutely nowhere. many "luminaries" of 9/11 have gone totally "nuts" and that is by design.

It is/was designed to give 9/11 a "face", a face of being full of lunatics who cannot figure anything out ultimately and thus its worthless to even try learning what happened on 9/11 and the years leading up to it. I like BFN's use of the term "orgy of evidence" as used by Fintan Dunne to describe a particular methodology of covering up the 9/11 event. Why not simply BE the "opposition"? You have guys like Alex Jones (I'd rather not go there with this guy, who has proven himself capable of misleading and deception), Fetzer with his "space beams" theory and the entire debacle with the Scholars for 9/11 Truth, Judy Wood, Stephen "CIA" Jones (thanks for helping destroy the growth of Cold Fusion Mr. Jones), George Galloway, Jimmy Walters, etc. The list goes on and on and on....9/11 was NEVER meant to get "out of the box" because the territory of the internet, which they KNEW would be FULL of researchers, etc, was well taken over before the towers even fell. I urge anyone to take a listen to the Audio regarding "The CIA Just Blinked!" audio at BreakForNews to get an idea of how the Fetzer Show went with Fintan Dunne. It was totally strange and honestly just reeked of an Op.

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Guest James H. Fetzer

Someone who obviously "reeks" of an op is B. A. Copeland. I don't know much about Fintan Dunn, but his show was recommended to me by a friend. I have done hundreds of interviews about 9/11 and hundreds more about JFK. I have explained the early history of Scholars for 9/11 Truth in "Wikipedia as a 9/11 Disinformation Op", http://onlinejournal.com/artman/publish/article_6078.shtml . I encourage the study of directed-energy weapons, because we don't know how it was done. I have discussed bona fide disinformation in the 9/11 movement elsewhere, including "The Company You are Keeping: Comments on Hoffman and Green", http://www.911scholars.org/Fetzer_9Feb2006.html , and the more interesting case, "What's the matter with Jim Hoffman? Abusing logic and language to attack Scholars for 9/11 Truth", http://www.911scholars.org/ArticleFetzer_14Jun2006.html . Since you can find as many as 60-80 videos of my 9/11 presentations on YouTube and many more on my blog at http://jamesfetzer.blogspot.com (just try December 2009 for two in Portland and one in Seattle), my efforts to bring the truth about 9/11 to the public are well-known and thoroughly documented. For some of my most recent lectures, visit http://911scholars.org and scroll down the page to "Was 9/11 an 'Inside Job'?", which I presented in Argentina on 15 September 2009 at The National Library, and visit http://noliesradio.org/archives/21621/ for "Are Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan justified by 9/11?", which I presented in London on 14 July 2010. Since I also edited the first book from Scholars, THE 9/11 CONSPIRACY (2007), organized its first national conference, "The Science and Politics of 9/11", in Madison and produced its first DVD, "9/11: What's Controversial, What's Not", while authoring many articles about 9/11, if I'm not real, who is? If she can't do better than this, then one of us may be an op, but it ain't me. Another good book on 9/11 and Zionism, by the way, is Gates' GUILT BY ASSOCIATION (2008).

Thanks Mr Hogan. I think I should truly aim for clarification here as far as 9/11, Fetzer, etc. BreakForNews some years ago "ousted" so to speak, more than 100 websites (still counting to this day) that were either willingly or unwillingly part of a vast deception operation initiated by the perpetrators/planners of 9/11. For further reading, check out:


Many may not agree with those accused but the point is that the deception behind 9/11 is/was big, even connecting quite well with the crash of 2008 onto the present day, all of it is connected and honestly that isn't too difficult to believe. They've learned an awful lot since 1963 and even since before that tragedy. Psychological warfare is the name of the game and keeping the public inside the box so to speak is the methodology used. Arguing about space beams, thermite, thermate, etc etc etc has gotten the movement absolutely nowhere. many "luminaries" of 9/11 have gone totally "nuts" and that is by design.

It is/was designed to give 9/11 a "face", a face of being full of lunatics who cannot figure anything out ultimately and thus its worthless to even try learning what happened on 9/11 and the years leading up to it. I like BFN's use of the term "orgy of evidence" as used by Fintan Dunne to describe a particular methodology of covering up the 9/11 event. Why not simply BE the "opposition"? You have guys like Alex Jones (I'd rather not go there with this guy, who has proven himself capable of misleading and deception), Fetzer with his "space beams" theory and the entire debacle with the Scholars for 9/11 Truth, Judy Wood, Stephen "CIA" Jones (thanks for helping destroy the growth of Cold Fusion Mr. Jones), George Galloway, Jimmy Walters, etc. The list goes on and on and on....9/11 was NEVER meant to get "out of the box" because the territory of the internet, which they KNEW would be FULL of researchers, etc, was well taken over before the towers even fell. I urge anyone to take a listen to the Audio regarding "The CIA Just Blinked!" audio at BreakForNews to get an idea of how the Fetzer Show went with Fintan Dunne. It was totally strange and honestly just reeked of an Op.

Edited by James H. Fetzer
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Guest James H. Fetzer

Here is "An Open Letter to Steven Jones" related to the simmering tensions between us at the time. My best guess would be that several dozen--probably between 10% to 15% of the membership, which was around 400 at the time--sided with Steve and his allies. Most of those who were members then remain members today, if you check at http://911scholars.org.'>http://911scholars.org. For the background, see "Wikipedia as a 9/11 Disinformation Op".


Scholars for 9/11 Truth

An Open Letter about Steven Jones

by James H. Fetzer

19 November 2006

Friends and Colleagues:

When I founded Scholars for 9/11 Truth, I invited Steve Jones to serve as co-chair. He has responsibility for co-editing our journal, which he originally founded with Judy Wood as co-editor and me as managing editor, and runs our members' forum, while I maintain our web site at st911.org. He is now planning to take control of the web site from me.

I have raised objections on moral, legal and intellectual grounds and I am categorically opposed to it. But he appears to be persisting in what might be described as a "hostile take over" to control Scholars. Because this is going on behind the scenes and you would otherwise be unaware of this scheme, I am publishing this open letter on st911.org.

The background to this move concerns new research about what happened at the World Trade Center involving hypotheses that differ from those Steve has been investigating and promoting for more than a year now. On 11 November 2006, Judy Wood was my guest on "Non-Random Thoughts" and we discussed new research she and Morgan Reynolds were doing on possible causes of the destruction of the World Trade Center, which involves the use of high-tech, directed energy-weaponry. I put up links to their research, which are available on our web site under "Events" for that date. Right or wrong, this is fascinating stuff, which I even discussed during lectures in Tucson the next two days:

Dr. James Fetzer: Did Classified Weaponry Destroy the Twin Towers?

On 15 November 2006, I invited Steve to come on a new program that I will be hosting on gcnlive.com with Kevin Barrett. "The Dynamic Duo" will be broadcast from 3-5 PM/CT. Kevin will host on M/F and I will host on T/W/Th. This new approach is so fascinating that I wanted Judy, Morgan and Steve to be my guests 28, 29, and 30 November 2006 with consecutive appearances on those days. Judy and Morgan agreed, but Steve has not, and, in a series of email exchanges, he began to raise questions about my management of the web site, where he seems to think any new idea that is controversial requires some kind of counterbalancing opinion. These are new views, of course, and the purpose of inviting him onto the program was for that very purpose!

Steve appears to be committing the blunder of supposing that the web site, like the journal, should include only finished research reports, which are fully referenced and formally presented. That is all wrong, because the web site and the journal have entirely different functions. The journal is for peer-reviewed studies. The web site is for current events and recent developments to keep the public informed about what is going on within the research community in its exploratory stages, including mini-nukes and high-tech weapons, which may or may not "pan out" and reach stages of development suitable for journal publication.

What is ironic about his attitude toward "unfinished research" is that he repeatedly characterizes his own studies of the use of thermite (in a sulfur-enhanced version known as "thermate") as both preliminary and incomplete. If that is the case, then by his own standard, there is a serious question whether his own research is ready for prime time! It is also worth mention that he has revised his basic paper on numerous occasions, which, to the best of my knowledge, have not been subject to additional peer review. If we only mention or discuss finished research on st911.org, there is a serious question whether Steve's work properly qualifies for inclusion in the journal he edits, much less the web site.

The hardest part of scientific inquiry is the stage of speculation in coming up with alternative hypotheses as possible explanations for the phenomena under consideration. Here we are talking about the complete destruction of two 500,000-ton buildings and five other structures the demolition of which is seldom mentioned in public discourse. Judy and Morgan have discovered the WTC was constructed in an enormous "bathtub" to create a barrier to protect the site from overflow of water from the Hudson River, which would have flooded PATH TRAIN tunnels and subways throughout Manhattan. To avoid this catastrophe, it appears to have been indispensable to turn 4/5 of the towers to dust and demolish just 1/5 by more conventional means, such as those Steve Jones has advanced.

Critics seem to be deriving a lot of mileage from my having described this new research as "Fascinating!" What I meant by that--as I think anyone who listens to the program can discern--is that the importance of the bathtub and the completeness of the destruction of the World Trade Center, where it looks as though every building with a "WTC" designation was targeted for devastation, greatly expands the scope of the evidence regarding what has to be explained (in philosophical language, it broadens and redefines the explanandum for any potential explanans, where the explanandum describes what is to be explained and the explanans offers the initial conditions and laws advanced to explain them). This is an enormous advance and is truly fascinating!

11 November 2006

Interview: Judy Wood will be the guest on "Non-Random Thoughts" with host Jim Fetzer

Related: The Star Wars Beam Weapon








You don't have to be a philosopher of science to understand that, in a scientific investigation of the events of 9/11, the range of alternative explanations that might possibly explain the explanandum must include not only (a) jet-plane-impacts/jet-fuel-fire/pancake collapse hypotheses and (B) classic controlled demolition from the bottom up hypotheses but © non-classic controlled demolition from the top-down hypotheses. It should be clear that these, in turn, can be refined in terms of (c-1) non-classic controlled demolition from the top-down using thermate and other conventional explosives, (c-2) non-classic controlled demolition from the top-down using mini-nukes, and (c-3) non-classic controlled demolition from the top-down using directed energy weapons. All of these deserve consideration and, to the the best of my knowledge, none of (c-1) to (c-3) has been refuted at this stage of scientific inquiry.

During the course of her interview with me, Judy suggested that the source of the energy required might possibly have been based in space. This is not as fanciful as it might sound, insofar as the US has been pursuing "full spectrum dominance" (of air, sea, land and space!) for some period of time. The very idea of space-based weapons strikes many people as a stretch, if not absurd. But they are trotting out a lot of the same kinds of ridicule and sarcasm as apologists for the official government's account have been advancing to attack those of use who are critics of what we have been told, which is supposed to be "completely ridiculous"! Just listen to O'Reilly or Hannity & Colmes! If we don't consider the full range of possible alternative explanans, we may arrive at false conclusions by eliminating the true hypothesis from serious consideration because it seems farfetched or even absurd.

Cutting-steel using thermate and disintegration-of-steel via directed energy weapons, of course, are different kinds of causal mechanisms, where we have visual evidence of disintegration at work, which may be found on Judy's site and is included in the 16-minute segment from my second lecture in Tucson, a link to which I have given above. Indeed, Judy appears to have done far more to develop her "proof of concept" than has Steve. Some of these research preliminaries are archived:


Indeed, prototypes have been built and tested, beginning as long ago as 1991! Videos and links to other videos demonstrating the use of Ground Based Lasers (GBLs) may also be found at several links here:




Appendix2, for example, includes this about Space Based Lasers (SBLs):

"Talon Gold achieved performance levels equivalent to that needed for the SBL. In 1991, the space-borne Relay Mirror Experiment (RME), relayed a low-power laser beam from a ground site to low-earth orbit and back down to a scoring target board at another location with greater pointing accuracy and beam stability than needed by SBL."

The specific weapons used to destroy the WTC could have been ground based or space based. Judy tends to believe that, whether it was the use of a mirror to reflect an energy beam from Earth or a space-based energy source, it came from above. (My own opinion is that WTC-7 may have played a crucial role here.) If someone suggests that this sounds "loony" or "far out" to them, then I would ask, "How do you know that she's wrong?" It would be scientifically irresponsible not to consider an hypothesis that poses such an intriguing alternative to account for demolishing the WTC, especially given all the evidence she has adduced.

His desire to keep discussion of new, controversial approaches from the public appears to have motivated his attempt to take-over the web site. Personally, I find this rather odd, since all of our research on the events of 9/11 qualifies as "controversial" and the public is entitled to know about new research at the cutting edge. As I have explained in email exchanges, especially, "An Open Letter to Steve Jones", his attempt to take over the site is morally, legally, and intellectually objectionable on many grounds, including that it qualifies as taking something that does not belong to him. I created st911.org and have maintained it from scratch. Because this would affect everyone with a serious interest in Scholars for 9/11 Truth, I am exposing it here.

To the best of my knowledge, Steve has found support among perhaps ten or twelve members of Scholars who are active on the forum. Since our current membership approximates 400, this does not appear to be the majority view. Splinter groups often form when dealing with complex and controversial issues, especially when they have ramifications of a political kind. Everyone who has joined Scholars has joined with the current web site and management of st911.org. If he thinks that he can do better, then I encourage him to resign from Scholars and create his own site. But he should not attempt to take control of a site that I created and maintain, which would display the virtues of theft over honest toil. Those who have opinions they want to express about all this can email hardevidence@gmail.com or jfetzer@d.umn.edu.

James H. Fetzer

Founder and Co-Chair

Scholars for 9/11 Truth

Once again, Glenn Viklund steps up to the plate and demonstrates that he has NO IDEA what he is talking about,

Victoria Ashley is well-known as an agent of disinformation. I wish it were not so. When Viklund ignores the real

history of the society, which is archived on http://911scholars.org under "Founder's Corner", ...

What evidence do you have that she "is well-known as an agent of disinformation" does anyone besides you and your associates believe this?

According to your version of events how many people voted in the poll and how many of them voted to leave?

Edited by James H. Fetzer
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Thanks Mr Hogan. I think I should truly aim for clarification here as far as 9/11, Fetzer, etc. BreakForNews some years ago "ousted" so to speak, more than 100 websites (still counting to this day) that were either willingly or unwillingly part of a vast deception operation initiated by the perpetrators/planners of 9/11. For further reading, check out:


Many may not agree with those accused but the point is that the deception behind 9/11 is/was big, even connecting quite well with the crash of 2008 onto the present day, all of it is connected and honestly that isn't too difficult to believe. They've learned an awful lot since 1963 and even since before that tragedy. Psychological warfare is the name of the game and keeping the public inside the box so to speak is the methodology used. Arguing about space beams, thermite, thermate, etc etc etc has gotten the movement absolutely nowhere. many "luminaries" of 9/11 have gone totally "nuts" and that is by design.

It is/was designed to give 9/11 a "face", a face of being full of lunatics who cannot figure anything out ultimately and thus its worthless to even try learning what happened on 9/11 and the years leading up to it. I like BFN's use of the term "orgy of evidence" as used by Fintan Dunne to describe a particular methodology of covering up the 9/11 event. Why not simply BE the "opposition"? You have guys like Alex Jones (I'd rather not go there with this guy, who has proven himself capable of misleading and deception), Fetzer with his "space beams" theory and the entire debacle with the Scholars for 9/11 Truth, Judy Wood, Stephen "CIA" Jones (thanks for helping destroy the growth of Cold Fusion Mr. Jones), George Galloway, Jimmy Walters, etc. The list goes on and on and on....9/11 was NEVER meant to get "out of the box" because the territory of the internet, which they KNEW would be FULL of researchers, etc, was well taken over before the towers even fell. I urge anyone to take a listen to the Audio regarding "The CIA Just Blinked!" audio at BreakForNews to get an idea of how the Fetzer Show went with Fintan Dunne. It was totally strange and honestly just reeked of an Op.

Mr Copeland,

I'd be very interested if you would please explain how the financial crash of 2008 fits into the 9/11 debate.


Glenn V.

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