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Veiled threats of violence

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I demand that the moderators put Francois Carlier on moderation (or better still, ban him from the forum). I refuse to accept veiled threats.

Stop being silly you were not threatened he wrote

Laverick, you're beginning to get on my nerves.

It's easy to insult people through a computer. Weak people do that !

I'd like to see you talk in front of me !


So if you were in a bar and said something rude about another person in the bar under your breath and they said to you "I'd like to see you say that to my face"

You would not consider that a threat?

But that's not what he said. He said, "I'd like to see you talk in front of me!" which can be interpreted as a complaint that Bernie was taking advantage of their distance from one another, and was being ruder than he would be otherwise. Or not.

Why not ask the man? Francois, did you mean to imply that you'd hit Bernie if he talked like that in front of you? If so, guess what, you threatened him.

Come on Pat

You know what Frank was saying

Why do you call him “Frank” the Anglicization of his name is Francis, Frank is “Franc” in French. At retty much nailed it. He was (rightly or wrongly} complaining that Bernie was being ruder on the internet than he would be on person

Well Len I started out calling him Francis, then I took Francis and shortened it to Frank

I have two close friends named Francis

Take a wild guess at what name both of them have gone by since pre-school

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On reflection, I guess the big thing to do here is apologise for using the word Nazi. Though I certainly didn't call anyone that I can see that it is a highly charged and highly emotive word and if it caused offence to anyone then I genuinely apologise. And yes, such an outburst is totally out of character.

Let me guess, you made it clear who you were referring to but didn't mention them by name and you think that makes it less offensive?

If you read my apology all will be revealed. All you have to do is read a few words Len.

And anyway, you're another one I refuse to converse with.

Go taunt someone else!

Yes you offered your halfhearted apology days later, after complaining that the thread had been taken down and smugly asking if it would be OK to use “fascist” instead. Not smugly Len ironically as you well know[/i] You also

  • slagged Kathy, Please show this "slagging" off. No of course you won't! a moderator (who also happens to be one of the nicest members of the forum AND
  • Called DVP and Francois “professional idiots”

Thus your claim that it was a “totally out of character” “outburst” holds less water than a punctured thimble and your complaint that you are being “taunt[ed]” is absurd.

Good night Len.

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On reflection, I guess the big thing to do here is apologise for using the word Nazi. Though I certainly didn't call anyone that I can see that it is a highly charged and highly emotive word and if it caused offence to anyone then I genuinely apologise. And yes, such an outburst is totally out of character.

Let me guess, you made it clear who you were referring to but didn't mention them by name and you think that makes it less offensive?

If you read my apology all will be revealed. All you have to do is read a few words Len.

And anyway, you're another one I refuse to converse with.

Go taunt someone else!

Yes you offered your halfhearted apology days later, after complaining that the thread had been taken down and smugly asking if it would be OK to use “fascist” instead. You also

BERNIE: Not smugly Len ironically as you well know

LEN: Like beauty, irony and smugness are in the eye of the beholder.

  • slagged Kathy, a moderator (who also happens to be one of the nicest members of the forum AND
  • Called DVP and Francois “professional idiots”

BERNIE:Please show this "slagging" off. No of course you won't!

LEN:Of course I will Bernard J. Laverick!

You wrote:

It lasted exactly 12 seconds before being removed and a PM sent by Kathy…

“I really don't know what is going on with it (why it is posted), and i made it invisible until Evan sees it, and he can let me know what he thinks”

Notwithstanding the appaling English grammar (and absence of any meaning!) are we saying that moderators have to KNOW why a member asks a question? And only then is it allowed to appear? Needless to say I have still received no reply as to why it was banned.

At times I get the impression that some moderators act like a Praetorian Guard that stamp on awkward posts, awkward threads and awkward conclusions.

Classifying someone as a barely literate guard dog would be considered slagging by most, I guess in Hull it is considered a compliment.

Thus your claim that it was a “totally out of character” “outburst” holds less water than a punctured thimble and your complaint that you are being “taunt[ed]” is absurd.

Good night Len.

Edited by Len Colby
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