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The Curious Case Of Gary Mack: A Question

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Guest Robert Morrow

One thing is for sure, I don't respect Gary Mack or his work. In my opinion he is covering for the murderers of John Kennedy and Lee Harvey Oswald. I encourage folks to take the tour at the bogus Sixth Floor Museum and catalogue all the lies and propaganda that the Sixth Floor generates at it tries to frame Lee Harvey Oswald and ignore the role, reasons and methods of the real murderers of John Kennedy.

I do believe that Lyndon Johnson, HL Hunt, Allen Dulles, Gen. Edward Lansdale - among MANY others - were deeply involved in the JFK assassination. These folks get no critical attention at the fraud and propaganda factory that is the Sixth Floor Museum. That place is a disgrace to museums, history, truth and good intentions. Yet, I encourage folks to take the over-price $13.50/head tour see the Big Lie in action.

How come the Sixth Floor Museum does not talk about these folks below? ....

Here are the folks who I think were involved in the murder of John Kennedy. Some folks had foreknowledge and were participants in the planning of the murder of JFK. Some were elite sponsors and some actually physically carried out the assassination. Other folks knew the truth and actively covered up the assassination, protecting the LBJ/CIA murderers of JFK. Some of these folks were sponsors, some carried out the field operations, others just knew about it in advance and approved the JFK murder. Notice how many of these guys were hawkish CIA Republicans – that is who Lyndon Johnson made his dirty deal with.

1) Lyndon Johnson – Mastermind of the JFK assassination. The job of the CIA was to do the actual slaughtering of JFK. Both Lyndon Johnson and the CIA were up to their ears in the JFK assassination. The job of LBJ and Hoover was to cover up the assassination.

2) J. Edgar Hoover of FBI- I think he had foreknowledge. Like LBJ, he hated the Kennedys. Elite sponsor of JFK assassination.

3) Allen Dulles, head of CIA fired by JFK. #1 Cover up artist on Warren Commission. First one picked by LBJ to be on Warren Commission sham. Allen Dulles may very well have been a co-CEO of the JFK assassination along with Lyndon Johnson: the CIA/mafia in charge of the killing and LBJ and his close friend J. Edgar Hoover of the FBI in charge of the cover up. Elite sponsor of JFK Assassination. Allen Dulles : "That little Kennedy...he thought he was a god."

4) Nelson Rockefeller – hated the Kennedys. Very deep and longstanding CIA. Close working relationship with Allen Dulles. If Dulles was in on it, then Nelson Rockefeller was in on it. [note: Henry Kissinger was Nelson’s closest aide for decades. The more I study the JFK assassination, the more I am convinced of Rockefeller/CIA involvement in conjunction with Texas oil. And Henry Kissinger has been an elite player/aide/ally with the Rockefellers since the 1950’s as well as Bilderberger attendee.] Elite sponsor of JFK Assassination. Very significantly, Lyndon Johnson’s #1 pick to be president in spring 1968: to keep the JFK murder cover up going.

5) George Herbert Walker Bush – High ranking Texas CIA in 1963. Oil industry. A top political and CIA player even in 1961 when he organized Bay of Pigs invasion at age 37. Lied about not being in the CIA; also says he can’t remember where he was when JFK was assassinated. Who does this joker think he is fooling? His dad Prescott Bush was close friends with Allen Dulles and Prescott later wrote a letter saying he never forgave JFK for firing Allen Dulles from CIA. Elite sponsor of JFK Assassination.

6) Gen. Edward Lansdale – CIA (probably the guy running the field operation for the assassination on site at Dealey Plaza. He was photographed on the side walk just west of TSBD and identified by Col. Fletcher Prouty and Gen. Victor Krulak. Ed Lansdale was a pet of the Dulles brothers and the CIA Georgetown set. I absolutely believe Gen. Ed Lansdale was a key player in the JFK assassination. Very key player.

7) H.L. Hunt – Texas oil billionaire, LBJ supporter, JFK hater. LBJ told his most beloved mistress Madeleine Brown that it was the Texas oil fat cats and the CIA who murdered JFK. Lyndon Johnson forgot to add that they murdered JFK on Johnson’s behalf! Elite sponsor of JFK Assassination.

8) Clint Murchison, Sr. If Hunt was in it, then Murchison was in it. Murchison was close friends with cover up artist Hoover at the FBI. Murchison was all mobbed up with close ties to his friend Carlos Marcello in New Orleans and the Genovese family in New York. The Murchison maid reported that champagne, cavier and joy overflowed at the Murchison house the week after JFK was assassinated. Elite sponsor of JFK Assassination.

9) Cliff Carter – very close LBJ aide; certainly involved in the JFK assassination as well as many other murders for Lyndon Johnson. Cliff Carter was the political director for LBJ as well as his assassinations director.

10) Malcolm Wallace – LBJ’s personal hit man. Billie Sol Estes reports how he, LBJ, Cliff Carter and Malcolm Wallace used murders to cover up LBJ’s gargantuan political and criminal liabilities. Malcolm Wallace probably coordinated in the field with the CIA murderers of JFK.

11) Ed Clark – LBJ’s lawyer and close friend. He was probably coordinating with HL Hunt, Clint Murchison and the CIA regarding the JFK assassination. Ed Clark was an extremely powerful power broker in Texas at this time. Huge power – in on JFK assassination.

12) James Angleton – probably running Lee Harvey Oswald, supervising Oswald’s sheep dipping and setting him up to be the pasty of the JFK assassination. Blame it on Cuba/Russia, perhaps to justify an invasion of Cuba. Also, very close to Allen Dulles – Angleton even carried the ashes of Dulles in an urn at Dulles’ funeral, that is how close they were.

13) Richard Helms – CIA, started its MK-ULTRA mind control programs, helped to cover up JFK assassination. Probably in on it in advance.

14) David Morales – top CIA assassin for latin America. Ran the Miami operations against Castro. In Operation Mongoose. JFK hater. Later said we got the bastard, didn’t we. Yes, he was in on it in the field game.

15) E. Howard Hunt – CIA. Hated JFK after Bay of Pigs fiasco. He was in on it at the field operations level.

16) Frank Sturgis – CIA JFK after Bay of Pigs fiasco. He was in on it at the field operations level. Sturgis was the one who went to the media and tried to float the absurd canard that the Russians did it. The Russians, in fact, were convinced LYNDON JOHNSON murdered John Kennedy.

17) David Atlee Phillips – CIA Mexico City Station chief. May have been running Oswald out in the field. Phillips was “Maurice Bishop” and he and Antonio Veciana met with Oswald in Dallas in September, 1963. James Angleton and David Atlee Phillips may very well have been the ones to sheepdip Oswald as a fake communist, so that he could be a useful patsy later.

17) continued: other CIA men probably involved: Ted Shackley, Tracy Barnes, Desmond Fitzgerald. Ted Shackley worked very closed with GHW Bush, even becoming a speech writer for him in 1980.

18) Curtis LeMay – head of the Air Force. Ultra-hawk, wanted to start WWIII and just get it over with. Big time JFK hater. Almost certainly he was in on, aware of and supporting the JFK assassination. Was at JFK’s autopsy, chewing on a cigar and grinning. LeMay hated the Kennedys with the same intensity as Johnson hated the Kennedys.

19) Henry Cabot Lodge – US ambassador to Vietnam, was about to be fired by JFK on 11/24/10 for insubordination. Lodge liked Ed Lansdale and wanted Lansdale’s services in Vietnam. On 11/21/63, the day before the JFK assassination, Henry Cabot Lodge was making phone calls in the lobby of his Hawaiian hotel (2 reasons, no record of who he was calling [probably the JFK murderers} and also so he could not be taped recorded on a phone.) Lodge had been openly insubordinate of JFK in his role as ambassador.

20) William King Harvey – fired from Operation Mongoose by Kennedy. Close friends with suave mob hit man Johnny Rosselli. JFK hater to the max. Very likely in on JFK assassination.

21) Johnny Rosselli – suave mob hitman for Chicago’s Sam Giancana. Extremely close friends with CIA assassin/ CIA expert player William King Harvey. Rosselli later said Jack Ruby was one of our guys and we got him to kill Oswald. Tosh Plumlee says he flew in Rosselli to Dallas for an “abort mission” on 11/22/63. Guess that mission did not work out too well! Rosselli was involved in the JFK assassination; may even have been a shooter. Johnny Roselli was the one who went to Jack Anderson with the absurd story that Castro killed JFK; that was a diversionary story to cover Rosselli’s participation.

22) Jack Ruby – killed Oswald to cover up plot. And he was probably in on the JFK assassination ahead of time with the mob, the CIA and/or including Lyndon Johnson’s people.

23) James Rowley, head of the Secret Service. The Secret Service protection was so bad and so non-existent in Dallas, it seems likely that Secret Service leadership was involved in the JFK assassination. Many of the Secret Service agents on the ground were just following the orders of their superiors, just like the Dallas motorcycle cops that for the most part were not around JFK’s limo.

24) Col. Howard Burris. One of the most important men in the Pentagon at this time 1963 and a very close military aide to Lyndon Johnson. He was very close friend of Richard Helms and most likely a CIA asset with a military cover. He got very rich after the JFK assassination.

25) Carlos Marcello and Santos Trafficante: these guys had close ties with CIA and anti-Castro Cubans. The actual shooters of the JFK assassination were either Operation 40 guys or elite mafia hitmen in the Southern USA. Of course, Jimmy Hoffa wanted Kennedy dead, too, but he was probably not an actual player in the logistics of the operation. Hoffa was probably just cheering them on. Johnny Rosselli may very well have been one of the shooters:

In the early 1990s', Frank Ragano told journalists a story, repeated in his book Mob Lawyer, that Ragano had taken a message from Hoffa to Trafficante and Carlos Marcello to carry out the murder of the President. Ragano wrote that in 1987 a seriously-ill Trafficante told him that he and Marcello had carried out the order, but that he had misgivings - "I think Carlos f**ked up in getting rid of Giovanni (John) -- maybe it should have been Bobby."


26) David Ferrie – was a pilot and very close aide to Carlos Marcello. Ferrie was a hard core JFK –hater; he considered JFK a communist and Ferri was very concerned about Castro in Cuba. David Ferrie knew Lee Harvey Oswald from Civil Air Patrol. I think in some way Ferrie was involved in the lower level logistics/planning of the JFK assassination. David Ferrie was also an expert in Napoleanic Law and was sitting at Carlos Marcello’s side when he was acquitted and not deported on 11/22/63.

Other folks like Arlen Specter, Gerald Ford, James McCoy, Jack Valenti, Bill Moyers may not have been killers, but they may have known the truth and helped to cover it up after the fact. Atty. General Robert Kennedy’s top aide at Justice Nicholas Katzenbach helped cover it up as well. As did MANY CIA assets in the print and TV media. John J. McCloy, the chairman of the Council on Foreign Relations from 1953-1970, was heavily involved in the cover up of the JFK assassination with his role on the Warren Commission, along with Allen Dulles and Gerald Ford.

As for Lee Harvey Oswald, I lean toward the view that he was completely set up to be the “patsy” of the assassination by the CIA. He probably did not kill Officer Tippitt either. If Oswald was one of the killers/plotters/shooters, then he was doing an operation at the behest of the CIA and Lyndon Johnson. The whole case against Oswald was pretty much a fabrication by the CIA and FBI. Oswald was probably a low level CIA agent who probably acted as an informer for the FBI, who were rivals to the CIA.

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I read through the various postings on this thread and then ask myself, "What asylum have I just wandered through?'

First, Dave Perry. Dave's a good guy. He spent most of his life working as an insurance adjuster. Given the number and frequency of lies told to insurance adjusters, Dave Perry could feel right at home in investigating claims about the Kennedy assassination. Let's just say that research on the Kennedy assassination is a target rich environment.

Next, there is Gary Mack. Not only is Gary a good guy, he has been my friend for over a decade. Like Perry, Mack has little patience with the nonsense that often is advertized as research on the Kennedy assassination. Some years ago, Gary and I put together a deal for getting "Six Seconds" reissued... it had been out of print for thirty years. The Director of the 6th Floor Museum approved the deal: I would turn over the copyright to the 6th Floor Museum. All income from sales would go to the 6th Floor Museum for the acquisitin and care of assassination materials. Gary and I would together write a chapter bringing up to date various parts of the book. Now "Six Seconds" is hardly what you would call a "lone nutter book." Yet, Gary was cooperating with me in giving the book a second life. The Director was fired just as we were about to start working on the project and the new Directer did not want it to continue. If you ever went to Gary with a question, you will recall the even-handed precision with which he helped you. I would hope some of the people Gary has helped over the last decade or so would speak up. I know that whenever I want to get to the bottom of a particular question I just call up Gary.

Josiah Thompson

I sincerely hope that you have retained the copyright to your book.

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