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Robert Harris's Broken 3rd Floor Daltex Window Theory Blown Out Of The Water

Guest Duncan MacRae

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I'm not sure why anyone would be seeking a better Thompson version. This much higher resolution photo has been sitting at my website for years and is freely available to everyone.

Robert, what you are posting here again and again i most likely the Corbis purchase from Robin Unger.

It's by far so most used cause it it's really highres but it contains of lot of grain and noise.

The Thompson copy is in it's clarity a top of all. The pity is: We don't have a high resoultion version of fit.

Someone should contact Josiah. If nobody will do it the next days, i'll PM him.

So, when you post this Altgens6 image again, feel free to give Robin Credit for it.



OIC, so Robin is to blame for the,

"Photoshopped filtered overly sharpened mega grainy JPEG Incredible Hulkerized GREEN tinted image"

Shame on you Robin!

I mean you do believe Duncan's assessment don't you Martin? Neither you nor any of your friends disputed it, so it seems you have no quarrel with his claim as you do with so many of mine :ice

As for "grain and noise" that is only because you can blow it up to a higher degree than the low res version you guys have been touting and see more detail, in spite of the noise. At equivalent dimensions, the higher res version displays much less distortion.

As I said over and over again it is the best version of that photo that is publicly available. You might consider simply acknowledging that I am correct and that your vendetta-driven friend is as usual, totally full of crap.

I didn't twist your arm to use it Robert.

Corbis Large Contrast modified so as to match closer to the Thompson print look

I have deleted the "Photoshopped filtered overly sharpened mega grainy JPEG Incredible Hulkerized GREEN tinted image" from my website.

New version

1.5MB Size

Click on thumbnail to view "FULL SIZE"


I love how everyone on team Duncan has to believe or at least pretend to believe everything he says, no matter how ridiculous it is.

As for your blownup lo-res picture, thanks but no thanks. I'll stick with the hi rez stuff and believe what I see rather than what I'm told to see :D


I follow no ones lead, i come to my own conclusions independently.

My galleries are for LN & Conspiray both are welcome, i don't take sides.

i go where my common sense and the evidence at hand leads me.

I think you may be getting a little paranoid Robert.

you think that everyone who doesn't agree 100% with your outcome, is out to get you in some sort of mini Conspiracy.

You need to chill out, and learn to take the comments on board as they were intended. ( in a constructive manner, not as a personnal attack on your integrity )

Also What blownup lo-res picture are you talking about. ?

The Corbis images Altgens 5,6,7

That i Purchased were downloaded at 2MB each ( LARGE ) and there was no need to blow them up.

Edited by Robin Unger
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I'm not sure why anyone would be seeking a better Thompson version. This much higher resolution photo has been sitting at my website for years and is freely available to everyone.

Robert, what you are posting here again and again i most likely the Corbis purchase from Robin Unger.

It's by far so most used cause it it's really highres but it contains of lot of grain and noise.

The Thompson copy is in it's clarity a top of all. The pity is: We don't have a high resoultion version of fit.

Someone should contact Josiah. If nobody will do it the next days, i'll PM him.

So, when you post this Altgens6 image again, feel free to give Robin Credit for it.



OIC, so Robin is to blame for the,

"Photoshopped filtered overly sharpened mega grainy JPEG Incredible Hulkerized GREEN tinted image"

Shame on you Robin!

I mean you do believe Duncan's assessment don't you Martin? Neither you nor any of your friends disputed it, so it seems you have no quarrel with his claim as you do with so many of mine :ice

As for "grain and noise" that is only because you can blow it up to a higher degree than the low res version you guys have been touting and see more detail, in spite of the noise. At equivalent dimensions, the higher res version displays much less distortion.

As I said over and over again it is the best version of that photo that is publicly available. You might consider simply acknowledging that I am correct and that your vendetta-driven friend is as usual, totally full of crap.

I didn't twist your arm to use it Robert.

Corbis Large Contrast modified so as to match closer to the Thompson print look

I have deleted the "Photoshopped filtered overly sharpened mega grainy JPEG Incredible Hulkerized GREEN tinted image" from my website.

New version

1.5MB Size

Click on thumbnail to view "FULL SIZE"


I love how everyone on team Duncan has to believe or at least pretend to believe everything he says, no matter how ridiculous it is.

As for your blownup lo-res picture, thanks but no thanks. I'll stick with the hi rez stuff and believe what I see rather than what I'm told to see :D


I follow no ones lead, i come to my own conclusions independently.

My galleries are for LN & Conspiray both are welcome, i don't take sides.

i go where my common sense and the evidence at hand leads me.

I think you may be getting a little paranoid Robert.

you think that everyone who doesn't agree 100% with your outcome, is out to get you in some sort of mini Conspiracy.

You need to chill out, and learn to take the comments on board as they were intended. ( in a constructive manner, not as a personnal attack on your integrity )

Also What blownup lo-res picture are you talking about. ?

The Corbis images Altgens 5,6,7

That i Purchased were downloaded at 2MB each ( LARGE ) and there was no need to blow them up.

Sorry Robin but your pretense that you had to remove that high res version of the Altgens photo because it had been hulkized or whatever is just pathetic to the point of being hilarious.

What I want to know is, when are you going to tell us about all those boxes you see in the window :D

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Connally before the press cameras demonstrating his look over his shoulder upon hearing the first shot. This is what Connally looked for at the Life Magazine Interview and determined that it occurred while he was behind the road sign. (The clip has been slowed down)


I have no idea what your point is Bill. Connally told Life that he thought he turned to the rear while the limo was behind the sign and then was hit sometime after he turned to the front, at about 228. But we both know that he was hit at 223. Anyway, for the purposes of this discussion it doesn't matter when he thought he looked back. What matters is when Nellie thought he looked back. And she didn't turn toward him until the late 230's.

Since you seem so reliant on that article, why don't you take this part of it to heart?

"Of all the witnesses to the tragedy, the only unimpeachable one is the 8 mm movie camera of Abraham Zapruder, which recorded the assassination in sequence."

In the Zapruder film, we see the ONLY time that he reacted in a way that matched Mrs. Connally's description of his actions. And that took place between 234 and just after 285. That is the ONLY time he looked back far enough to even come close to seeing JFK. And we know for a fact, that Nellie was watching him then.

As she watched him, one of two things were happening. Either she realized he was wounded but then callously turned away from him to study JFK, OR she didn't know he was hurt and believed he was just turning to check out the President, like she was.

The answer is ridiculously obvious.


I love how every time you get busted on the 285 issue your friends come rushing in to change the subject :ice

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Sorry Robin but your pretense that you had to remove that high res version of the Altgens photo because it had been hulkized or whatever is just pathetic to the point of being hilarious.

I'm glad it gave you a good laugh Robert.

I removed it because it had changed from the "original" which was downloaded from Corbis.

The contrast was set too high, and the image sharpness had been altered.

But then i wouldn't expect you to understand Robert.

It seems everyone knows were the Corbis image originated exept from you.

To see the Corbis image in it's original format

" Download " the 8MB PNG Copy that Duncan posted in this thread.

So you have had it on your site for years hey.

I first loaded it to my old gallery Website on Geocities 5-Years ago

But i wouldn't expect you to know that either Robert, because you haven't been here long enough to know who is who.

As for Bill Miller and Duncan budying up against you, hell don't make me laugh.

You obviously was not a witness to the fiery debates between Bill and Duncan on Lancer.

One of them leading to Debra Conway banning Duncan from the forum.

You don't know the History of the posters on the Forums, because you haven't been around long enough.

Edited by Robin Unger
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Sorry Robin but your pretense that you had to remove that high res version of the Altgens photo because it had been hulkized or whatever is just pathetic to the point of being hilarious.

I'm glad it gave you a good laugh Robert.

I removed it because it had changed from the "original" which was downloaded from Corbis.

The contrast was set too high, and the image sharpness had been altered.

But then i wouldn't expect you to understand Robert.

It seems everyone knows were the Corbis image originated exept from you.

To see the Corbis image in it's original format

" Download " the 8MB PNG Copy that Duncan posted in this thread.

So you have had it on your site for years hey.

I first loaded it to my old gallery Website on Geocities 5-Years ago

But i wouldn't expect you to know that either Robert, because you haven't been here long enough to know who is who.

As for Bill Miller and Duncan budying up against you, hell don't make me laugh.

You obviously was not a witness to the fiery debates between Bill and Duncan on Lancer.

One of them leading to Debra Conway banning Duncan from the forum.

You don't know the History of the posters on the Forums, because you haven't been around long enough.

Robin, I have no idea where I got that copy of the Altgens photo but it was certainly not overly contrasty and I seriously doubt that I got it from you.

As for Miller and McCrae, anyone can see what they are doing and they tag team in other threads as well. I am not the only one to point that out. I have no idea about their history and in all honesty I can't think of anything that is less interesting to me. All I know is that they attacked me simultaneously in an insulting and demeaning manner, just as McCrae has been doing for a very long time. If you condone his tactics as you do his ludicrous statements about graphics, then I feel very sorry for you.

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Bill, I would really like to see you do the right thing and properly acknowledge an important fact.

Mrs. CONNALLY. ..Then I don't know how soon, it seems to me it was very soon, that I heard a noise, and not being an expert rifleman, I was not aware that it was a rifle. It was just a frightening noise, and it came from the right. I turned over my right shoulder and looked back, and saw the President as he had both hands at his neck.

Mr. SPECTER. And you are indicating with your own hands, two hands crossing over gripping your own neck?

Mrs. CONNALLY. Yes; and it seemed to me there was--he made no utterance, no cry. I saw no blood, no anything. It was just sort of nothing, the expression on his face, and he just sort of slumped down.

Then very soon there was the second shot that hit John.

As any honest researcher would agree, we need to discover when that "second shot" was fired that Nellie thought, had wounded her husband.

Let's set aside your claim that she was studying JFK via peripheral vision or whatever and go straight to the heart of the issue. If that shot was fired by Oswald or anyone else using a high powered rifle in Dealey Plaza, it would have generated a combined shock wave and muzzle blast in the range of 130-140 decibels. We know that from tests conducted by the HSCA and in countless other tests of high powered rifles.

And we know that experts have determined that involuntary startle reactions will occur at sound levels of 90 decibels, which is more than twice as loud as a noisy vacuum cleaner. 130 decibels is SIXTEEN TIMES LOUDER than 90 decibels.

Therefore, we should be able to determine when that shot was fired quite easily, because people in the limo had to have reacted to it. They had no choice in the matter. That HAD to react.


Think about the driver Bill. What would he do if he was startled by such a huge noise? Do you think he might panic as he felt the "concussion" of that shot, and do exactly the opposite of what he should have done?

That was the FIRST noise that anyone heard that day, that sounded like a gunshot. That's why the Secret Service agents seemed so "sluggish". That's why Clint Hill didn't go into action until after he heard that shot.

And that's why we see no startle reactions prior to frame 290. That fact alone, proves that no high powered rifle shots were fired prior to frame 285.

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As any honest researcher would agree, we need to discover when that "second shot" was fired that Nellie thought, had wounded her husband.

Robert ... I resent your constantly saying what an "honest" researcher would do ... the same could be said about you. I have said all I am going to say about this matter. Nellie said that she must have been looking at her husband when he was hit for she saw him slump and recoil to his right and all this has been laid out as to when that happened. The Connally's did all they could do in 1966 to better state the record so people wouldn't be left speculating about the event ... end of story! I knew well before that Life interview what the Connally's meant ... I had seen the re-enactment before the Commission press cameras and he said he had turned (his head) back to almost straight ahead when he felt the next shot hit him in the back. He buckled and recoiled to his right just as Nellie described seeing. That event is well documented on Zapruder's film and has occurred before Altgens took his #6 photo. By the way ... I believe that I recall that Nellie mentioned the sounds of the motorcycle backfires and how that played a part in what she thought the noises were at first ... something you said early on that couldn't have happened.

So believe what you want ... all I can say is that there must be some sort of heavy penalty hanging over your head to keep coming back and repeating the same old crap as if you say it enough times that I and others will just give up and go along with your claim. The "honest" remark just makes you look desperate in your attempt to sell your erred claim in my view.

Bill Miller

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As for Miller and McCrae, anyone can see what they are doing and they tag team in other threads as well. I am not the only one to point that out.

Feel free to cite who the others are that you speak about, Harris. The archived record can be testimony to anything I have said about your claims ... I used careful step by step illustrations and statements to support what I believe to be true. I will continue to do the same in the future.

Bill Miller

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Why do you waste bandwidth with all these unsupported assertions Bill?

Your new "haze" theory is just as ridiculous as Duncan's mythical boxes and that other character who said he saw a little man in the window.

The haze on the glass was mentioned a long time ago and I compared the darkness of the known open windows (no glass) in my responses. Do I need to go show that you are in error once again? Your recklessness in the allegations you make seem to be never ending.

Bill Miller/October 17, 2010: "Some logical and responsible cross referencing of images taken immediately following the assassination on your part would be a breath of fresh air to us. If you'd take the time to look at windows that are open, then you'd be forced to see that the opening is darker in open windows than windows that are closed and have glare on them. You might see the horizontal frame across the bottom of the pane."

Bill Miller/October 20, 2010: " Duke has reiterated what was said early on and that is the haze on the glass in A6 is noticeable and is not seen in the windows that were open. A logical conclusion can be drawn that if a window was broken and void of glass, then the broken out area would be dark like it appears in the obvious open windows. "

All I have to do is post the image and let people see for themselves. I don't need to post a thousand words of drivel.


And if all you have to do is post an image and allow people to see for themselves, then why have you responded with so much 'drivel' in this thread ... let the record be testimony to that as well.

Bill Miller

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Please pay attention to Nellie saying that after she witnessed her husband being hit, then buckling over, then recoiling to his right, she then said how she reached out to him and pulled him back towards her before putting her head next to his. Nellie pulling her husband back to her can be seen below ....

Bill Miller

Z261 - Z295


Mrs. CONNALLY. No, he turned away from me. I was pretending that I was him. I never again looked in the back seat of the car after my husband was shot. My concern was for him, and I remember that he turned to the right and then just slumped down into the seat, so that I reached over to pull him toward me. I was trying to get him down and me down. The jump seats were not very roomy, so that there were reports that he slid into the seat of the car, which he did not; that he fell over into my lap, which he did not.

I just pulled him over into my arms because it would have been impossible to get us really both down with me sitting and me holding him. So that I looked out, I mean as he was in my arms, I put my head down over his head so that his head and my head were right together, and all I could see, too, were the people flashing by. I didn't look back any more. The third shot that I heard I felt, it felt like spent buckshot falling all over us,

Edited by Bill Miller
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As any honest researcher would agree, we need to discover when that "second shot" was fired that Nellie thought, had wounded her husband.

Robert ... I resent your constantly saying what an "honest" researcher would do ... the same could be said about you. I have said all I am going to say about this matter. Nellie said that she must have been looking at her husband when he was hit for she saw him slump and recoil to his right and all this has been laid out as to when that happened. The Connally's did all they could do in 1966 to better state the record so people wouldn't be left speculating about the event ... end of story! I knew well before that Life interview what the Connally's meant ... I had seen the re-enactment before the Commission press cameras and he said he had turned (his head) back to almost straight ahead when he felt the next shot hit him in the back. He buckled and recoiled to his right just as Nellie described seeing. That event is well documented on Zapruder's film and has occurred before Altgens took his #6 photo. By the way ... I believe that I recall that Nellie mentioned the sounds of the motorcycle backfires and how that played a part in what she thought the noises were at first ... something you said early on that couldn't have happened.

So believe what you want ... all I can say is that there must be some sort of heavy penalty hanging over your head to keep coming back and repeating the same old crap as if you say it enough times that I and others will just give up and go along with your claim. The "honest" remark just makes you look desperate in your attempt to sell your erred claim in my view.

Bill Miller

OK Bill, so you think she was examining JFK at 228-229 through some kind of peripheral vision - right?

If you actually believe that then the next shot which she heard was still, the one that she believed, wounded her husband. Was it not?

"Then very soon there was the second shot that hit John."

That next shot must have been loud as hell, eh? If it came from a high powered rifle, then we should see people in the limo reacting to it.

When do you see that Bill?


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OK Bill, so you think she was examining JFK at 228-229 through some kind of peripheral vision - right?

If you actually believe that then the next shot which she heard was still, the one that she believed, wounded her husband. Was it not?

"Then very soon there was the second shot that hit John."

You are forgetting what else she said .... She added that upon hearing that shot and it hitting her husband that he slumped and recoiled to his right ........... this is what you wrongfully leave out of the equation.


All these things Nellie said had come just before she reached out and pulled John back onto her. Connally being pulled back towards his wife ......


Bill Miller

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After all the things Nellie said she witnessed from her husband being shot - Nellie said, "I put my head down over his head so that his head and my head were right together".

Heads being together as Nellie had said ....


Nellie: I thought John had been killed, and then there was some imperceptible movement, just some little something that let me know that there was still some life, and that is when I started saying to him, "It's all right. Be still."

Now, I did hear the Secret Service man say, "Pull out of the motorcade. Take us to the nearest hospital," and then we took out very rapidly to the hospital.

Bill Miller

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After all the things Nellie said she witnessed from her husband being shot - Nellie said, "I put my head down over his head so that his head and my head were right together".

Heads being together as Nellie had said ....


Bill Miller

Please stop evading my very simple question. I'll try again:

OK Bill, so you think she was examining JFK at 228-229 through some kind of peripheral vision - right?

If you actually believe that then the next shot which she heard was still, the one that she believed, wounded her husband. Was it not?

"Then very soon there was the second shot that hit John."

That next shot must have been loud as hell, eh? If it came from a high powered rifle, then we should see people in the limo reacting to it.

When do you see that Bill?


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