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Robert Harris

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  1. David, you need to do three things. Think, think and then think. If someone fabricated this thing, would they attempt to forge those signatures? Give me YOUR opinion. We already know that the info section of CE-842 was forged because when Nolan got it, there was nothing there. And there are other ways to verify this than via the signatures. A copy of this thing in the DPD archives would be very supportive, or a verification from Lt. Alexander, that he received it. Or anything that confirms that it went to Alexander. But Bell was very specific that she gave her receipt to her supervisor, Jack Price. From the ARRB report: "She said she personally delivered the original of this receipt to Parkland Hospital Administrator Jack Price." Here's the thing, David. If we were just looking at a couple of discrepancies, I might write it off to bad memory, but there are waay too many. Almost EVERYTHING from your side of the argument contradicts the verified evidence and witness statements. Look at all the lies in the FBI reports, claiming that Nolan, Stinson and Bell all described one fragment. Nolan and Stinson described a whole bullet, which matches Wade and Connally and Bell reported "4 or 5" fragments. There are TOO MANY witnesses who were misquoted and they were much too consistent with one another, to call it brain farts. Bell would never have signed a receipt describing ONE fragment and Nolan would never have signed a receipt claiming it was not a whole bullet. Interesting, isn't it that she went to all this trouble to write up a receipt but failed to initial CE-842, as she was required to do and swore that she did?? I don't reject this item because I don't want "my theory" to be disrupted. I reject it because the evidence contradicts almost everything related to it.
  2. David, it is a FACT that Lt. Alexander never put this thing into evidence. If he had it would have been listed in the DPD archives. Have you searched yet? I gave you a link. http://jfk.ci.dallas.tx.us/box1.htm To look at the other boxes, just change "box1" to box2, box3, etc. I know that's more work than just blurting out lies, but it will be easier if you search using CTRL-f then "receipt" or Bell or Alexander. You can do a pretty thorough search that way in an hour or so.
  3. And BTW, David. Why have you evaded all of this? If this was a valid receipt it would have been entered into evidence. That would be its only conceivable purpose. If it was valid, Audrey Bell would have described multiple fragments on that receipt, not one. And she would have told the HSCA and ARRB that she gave them to a Texas Ranger, as is written on this "receipt". If it was valid, officer Nolan would have told us the nurse he encountered said she had "fragments" taken during surgery, not a whole bullet from a stretcher. If it was valid DA Wade would have said the same thing. And he would never have seen her holding a bullet in her hand. If it was valid, Stinson would have told Ramparts magazine that fragments were taken from Connally during surgery, not a whole bullet. If it was valid, Connally would never have said a nurse recovered the bullet that wounded him. And "Audrey Bell Never Gave Anything To Bobby Nolan" is not Robert Harris's theory. It is Audrey Bell's sworn testimony.
  4. How many times do I have to ask if you have verified those signatures, before you admit that you haven't even tried? And why do you evade the overwhelming evidence which contradicts your "evidence" which was never even entered into evidence? And here's a few more questions for you to evade. Why is it that Bell never mentioned her encounter with DA Wade? Why didn't Nolan ever mention signing a receipt? How do you explain the doodling and partial erasures on the original CE-842? Why was the information section empty on the envelope that Nolan received? Why didn't "Bell" make him initial it before he took it to the DPD? Why didn't Bell initial it as she was required to do and testified under oath that she did?
  5. Being in a box, buried out of sight for decades does not count as being put into evidence. If it had been put into evidence it would have been listed in the DPD's evidence archives after it was submitted by Lt. Alexander. But nothing even remotely similar to that, is in the files. Do what I did and check it out yourself, David. You can start with box #1 http://jfk.ci.dallas.tx.us/box1.htm
  6. It doesn't help you to lie about what I say and why I say it, David. If this was a valid receipt it would have been entered into evidence. That would be its only conceivable purpose. If it was valid, Audrey Bell would have described multiple fragments on that receipt, not one. And she would have told the HSCA and ARRB that she gave them to a Texas Ranger, as is written on this "receipt". If it was valid, officer Nolan would have told us the nurse he encountered said she had "fragments" taken during surgery, not a whole bullet from a stretcher. If it was valid DA Wade would have said the same thing. And he would never have seen her holding a bullet in her hand. If it was valid, Stinson would have told Ramparts magazine that fragments were taken from Connally during surgery, not a whole bullet. If it was valid, Connally would never have said a nurse recovered the bullet that wounded him. And "Audrey Bell Never Gave Anything To Bobby Nolan" is not Robert Harris's theory. It is Audrey Bell's sworn testimony. If that's not enough David, there are plenty of other very serious discrepancies we can talk about. But it does nothing for your credibility to pretend that this is all about my being closed minded. Prove that this is legitimate and I will agree with you, heart and soul. But so far, the evidence is overwhelmingly against you.
  7. I have a suspect, but she has not been very talkative and I cannot prove she was the one, so at least for now, I'd rather not elaborate. There are several other nurses who are candidates as well, but most nurses from '63 are either dead or have changed their names, making them impossible to find. I saw Alberto's post, but I really don't like to guess or speculate. I just wish I had started doing this in the sixties.
  8. David, how do I carry on a discussion with you without swearing and saying things that I'm sure are not permitted here? You just keep blurting out things you couldn't prove to save your life. It gets really boring. Your side of this argument bears the burden of validating the evidence you present. So far, no one has even tried to verify this alleged receipt. What HAS been proven however, is that it contradicts a small army of highly reliable witnesses, including the two who supposedly signed it. And the officer it was allegedly sent to, never put it into evidence - probably because it was fabricated long after 11/22/63. Over in McAdams newsgroup I coined a phrase for the nutters, which even some of them have started using. "Blurtation" - something someone just blurts out with no attempt to prove or support it with evidence. Blurtations are all you do, David. You seem to think that if you blurt it out enough times it will eventually come true. I'll be happy to accept this thing, if somebody can just prove it is valid.
  9. I don't understand your theory. The deviation was passing the foreign body envelope to someone other than Alexander. But no one claimed that Nolan was given this receipt. Nolan in fact, never said he signed a receipt. But even if he had, why wouldn't it have been forwarded to Alexander? What are you suggesting happened to it? And BTW, what are your explanations for the statements of Wade and Nolan, regarding a nurse with a whole bullet that she claimed, came from Connally's gurney?
  10. David knows all about that. He responded to my post in a.a.j. last year which cited Thompson at http://www.capitolhillblue.com/node/24557 with a personal insult but totally evaded the issue. David doesn't care that an argument or question has been answered. He just waits for awhile and then repeats it again, hoping that everyone has forgotten.
  11. David, you are hilarious. And I guess Nolan suffered exactly the same delusion, right? And Connally? How about Stinson? Is this why he believed this was a whole bullet, just like Nolan and Wade did? And what delusion caused Bell to be adamant that she never gave anything to Nolan? My crazy theory: Connally, Nolan, Wade, Stinson and Bell told the truth. David, you don't understand how conflation works. A person might confuse similar events but Wade would never have hallucinated a detailed conversation with a nurse who was holding a whole bullet in her hand. And the fact that Nolan heard the nurse say EXACTLY THE SAME THING eliminates any possibility that this was a delusion.
  12. OK, for the first one to find and link that video, I will ask David to send a check for $1000!!
  13. Why on Earth would you think the RECEIPT ITSELF would need to be "catalogued" and therefore show up in an "INVENTORY OF EVIDENCE" Because it would have been extremely important evidence, which confirmed the chain of custody. Not only was this thing NOT in the DPD archives, but it never appeared in the National Archives, except buried in some box of items the HSCA had gotten from Parkland years later. Nobody lied about this incident at all. The Psychic Hotline closed down years ago. So how did you confirm that no one lied? Please be specific. And yes, Nolan didn't see the bullet. He was told that it was a bullet, undoubtedly by the same nurse who Connally saw retrieve it. Wade also encountered that nurse, who was holding the bullet in her hand and who told him exactly the same thing that she told Nolan. Wade stated that in an interview in 1993. Are you going to claim that those men suffered identical delusions due to age? How did they manage to both come up with the bullet coming from Connally's "gurney" - exactly where Connally said it came from? The "gurney" was unintuitive, David. The natural presumption would be that it was recovered in surgery. No one would just hallucinate something like that. They had to have been told.
  14. It is hilarious to hear what you think are "very good reasons". 1. An unverified receipt that the officer who received it, refused to put into evidence, and which contradicted everything those two people told us. 2. Third hand statements by people who never in their lives, heard Bell or Nolan confirm that she passed an envelope to him. David, if a conspiracy advocate presented "evidence" like that, you'd be laughing your proverbial ass off, and rightly so
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