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IBM Launches Counter-Attack on the JFK Evidence

The recent issue of Science & Justice (vol. 45: 207-226) features an article authored by Ralph Linsker, Richard Garwin, Herman Chernoff, Paul Horowitz and Norman Ramsey, (NRC redux) which asserts that the acoustical evidence of gunfire in the Kennedy assassination, developed by the House Select Committee on Assassinations in 1978, is invalid. In making this assertion the authors do not address the core acoustical evidence. Rather, as in their earlier discredited* study, many of the same authors (Ramsey et al. 1982) reassert their opinion that the putative gunshot sounds were not recorded simultaneous with the assassination. To arrive at this conclusion the authors of the article do not argue from the evidence as much as they argue around the evidence. Within the scope of their study, the methods and resulting data are entirely sensible. The results of the new study corroborate the timeline calculations produced by Michael O'Dell (2003). Even more importantly, the new voice-print study strongly corroborates the crosstalk evidence that the putative gunshots are simultaneous with the shooting. There is a striking disconnection between the IBM results and their conclusions.



Edited by Bernice Moore
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IBM Launches Counter-Attack on the JFK Evidence

The recent issue of Science & Justice (vol. 45: 207-226) features an article authored by Ralph Linsker, Richard Garwin, Herman Chernoff, Paul Horowitz and Norman Ramsey, (NRC redux) which asserts that the acoustical evidence of gunfire in the Kennedy assassination, developed by the House Select Committee on Assassinations in 1978, is invalid. In making this assertion the authors do not address the core acoustical evidence. Rather, as in their earlier discredited* study, many of the same authors (Ramsey et al. 1982) reassert their opinion that the putative gunshot sounds were not recorded simultaneous with the assassination. To arrive at this conclusion the authors of the article do not argue from the evidence as much as they argue around the evidence. Within the scope of their study, the methods and resulting data are entirely sensible. The results of the new study corroborate the timeline calculations produced by Michael O'Dell (2003). Even more importantly, the new voice-print study strongly corroborates the crosstalk evidence that the putative gunshots are simultaneous with the shooting. There is a striking disconnection between the IBM results and their conclusions.



The Kennedy Detail - Gerald Blaine

From 1964 to 1990 (Gerald) Blaine worked at IBM Corporation. During this time he assisted in the design of the National Crime Information Center (FBI) and "Walnut" the CIA Information Center...When IBM was faced with trade secret thefts in 1974, Blaine was promoted to Security Director. Other assignments at IBM included Director of Security for Manufacturing and Development; America's Far East Division; Worldwide Security Operations and IBM United States. Blaine's last assignment prior to retiring from IBM was at the Government Relations Office in Washington DC where he lobbied for a Federal Trade Secret Law and was on loan to the Overseas Security Advisory Council at the US Department of State during the Gulf War.

Also note that:


A congressional hearing on newlyreleased May 4 evidence could transpire before the end of the year, U.S. Rep. DennisKucinich *D. Cleveland) said.

The hearing willdepend on what information the FBI provides to the congressman’s DomesticPolicy Subcommittee, which he chairs.

Kucinich requested on Oct. 9 that the FBI released any documents regardingformer student Terry Norman, who was acting as an informant on the morning ofMay 4, 1970.

Norman is suspected of being involved in an altercation that resulted in fourgunshots fired 70 seconds before the Ohio National Guard opened fire on studentprotestors, killing four and wounding nine.

“I think we owe it to all those who were involved and who lost their lives andto history, as well, to determine if new information should cause us to reframeour view of what happened at Kent State back so many years ago,” Kucinich toldTV2 on Friday.

Kucinich said the FBI documents could come any day, as that process typicallytakes two weeks.

Audio expert Stuart Allen identified the four mysterious gunshots afterstudying a recording of the shootings, The Plain Dealer reported Oct. 8.

Kucinich said Allen’s analysis provides a credible reason to re-examine whathappened that day.

Joe Butano, a former soundman for Cleveland NBC affiliate WKYC, was a witnessto the day’s events. He said he told Kucinich roughly two years ago that heheard a Kent State police detective take Norman’s gun and say, “Oh my god, hefired four times.”

Kucinich asked Butano whether he would testify in hearings if it ever came tothat, and he said he would, Butano told the Daily Kent Stater.

And Butano wasn’t the only one.

Kucinich said other witnesses have told him about the incident involvingNorman, but he said Allen’s assessment now supports those testimonies withsolid scientific evidence.

Kucinich’s staff can conduct an interview if there is any question aboutAllen’s expert qualifications.

Allen worked with colleague Tom Owen in May on the May 4 recording, areel-to-reel tape created by student Terry Strubbe from his dormitory window.Audio forensic expert Arlo West said he wasn’t acquainted with Allen, but saidOwen’s work is trustworthy.

“Tom Owen is one of the best in the world,” West said. “There’s no doubt in mymind that if he was involved in this, the findings he came up with are probably100 percent accurate.”

Contact Taylor Rogers and Sierra Guterba at trogers@kent.eduThis e-mail address is beingprotected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it and sguterba@kent.eduThis e-mail address is beingprotected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .

Raw video releasedto KentWired.com

Former WKYC soundman Joe Butano supplied TV2 and Daily Kent Stater reporters arare video of the events surrounding May 4 during an interview last week.

Butano and WKYC reporter Fred DeBrine were on campus on May 4, 1970, andcaptured the students protesting and the Ohio National Guard firing uponstudents.

The video is a compilation of Butano and DeBrine’s tape showing the day of theshootings, the events downtown on Friday, May 1, the ROTC building burning andstudent-recorded video that includes images of the shooting’s victims.

Most importantly, the video includes footage of Terry Norman — the armedstudent who many witnesses claim fired four shots prior to the Guard shooting —running through the Commons after he said he was attacked by protesters.

A recent audio analysis by expert Stuart Allen seems to confirm claims of theattack and those four gunshots. The video shows Norman being chased through thecommons by Harold Reid, a graduate student with a briefcase, and then turning apistol ov

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