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heads up my email has been hacked

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Here is the scam email that was sent out from your hacked account (change your password ASAP):

"I'm Sorry I didn't inform you about my trip to Spain for a program,I am presently in Madrid Spain,something extremely awful happened to me,I was mugged at gun point on my way to the Hotel by some Hoodlums and they made away with my Bag and other valuables. Presently my things are been held down by the hotel management due to my inability to pay the hotel bills which I currently owe,they even had to restrict my access to the hotel facilitates until outstanding bills are cleared and i don't have any money on me again,i had to walk down to the city library in order to send you this email.I have spoken to the embassy here but they are not responding effectively to the matter.

This is really shameful,I need you to help me with a loan of 2,600 Euro to pay my hotel bills and get my self back home.I will reimburse you soon as I get back Home, with all the interest.I will appreciate whatever you can assist me with. Let me know Immediately


:lol:hi peoples, i just was in touch again with the server they were checking all again, busy boys, it gave them something to do different i imagine,on a monday, so very glad you sent it to to them barb, as another got through about an hour ago to nick, sorry there fella, jack i just told geoff i was now in russia possibley,he said about the same reply, i am getting around shamefully, but no fun let me tell you, all are gone but not the files nor photos, i have them also downloaded on a separate gizmo that you must plug in,and can restore all, if and when or load to another computer, but i am off now to do the scan of all scans, thanks loads for all your kindness in being bothered by all this crap, and it is possible to have very good security plus such on top of that from your server and they get through still, so heads up high,best b..thanks again, for your kindness...b ps yes robert they were changed earlier this morning, ta b fwiw should i change my password here also, ??

Edited by Bernice Moore
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Here is the text of the email:

I'm Sorry I didn't inform you about my trip to Spain ...I need you to help me with a loan of 2,600 Euro to pay my hotel bills and get my self back home.I will reimburse you soon as I get back Home, with all the interest.I will appreciate whatever you can assist me with. Let me know Immediately

Bernice :blink:

Hi Bernice, I got your email and sent the 2600 Euros as requested. I hope everything worked out OK.

No need to hurry with the repayment, as I am expecting a BIG SCORE from a deal I am working on with a gentleman from Nigeria!

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Here is the text of the email:

I'm Sorry I didn't inform you about my trip to Spain ...I need you to help me with a loan of 2,600 Euro to pay my hotel bills and get my self back home.I will reimburse you soon as I get back Home, with all the interest.I will appreciate whatever you can assist me with. Let me know Immediately

Bernice :blink:

Hi Bernice, I got your email and sent the 2600 Euros as requested. I hope everything worked out OK.

No need to hurry with the repayment, as I am expecting a BIG SCORE from a deal I am working on with a gentleman from Nigeria!

That is funny Ray!!!


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fwiw should i change my password here also, ??

It shouldn't be necessary. I am presuming that the e-mail address that got hacked was a web mail one like, Hotmail, G-Mail, Yahoo, etc? If so, your computer itself should not have been compromised.

Even so, a little paranoia isn't a bad thing. Make sure your virus files are up to date and run a full system scan, not just with an anti-virus programme but also with malware / trojan hunters (e.g. Malwarebyte's Anti-Malware, Spybot Search and Destroy). Make sure your firewall is up to date and effective. Once you're happy you have a clean computer, change passwords.

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:rolleyes:ray, did you get a signed receipt, that would make their work some easier, that was a good one:lol: thanks for the smile it's been this :blink: kind of a monday...... gee thanks tony, but keep it in your wallet, evan they changed all passwords first then told to do the scanning . it is a server that went with the yahooie email a few years back so there is that connection, but it is the servers email...thanks all.....b

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:rolleyes:ray, did you get a signed receipt, that would make their work some easier, that was a good one:lol: thanks for the smile it's been this :blink: kind of a monday

Well I want my 2600 Euros back, Bernice, so Paul Rigby is retaining solicitors on my behalf. My Nigerian friend turned out to be a scam artist!

Edited by J. Raymond Carroll
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Of course I am kidding , Bernice, as Dawn pointed out. I was born during the day, but I was not born


by the way how much is :tomatoes2600 euros.. just so i have an idea of how much the beggar was after...here's one for you Ray..:lol:keep them coming.. .best b

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I just posted the encoding that came with the spam and checked a couple of the ip's using that locator site. There are other Ip's there too, so the exercise was just to show that whois lookups can be done to some extent.

The Nigeria one jumped out as it's known as a scam source.

The pupose is beyond me, whether it's more than just a standard scam spam, but we do live in interesting times. :)

So basically all I've shown is what's 'hidden' that comes with emails and what way some data can be gleaned from it..

I got it too .... and forwarded it to abuse at Bernice's server ... as other people I know of who have had this happen to them have been requested to do by their servers in the past. They might like to have all the encoding info/trail you deciphered, John.

Just one of those scams that goes around, every once in awhile they probably get a hit on someone who responds and wires money, gives their "friend" a credit card number to use, etc.

Crazy way to have to start your Monday, Bernice. :-(


Barb :-)

I just clicked the encoding link on the yahoo page and copied pasted the lot. Perhaps others can compare their encoding. If the server needs is it is posted in full.


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