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Thoughts on Dealey Plaza

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Apparently the Super Bowl will bring some peripheral coverage to Dealey Plaza and the national tragedy that occurred there almost 48 years ago.

The reporter, Scott Hurley, describes his visit to the Plaza and The Sixth Floor Museum.


The rest of the museum includes exhibits on topics such as how news of President Kennedy’s death spread, a look at the camera Abraham Zapruder used to record the famous film footage of the shooting, Kennedy’s legacy and, of course, conspiracy theories. (For the record, it was clear from talking to the curator that he accepts the official finding that Oswald was the lone gunman). On the seventh floor is an exhibit on Jack Ruby, the nightclub owner who fatally shot Oswald.

Visitors are generally not allowed to take photos inside the building, however, news crews were allowed to take limited pictures. I was able to put together a photo gallery, which you can see by clicking here.


Gary Mack weighs in for another WLUK reporter:

Edited by Michael Hogan
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Thanks Michael, i really enjoyed this line ''People searching for answers will find few clues at Dealey Plaza''....that about says it all imo.. :blink: Would you know if Groden is back on the knoll during the hooplah of the Super Bowl, or has he been hidden away, by the powers that be,..?? as they had endeavoured to, as there has been no news of late in his regard that i have seen...thanks..

Edited by Bernice Moore
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Guest Robert Morrow

Thanks Michael, i really enjoyed this line ''People searching for answers will find few clues at Dealey Plaza''....that about says it all imo.. :blink: Would you know if Groden is back on the knoll during the hooplah of the Super Bowl, or has he been hidden away, by the powers that be,..?? as they had endeavoured to, as there has been no news of late in his regard that i have seen...thanks..

I am sure Robert Groden is on the Grassy Knoll. His case is on appeal by the city. They really hate truth tellers in Dallas ... just like some folks on this discussion board.

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  • 11 months later...


I don't believe we will ever get the full story of the assassination unless the identities of the three persons in this frame in the crowd shots of the shooting aftermath are determined


They are directly behind the African-American older man [in a fedora hat] who has just stepped onto Elm street going towards the general area of the knoll [also in a fedora]. In another sequence of photos they are in the parking lot of the TSBD conversing and if I am not mistaken, are around the Rambler that is parked there that is among the more interesting post-assassination


Edited by Robert Howard
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