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Dulles, Barett the Oswald tale and the baby incubator lie

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According to Dulles calendar(Dulles papers online) he met Barrett 3 days prior to the assassination:


(Dulles is misspelling Barrett "Barett", as I did in the headline...sorry)

Who is Ed Barrett?

Here he is talking about himself

And here is his NY Times obituary

Edward W. Barrett, a journalist, government official and public-relations executive who was dean of the Columbia Graduate School of Journalism from 1956 to 1968, died of a ruptured aneurysm Monday at Greenwich (Conn.) Hospital. He was 79 years old and lived in Greenwich.

Mr. Barrett, who had been inactive since he suffered a stroke five years ago, was a leading figure in American journalism for more than three decades. In 1962 he founded The Columbia Journalism Review, one of the earliest national magazines devoted to criticism of the news media.

He entered the academic world after a varied career as a journalist that included editorial posts at Newsweek magazine; direction of overseas operations for the Office of War Information in World War II; service as Assistant Secretary of State for Public Affairs after the war, and counseling in public relations as executive vice president of Hill & Knowlton Inc.

At Columbia University, Mr. Barrett was the fourth dean of the journalism school, which was founded in 1912 under the will of Joseph Pulitzer. Mr. Barrett's departure from the post in 1968 was abrupt and came a few months after violent student demonstrations, led by opponents of the war in Vietnam, had closed the university.

He said he was resigning because of a disagreement with policies of the university's administration, then headed by Grayson Kirk as president. But he also made it clear that he had ''no sympathy whatever'' for Students for a Democratic Society, which had led the campus demonstrations.

Although widely urged to reconsider his decision to resign, Mr. Barrett remained steadfast and refused to elaborate on his reasons for leaving.

From 1969 to 1977, he headed the Communications Institute of the Academy for Educational Development. In 1975 he resumed a tie to Columbia when he became publisher of the Journalism Review, a post he held until 1982. ()

The key word above is HILL AND KNOWLTON, the PR firm responsible for the 1990 baby incubator lie...


Edited by Karl Kinaski
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According to Dulles calendar(Dulles papers online) he met Barrett 3 days prior to the assassination:


(Dulles is misspelling Barrett "Barett", as I did in the headline...sorry)

Who is Ed Barrett?

Here he is talking about himself

And here is his NY Times obituary

Edward W. Barrett, a journalist, government official and public-relations executive who was dean of the Columbia Graduate School of Journalism from 1956 to 1968, died of a ruptured aneurysm Monday at Greenwich (Conn.) Hospital. He was 79 years old and lived in Greenwich.

Mr. Barrett, who had been inactive since he suffered a stroke five years ago, was a leading figure in American journalism for more than three decades. In 1962 he founded The Columbia Journalism Review, one of the earliest national magazines devoted to criticism of the news media.

He entered the academic world after a varied career as a journalist that included editorial posts at Newsweek magazine; direction of overseas operations for the Office of War Information in World War II; service as Assistant Secretary of State for Public Affairs after the war, and counseling in public relations as executive vice president of Hill & Knowlton Inc.

At Columbia University, Mr. Barrett was the fourth dean of the journalism school, which was founded in 1912 under the will of Joseph Pulitzer. Mr. Barrett's departure from the post in 1968 was abrupt and came a few months after violent student demonstrations, led by opponents of the war in Vietnam, had closed the university.

He said he was resigning because of a disagreement with policies of the university's administration, then headed by Grayson Kirk as president. But he also made it clear that he had ''no sympathy whatever'' for Students for a Democratic Society, which had led the campus demonstrations.

Although widely urged to reconsider his decision to resign, Mr. Barrett remained steadfast and refused to elaborate on his reasons for leaving.

From 1969 to 1977, he headed the Communications Institute of the Academy for Educational Development. In 1975 he resumed a tie to Columbia when he became publisher of the Journalism Review, a post he held until 1982. ()

The key word above is HILL AND KNOWLTON, the PR firm responsible for the 1990 baby incubator lie...


It should be noted that the Columbia Graduate School of Journalism was affiliated with the CIA through the Catherwood Foundation of Philadelphia, as the co-sponsored the Columbia-Catherwood Award for Journalism until the Catherwood tie to the CIA was exposed by David Wise in his book The Invisible Government.


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  • 5 years later...

Interesting Karl, early 1954?, pre cigarette lighter. He gives you those thin sort of devious smiles, like Nixon. In fact, he's a perfect clone of Anthony Hopkins (Nixon) and Nixon.. Ha ha. That was the youngest I've ever seen Daniel Schorr.

Witnauer is a brand name within the Bulova company. I seem to recall, Didn't  the Bulova watch company  have right wing political internationalist ties?

Hyeah," truthful propaganda", my ass!



Edited by Kirk Gallaway
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