William Kelly Posted January 1, 2012 Share Posted January 1, 2012 (edited) Many thanks to George Bailey for his review of Mark Lane's new book and for posting a link to the petition on his blog: Oswald's Mother JFK Act Oversight Hearings Petition Please sign on to influence Rep. Darrel Issa (R. CA) Chairman of the House Oversight and Reform Committee to hold hearings on the JFK Records Act which hasn’t been done in years. Many records are still withheld from the public and are yet to be released. Link HERE. We only have to convince one person to hold these necessary, mandated and long overdue JFK Act oversight hearings, so please send a friendly note to Rep. Darrell Issa (that's EYE-shu) Dear Mr. Chariman Darrell Issa - Please tell me when? JFKcountercoup: Dear Mr. Chairman Darrell Issa (R. Calf.) Congressman Issa We are starting a "Please tell me when?" campaign to get Rep. Issa to schedule a long overdue JFK Act Oversight Hearing by asking him to please tell us when he schedules one. We can make this happen if everyone who contacted their congressman after seeing Oliver Stone's"JFK" and complained about the secret JFK Assassination records will once again ask their representative why so many thousands of JFK assassination records are still being withheld, why many were deliberately destroyed after the Act was instituted and why there are so many missing? Why? And why hasn't Congress held an oversight hearing to ask that question of any responsible person? Be direct and frank but not rude. Please Facebook, phone, write, email, fax and send a letter via the US Mail to: Rep. Darrell Issa Chairman, House Oversight Committee 2157 Rayburn HOB Washington D.C. 20515 Fax: (202) 225-3974 Washington DC Office • 2347 Rayburn House Office Building • Washington, DC20515 • Phone: 202-225-3906 • Fax: 202-225-3303 California District Office • 1800 Thibodo Road, #310 • Vista, CA 92081 • Phone:760-599-5000 • Fax: 760-599-1178 Dear Mr. Chairman Issa, Please inform me when you schedule an oversight hearing on the JFK Act, as I am interested in the proceedings. Can you tell me why there are so many still-withheld government records on the assassination of President Kennedy, and why, 50 years afterwards, the public still cannot read them? Thank you, JFKcountercoup: Dear Mr. Chairman Darrell Issa (R. Calf.) Rep. Darrell Issa http://www.facebook.com/darrellissa http://twitter.com/- !/darrellissa http://issa.house.go...d=597&Itemid=73 https://forms.house....ms/contact.html http://republicans.o...ight.house.gov/ 2347 Rayburn House Office Building• Washington, DC 20515• Phone: 202-225-3906 • Fax: 202-225-3303 1800 Thibodo Road, #310 • Vista, CA 92081 •Phone: 760-599-5000 • Fax: 760-599-1178 Join our Facebook JFK Act Lobby Group: COA JFK Act Ad Hoc Lobby Group Sign our petition On Line - http://www.petitiono...3/petition.html Sponsored By: Committee for an Open Archives (COA) To: U.S. Congress House Oversight Committee 2157 Rayburn House Office Building Washington, D.C. 20513 (202) 225-5074(202) 225-3974 (Fax) Re: Congressional Oversight of JFK Act To: Rep. Darrel Issa (R. Calf.), Chairman of the House Oversight and ReformCommittee and Rep. James Lankford (Rep. Ok.5) Chairman of the Sub-committee onTechnology, Information Policy, Governmental Relations and Procurement Reformand members of the relevant sub-committee - Vice Chari Rep. Mike Kelly (R.Pa.3), Jason Chaffetz (UT. 3), Tim Walberg (MI-7), Paul Labrador (ID-1), PatMeehan (PA.7), Blake Farentold (TX-27), Gerald Connolly (D. Va.), ChristopherMurphy (D. Conn.), Stephen Lynch (D. Mass)]. Congress passed the JFK Act of 1992, requiring the release of all governmentrecords related to the assassination of President John F. Kennedy in order toregain the publics confidence in government, which has been in steady declinesince November 1963. That has not happened. The House Oversight Committee has not held one hearing on this issue in nearly15 years (June 1997), despite the destruction of Secret Service documents, theloss of national security records and the continued wrongful withholding of recordsthat Congress has ordered released to the public. It is imperative that Congress take some action to ensure that the law isenforced, the work mandated by the JFK Assassination Records Act is completed,and the government regain the confidence of the American public. Therefore, we, the undersigned citizens of the United States and the free world, do hereby requestthe House Oversight Committee do its duty and hold public oversight hearings onthe JFK Act. JFK Act Oversight Hearings Petition JFKcountercoup: Dear Mr. Chairman Darrell Issa (R. Calf.) We have a core 200 signatures so far but we need a key 1,000 to really get this going, so please sign on. You don't have to be an American citizen, just a human being with an interest in the truth as to what really happened in the assassination of President Kennedy. Edited January 3, 2012 by William Kelly Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
William Kelly Posted January 3, 2012 Author Share Posted January 3, 2012 Many thanks to George Bailey for his review of Mark Lane's new book and for posting a link to the petition on his blog: Oswald's Mother JFK Act Oversight Hearings Petition Please sign on to influence Rep. Darrel Issa (R. CA) Chairman of the House Oversight and Reform Committee to hold hearings on the JFK Records Act which hasn’t been done in years. Many records are still withheld from the public and are yet to be released. Link HERE. We only have to convince one person to hold these necessary, mandated and long overdue JFK Act oversight hearings, so please send a friendly note to Rep. Darrell Issa (that's EYE-shu) Dear Mr. Chariman Darrell Issa - Please tell me when? JFKcountercoup: Dear Mr. Chairman Darrell Issa (R. Calf.) Congressman Issa We are starting a "Please tell me when?" campaign to get Rep. Issa to schedule a long overdue JFK Act Oversight Hearing by asking him to please tell us when he schedules one. We can make this happen if everyone who contacted their congressman after seeing Oliver Stone's"JFK" and complained about the secret JFK Assassination records will once again ask their representative why so many thousands of JFK assassination records are still being withheld, why many were deliberately destroyed after the Act was instituted and why there are so many missing? Why? And why hasn't Congress held an oversight hearing to ask that question of any responsible person? Be direct and frank but not rude. Please Facebook, phone, write, email, fax and send a letter via the US Mail to: Rep. Darrell Issa Chairman, House Oversight Committee 2157 Rayburn HOB Washington D.C. 20515 Fax: (202) 225-3974 Washington DC Office • 2347 Rayburn House Office Building • Washington, DC20515 • Phone: 202-225-3906 • Fax: 202-225-3303 California District Office • 1800 Thibodo Road, #310 • Vista, CA 92081 • Phone:760-599-5000 • Fax: 760-599-1178 Dear Mr. Chairman Issa, Please inform me when you schedule an oversight hearing on the JFK Act, as I am interested in the proceedings. Can you tell me why there are so many still-withheld government records on the assassination of President Kennedy, and why, 50 years afterwards, the public still cannot read them? Thank you, JFKcountercoup: Dear Mr. Chairman Darrell Issa (R. Calf.) Rep. Darrell Issa http://www.facebook.com/darrellissa http://twitter.com/- !/darrellissa http://issa.house.go...d=597&Itemid=73 https://forms.house....ms/contact.html http://republicans.o...ight.house.gov/ 2347 Rayburn House Office Building• Washington, DC 20515• Phone: 202-225-3906 • Fax: 202-225-3303 1800 Thibodo Road, #310 • Vista, CA 92081 •Phone: 760-599-5000 • Fax: 760-599-1178 Join our Facebook JFK Act Lobby Group: COA JFK Act Ad Hoc Lobby Group Sign our petition On Line - http://www.petitiono...3/petition.html Sponsored By: Committee for an Open Archives (COA) To: U.S. Congress House Oversight Committee 2157 Rayburn House Office Building Washington, D.C. 20513 (202) 225-5074(202) 225-3974 (Fax) Re: Congressional Oversight of JFK Act To: Rep. Darrel Issa (R. Calf.), Chairman of the House Oversight and ReformCommittee and Rep. James Lankford (Rep. Ok.5) Chairman of the Sub-committee onTechnology, Information Policy, Governmental Relations and Procurement Reformand members of the relevant sub-committee - Vice Chari Rep. Mike Kelly (R.Pa.3), Jason Chaffetz (UT. 3), Tim Walberg (MI-7), Paul Labrador (ID-1), PatMeehan (PA.7), Blake Farentold (TX-27), Gerald Connolly (D. Va.), ChristopherMurphy (D. Conn.), Stephen Lynch (D. Mass)]. Congress passed the JFK Act of 1992, requiring the release of all governmentrecords related to the assassination of President John F. Kennedy in order toregain the publics confidence in government, which has been in steady declinesince November 1963. That has not happened. The House Oversight Committee has not held one hearing on this issue in nearly15 years (June 1997), despite the destruction of Secret Service documents, theloss of national security records and the continued wrongful withholding of recordsthat Congress has ordered released to the public. It is imperative that Congress take some action to ensure that the law isenforced, the work mandated by the JFK Assassination Records Act is completed,and the government regain the confidence of the American public. Therefore, we, the undersigned citizens of the United States and the free world, do hereby requestthe House Oversight Committee do its duty and hold public oversight hearings onthe JFK Act. JFK Act Oversight Hearings Petition JFKcountercoup: Dear Mr. Chairman Darrell Issa (R. Calf.) We have a core 200 signatures so far but we need a key 1,000 to really get this going, so please sign on. You don't have to be an American citizen, just a human being with an interest in the truth as to what really happened in the assassination of President Kennedy. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Frankie Vegas Posted January 11, 2012 Share Posted January 11, 2012 Bump. This is pretty important and very easy to do. The contact details and a sample letter are all there. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
William Kelly Posted January 11, 2012 Author Share Posted January 11, 2012 Bump. This is pretty important and very easy to do. The contact details and a sample letter are all there. Yes, thanks Frankie, Next Monday is Martin Luther King Day, a day that has been dedicated to public service. For your public service on MLK Day, please take a few minutes to write to your representative and tell him about the need for Congressional oversight of the JFK Act. Also write to Rep. Issa and the House Oversight Committee and ask them to inform you when they schedule a hearing on JFK Act oversight so you can tune in to watch it on CSPAN or on the internet and follow the proceedings. There are rumors that they will schedule such a hearing in March during Sunshine week, but that it will be an orchestrated hearing and feature Max Holland, John McAdams and Posner. We need them to schedule a hearing and ensure that the right people testify - Judge Tunheim, Jim Lesar, Jeff Morley, Dan Alcorn and those in the Secret Service who destroyed assassination records after they were requested by the review board. Bill Kelly JFKcountercoup Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
William Kelly Posted January 16, 2012 Author Share Posted January 16, 2012 Here are the links that explain what we are trying to do - get Issa to hold JFK Act Oversight Hearings in Congress. JFKcountercoup If you are interested in this and where it goes - sign on to follow my blog or join our Facebook group. (20) COA JFK Act Ad Hoc Lobby Group Here's the links to our petition, which has over 200 signatures, but we need 1,000 to get their attention. JFK Act Oversight Hearings Petition I have also started another, similar petition at Change.org which has the potential of reaching a different group of people. It's okay if you sign both petitions but it isn't necessary as we will be eliminate duplicates before we hand the petition to Issa. Please pass these links on to others you know who support this effort and ask them to do the same. Criminal Justice Petition: JFK Act Oversight Petition | Change.org Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
William Kelly Posted January 19, 2012 Author Share Posted January 19, 2012 Bill: WHat is the latest on this? Are the Three AMigos--Holland, Posner, and MCAdams going to appear? I mean what on earth do they know about declassified documents--except how to keep them from the public? I had a list of those scheduled to appear at today's postponed hearing on the SOPA - issues, and it was a stacked deck. There are two types of Congressional hearings, the show - orchestrated to a T. and the investigative kind, ala Watergate, in which witnesses are questioned by the Committee members. We need the second, but will probably get the first - but that's okay, once they hold one hearing and certain facts are placed on the table - like the destruction of records and those that are missing, we will be able to move on other fronts. We still need to convince Issa to schedule a hearing - and then to convince the staff of the Oversight Committee, who we have already talked to an they're cool with it - getting some of our guys on the witness list - people like Jim Lesar, Jeff Morley, Dan Alcorn, Doug Horne, et al. They will get their guys on the witness list, but we also have some friends on the Committee - who we will get to ask some hard questions, whoever they get to testify. If we just get the hearing - then it will be the first time sworn testimony will be taken in the JFK case since their last hearing - 15 years ago. Oliver Stone was one of the witnesses then, and maybe he can be called back just to boost the ratings. JFK Act Oversight Hearings Petition BK JFKcountercoup Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
William Kelly Posted January 19, 2012 Author Share Posted January 19, 2012 Bill: WHat is the latest on this? Are the Three AMigos--Holland, Posner, and MCAdams going to appear? I mean what on earth do they know about declassified documents--except how to keep them from the public? I had a list of those scheduled to appear at today's postponed hearing on the SOPA - issues, and it was a stacked deck. There are two types of Congressional hearings, the show - orchestrated to a T. and the investigative kind, ala Watergate, in which witnesses are questioned by the Committee members. We need the second, but will probably get the first - but that's okay, once they hold one hearing and certain facts are placed on the table - like the destruction of records and those that are missing, we will be able to move on other fronts. We still need to convince Issa to schedule a hearing - and then to convince the staff of the Oversight Committee, who we have already talked to an they're cool with it - getting some of our guys on the witness list - people like Jim Lesar, Jeff Morley, Dan Alcorn, Doug Horne, et al. They will get their guys on the witness list, but we also have some friends on the Committee - who we will get to ask some hard questions, whoever they get to testify. If we just get the hearing - then it will be the first time sworn testimony will be taken in the JFK case since their last hearing - 15 years ago. Oliver Stone was one of the witnesses then, and maybe he can be called back just to boost the ratings. JFK Act Oversight Hearings Petition BK JFKcountercoup Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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