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ALL U.S. problems have been intentionally and gradually installed by 'whatever'

political party/president is elected to power. This especially 'more so'since the

closing of the cold war. (about 1990).

The struggle between Democrat/liberal and Republican/conservative is to determine

which shall serve and control U.N. direction, and world control. This at the cost

of U.S. Constitutional observance, economic,social,religious military sacrifice et al.

I am sure this information is known and understood by most here. Also there is nothing

that can alter this predicament. There can be some relief at least in understanding

the continuing sorrow of this...SUPREME LAW OF THE LAND, as named in Article 103 of the

U.N. United Nation Charter!

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Hello Harry,

Yes, things are getting very bad in the US and it doesn't work for the people any longer. What does A 103 tell?

Also, do you think NDA will be used to go after the mega--crooks in the US Govt linked to the JFK assassination aftermath, the corrupt issues of making wars out of nothing, and the FED. Will NDA be used to promote the Ron Paul views or those of Fascist Empire to destroy the USA?

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ALL U.S. problems have been intentionally and gradually installed by 'whatever'

political party/president is elected to power. This especially 'more so'since the

closing of the cold war. (about 1990).

The struggle between Democrat/liberal and Republican/conservative is to determine

which shall serve and control U.N. direction, and world control. This at the cost

of U.S. Constitutional observance, economic,social,religious military sacrifice et al.

I am sure this information is known and understood by most here. Also there is nothing

that can alter this predicament. There can be some relief at least in understanding

the continuing sorrow of this...SUPREME LAW OF THE LAND, as named in Article 103 of the

U.N. United Nation Charter!

From the 1990 manuscript/book CROSSTRAILS

No honest conservative really believed that we were trying to do more than call the liberal

establishment communists sympathizers in order to replace liberalism with conservatism.

But we unknowingly were being used to help install this present system that is surreptitiously

wielding ever power of U.S. government to force the extension of a purely materialistic religious

empire that is intent on redesigning the entire world in it's own "communal" image! An effort

that includes brute force and isolation of resistant individuals and entire nations.

This long twilight struggle against the elected government of the United States was for world

power. That power lay within an almost impotent United Nations Organization. Control and direction

of that body would be realized by the subversives upon first neutralizing, then seizing the

government by shock force, the JFK assassination.

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