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Tuesday, July 27, 2010

7 Secret Ways We Are Being Poisoned

Activist Post

The objectivism of the scientific method seems to have been hijacked by corporations who often pay for scientists to support their products, as well as politicians who move through the revolving door between the private and public sector. Even worse is that sometimes the consumer protection agencies themselves are complicit.

healthfre2.gifThe trust placed by consumers in scientific studies and Federal oversight committees has been violated in service to profit so that products are allowed to enter the marketplace with reduced safety standards. The synthetic chemicals we encounter on a daily basis in our food, water, and environment are increasingly shown to be disastrous to our physical and mental well-being. Volumes can be written -- indeed have been written -- by experts in both mainstream and alternative medicine who have documented the sleight of hand used to hoodwink consumers and threaten our health. The categories below are worth deeper investigation as prime examples of what we might face as a species if this chemical bombardment continues.

GMO foods -- Monsanto started as a chemical company that brought the world poisons like Agent Orange and Roundup. Now they are more well known for their domination of Genetically Modified agriculture, owning nearly 90% of staple GMO crops such as corn, soy, and cotton. In independent studies GMO "frankenfood" has been linked to organ failure, and a recent Russian study has concluded near-total sterility in GMO-soy-fed hamsters by the third generation. Despite these and many other legitimate health concerns, it is unlikely that the Monsanto-controlled FDA will curb the growth of GMO foods, while the USDA's biotechnology risk assessment research arm has a paltry $3 million at its disposal. Of course the industry-funded studies show that the effects GMO on human health are "negligible."

Food additives -- When most of us think of harmful food additives we think of Monosodium Glutamate (MSG) which is still in many processed foods, but unfortunately MSG appears to be the least of the poisons now found in our food. In 2008 Melamine was found in infant formula and some food products from China; the FDA went on record to say it was OK, despite sickening tens of thousands. Dangerous food additives appear in nearly all processed foods with even the most common food dyes Red 40, Yellow 5 and Yellow 6 being linked to cancer. Most recently 92,000 pounds of frozen chicken was recalled because it contained "blue plastic pieces," while McDonald's Chicken McNuggets have been found to have "silly putty" chemicals in them. In fact, some researchers estimate that today's chicken is so full of chemicals that it only contains 51% actual meat.

Fluoride -- Not all fluoride is bad; only the type promoted by dentistry and added to our water and food supply. Calcium fluoride is a naturally occurring mineral, while its synthetic counterpart, sodium fluoride (silicofluoride), is an industrial-grade hazardous waste material made during the production of fertilizer. Its past history includes patented use as rat poison and insecticide. There are many blind- and double-blind studies that show sodium fluoride has a cumulative effect on the human body leading to allergies, gastrointestinal disorders, bone weakening, cancer, and neurological problems. In this case, the EPA's Union of scientists issued a white paper condemning fluoridation of drinking water. However, as a hazardous waste, it is extremely expensive to dispose of as such. And here might be a clue as to why this chemical, more toxic than lead and almost on par with arsenic, has been disposed of for our consumption.

Mercury -- A dangerous heavy metal in its natural quicksilver form, but more so as the neurotoxin, methylmercury, released into the environment by human activity. In both organic and inorganic form, mercury wreaks havoc with the nervous system -- especially the developing nervous system of a fetus. It penetrates all living cells of the human body, and has been documented most as increasing the risk for autism. This calls into question mercury's use in dental fillings, vaccines, and just about anything containing high fructose corn syrup -- a near staple in the American diet . . . including baby food. But the Corn Refiners Association naturally supports this chemical that is "dangerous at any level."

Aspartame -- The king of artificial sweeteners was allowed to the market in 1981 when the U.S. Commissioner of Food and Drugs, Arthur Hull Hayes, overruled FDA panel suggestions, as well as consumer concerns. Aspartame is a neurotoxin that interacts with natural organisms, as well as synthetic medications, producing a wide range of proven disorders and syndromes. So who installed this commissioner that would rule against scientists and the public? Donald Rumsfeld, CEO of G.D. Searle; the maker of Aspartame. Rumsfeld was on Reagan's transition team, and the day after Reagan took office he appointed the new FDA Commissioner in order to "call in his markers" with one of the most egregious cases of profit-over-safety ever recorded. Aspartame is now nearly ubiquitous, moving beyond sugarless products and into general foods, beverages, pharmaceuticals, and even products for children. It recently has been renamed to the more pleasant sounding AminoSweet.

Personal care and cleaning products -- Everyday household items and cosmetic products are applied directly to the skin, absorbed through the scalp, and inhaled. The Story of Cosmetics uses an animated video to tell a haunting tale of industrial violations and complicit "public safety" groups . . . and still only tells half of that story. The list of common products and their chemical components is encyclopedic. The sum total of the overwhelming presence of these chemicals has been linked to nearly every allergy, chronic affliction, and disease known to man. Most recently, household cleaning products have been linked to breast cancer and ADHD in children.

Airborne pollutants -- In a NASA article titled "Airborne Pollutants Know No Borders" they stated that, "Any substance introduced into the atmosphere has the potential to circle the Earth." The jet stream indeed connects all of us. There is one category of airborne pollution that has been conspiracy theory despite a voluminous number of unclassified documents from 1977 Senate hearings: chemical spraying (chemtrails) by both private and commercial aircraft. Recent admissions by public officials strengthen the case. Fallout from these chemical trails has been tested and shows very high levels of barium and aluminum.

Interesting to note that Monsanto announced that they recently developed an aluminum-resistant gene to be introduced. Chemtrails might seem like abject paranoia, but there is a current example of chemical spraying that is undeniable: the spraying of Corexit oil dispersant over the Gulf. This process of aerial application can be likened to crop-dusting, which we know has been going on for nearly 100 years. Wars abroad even seem to be affecting global air quality, as military munitions such as depleted uranium have entered the upper atmosphere, spreading around the planet. The observable effects of depleted uranium are not pleasant. Airborne pollutants have been linked to allergies, genetic mutations, and infertility.

This is all leading to scientific, governmental, and medical management of the health and rights of the individual. It is ironic (or coincidental) that when one becomes sick due to the unnatural products listed above, the mainstream medical establishment aims to treat the afflictions with more unnatural chemicals. Furthermore, some of the people at high levels of American government and academia such as John P. Holdren, the current White House Science Czar, have advocated population control via "pollution particles" as far back as 1977 in books such as Ecoscience. Holdren's views of humanity could make one question the intentionality of the poisons in our environment.

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A mixed bag some legitimate sources and some questionable ones. But even if all the studies are all true Gaal has yet to post evidence the use of such chemicals is part of some sort of depopulation plot rather than companies putting profits ahead of safety.

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"The objectivism of the scientific method seems to have been hijacked by corporations who often pay for scientists to support their products, as well as politicians who move through the revolving door between the private and public sector. Even worse is that sometimes the consumer protection agencies themselves are complicit.

The trust placed by consumers in scientific studies and Federal oversight committees has been violated in service to profit so that products are allowed to enter the marketplace with reduced safety standards.

The synthetic chemicals we encounter on a daily basis in our food, water, and environment are increasingly shown to be disastrous to our physical and mental well-being.

Volumes can be written -- indeed have been written -- by experts in both mainstream and alternative medicine who have documented the sleight of hand used to hoodwink consumers and threaten our health.

The categories below (above) are worth deeper investigation as prime examples of what we might face as a species if this chemical bombardment continues."


Relax, Evan, no tinhats needed.

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"The objectivism of the scientific method seems to have been hijacked by corporations who often pay for scientists to support their products, as well as politicians who move through the revolving door between the private and public sector. Even worse is that sometimes the consumer protection agencies themselves are complicit.

The trust placed by consumers in scientific studies and Federal oversight committees has been violated in service to profit so that products are allowed to enter the marketplace with reduced safety standards.

The synthetic chemicals we encounter on a daily basis in our food, water, and environment are increasingly shown to be disastrous to our physical and mental well-being.

Volumes can be written -- indeed have been written -- by experts in both mainstream and alternative medicine who have documented the sleight of hand used to hoodwink consumers and threaten our health.

The categories below (above) are worth deeper investigation as prime examples of what we might face as a species if this chemical bombardment continues."


Relax, Evan, no tinhats needed.

I agree with you John but Steve is pushing (and Evan was mocking) something else.

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I trust science. It is a self-correcting system. Yes, some studies can be corrupted... but the overall independence of science means you can't hide the truth. That's why I mock the (what I consider to be) rubbish that Steven chooses to champion.

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I trust science. It is a self-correcting system. Yes, some studies can be corrupted... but the overall independence of science means you can't hide the truth. That's why I mock the (what I consider to be) rubbish that Steven chooses to champion.






Scientists compromised by commercial links

12 October 2009

Concerns are mounting that scientific and technological research funded by business could be undermining universities’ openness and independence. Zoë Corbyn reports

The rise in industrial funding of university science is compromising its quality as well as inhibiting research for the wider public good.

These are the claims of the pressure group Scientists for Global Responsibility, in a new report out today entitled “Science and the corporate agenda: the detrimental effects of commercial influence on science and technology”.

“We have gathered extensive evidence of the damaging effects of the commercial influence on science and technology,” said Stuart Parkinson, co-author of the report. “Urgent action – by government and others – is needed to resolve these problems. The trustworthiness of science and scientists is at stake.”

The study argues that while universities have always relied on business, along with the state and philanthropists, for funding scientific work, government policy to drive much closer links between business and universities has created a relationship that is now “distinctly unbalanced” in favour of commercial interests, undermining universities’ openness and independence.

Based on an analysis of five sectors – spanning the pharmaceutical, tobacco, military, oil and gas and biotechnology industries – it found: bias in commercially funded studies, so only results favourable to the funder are reported; an increase in use of commercial confidentiality agreements that impede the free flow of data; and a lack of policing of scientists’ conflicts of interest, so that the true extent to which research is potentially being compromised is unknown.

“There can be subterfuge, but often it is simply that when commercial funders are involved there is a bias towards funding researchers who have views that are more sympathetic to the industry,” Dr Parkinson told Times Higher Education. “Researchers who hold different points of view don’t attract the funding, or research that results in a different point of view does not get publicised.”

The report also criticises the Government’s emphasis on delivering economic goals from research. “The power and influence of some corporations, and the increased pressure on researchers to bring in funding from business, means that academic departments are increasingly orientating themselves to commercial needs rather than to broader public interest or curiosity-driven goals,” it notes. “The emphasis is undermining the ability of science and technology to deliver a diverse range of social and environmental benefits.”

To fix the problems, it makes 16 recommendations, including that universities adopt “minimum ethical standards” in their partnership agreements with business and publish “comprehensive data” on the nature of these partnerships. It also says that a new scientific organisation to distribute funds based on the public interest should be set up and calls for more safeguards to prevent conflicts of interest.











Edited by Steven Gaal
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Gaal has repeatedly shown himself to be anti-science, he for example rejects evolution, (the big bang?) and global warming, he thinks family planning is an evil plot. Even when he takes up subjects of legitimate concern his analysis is hysterical (in both senses of the word).

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Cuba crea cuatro vacunas contra el cáncer: una lección a las farmacéuticas que no será noticia Lecciones de manipulación Viernes, 25 de Enero de 2013


El modelo de industria pública médico-farmacéutica de un país socialista del Sur, frente a un modelo de mera rentabilidad económica de las multinacionales de la producción de medicamentos en el Norte: los medios miran para otro lado.

Cuba crea cuatro vacunas contra el cáncer: una lección a las farmacéuticas que no será noticia

José Manzaneda, coordinador de Cubainformación.- Que Cuba haya desarrollado ya cuatro vacunas contra diferentes tipos de cáncer es sin duda una noticia importante para la Humanidad (1), si tenemos en cuenta que, según la Organización Mundial de la Salud, cada año mueren en el mundo, por esta enfermedad, cerca de 8 millones de personas (2). Sin embargo, los grandes medios internacionales la han ignorado casi por completo.

En 2012 Cuba patentaba la primera vacuna terapéutica contra el cáncer de pulmón avanzado a nivel mundial, la CIMAVAX-EGF (3). Y en enero de 2013 se anunciaba la segunda, la llamada Racotumomab (4). Ensayos clínicos en 86 países demuestran que estas vacunas, aunque no curan la enfermedad, consiguen la reducción de los tumores y permiten una etapa estable de la enfermedad, aumentando esperanza y calidad de vida.

El Centro de Inmunología Molecular de La Habana, perteneciente al Estado cubano, es el creador de todas estas vacunas. Ya en 1985 desarrolló la vacuna de la meningitis B (5), única en el mundo, y más tarde otras, como las que combaten la hepatitis B o el dengue (6). Además, investiga desde hace años para desarrollar una vacuna contra el VIH-SIDA (7). Otro centro estatal cubano, los laboratorios LABIOFAM, desarrolla medicamentos homeopáticos también contra el cáncer: es el caso del VIDATOX, elaborado a partir del veneno del alacrán azul (8).

Cuba exporta estos fármacos a 26 países, y participa en empresas mixtas en China, Canadá y España (9). Todo esto rompe completamente un estereotipo muy extendido, reforzado por el silencio mediático acerca de los avances de Cuba y otros países del Sur: que la investigación médico-farmacéutica de vanguardia se produce solo en los países llamados “desarrollados”.

Indudablemente, el Estado cubano obtiene un rendimiento económico de la venta internacional de estos productos farmacéuticos (10). Sin embargo, su filosofía de investigación y comercialización está en las antípodas de la práctica empresarial de la gran industria farmacéutica.

El Premio Nobel de Medicina Richard J. Roberts denunciaba recientemente que las farmacéuticas orientan sus investigaciones no a la cura de las enfermedades, sino al desarrollo de fármacos para dolencias crónicas, mucho más rentables económicamente (11). Y señalaba que las enfermedades propias de los países más pobres –por su baja rentabilidad- sencillamente no se investigan. Por ello, el 90% del presupuesto para investigación está destinado a las enfermedades del 10% de la población mundial.

La industria pública médico-farmacéutica de Cuba, aún siendo una de las principales fuentes de divisas para el país, se rige por principios radicalmente opuestos.

En primer lugar, sus investigaciones van dirigidas, en buena parte, a desarrollar vacunas que evitan enfermedades y, en consecuencia, aminoran el gasto en medicamentos de la población. En un artículo en la prestigiosa revista Science, los investigadores de Universidad de Stanford (California) Paul Drain y Michele Barry aseguraban que Cuba obtiene mejores indicadores de salud que EEUU gastando hasta veinte veces menos (12). La razón: la ausencia –en el modelo cubano- de presiones y estímulos comerciales por parte de las farmacéuticas, y una exitosa estrategia de educación de la población en prevención de salud.

Además, las terapias naturales y tradicionales –como la medicina herbolaria, la acupuntura, la hipnosis y muchas otras-, prácticas poco rentables para los fabricantes de medicamentos, están integradas desde hace años en el sistema de salud pública gratuita de la Isla (13).

Por otro lado, en Cuba los fármacos son distribuidos, en primer lugar, en la red hospitalaria pública nacional, de forma gratuita o altamente subsidiada -precisamente- gracias a los ingresos en moneda fuerte por sus exportaciones (14).

La industria farmacéutica cubana, además, apenas destina presupuesto al gasto publicitario que, en el caso de la multinacionales, es superior incluso al invertido en la propia investigación (15).

Por último, Cuba impulsa la producción de fármacos genéricos que pone a disposición de otros países pobres y de la Organización Mundial de la Salud, a un precio muy inferior al de la gran industria mundial (16).

Pero estos acuerdos, ajenos a las reglas del mercado, generan fuertes presiones desde la industria farmacéutica. Recientemente, el Gobierno de Ecuador anunciaba la compra a Cuba de un número importante de medicamentos, en “reciprocidad” por la becas a estudiantes ecuatorianos en la Isla y por el apoyo de especialistas cubanos en el programa “Manuela Espejo” para personas discapacitadas (17). Las protestas de la Asociación de Laboratorios Farmacéuticos Ecuatorianos se convirtieron de inmediato en campaña mediática, difundiendo el mensaje de la supuesta mala calidad de los fármacos cubanos (18).

Por otro lado, numerosos analistas ven detrás del golpe de estado de Honduras, en 2009, a la gran industria farmacéutica internacional, ya que el gobierno del depuesto Manuel Zelaya, en el marco del acuerdo ALBA, pretendía sustituir la importación de medicamentos de las multinacionales por los genéricos cubanos (19).

El bloqueo de EEUU a Cuba impone importantes obstáculos para la comercialización internacional de los productos farmacéuticos cubanos, pero también perjudica directamente a la ciudadanía de EEUU. Por ejemplo, las 80.000 personas diabéticas que sufren en este país, cada año, la amputación de los dedos de sus pies, no pueden acceder a la vacuna cubana Heperprot P, que precisamente las evita (20).

El Premio Nobel de Química Peter Agre afirmaba recientemente que "Cuba es un magnífico ejemplo de cómo se pueden integrar el conocimiento y la investigación científica" (21). Irina Bokova, directora general de la UNESCO, decía sentirse “muy impresionada” con los logros científicos de Cuba y mostraba la voluntad de esta organización de Naciones Unidas en promoverlos en el resto del mundo (22). La pregunta es inevitable: ¿contará con la colaboración imprescindible de los grandes medios internacionales para difundirlos?

(1) http://www.jornada.unam.mx/2011/11/08/ciencias/a02n1cie

(2) http://www.lapagina.com.sv/nacionales/61996/2012/02/04/Cada-ano-76-millones-de-personas-mueren-de-cancer-revelan-estudios

(3) http://actualidad.rt.com/ciencias/view/32388-Cuba-lanza-primera-vacuna-contra-c%C3%A1ncer-de-pulm%C3%B3n

(4) http://www.prensalibre.com/salud/Desarrollan-segunda-vacuna-cancer-pulmon_0_839316125.html

(5) http://www.nnc.cubaweb.cu/clasificados/ciencia/ciencia1.htm

(6) http://ipsnoticias.net/nota.asp?idnews=96327

(7) http://www.telesurtv.net/articulos/2012/03/07/cientificos-cubanos-probaran-vacuna-contra-el-sida-en-humanos

(8) http://www.jornada.unam.mx/2012/07/12/index.php?section=ciencias&article=a02n1cie&partner=rss

(9) http://spanish.news.cn/salud/2011-11/05/c_131230334.htm

(10) http://www.guiacuba.info/noticias-de-cuba/turismo-segunda-fuente-ingresos-cuba

(11) http://voselsoberano.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=11858:qlas-farmaceuticas-bloquean-las-medicinas-que-curan-porque-no-son-rentables-impidiendo-su-q&catid=22:internacional

(12) http://www.cubadebate.cu/especiales/2010/05/04/reportaje-revista-science-sobre-impacto-bloqueo-medicina/

(13) http://www.sld.cu/sitios/mednat/

(14) http://www.nuevatribuna.es/articulo/mundo/cuba-ya-utiliza-la-vacuna-contra-el-cancer-de-pulmon/20130102125742086094.html

(15) http://www.elmundo.es/elmundosalud/2002/07/19/medicina/1027075187.html

(16) http://www.cubainformacion.tv/index.php/lecciones-de-manipulacion/47621-vacunas-de-cuba-y-brasil-salvan-miles-de-vidas-en-africa-pero-los-medios-solo-hablan-de-las-de-bill-gates

(17) http://www.diariovasco.com/agencias/20110813/mas-actualidad/sociedad/ecuador-dara-prioridad-compra-medicamentos_201108131911.html

(18) http://www.ciudadaniainformada.com/noticias-politica-ecuador0/noticias-politica-ecuador/browse/45/ir_a/politica/article//farmaceuticos-ecuatorianos-cuestionan-proceso-de-compra-de-medicamentos-a-cuba/javascript.html

(19) http://www.tercerainformacion.es/?Honduras-Intereses-Transnacionales%20

(20) http://actualidad.rt.com/economia/view/44707-Cuba-crear-f%C3%A1rmacos-%C3%BAnicos,-una-receta-contra-embargo

(21) http://www.opciones.cu/cuba/2012-03-09/reconocen-avances-de-la-biotecnologia-cubana/

(22) http://www.juventudrebelde.cu/cuba/2012-11-29/directora-general-de-la-unesco-constata-logros-de-la-biotecnologia-cubana/

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Cuba creates four anti-cancer vaccines, media ignores it

Monday, February 25, 2013

By Jo MacLean


That Cuba has already developed four vaccines or inoculations against different types of cancer is without doubt important news for humanity. The World Health Organisation says each year about 8 million people die from this illness.

However, the international mainstream media have almost totally ignored this news.

Last year, Cuba patented the first therapeutic vaccine against advanced lung cancer in the world, called CIMAVAX-EGF. In January, the second one, called Racotumomab, was announced.

Clinical testing in 86 countries shows that these vaccines, although they don’t cure the illness, do managed to reduce tumours and allow for a stable stage of the illness, thereby increasing hope and quality of life.

The Molecular Immunology Centre of Havana, a Cuban state organisation, is the creator of all these vaccines.

In 1985 it developed the vaccine for meningitis B, the only one in the world, and later others that fight hepatitis B and dengue. For years, the centre has been conducting research to develop vaccines against AIDS-HIV.

The other Cuban state-run centre, Laboratories LABIOFAM, has developed homeopathic medicine for cancer such as VIDATOX, created from the blue scorpion’s venom. Cuba exports these medicines to 26 countries, and takes part in joint companies with China, Canada, and Spain.

All of this goes against the well-enforced stereotype, reinforced by the media silence regarding advances achieved by Cuba and other global south (so-called Third World) countries, that vanguard medical research takes place only in so-called developed countries.

Undoubtedly, the Cuban state obtains an economic benefit from the international sale of these pharmaceutical products. However, its philosophy of investigation and commercialisation is diametrically opposed to the business practices of the large pharmaceutical industry.

Nobel Prize for Medicine winner Richard J Roberts recently denounced the pharmaceutical industry for orienting its research not to curing illnesses, but to developing medicine for chronic ailments, which is much more economically profitable.

Roberts suggested the illnesses that are particular to poorer countries, because of their low profitability, simply are not researched. That is why 90% of the budget for research is aimed at illnesses suffered by 10% of the world’s population.

Cuba’s public medicine industry, even though it is one of the main sources of foreign currency for the country, is guided by radically different principles.

In the first place, its research is aimed at, in a large part, developing vaccines that prevent illnesses and as a consequence, reduce the population’s spending on medicine.

In an article in the prestigious magazine Science, researchers from Stanford University (California), Paul Drain and Michele Barry, said Cuba has better health indicators than the United States, despite spending up to 20 times less on the sector.

The reason for this is the absence, in the Cuban model, of commercial pressures and encouragement by pharmaceutical companies, and a successful strategy of educating the population about preventative healthcare.

Furthermore, traditional and natural therapies, such as herbal medicine, acupuncture, hypnosis and many others — practices that are not very profitable for the makers of medicine — have been integrated into the free public health system of the island for years.

Also, in Cuba, medicine is distributed via the national public hospital network as something that is either free or highly subsidised, thanks to the income from exporting it.

The Cuban medicine industry also barely assigns any of its budget to publicity. In the case of the multinationals, publicity spending is higher than what they invest in actual research.

Finally, Cuba promotes the production of generic medicine. These are made available in other poor countries and to the World Health Organisation at much lower prices than those offered by the global medicine industry.

But these measures, removed from market rules, generate a lot of pressure from the pharmaceutical industry.

Recently, the Ecuadorian government announced it would buy a large number of medicines from Cuba in exchange for scholarships for Ecuadorian students to study in Cuba and for the support provided by Cuban specialists in .

Protests against the move by the Ecuadorian Association of Pharmaceutical Laboratories were immediately converted into a media campaign, spreading the message of the supposed bad quality of Cuban medicine.

On the other hand, many analysts see the international pharmaceutical industry as being behind the coup in Honduras in 2009. The elected government of Manuel Zelaya, in the framework of agreements made within the Cuba- and Venezuela-founded Bolivarian Alliance for the People of Our Americas to which Honduras then belonged, aimed to substitute Cuban generic medicine for imports from multinationals.

The US blockade against Cuba imposes big obstacles to the international commercialisation of Cuban pharmaceutical products, but it is also directly detrimental to US citizens. For example, each year the 80,000 diabetics in the US who suffer the amputation of their toes don’t have access to the Cuban vaccine Heperprot P, which would prevent such amputations.

The Chemistry Nobel Prize winner Peter Agre recently said: “Cuba is a magnificent example of how scientific knowledge and research can be integrated.”

Irina Bokova, general director of UNESCO, said she was impressed by Cuba’s scientific achievements and her organisation is willing to promote them to the rest of the world.

The inevitable question is, will she count on the essential collaboration of the international mainstream media to spread this information?

[Original can be found at www.cubainformacion.tv. Translated for Green Left Weekly by Tamara Pearson.]

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http://www.americanc... Corruption.htm


Gaal has repeatedly shown himself to be anti-science, he for example rejects evolution, // end Colby


Odd, when I put up scientific information on Creationism Colby said this wasnt the place for religious views.

Edited by Steven Gaal
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Gaal has repeatedly shown himself to be anti-science, he for example rejects evolution, // end Colby


Odd, when I put up scientific information on Creationism Colby said this wasnt the place for religious views.

You haven't posted any legitimate "scientific information on Creationism".

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Gaal has repeatedly shown himself to be anti-science, he for example rejects evolution, // end Colby


Odd, when I put up scientific information on Creationism Colby said this wasnt the place for religious views.

You haven't posted any legitimate "scientific information on Creationism".



Signature in the Cell: DNA and the Evidence for Intelligent Design [Paperback]

Stephen C. Meyer

Signature in the Cell is a defining work in the discussion of life’s origins and the question of whether life is a product of unthinking matter or of an intelligent mind. For those who disagree with ID, the powerful case Meyer presents cannot be ignored in any honest debate. For those who may be sympathetic to ID, on the fence, or merely curious, this book is an engaging, eye-opening, and often eye-popping read” — American Spectator

Named one of the top books of 2009 by the Times Literary Supplement (London), this controversial and compelling book from Dr. Stephen C. Meyer presents a convincing new case for intelligent design (ID), based on revolutionary discoveries in science and DNA. Along the way, Meyer argues that Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution as expounded in The Origin of Species did not, in fact, refute ID. If you enjoyed Francis Collins’s The Language of God, you’ll find much to ponder—about evolution, DNA, and intelligent design—in Signature in the Cell.

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