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When was this image taken?

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Since Tom Purvis personally spoke with Robert West on many occasions, should give you an ideal of how astute he is, and in the process obtained many original documents, I'll let his explanations move us forward.


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Thanks Chris.

That page is not in my narrative set.

I'll study it.

One thing that does stand out in the narrative, and repeated on this page, is how important Shanneyfelt was when deciding the car's final position prior to any image being taken.


Edited by James R Gordon
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Another question.

is there anything in your narrative set about recreation work being carried out on the 25th. In my set is the observation by Robert West that when he returned to Dealey Plaza on the 25th he noticed members of the recreation team cutting branches off the live oak.

It does not make much sense if all the recreation work had been completed by the 24th. However, looking through this new page it is clear the tree was causing problems.

I was wondering if although the main work was completed by the 24th, some further work was carried out on the 25th. And therefore the cutting of the branches was preparatory to that work.



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The only work carried out on the 25th (by WC assassination re-enactment members) was the cutting and removing of limbs from the uppermost branches of the live oak tree directly under the 6th floor window.

West had to carry out some additional measurements for the completion of the WC Survey Plat.


P.S. Quote from Robert West about CE887:

"Nobody could have accurately fired that rifle from the way they had it "jacked up".

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P.S. Quote from Robert West about CE887:

"Nobody could have accurately fired that rifle from the way they had it "jacked up".

Thanks for the reply. I can't understand why the branches were cut, if all work was finished. I do not doubt Robert's veracity, but it makes no sense to cut the branches after the work has been completed.

It is a great observation Chris. I have already pointed that out in this thread. David Von Pein commented that he considered the angle and position of the gun to be very close to how Oswald.would have fired his gun that day.


Edited by James R Gordon
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You suspect foul play on the part of the WC though, don't you James?

Actually I suspect incompetence. I have a high regard for you David. You are an excellent advocate for your position. But, with respect, maybe you should check the basis of the evidence.

Take the Trees. I thought that picture was a February picture. When you informed me it was a May picture it just reinforced my case. On the 25th of May Robert West witnessed the tree being trimmed. I have an image of that tree from the 25th and the tree is different to the 24th picture you identified.

Take the angle from the Oswald window. These angles were taken through the camera gun that Shanneyfelt was operating. Just taking that angle on its own, is nowhere near where the Oswald gunman would have been firing.

Yes, I can hear you. Quite correct there was indeed adjustment included into calculations. Knowing that the heights of the stand in and JFK were different in the Queen Mary they brought the target down by 10 inches. They are wildly out. I have yet to confirm my figures, but I will give you the ones I have at the moment.

a) JFK:- I calculate that the top of JFK’s head is 59.87 inches above the ground. The top of his head is 17.69 inches above the height of the side door.

B) Queen Mary Stand in:- I calculate that the top of his head is 84.23 inches off the ground. Taking the height of the Kennedy car compared to the Queen Mary I believe he is 40.19 inches above door height of the JFK car.

That means his actual difference in height, to JFK is 22.23 inches higher [40.19 – 17.69]. The May recreation only allowed a 10 inch difference. The real difference in height was more than double that.

Now the problem is this, the Warren Commissions case is built on the May 1964 recreation. The bible for this case is CE 902, the series of images from the re-creation. So for example if we take Z 313 we are told that the angle from the window was 15º 21’. Since the stand in is over 10 inches higher than JFK was, and this stand in was in both the February and May recreations, and this 15º 21’ angle was to the JFK head, it is going to miss. It is going to fly over the head of JFK because the stand in is 10 inches higher than they have calculated.

The problem for those who support the Warren Commission is that CE 902 is the definitive definition of the calculations for the May recreation. They cannot be walked back from. And their problem is that these calculations are out by 10 inches and the angle that they do use, in CE 902, would not be the one that Oswald would have used had he been firing. He would have been firing from a much lower angle.


Mr. West was also of the opinion that the WC was merely incompetence.

Then, after I explained to him the WHY? of cutting and removal of the tree limbs, he stated "they knew exactly what they were doing, didn't they?

However! Prior to his statement, he began to laugh considerably.

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I got the impression that Robert West was less than impressed with the Warren Commission.

May I ask a question. On May 25th, the day after the formal re-enactment was concluded, Robert West required to return to Dealey Plaza. There he noticed members of the re-enactment team cutting braches from the live oak.

Did you explore that issue with Robert? I do not doubt Robert West's veracity, but this event makes no sense to me. What was the purpose in cutting the branches after formal re-enactment procedures had been completed.



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Since Tom Purvis personally spoke with Robert West on many occasions, should give you an ideal of how astute he is, and in the process obtained many original documents, I'll let his explanations move us forward.


All survey work was done to the elevation of the JFK stand-in's head.

Thereafter, on paper, the 10-inch reportedly difference was computed and extracted from the determination of the angle/distance to the head that had been surveyed in..

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