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Jackie and Clint

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I have somewhat stabilized Jackie and Clint in both Z and Nix.

It is slowed down significantly from it's original speed to allow for the viewing of their motions.

The start is Z379 where Clint brings his last leg onto the limo.

Both camera's ran at pretty much the same speed if you take Myer's study into account. Nix@18.5 frames per sec and Z at 18.3.

As the Nix film ends, I stop it so you can compare it to Z at that point in time.

I then run Z for 6 more frames (1/3 second), the amount of time it takes Jackie to slide/get back down in her seat. You can be the judge of that.

Please pay close attention to Jackie's right arm movements throughout the sequence.



Time 1/3 second on your stop watch.

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No offence intended

But you have become very cryptic of late in your posts

if you have a point to make, i wish you would just say what it is.

instead of just dropping little hints here and there.

You are sounding more like Tom Purvis every day ( only hinting about things, and NEVER really giving us the full story )

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No offense taken.

Six frames is enough time to do squat.

The Nix film ends coincidentally right before Jackie performs her slide action into the back seat.

Her right elbow hits the trunk deck first (gif supplied), and from there she has to get to her Z417 position in six frames.

What hand/arm is Clint using to guide her back to her seat?

You may see it occur on the Z film, doesn't mean it's possible.

As Craig L. always states, go try it yourself in 1/3 of a second.

Supplied a plat with Z and Nix's filming positions LOS and gave you the limo mph between 313-390.

If the limo averaged approx 13.25mph between that span, how fast was it going before frame 313?

It's math. It can be determined. It's either wrong or right. It's not a fuzzy photo with shadows and the like.

There is nothing cryptic about my posts, I previously supplied all with a speed chart and explained why the limo was going certain speeds at certain frames, if the research community chooses to ignore data taken from the original survey plat then plotted on a cross referenced/layered (Drommer/Don R./Myers/FBI plat, so be it. I then showed you how the WC speed analysis chart was mis-used to support their calculations. And so on, and so on!!!

By the way, this latest Nix gif is 6 frames looped, what is Jackie able to do in 6 nix frames? Squat!!!



P.S. "Selective Splicing"

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Clint's right leg begins to get pulled up onto the trunk lid caused by Jackie retracting her body and extending her left arm, looking for something to grab onto, to pull herself back down in the seat.



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  • 5 weeks later...


No offence intended

But you have become very cryptic of late in your posts

if you have a point to make, i wish you would just say what it is.

instead of just dropping little hints here and there.

You are sounding more like Tom Purvis every day ( only hinting about things, and NEVER really giving us the full story )

Well, that could be either a compliment or criticism!

Hopefully, Chris takes it as the former.

Tom Purvis

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