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Bill Decker and John Tower

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I doubt that this will be the last JFK post that I write. Again, I am not really trying to solve the crime, and I doubt that anybody not on the inside ever will. I have made my initial interest in the JFK hit issue clear: it began with Gary Wean’s testimony. I am writing this because I recently finished reading David Talbot’s The Devil’s Chessboard. I also watched

last night, and have something to say about it. I have also made the distinction clear between facts and theories, and Gary’s reporting of the John Tower conversation I consider fact, in that Gary described that meeting as best he could, writing about it nearly a decade later. I also have no doubt that Douglas accurately described his last conversation with E. Howard Hunt, when Hunt said that JFK was killed because he was about to reveal the “alien presence” to the Soviet Union. That is quite a nugget.

Because Gary was a cop and detective, solving the crime was his profession, and he understandably took a crack at it and fingered Jewish mobsters as the masterminds. With Gary’s dealings with Jewish gangsters, and particularly his encounters with Jack Ruby, the direction of Gary’s theorizing is very understandable. Discerning readers will note that Jews did not come up at all in the Tower conversation, but it was all about Oswald’s military intelligence background and CIA connections regarding a fake hit on JFK that turned into a real one. IMO, the Jewish mob angle is definitely part of any conspiracy scenario, as Ruby was a Jewish mobster, who got his start as a hit man for Al Capone, if memory serves me. But I doubt that Gary had the right answer, as far as the masterminds go. However, I do think that Gary’s reporting, many years before it became common knowledge, that JFK was trying to end the Cold War and that was why he died, likely is accurate, and is related to the ET scenario that Douglas reported from Hunt.

With that preamble out of the way, here comes one of those long posts that I am notorious for. :)

Before I ordered The Devil’s Chessboard, I read a Mother Jones interview with Talbot, and the first line of the article reminded me that even supposedly “investigative” magazines such as Mother Jones have hacks in their ranks. Mother Jones got disciplined back in the 1980s, when it dared report the health issues of smoking cigarettes and promptly lost big advertising revenue. That Mother Jones even took tobacco company money back then showed how far they were from anything that one might call idealistic. Whatever inspiration it might have had was lost long ago, and reading that disparaging and semi-ridiculing prelude to the interview almost made me wonder if some CIA payola was involved. David Corn of The Nation is of a similar bent (I trust him as far as I can throw an elephant) who also works for Mother Jones, so no big surprise to see that kind of tenor around the interview. Just reading that interview prelude made me want to get Talbot’s book. Somebody being ridiculed in that way probably has important things to say.

My CIA connections go way back, at least to college in the 1970s, when one of my college professors was ex-CIA and proud of it, and one of our case studies in his management class was the “groupthink” that led to the Bay of Pigs fiasco. I had a close relative who was a CIA contract agent, who almost tried to recruit me into the family “business.” My father had to get a top secret security clearance to work in Mission Control during the Space Race, and he spent his entire career working for either NASA or the DOD, so “national security” is a rich part of my heritage. It was not unusual in the world that I grew up in, with my friends’ fathers working for the military establishment (MIC). The local military bases were the biggest employers in the area where I grew up, and aerospace companies were all the rage in California. Most people with scientific training in California ended up working for the MIC in some capacity. Among my fellow travelers, stories such as Mark’s are not very unusual, I am sorry to report.

After my big wake up call, from my years of pursuing free energy, I began to hit the books pretty hard. Gary’s account of the JFK hit was only one of many subjects that I dove into in those days. I quickly encountered Chomsky and the radical left, read Ralph McGehee’s memoirs, came to understand how the media worked (after being bludgeoned by it), and read about the Dulles brothers and their shenanigans in various books in my library, and perhaps the most memorable were Christopher Simpson’s Blowback and The Splendid Blond Beast. I read about how Cromwell of Sullivan & Cromwell helped “invent” Panama, in perhaps the greatest swindle of the American taxpayer to that time, and I read about how the USA overthrew the Guatemalan government at the behest of United Fruit, which the Dulles brothers literally had a financial stake in (and Ed Bernays was hired to provide the propaganda). I could cite many more sources from my reading materials in those days, but those are good highlights. With that background, I wondered if I would read much new in Talbot’s book, but I did glean interesting tidbits from it, which spurred me to write this post, and I will venture what I think the likely scenario behind the JFK hit was, not that it will be anything new or unusual to the scholars and serious researchers who are on this forum.

When I still directly interacted with the public, with my email address on my site, you might imagine the kinds of emails that I received, and when I began doing interviews, it began happening again, but via my interviewers. With the protected forums that I am in (which is relative), I don’t field the kinds of queries like I used to, but I still have had to address many questions about faking the moon landings (they happened as officially presented, as far as doing it with conventional rockets), and also the JFK hit, and I have seen some doozies. One theory presented to me was that JFK faked his own assassination. Has anybody heard a crazier one than that? :)

A major theme of my work is that all of humanity is behaviorally modern and is descended from the mere several thousand members that comprised our species 60,000 years ago or so. For those of us who are not sub-Saharan Africans or their direct descendants, we may all be descended from a few hundred people who migrated past Africa. We all have far more in common than we do differences, but like all social animals, we tend to form in-groups, and out-groups are fair game. One of the greatest failings of conspiracists is making the elite into an out-group. For all of their failings, and they are many, even evil, elites are humans like the rest of us. What they most fear about free energy, antigravity, and related technologies coming out is the obsolescence of elites. It really is no different from the reactions that most people have, as all they see is the end of the world as they know it, so they react with denial and fear. Those global elites ruined my life, but I wish them no harm. The greatest message of spiritual masters is that there really is no out-group, as we all are one. Only a loving approach is going to solve the riddle and get us over the hump.

On to The Devil’s Chessboard. One thing is for sure: putting Allen Dulles on the Warren Commission was putting the fox in charge of the henhouse. Dulles was one of the primary suspects and he ran the “investigation.” Talbot opened his book with an event that was also prominent in James Douglass’s JFK and the Unspeakable, when Dulles derisively blurted out in 1965:

“That little Kennedy….he thought he was a god.”

That stunned the man who heard it. JFK fired Dulles over the Bay of Pigs fiasco, and Dulles led the investigation into JFK’s murder? To any discerning observer, the Warren Commission was compromised at the outset, and having McCloy on the commission, who was oligarchy personified, was only icing on the cake.

Talbot ended his book with the late-life confession of one of Dulles’s greatest supporters, James Jesus Angleton, who knew that he was dying as he granted interviews to journalists. Angleton said:

“Fundamentally, the founding fathers of U.S. intelligence were liars. The better you lied and the more you betrayed, the more likely you would be promoted…

“Outside of their duplicity, the only thing they had in common was a desire for absolute power. I did things that, in looking back in my life, I regret. But I was part of it and loved being in it.

[speaking about Dulles and his cronies, who were the “grand masters”]…“If you were in a room with them, you were in a room full of people that you had to believe would deservedly end up in hell. I guess that I will see them there soon.”

Those were great bookends to Talbot’s effort. Talbot portrayed Dulles as somebody that most would call a psychopath. Dulles turned a blind eye and deaf ear to the Jewish Holocaust as it was happening, from his prominent perch in Switzerland, as he betrayed Franklin Roosevelt, the Commander in Chief. As the war ended, Dulles actively negotiated with Hitler’s henchmen and quickly rehabilitated Hitler’s biggest cheerleaders and put them right back into the positions they had while supporting Hitler, such as Karl Blessing. Hiring Gehlen’s organization was one of the most disgusting instances of realpolitik ever seen. Almost everything that Gehlen had gleaned on the Soviet Union was the result of torture and the murder of millions of POWs. Hiring Gehlen nearly led to World War III.

Dulles was such a ruthless charmer that his wife and most famous mistress dubbed him, “The Shark.” Dulles was a slick maneuverer who betrayed every president that he served, as his masters were the oligarchy, such as the Rockefellers. When he and his brother, John Foster, dominated the foreign policy of Eisenhower’s administration, they quickly began overthrowing governments. Overthrowing Iran’s government on behalf of the oil companies, and Guatemala’s on behalf of United Fruit, which both brothers had a financial stake in, was only the 20th-century version of George Washington’s land grabs from the Indians, and using American troops to do it. The USA has been a plutocratic and rapacious empire from the beginning, and the Dulles brothers were merely engaging in a time-honored tradition. There is really little need to berate them too harshly. The Dulles brothers soon graduated from “merely” overthrowing elected governments to assassinating heads of state, such as Patrice Lumumba.

Even after being fired, Dulles was still in the driver’s seat at the CIA, and the month before JFK was murdered, the CIA helped murder the head of state of South Vietnam, who was an American puppet. JFK was not in the loop for the Lumumba and Diem assassinations, and was shocked to hear about them. He soon joined them. For Dulles and company, it was but a short step to take out the USA’s head of state.

American nationalism is founded on a pack of lies designed to form in-group cohesion, and “get ‘em while they are young” is the time-honored MO, with children being forced to worship a flag from age five onward. In scale, duration, and intensity, the USA is history’s most racist nation. I knew that Truman and Johnson called black people “niggers” while in office, but I did not know that Eisenhower also did until reading Talbot’s book, and Ike even used the term to describe African diplomats. Eisenhower’s giving the order to Dulles to assassinate Lumumba was one of the more chilling events in Talbot’s book. Ronald Reagan also liked telling black jokes. My father did the same thing while I was growing up, so I am very familiar with that primitive mentality.

Regarding the JFK hit, I have no doubt that the CIA was somehow involved, and I doubt that it was “merely” coming up with a fake assassination attempt that turned into a real one by agents unknown. Leaving aside the John Tower conversation, in the words of Richard Schweiker, who sat on the Church Committee, everywhere that you looked at Oswald, there were the “fingerprints of intelligence.” Of particular interest to me was the Lemnitzer connection to Dulles, which Talbot covered in his book, as Lemnitzer was the author of the Operation Northwoods documents. Operation Northwoods was eerily similar to the operation that Tower described. In my opinion, if you want to know about the operation that killed JFK, interposed or not, you need to go deep on Lemnitzer, as well as his good buddy Edwin Walker, whom Oswald tried to “assassinate.” According to Gary, Tower said that the Walker incident was intended to give Oswald believable credentials for his upcoming “role” of shooting at JFK. That operation was in play for a long time.

As far as the Jack Ruby, Roscoe White, David Ferrie, etc., etc. connections were concerned, they were all low-levels players, and most of them likely had operational knowledge of the “fake assassination” ploy, and may well have been involved in “interposing” it. Such people are expendable assets in such operations. I doubt that we will ever know just who the trigger men were. As far as I am concerned, I highly doubt that Dulles was surprised in the least that JFK was taken out, and Dulles’s presence at the CIA’s “The Farm” in the days after the assassination, while JFK’s highly irregular autopsy and Oswald’s murder took place, certainly brings the suspicion that the puppet master was pulling lots of strings that weekend. I highly suspect that his being on the Warren Commission was merely more of “cleaning up” the operation.

This brings me to Douglas Caddy’s testimony. Wow, what a credible witness. He is right up there with Brian, as far as public credibility goes. I don’t know Douglas like I did Brian, but I don’t know how you can honestly impugn what he said that Hunt told him about why JFK was taken out. Others in my circle also had total credibility with me, as far as reporting their experiences, such as Dennis, Gary, Mark, Mr. Professor, Mr. Researcher, Mr. Mentor, Ralph McGehee, my CIA contract agent relative, etc. If they said that they saw something, you can take that to the bank. If I was ever to publicly reveal all that my fellow travelers and I saw and were privy to, almost nobody would believe it.

What follows will have keen relevance to what Douglas reported.

What particularly charmed me, and lent a great deal of credibility to Douglas’s account, was how blithely naïve he was to what he became involved with, working for CIA front organizations without the slightest inkling that he was. That is standard in that milieu. When John Perkins reported how jealous he was of the naïveté possessed by those who worked for him, unwittingly doing the dirty work of corporatism, it rang so very true. A close friend worked on a USAID project in equatorial Africa back in the 1980s, and I doubt that he ever figured out what he was really involved with. My contract-CIA-agent relative was recruited with the macho-patriot-James-Bond pitch, and it worked, like it does on most American men, and I doubt that he ever figured it out. However, doing that kind of dirty work entails a great deal of cognitive dissonance, at least for those who are not psychopaths, and my relative drank himself to death, which is a common fate in the CIA, with Langley full of zombies. Very few really figure it out, or really want to figure it out. Angleton’s confessions at his life’s end are unusual, especially that publicly. Hunt also gave life’s-end confessions, but as Douglas even stated, Hunt likely underplayed his role in the JFK hit.

When a Dennis or Ralph finally had their moment of truth, as they realized the depth of the lies that they believed in, and the blood on their hands, they nearly did not survive their moment of truth. My moment of truth was far gentler, as I had my face rubbed in evil. But everybody that I truly respected in the free energy and related fields all began their journeys naively, as a bunch of overgrown Boy Scouts. We all lost our naïveté honestly. When I told Dennis how shocking it was to see the dishonorable and criminal acts engaged in by our “allies,” he told me to join the club. That really was the primary lesson of my journey: the enemy is us.

How does Douglas’s testimony align with my views? Very closely. Let’s put aside his Nixon days for now and focus on Hunt’s final conversation with Douglas. If you begin to play the disruptive technology game, especially the disruptive energy technology game, you enter a different dimension than almost anybody else on Earth inhabits. Dennis made the biggest run at bringing alternative energy to the American marketplace that there ever was, as he put the world’s best heating system on people’s homes for free. He survived murder attempts and other outrages, inflicted by his “allies,” with mobsters being involved, before he made his big run in his home state, in 1984-1986, but that was just a warmup for when the electric companies got into the act. They called in all of their favors to take Dennis’s company out, and when a corporate hit man killed one of Dennis’s employees, Dennis had his first, but far from last, radicalizing moment in his energy journey.

After Dennis was run out of his home state with little more than the clothes on his back, I chased him out to Boston to help him rebuild, and soon became his partner. We soon received the first “friendly buyout offer” from the people who run the world, but neither of us suspected who was behind that offer. We soon moved the effort to the town where I was raised, and quickly began flying high. The CIA delivered the “final offer” from the people who run the world. They added a couple of zeroes to the offer, before they began playing rough. My life and the lives of many others were ruined during those events. But I rescued Dennis from a dire fate, in my life’s most heroic act, which led to the greatest miracle that I ever witnessed, and Gary’s advice played an important role.

I was finished with the inventor’s/businessman’s route to free energy, but I spent the next several years trying to understand what I had lived through. The year after I left my home town, to never return, I met Brian, who was just getting his feet wet in the free energy milieu. Literally, within minutes of meeting Brian, we were driving past the front gates of the world’s biggest Air Force base, making jokes about the alien craft and ETs housed there. The next year, Brian mounted a UFO conference, and was soon made an offer that he could not refuse, from the military, who “offered” to have him do classified UFO work. Brian nearly died immediately after refusing their “offer,” and the incident ruined his health and shortened his life.

Back in those days, a close colleague and friend received a little show from the people who run the world, as they demonstrated free energy, antigravity, and other mind-boggling technologies. In 1995, Brian published his first free energy book, and then undertook a journey to become the Paul Revere of Free Energy. I was his biggest fan in those days, and in 2001, we met in California, as he tried to interest the California governor’s energy advisers in free energy, as Enron and friends were in the midst of raping California. They nearly ran us out of town, in what became a famous event. After our encounters at the capitol, Brian and I traded notes. He told me about his brush with death, in great detail, and I told him about what my friend saw, and Brian’s reply was “So he got a show from the spooks.” He was more interested in my CIA-contract-agent relative than the show that my friend received. Almost all that he received during his ride as the Paul Revere of Free Energy were crazed reactions of denial and fear, and Brian began openly wondering if humanity was a sentient species.

Partly because of Brian’s run-in with the military over the UFO issue, he was a prominent member of Steven Greer’s Disclosure Project. Greer eventually mounted secret Congressional hearings, which Ed Mitchell co-chaired, and Gordon Cooper was one of the hundreds of witnesses that Greer lined up to testify. How do you impugn the credibility of Ed Mitchell and Gordon Cooper? I closely followed those events of 1997 when they happened, and when members of Greer’s team suddenly developed strange and advanced forms of cancer, it was no great surprise to people in my circle. The Global Controllers were dealing with the threat that Greer’s effort presented. Greer survived, but was never the same, but he did come to understand the ET/Free Energy connection.

My friend who received the exotic technology show does not even believe in ETs, but several years after first hearing his story, I heard some of Greer’s Disclosure Project witnesses describing some of the very same technologies. The technologies are very real and many were probably developed to a commercial level before I was born. For all of Eisenhower’s dark side, such as ordering the murder of a head of state, he began to realize how out-of-control the MIC was, which led to his famous speech when he left office.

Back to Talbot’s book for a moment, a month after the JFK hit, Truman published an article that said that the CIA was an out-of-control organization, a Frankensteinian organization of cloak-and-dagger bloodshed that he never expected when he signed the legislation that founded it. Bobby Kennedy, for his part, walked into a CIA office while Jack’s body was still warm and accused the CIA of being behind Jack’s murder. In 2013, for the first time, Bobby’s children came forward and admitted that they never believed the “lone nut” story of Oswald, and if they do not believe the “lone nut” story about Jack’s murder, they certainly do not believe it for Bobby’s.

Douglas’s reporting of Hunt’s “alien presence” explanation for JFK’s murder neatly aligns with my views on the situation. However, I disagree with anybody who thinks that the USA was some great, beacon-on-the-hill nation before Jack was murdered. The USA has been an empire since its early days, and has been a plutocracy since its richest man became its first president. The USA has overthrown governments since the 1800s, and eventually graduated to murdering heads of state. It was not such a big leap to take out JFK and cover it all up. In fact, it seemed to initiate a generation of assassination as policy on American political figures deemed expendable, including sitting presidents, with a “lone nut” scapegoat served up each time.

My view on the UFO/ET cover-up is that it has the same motivation for preventing disruptive energy technology from making it to market: protect the position of the global elite. Free energy, antigravity, and other hoarded technologies, if they got into the public’s hands, would usher in a new Epoch of the human journey, and elites would become obsolete, and they know it. That is the real reason behind those related cover-ups. It has nothing to do with a War of the Worlds reaction, which Eisenhower might have rightly feared back before I was born. Apparently, Jackie Gleason was at that UFO “open house” in the 1950s, and Gleason was following our free energy efforts just before he died, which I thought was odd at the time, but I heard about his ET involvement many years later.

In summary, I consider Douglas’s testimony to be a very interesting piece of the JFK puzzle, and it would not surprise me at all that the ET issue was the proximate reason for why JFK was taken out, but it was not the only one. The Soviets knew plenty about UFOs and ETs themselves. Jack was certainly not going to tell them anything that they did not already know or have a damned good idea about. Jack tried to end the Cold War and constantly challenged corporate America, which runs America’s imperial foreign policy. For that, JFK had to go, and every president since then has been a puppet, and he knew it. I call presidents and the entire political scene that we see in the media the “retail political system.” It is all for show, and the president’s office has no real power regarding the important issues. Brian advised several presidential candidates, and soon before he died, he told me that electoral politics was a dead-end. Fuller called politicians “stooges” of the economic interests, and from what I have seen, I agree. Important change will not come through the retail political system, which is nothing more than bread and circuses.

After many years of carrying the spears of the great, including Dennis and Brian, I realized that our populist approach was not going to work. I have been doing something different ever since, which they immediately realized was something different. In this forum, I have begun the kind of conversation that I think can make a dent. We will see how it goes.



Edited by Wade Frazier
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I likely won’t have too much more to say about the JFK hit, especially in a forum of such impressive scholars and investigators. But I am going to make this post on how I see the JFK issue. Really, the only contribution to the JFK assassination issue that I have to make of much importance is to state my confidence that what Gary reported was the truth, as far as what John Tower reported. You can take that to the bank. Gary did not make up that meeting or what John Tower said. Tower apparently was not in the inside of the hit, but was on the periphery of it. For me, the primary takeaway was that there is no way on Earth that Oswald was a “lone nut.” For me, that was the most important upshot of the Tower conversation. It is possible that Gary may have reported some details of the conversation inaccurately, writing about the event ten years later, but I think that they would have been very minor errors. But I never saw anything that seemed that way.

I could have stopped there, as far as what all of that implied, but I spent the next dozen years, on and off, looking into the evidence around the JFK hit, to see how it matched up with the Tower conversation, before I made a public statement. I never saw a convincing piece of evidence falsify Gary’s tale, and over the years, as more evidence came to light, Gary’s account received powerful confirmation, such as the Operation Northwoods documents. I never doubted that Gary truthfully reported his experiences, but I did the scholar’s duty in checking out everything that I could.

Again, I met Gary after my life had already been ruined by the people who run the world, and his advice was vitally important in helping me sacrifice my life to spring my partner from jail, in the biggest miracle that I ever witnessed. My partner still barely survived the experience. But without Gary’s help in my darkest hour, my partner likely would have never lived to see this side of the bars again. Gary is in my pantheon, for that alone.

But over the next dozen years, the JFK hit was just one of many subjects that I studied. Gary, being a cop and detective, tried to solve the crime, and concluded that Jewish gangsters were behind it. I doubt that is true, but they were certainly involved, as Ruby was a Jewish gangster. The Mob was certainly an interested party and helped out, but they were not the masterminds, IMO. But I think that Gary likely got it right that JFK was murdered because he attempted to end the Cold War. The brinksmanship of the Eisenhower years was truly insane. JFK was only trying to bring sanity back to the situation, but too many evil interests profited from it.

IMO, only the MIC had the means, motive, and opportunity to accomplish the hit and cover it up. They would have been the party most against ending the Cold War, because their racket would end. They have been my primary suspect early on, for various reasons. I was raised in a military family and nearly went to the Air Force Academy. My first professional mentor invented a bomb that did not harm people but ended warfare, which the Pentagon immediately moved to suppress, and one of my mentor’s innovations was used to fabricate the Gulf of Tonkin incident. He almost lost his soul working for the military. The MIC is evil, from top to bottom, and is one of the cartels that control the world economy. Those cartels are all evil, so there is no need to pick on the MIC too much; they are just doing what interests like them do. I have many inside connections on what they do, and it is not pretty.

What I have seen over the long years of looking into the JFK hit is that many people really believe the Camelot Myth, and think that the USA was a shining beacon on the hill, and once the hero was taken out, it is been a long slide to darkness. I don’t quite see it that way. JFK was no saint. However, I do believe that he tried to end the Cold War and blunt the USA’s imperial foreign policy, and for that, he had to go, just like so many Roman emperors fatally lost the game.

The USA has been a plutocratic empire since its early days, when its richest citizen became its first president, who was the architect of the plan to steal North America from its inhabitants, which worked great. JFK was the beneficiary of his bootlegger father’s success, ended up in politics almost against his will, and that made him better than most. In some ways, he reflected that Greek ideal of Noblesse Oblige. But like his dad and most men of power, he was serial philanderer. Again, he was no saint.

However, that does not mean that I agree with Uncle Noam’s assessment, who can always be counted on to stress how imperial the Kennedy administration was, overthrowing Latin American governments, setting the table for Vietnam, and so on. But what I think that Noam and others missed is that the sitting president, especially JFK, was not all that in control of the process. He was an outsider of the American political oligarchy, a nouveau riche upstart Catholic Irishman who was decidedly not from the Rockefellers' side of the house. The Rockefellers helped wreck my life, too.

I think that JFK was too much of an adversary to Wall Street and the Eastern Oligarchy, and for that, he had to go. I will also allow that Kennedy had more than a little idealism in him, and he could afford to, presiding over the greatest period of prosperity in the human journey, in the most powerful public office on Earth. For me, however, the JFK saga shows just how little power that throne really has. JFK was murdered in broad daylight in front of hundreds of witnesses, and it was all covered up, with the CIA’s spymaster running the show. To me, that is the lesson of the JFK hit.

Ever since JFK, all American presidents have been outright puppets and they know it, as the empire rolls on, although the wheels are starting to come off, just like with all empires, and we seem to be trying to start World War III, if it has not begun already. That they are not in the loop at all on the UFO/ET situation is just one situation of many in which the sitting president is nobody. Every administration since Reagan’s knew my partner by name, and Bush the Second’s energy advisor was a fan of my partner, but the federal government still ran him out of the USA, The Land of the Free. My astronaut pal fled the USA in fear for his life, and very understandably.

The key advice that Gary gave me was that nobody in the USA was going to intervene in the evil activities in my home town, as they are all in the same club. That kept me from wasting my time, camping on some Senator’s doorstep.

In the end, the American president is way down the food chain of power on this planet, and what I call retail politics is all for show, part of the bread and circuses that get served up for consumption, just like all entertainment. The sooner that people shed themselves of that illusion, the more they are going to be useful for an effort to truly right humanity’s ship.



Edited by Wade Frazier
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I am going to put this one in two threads:


I have a little time to write this weekend. On JFK, one pal wrote this post, and it brings up a good subject for the other forums that I post in. Before the modern era of studying mass extinctions, scientists proposed a hundred hypotheses for the dinosaurs’ extinction. It became an intellectual parlor game, and we now know that virtually none were valid, other than the bolide impact hypothesis, and the volcanism hypothesis still has not gone away, as a big volcanic event happened then and sea levels seesawed. I was just reading something on that this morning.

As contentious as the dinosaurs’ demise has been for scientists, it all pales beside the scenarios that have been proposed for JFK’s murder. Probably a thousand different scenarios have been proposed, almost all along the lines of a conspiracy of some kind. As I wrote, the most bizarre that I have personally received is that JFK faked his own death, and I have heard the half-joke that if the Warren Commission had the opportunity to take another crack at it, that they would have concluded that JFK committed suicide! :)

I mention that “accidental” Secret Service theory as an example of the many theories out there. That theory is not as bizarre as the Washington Post’s theory that there were two shooters, who did not know of each other and coincidentally fired at the same instant. Yes, crap that crazy is out there, even spun by such an establishment stalwart as the Washington Post. Most Americans are not aware that a plot very similar to the likely one in Dallas was foiled in Chicago a few weeks before JFK was murdered. There are way too many connections like that one to make any kind of lone nut, “accident,” or “coincidence” theories highly questionable. So, I don’t consider the Secret Service “accident” theory to be very credible. However, there are plenty of lines of evidence that some Secret Service personnel were involved in the assassination, and it can trip the light fantastic to go too far into it, but briefly…

One theory says that JFK’s chauffeur did it, based on a misleading analysis of the Zapruder film, where some reflections are interpreted to portray the chauffeur’s turning and firing at JFK during the event. That is just another example of the wackiness around the issue. Here are some lines of evidence that I think are likely valid, while not all point to the perpetrators, they point to something very different from the “lone nut” scenario.

Douglas Caddy’s interview is very compelling, and I have no doubt that Lyndon Johnson was every bit as dirty as portrayed, with his own private hit man. The idea that Johnson was involved in the JFK hit has plenty of evidence to at least give it credence, but he really was a minor leaguer. But he may well have been in the know, as far as something going down (as Bush the Second may also have known that something was coming), as when the fatal shots rang out, Johnson dove to the floor of his limo. When the limo got to Parkland Hospital, Johnson ordered the limo cleaned up, thereby compromising the crime scene, and he shared a frank moment with a Congressman as he was sworn in next to a bloody Jackie, as the Congressman winked at what appears to be a grinning Johnson.

There were a number of irregularities in the Secret Service’s activities that day, to give weight to the notion that at least some of them were in on it. There has been controversy for 50 years over the Zapruder film and accusations of tampering. I think that the accusations may have something to them, and at least some frames were removed, partly to cover up the fact that the limo came almost to a halt when the fatal shots were fired, exactly contrary to Secret Service procedure. That chauffeur was likely not all that innocent, doing his part to make the head shots easy. There is a photo of him getting off the witness stand at the Warren Commission hearings, wearing a big grin.

I really could go on for days on the many lines of evidence that point very clearly away from the “lone nut” Warren Commission version. The Commission was corrupted from the outset, as the man whom JFK fired over the Bay of Pigs, Allen Dulles, ran the commission. That smelled very similar to when Bush the Second appointed Henry Kissinger to head the 9/11 commission. I had a pal from Manhattan, who lived there when 9/11 happened, and she was skeptical of the “inside job” angle on 9/11…until Bush appointed Kissinger, and then she decided that it was probably an inside job after all.

I’ll say this about the JFK theories: those that argue that the JFK and RFK hits were unrelated don’t have much credibility with me. The Kennedy family has more than hinted that they were related, and I think it very likely that high-profile assassinations and attempts, with a “lone nut” scapegoat served up each time, became a “sport” in the spook world for about a generation. Also, in those years, FE inventors regularly met untimely ends, and when the spooks take you out, great pains are taken to make it appear as something other than premeditated murder. That just comes with the profession.

While there is a mountain of evidence, some very compelling, that point away from the lone assassin hypothesis, if I had not known Gary, I wonder how certain I would have been about the idea that Oswald was not the lone assassin. I think that I would likely be fairly certain, but Gary’s testimony removed all doubt for me, and it has been gratifying over the past quarter-century to see new evidence coming to light that further confirmed Gary’s account of meeting with John Tower.

In summary, I am certain the Oswald was not a lone nut, and I am pretty confident that elements of the MIC were behind the hit, as they had the means, motive, and opportunity to both murder JFK and cover it up. While Hunt stated to Caddy that JFK’s murder was to prevent him from revealing ET secrets to the Soviets, I think that that is a bit of a red herring (which even Hunt may have believed), as the high-level spooks had to have known that the Soviets knew plenty themselves about the situation. I think that the likely scenario is that JFK was not compliant enough to corporate America and the military establishment, and was quietly trying to end the Cold War, which was the raison d'etre of the spooks and friends, and a source of endless profits for the MIC, so he had to go.

All American presidents since JFK have been outright puppets and they know it, and none have been in the loop on the ET issue. My view on the matter is close to Ed Mitchell’s.

But I think that all the Sturm und Drang over identifying just who all was involved and what their role was is a little misguided. The lesson of the JFK hit, to me, is how evil our system is, from top to bottom, in that the head of state can be murdered in broad daylight in front of hundreds of witnesses, and it all got covered up. Trying to finger the assassins more than 50 years later is going to be an exercise in futility, and it serves to muddy the waters, IMO. It is plenty to know that the official version is a pack of lies and the general direction that the assassins likely hailed from. The rest usually flies off into thin evidence and hoary realms of speculation. Again, if you immerse yourself in that milieu for long enough, it can challenge your sanity, and if you ever got close to unmasking the conspirators, your life expectancy would greatly diminish. :)



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In reply to a pal in another forum, I am making another JFK post…

I’m going to do something that I have not done publicly before, and write about what I think happened on that fateful day and what the best pieces of evidence are, and what does not pass muster.

First of all, the entire lone gunman hypothesis rides on the back of the magic bullet theory, and if that does not pass muster, the entire lone gunman theory collapses, as admitted by all sides of the issue. The magic bullet theory is about the most strained body of “logic” that I have seen, Gerald Ford was eventually rewarded with the presidency for his promotion of it, and Arlen Specter was rewarded with a long political career for concocting it. Specter likely came up with it with a little help from his friends, such as Allen Dulles.

Let’s start with the bullet’s alleged entry into JFK. JFK had a wound in his back, several inches below his shoulder and inches to the right of his spine. That wound was probed during the autopsy, and it ended in his back. JFK had a wound in the center of his throat, several inches above where that bullet entered his back. That bullet hole was used for the tracheotomy that was performed on JFK at Parkland, and the doctors who used that wound described it as an entrance wound, and you can see how clean the edge of the bullet hole is in the autopsy photos. In order for the magic bullet theory to work for JFK’s wounds, the bullet had to enter his back, make a radical left turn and pass through his vertebra, to pass out of his throat. Right there, the magic bullet theory falls apart. That bullet had to have hit a vertebra in order to exit his throat, and if it did, it would have shattered, as the one that hit his head did. Not only would it have shattered, it would have begun tumbling. It would have left a very messy exit wound, if any, not the clean one in JFK’s throat.

But that was only the beginning of the magic bullet’s fanciful flight. According to the official story, that bullet somehow went through JFK’s spine without shattering or even tumbling. If you look at the footage, Connally can be seen being hit by the bullet seconds after JFK clutches at his throat. Connally had the air forcibly ejected from his mouth by the force of the bullet that hit him, seconds after Kennedy clutched his throat. One bullet did not do the damage to both men. The bullet(s?) that hit Connally made several wounds as it traversed his body, also hitting bones. So, one bullet made several changes in direction and plowed through a few bones as it passed through both men, without shattering or even tumbling as it exited JFK’s throat. Nobody but Warren Commission defenders takes that fairytale seriously, but the most bizarre part is still to come.

While the bullet left numerous fragments in Connally, it was not recovered…until it was “discovered” on an unused stretcher (neither JFK nor Connally were placed on it) in nearly pristine condition, at the hospital. If you are a student the JFK hit, it is one of many instances when “evidence” magically appeared and disappeared, including the camera used for the backyard photos and JFK’s brain.

Again, nobody who did not gulp the Warren Commission’s Kool-Aid takes any part of the magic bullet theory seriously, and the bullet magically appearing on an unused stretcher was obvious evidence of it being planted there to help frame Oswald. So, far from a cover-up, especially of some “accident,” there was an active frame job begun from the day it happened.

The magic bullet theory is just one of many instances of preposterous reasoning marshalled by the Warren Commission to arrive at its foregone conclusion. Again, my orientation was to see how the evidence matched Gary’s story, but I ended up getting very familiar with a lot of the evidence.

There are many issues with Oswald’s being the lone gunman. The motorcade route was not announced until that morning. How the hell could it be some kind of coincidence for a man without a motive to come running with his rifle of dubious provenance and do the deed? As Gary noted, the one conversation among arms experts across the globe in the weeks after the assassination was that there was no way that Oswald could have put two bullets in Kennedy from that position, in a few seconds, with that cheap Italian rifle. Also, that motorcade slowly taking those hairpin turns through Dealy Plaza acted against Secret Service regulations, and when professional snipers looked at that crime scene, it was a perfect set-up for a crossfire assassination. What a coincidence! :)

Here is what I think happened that day. Some in the Secret Service were in on it, Oswald only knew that his role as the assailant was about to be played, to justify invading Cuba, and the shooters were ready in their positions when the motorcade came around the corner. The so-called sniper’s nest in the book depository was likely just for show and used to frame Oswald, not where any of the shots came from, or at least any important shots from that Carcano. There were probably at least three shooters, triangulated, with one in front, one in back, and one from the side.

JFK was hit from the front, first, which was why he grabbed at his throat. At least two shots came from the back in quick succession, hitting him and Connally, and the final shot came from the front, which blew out the back of his head. A piece of his head was what Jackie scrambled onto the back of the limo to retrieve. The chauffeur completely ignored Secret Service protocol by bringing the limo to nearly a complete halt as the fatal shot was fired (which the Zapruder film may have been altered to conceal). The driver was supposed to accelerate and get the hell out of there when the shots rang out, not slam on the brakes, which made the job of the assassins much easier.

Something very close to that series of events is what I think happened, and Oswald knew within seconds that he had been set up. He did what he could, but he could spill the beans and had to be taken out immediately, and he was, by some Jewish mobster with the craziest explanation of all: saving Jackie from any more anguish. Ruby was a hit man for Al Capone at the beginning of his career. He was no two-bit hood.

I could go on for days about aspects of the official explanation that stink to high heaven. Again, knowing Gary removed any doubt for me that Oswald was anything but a lone nut. Oswald was a military intelligence asset, which is obvious to anybody in the field. As Schweiker said, the fingerprints of intelligence were all over everything about Oswald. He was just another expendable covert action asset, like my relative was.



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Your analysis & interpretations are as fine as any I've read in the 53 years I have been studying JFK's ambush & murder. Some would say your version of events make more sense that anything pushed by the US Government & its ever changing list of key players since the crime happened. I do want to add some food to the thought mix here about some current events & how present analysis is more closely scrutinized than it apparently was 53 years ago. Please don't take any of what you are about to read as any type of argument against what you believe is the truth of JFK's suspicious demise:

Briefly, two events in the last year have caught the global public's eye & much is being discussed about them both on the Internet. They are the mass murders of Ohio's Rhoden family (8 members murdered) & the Waco 'biker massacre' that occurred at Twin Peaks restaurant in Waco, Texas just about a year ago (May 17 marks the 1st anniversary of the infamous shootout) in which 9 bikers were murdered.

First, let's briefly discuss the Rhoden family mass murder victims, who Ohio police, other investigators & state officials are pointing fingers of suspicion at & who some analysts currently believe the culprits really are:

Everyone should know that when drugs are alleged to be involved in a mass homicide or drug operation bust, the habitats, bank accounts, vehicles & other possessions of the accused are seized by the county or state the alleged crimes occurred in until & sometimes after the conclusion of trials. This procedure dates back to the days of Bonnie & Clyde (the woman who owned the last car the duo & their gang stole, were subsequently ambushed & killed in, Ruth Warren, was forced to take on one of the B&C posse members in Federal Court, long after the crime duo were slaughtered in it, just to get her car back. Ruth Warren spent a small fortune to accomplish this. It was reported that the Louisiana parish sheriff in possession of the B&C 'death car' was charging visitors a nickel a head just to sit in the car for a few minutes). While Ruth Warren legally fought to get her stolen car back, relatives of B&C fought legally for a long time to retrieve the guns seized by police following B&C's ambush & slaughter. The loot the crime duo allegedly had on their persons when attacked & murdered was not retrieved, nor was paperwork indicating ownership of Louisiana property B&C allegedly had when ambushed & killed by law enforcement operatives in early 1934. BTW: Bill Decker factors into the B&C ambush too; Decker was flown from Dallas to the small Louisiana town that received the slaughtered crime duo to attend their autopsies. Decker can be seen in photographs standing behind the slaughtered duo prior to the start of their autopsies.

J. Edgar Hoover also factors into the ambush & murders of Bonnie & Clyde. Hoover's 'Bureau Of Information' (father to the FBI) was supplying tracking info to the posse that surprised the crime duo, ambushed & killed them. Hoover had B&C family relatives phones tapped & at least one family snitch on his payroll.

At present, friends, neighbors & Rhoden relatives are contesting the alleged Rhoden family drug operation allegations. They are being described as good people not involved in selling drugs of any kind by those who knew them best. We all know that almost everyone will open the door to a police officer standing outside knocking. Police have stated there were no signs of forced entry into any of the 4 Rhoden crime scene residences. The perpetrators got past vicious guard dogs too. It appears the family knew their murderer(s). In a small town, everyone knows the police & vice versa.

To make a long story short, some analysts currently believe the Rhodens were murdered by members of police, county or state officials possibly involved in drug operations of their own. The mass murders of the Rhoden family have effectively wiped out an alleged competing drug operation & allowed the county/state to seize the 4 residences plus other belongings of the Rhodens, effectively bypassing Rhoden family heirship. Some at this point say on the Internet police & state officials are the perpetrators, not Mexican drug cartels (El Chapo), family feuds, some disgusting inbred family relationships type thing, jealous neighbors with a grudge, etc.. To date, no visual proof of a marijuana drug operation has been supplied to the public, nor info on buyers & distribution of the alleged operation.

Now, let's briefly look at the Waco biker shootout. Originally reported by CNN on Sunday, May 17, 2015 as competing biker clubs (Bandidos & Cossacks) fighting at a public restaurant (during a scheduled biker meeting) over the right to wear a patch on their biker vests & not be obligated to pay dues to the competing club led to gunfire erupting between the competing bikers with law enforcement officials joining in (in an attempt to stop the unlawful fighting & shooting) & killing 4 of the 9 victims. Most of the bikers at the scene were arrested & held on $1 million dollar bonds.

That initial CNN & police live TV narrative has changed several times over the past year to bikers claiming the police present did all the shooting to each biker club claiming the other club did all the shooting, to variations of both. To make matters more confusing, law enforcement officials disclosed that mixed in with the fighting & shooting bikers & police responders were undercover police disguised as bikers.

Police & restaurant surveillance video has been slow to trickle out to the public. To make matters worse, some of the police dashcam video is silent, meaning that the shooting can be seen but not heard by visual analysts. That alone fuels suspicion to some analysts that the police are hiding something.

In another thread I posted a link to one of the latest police dashcam videos (silent) that captures a good portion of the entire shootout & aftermath. One of the victims is seen dropping to the ground like a rock after being shot in the neck. It was the 1st video I have ever seen of a person getting killed from a shot to the neck. More on this in a moment....

Like most of the Waco biker victims, released individual autopsies indicate most victims were shot from an elevated position more than 5 feet away. This led many to speculate that the shooters were police rooftop snipers positioned on the roof of an adjacent restaurant to Twin Peaks.

After watching this video countless times, I believe the gunshot neck victim was shot by a person dressed as a biker (genuine or undercover) kneeling down around some parked motorcycles & firing in an upward trajectory (just the opposite of what the autopsy states, no rooftop snipers involved). The apparent shooter runs to behind a brown truck seen parked near the police officer's squad car supplying the dashcam video. That person is bald headed & dressed entirely in black. He joins others hiding at the rear of the brown truck.

Others dressed as bikers can be seen also being shot dead in this video. No one identifiable as a police operative can be seen shooting at a victim. To date, no one has been brought to trial for any of the 9 deaths.

JFK was shot in the neck also 53 years ago. The possibility that he died with that shot or was close to death as a result of it has not been completely factored into the multi ambush analysis one can find in the public record over the years. Nellie Connally looked directly into JFK's face after the 1st shot she heard & consistently stated on record that JFK looked 'dead' to her. How many self-proclaimed 'expert' or accredited expert analysis have you ever seen incorporating Nellie's experience or the biker victim dropping to the ground instantly from a gunshot wound to the neck have you ever read on the JFK case?

Analysis can be good & it can be wrong. Coroners make wrong analysis of people's deaths every day in every country on Earth. Murderers skate whenever that occurs. Just because the fellow drives a Jaguar & lives in a mansion doesn't mean he knows what he's doing in every case he handles. To date, I have yet to see the SS agents tailgating JFK's touring car factored into a shooting analysis. This is in spite of witnesses on record smelling gun smoke as they were driven down Elm Street to & past the area of street previously occupied by JFK's Lincoln & his SS guards & transport car 'right on top of him'. Neither have the outboard JFK limo DPD motorcyclists been factored into any shooting analysis. 53 years is a long time to pretend those persons were not present during the attack on JFK's life. In a totally honest analysis, everyone who was present when the crime occurred gets scrutinized. In this case is mostly LHO who gets pulled through the old washer water ringer.

All of this, I offer as simply food for thought. It is obvious to those that have read your posts that you have put a tremendous amount of thought into what happened to JFK on Elm Street 53 years ago, Wade. I & others salute you, good Sir.

Brad Milch

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Hi Brad:

Thanks for the kind words. They mean something, coming from this forum, which has seen many high-quality researchers and scholars in it. Other than reading JFK and the Unspeakable and The Devil’s Chessboard in recent years, I have not studied the JFK hit evidence much since 2001. My center of gravity was always seeing how the evidence fit with Gary’s story, but I ended up getting familiar with the evidence, enough to draw some of my own conclusions.

Some of framing Oswald was for that operation to frame Castro, but some was to frame him as the shooter after the hit happened. That would have been a relatively easy frame job, given the framing that had already been done, and the way it was pulled off was brilliant, in that those who participated in the initial Castro frame job, including the FBI, CIA, and military, would have gone into CYA mode, as Decker told Murphy, making the cover-up relatively easy. I think that the double-cross of the Castro framers is partly what created so many threads of evidence that make the JFK assassination issue so complex for serious investigators, and the obvious disinformation from the government, plus the three-ring circus around it (like 9/11), make making sense of it all a tall task indeed.

For me, the magic bullet theory made it obvious how strained the official explanation was, to eliminate there being more than one shooter. Dealey Plaza was a perfect setting for a crossfire ambush, and that motorcade route was carefully planned for the operation, not only for the frame Castro operation, but the real hit.

To your writings on recent events, you mean that the police may have been involved in murder?! :) When the dust settled in Ventura, I thought that cops and lawyers were about the lowest forms of life. But Gary was a cop and I have worked with lawyers daily for 15 years or so (corporate, not criminal, law), so I know that there are good people in the ranks, even mostly good people. The drug trade has indeed turned many cops into hit men and the like. A generation ago, I worked with a man who was a former military policeman, in narcotics, and I told him how the judges ran the drug trade in Ventura County, with the police in on it, and his reply was, “Wade, that happens in every county in the USA. The temptation of all of that money is irresistible to them.”

So, yes, no big surprise that the cops may have committed mass murders recently, and framed up their victims, etc. After we sprung Dennis from jail, some reporters from an alternative newspaper in Kern County (where Bakersfield is) covered Dennis’s case, and I talked a little with them. They told me about one story that they had been investigating for years in which a couple of cops were high on cocaine, were driving like mad through town, ran a red light, and plowed into a woman’s car. The cops died, as I recall, the woman barely survived, and she was the one being prosecuted for manslaughter or some such inanity, and the Kern County officials were making it stick. I am way closer to stuff like that than I want to discuss right now, but in short, I would not be surprised if cops were involved in those Ohio murders (I used to hike near where those murders happened), and cops and bikers is an explosive mix. :) Waco sure has been in the news way too much for deadly events in the past generation. :(

Thanks for writing.



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Hi Brad:

I see that you updated your post since I wrote my reply. I’ll buy the idea that the throat shot could have killed JFK by itself (as it likely hit his spinal cord), and the head shot was superfluous. Could the SS guys also have been among the shooters? It would not be the first time that the royal bodyguards helped out with a coup. I have recently been responding to the SS accidental shooting scenario, and if any SS bullets hit JFK, I think it highly unlikely that they were accidental. I admit that I am not very well read on SS-shooter or cop-shooter theories. I have always thought that it was a sniper team. That was some highly accurate shooting, to hit JFK in the throat, back, and head, even if the limo was slowed down for the last shot. I favor marksmen in a triangulation ambush. That is just my opinion, and Oswald was not one of them. :)

Thanks for writing.



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Your scenario is a valid one, Wade. I look at all possibilities, even LN viewpoints. Personally, I think JFK's guards knocked him off quickly at point blank range. I have problems envisioning sniper teams shooting over the heads of fellow agents, but then again, I wasn't there.

While it's fresh in my mind, I'd like to comment on some Bill Decker observations I have after visiting Dealey Plaza many times in the past. First & foremost, when Bill Decker made his emergency radio call to his officers to report to the triple underpass rail yards, all he had to do to lead his men in the hunt & potential capture of the shooting perpetrators he believed were located in that area was to simply open the passenger door of Jesse Curry's white Ford Galaxy (visible in James 'Ike' Altgens photo #7), cross Elm Street (1-2 street lanes), walk up the West side of the triple underpass, cross the train tracks & there he would be, in the same area many of his employees parked their cars! Decker might have even seen Dan Rather standing on the sidewalk with his CBS 'grapefruit' bag to make his film drop off for processing that Rather claims was his purpose at that location during the ambush & aftermath of JFK's murder.

Had Decker been an Army commander & left the scene as he did for subordinates to deal with, he would have been relieved of Command IMHO.

Decker's office was a short walk from the kill zone. Exit the building, walk across Houston street to the back of the pool & monuments, walk across the meridian grass & one is at the crime scene. A very short distance & walk. It wouldn't have taken much effort for one or more of Decker's employees that parked in the area behind the grassy knoll stockade fence to transport weapons to & from the crime scene. Who would stop & question one of Bill Decker's deputies? Decker's emergency radio call to his men was from a short distance around either side of the mouth of the tunnel created by the triple underpass to his office on Houston/Main streets. A very short, quick walk. Several of Decker's deputies were already outside the building & heading towards the rail yards on their own (Eugene Boone was one of them).

Most, if not all of Decker's witness statements read to me as basically saying the same thing over & over. Almost like they were prepared in advance. How many different people see & hear the exact same thing in a traumatic, unexpected event? How many use the same words to describe what they saw & heard?

Bill Decker has not been closely scrutinized in prior analysis IMHO. He was allowed to fall through many cracks that might have solved this case long ago.

What you have written previously in this thread is deserving of a book publication, Wade. As researcher Jim DiEugenio has pointed out in his JFK history books expose, a book like yours is sorely missing from the propaganda force fed to US students currently. A book authored by you just might fix what's wrong in school & college systems.


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Hi Brad:

Thanks again for the kind words, I have to run off to work now and will reply more tonight, but briefly, the JFK hit was one of the two starkest memories of my childhood, with the other being the Apollo 1 fire a few years later. That was more of a family trauma than a national one, however. People have been suggesting to me for 15 years to parlay my writings into books and advanced degrees, but that is not my path. I am trying to save the world! :)

I’ll write more on Decker, etc., tonight. I give great weight to Gary’s account of his meeting with Decker and Tower, which has always been my center-of-gravity for the JFK hit, and I’ll discuss some possible scenarios around it, some of which have been suggested by others. For me, the bottom line is that Oswald certainly was not the lone nut, and the resultant frame job and cover-up speaks volumes about our system’s legitimacy. But the interests that had JFK killed were likely down the food chain a ways from the people on top.



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This is going to take more than one post. It is related to another series that I have been writing, on scientific literacy and how we “know” what we know. I’ll say up front that any serious JFK assassination student has encountered numerous theories on who did the shooting. Most “other-than-Oswald” theories have a team doing the deed, from international teams to mobsters to the CIA to the Secret Service to the Dallas PD, etc. I remember one theory in which some aristocrat who could shoot with both hands blazed away from the lawn as the motorcade passed. The theories range from the surreal to the plausible to the likely. For me, just who pulled the trigger(s) is not really all that important. Their employers are infinitely more interesting, and on that score, I doubt that the public will ever truly know, and there are also “free-lance” assassination team theories, too. Whew! :)

I am onboard with the idea that JFK was killed because he angered the oligarchy, the MIC in particular, as he tried to end the Cold War. He then had to go, and every president since JFK has known that his position was dependent on how servile he was, but they all knew that long before they became president. You have to sell your soul to get close to that throne. Sitting American presidents are little more than puppets, and JFK was probably the last president who really tried to rock the boat. The spectacle of his campaign against U.S. Steel has never been seen again, not even remotely. More on that later, but I want to get back to what I “know” about the JFK hit and why.

My initial data point is also the strongest for me: I am as close to 100% certain as I can be that Gary reported his meeting with John Tower, et al., as accurately as he could. Gary was a policeman and investigator, and was trained to recall events like that. I have several reasons for believing the veracity and accuracy of Gary’s account, and one is that he went out of his way to help me in my hour of need, which directly led to the biggest miracle that I ever witnessed, as the forces of evil were backed up a few steps and we survived to try again.

Dennis wrote his first book from his jail cell when it looked like he would never live to see this side of the bars again. Gary’s book was written after his career had been destroyed, writing between customers at the gas station and store that he bought after his career was wrecked (and Ventura County’s gangsters eventually stole that from him, too). He wrote most of his book in the early 1970s, and his wife typed it up. I wrote diary accounts of my adventures after surviving my first stint with Dennis, and Dennis and Gary did better than I did under far more duress. Their books are remarkable documents.

In the late 1990s, a retired policeman befriended me, and he witnessed one of the events in Gary’s book, and Gary told it straight. I independently believed Gary’s account of some events that he wrote of before I ever heard of his book. He named names, many of which I knew and knew of, including the father of my only pal from my Ventura childhood days that I still keep in touch with. For none of the events that Gary wrote of, that I was familiar with, did I ever think that Gary was not writing it as he saw it.

My CIA pal Ralph McGehee blew a different kind of whistle, and I have known plenty of whistleblowers and have been called one myself, and I can see why. Insiders such as Gary and Ralph, who risked a great deal to write and publish their books, are in my pantheon, and anybody who thinks that they did it for money or fame does not understand people like that. They did because their consciences would let them do no less. I know the kind all too well. Gary had a violent job, and his wife once told me that Gary was a fighter, not a lover, and he never quit taking on the gangsters that run the system.

The data point of that meeting with Tower I have heard called the tent pole of a master theory that brings most pieces of the assassination together under one explanatory scenario. It is one hell of a data point. The players and the way that it happened is the most extraordinary JFK-related event that I have heard of, recorded by one of the participants, who was an active investigator at the time.

I never saw any credible piece of evidence contradict any part of what Gary recorded of that meeting. I have seen arguments that Tower and Decker were somehow setting up Gary and Audie Murphy with some disinformation, but it really strains credulity to think so. Murphy and Decker were close friends. I think that Decker had a terrified and anguished John Tower on his hands, and wanted to get something on the record, as some kind of “ace in the hole,” to perhaps protect Tower, but Tower gets conscience points, IMO, for doing what he did. The “facts” that come out of Gary’s account of that meeting are many and important, such as:

  • Oswald was a military intelligence asset;
  • After returning from the Soviet Union, Oswald became part of a covert action talent pool that E. Howard Hunt tapped for what seems for all the world like the CIA’s version of Operation Northwoods, and the CIA, FBI, military, and even members of JFK’s cabinet were in on it;
  • Somebody turned the fake assassination plot into a real one, and the people involved with the fake plan were caught flat-footed (more patsies), and their confusion and fear provided Tower the opportunity to get his story into Murphy’s and Gary’s hands;
  • After their initial shock passed, all the players in the fake assassination plot decided on a cover-up at all costs, in a CYA move.

Because of my certainty that Gary was reporting that meeting as accurately as he could, I have not believed any of the “lone nut” stuff since the 1980s. Many aspects of Gary’s account have been vindicated many years later, such as the Northwoods documents and Gary’s statement that JFK was killed because he tried to end the Cold War.

The Northwoods revelations also shed new light on the Edwin Walker “assassination attempt,” which Gary also wrote about, and accurately, it seems. I have much, much more to write on this subject.



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Gary survived a murder attempt in his battles against the gangsters who run Ventura County, and most of my fellow travelers survived murder attempts, and when they came from the spooks, the methods of murder could become bizarre, with various military toys and exotic weaponry. Murdering the head of state in a hail of bullets was pretty mundane. Hunt concocted some of the hundreds of creative assassination attempts that the CIA tried on Castro.

Gary never went quietly, but constantly waged lawsuits, trying to get the evidence into court. When I met him, he told me about how he watched transcripts being altered in court, to erase his testimony. He would file legal motions, and the court clerks would put them straight into the shredder. Any lawyers that he tried to hire were soon threatened with disbarment if they took Gary’s cases, so Gary had to become his own lawyer. His lawsuits would be dismissed for the most frivolous reasons. Just as the dust was settling in Ventura County, Gary ran for sheriff, and a law was quickly passed to make him too old to run for office! Gary was no shrinking violet, hiding in the shadows, but waged his battles right on Main Street.

Dennis’s case saw many of the same tactics that Gary told me about. Motions that Dennis filed while in jail, with his million dollar bail, would simply become “lost.” When Mr. Big Time Attorney had enough of the gutter maneuvers by the Ventura County gangsters, he filed suit in federal court. The year before he took our case, he mopped up the floor of the USA’s Supreme Court with the IRS, and the prosecution in Ventura committed some of the very same crimes that he fried IRS agents over, and he was looking forward to mopping up the floor with the goons in Ventura. Not only did the feds dismiss his case, they threatened him with disbarment if he refiled it. As Dennis told me, Mr. Big Time Attorney’s rough treatment while defending Dennis sobered him up. He thought that whipping the IRS took him into the Big Time, but he was rudely disabused of that notion, as the California gangsters treated him like something smelly that they stepped in and unceremoniously wiped from their shoes.

Gary told me that the only reason why he was alive was that he never broke the law, no matter how egregious the situation was. If he had ever broken the law, they would have had an excuse to murder him. As it was, they clipped his wings by breaking into his gas station/store and “finding” an extension cord that “violated” the code. It was so extreme that it was like some parody of evil, but we had the same experiences, and when the prosecution made faces at me as I was on the witness stand, it was the turning point of my life.

So, Gary’s account of the John Tower conversation has 110% credibility with me. The implications of the Tower conversation should be prime grist for the JFK mill, but until I published my essay, Gary had been ignored by virtually all researchers, except for Michael Collins Piper’s Final Judgment, because Gary took the Jewish mobster angle on his theorizing. Gary met Jack Ruby back in 1947, when he was a VIP member of Mick Cohen’s entourage (Ruby worked for Al Capone early in his career), so Gary’s Jewish mobster theorizing was not too far out there, although my personal belief was that their involvement was as hit men, not masterminds. I consider a mobster shooter team one to be of the likelier suspects, along with some CIA contract agents. I believe that the Cuban exile milieu, which Oswald was up to his neck in, was not only where the fake assassination attempt scheme was hatched, by Hunt, but the real shooters likely hailed from that same milieu, but their efforts were directed from a few levels above people such as Hunt and Tower.

You may notice, however, that Jews do not come up at all in the John Tower conversation. The Jewish angle was Gary’s, understandably. Jewish mobsters wrecked his life and tried to kill him, and one in particular still sits on a federal bench to this day, in his 90s, and is a noted “liberal” judge, which is standard gangster cover.

Not long before Tower died in a “tragic” plane crash, Gary had a subpoena served on Tower, and Tower looked like he swallowed his shoe when Gary’s pal served it. It has been kind of bizarre to have all manner of fringe-dweller hearsay be key parts of the JFK evidence, while a cop who constantly waged battles in the legal system was almost completely ignored.

I’ll soon write on the many implications of the Tower testimony, but for now it is off to work.



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I have to rush off to work soon, so this will be a short one. There has been plenty of suspicion relating to Bill Decker, the Dallas Sheriff’s Department, and the Dallas Police Department. The Roscoe White story, and how one of the backyard photos ended up in the possession of his widow, is one of the many intriguing connections to the assassination. Obviously, at best, investigative procedures broke down, and Ruby murdered Oswald at the Dallas PD, as he was being transferred to Decker’s custody, so I am very sympathetic that at least some in those jurisdictions were in on it, maybe as infiltrated agents for the CIA, I have heard that the plot was hatched within the Dallas PD, etc. Decker was in JFK’s motorcade.

But again, I am going to lean heavily on Gary’s account, in which Decker told him and Audie Murphy:

“God only knows how this will turn out so you guys get something straight right now. There was never any conspiracy in my Sheriff’s Department nor in the Dallas PD. I’ve known all these people too long…I’d have known it…believe me, something as crazy as this I’d feel it in my bones.”

Then Decker asked them if they wanted to meet who turned out to be John Tower.

As I have written plenty, I accept the authenticity of Gary’s account, and I’ll say that Decker’s reaction was genuine, between friends. If the assassination plot involved members of the sheriff’s department or Dallas PD, Decker was not aware of it, and Tower’s story is all about much higher levels of the game, such as military intelligence and the CIA, whose members were double-crossed themselves as the fake assassination plot turned into a real one.



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I have never written too much about Audie Murphy and the Tower conversation. Murphy was a legend from a bygone era, with nobody in the USA today of his particular stature. Any man of his generation, especially who had been in the military in World War II, immensely respected him. That was surely part of why Tower met with him, Gary, and Gary’s partner. When Murphy announced the trip to Gary, to go meet Tower, it was with a big grin. They flew to the meeting in New Mexico in Murphy’s private plane. Murphy also had some horse business to engage in there, and they did that on the way back to the plane after Tower’s sobering revelation.

The documentary evidence that Tower gave to Gary, he gave to Murphy for safekeeping. I have been asked about the envelope by some names in the JFK milieu, but I don’t know what became of it. I never asked Gary. I never felt that I should. After they got back to LA, Gary and his partner knew that it was a situation that they had no business sticking their noses into, and it would definitely risk their lives to. They decided to stay quiet, and a few days later, Murphy called them to his office at Universal Studios, with his grin gone, and told them that Decker had been ringing his phone off the hook. Hunt’s team had recovered from the initial shock of having the operation infiltrated to pull off a real assassination, and the CIA, military, and FBI then went into cover-up mode, and Decker told Murphy to return the envelope, and that Tower had that meeting and gave them that envelope in a moment of panic. Murphy said that they threw the envelope’s contents, torn into pieces, out of the plane on the way back to LA.

Decker died in 1970, Murphy the next year in a plane crash that Gary did doubted was an accident, Gary’s partner Frank died several years later, and Tower’s plane crashed in 1991 (the day after another politician died in a plane crash, and their deaths have “curious” coincidences), leaving Gary the last member of that meeting until Gary died in 2005.

Gary thought that Arlen “Magic Bullet” Specter was one of the monitors of Hunt’s operation, in order to interpose it and turn it into a real assassination. More on that in later posts, but for now, it is off to bed.



Edited by Wade Frazier
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Gary’s writings can seem like something from the McCarthy Era, and in a way, they are. Gary was no left-winger. He was a World War II sailor and an old-time policeman who believed that if the law was properly enforced, we could have a more just society. That was definitely part of his friendship with Audie Murphy. Gary did not vote for JFK, but as he began to understand what JFK was doing, he became more sympathetic, and many years before it was fashionable, Gary wrote that JFK was trying to end the Cold War, from reading Anthony Summers’s book and that was why he was murdered. Summers interviewed Gary about his knowledge of Marilyn Monroe’s life and death, for his Monroe book, and Gary was frustrated that Summers kept ignoring whom the evidence pointed to in the JFK hit.

By the 1980s, Gary was the most knowledgeable person alive regarding those LA days. Gary knew that Monroe did not commit suicide. She was being used as the world’s highest-class hooker for an influence-peddling scheme that reached into the White House, and when she became a loose cannon, she was murdered.

Movies such as LA Confidential and Chinatown were like chapters from Gary’s career. Again, Gary goes off the deep end on Jews and Jewish gangsters before his book is finished, and I can see why. His life was ruined by Jewish gangsters who also tried to kill him, and one still sits on a federal bench to this day, as a noted “liberal” judge (whom Gary saw meeting with Mick Cohen back in 1947, when he had Cohen under surveillance).

As I see it, the only real contribution that I can make to the JFK assassination milieu is to note that I knew Gary and that he was describing his meeting with Tower, Decker, and Murphy as accurately as he could. I have no doubt about that. If nothing else, it blows all “lone nut” theories out of the water. Gary had his own ideas about the perpetrators, including Arlen Specter, who was Jewish and who also concocted the Magic Bullet theory. The Jack Ruby connection is undeniable, and Gary met Ruby when he was a high-ranking member of Mick Cohen’s entourage.

There are all sorts of juicy nuggets like that in Gary’s work, from his days in LA. What Gary reported as his experiences, I have no doubt about. His theories are another matter. I approached the issues like a scientist or scholar. There are facts and hypothesis, and the scientific ideal is to construct hypotheses that account for all the known facts regarding a phenomenon. While there are many ways to interpret the facts of Gary’s journey, including very differently from how Gary did, for me, the lone nut theory on the JFK hit died in the 1980s.

I’ll go into Gary’s theories a little more, and then my own, and present my views on the JFK assassination issue. I part company with many in the JFK researcher crowd on numerous issues. I am not trying to solve the crime, but poking holes in the official story is more my game. Our system is not worth believing in. It is rotten to the core, and I am after bigger game than that, trying to help manifest the biggest event in the human journey. The JFK hit is certainly one of history’s most sensational crimes, and the resultant cover-up should make any thinking person pause, while thinking of our system’s legitimacy.



Edited by Wade Frazier
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