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"Survivor's Guilt" now on KINDLE; 80+ messages about Hickey!

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My book "Survivor's Guilt" NOW IN KINDLE: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00GF2MVMW/ref=docs-os-doi_0



ALSO- I received 82 messages from "regular folk" about Hickey and my blogs all went up massively in views last night. I take it the ratings on that "JFK: The Smoking Gun" were huge??? Geez

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Guest Robert Morrow

My uncle even called me asking if I had seen Reelz last night on TV. So sad. Such utter garbage. I had to straighten my uncle out on this one. He said "They made it look so real" on TV. Well, Uncle, you can believe everything you read on the internet or see on TV.

No, Uncle, the Secret Service guy did not shoot JFK by accident. It was an intentional military-style crossfire with multiple shooters.

Basically Reelz TV just dumped feces all over the brains of millions of Americans in one fell swoop.

Edited by Robert Morrow
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Robert, I agree with your comments. I didn't know whether to laugh, sigh or cry when watching that "docudrama".

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