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Frontline - Oswald: Myth, Mystery and Meaning

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That is just the worst. Three guys who haven't followed the case for 20 years agreeing that Oswald was the only shooter, but with one wondering if he didn't have some help.

Tons of stuff on Oswald the malcontent.

None on Oswald's buddy George DeMohrenschildt and his strange connections to the CIA.

NONE on Antonio Veciana and his claim he saw Oswald talking to a CIA case officer.

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Gerald Posner: The evidence only leads us down a rabbit hole if we tend to look at it in its entirety and are overwhelmed by the accumulation of strange events and unusual characters. Instead, researchers need to approach each area of the case as separate but ultimately related investigations.

There you have it folks. Posner doesn't want us to look at the strange (implausible?) events or characters because we'll end up like Alice, down the rabbit hole.

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Gerald Posner: The evidence only leads us down a rabbit hole if we tend to look at it in its entirety 1 and are overwhelmed by the accumulation of strange events 2 and unusual characters. Instead, researchers need to approach each area of the case as separate but ultimately related investigations.

1) so don't look at it in it's entirety..like Oswalds past...not only because it tends to preclude a motive entirely, it lends itself to shoddy research and overall stupidity. keep it nice and dumb for your dumb audience..

2) "strange events" that are "overwhelming" are why POSner has an adult diaper company for a sponsor and not something people should avoid when looking into a crime. Most crimes usually have a "strange" component to them.

As for his use of "overwhelming", I think POSner is referring to the time he was scared near death by door to door brownies he thought were extremely short Cuban Revolutionaies..it could also be a term for the amount of BS he spews.

If this POSner guy wasn't for real I would think he was a one man Spinal Tap of the JFK community...

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