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US/NATO/EU and the desperate subversion of Ukraine

Steven Gaal

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‘White rain’: Donetsk residents record alleged phosphorus shelling (VIDEO)
Published time: August 15, 2014 11:17

Image grab taken from a video uploaded on YouTube by user Pravda TV on August 14, 2014

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Citizens of Donetsk have recorded multiple videos of white glowing particles raining on residential quarters. The locals allege that Ukraine's military has shelled their city with internationally prohibited phosphorus incendiaries.

On Thursday night, people in the Lenin district of the city of Donetsk saw a flow of white fire pouring down from the dark sky alongside the now-familiar sound of bombing, RIA Novosti reported.

They suspect these have been incendiary shells stuffed with white phosphorous, similar to those reportedly used by the military during the blockade of another eastern city of Slavyansk in June.

So far there have been no official reports from the scene about the results of the night shelling of Donetsk, which could confirm whether white phosphorous munitions have really been used against densely-populated areas.

Interfax news agency reported that unusual munitions that resembled “fireworks or white rain” after exploding have been seen on a front of the battlefield up to 5 kilometers wide.

Charles Shoebridge, a former UK counter-terrorism intelligence officer and Scotland Yard detective, who first investigated the use of white phosphorus by the Israeli Defense Force during the Gaza War of 2008-09, told RT that the video “does appear to show some of the characteristics one would expect to see with the use of white phosphorus or a similar incendiary ammunition.”

“In particular, a large number of brightly burning particles falling rapidly to the ground, without the assistance of for example parachutes to slow their descent, suggests this wasn't a more commonly used illumination ammunition, such as flares," Shoebridge said, stressing though that “one would associate large volumes of smoke with white phosphorus use,” which are not visible, probably because the video was recorded at night.

The Ukrainian Army claims they are in the final stages of freeing the city of Donetsk from the local militia. Pro-Kiev forces are using heavy artillery, such as rocket launchers, against a city with a population close to 1 million (approximately 950,000 citizens).

Further scenes of devastation are emerging from across the city, with many buildings burned out or riddled with shell-holes. A large number of private homes in Donetsk have been burned down as firefighters fail to extinguish fires caused by shelling.


A house burnt during artillery bombardment in Donetsk. (RIA Novosti / Maks Vetrov)

At least 74 people, including children, have been killed in the city in the last three days.

Donetsk has come under constant fire from the Ukrainian Army since May and has already suffered at least 128 attacks. According to the statistics of the Donetsk People’s Republic, at least 839 people have died in these attacks over the last three months.

Another regional center, the city of Lugansk, remains a hot spot on the war map, being under siege for practically two weeks now. City hospitals are running out of supplies, whereas the gas stations have already run out of fuel altogether.

The population of the city, facing a looming humanitarian crisis, has almost halved, RIA Novosti reports. The food supply is unstable, which has already led to price hikes and public transport is dwindling, while garbage disposal has been suspended. Potable water treatment facilities have no more chemical agents for the disinfection of water.

The Ukrainian Army and National Guard have continued shelling communities and residential areas around the regional center of Donetsk.


The rooms inside the Ilovaisk Construction Department building destroyed during bombardment by the Ukrainian Army. (RIA Novosti / Mikhail Voskresenskiy)

One of them, the small town of Ilovaisk, some 35 kilometers from Donetsk, has been shelled day and night for the last nine days. After Ukrainian troops failed to capture the town, pro-Kiev forces besieged it and began shelling residential areas.

Though the self-defense forces have announced recently that they managed to break the enemy chain around the town, the heavy shelling continues.

Rockets from Grad multiple missile launchers fired by the Ukrainian Army have destroyed a local railway wagon factory, a Maintenance and Repair Department, a children's camp and a boiler house. In addition, they have damaged a large number of private dwellings, RIA Novosti reports.

The Ukrainian National Guard is deliberately shelling gas stations to cut supplies of natural gas to the town, Russian news agencies reported.

Several thousand citizens who could not evacuate from the town because of a lack of transport due to constant shelling are hiding in the cellars 24 hours a day. The victims of the shelling are being buried in parks and dooryards because the ongoing battle prevents citizens from burying their relatives in cemeteries.

Both electricity and water supply in Ilovaisk have been restricted, so even firefighting teams do not respond to emergency calls.

The locals say they cannot establish the real number of dead and wounded because of the absence of any authorities in the town.

In Grabovo village a device, most probably a Tochka-U ballistic missile, has left a crater eight meters deep.

In Gorlovka, shells destroyed a recreation center, a shopping center and a marketplace.

In one place, the small town of Zugres, local authorities say 15 people, including three children, died.

Ukrainian troops are trying to cut the connections between militia forces in Donetsk and Lugansk, but so far their efforts have been in vain.

In the meantime, the Lugansk self-defense militia has launched a counteroffensive against the Ukrainian Army, blocking a unit of servicemen near Miusinsk and inflicting a defeat on Kiev’s troops near the town of Krasny Luch.

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DONETSK, August 15. /ITAR-TASS/. Militia in Ukraine's self-proclaimed Donetsk People's Republic (DNR) claimed a major victory on Friday, saying they had destroyed the Goryn battalion recruited in the Rivne region, western Ukraine.

DNR fighters said the enemy had suffered heavy casualties in manpower and equipment. Part of the Goryn servicemen were taken prisoner, they said, adding that no precise figures were available at the moment.

A DNR militiaman involved in the clash said the battalion was destroyed in Grad multiple missile launchers' attack near the border with Russia.

ITAR-TASS does not yet have confirmation of the report from other sources.

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In the ranks of the security forces there are people that do not re-violence, said the head of the interrogation educational part.

Under the Miner's squad militia commander callsign Shahid broke Ukrainian armored convoy near the village of Bolshaya Shishovka under Miner's and captured several soldiers of the Ukrainian army. During interrogation, it was found that one of them - the political officer of the battalion as a colonel APU.

- We have moved from Stepanivka, changed their place of deployment. In the column, in which I was, there were four armored vehicles - said the colonel. According to him, the military moved and the location of his battalion, which is fully staffed. Under the political officer fought about 800 people.

The colonel said that the armed battalion is "Grad" in the fighting, some of them were damaged, but the military repaired and re-used them.

Militia asked zampolita why Ukrainian military often exhibit inexplicable cruelty: shooting and killing civilians. We captured the military were found empty packages of narcotic drugs.

Colonel militia told that once saw a woman with a baby, who were killed by the military with special cruelty. Woman cut, and seven-month baby killer let automatic rifle in the chest.

- I personally deputy battalion commander for educational work. I can only say that we could not hear the personnel that should be killed, cut ... You know, there are people who are already hard at this time to re - admitted Ukrainian political officer.

Alexander Nikishin
Central News Agency Novorossia


DNR militia killed one of the fortified areas where Ukrainian troops shelled residential areas of Donetsk. Representatives of the Self-Defense Forces said that the capture had been destroyed three MLRS "Hurricane." It is also reported that the Ukrainian military killed 20, captured four settings "Hurricane", two self-propelled mortar "Tulip" and more than 500 rockets and ammunition.

Representatives of Donetsk Republic clarified that fortified area was equipped with a powerful network of fortifications. Militias were found warehouses with plenty of ammunition, as well as more than 100 boxes of used ammunition and missiles, RIA Novosti reported.

Alexander Nikishin
Central News Agency Novorossia


In the suburbs of Lugansk militias captured Intelligence Group of the National Guard of Ukraine, which was to prepare an attack on a Russian convoy.
This was reported in the headquarters of the militia proclaimed Lugansk and Donetsk people's republics.
"Three commandos moved on the car" Chevrolet Niva ", in the trunk where it was found three grenade launchers and eight shots to them, seven anti-tank mines, small arms and a metal box for storage of ammunition, - said the representative of the General Staff. - Weapons, ammunition and mines was hidden in bags of pasta. "
What tasks were posed to members of the group
During the interrogation, Ukrainian saboteurs admitted that performs the task of mining of the road section from the village to the village Komissarovka Roadside, as well as on the organization of the shelling of the Russian convoy carrying humanitarian supplies to residents south-east of Ukraine.
According to one of those arrested on August 14 on the territory of Donetsk and Lugansk regions was sent 7 more Ukrainian subversive groups, which also had to carry out ambushes in other parts of the roads leading to the territory controlled by militias.
Saboteur detainee also said that at the briefing SBU warned participants reconnaissance, so that they did not destroy the Russians accompanying the convoy, and forced them to expand the column to the Russian border.
The result of this armed provocation had become frustrating the delivery of food and medical supplies of Russian humanitarian aid convoy to the territory controlled by the militia, admitted Ukrainian saboteur.
Currently militia forces are searching for other Ukrainian subversive groups reported at headquarters.

Alexander Nikishin
Central News Agency Novorossia

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MOSCOW, August 15 (RIA Novosti) - Moscow says weapons supplies to Ukraine by EU member-countries violate legally binding obligations on arms exports embargo, Russian Foreign Ministry Friday.

“Weapons supplies to Ukraine by the EU member-countries… violate legally binding obligations – the Arms Trade Treaty (ATT),” the ministry said in a statement.

“According to the Hungarian online newspaper Hidfo.Net, Hungary’s Defense Ministry is supplying Ukraine with armored vehicles, including T-72 tanks, through a ‘proxy agency,’” the statement reads. “Weapons supplies from Hungary to Kiev is a direct violation of Budapest’s obligations under conventional weaponry exports.”

The ministry added that under the ATT’s Article 6 (2), a member-state “shall not authorize any transfer of conventional arms… if the transfer would violate its relevant international obligations under international agreements to which it is a Party, in particular those relating to the transfer of, or illicit trafficking in, conventional arms.”

“Some can object arguing that ATT has not come in force yet. This requires the treaty’s ratification by 50 UN member-states, and today the document has been ratified by 43 states. However, we stress that out of these 43 – 20 are members of the European Union, including Hungary which ratified ATT on April 2, 2014,” the ministry said.

The ministry also attracted attention to Article 6 (3), which says that a state party “shall not authorize any transfer of conventional arms… if it has knowledge at the time of authorization that the arms or items would be used in the commission of genocide, crimes against humanity, grave breaches of the Geneva Conventions of 1949, attacks directed against civilian objects or civilians protected as such, or other war crimes as defined by international agreements to which it is a Party.”

MOSCOW, August 15 (RIA Novosti) – The Kiev government has intensified its military action to prevent the humanitarian aid convoy from moving along the agreed route to the city of Luhansk in eastern Ukraine, the Russian Foreign Ministry said Friday.

“We would like to note that the Ukrainian military has intensified hostilities with an evident purpose to disrupt the convoy’s route from the Russian-Ukrainian border to Luhansk that was previously agreed with Kiev,” the ministry said in a statement.

“It appears that a lot of people both in Ukraine and beyond its borders are willing to stop the humanitarian mission, regardless of new bloodshed and destruction,” the statement reads.

According to the ministry, reports come out regarding the direct threats to use force against the humanitarian convoy that Russia sent earlier this week. At the same time, the Russian side remains “strongly committed to a speedy and full-fledged implementation of the agreements reached with the leadership of Ukraine and the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) about the delivery of the humanitarian aid” to citizens of Ukrainian eastern regions.

The Russian Foreign Ministry urged all the sides to declare an immediate ceasefire for the period of the humanitarian operation in accordance with international humanitarian law and called on ICRC, the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) and the United Nations (UN) to actively support the Russian efforts.

Amid the humanitarian crisis in eastern Ukrainian regions engulfed in armed hostilities between government forces and independence supporters, Russia dispatched a humanitarian aid to the crisis-hit country. The 280 trucks sent by Russia are carrying about 2,000 tons of humanitarian aid, including 400 tons of grain, 100 tons of sugar, 62 tons of infant food, 54 tons of medical supplies and medication, 12,000 sleeping bags and 69 mobile electrical generators.

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Seventeen Ukrainian soldiers crossed into Russia's southern Rostov region on Saturday and laid down their arms after fleeing the fighting, Russia’s Federal Security Service (FSB) said.

“It happened this morning,” Nikolay Sinitsyn, the official regional representative of the FSB, told RT. “They were provided with food, and they’re safe here. We’re carrying out a probe.”

He added that all the Ukrainian soldiers had been provided with food.

“Whoever wants to stay, can do so – after the probe,” Sinitsyn said.

It’s not the first time that Ukrainian troops have crossed into Russia: in early August, 438 soldiers were allowed to enter the country after they were surrounded by self-defense forces on Ukrainian territory, lacking equipment and clear orders from their commanders.

Ukrainian prosecutors have launched over 480 cases into the defection of military personnel since the start of Kiev’s military operation in the east of the country, said Pavel Bogutsky, the Southern Region prosecutor in charge of military cases.

“The investigation into 145 criminal offences has been completed, and the indictments have been sent to court,” he said during a meeting of top military personnel on Friday.

“Over half of these indictments concern people who deserted, refused to carry out their military duties and disobeyed orders,” he added.

Over 30 people have received actual sentences so far, he said.

10:39 GMT:

The International Committee of the Red Cross is ready to take the Russian humanitarian aid column under its jurisdiction, should Russia and Ukraine agree on the matter, official representative of the ICRC Galina Balzamova told journalists.

“We need an agreement between the two sides – the Russian and the Ukrainian – to do that. Currently, as we know, there is no such agreement,” she said.

09:53 GMT:

Dozens of protesters gathered at Saint-Michel place in Paris on Friday to express their solidarity with Donbass residents, and to denounce Kiev's ongoing military offensive in the region, Ruptly reports.

Protesters waved the Russian flag and held signs reading "Stop genocide in Ukraine" and "Genocide in progress, silence. Gaza, Donbass, same fight."

08:32 GMT:

Lugansk has been in a critical situation for two weeks, with no electricity, water or communications, the city council said.
Intensive shelling has taken place overnight, with several fires started, including at a local supermarket, residents said.

Only essential food is on sale.

Medical supplies and fuel aren’t being delivered to the city.

Banks are closed, and pensions and salaries are not being paid.

MOSCOW, August 16 (RIA Novosti) - The former defense minister of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic, Igor Strelkov, is expected to form the army of Novorossiya, the union of Donetsk and Luhansk republics in eastern Ukraine, DPR's Prime Minister Alexander Zakharchenko said Saturday.

"Igor Ivanovich [strelkov] has done a lot to build the army of the Donetsk People’s Republic. He has created the basis for forming the army according to the Russian model... Because such a model is the most understandable one to us in terms of mentality, in terms of the rich history of joint military action that our predecessors have conducted since the dawn of time. We understand the relationship between the commander and the subordinates," Zakharchenko said.

DONETSK, August 16 (RIA Novosti) - Ukrainian servicemen largely switch sides to join the independence supporters of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic, DPR's Prime Minister Alexander Zakharchenko said Saturday.

"One of the commander of the 25th Airborne Brigade took his infantry combat vehicle and switched to our side. As of today, he has assumed command of the troop. And such cases are numerous," Zakharchenko said, adding he expected more brigades to yield themselves prisoners.

The prime minister and former battalion commander explained the mass switches to the militia side saying the Ukrainian forces did not understand "why they are here, what they are fighting for and what they are dying for."

"Whereas we fight for our land, our children, our homes. We are on our land, we have something to fight for. The moral spirit of any subdivision that fights for its home is a step above that of a subdivision fighting for money without the understanding of what it is fighting for," he said.

DONETSK, August 16 (RIA Novosti) - The self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR) has "a very bad humanitarian situation" and desperately needs the aid that is being delivered by Russia, Donetsk Prime Minister Alexander Zakharchenko said Saturday.

"The aid, which the Russian Federation is sending us and which we still have not been able to receive, is as needed as air... The low-income population of all towns and villages of DPR needs it, the injured, the sick, the military need it," Zakharchenko said at a briefing in Donetsk.

"Nearly our entire infrastructure has been destroyed by the Ukrainian Army, the trade network is nonexistent. The Ukrainian forces destroy water towers, thermal power stations, and infrastructural objects. At this point, it has become critical," he said.

In past few days, the independence supporters of the DPR and the LPR (Luhansk People's Republic) have regained control over the road leading from Russia to Luhansk and Donetsk to allow the Russian humanitarian convoy to pass through uniterrupted, Zakharchenko said.

DONETSK, August 16 (RIA Novosti) - The self-proclaimed Donetsk People's Republic (DPR) has appointed Alexander Karaman, a Transnistria native, who previously served as deputy prime minister on social policy, as its new foreign minister, Donetsk prime minister said Saturday.

"Alexander Karaman, who held several important positions and is a professional, has become the new foreign minister," Alexander Zakharchenko said at a briefing in Donetsk.

MOSCOW, August 16, /ITAR-TASS/. The control over Ukraine’s southeast is important for Kiev first of all because of the shale gas deposits, which Western countries should be developing, head of the State Duma’s international affairs committee Aleksey Pushkov said on Saturday.

“Kiev is fighting in Ukraine’s east for the gas reserves: Germany says the reserves make 5,578 billion cubic metres (bcm) [the U.S. reserves are 8,976 bcm]. Control will be from the U.S.,” he wrote on Twitter.

Kiev yesterday announced the destruction of the column of heavy military equipment, allegedly thrown into the territory of Ukraine from Russia. Data on the intersection of the boundaries of the Russian armored vehicles originally came from the Western media.

In the Defense Ministry categorically denied the report, and the Russian Foreign Ministry said that Kiev is engaged in "a high level of cheating." Meanwhile, in part to clarify the fate of the Russian convoy carrying humanitarian aid for the Donbas: to work on its customs clearance joined Ukrainian experts and representatives of the Red Cross.

United States authorities should pay more attention to restore order in his country before imposing his dubious experience of other countries, the Russian Foreign Ministry said.

"In Geneva, the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination considered the report of the United States on the implementation of the obligations under the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination. Experts have identified a significant number of gross violations of the rights of racial and ethnic minorities in the United States, "-soobschaetsya on the Russian MFA website.

Among the violations listed "limited access to education, legal protection, health, and the electoral process, the continuation of pollution indigenous territories, the use of child labor in agriculture," etc.


As a true patriot of his city and his country can not stay on the sidelines. In the city of Sevastopol and the Crimea after the entry of the city into the Russian Federation, oddly enough, has remained and continues to operate so-called "transport company SAT" is located at ul. Vakulenchuka 32 \ B (area of ​​the plant "Mayak"). They carry out ground transportation Ukraine, Crimea, despite entered sanctions and prohibitions flood the market Crimea Ukrainian products, thereby undermining the economy of our country.

But this is not the worst. I know one hundred percent that the company is financed by some departments of ATU forces in Ukraine, helping the National Guard, delivering food, ammunition in the war zone, and also makes the purchase of modern body armor, helmets (M-5), tactical flashlights, ballistic glasses etc. Under the pretext of charity collects voluntary-compulsory funds from staff to help Ukrainian bandits.

As under our noses can run a company that does not even bother to check in Crimea as a foreign company? I'm not talking about non-payment of taxes to the local treasury, because it is more due to our facilities helps to kill the Donbas our compatriots !!!

I hope for your professionalism, compassion and patriotism!

PS Due to the fact that the leadership of this company knows residence of all its employees, I can not give her name and sign this letter, because I fear for the health of your and your loved ones.

Patriot of his country,
Central News Agency Novorossia

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Saturday, August 16

13:35 GMT:

France’s President Francois Hollande has urged the Kiev government to “exercise restraint” during its military operation against the militias in east Ukraine, the Elysée Palace reports.

Hollande and European Commission chief Jose Manuel Barroso agreed during their phone conversation that it is necessary to create conditions for the delivery of humanitarian aid to civilians in conflict-torn Ukrainian regions and for the resumption of a political dialogue.

11:45 GMT:

Kiev is trying to review the agreements on Russian humanitarian aid to the eastern regions of Ukraine, Russia’s Foreign Ministry stated.

“We categorically deny the ill-meaning manipulation of facts that has been recently done by representatives of some Ukraine’s government bodies. In particular, according to media reports, the representatives of the Ukraine’s Security Council state that the Russian side refused to deliver the humanitarian aid via the border posts controlled by Ukraine. Wild guesses circulate that we allegedly didn’t provide the information on the contents of the humanitarian aid. Both allegations are contrary to the facts,” the Foreign Ministry’s statement said.

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The Cold War-2: sanctions, risks and opportunities
Today, 1:22 | Category: Feed » Analysis
There are four things that never come back:
spoken word emitted arrow
the past and the missed opportunity.
Omar Ibn Al-Khalifa

The current situation calls for a reappraisal of risk in international operations. A more globally - revaluation methods of economic management in Russia. Firstly: the current aggravation of relations with the West is likely to be lengthy. The Cold War-1 (1945-1985, 40 years) was a response to the victory, and the expansion of the Soviet Union after World War II. And this is not the first episode. Attempts to stifle Russia after World War I, the rejection of its territories to the Brest peace, copying situation dismantling Soviet aggression during the Civil War, the policy of economic blockade in the period of 1918-1920. and its a continuation-in-x 20-30. Targets of the Cold War-1 - the collapse of the USSR and the assimilation of its residues in the world market - achieved. The purpose of this aggravation, the Cold War-2 - Further expansion of the USA and the complete subordination of Russia.

Second : the United States wants to use the worsening global situation to improve their own economic situation and strengthen their leadership. The current Great Recession is akin to the Great Depression of the 30s. Both crises - crises expansion of the capitalist system, resting in a crisis of overproduction. The only difference is that now the central banks poured markets with liquidity, and while there is an active international trade. The United States is well remembered that the First and Second World Wars, bringing ruin Europe, they brought them out of the crisis and put forward as a global leader. P. Krugman said that "out of the crisis, we need an economic analogue of the Second World War." For Europe, the Ukraine - the struggle for markets, but the EU does not understand that the damage caused by deterioration of relations with Russia is above this potential benefit.

Third , whether we like it or not, foreign world, at least in parts of the country, identify with the United States (and depend on them almost all countries, even China's economy N1) is now hostile to Russia. West uniform. There are countries with which we have normal trade relations, as it was in the isolation of the USSR. West needs Russia's raw materials, and caused the collapse of the Soviet Union blockade in the 20-30 years of the 20th century was precisely this fact. But in terms of financial and economic risks have assets, at least in the United States or countries allies United States (and in the same Ukraine if the Nazi regime did not collapse) is extremely risky. These assets will go "hunting", they will come under pressure, and the risk of loss is very high. Actually, the whole rising tide of information about the sanctions that have been fully confirmed. Global conclusion to be drawn from this: keep assets in these countries is impractical and, while there is time, it is better to sell, exchange or withdraw.

Evidence to support this thesis from the "captains" of our business quite a lot. So back in March-April, very prudently G. Timchenko rushed to sell their foreign assets, Usmanov since the beginning of 2014 had sold shares of Apple and Facebook. The largest Russian metallurgical companies - NLMK, "Severstal", "Mechel», Evraz, TMK, OMK - have assets in the United States, while "Severstal" in late July, found a buyer for American assets. Recently "MegaFon" has translated about 40% of its funds in Hong Kong dollars.

At the end of July 1941 the United States confiscated all Japanese assets in the declaration of the trade embargo, which was supported by allies, which found its answer in the mad attack of Japan on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, which marked the entry of Japan into World War II. During the operation in Libya, the United States and the West have frozen the accounts of the Bank of Libya, Gaddafi and his entourage. Iran sanctions included freezing the assets of the Central Bank of Iraq, military companies and banks off from the payment system SWIFT.

Fourthly , the history of Russian liberal cycle is complete. Its displacement is only a matter of time - that would require evolutionary transformation of the existing economic and financial system, formed as a mechanism of subordination of Russia, and with them - a radical or partial change of elites, who now run the country. Emergency measures will generate a wave of state intervention in the economy to the accumulation of resources in the public, rather than private interests, which has been repeatedly observed in the corresponding periods.

Our elite used the country as a cash cow, they do not want to invest in it, do not want to pay taxes, adequate to what they take away, preferring to withdraw capital from the country. Elite are obliged to invest, pay taxes, and contain state otherwise or it will collapse or become a dictatorship, which will put everything in its place. How to lose a sense of self-preservation, to destroy its economy, relying on imports? Our elite thought they were over the hill its: real estate, family, children, studies, bills, wonderful technique, property rights there. But all this is a mirage.

Ukraine - laying. The real battleground - civilizational conflict between the Russian, Orthodox world and the Catholic-Protestant West, which will have no end. Therefore, our elites (except "fifth column"), while Russia will have even the slightest sovereignty, never enter the elite world - we are not wanted there.

For the purposes of understanding the United States must look at the Act (BILL) № 2277 "Act for the Prevention of aggression on the part of Russia 2014". The law puts the political and economic goals. Paragraph 206 "Support for Russian democracy and civil society" (organization "Russian Maidan") is actually aimed at destabilizing the internal situation in Russia. Law number 2277 implies sanctions on major state-owned banks and state-owned companies.

Western sanctions limit our ability to curtail Ukrainian conflict and put in a political stalemate. Ignoring Novorossia means the loss of confidence of the people, active measures - external crisis. How serious are the consequences of a new wave of sanctions? What are the risks associated with them?

The United States imposed sanctions on major defense companies and banks. Limited involvement of state-owned banks loans in dollars for a period exceeding 90 days. Then, despite the protests of the business to suit joined Europe. Sanctions imposed Ukraine. USA oppresses us as a main competitor in the arms market, prevents the modernization of our armed forces.

What hopes the West? elementary calculation: planting earlier Russian companies and banks on dollar liquidity feeding needle, chop off access to it. And since our "Krupnyakov" used to build the pyramid of debt currency (despite the repeated warnings of many experts), the calculation goes to their bankruptcy. The situation is extremely complicated: our gold reserves (not all in liquid form) are on July 25, 2014 472 000 000 000. Dollars, decreasing from the beginning of the year, and external corporate debt - 720 bln. (GDP 2013 - 2.556 trillion. Dollars ie 28%), including debt of banks - 206, and corporations - 443 billion. dollars. Debt companies should be compared with their foreign currency proceeds. Risk management at the state and management of large state-owned corporations rather weak. It is advisable to establish a ministry of economic and financial security as an independent body, reporting directly to the President.

Here is quite interesting statement by John Perkins, author of the book "Confessions of an Economic Hit Man": " There are two ways to conquer and enslave a nation. The first - the sword. Second - long ... ".

Russia was the first time on a dollar a needle during perestroika. To us a broad river flowed currency loans, which we bought food, equipment and rags. By 1989, the external debt reached $ 50 billion (8% of GDP). Then oil prices fell, and Russia lost sovereignty in exchange for new loans, accompanied by reforms, the legacy of which we are reaping.

Sanctions give Western companies and their risk departments a clear signal. He will lead to the complete closure of the limits on financing of Russian companies and banks from Western players, including the funding of our exports. The market ended, capitalism has shown his true colors. But these measures should be interpreted symmetrically Russian risk management.

For the West, the imposition of sanctions - it cut the branch on which you sit. Closure of foreign exchange reserves will inevitably lead to a drop in demand for imports in Western Russia. Restricting the supply from the West will give a chance for the revival and growth of domestic production, agriculture and technology. The same effect will give EU measures to reduce investment and revision of programs of cooperation with the Russian Federation.

It will be difficult, there may be short-term negative effects, but it all depends on the proper management of the economy. Imports of agricultural products can be reduced drastically. We can grow almost everything except bananas and papaya. The country may become the largest producer of agricultural products, as she was before the revolution. Without raising agricultural Russia will become a desert, there is no fertility, and the Far East will be "quiet" mastered Chinese. It is a matter of national security. We should recall the experience of Stolypin and follow the path of his reforms. Another aspect of the problem - the organization of subsidies and the formation of a procurement under the patronage of the state. Hope on the market in the persons of the southern diaspora former Soviet republics - the worst option, which puts our farmers to the brink of survival.

Closing lines of credit and monetary growth rates for Russian companies should encourage the revision of the financial model of Russia from its monetary authorities. Financing is available and Chinese banks, unless the United States and will substitute the sanctions and if China wishes "risk" against the will of the "big brother". The most important thing - that Russia did not repeat a major mistake, and getting off the dollar needle, did not sit down to a needle Chinese. Because China is fast enough turn us into "little brother". This also applies to the production - you can find other suppliers, but preference should be given to the Russian producers.

Our borrowers having revenues in foreign currency, you must send it to the main part in the extinction of emergency loans to the West. Reliable companies who had no foreign currency earnings, can provide domestic foreign currency loans due to foreign exchange reserves of the Bank of Russia and the loans of state banks.

Money supply in Russia, as in the colonial countries, tied to the dollar and is determined mainly by the operations of buying and selling by the Bank of Russia. This trend has continued in spite of the rapid expansion of direct lending to the banking system by the Bank of Russia. The degree of saturation of the money economy, the ratio of M2 to GDP volume - about 47%. Whereas in developed countries and up to 70-100%, while in China - about 190%. Even in the Soviet Union, which did not have a developed banking system, it was about 90%. And we have in 1996 - 13%. Ideal scheme for bankruptcy and destruction of the economy. As a result, we have the highest (usury) rates on loans - more than 17-22%, which makes our financial system and the economy uncompetitive. Our rentiers and financial lobby is not interested in reducing the rates. Liberal lobby money under the guise of fighting inflation actually completely blocked since 2012 growth opportunities, landing on an empty cash economy rations.

Due to the expansion of cheap domestic credit, you must create an opportunity for on-lending to companies in Russia, the substitution of external currency debt on the domestic Rublyovy. This will contribute to the overall cost of credit in the country and increase the degree of monetization of the economy that directly stimulate its growth. Russia must regain the right to the printing press, which had the USSR. Closure of the foreign capital market should lead to the formation of a huge market of ruble domestic capital.

If the West confiscate assets, Russian companies can not return the loans and confiscate the property of foreigners in Russia. Next goes the rejection of calculations in dollars, would collapse the whole world trade, and chaos will reign. On the possibility of developing a confiscatory law in March said the Federation Council. Who needs this new economic "Caribbean crisis"? Russia is already beginning to translate part of the trade in the BRICS countries, and Europe's economy will slow down. Alliance against Russia, BRICS will not lift one arm.

Sanctions have a huge multiplier effect . Evroselhozproizvoditeley collapse caused by closing our markets to cause problems for their subcontractors, bank loans and by reducing prices - will hit the entire industry.

The imposition of sanctions is equivalent to creating an artificial array of risk, which is typical for the initial stage of any crisis (crisis of confidence, a domino effect). Reduction of trade between Russia and the EU could trigger a new round of global crisis - Europe's decline will begin, which will spread to China, will return to the United States. Then drops the demand for raw materials, which will also affect the Russian Federation, the exchange will fail and enter another recession. The West does not understand that these measures are actually working against the dollar, encouraging the transfer of trade and financial flows, the BRICS countries in their domestic space.

It is also possible the withdrawal of assets from the stock market non-residents of the Russian Federation, which will be maintained and the residents of the Russian Federation. In the case of a large depth of this fall may hit the banking system and the economy, causing a crisis. After reaching the bottom of the company could buy back their depreciating assets, then the market could be supported by large state-owned banks. The potential risk of default of Russian companies can cause capital flight and also make the situation worse.

External hard assets can be transferred to other jurisdictions or to return to the country. Recall the story of the crash of money in Cyprus: it was the first call. If you start disassembling the USA will not disassemble, who "own and who is a stranger," and pricheshut one size fits all. "Unclean" money can easily be lost. It is better to bring the currency to reduce the amount of foreign assets and invest in Russia. The same applies to our foreign exchange reserves - they need to restructure the risk by buying more gold and assets of the neutral countries.

Given the inevitable deterioration of relations with the West, Russia is waiting for the growth of domestic production, including high-tech and military applications. Over time, there will be other terms of capital investment, other than real estate and financial sector.

In this sense, the project will completely destroy the VAT increase this possibility, it must be drastically reduced to 5-7% (Crimea - a great example) that will bring the economy out of the shadows and dramatically improve the investment climate. VAT - a tax that is ruining our production, creates a split shadow economy and huge corruption in which a significant part of the taxes collected rather than the state of transit obnalnymi offices, kryshuemymi on. Replenishment possible introduction of a sales tax, a progressive tax on incomes Person, raising the taxes on the property and at the expense of input tax on financial transactions (Tobin tax).

Do not need to follow the path of self-isolation (if possible), and refuse to cooperate with the West, but we need to sign a "stop" on the ability to dictate to us the conditions. The most important task, which successfully solved the leadership of the Russian Federation - the creation of geopolitical bloc of BRICS countries and some developing countries as an alternative pole of the world, working outside the dollar area.

Our main weakness in the indecision of our elites, who fear the closing of foreign markets and offshore accounts, confiscation of their foreign assets, which instantly put an end to the policy of "milking" of Russia. In the words of Zbigniew Brzezinski: " If hundreds of billions of dollars of Russian elite is stored in American banks, you decide whose is the elite, our or your ". History shows that the elites of the "rogue" (from the point of view of the United States) its external assets never kept.

Russia needs to play on the contradictions between the Western countries - the EU and the United States - as well as a very successful did the USSR. The most sensible EU countries understand that the sanctions will cause slowdown of the European economy. But in the military sense, the EU should firmly in the footsteps of the United States and NATO. Russian diplomatic efforts aimed at the conclusion of Europe from the undue influence of the United States and the realization of its interests, which are as long-term peace and good relations with the Russian Federation.

Our elites will inevitably have to make a choice: freedom or dependency. Russia needs a gradual replacement of the liberal column, which sits on two chairs (see. Picture of capital outflows) for the national elite-oriented development. Vladimir Putin, President of Russia, preserving the historically highest level of freedom, gradually regaining sovereignty of Russia, consolidating the country and its elite. The President had to maneuver, but the plan "nationalization" of the elite acts were steps such as changing the emission mechanism of the ruble in otvyazku it from the dollar, the dollar repression of internal and external calculations, stop capital flight and deoffshorizatsiya economy.

Correct number of measures that has taken or wants to take leadership (the limit on ownership of assets and money overseas for officials, restrictions on travel abroad for employees of power structures and so forth.) Also indicate a growing external risks.

Leverage the West over Russia have a different effect. Any sanctions, at the right response to them, as he said, like a boomerang hit the West. And lead us not to the crisis as draws liberal lobby, and by the strong growth of the Russian economy at the expense of import substitution, which can stimulate the reasonable depreciation, as does Kazakhstan. Stagnation, which is so liberals complain, - fee scale and unjustified import, creating jobs overseas and take them away from us. As Putin said: " We definitely can do everything yourself, absolutely everything " .

Russia must all give their approval and fairly simple answer . The entire Russian economy must be removed from the needle and put the currency for rubles. Hold shift "does not put a" liberal economists nationally oriented politicians. That will be quite enough. All calculations for the raw materials it is imperative to translate into Russian rubles, which will be organized in Russia an international financial center. Next, you need to get out of the internal circulation of the dollar and the euro (loans and deposits in foreign currency), except for foreign trade operations. Who in the United States or Europe is holding their savings in RMB?

Reliance on foreign capital has brought Tsarist Russia to handle. We need investments in technology, but on a limited scale. You can not let foreign investors in anything and everything - it has led and will lead to our enslavement. For all have to pay export earnings. What will our Russian businessman? It is necessary to stop the massive and extremely harmful lobbying foreign companies in Russia, anyway, what - Western or Chinese. Who benefits from the involvement of China for the construction of housing in Russia? And what about not so long ago carried the company for transfer orders MIC abroad? The country sits out of work, work a dime a dozen, in the regions of desolation, normal economic no places at the same time, we import in incredible amounts of work the southern migrant workers, and the state can not create a system in which our citizens can work. Such an organization of the economy should be thrown to the dustbin of history.

International cooperation should be carried out on a reciprocal, a pro rata basis, the mechanism of unilateral expansion of the system leads to constant crises. BRICS countries need to place orders with each other on the basis of mutual production capabilities, continuously enhancing its volume and avoidance of strong imbalances.

And, finally, should be introduced strict control of capital movements in order to stop his criminal diversion . From Russia, as of a cash cow, our elites, corporations, banks, "investors" absolutely calm trafficked 50-60 billion. Dollars of capital with the direct connivance of the liberal state. With this money in our country every year could be completely updated 3-4 region at the level of international standards such as Sochi, or create from scratch a number of new sectors of the economy, but there is no - there is nothing and nothing is created! It's hard not to understand that this phenomenon is a crucial challenge for us.

Russian may well participate in the technical race. We invented the radio, helicopter, television, parachute, laser, an incandescent lamp, bicycle, electric welding, mechanical, hydrogen bomb, built the first nuclear power plant, won the space race. Alferov developed semiconductors, opto-and fast microelectronic components, without which the whole of modern electronics and communication would be impossible (optical fiber communication as the basis of the Internet, lasers, semiconductor lasers, which are used, for example, burning, and finally amplifiers for mobile phones).

"Water wears away the stone" . China's GDP in 1980 was 39% of the Russian, but we basking in the oil rain from 1978 (ie 35 years), China has left behind not only Russia, but on the power of the real economy and the United States. PPP GDP of China in 2013 - 13,395, and we have - 2556000000000. dollars, i.e. Now Russia's GDP - 19% of Chinese. Of course, not without the help of the United States, the "big brother", but we have our own head on their shoulders should be.

Of course, you can sit down and cry about how awful if we deprive the notorious oil technology. Do not you think that the main oil exporters should have their technology? Our engineers and scientists are working at the level of foreign, otherwise they would not have waited with open arms in the United States. To invest in this industry (and other lagging, for example, in microelectronics, machine tools), even large, and you yourself will supply the equipment for export. In the words of Ronald Reagan: " Government does not solve problems, it is financed by them " .

Graphic illustration of the benefits of "sovereignty" - the growth of Russia's GDP in the second quarter on an annualized basis was 0.8% in the first half - about 1%, the growth of industrial production for the half year - 1.5%. And if nationalize "independent" Bank of Russia, to make him instead to raise rates, reduce their annual economic growth rate of 5-7% guaranteed.

Russia needs to dramatically increase the power of the army and military-industrial complex on the effective transfer rails, as it was in the USSR. Another engine of growth - massive investments in the country's infrastructure. Financial control of public spending should be extremely hard due to the effective control over the assets and the cost of all related parties. Uncontrolled funding breeds in market conditions only theft and total ineffectiveness. Could you handle Tsarist Russia in supplying the army? But the army of the USSR inspire respect all.

If Russia is to get rid of the fetters of the liberal economic model, remember the best experience of the Soviet Union and on the basis of the market economy to build a mixed economy model, will get a huge competitive advantage that the West will not be available. Then the entire Russian world (and not only) will be pulled back to us, "the homeland." In the words of FD Roosevelt: " The only thing we need to feel fear - is fear itself . "

United States policy is unchanged, but only on the prudence of Europe depends on whether the world will repeat the mistakes that led to the two world wars, and we felt a new, alternative way.

Alexander Odintsov,
Central News Agency Novorossia

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Over the past two days ukroarmiya lost a large number of equipment and personnel in the fighting with the forces of resistance. Headquarters defenders Novorossia states that on the battlefield there are not less than 135-year-soldier occupiers. In addition to the large number of victims, the Germans suffered heavy casualties in the ranks of armored vehicles, so it was destroyed: twenty one infantry fighting vehicle and armored personnel carriers, two self-propelled guns, twenty-four cars, seven tanks and a multiple rocket launcher rocket system.

In recent days repeatedly punishers made airstrikes and shelling by anthracite Yenakievo Red Ray, snowy, Lugansk, Donetsk and Uglerodsku. Out of habit hit on civilian areas, it is known about the victims of citizens who are not involved in the war. In addition, regularly bombed roads - important transport artery on which you can get to the border with Russia, for this reason, many refugees have to stay in the middle of a war.

In the heat of battle the army of Ukraine undertook a maneuver to bypass Donetsk from the East, which could allow the occupants to take control and Ilovajsk Hartsyzsk. Fortunately resistance force prevented that.
Serious battles took place far away from the Enakieva fascists actively bombed town by air and artillery. Major injuries were objects of city infrastructure: hospitals, Coke Plant and 25 residential buildings - destroyed.

As can be seen from the reports: the militia gradually breaketh the course of the war in their favor. Punishers are suffering huge losses, conscripts flee en masse, resisters discourage the city, capture technique that is increasingly throwing Nazis. Novorossia forces grow and get stronger! At Kiev, brothers! For the heroes who died on the battlefield, for the feat grandfathers!

Sergey Lyzhin
Central News Agency Novorossia


Donbass forces defenders managed to free marinating and Stapanovku. Settlements were recently captured army units in Ukraine. Since they are close to the border with Russia, are of paramount importance. Punishers, being near the Russian Federation, a serious threat, it abolished the militia. Currently over Marinovsky terminal waving flag of People's Republic of Donetsk.

Fighting for the items began with the shelling positions punitive, while militias have reported that after the artillery barrage fascists simply drop everything and run away. The rest had almost no resistance. Subsequently, in the occupied positions resisters were forced to "dig in" to contain the aggression of the enemy. Dozen men army DNR held for three days. The reason was that the message has not been established, with its headquarters. Recently route and terminal are fully released, the characters can breathe easy.

Clearing the area surrounding the position of the militia, were discovered and seized nine scouts. They reported that the area of ​​the terminal were sent armored vehicles and infantry, but on the way they were destroyed resisters.

In this area is not expected to counter-attack, as army troops Ukraine greatly weakened, constantly retreating, while leaving the battlefield armored vehicles and soldiers.

Ongoing clashes in the area Miusinska militias come under the red light, the ambience break into Ilovaiskaya. Heavy fighting took place in areas Yenakievo city shelled occupiers militia plan of counterattack Gorlovki.

Good luck guys, you strength and success in the liberation of their homeland from the plague of fascism! We are waiting for good news from the front!

Sergey Lyzhin
Central News Agency Novorossia

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Prologue. Everything at once

120 years ago on the territory which is now the big fascist state, referred to as the Ukraine, not a single Ukrainian population. Needless to say, and the state was not like this.

All that now has the so-called Ukraine, prepared by the Russian world, its destruction, and the weakening of the robbery. Ukraine invented to kill Russian. The strength of the Ukraine - is a function of the weakness of the Russian world.

Ukrainians - a disease of the Russian world, which destroys its structure and function. The analogy of the animal world (which to us is much closer than you think) - is a parasitic infestation. The causative organism multiplies and develops primarily due to weakness and Anational Russian elite.

Let me remind you the obvious: if the disease is left untreated, it leads to disability or even death of the patient.

Ukrainians have already cost Russia in the loss of tens of millions of people, the loss of hundreds of thousands of square kilometers of land (at the time with a lot of blood conquered, development and settlement of the Russian state and the Russian people, the loss of the first centers (the royal) and second (Soviet) industrialization, the most important commercial communications and seaports.

Price Ukrainians - a mass death and extinction, genocide and ethnocide. So during the Second World War victims Ukrainianization were about 2 million people - "untrue Ukrainians." And in 23 years of "independence" after the 1991 Russian population of the so-called Ukraine has decreased by more than a third.

Ukrainians living toxic to multiply in the future can do even more expensive, because it continues to penetrate into the body, the heart and brain of the Russian world.

1 About the origin of Ukrainians

Tartar invasion were devastating for the South-West of Russia than in the North-East of Russia, where people still harbored the forest (after less than a quarter of Batu destroyed settlements was restored in the South-West, while the Northeast - about half). It was replaced (or rather supplemented) raids Lithuanian pagans, Lithuanian rule, have passed into the Polish yoke and regular Crimea-Tatar raids for yasyrem * - protection against them was built much worse than in Muscovy, because basically only defended Panskoe residence . (Michalon Litvin left corresponding descriptions - lords and nobles spent their time in binge drinking and carousing until Tatars knit villages of people and drove them to the Crimea.) Lithuanian Grand Dukes, they are also part-Polish kings, contrary to popular belief, did not release the land south western Russia from tatarckogo yoke, but continued to pay for them as a tribute to the Golden Horde, and subsequent Crimean Khanate - and, of course, at the expense of the common people.

Serfdom in the South-West of Russia, which was under the yoke of the Polish happened long time and covers a large percentage of the population than in the North-East; get away from him was difficult. Tatar lasso waited a fugitive from the bondage of the pans on the way into free steppes of the Black Sea. Most of the cities was subject Panama magnates, some did not open to the Orthodox, populated by Poles or Germans; Russian population is excluded from all the city's privileges - ie actually could not engage in crafts and trade, hold any office. Polish serfdom not serve the national interests (Privilege Košice gentry freed from all public duties), but only the enrichment of lords and gentry, providing them gratis Manpower for the production of grain and other raw materials on the world market.

Since the beginning of the 16th century. Russian peasants go completely under the power of the Polish-Lithuanian Pan - on the basis of private law as a thing. Work at panschine (serfdom) is constantly growing, comes to 5-6 days a week. In the end, many gentlemen take away from their holdings of the peasants and give them for a permanent job on panschine "mesyachinu", a kind of concentration camp rations. Absenteeism, as well as in the concentration camp, is punishable by death.

Gentry is constantly expanding the patrimonial rights of the court and comes to full power over the lives of their serfs: one word manor clap (man) can torture to death.

"The people are miserable and depressed heavy slavery, - indicates Panskih orders imperial ambassador Gerbershtejn. - For if anyone accompanied by a crowd of servants included in the housing villager, he can do away with anything, robbed and beaten ... "

"If the gentleman would kill clap, he says, that he had killed the dog, because the nobility said Kmet (peasants) for the dogs"; "They have, without any faults on their part, gentlemen, at their pleasure taken the earth and all the property, and as is customary in some Povet sell them like cattle" - is evidence of the Polish writer of the 16th century by Jan Modrzewski.

"Mr. Angry ... not only plunder all that is a poor man, but to kill him - when he wants and how to want" - writes Polish Jesuit Peter Skarga.

"We keep in constant bondage his people, not produced by the war and did not buy, not belonging to someone else, but to our nation, and faith, orphans, the poor, fallen into the network through a marriage with slaves; we tried our evil power over them, tortured them, mutilating, killing without trial, on the slightest suspicion, - we read in Michalon Litvin. - On the contrary, the Tatars and Muscovites no official can kill a person, even in the apparent crime - this right is granted only to the judges in the capitals. And we have to hamlets and villages are made judgments about people's lives. "

The strength of the Russian oppression of the common people in the Commonwealth, and was great and petty. It was the oppression of the socio-economic, national, religious, linguistic and cultural.

The true story of Polish domination over the south-western Rus - a story of its slow but incessant destruction. While it basically destroyed those who yesterday was Russian and one foreign power to turn into a kind of Janissaries.

While the state of northeastern Russia extended from the Dnieper River to the Pacific Ocean, came in wild field, made its way to the Black Sea and the Baltic Sea, south-western Russia as melting ice floe, which turned out in dirt.

Ukrainians were born invaders in the most depressed parts of south-western Russia, most of the sample under foreign rule.

The preparatory process was several centuries, along with the elimination of Russian cultural layer, especially the clergy, together with polonization nobility and citizens, with the population of cities by foreigners, with the exclusion of the Russian language, together with the constant repression of Orthodoxy. All this is to break the link of the Russian population Rzeczpospolita north-east Rus. Culture of Southwestern Rus lost continuity with the ancient Rus, so that in the end and the epic "Kiev cycle" were recorded on the shores of the White Sea (and in the Dnieper region were completely lost).

Prior to the beginning of the Polish yoke Southwest Russia had the same written and spoken Russian language as the North-Eastern Russia. ** And after three years, he has gone out of use of the nobility and the bureaucracy, is the language of men, humiliated the common people. Language is no longer supported by scientists scribes and removal from official and educational sphere, the use of the gentlemen lost rate, distorts, saturated with foreign vocabulary, pleasing to the Lord.

Prior to the beginning of the Polish yoke of Christianity in the South-West of Russia was the support of the Russian tradition, culture and spirituality for everyone from farmers to the princes. Two hundred years later became hlopskoy (Muzhichi) religion, and after three almost completely destroyed.

Russian churches were destroyed or transferred to the Catholics and Uniates. Record, is stored in the church vaults, died along with the churches; eventually almost almost all chronicle Southwestern Rus faded.

Orthodox dioceses and staropigialnye brotherhood (floor Orthodox associations) have been eliminated. There was no one to carry out the ordination to the priesthood (under penalty of death were forbidden trip to Moscow or Constantinople to perform this ordinance). Over Orthodox priests mocked, robbed them, were beaten, tortured, cut their fingers and tongues, humiliated, as the last slaves. Landlord tenant tore money from parishioners for every Orthodox rite. With the Orthodox Churches dropped bell Orthodox prohibits any public ceremonies: baptism, wedding, funeral. Orthodox clergy was driven into the union carrot and the stick, and Uniates become an instrument through which conducted further destruction of Orthodoxy. Last parishes Rzeczpospolita and the Austrian monarchy were destroyed soldiery and executioners.

The men were at the mercy of nobles and gentry, all other classes are deprived of the right to communicate with the rest of Rus; Polish yoke turned the Iron Curtain that divided the Russian people.

Ideology became the forerunner of Ukrainians, Polish anti-Russian mifokonstruktsii started in the 16th century and Russian ethnic divide, ruled by the King of Poland, and Russian north-eastern Russia, called "Muscovites", as well as the Mongols, ugrami, Finns, etc. Sauromats

All this mythmaking now finally disproved DNA genealogy; the percentage of speakers of indigenous Slavic Y-chromosome haplogroup R1a1 in Russia than in Ukraine. And, nevertheless, still anti-Russian ethnic myths invented ushlymi Poles are used in full propaganda machine Ukrainians.

In the spirit of their Polish teachers angry ukrofantazёry compose that before Peter the Great Northeast Rus called Muscovy / Tatars and Muscovites zlochinnye spoke Tatar / Mongolian / Finno-Ugrian language. This bredyatina refuted with just one glance at any page of state acts, chronicles and literary works of the North-Eastern Russia, presented in any book depository multivolume collections - everything is written on the living Russian language. And the titles of her grand dukes and kings, invariably consisting of "All Russia", clearly show how is the country which they ruled. *** (Alas, mass culture increasingly encourages people not to think and not to seek the truth, even if it is quite near the surface.)

Polish-Ukrainian bullxxxx about Northeast (Vladimir-Suzdal, Moscow) Russia hide simple and bitter truth - that occupied South-West Russia lost the Russian language and its Russian name.

Ukrainians finally issued in the last quarter of the 19th century, at which time the entire territory of Austria-Hungary, and Russia itself becomes a zone of peripheral capitalism. After the victorious march of Russian invasion of Hungary in 1849, when they were enthusiastically greeted the Russian population of Galicia-Lodomeria, after it has begun to recover the all-Russian feelings and the revival of literature is in Russian, the Austrians began to act. And he called for help ushluyu Polish intelligentsia. Non-Russian language and anti-Russian mythology for Galician Russian were smastacheny on Viennese money Polish pen. Puscic rusina na rusina - «let Russian on Russian" became the slogan of the Galician Poles, since the governor Count Goluchowski.

Ukrainians took off when it was converted into the Austro-Hungarian authorities in the social elevator for people who are over five centuries in a state of hopeless poverty and humiliation.

Hatred of the Russian-ness - became the motor of Ukrainians. Hatred of all things Russian was the only pass to a better life for the people who have spent several centuries in a state of cattle (bydlo - in Polish cattle, so Gentry Named their men). In the Ukrainians began to generously invest government and the elite, and for 50-70 years, it has evolved from a sectarian ideology in the propagation, the state duty. It is the responsibility betray: so Mazepians, fostered by a "Naukova tovaristva Shevchenko", became a first-class scammers who ruined and betrayed to death thousands of Galician Russian during World War I.

Coming out of the viper incubator Galicia, where his victory was secured Austro-Hungarian gallows, concentration camps, mass murders of Russian, Ukrainians seized Little Russia. There, using the natural allies of the Moscow elite, it was the south-western branch of the mighty Russophobian faction within the ruling party. And in Ruthenia Ukrainians also became a social elevator upstairs to the bureaucracy, in parthozaktiv in "intelligentsia".

2 Weapon against Russia

Ukrainians has always been a weapon against Russia, which was used by the Poles, Austrians, Germans, French, British, Americans and liberal Russian elite. Since the late 19th century it became a real machine to split the Russian peace and transformation in Russian vyrus.

Every world crisis Ukrainian project is becoming more dangerous for Russia. Every time he pried new pieces of the Russian world. One hundred years ago there were only Ukrainians under the rule of Vienna, plus frail loose in Ruthenia. Today they have moved a thousand miles to the east and kill the Russian near Rostov-on-Don. Ukrainians have a lot of the mob, and in Moscow, and in the highest echelons of power.

25% of Ukrainians growth was due to the Poles and Germans for five centuries, 75% - at the expense of Russia's liberal elite, a little more than one century.

Growth and reproduction of Ukrainians by chance coincided with the growing power of Russian liberalism, considers the Russian people defective and Russian tradition is wrong.

Several generations of the Russian elite consciously working on a split and humiliation of the Russian world, depriving him of the historical and civilizational role subektnosti, turning it into a set of resources for Western capital. (Betrayal happens almost unconsciously, consumer ideology, sooner or later leads to kiss ass Moloch, who wants to put an end to the existence of a separate Russian civilization.) Ukrainians from the beginning acted as a natural ally of Russian liberalism, and, thanks to him, settled a hearty Russian live account. Contents of Ukrainians with the so-called Ukraine has managed the Russian Federation in the amount of about $ 200 billion over the past 20 years. Ukrainians shamelessly exploits and one fragment of the Russian world, which as a result of arbitrariness was under his direct authority - the south-eastern regions t.n.Ukrainy, New Russia. Reduction of the Russian population in the so-called Ukraine, only the first 11 years of "independence" was about one-third, from 11 to 8 million people. (Ethnocide continued in subsequent years, but the numbers it is not yet known.)

3 Psychopathology Ukrainians

Ukrainians experienced zoological hatred of Russian world. Why "zoological"? Russian Ukrainians perceive the world as an opponent who is in the same ecological niche. (Although, in fact, the death of Russian peace would mean the extinction of as useless and anti-Russian Ukrainians.) Life Ukrainians vampire feeds russkost death. In social networks, we have repeatedly observed that the killing Russian cause svidomye Ukrainians this euphoric attack sadistic lust.

Psychology svidomye Ukrainian carries a sadistic complex, because in essence, he realizes that in fact, Ukrainians still much weaker than the Russian world; sadism and cruelty svidomye Ukrainian - is the compensation of his fear.

Ukrainians always false. It is like a demon that has the appearance, but no guts; in fact own the real story of Ukrainians - disgusting.


All the "heroes of Ukraine" were mass murderers of innocent people from the hetman Sagaydachnogo (this, however, still did not know what he was Ukrainian) to Petliura Shukhevich and current ukrovskih Sonderkommando (terr.batalonov).

Almost all of the "bright personality" Ukrainian pantheon were traitors from Vygovskogo, Doroshenko and Mazepa to Kravchuk and Kuchma.

All ideologists of Ukrainian statehood were fascists. "Ukraine for the Ukrainians! All people are your brothers, but Muscovites, Poles and Jews - the enemies of our people. Thou shalt not take a wife of the others, otherwise your children will be your enemies. " (Mikhnovsky NI, which in 1900 proved the principles of "independent Ukraine" and hit the ukrosvyattsy.) "Do not be afraid to recognize themselves fascists. After all we are and have! "(Lenkavsky S., the basic ideology of the OUN, creator of the" Decalogue Ukrainian nationalist "). Proceedings another ukroideologa D.Dontsova generally consist of some fascist pearls - and get acquainted with them easier, in the "independence" they are published continuously. In the act of declaration of an independent Ukrainian state, June 30, 1941, adopted in Nazi-occupied Lvov under the cries and moans to exterminate the Jewish and Polish population in paragraph №3 read: "Update Ukrainian state will work closely with the National Socialist Reich, who under the leadership of Adolf Hitler creates a new order in Europe and in the world and helping the Ukrainian people to free themselves from Moscow's occupation. "and ends with an act of saying," Glory to Ukraine! Glory to the heroes! "That have become so fashionable, even in Moscow liberals shoutbox ...

History of Ukrainians carefully embellished colorful myth of the "Vilna kozatstve" as the basis of alleged Ukrainian spirit, even if it had nothing to Galicia, and in general it is a tiny percentage of the Little Russian people.

However, under the mythological decorations "kozatstva" hidden ugly reality - the main dream Cossack elders (apex) was to sell their services to the most powerful and wealthy gentleman, and still get the gentry rights to captive men.


Ukrainians creates in place of real history - the infamous and bloody, some fantasy. Call black white - for this little Ukrainians. The fact that Ukrainians can not defile in Russian history, it draws to itself. At the same time grabbing and other abandoned pieces of world history.

It tries to assign the role of progenitor of mankind, and Tripoli culture and ancient princes of Vladimir, Yaroslav the Wise, with his daughter, Anna, Daniel Galitsky, attributing them to the Ukrainians and Balaken old Ukrainian Move. Trying to usurp the development Novorossia committed huge efforts of the Russian state. Assign Gogol (rewriting it for MOV), Tchaikovsky and Sergei Korolev. Everything fit to hide the complete absence of anything of his own.

Sometimes it seems banal ignorance, but is actually quite effective tactic. Other options Ukrainians, invented 150 years ago, not in principle. Ukraine, like Frankenstein, crosslinked pieces of other people's bodies are sewn from foreign territories, fragments of alien stories, successes and achievements of others - primarily Russian. Say, in the last 300 years, all positive in the territory of the so-called "Ukraine" was carried out only where there was power in Moscow and St. Petersburg. There, on reclaimed from the Ottomans and Tatars Wild Field, like mushrooms growing new towns and villages; there, forgetting Polish oppression flourished old cities (self-governing Kyiv became the third largest in the Russian state). There bred non-taxable rural communities (shelves) Slobozhanshchina which were replenished by fugitives from the Ruins and Polish oppression. ("Ukraine" -okrain in the Russian state had many, Crimean, Kazan, German, Lithuanian, even Ryazan, etc., with a similar form of Slobozhanschina form of settlement was in Belgorod, Kursk, Voronezh edges).

Production lies Ukrainians today is at a new level - it's not just silence or distortion of some facts. It's much easier and more frightening: Ukrainian regime committed crimes in order to assign them to the enemy through massive information attack and brainwashing. Suffice it to recall the situation with the destruction of Ukrainian troops Malaysian "Boeing", the infamous stories about odessites Having burnt themselves, and about Novorossiysk militias allegedly destroying their own cities (ie, their homes and families) with the help of heavy artillery and MLRS.

4 Ukrainians without Language Society and embroidered shirts

Most of the representatives of the Russian elite and a considerable part of the Russian middle class has, in fact, "Ukrainians" - vyrus.

Ukrainians can take different forms, but it is always a conscious rejection of the Russian idea, tradition, culture and statehood in favor of another power center. It is always accompanied by a hatred of the remaining Russian, to the historical destiny of Russia.

Ukrainians dangerous for us not only the loss of population and territory. Ukrainians inside worse than outside. After TN territory of Ukraine by military means, we always come back, but lose time and again without a war, it is due to internal Ukrainians. Ukrainians always starts with the ideology of consumption. Because of her ex-Russian abandon their victories and conquests, of their civilization and culture, which spread to the sixth of the Earth's land area. Because of the ideology of consumption ex-Russian willing to pay in the poverty of his countrymen, to give them to the enslavement of the enemy and the enemy celebrate victories.

Within the ideology of consumption always nests Ukrainians - the ideology of betrayal for the enrichment, pride, vanity.

Ukrofashizma centers, Dnepropetrovsk and Kiev, mostly still are bilingual (much of the population there the most that neither is on the Great-roots) and enjoy the Russian mass culture. But many residents of Moscow are not much different from ukrofashistov Dnepropetrovsk and Kiev. Moscow liberals Kiev and Dnepropetrovsk faschizoid audience combines aggressive russophobia, anti-Russian historical myth, vassalage to Western capital. As for the language, the artificially constructed vyrus-language can be developed and implemented anywhere in the territory of the Russian Federation itself - in Kaliningrad, Yekaterinburg, Novosibirsk, etc. And it will be immediately supported by the Moscow elite. This is the key problem of the spread of Ukrainians. With parasitic infestation is very difficult to deal with if struck by an infected brain, if he deliberately destroys the body's immunity.

Today, the Russian liberal elite, abundantly represented in the higher bureaucracy, in big business, banks, the media in the Russian Federation - all makes for a destruction of New Russia, for the destruction of the Russian part of the world. Here and transfer of military equipment from Ukraine, Crimea (almost a billion dollars), the supply of critical components for the production of the most modern Ukrainian armored vehicles, long supply Kiev junta free gas (3.5 billion dollars), the issuance of Russian banks loans Kiev to war, blocking sites and bills dealing with the help of New Russia, humanitarian corridors (without subsequent internment) ukrovskih soldiers coming out of "boiler" - wounded ukrofashistov treated in a brilliant military hospital in Rostov, where the wounded militiamen simply do not take, even if they managed to take out on the territory of Russia.

Here and spread Ukrainian propaganda lies and psychological warfare against the New Russia in many Russian media. Here, and the lack of military aid Novorossiysk militia - and in fact every undelivered Novorossia grenade - this, consider the death of one volunteer and five civilians.

Something here can be called at random, ill-conceived game in compliance with international law (in which the enemy has long Nasr ...), a relic of the myth of the "brotherly peoples." But in fact, it is a crime against the Russian people, who corrupt scoundrels shared 23 years ago the state border, making the biggest divided nation in the world.

Many representatives of Russia's liberal elite to disguise themselves pigeon clothes "party of peace", but if no clothes, that the party of ethnic cleansing and fascist terror directed against the Russian population of New Russia.

Today we can finally ensure that a significant part of the Russian elite is alien to Russia, a stranger to the Russian people, is the direct agents of Western capital and the most natural way ally all anti-Russian and anti-Russian projects, which include and Ukrainians.

Nevertheless, the New Russia is alive and is the main weapon against the Ukrainians, because by its very existence shows the artificiality of the so-called Ukraine, hastily put together from foreign lands and the other's achievements. His impulse to national liberation and social justice Novorossia clearly shows rot fascist oligarchic dictatorship, which the West has led to power in Kiev.

Russian civil union on the support of New Russia is the key to the future nationalization of the Russian elite. New Russia is able to awaken and Russian society and the Russian statist instinct.


* "A Jew, I was seeing countless constantly being brought in Tauris our captivity, we ask, are there still people in our faces or not, and how such a lot of them", - the words Michalon Litvin Lithuanian ambassador to the Crimea. And the Polish-Lithuanian slaves valued at the Crimean Tatars higher than in Moscow - at the expense of the submission, to which they are accustomed to their own gentlemen. Unlike Moscow Russian, subjects of the Polish king and Lithuanian Grand Duke did not attempt to escape from the Crimean captivity. After all, many of them waiting at home is the same bondage.

** Russian language in the mid-14th century. the same in the South-East and North-Eastern. Here Merit of the Polish king Casimir the possession of estates in Przemysl earth. "And behold I am the king Kazimierz, Krakow and Kujawski and ruler of the Russian land, gave his Ivanovi am sluze dvorishche Zanvo Mateychicha, shtozh listens Peremyskoe parish, and attributed am Mikitin's Court to Przemysl, IL was two, I gave ale in one, and gave am and land rolnuyu and senozhatmi INTO listens to what's Court in Moses senozhat obezdna valley and the land of the Emperor Goose rolnaya senozhati on Kutsev cornfield ... "

*** Here is an example of the titles of the act of state since Tsar Ivan IV. "In the year 7079 (1571 г.) on February 16 a day for the sovereign of Tsarevo and Grand Prince Ivan Vasilyevich BCEAO Rusii orders, my lord Prince Michael Ivanovich Vorotyinskiy sentenced children boyars, with the Cossack village heads and with the villagers about Putivl, and Tula, Ryazan and , and Meshcherskys villages, and all of Ukraine on the far and near, and on monthly watchmen ... where it was used Gosudarev Ukraine more carefully, so that the military people in the sovereign Ukraine untraceable war did not come "(the beginning of the famous" Sentencing of stanitsa and guard service " who has made an important contribution to otvoёvyvanie Wild Field; observe and use of the word "Ukraine" and "Ukraine" in the most natural way - border, borderland.)

Recommended Reading:

Gorsky AA Russian Middle Ages. Moscow, 2010
Batyushkov PN Volyn. Historical fate of the Southwest Territory. St. Petersburg, 1888.
Belinsky AI Galician Rus and Ugorschina. Pskov, 1916
Ulyanov NI Origins of Ukrainian separatism. M., 2007.
Vavryk VR Terezin and Talergof. Moscow, 2001
Talergofsky almanac. Lviv, 1924-1932
Voeikov NN Church, Russia and Rome, Mn..2000, s.614
Gulevitch B. "Do not be afraid to recognize themselves fascists ...» 18.07.2011 Fondsk.ru
Chuev S. Ukrainian legion. M., 2006.
Karevin A. Rus not Russian: How was born "Pidna mova". Moscow, 2008

Alexander Tyurin (aanalitik.com.ua),
Central News Agency Novorossia

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This month, on the thirteenth, two detachments of militia forces were able to consolidate its position in the center of Miusinska, as you know, during the fighting punishers lost two dozen soldiers, three other resistance fighters captured. Currently fighting in this area continues.

Militia on this front (east) organize offensive, thus, it is worth noting that they succeed. Thus, already taken places: Stepanivka, Marinovka. The number of prisoners is increasing, the number has already made dozens.

The position of the army forces in Novorossia Miusinske recently borne the brunt of erupting Forces of Ukraine. It all started with the fact that the invaders, whose positions were at one of the nearby heights, were fired. As a result, the security forces had abandoned their "trenches" in order to leave, they had to get to the route Donetsk, Lugansk. Way the Nazis lay through the city center - the territory controlled by the militia. Greatly worn Ukrainian units already in the Miusinske were stopped and defeated, literally at one of the intersections.
During the shelling and clashes in the city, punishers lost a large number of armored vehicles, including the "Grads", as well as fighters. In addition to multiple rocket launchers, burned two tanks.

Thus, the militia not only kept busy abroad, but also broke another group of enemy troops. Of course, the victory of the forces of resistance is still too early to say, however, that the militia is going on the offensive, successfully beats the city and constantly hurts army of Ukraine, speaks volumes.

We wish good luck to our brothers, keep the same pace, guys! And when Poroshenko with all his retinue sent to the stake - Kiev will need a new power! Then all nonhumans Novorossia put in place, one in the "Siberia", whom the count ... Glory to the heroes!

Sergey Lyzhin
Central News Agency Novorossia

As you know, Lugansk fascists trying to starve the city is practically in a state of humanitarian catastrophe, environmental conditions, as well poor. Fierce battles, civilians live under the threat of attacks from time to time. The situation greatly aggravated by problems with food, utilities, against this background even worse possibility punitive strike systems "Tochka-U", which they have already used.

For a couple of days does not subside explosions and gunfire in the area Novosvetlovki, at the moment this town became the main line of defense. Militia have not sweet, as the main enemy forces are concentrated there.

At the same time, occupants continue to constantly attempt to bleed the army of resistance, the goal - to encircle the city. As for the attacks, the latter took over the east of Lugansk. By tradition, the shells hit the residential areas.

At the next volley, two shells fell close to homes. The first rocket left a huge hole in the building, the most affected residents of the first floor, but the misfortunes did not stop. Escaping from the destroyed house people came under the explosion of the second missile that struck a neighboring high-rise building. Resistance reported that died as a result of this action twenty-two. The second fire affected areas opposite, several shells were in the private sector.

In general, the approaches are fights, the militia does not allow the fascists to take a position and to close the encirclement. If cut Lugansk from other settlements, the situation may worsen to the point that further the survival of the remaining citizens in the city will be virtually impossible.

Let's hope and wait for the good news, hang on!

Sergey Lyzhin
Central News Agency Novorossia


Lugansk two weeks left in the blockade. On Saturday night continued intensive shelling Lugansk Nazis, which resulted in numerous fires have occurred, there is destruction.

Luganchane report that burned a hypermarket "Epicenter", located in the eastern part of the city, "- said in a statement. Also, the security forces had suffered an airstrike on the village Krasnodon. The shelling led 2 stormtrooper in two passes. As a result of falling shells, destroyed the factory of auto parts "Avtoagregat."

Detachment under the command of volunteer positions Motorola broke security forces near the town of Snow in the Donetsk region. Destroyed a large number of armored vehicles. The task was to prevent a possible breakthrough in the direction of the Ukrainian military settlement. Some time spent in the militia ambush, and then entered the fray and forced the National Guard under the so-called retreat.

In Novosvetlovke LC, Donbass squad defenders managed to incite two APCs, eight cars. As a result of battle punishers lost up to twenty people.

In Grabski (DNI) destroyed "Black Hundreds." bouts located near Ilovaysk NP-ones. Grabski, where the enemy is applied to militia tactical missiles point W. The use of such a powerful weapon formed crater depth of up to 8 meters. Nevertheless, the punishers lost in battle, about 130 people dead.

Almost entirely in this cauldron was destroyed by the so-called "Black Hundred", where, according to the Ukrainian prisoners of war, fought brother Yarosh.


Seventeen Ukrainian military asked for asylum in Russia. One of the 17 Ukrainian soldiers who crossed the border into Russia today said that the high command threw the entire team to fend for themselves and did not have them any help.

Ukrainian military are switching en masse to the side of the DNI, the prime minister said DNR Alexander Zaharchenko. "One of the commanders of the 25th Airmobile Brigade took a BMP, crossed over to our side.

And such cases are massive. I understand that in the near future in this area Dmitrovka and tanneries will surrender even other teams, "- said at a briefing in Donetsk Zaharchenko.

Sergey Volodin
Central News Agency Novorossia


Radical nationalist organization "Right Sector" published on its official website the text of the ultimatum Petro Poroshenko.

If the requirements of associates Dmitry Yarosh will not be made in the next 48 hours, they will leave their positions in the Donbas and pushed into a campaign against Kiev.

Full text of the statement.

"Today, along with open aggression Russia intensified the internal counterrevolution. Its avant-garde are revanchist forces in the Interior Ministry, including at the highest levels. Headed bandit group separatist militia henchman and Moscow protege General Evdokimov. It was he and his henchmen are doing everything possible to destroy the achievements of our Revolution, and pave the way for separatist and terrorist groups in Kiev.

An example of his violent anti-Ukrainian activities is the constant attempts to destroy the Ukrainian volunteer movement, which is based on the vanguard of the Revolution, and now the war of national liberation - "Right Sector." From the destruction of our sister Alexandra Muzychko and to recent developments in Striy, Dnipropetrovsk, Kyiv and other cities, is a methodical game into the hands of the separatists and Moscow occupiers from the police.

Handing over Crimea, Donetsk and Lugansk, thousands of desertion to the enemy, at the same time receiving a salary from the state, the police surround the rat struggling with combatants throughout Ukraine.

In recent weeks, police illegal detentions, arrests, beatings, searches, seizures resulting in combat arms, touched dozens of fighters Ukrainian Volunteer Corps "Right Sector." Using the fact that the vast majority of fighters "Right Sector" is an uncompromising struggle at the forefront of those who opposed us on Hrushevskoho and college, feel their impunity and counterattacked.

In this regard, we appeal to the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko to immediately restore order to the Interior Ministry, freeing odious representatives of anti-Ukrainian forces from positions in the Interior Ministry and to launch an investigation of their criminal activities.

Also demand the release of all detainees, to close all criminal proceedings against the Ukrainian fighters Volunteer Corps "Right Sector" and other volunteer units and the return of all illegally seized weapons and vehicles in the war zone.


In case of failure of our demands within 48 hours we will be forced to remove all of our units from the front lines, to declare a general mobilization of reserve battalions and start trek to Kiev for the purpose of "rapid reform" in the Interior Ministry. Derived column "Right Sector" will go into full gear.

We appeal to our fighting twinned from other volunteer departments and units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, as well as all the activists of the revolutionary Maidan to support our demands, and finally bring order to the Interior Ministry.
Down with supporters of terrorists in police uniforms with the Ukrainian land!

Glory of the Nation! Death to the enemies! "

Sergey Volodin
Central News Agency Novorossia

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Ukraine and Crimea’s Vanishing Gold

47.thumbnail.jpg By John Goss


Jul 30, 2014 at 7:49 am

Since a United States-sponsored coup d’état removed Ukraine’s legitimately elected government and installed an ultra right-wing regime with Arseniy Yatsenyuk as the Prime Minister, Ukraine has been brought to its knees by a needless civil war and faith in the myth that ownership of dollars will make it a rich western country. Mr. Yatsenyuk and his entire cabinet resigned on July 24, 2014 because, ostensibly, they could not push for harsher austerity measures against civilians who are already suffering. Ukraine has become another Greece while Yatsenyuk waits on the sideline for the Ukrainian parliament to collapse.

Both the US and Ukraine economies are fueled by dollar mythology and are on the brink of financial collapse. While Russia and several other countries have been increasing their gold reserves in preparation for a worldwide economic crash, the US has been digging itself deeper into dollar debt. For the time being, faith in the myth that those with dollars are rich keeps the dollar afloat. Most trade in the world is still done in dollars, and since many other countries are also up to their necks in dollar debt, if the dollar fails, so will they. The US, of course, knows this. This is why it promised Ukraine loans of $17 billion in paper money through the International Monetary Fund (IMF). IMF Managing Director, Christine Lagarde, described the loan as being risky, but the IMF does not take risks any more than any other lender. Financial loans companies are obliged to know what collateral will guarantee a loan.

Gold is the collateral that Yatsenyuk had to offer from a country that was tearing apart at the seams. Gold is what all countries fall back on as a reserve to support the confetti in your wallet. In economic terms, gold is worth much more than paper money, because there is a finite quantity of gold, and you cannot print more of it at whim. As collateral, gold does, however, pose a problem in unstable economies and war-torn zones. Other groups might take power, for example, as happened to former Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovich. How can the IMF be sure it will be repaid with interest, if the gold collateral to back up the loan remains in Ukraine? One way around this dilemma would be for the US to look after Ukraine’s gold reserve. This is what probably happened.

On March 7, 2014, about two weeks after the removal of Yanukovich, a small newspaper called Iskra (Spark) — formerly based in Zaporozhye in Eastern Ukraine and now apparently shut down — published an article that was picked up by many online sites concerned with general news and the metals market. The Iskra story alleges that a reliable source from Ukraine’s former ministry of finance said that Arseniy Yatsenyuk had ordered 40 boxes of gold to be loaded onto an unmarked plane at Borispol airport, in Kiev. Witnesses who reported seeing the heavy sealed boxes being loaded at 2 a.m. by 15 men in black combat gear and masks, some with machine guns, and a “mysterious” man (or men) entering the plane, were told by airport supervisors not to meddle in other people’s affairs. Since Ukraine’s gold reserves amount to about 36 tons, each box would have contained about one ton of gold.

One day before the mysterious flight, the US Congress had approved President Barack Obama’s request for a $1 billion loan to Ukraine. Considering how finance works in a corrupt global corporate world, it is unlikely that these two events would be unrelated. Though it might be argued that the US is merely holding the gold on Ukraine’s behalf, it is a fact that what was once Ukraine’s gold is now with the country that funded regime change in Ukraine. Germany, which had kept its gold reserves in the US to prevent them from falling into Russian hands, failed in a recent campaign to get its 3,386-ton gold reserve repatriated and, in a face-saving statement, reported that it now believes that the US federal reserve is an honest broker.

Another tale of gold involving Ukraine relates to Scythian gold artifacts that were on loan from four museums in Crimea and on display in Amsterdam until August 2014, during an unprecedented European tour of these treasures. A March 30, 2014 Wall Street Journal article questioned whether these gold artifacts still belong to Crimea, since it had been part of Ukraine when the treasures were loaned out. Clearly the mainstream mouthpiece of US financial markets was prompting its readership to speculate that the Scythian gold belonged to Ukraine rather than Crimea. This suggests that the US, having already got the bulk of Ukraine’s gold, is encouraging Kiev to steal gold that belongs to Crimean museums and is more valuable for its antiquity than its weight.

Although we will probably never know the exact circumstances that brought about the July 17 downing of Malaysian Airlines Flight 17 (MH17), with its mostly Dutch casualties, it is clear that this disaster has offered an occasion to accuse Russia and Russian separatists of perpetrating such a reprehensible act that Europe might more enthusiastically support sanctions against Russia. To the new sanctions package would be added the notion that the Crimean gold and other antiquities on display in Amsterdam should be returned to Ukraine instead of Crimea. So far, several supposed pieces of video evidence from Kiev have turned out to be manufactured.

The week of Yatsenyuk’s departure saw the worst fall in Ukrainian bonds since he came to power in servility to the US. The Ukrainian economy is on its knees and far worse off than under former President Viktor Yanukovich. There is concern that salaries will not be paid in August 2014, including military salaries. Nothing has been so punitive against Ukraine’s civilians since World War II as President Petro Poroshenko’s civil war against the people of Donbass. This too is unlikely to improve the failing economy.

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“The cargo, in agreement with the mission of the Red Cross, will be delivered to the international crossing point of Izvarino-Donetsk in batches of up to 30 vehicles,” the head of the Ukrainian State Fiscal Service Anatoliy Makarenko

After clearing customs, the aid trucks will be transferred “only to official representatives of the Red Cross,” Makarenko added. The Red Cross is expected to arrive at the border crossing on Monday to perform the necessary procedures. The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) said on Saturday it was ready to take the aid shipment under its jurisdiction.

...the cargo still has not reached the residents of the regions badly hit by the conflict, even after Kiev recognized the Russian convoy as humanitarian aid cargo of the International Committee of the Red Cross.

the German foreign minister : “It would be nice if this [Russian] cargo could be delivered to where it is urgently needed...

“All the parties involved should come to an agreement about conditions for the convoy to cross the territory of Ukraine, and ICRC staff should be guaranteed security as the Red Cross does not have its [own] armed guard,” ICRC’s spokeswoman Galina Balzamova told reporters.

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Monday, August 18

06:40 GMT:

Fighting in Ukraine close to the Russian border caused a wildfire, which threatened the Russian border checkpoint at Voloshino, the Russian Customs Service told ITAR-TASS. The fire almost ran out of control before firefighters could intervene, due to hot windy weather in the area.

Sunday, August 17
17:42 GMT:

German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier warned the Ukrainian conflict could soon escalate into open warfare between Ukrainian and Russian forces in Berlin, Sunday.

He emphasised this must be avoided at all costs and underlined the importance of the central government and anti-Kiev forces reaching a credible ceasefire, pointing out that previous agreements have been violated.

Steinmeier met with his Russian, German, French and Ukrainian counterparts in the hope of developing a new "road map" on achieving peace and bringing stability to the country.

People's Republic of Lugansk.

1 If the north Lugansk front for quite a long time remained stable on a broken line from Lutugino to the border with the Russian Federation, at the south-western and southern approaches to Lugansk enemy launched the offensive in order to organize a total blockade of the city. Started the day before yesterday "storm" Lugansk expected drowned in the suburbs, as the assault was carried out clearly insufficient forces. Advancing from the south part of the city got into the building and were involved in unconvincing street battles, which were more like a simulation activity. rather than bravura communiques that started the "liberation of Lugansk."

2 However, continued fighting for gristly (which is completely controlled by the adversary is not), and captured 2 days ago Novosvetlovku. Last covered on three sides (the greatest danger for the whole operation stretching encirclement to Novosvetlovki represents the southern direction) and processed from the MLRS and cannon artillery. Nevertheless, the attacks by the militia LC infantry and tanks has not yet been given a decisive success, the enemy relying on residential development Novosvetlovki though and sprinkles cries for help, but so far holds key positions. Both sides in the fighting are quite heavy losses in men and materiel. The insistence of the parties is clear, Novosvetlovka has operational significance in the struggle under Lugansk, and political, in terms of posting "white truck" that's kind of like the junta agreed to skip.

3 On the border now generally calm. To the south of Izvarino for quite some time no troops junta and so the traffic is carried across the border without any problems. Most of the trophies South Cauldron already taken - either directly to the front, or a repair. The main problem - the lack of fuel and spare parts, as well as crews. Regarding the rumors on the arms trade - in the Donbass since the spring, there is a black market weapons, which is not surprising. And it goes both ways. Authorities of the Russian Federation recently attended more closely with this issue, as there were cases of resale of weapons and export it to Russia. This is not surprising - as long as there is war, there is a stratum of people of a criminal nature, which are parasitic on the war, engaging in looting, looting, racketeering business and including arms trafficking. To prevent it can be more careful filtering of people and goods coming from the territory of New Russia, and gain special measures to ensure order in the front line and in the rear.

4 In the area Alchevsk Stakhanov and the situation is stable. LC and militia brigade (now no longer a battalion) "Ghost" firmly holds the key settlements and road junctions, leading harassing enemy action under Pervomay and Debalcevo. Needless Debalcevo contrary triumphant was not taken, but the line of contact forces during the last 4-5 days significantly shifted toward this key point, so some of the forces that the junta could be used in the battles around Uglegorsk and development of the offensive south of Debalcevo, she is forced to keep to protect the city. In general, given the limitations of militia forces in this area, its tasks it solves well here. Do junta until there is not enough power to start the offensive with the aim of defeating Alchevsk Stakhanov militia group.

In general, in the territory of the LC is now observed in the area of ​​operational crisis Novosvetlovka-gritty, with a fairly stable situation at other sites. Here is wait for the results of battles.

Donetsk People's Republic of

1 On the southern outskirts of Donetsk, attacks on Ilovajsk noticeably start to choke, maloosmyslennye attempts to break into the forehead defense militias and an unsuccessful attempt to reach Ilovajsk from the southwest, led to a shift of the main blow to Mospino which proved covered on three sides with junta declares that the unsuccessful battles at Ilovaiskaya were part of an insidious plan to distract from Mospino militias. In fact, having been defeated by brandishing the junta simply due to a general superiority in men and materiel dealt a new blow to the joint between the Ilovaiskaya and Mospino, as well as increased promotion of the south-west of Mospino. The city itself is not yet surrounded, but the road to it and sweep the risk environment garrison Mospino.

In this case, the brunt of the southern group becomes quite so straightforward and displays it as a maximum (in the case of taking Mospino) on the southern outskirts of Donetsk. More ambitious plans associated with converging attacks with the aim of cutting the route going through to Donetsk Donetsk Thorez and the environment, once again went to the junk. Thank you for including the garrison Ilovaysk.

2 yesterday formed a full-fledged "Southern Boiler 2.0", which were part of the 2 teams junta and various smaller units. The enemy took up defensive building on settlements Deakovo, Latysheva and Dmitrovka. The defeat in the battle for Miusinsk, Red Ray, as well as drop marinating, simply led to a repetition of already known scenario when worn in heavy fighting brigade junta fall under the operational environment and begin to be processed artillery. True given the militia activity in the area Dmitrovka likely to wait until the boiler itself would run away this time, and no militia are attempting to accelerate the process. Obviously, in light of the new environment, the junta will be forced to withdraw some troops from under Ilovaysk and Avmrosievki to try for a second time to release the boiler. In the next few days in the area should expect marinating offensive junta using mechanized units.

It should be noted that the activity of DRG militias in the area PPC "Uspenka" designated implicit threat coverage groups in the area Amvrosiivka junta, although it is certainly a threat in the medium term.

3 Operational crisis in the Miusinska and Red Ray in general overcome. Once in the environment north of the Red Ray part of the 30th Mechanized Brigade broke out of the environment with heavy losses, from the suburbs Miusinska enemy was finally knocked out. There were also repulsed all the attacks of the enemy in the vicinity of Snow. At present, we can say that the battle in the area of ​​Red Ray-Miusinsk-Snow - was won by the host, the junta has suffered significant losses in men and material, and failed to achieve any significant results. Thus, the militia currently retained control over a key route by which supplied Donetsk and Gorlovka.

4 The only area where the junta continues to maintain the operational initiative is the area between Gorlovka Debalcevo and where using a large superiority in armor, the junta is trying to cut off from Donetsk Gorlovki and exit to Yenakievo, with around which the fighting began. Blow up the bridge at Uglegorsk slowed offensive junta. Coming up reserves tied upcoming fights, but the risk environment Gorlovki quite high, and the garrison Yenakievo given his recent rear position is weak. At the same time reinforced armored group of the enemy was able to break through to Zhdanovka where fastened heavy fighting for this town. Loss Zhdanovka fraught coverage Yenakievo from the south, so the militia has made efforts to relief of this breakthrough. At the same time, fighting under Yasinovataya not given the junta any tangible results. In general, the threat of coverage from the north of Donetsk, Gorlovki environment, plus there was a threat Yenakievo. Therefore, to say that the attack on the junta Donetsk completely repulsed, it is not necessary.

In general, the nature of the fighting in recent days has changed - the junta can not attack everywhere and forced to carry out the rearrangement for the application of new beats, while it is already quite regularly suffers defeat in the south. However, without the junta to reflect the occurrence south Debalcevo and repulsed Novosvetlovki talking about overcoming the crisis is premature.

Separately, about the "PX". In recent days, he has intensified its efforts, which resulted in leaking to the press materials and symptomatic "leakage" from the leadership of the DNI.

Of course. it is officially no one recognizes as not acknowledged the presence of "polite people" in the Crimea, to a certain point. Therefore, the official line on this issue as before will deny everything that is not forbidden.

Guerrilla warfare behind enemy lines gradually unwound from the junta is clearly not enough people to control the front line, so the reports of shootings and attacks on checkpoints and rear columns, gradually coming more and more frequently. They do not yet have the operational effect, but the trend here for the junta unfavorable, since a month ago in the rear of it was a much more relaxed.

Donetsk and Lugansk still susceptible to shelling, civilians are dying every day, destroyed houses, social infrastructure. The situation has long crossed the brink of a humanitarian catastrophe.

Boris Rozhin,

Central News Agency Novorossia


The new leadership of Donetsk republic.

Prime Minister of the People's Republic of Donetsk Alexander Zaharchenko presented at a press conference on Friday, the leaders of key government agencies breakaway DNR. Were presented to journalists Defense Minister Vladimir Kononov, Chief of Staff Nikolai Gunmen and and. about. Foreign Minister Alexander Karaman.

Also Zaharchenko announced the end of the first phase of the counter-offensive troops DNR. According to him, it led to the release of Railways between Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republic.

In the second stage a counteroffensive DNR plans to lift its blockade of Lugansk. According Zaharchenko, presently militia units completely took control of the corridor leading to the border with Russia.


Now engineers are engaged in demining the border area.

Militia ensure the safety of humanitarian cargo from Russia. Authorities Donetsk People's Republic expects that as early as Tuesday to reach people of Donetsk humanitarian aid from Russia. As told Deputy Prime Minister for Social Affairs DNR Alexander Karaman, on Sunday evening, he held talks with a representative of the International Red Cross, and he said that on Monday, a column of white "Kamaz" can go to Lugansk. And then - in Donetsk.

Confirmed this information to us and the Speaker of Parliament of New Russia Oleg Tsarev. However, he said that the column will be divided into two parts, which at the same time be directed to residents of DNR and LC.

Kiev and Moscow have agreed on customs procedures, as well as the procedure for the inspection of cargo convoys of Russian humanitarian aid. On the border of the machine will be scanned using a special detector of the Federal Customs Service of Russia. To the Ukrainian side was convinced that foreign substances and objects other than those declared, no. "I just spoke with a representative of the ICRC Jacques Barberis - says Karaman." He said that the convoy will proceed through Lugansk, which will remain part of the cargo, and then go to us. How will run a route, I do not know. But we are waiting for "KAMAZ" on Tuesday. Each car will be a representative of the ICRC. Ukrainian authorities have recognized humanitarian cargo and agreed documents. Apparently included soobrazhalku. Otherwise, what would they look like in the face of the international community. "


As assured us Karaman, food and medicine will be distributed only among the civilian population. "I was the head of the Commission's Humanitarian Aid to announce that tomorrow we will hold a meeting with representatives of the regions and define the areas and places that will be delivered to help. All will be quickly, transparently and without fuss. Policies and security, we also will provide."


Earlier, the press-secretary of the International Committee of the Red Cross Anastasia Isyuk said that the issue of security guarantees for the Red Cross staff and vehicles is not yet resolved. "We need the parties to the conflict in eastern Ukraine were given security guarantees for humanitarian operation continued," - she explained. At the same time, the ICRC can not yet communicate with Lugansk.


But according to Oleg Tsarev, militia ready to ensure the safety of cargo. He also plans to accompany the convoy, which on Monday will cross the Russian-Ukrainian border and two columns will go in Lugansk and Donetsk. "But I admit that from the Ukrainians still be surprises."

Surprises and the truth can not be excluded.


Ukrainian troops come and try to take control of the militias held Donetsk, Lugansk and Gorlovka Pervomais'k, Ilovajsk and Red Ray. Cities still have to shell out heavy artillery. As a result, over the weekend just in Donetsk killed ten people.

Sergey Volodin

Central News Agency Novorossia


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Because of the incessant shelling of Donetsk and Lugansk of the two towns in eastern Ukraine for five days ran 22 thousand people - this, according to the report of the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) , which describes the situation as of August 15.

"The continued shelling of Donetsk and Lugansk led to an increase in the number of displaced persons, - the document says. - More than 22 thousand people fled from Donetsk and Lugansk in the last five days compared to 6.2 thousand people per week from 1 to 8 August."

"Humanitarian needs continue to grow. At least 200 thousand people living in Lugansk, without electricity, water and communications for more than 10 days", - the report says.


The number of Ukrainians who have crossed the border with Russia, and appealed to the authorities of the Russian Federation has increased over the two weeks 20 thousand to 188.2 thousand people.


OCHA also reported that only from mid-April until August 13 and "at least 2,119 people, including at least 20 children were killed and 5,043 were wounded in the east of Ukraine." In total, according to UN estimates, over the past four months in the region killed at least 60 people a day.

Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Pavlo Klimkin urged NATO and the European Union to provide military support to Kiev to fight militia DNR and LC.


"We need military aid. If we had received such help, our military would be easier," - said in an interview yesterday Klimkin German radio.

Allied Commander of NATO in Europe Philip Breedlove said that the case of Ukraine, Russia demonstrates "a new kind of warfare."


"Armed militants unmarked who rioted, seize administrative buildings, incite the population, are preparing separatists provide military advice and thus may contribute to a significant destabilization of the country," - said Breedlove.

Breedlove warns NATO countries against the risk of recurrence of Russia "Ukrainian scenario of destabilization" in Eastern Europe, and calls upon them, because of the existing threat, be prepared to overcome it.

At the same time, an American general said that, despite the aggression of Russia against Ukraine and the active support of Moscow separatists in the Donbas, none of the NATO countries "now does not want military intervention in the conflict."

"Members of the Alliance have agreed to provide assistance to Ukraine to improve its military capabilities, and support for Kiev reforms in the defense sector," - said Breedlove.

Earlier, NATO Secretary General said that NATO stops cooperation with Russia.

Sergey Volodin
Central News Agency Novorossia

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