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US/NATO/EU and the desperate subversion of Ukraine

Steven Gaal

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Tens of thousands dead, thousands of people left without a roof over your head - it's not all the consequences of the Board of the Nazis in the Ukraine. Even after the end of hostilities, which, most likely, will not stop for a long time, will be more than the Donbass in a bad position.

Destroyed infrastructure in many cities Novorossia require huge funds for the restoration, in addition to people after the war will have to continue to live his usual life and work.
Against this background, it looks abysmal industry Donbass was and still is an industrial center. However, fighting the occupying forces Poroshenko, the active use of a heavy cannon and rocket artillery, led most of the factories in disrepair. Moreover, the building does not just need a restorative and cosmetic repair, many simply ceased to exist - are turned into ruins.

In the Donetsk region killed 396 manufacturing companies in the Luhansk - about two hundred. Given the state in which there are former factories, restore them quickly is impossible, some literally have to rebuild from scratch. According to rough estimates, at this point the damage in the tens of billions of dollars and is not rated experts, moreover, it is unclear how much more will it cost Novorossia treachery and baseness of the invaders.
Poroshenko already visited Mariupol to yourself to look at the consequences of his reign.

It should be noted that the loss is not solely Donbass, but Ukraine itself. In the context of war and inadequate actions selling power, automotive Square quenched. During the year, the production of machinery fell by 13% over the past month with conveyors descended only 189 cars. All in all - it's no wonder, who needs the car when it is unknown whether the food on the table the next day.

Sergey Lyzhin
Central News Agency Novorossia

As you know, the beginning of September this year was for the people of Donetsk time when half a million people were left without water. For all this, we can say thank you Poroshenko occupation troops, who are actively destroying the infrastructure of the city. The result of firing heavy cannon and rocket artillery was the destruction of items that carried water filtration, water pumping stations and electrical substations. Up to this point, to restore the broken structure was not possible, as the APU permanently fired adjacent territories facilities maintenance crews simply could not come to them.

Fortunately, fictitious truce somehow helped residents of Donetsk, all these days to carry out repair and restoration work. Finally, residents got water. However, it should be noted that the conduit could not be restored completely, some parts of it are still in need of maintenance.

Tonight, for the first time last week, reviver got residents of some areas of Donetsk. Public utilities to recover some water sites, as well as partially settled job transformer substations. Events of this kind carried out successfully in the following districts: Petrovsky, Kirov, Kuibyshev and Kiev.

Stay complexity in order to drinking water obtained villagers Abakumovo mines, as well as neighborhood Turquoise. Luk'yanchenko Alexander - Head of Donetsk municipal services, today announced that in the near future it is planned to run the water South Node, at the moment - is the primary task.

In general, the situation in the city is tense residents consistently report volleys of heavy artillery, which is heard in a variety of areas. Few believe the truce, despite the fact that some citizens are optimistic even went back to his hometown.

Sergey Lyzhin
Central News Agency Novorossia

On Thursday, September 4 Communist Party leader Petro Symonenko decided to appeal to the Russian audience and held a video link with Moscow in the agency "Russia today." Convincingly demonstrate their stay in Kiev did not work - the transfer of images from the Ukrainian capital has not begun, so the hall resounded news agencies only voice of the Communist Ukraine.

"Our Portuguese colleagues called a regime of government by the Inquisition!" - Immediately after greeting the crowd moved to the main Simonenko, flashing knowledge of the experiences of their colleagues from the XVI century.

In the midst of the events on Independence Ukrainian Communists unconditionally supported the then President of Ukraine Viktor Yanukovich. But if the president after fleeing the country remained in the Party of Regions deputies Kiev largely supported the new government, the Communists are the main pro-Russian force in the Verkhovna Rada.

In the summer of the Communist faction with the scandal left the deputies elected in single-mandate constituencies, which is why in the end of July party was dissolved. According to one of the Forsaken from the Communist Party, the chief editor of the newspaper "Communist" Alexander Golub, Simonenko "collecting dirt on every member of the party" and "stole party money."

Political opponents accused the leader of the Communist Party that he allegedly received money from Moscow, as he is loyal attitude to the Crimea to Russia, and now often expressed support for militias in the east of the country and a fierce critic of the military operation in Kiev, Donetsk and Lugansk regions.

Unpopularity rhetoric Symonenka impact on party's rating: according to sociological studies, the Communists have not yet overcome the five percent threshold needed for election to parliament.

It is still unclear how the elections will be held in Donetsk and Lugansk, where the last time most actively voted for the Communist Party.

In addition, opponents of the Communist Party accused Simonenko subversion and seeks to eliminate the party and the country's Prosecutor General's Office opened a criminal case against 308 Ukrainian Communists.

Recently there were rumors that Symonenko can emigrate. July 28 Twitter users published a photo of the leader of the Ukrainian Communist Party, strolling around Vienna. Simonenko these assumptions are denied, and promised to lead the party list for the fall elections to the parliament.

"I want to note that in this difficult situation, we Communists have proposed a peace plan to resolve the conflict! Ukrainian troops, and especially of the wage, paid for the murder of their fellow citizens, must return to their bases. We must come to the table and create the agenda issues of principle! "- Said the head of the Communist Party.

The culprit of the crisis in the country, he said only one side. "Came to power people who established the National Fascist regime. They base their policies on the integral nationalism "- lamented Symonenka without stopping crime Kiev listing regime. Major violations, according to him, occur in the east, where the Kiev authorities unleashed a war.

"The main question - not a quality helmet from his son, and for that he fights! And now the army of Ukraine fights for clearing of Americans for shale gas! "- Explained the essence of the conflict Simonenko. At this time, nine came on the video link Moscow correspondents looked at the ceiling of the press room, and conference moderator repeatedly dropped his microphone on the floor.

Finally, when the half-hour format Simonenko monologue presented its program for the election campaign ("cease-fire" and "social improvement"), the audience was given the opportunity to ask questions. The correspondent of "Russian world" asked how the communists relate to the fact that the territory of the Ukrainian army fighting takes prisoner Kostroma paratroopers, and in the Pskov region coffins come with Russian soldiers, apparently, with the fighting near Donetsk.

"Before we talk about the presence of Russian troops on the territory of Ukraine, it is necessary to deal with other issues. I demand: withdraw from Ukraine Americans, Swedes and Norwegians! "- Retorted Simonenko. He added that his views on the war in the Donbass shared by the majority of Ukrainians.

The journalists' Development Strategy "and" Journal of heroes "offered Communist recall the experience" of his idol Lenin "and start acting in Kiev underground activity. Simonenko refused to move to the urban guerrilla, but just in case delicately added: "If the game suddenly banned, we have several options worked. I'm not going to their voice. "

Ilya Shepelin,
Julia Koshelyaeva
Central News Agency Novorossia

LUGANSK, September 9. /ITAR-TASS/. The self-proclaimed Lugansk People’s Republic (LPR) and Kiev will soon swap some 200 captives, LPR leader Igor Plotnitsky said Tuesday.

“We are interested in the return of our people. The key principle is ‘all for all’. We are to exchange some 200 captives from both sides soon,” Plotnitsky told journalists.

He said the captives list is being specified because “stray or hiding Ukrainian servicemen are constantly surrendering” on LPR territories.

ODESSA, September 09. /ITAR-TASS/. The final report about the results of the probe into the massacre in Odessa on May 2, 2014 and into other episodes of violence in other Ukrainian cities that was published by the Verkhovha Rada /parliament/ has been fabricated, Odessa-based media said on Tuesday.

The report of the investigation commission set up within the Verkhovna Rada was presented to journalists by the commission’s secretary Svetlana Fabrikant.

Thus, journalists noted that a number of important episodes were absent from the Rada-edited version of the report. Thus, it omitted witnesses’ evidence proving the involvement of Andryi Paruby, the secretary of Ukraine’s National Security and Defense Council, in the organization of the Odessa massacre. Paruby, chief of Ukraine’s Security Council Valentin Nalivaichenko and Interior Minister Arsen Avakov refused to talk with the commission’s members.

The report, according to the media, lacked evidence of numerous witnesses about involvement in the riots of about 500 radicals of the Kiev’ Maidan who had been accommodated in Odessa with the help of the region’s governor, Vladimir Nemirovsky.

The final report did not mention the names of the leader of the Odessa branch of the Udar party, Andrei Yusov and other local “maidan” leaders, who instigated radical nationalists to set ablaze a tent camp of pro-federalism activists and the House of Trade Unions.

A number of amendments, journalists claimed, had been made to put the blame for the May tragedy on “pro-Russian activists.”

According to the final report, it is impossible to arrive at an objective conclusion about the causes of the death of 48 people in Odessa on May 2 due to the lack of state-of-the-art equipment. The only conclusion of the lawmakers was that after the camp of federalization activists had been set on fire, they tried to find shelter in the House of Trade Unions that was also set ablaze. As many as 48 people were killed in the fire - seven women and 41 men. Forensic examination revealed that nine people had died from carbon monoxide intoxication, 13 had died from combustion gas intoxication, 12 had died from burns, eight had died from injuries as they jumped out of windows, and six had died from gun wounds. One of those killed in the House of Trade Unions has not yet been identified.

Unrest in the southern Ukrainian port city of Odessa started on May 2, when football fans from the east Ukrainian city of Kharkiv marched along city streets with Right Sector radicals and supporters from Kiev's Maidan Self-Defense Force. Clashes broke out between them and activists seeking a referendum on the issue of Ukrainian federalisation and Russian's official status as a state language. At least 48 people died and more than 200 were injured in clashes in Odessa after radicals set ablaze the regional House of Trade Unions, where pro-federalisation activists had taken refuge, and a tent camp near it where they had been collecting signatures in support of the referendum.

Maidan is the name for downtown Kiev's Independence Square, which is the symbol of Ukrainian protests. The words “Maidan” and “Euromaidan” are used as a collective name for anti-government protests in Ukraine that started when President Viktor Yanukoviyh refused to sign an association agreement with the European Union last year to study the deal more thoroughly.

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18:02 GMT:

The self-proclaimed Donetsk People's Republic (DNR) has published documents containing a declaration of its sovereignty and guidelines on how to hold talks with international organizations.

The document, published by the DNR government’s press service, says all DNR authorities must act according to the sovereignty declaration at international talks, and act on the basis of solving international disputes by peaceful means and the non-use of force.

The decisions were passed by DNR, based on the Minsk contact group consultations on the Ukrainian conflict on September 5.

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Yesterday in Donetsk, a regular meeting of the Supreme Council of the People's Republic of Donetsk.

At the session were also invited members of the Council of Ministers of the DNI.

Chairman of the Council of Ministers Alexander Zaharchenko informed the deputies of agreements signed in Minsk, and also talked about the current situation at the front. Following the discussion, adopted a resolution (see below).

Deputies considered personnel matters. Were dismissed from their posts, Minister of Culture and Tourism Minister Natalia Voronina and agribusiness and food Yuri Sinyagovsky.

Acting Minister of agribusiness and food appointed Alexei Krasil'nikov.

Supreme Council supported the Council of Ministers, according to which the Commission will be established with a mandate to appoint a temporary administrator in the liberated territory DNR.

In the first reading were adopted amendments to the Law "On the Status of Deputies of the Supreme Council of the People's Republic of Donetsk."
At the end of the session the deputies decided to make a public holiday the Day of Liberation of Donbass from Nazi invaders, which is celebrated on 8 September each year.

On the outcome of consultations in Minsk on September 5, 2014

"Having heard and discussed the information of the President of the Council of Ministers of the People's Republic of Donetsk A.V.Zaharchenko on the consultations in Minsk on 5 September 2014., Supporting peace initiatives of the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin on September 4, 2014, declaring its openness and willingness for dialogue, consultations and negotiations, reaffirming their commitment to the basic principles and norms of international law,
The Supreme Council of the People's Republic of Donetsk DECIDES:
1 All public authorities of Donetsk National Republic and officials in their efforts to conduct consultations and negotiations with the authorities and officials of other states and international organizations guided solely by the Declaration of Sovereignty of the People's Republic of Donetsk.
2 All public authorities and the People's Republic of Donetsk officials to consult and negotiate on the basis of international principles:
- The principle of sovereign equality of States,
- Settle their international disputes by peaceful means in such a way as not to endanger international peace and security and justice,
- Refrain in their international relations from the threat or use of force,
- The principle of equal rights and self-determination of peoples.
3 This Decision shall enter into force on the date of its signing.
Chairman of the Supreme Council of the People's Republic of Donetsk
B.A.Litvinov. "

Sergey Volodin
Central News Agency Novorossia

Edited by John Dolva
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Co since the first meetings in Donetsk and other cities of New Russia and then multiplying the suspicion that New Russia "merge". They break out every time after some politically significant events around the DNI and LC. Here and now, during consultations in Minsk again intensified talks about "final discharge of" New Russia. Of course, it is impossible not to notice the difficulties that accompany the emergence of New Russia, in the spirit of "everything is going according to plan", but try to understand the intricacies around Donbass and Ukraine is required.

It should be noted that if the New Russia "leaked" by May all demonstrations in the Donbass and other cities would have gone to the level, it is not dangerous for the junta, and activists simply would have caught. And those who had not been abducted, would hide under assumed names. Now this development seems to be a bad dream, but many in the Donbass still assert that they "merge". Even at a time when the army DNR (!) Displaces Ukrainian fascist troops, although in March unarmed people with their bare hands stormed the local administrative building. From these considerations, the "theory of the drain" can be put to rest at all.

Let's remember what happened after April 6, when was taken Donetsk Regional State Administration. April 7 was declared DNR, barricaded in a single building in Donetsk, and the first two weeks of her situation was critical in the sense that it could take one special forces storm without great sacrifice. The same was the case with the LC. Yet the assault did not come ...

Even then, could be suspected of some backroom agreements between Moscow, Kiev and Akhmetov, according to which the DNI must be legitimized through a referendum. No accident that Akhmetov came to the talks in the first night of existence DNR apparently personally making sure that the process is within the acceptable limits. Then there were several of these nights, after each of which it became obvious that behind all this there are some big players.

April 12 Slovyansk of Crimea arrived a group of volunteers under the leadership of Strelkova, which launched the process of taking power in power in their hands. Of course, Slovyansk was also dissatisfaction with the junta, but that day, I remember thinking, "What do you mean Slovyansk?" Now it is clear that the slave acted as a lightning rod from Donetsk and 2.5 months kept defense spending every day "last bullet" . The same day, April 12 in Kiev, CIA director Joe Brennan actually gave the go-ahead to the junta to conduct punitive action against the Donbass, and why the war started. Prior to the referendum, it was limited to neighborhoods Sloviansk. At that time, it was important to ensure the holding of a referendum in the DNI.

It is clear that Akhmetov was interested in how the DNI in his pocket project, with which he hoped to negotiate with the junta itself economic preferences in exchange for the suppression of "separatists". Without the consent of the referendum simply would not take place. His results waited and Moscow. If the Crimea was all clear, in the Donbass not been any decisive action until May 11th. Kremlin waiting for the results ... This is the power of the Russian position that it is based on the popular will of the Donbass. Accusations that the referendum is impaired subsequent weak participation of the people in the army, is not tenable. In any country in the world had accumulated a lot more volunteers in the militia, start a war with almost no weapons against the regular army (adviser Igor Strelkov Druz repeatedly stressed that no one should be surprised that people have little, and the fact that people in the army so much) .

After Moscow made sure Donbass configured as necessary, in the DNI was made miniperevorot, which resulted in power took Boroday. Akhmetov realized that things did not go according to his plan, and fled, starting from Kiev to slow state-building in the DNI. Since the beginning of July until Akhmetov had real power in Donetsk, through its structure and people, no organized power vertical built was not. In late June, Russia tried last time to negotiate with the junta on the federalization of Ukraine, but the negotiations have been used by the junta only to pull the new forces that will soon hit the north of the DNI. Therefore, Moscow decided to leave Slovyansk whose position has become critical, and move to Donetsk to restore order in the capital already by force, as long as peaceful means failed. And you have to admit that to a large extent succeeded.

In mid-July, the beginning of the militia defeating junta troops on many fronts, but downed "Boeing" and a sharp increase in military aid to the junta, and the ruthlessness of the bombing of cities led to the fact that the position of the militia became very heavy. Faced a real threat of cutting DNR LC with the prospect of the environment and the subsequent defeat. In late July Boroday flew to Moscow, where he stayed for over a week, so that crept even rumors of his escape. Apparently, it was at the turn of July and August in the Kremlin and was adopted by a plan that was to unfold.

Russia was finally convinced that the militia itself fail, and in the case of his defeat at hand there is a fascist state Russophobian criminalization of Russian. In exchange for military aid to the Donbas Russia renounced claims to other areas of Ukraine, replacing Beard and Light on local Zaharchenko and Kononov for legitimate representation of the NPT at the time of the negotiations on a compromise version. September 1 in general, it became clear what Russia wants, and immediately rushed regular accusations of "draining" of New Russia. After all of the above assume that Moscow now "has just merges" New Russia, I believe to be wrong. While it is unclear what will negotiate, but to identify the state interests of Russia is quite possible.

Firstly, Russia can not be understood that overt military intervention is fraught with a major war between it and Europe, which is on hand only to the USA. That is why even in March Russia repeatedly stated that this option is excluded.

Secondly, Russia is not interested in the topic of Ukraine until the end of construction of the "South Stream", or rather, before it reaches full capacity. Otherwise, the transit of gas to Europe threatens not only to undermine the reputation of Russia and the loss of a major market (return to the lost space is very difficult), but also the loss of a powerful leverage over Europe. In the division of the same western part of Ukraine just stop the transit of gas to the EU, supported by the United States, and Russia's influence will not be able. At the moment, such a tool of influence on Ukraine is - it is the New Russia, and legally "withdraw" her from Ukraine is premature. "South Stream" will supply gas to the EU at the end of 2015 and reach full capacity in 2018. And then it will start active section of Ukraine, after preparing the ground. Now that this stage.

Third, no matter how Russia declared that Western sanctions her uneasy, some damage they cause to the economy. Calculation of the West is simple - to incite Russian oligarchs who are suffering losses from sanctions on Russian state, strengthening Russian elites interested in the coup. Do not take this into Putin just can not. Because of this, compromises are inevitable, and panic about it will not help. Stalin more than 10 years of cleaning out the foreign agents.

Fourth, Russia logically should try to "squeeze" from Kiev and Western recognition of Crimea Russian territory, or at least gloss over this topic in exchange for some concessions on the Donets Basin. This is often overlooked. The fact that it is not voiced publicly, does not deny the very possibility. If the West will do it quietly and not immediately.

Fifth, Russia for its peace initiatives breaks the information blockade, presented an active peacemaker, not the aggressor. The timing could not be more successful. Position junta horrendous, but not to support Russia it can not. How lamentable - is clear from the fact that Valtsman just a few days agreed to all that suggested Putin.

Sixth, Russia finally managed to do what she called six months, ie start a dialogue with Kiev Donbass. Kiev sat at the same table with the "separatists", although more recently brushed aside the possibility of this. This unconditional diplomatic victory in Moscow, now officially stay away from this "inclusive dialogue".

Finally, is the position of Russia, which officially voiced, is inevitably a "resultant" of the interests of all the forces within the government, including explicitly anti-Russian, who dream of the destruction of all Russian in the unitary Bandera Ukraine. With this in mind, the proposed Russian compromise (which, by the way, no one knows exactly) can not in any case appear "sink" New Russia. Although it is clear that the majority in the Donbass want immediate disconnection from the Ukraine, the Russian leadership can not be guided by these considerations, but should bear in mind the long-term state.

The most interesting thing is that common thinking is that Russia is a geopolitical game this series and in their interests. I think that there could not be more appropriate words of the 12th World Chess Champion Anatoly Karpov, who said: "The Party can be extended in two ways. One of them - a beautiful tactical blow with the options can not be precisely calculated. Other - purely positional pressure that leads to an endgame with little chance of winning. I do not hesitate to choose the second option. "

Let not confused here "minimal chances", we are talking about the currently visible eye chances. But that's just the grandmaster skill that he sees many moves ahead, and "minimal chances" over time become increasingly inevitable way for the enemy. This first-class strategist as Putin is well aware that the Department of Donbass now Russia not only has nothing to gain, but also impairs their positions in Ukraine. And Putin and the apparent slowness of "draining" of New Russia only emphasize that it is a battle for all of Ukraine, at least bόlshuyu part.

What is Russia and the whole world of Russian current "surrender" Donbass? As to the meaning of the "truce", the situation is somewhat reminiscent of June 1941, when the Soviet Union because of the Western conspiracy was forced to demonstrate to the world that he is not going to break the treaty of 1939 with Germany, even understanding the aggressive plans of Hitler. Now in this way can be demonstrative "silence" of the Armed Forces of New Russia in response to the fire prohuntovskih forces during the time that Putin deems sufficient. This is a forced necessity, designed to show that all the charges and Russian military aggression in the New Russia are groundless.

Try to understand the other benefits that can get Russia. It is clear that the phony "truce" will be used by both sides to improve their positions. Therefore, it is not about "truce" that long simply can not be, and on the line which is Russia.

Conditional status quo is fixed in a very awkward situation for Valtsmana when shortly after promises to take the Donetsk and Lugansk territory controlled by the Army of New Russia, in fact, has increased significantly. Just two weeks rhetoric "president-in-law" has changed from "no negotiations with terrorists" promises to go on for Donbass "outstanding steps towards decentralization." The last word should not confuse the tactical success of Russia, it does not negate. Valtsman himself was in a situation of undoubted political defeat, however much he puffed on camera that "territorial integrity" of Ukraine will be inviolable. So, in Kiev regime will inevitably intensify contradictions. Radical forces will require a "final victory" over the "separatists" that must be used in Moscow to demonstrate the aggressive plans of Kiev. Therefore, documenting the freezing of military action can be an effective tool for loosening the Kiev regime.

The fact that the people oligarchies sentiment did not disappear, they just drowned out by fear of Russia. "Maidan" the fuse has not disappeared, it is very important in light of the impending economic collapse of Ukraine. Who in this case looks Valtsman? Oligarch, who had gone to an agreement with the main enemy of all svidomye ukrov. This alone is enough to make a new revolution (knowingly stepped Timoshenko). And in these conditions appears peaceful Donbass region, ready at any moment for a ceasefire. So who is destroying Ukraine?

On the Russian side suggests also methodically knocking out of money to restore the junta Donbas, which it does not, and if they were, it still would not give - not for Donbass bombed. Thus, it can gracefully put junta chief interested parties devastation in the Donbas, which is ridiculous in light of the endless claims that it is "the Ukrainian territory."

Non-recognition of Russia DNR and LC ensuring their de facto independence means only one thing - Moscow an opportunity to start reformatting of Ukraine through the Ukrainian formally, but in fact the Russian Donbass. It is not "surrender" New Russia, and an underlying application even more. The easiest way for Russia - it is simply to recognize the DNI and LC. But what do we win? Nothing. By purchasing Donbass now, we lose the rest of the territory. For in Kharkov, Zaporozhye and other future republics all have to start all over again. The more that the recognition of Donbass through time to get used (as used to the Russian Crimea), and will the new charges that left other Russian lands. The fact that Russia had no plans to recognize the Republic of Donbass new states, said the fact that the main office in them - this is not the President and the Prime Minister. In addition, the Parliament of New Russia 60 people - 30 from each country. And as usual in parliament? That's right, the Parliament was originally conceived to "growth".

Russia has embarked on phase careful dismantling of the Ukrainian state. Hurry in any case is not necessary. This process will take several years, but by the end of the "South Stream", he certainly will bear fruit. The position of the junta or any other "government" in its place desperate. There is no doubt that Putin will squeeze the most of it. Everything is just beginning.
Central News Agency Novorossia

Mothers Donetsk militia sent severed heads sons

Today it became known that the mothers of soldiers who defended their land from Ukrainian government punishers, the junta sent a small wooden box in which were ... severed heads of their sons, according pravilnoe.tv. The exact amount of these "packages" set is not yet possible, since there is a procedure of identification of remains to be tested and Military Committee DNR. However, all were Identified militia fighters DNI, which were captured by the security forces during fierce fighting near Donetsk.

These atrocities have attributed to one of the destroyer battalions belonging to the oligarch and the governor of Dnipropetrovsk region Igor Kolomoisky. These battalions, he scored the radicals of the nationalist movement "Right sector", characterized by its cruelty and ultra views.

One of the mothers, who lost her son, said: "This is not just cruelty, this atrocity! Yes, even animals do not do that! My son is defending his homeland, he was not afraid to die for her and for us. But what they did to him - it is beyond human. Where to watch the UN? NATO? The European Union? Why the Red Cross does not do anything? What they need, when our children get up to it? The Ukrainian government is even worse than the Nazis! They do not need is not something that Russia, they do not need your people. "

Another victim of this "action" said the punishers intimidate the inhabitants of south-east. And such action on their part - is another gesture of pressure. People fear for their loved ones, for themselves.
Some Ukrainian representatives hastily tried to shift the blame on the Chechens, ostensibly in the territory of the DNI and participated in the fighting on its side. However, no evidence of the involvement, or evidence of the finding of Caucasians in the Ukrainian territory, they were unable to demonstrate.

Not everybody knows that the radicals of the "right sector" are distinguished by their cruelty and hatred of the Russian population. During the campaign repeatedly appeared information that for moral influence, they cut off the captive soldiers ears and fingers. In addition, these punishers are known for repeatedly shot so-called deserters - that is, those who refused to obey orders of the junta to destroy the civilian population.
Central News Agency Novorossia

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No need to be a rocket scientist to understand that the future of Russia depends on the development of the world. Washington and the European Union planned new sanctions will force Russia to pass a decisive counterattack, with the attitude to Ukraine will remain the same. As Ukraine was friendly to us and the native state, so it will remain.

Perhaps the reader will immediately decide that I made a reservation! No, I have not made a reservation, this is a contradiction! Contradiction - is the current behavior of America, wishful thinking. From the side it seems that America led by some idiots. But it is not so! Compete with Russia - it's not a joke!

America's bluffing! She plays for broke! Expect to win, put on fear and uncertainty of the Russian leader.

Take a look! What do you see? Lies, lies, deceit, planned provocation. Bullying. Inflation of the cheeks, teeth clatter, betrayal. The reluctance of European countries to defend their own interests. Complete subjugation, occupation, recognition of his dependence. The desire to avoid problems, hypocritical smiles, cries for help ... conspiracies, wars and loud statements!

The whole world plays by the rules of the United States a xxxx!

Conclusion: we will soon find ourselves on the brink of a new nix! New escalation of tension! The first in the history of Ukraine, was Independence! Second - Boeing! On the third, we'll soon find out!

The reason for this phenomenon:

1 for the calculation of the uncertainty and vulnerability of Russia - the accused;

2 is a blatant lie and American self-confidence - the accuser.

The roots of this phenomenon - the financial and economic dependence of both!

So, to be or not to be the leader of America? I answer, no, do not be !!! Do not ever be and in any case! Not to be America strong and domineering! Do not be insolent America and unattainable! And to be America by boat, standing on the hitching post in a quiet backwater, and sinking ferry ...

Too heavy a burden for her was a "world leadership."

- I am the Almighty! - Decided to himself America. And much mistaken.

Masks dropped! Amok demagogue and Democrat will fight! Insatiable, intoxicated with blood, not hiding his face in anticipation of his own death and approaching vessels, America will fight to the end, and, left alone, will be defeated.

The response of Russia - the rejection of the dollar and, as a consequence, the default dollar.

There is no choice! Otherwise, each of us, Russia, Ukraine and the whole world will remain under the yoke of Uncle Sam. Militant, cold-hearted and deceitful Democrat.

And Russia, passing through the path of purification, get rid of the rotten, empty liberal views will gain unity, freedom of thought, bloom, grow stronger, and will take its place Leader! Become a great power!

We love you, Russia! Next! And do not be afraid!

Giovanna Quinn
Central News Agency Novorossia


Currently there are only two areas of Ukraine held a decisive rupture with the Ukrainian authorities, and hopefully final. Although the part of Ukraine are still attempts to draw a region with the promise of concessions. But the ATO and its consequences the loss of life should be put on this cross.

The Ukrainian government has disappointed me. The power of a dependent, arrogant, aggressive, not friendly disposed to the Russian Federation, trying to live on darmovschinu. She was not able to achieve economic success, wanted to sit on the neck of Europe, hoping to help her, claims the Russian supplies of cheap gas, and destroyed tens of thousands of people, stole the Scythian gold. What her future without political and economic authority? Will not be surprising if after a while a few areas stand on an independent path of development.

Even if you get away from the commitment to the Western or Russian way of development of Ukraine, not taking sides, praised the Ukrainian authorities not for that. Success not only war and death of people.

In the Russian Federation because of this government began sanctions by the European states and the United States. Initiators - the United States, and Ukraine was the reason. In addition, Ukraine she asks Western countries to tighten sanctions against Russia. Guide USA "bold" and insolent (until it gets too tough). Not by direct confrontation with Russia, and subdue the Ukrainian government tried to establish a foothold for placement sites NATO. As they miscalculated the Crimea.

Recently, Senator Feinstein called Congress of Russians brave people who will survive any consequences of sanctions. We are respected, and it pleases me. Pleasant positive from the United States.

During the same period the Russian Federation together with Belarus and Kazakhstan to create a Eurasian Union, which entered Armenia and Kyrgyzstan.

Signed a gas contract with China, the construction of the gas pipeline, expand communication with Argentina, Brazil, Venezuela, South Africa, Mongolia, Cuba. In the Kara Sea began prospecting for oil and gas, which involved an American company, is building a new spaceport.

Russia has taken hundreds of thousands of refugees from the south-east of Ukraine, more than Ukraine itself. It's about saying something. Provide humanitarian assistance to the Donetsk and Lugansk regions, in contrast to Europe, the United States and Canada, which helps Ukraine to supply body armor.

Learn, Ukraine! Instead of crawling on their bellies in Europe, Fence stall herds slackers who make sounds o-lo-lo-lo-lo-lo, a little different from the sounds baa-ee or me-ee meaning.

Donetsk and Lugansk regions will be demonstrated for the other regions of Ukraine example of economic cooperation with Russia.

Alexander Eliseev,
Central News Agency Novorossia

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An organization called "Amnesty International" has repeatedly called on the Ukrainian authorities. In their appeals, they clearly criticized voluntary association pro-fascist character that Square uses the Donbas.

Perhaps it is for this, and most likely reason for this - one of many, but now plan to hold a series of investigations of incidents. Marginalized and frank moral monsters that went into punitive battalions and in the beginning of the conflict amounted to shock the backbone of the army of invaders in the South East, have exhausted themselves. Reported the theft, torture and executions of civilians, executions of prisoners of war and other crimes.

It is reported that a possible reason for the investigation was that the leadership of these groups speaks with a clear criticism of the current government of Ukraine. There have also been demands for the resignation of senior management of the armed forces, are the commanders of marginal terrorists officially.

Another reason may be that the volunteer group has exhausted its potential impact. Becoming at one time on the front, now they are almost powerless against the army of New Russia. However, the status of regular troops has fallen dramatically, and now authorities are trying to get it back.

In this issue stand out form belonging Kolomoiskiy. Suggest that by tyranny and thuggery they have less attitude, because the owner has generously sponsored them. In addition, anyone but the oligarch, the militants do not obey. Presumably, Kolomoysky plans to form a specific principality whose security will be controlled by its three battalions.

In general, the Ukrainian authorities step quite predictable, however, how this will end - hard to say.

Sergey Lyzhin
Central News Agency Novorossia


Last night (September 10), clashes between security forces and armies of Ukraine Novorossia. Amidst all the well-known events and preparations occupiers militia is preparing for a major offensive.

According to the direction of movement continues Luhansk Ukrainian armored columns that are actively moving into the area Slavyanoserbsk and Happiness. Strike groups generally receive heavy combat systems and armored vehicles.

Invaders continue to escalate tension, constantly provoke an attack on the militia. So under fire were self-defense forces in the region Pervomaisk. The Nazis tried to go in the direction of Stakhanov, but the defenders of the Motherland would not let them do it.

Army Lugansk HP continues to hold some units of the Army of Ukraine in the boilers. The largest of them is close to Amvrosiivka where militias surrounded "Dnepr", "Azov", "Shahtersk" and "Krivbass". Slightly fewer aggressors locked under Debalcevo, in this area, two battalions of the APU keep the defense, but to give up, do not intend to.

Somewhat more complicated is the situation in Donetsk HP. Often heard shots and shooting collisions. Mariupol squeezed from all sides, half - militia, half - occupiers. The hijackers opened fire with heavy cannon and rocket artillery, skirmishes in the Eastern neighborhood.

Nazis seized Volnovakha. Brutal mortar fire forced the militia to withdraw from their positions as a result of the bombing, many injured as buildings and people, but exact figures too early to say. Militia reported that taking Volnovakha, occupiers track opens at Mariupol and Donetsk.

From the north-west of Donetsk HP APU close to the most Donetsk, has been subjected to fire cannon artillery Kiev district.

Sergey Lyzhin
Central News Agency Novorossia

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FIST - Fight Imperialism, Stand Together: a revolutionary socialist youth organization

Donbass militias evaluate cease-fire
By Greg Butterfield on September 10, 2014

The popular militias united in the Novorossian Armed Forces of the Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics are composed of workers of many nationalities living throughout the Donbass mining region, formerly part of southeastern Ukraine. Both rank and file and leaders are speaking out on the future direction of their struggle against fascism and imperialism. Here is some of what they say:

Alexey Mozgovoi, commander of the “Ghost” Brigade in Lugansk People’s Republic:

In my opinion, right now, we are witnessing another attempt, by means of negotiations, to stop the resistance and to prevent the destruction of the oligarchic power in Ukraine. …

The transfer of power from the oligarchy to the people — right now this is the so-called international community’s nightmare. It became clear to everyone long ago that the world is ruled by the likes of [Kiev President Petro Poroshenko], Chubais [Anatoly Chubais, politician responsible for Russian privatization in the 1990s] and the Rockefellers. For these, removal from power is akin to death. …

Only Kiev’s capitulation can resolve the current situation. Only a separation of business interests from government can offer the chance to build a state with a human face. And only the prosecution of those who hold power, of the world “elite,” can enable the people to regain their dignity. Otherwise it was all for naught — all the slogans and all the victims. …

We did not take up arms just to stop halfway.

Translated by Gleb Bazov


“Artem,” wounded militia fighter in the Joint Army of the South-East and member of Union Borotba (Struggle):

The militias not only fight on the front lines, they also have a responsibility to protect the civilian population as much as possible during the shelling, even at the cost of their own lives. Without the people’s support, nothing would have happened. People no longer want to live in the old way. People really want peace and tranquility, but all of them are starting to realize that the Ukrainian government will offer nothing but terror and poverty.

If you look at the chronology of the conflict from the very beginning, you’ll see how the militias grew and got stronger. However, the forces are unequal so far. But we have one more ally, no less important and dangerous to the enemy. Bolsheviks understand the importance of this.

This ally is agitation against the war among Ukrainian soldiers. The Bolsheviks campaigned this way against the imperialist war exactly 100 years ago. If more and more Ukrainians, who are fighting for the interests of the Ukrainian and Western capitalists, refuse to fight or organize their soldiers’ committees against the war, the case will be decided. And this trend is already apparent.

You see, peace is no longer possible in Donbass under the rule of the junta. If the militia is defeated, a period of reaction will begin, with direct genocide and terror against the population. … If the executioners controlled Donbass, they would have to constantly keep military units here and sleep with their guns. Because this is not a war of the Russians against the Ukrainians. This is civil war, where the junta is fighting against anti-fascists.

There are many militia fighters who consider themselves communists and internationalists. I also note the role of the Workers’ Front of Lugansk — formerly the regional committee of the Communist Party — whose members refused to obey the “official leadership” of the Party and openly supported the People’s Republic. Therefore, they were renamed. There are anarcho-communists who were upset that their “brothers” in Kiev colluded with neo-Nazis and excitedly began to help them kill our compatriots.

Many of these fighters are not in organizations, but simply position themselves as communists and internationalists. Here, no one even thinks of what each person’s organization is – you are a Communist and that’s it.

The recent statement of “Communist militiamen” … I think, reflects the opinions of the majority of militia fighters. … “If we raise the red banner, we will win this war.” And, I might add, help our Ukrainian brothers strangle the fascist vermin, by giving them inspiration to build a Ukraine without fascism.

Interview by Victor Shapinov; translated by Greg Butterfield


Alexander “Communist,” militia fighter and representative of Red Guards of Donbass, co-author of letter from ordinary militia to leaders of Donetsk and Lugansk:

The militia formed was formed by volunteers to protect their homeland without too much thought about the bigger issues. A process of questions and answers eventually led us to a class understanding of the events taking place on our soil. We identified the forces that we oppose – tycoons and oligarchs of all stripes: Russian, Ukrainian, international, whatever.

Once, a very long time ago, it was said there are only two classes: proletariat and bourgeoisie. No matter how long it has been, only external things have changed; the essence remains the same. We who are taking part in the events unfolding at such a rapid pace, we poor militia, have posed the question of raising the red flag, which is now being discussed by commanders. …

Militia leaders who came to the fore in the field, earned the trust and respect of fighters, are now forced to sit on the sidelines [of negotiations]. Their struggle is an unenviable one. Arms and uniforms require money. We are preparing for protracted war ahead of the cold rains of autumn, then winter.

On the other hand, the commanders cannot ignore the views of those who report to them, and unconditionally trust them. The commanders will have to make a decision if their efforts are on the side of Donbass labor or on the side of those who fund the opposite interests.

In our land … [there are] forces which are capable and ready to defend our class interests. We went through enough political parties and politicians and structures and finally set up our own red, anti-fascist headquarters, which helped us to eventually join forces with other piecemeal, anti-fascist, anti-oligarchic formations throughout the territory of the former Ukraine, Donetsk, and the Russian Federation. In fact it is one fight, under the banner of common cause. But the problem lay in the fact that for 23 years [since the collapse of the USSR] we were scattered, we lived our ambitions small and severed by contradictions, often artificial, that kept us at a certain distance apart. …

Life pushes us to unite in the interests of the working class. Our fate is in our hands. At the present moment it is a matter of survival.

Interview by Red TV; translated by Greg Butterfield

Donbass People’s Republics: Ceasefire and class struggle
By Greg Butterfield on September 10, 2014

A ceasefire agreement signed in Minsk, Belarus, on Sept. 5, under the auspices of the Trilateral Contact Group, went into effect at 6 p.m. local time. The parties to the agreement were the governments of Ukraine and the Russian Federation and the Organization of Security and Cooperation in Europe.

The document was also signed by Alexander Zakharchenko and Igor Plotnitskiy, heads of state of the Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics, although they were not listed in the preamble among the parties that “reached an understanding with respect to the need to implement the steps.”

The 12-point agreement came two days after Russian President Vladimir Putin issued a seven-point peace plan following consultations with Ukraine’s President Peter Poroshenko on how to end the civil war in the Donbass region, formerly a part of southeastern Ukraine.

Among the main features of the agreement: a bilateral ceasefire in Donbass, to be monitored by the OSCE; an exchange of prisoners; a Law on Special Status “With respect to the temporary status of local self-government in certain areas of the Donetsk and the Lugansk regions” and early elections to be held there; an amnesty “in connection with events that took part in certain areas of the Donetsk and Lugansk regions of Ukraine;” and measures for the economic revival of Donbass. (The complete text in English is available at Slavyangrad.org.)

Some major U.S. and European media dismissed the agreement as a Russian maneuver. Many expressed skepticism that the ceasefire would hold, while others hailed it as a “framework for peace” and the beginning of the end of Ukraine’s civil war.

Yet within 24 hours after the ceasefire took effect, Ukrainian military forces had violated the agreement at least 10 times, according to the People’s Republics. Artillery shelling continued around Donetsk city, Schastye, Pervomayskaya and Kyrovsk.

In Mariupol, a key city of southern Donetsk that people’s militias were poised to liberate before the ceasefire, Ukrainian forces targeted the resistance with missile launchers. Additional Ukrainian troops moved into the city, along with units of the National Guard, composed of hardcore fascists in uniform — the backbone of the U.S.-backed junta in Kiev.

Things remained quiet in the Lugansk region, with many refugees returning home. Barricades were removed from the capital city’s streets, and people claimed their dead. (Journalist Graham Phillips via Twitter)

Meanwhile, there were reports of battered Ukrainian military units being “rotated out” and fresh reinforcements sent into Donbass, along with new and heavier weaponry provided by NATO — from 32 tanks in Debaltseve to several ballistic missile systems in Artemivsk.

For the anti-fascist forces, Donetsk military Commander Igor Bezler warned, “The Kiev junta used the first day of ceasefire to regroup and reorganize forces, and then resumed military operations.”? Deputy Defense Minister Pavel Skakun added: “From past experience we know that Kiev uses every war break for regrouping forces. We would have been very surprised if it had not happened this time.” (InSerbia News, Sept. 7)

A breathing spell for Kiev?

Many in Donbass, from militia commanders to the rank and file, are questioning the rationale for the ceasefire. Others, like “Ghost” Battalion Commander Alexey Mosgovoi, are outraged. Why now, they ask, and why on these terms?

Of course, an end to the Ukrainian junta’s attacks on civilians, even a partial and temporary one, is welcome. On Sept. 8, the U.N. Committee on Human Rights reported that 3,000 people have died in the fighting since April. Many believe the true number of causalities to be 10 times that.

But after two long summer months of bloody siege by the junta’s forces, the people’s militias were ready to take the offensive. They were liberating towns and villages that had been brutally occupied by the Ukrainian army and National Guard.

Kiev’s terrorist offensive was broken and its troops were in disarray, with many defecting or surrendering. Doesn’t the ceasefire agreement amount to little more than giving the junta a desperately needed “breathing spell” to reorganize and rearm?

Further, the agreement as written offers no recognition of the independence or even long-term autonomy for the Donbass region. And it suggests that it will remain within the political framework of Ukraine, despite the May 11 referenda in which voters overwhelmingly chose to establish the People’s Republics of Donetsk and Lugansk, now united in the political entity of Novorossia.

At a time when the imperialist-backed junta was on the defensive, perhaps even near total collapse, why an agreement where most of the concessions seem to be coming from the resistance — and on the most fundamental issues?

Russia’s contradictory role

It is widely understood that the agreement was the Russian government’s initiative. It was timed to coincide with and offer a counterpoint to the belligerent NATO summit meeting in Wales. There, Washington led the charge for the formation of a “rapid strike force” and new sanctions aimed at Russia, new NATO bases in Scandinavia and, of course, more and bigger weapons for the Kiev regime.

Despite the ceasefire agreement, President Obama vowed to push ahead with sanctions against Russia. And NATO is moving forward with provocative war games in Latvia, the Black Sea and even near Lviv in western Ukraine.

Russia is, of course, well within its rights to take any measures needed to defend itself from NATO imperialism and create dissension between Washington and its European Union allies. In any conflict between Moscow and Washington, anti-imperialists stand for the defeat of U.S. imperialism.

The Russian capitalist class aspires to an independent role on the world stage, and that makes it a threat in the eyes of Wall Street. And from Syria to BRICS to Ukraine, Russian President Putin has found himself forced to counter U.S. hegemony.

But for workers and oppressed people who support the revolutionary developments in Donbass and the socialist ambitions of the people there, it is important to remember that Russia is a capitalist state, ruled by its own oligarchy, which Putin represents. Within Russia, Putin has carried out severe repression against the communist left and workers’ movements.

Russia’s goals and aspirations in the struggle against a pro-fascist, pro- NATO Ukraine on its border may overlap with those of the antifascist, working-class-rooted struggle in Donbass, but they are not the same.

Increasingly, Moscow has demonstrated its willingness to reach a compromise that leaves the far-right junta in power and Donbass under the rule of local oligarchs viewed as more friendly to Russia.

Further, it is apparent that the Russian government would not welcome a revolution on its doorstep that is moving in the direction of socialism — especially given the enormous amount of solidarity with Donbass, rooted in Soviet-era internationalism, among the Russian masses.

Donbass leadership changes

In mid-August, during the most difficult days of the siege, the entire top leadership of the Donetsk and Lugansk people’s governments resigned or was replaced, including former Donetsk Defense Minister Igor Strelkov, who commanded enormous respect as the leader of the people’s militias.

During the siege of Slavyangrad last spring — where Strelkov took personal command — he challenged Moscow’s international diplomatic maneuvers by demanding arms and troops to defend the population.

It has also been reported that Strelkov squelched a possible deal on the future status of Donbass between Moscow and Mariupol-based oligarch Rinat Akhmetov when he withdrew the militia from Slavyangrad in early July to bolster the defense of Donetsk city.

Among those who resigned or were replaced were those like Strelkov, who stood for the slogan “To Kiev!” which signaled the overthrow of the junta, and former Lugansk leader Valery Bolotov, who openly favored nationalization of industry.

This should not be read as a condemnation of the new leadership, reportedly local activists of good standing. What role they will ultimately play remains to be seen.

But these changes in leadership were the prelude to Russia’s decision to move ahead with its humanitarian aid convoy in August. The flow of humanitarian aid and Russia’s political support were crucial to the militia’s ability to break the junta’s siege.

Here the contradiction between capitalist Russia and the revolutionary state-in-formation in Donbass and other areas of Southeast Ukraine becomes inescapable.

Novorossia needs Russian solidarity and assistance. But if it is to be anything other than a temporary, unstable buffer zone, then the workers and their militia will have to transcend whatever brakes Putin and the Russian oligarchs attempt to put on their struggle.

They will need to take popular measures to empower the workers and appeal to the Russian and Ukrainian masses, while striving to maintain a strong anti-fascist, anti-imperialist united front.

Colonel Cassad, a communist military analyst based in Crimea, has written an important analysis, “About the ‘Truce.’ ” (English translation at http://cassad-eng.livejournal.com/85661.html)

It reads in part: “Despite the political truce, the war as such continues, because the logic of the conflict demands its resolution by military means. The inertia of war triggered new firefights, shelling, and combat. At the same time the junta openly and publicly demonstrates that it uses this ‘ceasefire’ for accumulating forces and for preparing a new offensive.

“The USA looks at this approvingly, because the military solution of the problem of Novorossia and the final defeat of Russia in the fight for Ukraine [are] among its national interests. It is absolutely irrelevant what will be the state of the junta — while it remains in power, it will be used against the Russian Federation. The suffering of the population, victims among soldiers, destroying the infrastructure — from the point of view of the USA, all of this is just insignificant collateral damage.

“So, from the military point of view, only a complete destruction of the fascist junta is the best guarantee for ending the war.”
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Ukraine did not sign the resolution on the delivery of aid to the territory of Russia of Donbas.

The Federation Council at the next meeting of the Committee of public support for the inhabitants of south-east of Ukraine stated that convoy with a cargo of two thousand tons have already been waiting for the authorization to travel to the conflict zone. At the moment the convoy of trucks standing in the Rostov region. While that agreement between the two countries to move the column to the territory of Ukraine is not.

Deputy Minister of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Vladimir Stepanov added that this time Russia sent the goods with equipment for water purification, as well as mobile power.

According to the deputy head of the ICRC regional delegation in Russia Bruno Uskine, representatives of the Committee of public support for the residents southeast decided to appeal directly to the Supreme Rada of Ukraine to the authorities in Kiev have given permission for cargo delivery. Uskine noted that the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry, they have unsuccessfully applied, as the convoy for three weeks worth in the Rostov region.

August 25 the Russian Foreign Ministry notified the Ukraine that Russia is ready to send to the war zone a second batch of humanitarian aid.

August 22 to Lugansk from Russia came first convoy of trucks carrying humanitarian aid to residents south-east of Ukraine, which remain in a combat zone and live in a humanitarian catastrophe. More than 200 KamAZov brought about 2000 tons of cargo: food, water, medical supplies, generators and other essential items. August 25, after the counting of goods in Lugansk were open items to the population issue.

Catastrophic humanitarian situation in Lugansk developed after the Ukrainian army besieged the city. Delivery of products to Lugansk were interrupted, residents were left without drinking water.
Central News Agency Novorossia

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Defense forces of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic have exchanged a batch of prisoners with the Ukrainian army in a move that was stipulated as one of the key issues of the Minsk ceasefire agreement reached between the two sides last week.

“The exchange has taken place,” a representative of the DPR’s defense ministry told Interfax. “We handed 36 prisoners over to the Kiev side in exchange for 31 our supporters. Five more Kiev promises to hand over tomorrow.”

Earlier on Thursday, the deputy PM of the DPR, Andrey Purgin, told RIA that it was the Kiev side that has been stalling the planned exchange, while Col. Andrey Lysenko, the spokesman for Ukraine's National Security Council, blamed the rebels‘ ”lack of consistency“ for disrupting the swap.

“For the fourth day we are trying to exchange [the captives],” Purgin said, adding that he hopes the swap will finally take place on Thursday night.A special exchange group has been created which compiled a combined list of people subject to exchange, he said, adding that the list could be amended if the need arises.

Under the terms of the ceasefire signed in Minsk on September 5th, both sides of the conflict have agreed to swap prisoners on an “all-for-all” basis as a sign of good will as adversaries look for ways to create permanent peace in the region.

Ukraine peace plan: Withdraw military hardware, exchange POWs, open corridors

Other key issues that the Minsk contact group on Ukraine agreed on include a ceasefire and withdrawal of military hardware, and opening corridors for humanitarian aid access to the conflict-torn regions.

Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko said on Wednesday that immediately after the Minsk agreement was signed, Kiev received 700 of its servicemen back and was expecting another 500 to be transferred by the end of the week. At the same time, Kiev claims to hold some 300 members of the anti-government forces. However, at least 1,000 more remain missing, according to self-proclaimed republics, some of whom could also be held captive.

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In the social network "VKontakte" announced the creation of 13 September "Vinnitsa People's Republic."

GCD Vinnitsa published an appeal : "Ukraine 23 years nezalezhnosti and could not show a prosperous state. Life is not infinite and is given only once.

And at the next dead-end path of Ukrainian reality, each of us has to decide how to live on our land Vinnitsa.

Continue to wait for the sea weather or build young modern state, but without showing the handful of oligarchs in Ukrainian Rada in circuses fight instead of working. Sending our citizens to war with our brothers Slavs.
We are for the New Russia! We are for the Vinnytsia republic within the New Russia! "

Logo Hungary - a traditional double-headed eagle and images on billboards as LC and DNR already hanging in the winery on the street Kielce, which locals call "Groysmanshtrasse" in honor of former Mayor Vladimir Groisman, which organized its repair.

In response to this announcement, local activists Maidana, Self-Defense and the "right sector" demand from the newly appointed head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine in the Vinnitsa region Colonel Igor Morintsah delay "provocateurs and saboteurs."

The police chief said that the riot ready for immediate response to such calls.

Sergey Volodin
Central News Agency Novorossia

edit add

16:57 GMT:

Ukraine's National Security Council (SNBO) has reinforced its forces at the frontline in the southeast of the country, its spokesman Andrey Lysenko said.

11:37 GMT:

#Ukrainian army opened fire in south-west #Donetsk, damaging several houses.

— PaulaSlier_RT (@PaulaSlier_RT) September 11, 2014
Edited by John Dolva
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Ukrainian priest Nikolai Zaliznyak funeral urged to kill the inhabitants of New Russia.

Online video is laid out with the funeral of one of the men of the "right sector" in which the chaplain of the Greek Catholic Church, Nikolai Zaliznyak instead funeral rite, "rolled it" in the spirit of the Bandera fascist propagandist.

In content and aggressiveness sermon reminded speech Goebbels. Preaching has been reduced to the idea that the blame around Muscovites who came to conquer the Ukraine and kill his best sons. So this soldier fell victim to them. But it takes a god to himself, but for his his soul and the soul of each of the deceased Bandera to kill ten volunteers.

Sermon ended by volleys of machine Bandera slogans.

Truly militant priest in pious president.


Poroshenko in his last public appearances constantly refers to God. So in Mariupol, he said: "We will win, because with us, the truth, Lord. Because we want peace and tranquility. "

Parallels suggest themselves by themselves. Fascists on the belt buckle was also the slogan "God is with us."

Sergey Volodin
Central News Agency Novorossia

Truce in Ukraine, according to experts, was delayed. Kiev spent regrouping in the Donbas and hurries to the top of the punitive autumn.

Truce "as a bone in the throat" for the "vultures" of Europe. At that time they lay the third phase of sanctions against Russia.

While at the Donbass relative peace, many leaders of Europe are afraid of their own sanctions from the political point of view. The main reason for the sanctions - Russia's aggression against Ukraine. And there is a truce, as they will look in the eyes of his people?

For the junta, "procrastination is like death." Soon elections and victories over the New Russia and Russia is not. Rating falls. People doubt the ability of the military commander in chief. Economic problems are snowballing and expected explosion of popular indignation.

Members of Congress "peacekeepers" Poroshenko military equipment and grants to be seen as "their ears."

It's time to step on the New Russia and until it is cloudy and cold. Otherwise Poroshenko will practice the lessons of the history of his idol - Hitler. Especially, it is not the amount of heat uniforms for their executioners.

The question is, when it begins to Poroshenko once, but now "fall blitzkrieg"?

In the near future, can today, and perhaps the end of the week.

Let's hope that Vladimir Putin delivered a candle for the victims in New Russia, will help Army Southeast sustain primary kick punitive and to counter-attack.

Sergey Volodin

Central News Agency Novorossia

The junta is preparing to launch an offensive in the Donets Basin using chemical weapons.

Headquarters of the People's Republic of Donetsk reported that two trucks with tanks labeled - "hazardous chemical" - the heavily guarded chemical protection units were delivered to the area of ​​Ukrainian troops Sloviansk.

In the staff feel that they can be used to simulate the man-made disaster, or to blame the militias in the use of toxic substances.

In the 30-ton tank liquid in accordance with the accepted classification, can be attributed to the highly toxic substances that cause severe damage when in contact of the respiratory system with a high probability of death.

Sergey Volodin
Central News Agency Novorossia

Recently, the Western politicians have begun to speak out for the possible federalization of Ukraine, seeing it as a recipe to end the war, believing that this option will be able to restore peace in the country. They are blamed for the fact that they were late with the statements about six months.

Bearing in mind the requirements of the original inhabitants of Donetsk and Lugansk, you might think that if proizoydi federalization, the problem would be solved. In fact, even the early establishment of the republics of the Ukraine would not be able to eliminate the conflict, federalization could only prigasit it for a while.

Throughout the 24 years of independence, Ukraine has not ceased to amaze absurdity of his behavior: always was declared independence, and any suspicion, often has no basis in reality, Russian meddling in the internal affairs of the country immediately caused an uproar; At the same time, Ukraine was always tuned to receive preferences from Russia.

And unlike other former Soviet republics, who also want to get a certain benefit in relations with Russia, Ukraine struck by the fact that not only requested and offered something in return, as it is in building mutually beneficial cooperation between independent states, and literally demanded, as if having confidence that Russia must ensure that its interests. At the same time, friendly relations of Ukraine to Russia constantly questioned at different levels - both on the public and on the state. Anti-Russian propaganda has become a reality, an everyday part of Ukrainian life.

However, Russia's economy for many years sponsored the Ukraine in different ways.

Why Ukraine in the 24 years of its independence, having a very good head start, inherited from the Soviet republic, ineptly squandered its full potential? Why Ukraine has failed to bring to power at least one statesman, whose job it was to a greater extent to the well-being of the country and not their own pockets and personal ambitions?

Tending rock? Pathological bad luck?

Why even Yanukovych, the key point election program which was to give official status to Russian, refused to implement it?

Why his political opponents tirelessly as a mantra, repeated that the only official language will be Ukrainian?

It would seem that a common practice among the states in which there is a question of peaceful coexistence of two or more major nations. Declaration at the state level and equivalence across national languages ​​- an effective way to relieve tension and resolve the conflict.

It is said that the east and west of Ukraine are very different from each other, and therefore there are problems. How are they different?

Genetics proves that not only western and eastern Ukrainians are one people, but also Russian living in Russia, and Belarusians - we are all one people. Harvard professor Anatoly Klyosov indicates that the differences are only on the cultural level.

Rostov and Novgorod, for example, also have differences, but for some reason they are not strong enough to trigger a civil war and the division of the state?

Ukrainian events of the last 24 years raises many questions.

Ukraine's problems are so strange that you can not understand the reason for their occurrence, guided by the normal logic.

One example - it would seem, the country has all the conditions for increasing the well-being:

- Democratic governance,
- Substantial grounds
- Good climatic conditions, access to the sea,
- Black soils, mineral resources.

And no artificial restrictions on the growth of agriculture and industry, as is the case with the countries of the former Soviet bloc, joined the European Union.

Remembering that Ukraine had good potential at the start, all the more puzzling why democratic by all indications the country lost all its advantages, being literally in a state of bankruptcy?

The problems are many, and they are only the tip of the iceberg, the superstructure, which occurs on the basis of deep conflict, located on the ideological level, the level of the bottom of things and principles of the universe.

Until then, while not eliminated this deep root cause of the conflict, peace will not come to Ukraine.

For foreign-language human word "Ukraine" as the name of the state sounds quite organically, without causing any problems.

But the Russian people if will work themselves to think, to understand the meaning of words, understand that the name is at least strange - Outskirts.

"Outskirts" is not a proper name. Outskirts can have any territorial entity - countries, cities, and villages.

Outskirts always arises and exists only in relation to the center of the territory into a coherent whole. It is, in principle, can not exist independently. Disposition of the center as the reason and margin as a consequence is the essence of the phenomenon.

Nevertheless, for 24 years there is a paradox - Outskirts as a separate entity.

By understanding that the whole world, the whole universe is inherently has certain principles and laws, humanity has come a long time.

One of the main principles of the universe is the principle of correspondence between form and content.

For the state form are grounds to national boundaries, with public authorities and other attributes, without which there is no state.

And the content of the national consciousness.

National consciousness of the people is reflected in his self-name, in the designation of nationality and name of the country, they are the quintessence of the hallmarks of the people, expressed in a concentrated form, its essence. They also maintain over time a national identity.

State of Ukraine. State Outskirts. Conflict of form and content. Design, violating the principle of the universe. State in the form and name, saying that the content is not a state, and the outskirts, part of the state, which in principle can not exist independently.

This here is a contradiction, making it impossible to create a unique and clear picture of reality.

There are two options: either the state of Ukraine is an artificial entity, as the name does not reflect the national identity of the people it is within the state of Ukraine, a country once has lost his true name.

Of course, you can dismiss - it's just a name, if you look at a map of the world, which only the strange names are not detected.

Yes, the name may be strange, but do not contradict the essence of the idea of ​​statehood as such. This contradiction creates a basis for conflict between the conscious and unconscious person.

On the one hand, he sees a real independent state in the form of a position of the boundary, border guards, customs and public authorities, on the other - in the subconscious laid down a clear and unambiguous meaning of the term "margin", which by definition is not a state.

This conflict of consciousness and subconsciousness is the foundation on which there are many urgent problems now Ukraine.

Duality behavior in some cases is a reflection of the conflict of consciousness and subconsciousness of Ukrainians. Therefore sometimes Ukraine wants Russia and do not agree on mutually beneficial cooperation. Requires, as if it were a suburb of Russia.

"State" consciousness dictates independent behavior, and "marginal" subconscious - behavior peculiar residents of the state.

In this case, the typical behavior due to existing conflicts often sent to a negative direction - to reconcile, to connect incompatible things is impossible, which naturally affects the psyche of people.

This ever-present conflict deprives them of a clear understanding of reality, lost the ability to navigate the moral and ethical field.

From this grows excessive desire to declare its independence, heightened perception of and response to any matters related to this topic - "marginal" subconscious constantly questioned, denies "state" consciousness, and required more and more vivid and strong evidence to support the reality of the world picture, which draws consciousness.

Ukrainian patriotism, nationalism, Nazism, fascism - an unconscious desire to resolve the conflict conscious and subconscious, to find the uniqueness of perceiving the world. The wrong way.

It is significant that, in contrast to German Nazism, when the natural nation was put above all others, Ukrainian Nazism has a strict focus - his hatred and superiority directed towards Russia and its own citizens, who do not want to break his kinship with her. Directed towards the country, which was outskirts Ukraine and in respect of which persists borderland psychology.

In a much less negative directed towards Poland - another country margin of which were part of Ukraine.

With regard to Poland, there has been a historic achievement of one country by another. But Russia - home country outskirts, and the connection is at its deepest, the original level. The stronger the relationship, the stronger kick turns.

As many have already noticed, blaming Russia for all their problems has become almost a tradition in Ukraine. The reason for this is clear - all the same borderland psychology.

Conflict of form and content has led to the ruin of the country.

Being part of a large country, the Soviet Union, to eliminate this contradiction, that's why Ukraine could develop. Independence brought with it velirechivuyu public rhetoric and real action, based on the outskirts of psychology in the worst its manifestation.

A key factor in this situation is the instability of the situation when there is a subconscious understanding that the violation of the laws of the universe should cause events aimed at correcting this violation. From here vlastpriderzhaschih born subconscious feeling opportunists: when that time comes - is unknown, but it must come.

Overall negative vector problem of conflict directs towards striving to exploit the situation to their advantage - drag, that is bad. Indefinite status of the country on one side of the scale and its own existence, is not questioned, on the other. Mirage and reality - the choice is clear.

Pushing in this direction and the subconscious understanding that at present no power "center", that is, independent of Russia in the form of Ukraine, excessive concern for their own interests will not cause any serious responsibility.

Clear and vigorous attempts of the authorities of Ukraine (many of which are by the Great), they take on Ukrainianization country - part with the trough do not want, and everything is done to extend as long as possible the effect of a mirage - only successful nation-building "Ukrainian" can cope with the task.

Of course, one can not say that all politicians in Ukraine polls seek to achieve this goal, probably among them are those who sincerely wish to create a cohesive nation and thus create a strong country, but in any case, this path is not valid because it is impossible to do it right , which contradicts the laws of nature.

No matter how large the number of Ukrainian citizens abandon their true nationality and will be to identify themselves as Ukrainians, conflict of form and content will remain at their level. MARSHALL scheme "citizen of Ukraine - Ukrainian" basically can not resolve the conflict of form and content, since this method simply reinforces form.

But, whatever the margin of safety had no form, it can not long exist without the appropriate content. Granting State Russian language could resolve the conflict in any other country, but not in Ukraine. Recognition of Russian state - is to strengthen the content outskirts.

"Borderlands - Russian" - a recognition on the state level, the marginal essence of Ukraine to Russia. Russian margin occurs only in the Russian state.

Consequently, the recognition of Russian state sooner or later activates question the legitimacy of separating the outskirts of his country - Russia. A restoration of a united country - a nightmare for Ukrainian Nazis, and for the minions in power, because in this case the unlimited opportunities for personal enrichment will inevitably be limited.

Most interesting is that the non-recognition of Russian state leads to the same result.

That's really, truly, "all roads lead to Rome." Any education that is based on inherent contradiction, it is impossible to insure against death, no matter what methods are applied, if they do not eliminate the deep contradiction.

Did you notice that I lowered higher existence as the state of the Ukrainian language. Fully semantic picture in recognition Russian the second official language would be as follows: "borderlands - okrainets and Russian."

Think about the meaning, and you will realize that it is necessary to specify that "borderlands - okrainets, and he's Russian."

It is obvious that okrainets and Russian - is the notion of a different order, the first refers to the place of residence, the second - nationality.

Yes, the division of the Russian people into three branches, and taking into account the existence of the Ruthenians - 4 can be completely objective process, and nothing bad here. The bad news is that one of the people artificially deprived of his nationality, declaring okraintsami that, in principle, not a nationality.

Russian people: the Great Russians, Belarusians, Rusyns and Ukrainians ...? Already visually Ukrainians knocked out of the number of logic - the connection and continuity is lost.

Of course, is that the descendants of a people with a certain time to start wearing a different name, is not related within the meaning of the name of their ancestors. But for this to be a good reason.

For example, the migration to a new location - a life with a clean slate. The Ukrainians were left to live where many centuries the Russian people lived on earth, the cradle of Russian statehood. And as far as you can see, there is no other reason, make it necessary to change the name of the people, cutting off direct relationship with its own history and ancestors.

And it would be so bad if the new name does not contain a primordial conflict of form and content. Whatever the primary meaning of the word had any, which became a symbol of nationality of the people, any one of them talks about self-reliance, integrity, integrity phenomena or things that can exist independently. Otherwise, the selection in a separate nation does not make sense.

Okrainets, as we know, there exists only in relation to a resident of the center in a single country, city or village. And everyone else has okrainets and nationality.

Yes, Ukraine, Ukrainian - historically notation. Refer to the part of Russia and of the Russian people.

And 200 years ago, called the Ukrainians Ukrainians. But why forget, or maybe just do not know today, that the meaning of this concept is then invested in a straight line. As Solzhenitsyn wrote about the problem in Ukraine a few decades ago: "In Austria and in 1848 Galicians still called their national council -" Leading Russian Parliament. " But then torn away in Galicia, at the Austrian podtravke were grown distorted nenarodnye Ukrainian language, laced with German and Polish words ... ".

Not as the ancestors of the ancient zapadentsev remembered that their nationality - Russian. So why today so easily betray their descendants the memory of their ancestors?

Efforts of Austria-Hungary, who wanted to weaken Russia by the isolation of the Russian space western Ukraine, which was in its composition, were unsuccessful. It is not known whether a full understanding or intuitive route was chosen manipulation of consciousness of Ukrainians, based on the substitution of concepts, but it was very effective. Seeds sown in the 19th century, today gave a generous harvest.

The short-sightedness of Soviet politicians who awarded "Ukraine" and "Ukrainians" official status, played into the hands of the old idea of ​​the Austro-Hungarian Empire. A burning desire of politicians fall greedily to power, the USSR collapsed, consolidated process.

When a person recognizes that he has the nationality of a Ukrainian, of course, raises the question, who are the Ukrainians? Where did they go?

And, too, of course, the answer is difficult to obtain - the story does not know anything about the "ancient people of Ukrainians." It simply did not exist, it appeared as if suddenly out of nowhere in the not so distant future.

Moreover, the story says that from time immemorial lived in Ukraine Russian people, Kievan Rus, and there was no resettlement. Resettlement was Russian.

And then begins the rewriting of history. This is an urgent need for the clouded mind - to gain at least some semblance of solid ground under their feet.

Actually, the rewriting of history began in the 19th century in Austria-Hungary. Then there was "alternative" history Hrushevskoho - "History of Ukraine-Rus'.

Rewriting history successfully continued adherents of "Ukrainian nation" and in our days. Great Russians declared that the descendants of Tatars and Mongols, the Finno-Ugric peoples. At the same time, their findings "historians" are doing is not enough without worrying about the fact that the same genetics and easily with 100% certainty belies their conjectures.

Representatives of the suffering of the great "Ukrainian nation" willingly swallow offered food for the mind, and amazing to see that the irrefutable scientific evidence, the results of genetic research for them do not play any role.

For a normal person, these facts would have been reason to think about the reality of the existence of the Ukrainian nation. But consciousness is a victim of manipulation, recognized the substitution of notions normal, experiencing problems with logic and critical thinking, at least in this matter.

The logic of their perceived or not, or with great difficulty, and the conversation on the topic, they can lead only stamps that were offered to them ideologues and manipulators that they have learned.

Difficulties with logical and critical thinking Ukrainians are very well traced Now light of recent developments. Any government propaganda, any false statements are accepted as true.

As an example, the constant media reports about shelling Ukrainian militia cities in which they are surrounded by the Ukrainian army. If the stems of the small number of weapons, which possessed militia Slovyansk were rotated in the direction of the city, who then fought with Ukrainian military? If the fire was again the same Slavic and its suburbs with the dominant height, and it is occupied by Ukrainian military, then there could shoot the militia?

Nationality "okrainets" formed in violation of the logic of self-names of the peoples - as mentioned above, "okrainets" devoid of self-sufficiency. And the person who accepts this state of affairs the norm, thereby denying the laws of logic. His consciousness, thought and perception are rebuilt, for the logic is no more room. Otherwise, if such adjustment is not going to happen, the breach of logic will be realized, and a person can not accept the existence of nationality "okrainets."

Another problem faced by the people through a national "okrainets," is that the subconscious mind is constantly denies it. But there is no other nationality. And it turns out that people generally left without family and tribe, there is a feeling of inferiority, because man can not exist without nationality.

Naturally, he will look for a way out of this problem. And one of them - the creation myth of the greatness of the Ukrainian nation. For example, the history of the Ukrainian people, it turns out, has 140 thousand years.

These attempts would be funny, if only their desire to find their limited usefulness, and they are not sent to another and toward the rise of fascism.

Viability lies must support its layering. One lie pulls the other - it is not just words, they concluded deeper meaning. The contradiction lies lonely laws, principles and logic of the universe is easy to feel at least. In a world where everything is subject to the laws where chaos is excluded due to their observance, a single lie looks like a dirty blot on a clean sheet.

Therefore, the ideologues of any distortion of reality do not stop at the first victory, the strategy necessarily involves the development and multiplication of lies. Over time, built an alternative reality, which can be recognized as the norm any violations of the laws of nature, any distortion.

Western civilization has been very successful in this business. The beginning of this sexual revolution, with the result that sex has become a substitute for love, and the man, a spiritual being, was lowered to the level of the animal, where the domination instinct is the basis of life. This was followed by the recognition of the norm of sexual perversions. Homophilia - accomplished the first stage. As you might expect, did not stop there, now on the agenda of the recognition rate of pedophilia and incest.

The sexual sphere, of course, is not the only area where built distorted reality. In England, for example, a few years ago, the state, in fact, has taken care to provide a safe environment criminals during the commission of their crimes, that is, in fact, has been granted the right to perform secure the crime. Respectable British officials, the police, warned that it is impossible to defend against thieves using dangerous wire. Amazing wording - "to thieves do not hurt yourself." The authorities have forgotten that the person guaranteed in a legal state compliance with its human rights and freedoms in the case if he does not violate the rights and freedoms of others. And the recent news - thanks to all of the same practice, substitution of concepts in the same small town in England Rotherham place for a long time the rape of young girls, and the authorities were aware of this, but criminals of Asian immigrants were not arrested because they feared being branded as intolerant and politically incorrect .

As it is terrible, but Ukraine joined the Western club. And although it is a topic on the agenda is somewhat different, but the essence is identical processes. All the same substitution of concepts, all the same system of swapping between good and evil, all the same blurring the boundaries between the poles.

In the West, because of this disease is particularly (and especially individual pathology, blur the line between the pole concepts may issue a negative pathology for the positive features), the Ukrainian people have ceased to understand the difference between patriotism and Nazism. Patriotism - love of country, and Nazism - hatred of another country. Love and Hate - bipolar things antagonistic. Love can not exist on a foundation of hate, just as it is impossible to build on the foundation of the truth lies. Because it is impossible to be a patriot, cultivating hatred of others.

And that's what we see when the herd instinct makes ride the whole area of ​​people under the slogan of "who does not jump, he Moskal" or "moskalyaku on Gilyaks."

Today Ukrainian distorted reality and distorted the reality of the West makes them natural allies.

One need not be a seer to predict that in the case of continuation of the project "Ukraine", the West will have to import Ukraine not only weapons, but also all their perverted "values" which would now promise may be given, the good, the soil is already well prepared.

Russia's refusal to participate in the creation of a distorted reality it makes them a natural enemy. Therein lies the root cause of today between the West and Russia.

For the restoration of the lost reality in the Russian world war goes now in Ukraine. Russia has long turned a blind eye to what is happening. But the abscess burst, and the latest developments brought Ukrainian domestic conflict in the active phase. Armed confrontation between supporters of the preservation of distorted reality and supporters of the restoration of reality, based on the laws and principles of the universe, could not remain indifferent to the majority of Russians.

What kind of world will live the Ukrainian part of the Russian people - in the illusory or real - is now solved, and in New Russia, and Ukraine.

Distorted world or reality - here lies the difference between the east and west of today's Ukraine.

The one that does not exist between southerners and northerners in Russia, and which was so essential that led to civil war in Ukraine.

Help to see the world in the light of real people who are victims of manipulation of consciousness, conventional methods is very difficult. One may try to explain to them the simple truth, to exhort them to justice, encourage them to start telling the truth, all the calls will be by their consciousness.

To return to the critical and logical thinking, requires special techniques developed by experts. A foundation and sine qua non of full recovery can only be the elimination of the original conflict.

Recreating New Russia as a sovereign state - is absolutely the right decision for the south-eastern provinces. But for Ukraine in this case, the conflict of form and content will exist, therefore, it will continue to be a hotbed of tension.

Conflict will be resolved only when Ukraine will cease to exist on the world map as an independent state.

There are two possibilities. Or bring the form to match the content, ie, the entry into the full-fledged state. Or bringing the content in an appropriate form, that is, the map will be displayed state with a different name, the relevant principles of the formation of the names of, for example, it could be a return to the historical name - Little Russia.

Naturally, this does not solve all the problems that have accumulated time. But, exactly, would be the legal basis for their resolution.

Irina Klimova,
Central News Agency Novorossia

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On Friday last week - September 5th - in Minsk held talks with representatives of Kiev, Donetsk and Luhansk through the mediation of the OSCE and Russia. During the talks the sides exchanged position papers and proposals on how to resolve the situation, agreed to continue work in the same format this week.

In anticipation of the continuation of direct talks between Kiev, Donetsk and Luhansk, with the participation of Moscow and Brussels, we consider it necessary to publicly reaffirm our position as expressed in the Joint Statement of the left-wing political and social organizations "Peace to the people of Ukraine!" July 5, 2014, and again declare that the negotiations could lead to a lasting peace is really only when the following obvious requirements:

1 Immediate withdrawal of all Ukrainian armed forces and the National Guard of the occupied territories of the Donetsk and Lugansk regions, as well as all foreign mercenaries, foreign private and government military forces, the dissolution of all armed groups and fascist death squads financed by oligarchs.

2 Failure to use military force in the future and sign a bilateral agreement with Kiev Donetsk and Lugansk.

3 Immediate and unconditional waiver from the United States and the EU direct and indirect support for the regime in the Kiev military aggression against the Donetsk and Lugansk and genocide residents of Donbass.

4 Recognition of the referendum on 11 May at the Donbass all European states.

5 Compensation Kiev, the United States and the EU all material damage caused to citizens of Donbass, relatives of those killed and injured, as well as refugees.

6 Establishment of a special European fund with the participation of all ready for such participation of countries, including Russia, to restore the shattered economy and infrastructure of Donbass and the return of refugees.

7 Prosecution of war criminals and their accomplices and protectors.

We strongly pay attention to European and overseas politicians on their special responsibility in achieving the observance of the world and in Ukraine and in Europe in general, and we hope that will not be repeated and compounded the mistakes that 100 years ago led to the First World War.

The Council of the St. Petersburg regional branch AMO,
Central News Agency Novorossia

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21:36 GMT:

Heavy fighting is being heard in the center of Donetsk, RIA Novosti reports from the ground. Rounds fired from automatic weapons are being heard in the vicinity of the city’s Lenin Square. Earlier it was reported that powerful artillery fire can be heard from the Donetsk airport near the western outskirts of the city.

19:40 GMT:

The first 33 trucks carrying Russia’s humanitarian aid for Ukraine have passed through Russia’s ‘Donetsk’ checkpoint, local customs spokesman Rayan Farukshin told RIA Novosti. Two technical convoy cars also went with the first group bringing the total number of vehicles to 35. While the convoy is now effectively on Ukraine's territory, it has to pass the Ukrainian customs to get cleared for further movement.

14:48 GMT:

With self-defense troops in #Ilovaysk. The silence before the storm - they don't think #ceasefire will last. pic.twitter.com/uy13IJnNHc

— PaulaSlier_RT (@PaulaSlier_RT) September 12, 2014
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LUGANSK, September 13. /ITAR-TASS/. A convoy of trucks with Russian humanitarian aid for people living in Ukraine’s Donbass arrived in Lugansk

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DONETSK, Rostov Region, September 13. /ITAR-TASS/. The last truck from Russia’s second aid convoy to the east Ukrainian city of Lugansk returned to Russia at 18:30 Moscow time on Saturday, an ITAR-TASS correspondent reported from the scene.

“All vehicles had reached the Ukrainian-Russian border without incidents and the last of them crossed the border at 18:30,” a source said.

Early on Saturday, a convoy of 245 trucks crossed the border and headed to Lugansk to deliver more than 2,000 tonnes of relief supplies to the residents of the war-torn city, including food, power generators, medicines, and blankets.

MOSCOW, September 13. /ITAR-TASS/. The ceasefire agreement with Kiev offers a chance to rebuild the infrastructure in the self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR), its First Deputy Prime Minister Andrei Purgin said on Saturday.

He said the ceasefire agreement, reached in Minsk on September 5 by the parties to the conflict in eastern Ukraine, allows the DPR authorities to begin active work to “alleviate the humanitarian catastrophe” in the region, he told Rossiya 1 television.

Work is underway to repair power transmission lines, substations, gas pipelines, railroads, and water supply lines, bring in relief supplies and restore order, Pugin said.

IZVARINO BORDER-CROSSING POINT, September 13. /ITAR-TASS/. There is a line of over 300 cars of residents of the self-proclaimed Lugansk People’s Republic on the Ukrainian-Russian border, an Itar-Tass correspondent reported Saturday.

The cars are packed with belongings, the correspondent said. Refugees explained to Itar-Tass that they are trying to use the truce to leave Ukraine taking with them the few things left. Many of them said they do not hope to return.

Saturday, September 13
17:45 GMT:

Donetsk People’s Republic will exchange approximately 65 captured government soldiers for the same number of their own fighters on Sunday, DPR officials have told Russia’s RIA news agency. A prisoner swap was agreed as part of the ceasefire the two sides signed last week.

15:16 GMT:

Ukrainian Defense Minister Valery Geletey has posted on Facebook his initiative to test military officers of the General Staff and commanders with a lie detector. After that, he said, some dismissals may follow.

15:16 GMT:

Ukraine’s National Security Council spokesman Andrey Lysenko has praised the “positive results” of the ceasefire between Kiev and militia forces in the southeast of the country.

“Now in a relaxed situation we can free our hostages, regroup our forces, strengthen them,” Lysenko said.

13:19 GMT:

The Ukrainian army and the Donetsk militia will carry out another exchange of prisoners on Sunday, RIA Novosti reports. On September 11, both sides each returned 36 prisoners.

11:46 GMT:

Heavy artillery fire has been reported around Donetsk and a large plume of black smoke is hanging over the city’s airport, Reuters reports. Earlier, the Ukrainian military said that rebels fired on their forces overnight in the vicinity of the airport, the news agency reported, citing its reporter there.

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DONETSK, September 14. /ITAR-TASS/. An exchange of prisoners of war between Donetsk self-defense fighters and the Ukrainian army will take place on Sunday evening as planned, Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR) First Vice-Premier Andrei Purgin said.

“Nothing has changed so far. The exchange is to take place at 17 hours local time today in the area of the settlement of Konstantinovka near Donetsk,” Purgin said.

KIEV, September 14. /ITAR-TASS/. The Party of Regions, the ruling party under the ousted President Viktor Yanukovych, does not intend to take part in upcoming early parliamentary elections in Ukraine, Secretary of the Party’s Presidium and MP Boris Kolesnikov said on Sunday.


In Venice, yesterday held a meeting of the so-called Russell Tribunal - a private jet.

The Tribunal was established by philosophers Bertrand Russell and Jean-Paul Sartre to bring to justice those responsible for war crimes.

At this time the Tribunal directly accused of crimes against civilians Donbass Poroshenko, Obama, Rasmussen and Barroso.

The initiator of this court was Albert Gardin, who heads the non-governmental organization "government Veneto." Previously, he repeatedly went on hunger strike in solidarity and support of the population of the Donbass. The idea to organize a "tribunal" for the events in the East of Ukraine appeared to him at the end of July this year.

The Tribunal issued its verdict "on the basis of its own investigations and evidence." The hearing took place in public. According to their results mentioned policies were directly referred to as "war criminals."


Its decision the tribunal Russell soon plans to send to all major international organizations: the UN, the OSCE, the ICC (International Criminal Court), as well as in other international courts, as much as possible to initiate the prosecution called politicians.

According to curtains, this trial Poroshenko, Obama and the other defendants, has a large "legal, legal and social implications." "This is the voice that declares a difficult situation in the Donbas and stop the criminal silence of Europe", - he stressed.

Sergey Volodin
Central News Agency Novorossia


Yesterday morning, 220 Russian vehicles, including 193 trucks crossed the Ukrainian border through the Russian checkpoint "Donetsk".

The representative of the Southern Customs Department Ryan Farukshin sooobschil that the cargo safely passed customs and border processing on the Russian checkpoint "Donetsk".

Russian customs clearance was carried out under the supervision of Ukrainian colleagues.

Along the perimeter of the road were militia. In addition, the column was accompanied by traffic police car. Convoy without incidents come all the way to Lugansk, moving at an average speed of about 60 miles per hour.

The second convoy brought in Lugansk preserves, sugar, flour, diesel generators and other assistance to a total weight of 1.88 thousand. Tons.

Help from Russia arrived in Lugansk in time when it is almost running out of the first batch gumanitornoy assistance.

Told reporters the first deputy prime minister for industry Lugansk People's Republic Valery Potapov food should be enough for another 20 days.

According to him, during the first phase of its granting aid received more than 180 thousand people. "Now go, and the second wave has already fed more than 50 thousand people."

By evening all cars returned empty in Russia.

According to Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov that Russia's second convoy will not be the last.

The news of the second convoy West met much more restrained than the first. A Russian Foreign Ministry expressed the hope that Kiev would no longer impose any impediments.

Sergey Volodin
Central News Agency Novorossia

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