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US/NATO/EU and the desperate subversion of Ukraine

Steven Gaal

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Abstracts interview with Igor Strelkov.

On the New Russia

"New Russia today - a bastion of Russia. Donetsk, Lugansk, all the Donbass, all inclusive New Russia to Odessa - is part of Russia, the part that she had been forcibly torn criminals and traitors in 1991.

Talk about the New Russia, as something separate from Russia, especially as on Ukrainian territory - generally unacceptable. Today, fighting for the New Russia, we are fighting for Russia.

The war is actually declared Russia, and even if it did not start in the Donbass, she would have started elsewhere - would begin in the Crimea, elsewhere.

Russia, acting in defense of its national interests, has caused such a reaction is the so-called international community, that the retreat back is simply impossible.

And it is very unfortunate that the uprising of New Russia was not supported as well, as it happened in the Crimea. For me personally it is a great tragedy, because, coming with his squad in Slovyansk, I had hoped for something else entirely.

Certainly not on such massive destruction and not on such a shameful result that today try to fix the agreement signed in Minsk.

And today there are specific people and influential forces that even this result does not believe the final, and seek to destroy a New Russia.

But I know it's quite a lot of people with such aspirations do not suck, and are confident that this result is inconclusive ... "

About Minsk Agreement

"The agreement is extremely negative impact on the fate of the people of New Russia, the fate of the Russian people of Ukraine.

And if it is fully implemented, all the more so as it plans the Ukrainian side, it will be a disaster. "

On Elections

"I think it is a very big mistake, and, possibly, purposeful sabotage aimed at maximizing the fragmentation of the insurgent people and territory in the face of increasing enemy.

What kind of elections can be discussed when the fighting are almost non-stop? We're talking about a truce, but it exists de jure, the truce does not exist de facto. There is a war, a war opposition, are continuous shelling ...

In the rear area of ​​the army, with a fairly narrow holding any free elections - is a fiction. "

On Power

"If we talk in theory, the course in wartime, especially in such a small rear area, neither of which the civil power must not be out of the question.

Civil authority should be an adjunct to the military - it is an axiom of military art.

So to speak, and in the German and Russian armies during the Second World War, the control zone, where acted solely military authorities, extended to 200 miles behind enemy lines, and all other bodies subordinate to it.

We now have the depth of the rear army of New Russia - a maximum of 100-150 km, and in some areas, and 15-20 km ... What kind of general civil government may be involved in the same Donetsk, which is subjected to daily shelling? And from Luhansk to the front line in Happiness - nothing at all ...

What are these conditions can be elections, what is democracy? This is fiction.

Fiction, which is created by spin doctors to order certain people ...

They create a beautiful picture, fiction-that are used to create the real thing instead. And to create the scenery and peaceful life for the legitimization of the people they were seated in the two republics - Zaharchenko, carpentry and others - need to conduct these elections, to say that the people elected them ...

From all points of view, it would not only cancel the elections, but also to create a single control Novorossia with responsible people in charge, with a predominance of the military command of the civilian. This will allow the maximum extent and to establish military supplies, and subdue the gang, who do not obey anyone, hang out on the borders of the Republic and do not fight ... "

About Army Novorossia

"Alex Brain - it's practically the only remaining territory Novorossia major commander, whom I certainly trust.

Now I do not consider the level of battalion or mouth - there certainly is still quite normal commanders, whom I know personally and respect.

Brainstorming - a person with whom we worked hand in hand, when he was in Lisichansk, and I Slovyansk that disciplined, constantly aimed at the execution of their military duty, does not bring about any dark and doubtful cases.

If Alex is taken to organize a council of war, then I am 100% sure that this will be a positive event, you need at the moment.

And, I believe that all the warlords Novorossia need to gather in order to determine its position. The enemy threat is removed, and the fact that the resistance remains highly fragmented, uncoordinated - it is a huge threat.

Whatever ended this war council - in any case it will not be useless. "

Sergey Volodin based on media
Central News Agency Novorossia

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It should be noted that the formal cease-fire between the parties, the Ukrainian-Novorossiysk conflict ended with the first of this month. The reason for such a drastic change at the front was the action APU security forces in the course of which, ironically, was fired by the school (October 1 was the day of knowledge in the New Russia) .Dvoe people were killed and many injured, fortunately the kids were not injured.
From this moment the Nazis became fiercer attacks. Occupants bombed Donetsk with the airport, which caused the militia to storm natsgvardeyskih position, by the way, successful.
In the end, after extensive shelling areas of Donetsk, only yesterday (October 2) killed two dozen citizens of New Russia, fifty people received injuries of varying severity, and this is only among the civilian population. Soldiers of the Army DNR also affected, but in smaller quantities than ordinary people (12 soldiers were wounded, four of them in a very serious condition).
Basurin Edward - Head of Political Department of the Army Donetsk HP announced these figures and commented remarkable statement APU regarding shelling. Dumanskiy Yuri - Deputy Chief of General Staff of Ukraine, said that the shelling of Donetsk led a kind of "third force." He said the security forces did not bomb the city APU. Basurin statement stunned the Nazis and is very interested in the fact that all the same for the third force bombing of civilians by the occupying forces, trying to tarnish the good name of the invaders.
Dumanskiy in turn provided a "portrait" of a "third force", VSUshnik said that the units that are not subject to any of the parties to the conflict, taking part in hostilities. It looks like this in the description of the deputy head of the General Staff of Ukraine: someone has a mortar and truck - pulled up, shoot and leave.
Sergey Lyzhin
Central News Agency Novorossia

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revenge for those killed in Odessa

Gunners miner Brigade DNR "Kalmius" shelling of MLRS "Grad" position of Ukrainian troops entrenched in the Donetsk airport.

Shelling is the night of 2 October 3, exactly five months after the tragedy in Odessa.

Before you start shelling militia explain what do the punitive for those killed on May 2 in Odessa House of Trade Unions.

Caution: Video obscene language.

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Events Novorossia
Taking the airport in Donetsk
Today, 16:01 | Category: Feed » Events
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October 3 in the afternoon, according to volunteer Prokhorov, a division of Motorolla has decided to destroy the forces of foreign mercenaries and Ukrainian nationalists, who had taken refuge in the underground communications airport. Instead underground war, its soldiers simply poured there aviation fuel and set on fire. Most warriors suffocated. Whether this was a war crime? Let's see.

The mere fact that punishers were firing at civilians, put them outside the law. Moreover, when they were sent parlamentёra, they shot the car with a white flag. These people should not be treated like human beings. And when they saw the body brutally tortured tankers, fighters were quite right, take punitive as to cockroaches.

Stanislav Kozban,
Central News Agency Novorossia

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00:17 GMT:

The conflict in eastern Ukraine has killed over 3,600, with just under 8,450 others wounded as of September 30, the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) said in the weekly report.

OCHA noted some serious ceasefire violations in eastern Ukraine: “Despite ceasefire and a 9-point memorandum signed by the parties on 19 September, serious ceasefire violations are reported daily and shelling has intensified in parts of Donetsk and Luhansk regions. As a result, displacement is on the rise and lives of civilians are endangered.”

The humanitarian organization also urged to find a solution in Ukraine, warning that beginning January 2015, Ukraine “will not be able to cover the country-wide needs for antiretroviral and TB drugs.”

Berlin is mulling sending troops to monitor the shaky ceasefire between Kiev forces and local militia in eastern Ukraine, a German government source told Reuters.

The source told the agency that a German troop deployment would depend on the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), which could move to send in troops to monitor the ceasefire it helped broker on September 5 in Minsk, Belarus.

If such a political decision were made, the number of troops sent by Germany would depend on the security situation in Ukraine and conditions set by the OSCE, the source said.

German newspaper Bild, however, said that 200 soldiers were planned for the mission. Around 150 would help monitor the crisis area with drones, and an additional 50 would provide security.

Last month, France and Germany offered to send drones to help bolster OSCE monitoring of the ceasefire in Ukraine’s troubled east.

The daily said the mission was in reaction to a Franco-German fact-finding mission in mid-September, which determined that the ceasefire could only be effectively monitored if boots on the ground provided security for monitoring staff.

A spokesman for the German Foreign Ministry told Reuters that Berlin and Paris are hammering out a plan to support the OSCE mission, but were only in the exploratory phase.

Germany has also dispatched more than 100 trucks from 17 different cities to deliver aid, including mobile kitchens, heating devices and blankets, to Ukraine, Der Spiegel reported.

The aid, set to be distributed by mid-October, will specifically be deployed to the east of the country before the onset of winter. The value of the cargo is estimated at 10 million euro.


A Ukrainian serviceman ® and OSCE observers wait on a road near Donetsk.(AFP Photo / Anatolii Stepanov)

Meanwhile, the OSCE called for an immediate ceasefire in eastern Ukraine on Friday after civilians and a member of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) were killed.

Kiev and militia forces have accused each other side of being responsible for the deaths resulting from the shelling of residential areas in Donetsk.

"The ceasefire represented a real opportunity for a sustainable de-escalation of the situation; to put it at risk would be irresponsible and deplorable," Didier Burkhalter, the OSCE chairperson-in-office, was quoted by the organization's press service as saying.

Burkhalter added that civilians Ukraine’s east needed a return to normalcy, while humanitarian aid agencies needed to be able to safely reach them before winter.

According to reports, fighting for Donetsk Airport has continued on Saturday. Ukrainian military spokesman Andrey Lysenko told journalists that 12 militia members were killed during the assault, “the biggest single loss among rebels since September 5."

Lysenko added that two Ukrainian servicemen were killed during the past 24 hours, though he provided no further details. He denied local reports that rebels had used gas during their assault on the airfield.

Fighters in Donetsk said they were honoring the truce, ITAR-TASS new agency reported, citing a statement from the self-proclaimed republic’s Defense Ministry.

At least 3,627 people have been killed and approximately 8,446 wounded since violence broken out in eastern Ukraine earlier this year, according to a UN report released on Friday.

On Saturday, Russia's Federal Migration Service said that 880,000 Ukrainians have arrived and stayed in Russia since hostilities broke out in Ukraine.

DONETSK, October 4. /TASS/. Ukrainian security forces are using prohibited weapons against civilians in the south-east of the country, a member of the Russian president’s Human Rights Council, Maxim Shevchenko, said on Saturday.]

He and Darya Morozova, a candidate human rights commissioner of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic, visited one of the mass burial sites and the place where an exploded cluster projectile went off several days after landing, hurting teen-agers, on the outskirts of Donetsk.

“Today I received confirmation that the Ukrainian army is using against civilians in the Donetsk republic weapons that one would hesitate to use even against an enemy army. The impression is that they are using everything they have at the despots,” Shevchenko said.

I know - you do not like blood,
Only a fraction was not different:
Or to fight for a just cause -
Or to the cemetery rest.
Boris Gun'ko

In the Kazakh media quite widely reported events in Ukraine and in the People's Republic of Donetsk. Moreover, if the pro-government media are trying to still stick at least a semblance of objectivity, the media belonging to the bourgeois-bureaucratic opposition behave exceptionally ugly, struggling to whitewash Kiev junta. Let it remain on their conscience; I also seem necessary to say why all progressive forces should support the DNI.

Assumes that the European integration?

Current Kiev junta came to power in a coup backed by the United States and the European Union. The reason for the coup was the postponement of the signing of the Association Agreement between Ukraine and the European Union.

It's clear that the European bourgeoisie Association of Ukraine with the EU is beneficial. Capitalism in our time can only develop "breadth", therefore, the greater the "backyard" of this or that country is, the better. There is much to throw off the costs of capitalism - social stratification, predatory attitude to nature and to people, and the like charms of capitalism, leaving himself in the center, something like socialism.

It profitable and Ukrainian comprador bourgeoisie. The stronger the connection of the ruling class of the country with the world bourgeoisie, the stronger her rotten system. Yes, and "earn" on the destruction of the economy can be good.

And the people of Ukraine association with the EU carries only desolation and ruin. To see this, just look to what has led the association with the EU Bulgaria, Bosnia and the Baltic states.

This is how the social consequences of association with the EU Bulgaria progressive public figure in this country Dimitar Zdravkov: " Yes, we joined the European Union, the EU is not only entered into us. We've got the same corrupt government, the same corrupt officials, coupled with stringent standards, rules, methods of the European Union. We were destroyed, crushed by the European Union. Yes, they give us some tranches to development, but what happens to the money - no one knows. Everything settles in the pockets of government officials, and even if somewhere comes - that only by "their" and "their" projects. If you have no "roof" in the state administration, your business is doomed. Methodically was first destroyed the entire industry - privatized for a song; everything that can be cut into scrap metal. Completely destroyed everything agriculture. Yes, we were allowed to engage in animal husbandry, but put their meager purchase prices that we have destroyed. And so in all. The country is entirely dependent on imports. ruined higher education system. Spawn mass of non-ranking universities that for a bribe issue diplomas of higher education. All that we can offer for export - this is just a cheap unskilled labor. Bulgaria catastrophic demographic situation. Population fell from 9 million to seven. This is worse than any genocide. Young couple stopped having children. Who can - leaves. Goes the generation gap. A huge number of people working in the west. Grown children and grandparents. Children do not see their parents. That is the price paid for the European Union Bulgaria

. "

The same applies to Bosnia. The main reason for the protests that swept the country in February, it became absolutely intolerable situation. The unemployment rate is very high - 27.5%. In addition, more than 20% of the population involved in the so-called shadow economy; one person in five lives below the poverty line and the average monthly salary is 420 euros (about $ 570).

Working together with their children are slowly dying from poverty, freezing in winter and wandering in search of any work, and in the meantime thief, profiteer on the privatization and fragmentation of the working people by nationality, lead an immoral life and lie in the eyes of the workers, claiming that they represent their interests .

Considers itself a Marxist-Leninist party radical left anti-imperialist organization "Red Action" emphasizes that in Bosnia and Herzegovina, with all its authorities only institution of power is real Office of High Representative of the European Union. It is militarily suppressed the riots, shamelessly calling the protesters "hooligans" and "vandals".

The same thing will happen with Ukraine. Industry, which began to get up, go bankrupt and broke. Agriculture will only backyards. Thousands and thousands of Ukrainians will go to work in Europe, where he will compete not only local, but also Poles, Balts, Bulgarians, Romanians, Greeks. European bourgeoisie is, of course, beneficial: the more unemployment, the less real social protection. A European proletariat - no. That is why the British, German and Greek martial class trade unions supported the DNR.

For stupefying the people of Kiev junta actively used nationalism. Communists show, for example, has led to what the European integration of Bulgaria and Romania, and nationalists in the answer: they are, therefore, defective in Europe could not fit, and we - we can. And perverse, zombie consciousness perceives nationalist propaganda, flattering perverted national sentiment.

By the way, nationalism is used for this purpose in all developing countries capitalist orientation. Nationalists do not recognize that there are laws of development that are common to all countries. They believe that their people - special, unique, and can, going through Europe and the United States to achieve the same, which reached the Europeans and Americans. And other people who, by following this path (the same Bulgarians, Bosnians are the same, the same Romanians) have not reached the same - their perverted view - defective.

Interests of the United States

Their specific interests in Ukraine are the American imperialists. They need to pit Russia with Europe, intimidate European society mythical "Russian threat." As we know, in Europe, public opinion did not consider - our own peril. Even if it is - it is public opinion - formed from the outside, with a hostile Europe purpose.

Yes, while formally the United States and the European Union - the Allies. Yes, still there as long as NATO, which consist of both the United States and most European Union countries. Yes, the public nor European nor American bourgeois politicians do not say anything negative about each other.

But already visible and cracks in their relationship. Has been unprecedented "spy scandal" caused by revelations of Edward Snowden. Have already been formed, at least in one country - Poland - pro-American forces opposed to European integration. And already the European bourgeoisie is trying to free from the influence of the United States.

The reasons for the emerging conflict the United States and the European Union are clear. All land is already divided between European and American multinationals. Next capitalism grow nowhere, social resource is exhausted. Needless capitalist development leads to the fact that two of the imperialist monster start to look for a social resource from each other. This inevitably leads to conflicts between them.

While opposition to the United States and the EU expressed only in an attempt to rid Europe of the American diktat. And in order to keep its influence European Union, the United States used the image of Russia as a horror story, presenting it as an aggressor.

American propagandists are events in the New Russia so that Russia, in retaliation for the fact that Ukraine has rejected the Customs Union, there mishandled its agents, and they began to "muddy the waters." Going full speed a civil war between the forces of liberation of South-East and the Kiev fascist junta portrayed as a confrontation between pro-Russian and pro-European forces. Try to present everything as if Russia seeks to revive the USSR. Attract the ears "cold war" between the USSR and the West. And the European public opinion bite the bait.

What are holes in this - can be clearly seen from the following example. In the USSR, each strike in the West covered by the media. Modern Russian media about strikes in the West are silent. With the exception of the Communist standing in opposition. And if they say that the strikers are selfish and self-seekers. It's clear why. Class solidarity of the bourgeoisie has not been canceled. A modern Russia - a bourgeois state. And no matter how strained relations may be the Russian bourgeoisie and the bourgeoisie of the European - the workers they will be united.

Why rebelled South-East?

The reason for the popular uprising in the New Russia were not the machinations of Russia. And it is not the intention of the Kiev junta to force the transition of all clerical work in the Ukrainian language. Apparently, the decision was made specifically to write off people's discontent social conditions on the kind of "linguistic laziness."

South-East of Ukraine has always been more industrialized regions. There is a fairly strong working class - and the miners and factory workers.

Of course, now considered proletarians alone factory workers can only dogma. All who live by selling their labor power - and a factory worker and peasant farm laborer and an engineer, and a teacher - can safely call themselves proletarians. But factory workers rallied around him the rest of the proletarians, unite in class.

It is the proletariat most interested in progress. In Ukraine, the new government - pronounced bourgeois. Like any fascist power, it is set by the bourgeoisie in response to a revolutionary situation, began to take shape in Ukraine. Established with the explicit purpose of any cost to stop the progress deadly for the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie.

Most recently, in Ukraine began to form nekompradorskaya bourgeoisie. And there, too - in the South-East. It was on her in the last years of his rule relied Yanukovych. Objectively, it is also interested in the progress to Europe not to join. But here it acts against the Nazis shyly, hesitantly, slowly. Because he's afraid that, once started, the liberation movement will go to the end. Before the socialist revolution and the dictatorship of the proletariat.

It participated in the liberation movement of the national bourgeoisie pushes away the broad masses. Many people think if the representatives of the national bourgeoisie came to power, will be the same oppressors as Kiev junta. This is a mistake. And the error originating from the maximalist Position "Or everything - or nothing."

Firstly, the bourgeoisie, which opposes the junta - against fascism and for bourgeois democracy. A bourgeois democracy, whatever it was flawed - still not fascism.

Secondly (and this is important!), The more active the proletarian masses are involved in this kind of events, the greater their influence. With regard to the national liberation war in the DNI and LC, it looks like. If it will actively participate proletariat, he will be able to dictate its will to carry out the decisions relevant to their interests. He, as a class, the most interested in the overthrow of the junta Kiev, will be able to defend the independence and build a real people's republic. Will not - find a compromise with the bourgeoisie Kiev fascists.

Thus, to date, have rather poor choice of DNR: or separation from Ukraine, or dying. So there is not separatism, and the present liberation movement.

Ales Yasnogortseva,
Central News Agency Novorossia
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Despite the continued atrocities of the fascist government, the New Russia continues to move toward a self-sufficient state. Thus, Lugansk, HP has started formation of all constituencies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and law enforcement. According to Igor Cornet - Interior Minister LC, was drafted and passed a bill "On Police", in this case, the document used to create the experience of different countries.

However, the preparation of the law "On Police" was not the end, the parliament has been developing the Criminal Procedure and the Penal Code, it is necessary to ensure proper operation of law enforcement agencies.

With a view to the speedy establishment and recovery system, created the district police department. Igor Cornet said that the restoration of the Ministry of Interior will take no more than a few weeks, as the situation in the cities of tension and peaceful citizens want to order.

In order to obtain information about the state in which there are police departments, not so long ago were audited. In some of the institutions audited chaos reigned, employees are often met in the form of a commission of the Ukrainian militia. In this case, all law enforcement officers, if they want to remain at their posts. Those who were dissatisfied with the upcoming changes were sent to the recovery of the national economy.

It is reported that as the basis for the Interior Ministry Luhansk HP will "Berkut". However, some services may have to be such an analogue GAI - DPS quit. Stead, to maintain order on the roads will patrol service, which should have a positive impact on the fight against graft.

Sergey Lyzhin
Central News Agency Novorossia

Numerous crimes Ukrainian junta and the original desire to become an independent state of New Russia, was the occasion to refer to the countries of the United Nations on behalf of the citizens of the Donbass. Association "People's Front of New Russia", in particular its legal department, made an official letter. The main goal of treatment is to recognize the genocide by the junta on the territory of the Donets Basin, as well as to file a lawsuit against the government of Ukraine.

"Popular Front" also puzzled by the attitude of the authorities of the United States to the events in New Russia. Representatives of the union believe that the evidence of fascist crimes is sufficient, even to pay attention to the criminal power. However, the United States, traditionally using double standards continue to ignore what is happening. The greatest outrage is America's attitude toward Russia in this situation, with enviable persistence States continues to require the termination of the RF supply of humanitarian aid. According to "People's Front of New Russia", this behavior - is supporting evidence of murders and other crimes illegal authority Square.

"Popular Front" in his address said that Ukraine does not comply with the principles of equality, the main evidence of this is the statement of Arseny Yatsenyuk. In one of his speeches, the Prime Minister called the residents of Donbass "subhuman." This alone Donbass residents believe the reason for independence. In addition, in support of demands "Popular Front" is the fact that the OSCE has acknowledged the crimes of the junta, such as bullying Nazis and massacres of civilians.

Sergey Lyzhin
Central News Agency Novorossia

Former defense minister Donetsk People's Republic Igor Gunmen in a conversation with the head of intelligence of the Republic, General Sergey Petrovsky DNR said that according to his information on Monday Ukrainian troops can attack the DNI and LC.

Group on the social network, regularly publishes reports Igor rifle and reports from volunteers from the front, put the following information, with reference to the former defense minister of DNR: "In the occupied territories Novorossia mobilization is underway.

In Selidovo agenda smashed everything, and poor, and sick, and a white ticket, gaining another "meat."

What Igor Gunmen said that on Monday may again begin full-scale war: "On Monday, may start already," - said in a statement.

Sergey Volodin
Central News Agency Novorossia

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DONETSK, October 5 (RIA Novosti) – The shelling of Donetsk started late Saturday and has continued into the morning, killing a civilian and damaging residential areas, the Donetsk administration reported on its website Sunday.

"Following the shelling that took place in the afternoon on October 4, damage to private houses was registered … A civilian died in Petrovsky district," the statement on the website said.

Tensions in Donetsk remain, but the work of the transportation system has not been suspended, switching to the weekend schedule.

The service of 70 substations has been restored over the past 24 hours, with 41 substations remaining out of power, as of October 5.

Donetsk is one of Ukraine's southeastern regions where the Kiev forces clashed with independence supporters since mid-April. On September 5, a ceasefire was reached at a Contact Group meeting in Minsk, followed by the adoption of a memorandum on September 19 that specified steps for the ceasefire implementation.

The opposing sides have repeatedly accused one another of violating the truce, although the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) said the ceasefire was generally holding. According to the United Nations estimates, the conflict has so far killed over 3,600 people and injured over 8,500.

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By the end of August - beginning of September 2014 on the fronts Novorossia a situation positional impasse. The number of militia was insufficient to continue full-scale offensive, and Kiev troops were not only unable to counterattack, but also defended with great difficulty.

For comparison, a similar situation at the end of 1914, on the battlefields of the First World War, led to the launch of a blunt meat grinder, in which millions died, four empires collapsed, the Western "democracy" a good decade lived in fear of the revolution, and weak links like Germany, Italy , Portugal and Eastern Europe, except for the Czech Republic, to establish a fascist dictatorship as the only means of containment of communism.

In general, the position impasse - a terrible thing. Have to fight and fight impossible. The troops do not understand why they should rot in the trenches for months, and even more puzzled why they are being driven to the slaughter, when the next offensive end promoting a mile deep and ten on the front of the price of hundreds of thousands of lives. Even the war of attrition is meaningless, because the morale of the troops is falling faster than the dwindling resources of the parties. Governments are under threat rotation bayonets own armies (not only the army of the Russian Empire in 1917, suffered such sentiments in France at the same time rebellious compounds were shot artillery).

But in 2014 there was a dead end position not only on the fronts of New Russia, but also in the "quiet" geopolitical war of the USA against Russia. The EU did not want and could not (without the threat of catastrophic destabilization of its own) to further tighten sanctions pressure.

Other allies in the event of failure of the EU to play the American game and were not inclined to suffer alone (though the sanctions were not so damaging to their economies, both for European). Well, the sanctions imposed by the United States alone, could not be effective. At the same time, Russia, is far from complete restructuring of their economic and financial systems (their switching market BRICS countries in Latin America and the Asia-Pacific region and the elimination of critical dependence on trade with the West), and could not take the risk. The Kremlin is well aware - EU sanctions do not want to, but also understood that if you do not give it the arguments for discussions with Washington, Brussels will cry, save billions, but to tighten sanctions will still be.

However, in contrast to the First World War, when the parties over the years could not get out of the stalemate position, in the current situation, it was clear that the temporary equilibrium of both the fronts of New Russia, and in geopolitics will not last long. In Novorossia parties do not have sufficient forces to create a solid front line, so maneuverable war could not go to the classic trench confrontation. Once someone has accumulated sufficient force to resolve urgent tactical issue, despite the Minsk agreement, carried out a local attack. In this case, the militias have demonstrated that they clearly outperform the junta "world" before that won the war.

During the period of the ceasefire agreement Kiev forces lost nearly the same territory as during the August offensive militia. Virtually eliminated numerous boilers, August occupying a third of the territory of New Russia behind the front line. Cut Debaltsevsky projection army Novorossia started near approaches to Volnovaha castigators dropped from Lugansk and the military threat created Novorossia Lisichanskiy and Severodonetskoye. In Donetsk airport completes sweep, then hold Avdeyevka and Sands will be meaningless for punitive, and with the release of these settlements and Krasnogorovka will exclude the possibility of shelling the capital city blocks DNR. In general, the army of New Russia is slowly but surely moving to the borders of the NPT and the LC.

More importantly, the opponent did not quietly in the rear of the junta. Kiev fears uprisings. With regular threats against resistance Dnepropetrovsk and Zaporozhye made fascist power Dnepropetrovsk. Not afraid to be - did not threaten to. By the way, at the same time there was a message about sending militia weapons anti-fascist underground Kherson and Zaporizhzhya. In Odessa, suddenly preoccupied urgent creation, arming and training of four companies (full battalion) territorial defense, which will have the force of arms to protect against storm government buildings. Once before Odessa needs in this formation have not experienced or even the second of May, the Nazis killed several dozen anti-fascists almost no use (except single cases) of small arms (mostly treated with Molotov cocktails, bats, metal rods and other materials at hand). Two battalions of the punishers were removed from the front to the campaign of intimidation in Kharkov. Again, from February to the end of September Lenin in Kharkiv did not stop the Nazis. Not that they did not want to demolish it, but did not consider it a priority, and it is reasonable to not want to irritate the whole submissive population. If you decide to risk provocation discontent, then realize that obedience is over and the city is about to explode.

In general, on the front of the Kiev troops lose one position after another, and operational rear ready to revolt. At the same time in Kiev in connection with organized Poroshenko madness early elections are fighting spiders in the bank. Grouping Tymoshenko, Poroshenko Yatsenuk / Turchinova catch the moment to cut the throat polovchee "ally" to "euroelections" Kolomoysky eyeing - with whom, against whom, and in what order to make friends. While he chose Poroshenko, which suddenly became a love order bearers deputy governor of Dnepropetrovsk Filatov and the entire pool Kolomoysky media. How long will this choice? We'll see.

Behind Nazi grandees jackals lurk smaller. "Freedom", "Right sector" Ljashko, fugitives from the Party of Regions in the "constructive opposition" - everyone is trying to grab a piece of that feast on carrion, eat up the carcass okolevshey Ukraine. Battalions (not battalion commanders, namely battalions) not admitted to the partition of trophies coup, muffled murmur and promise to shoot the "traitors Maidan." Until the steam comes out in the form of a whistle in the discharge of objectionable deputies in the trash, but the public in Kiev is set much more radical and armed much better than during the struggle against peaceful Yanukovych. Before the first shots in the capital will not be long.

At the front, the geopolitical situation is also generally favorable. Of course, the old lady Merkel periodically rants on new sanctions, but it occurs on a background of the declared intention of the EU to consider the gradual abolition of the existing ones. May not cancel, but note the first time Brussels is going to discuss is not a new round of sanctions, and the abolition of the existing ones. Poland suddenly writhed in hysterics about the "Mistral", the supply of which Paris supposedly going to freeze. Do not be in Warsaw sure that Paris has to unfreeze frozen, they would hardly have become annoying France teachings. Yet the French for centuries were Poles older brothers who listened to and not lecture. Parallel Poland nervous Obama urging the world "to unite against Russia." When the Allies are united, they do not call to rally, especially do not do it publicly.

Finally, and perhaps most importantly, the New Russia, and Russia, providing the global community of mass graves of victims of war crimes committed not only punitive volunteer units, but regular army junta (in particular, the 25th Airmobile Brigade Dnepropetrovsk), seriously hampered further support Kiev from the West.

Now, any politician who tries to stand up for the February coup, should be aware that war crimes have no statute of limitations. The investigation will ever be held responsible named and their patrons also do not wash off. And as the cherry on the cake, Russia began regularly require the UN Security Council to complete the investigation by the Malaysian "Boeing" and announce the results. And Russian diplomats require specific things that is almost impossible to refuse - to announce whose planes, when and where were flying over the area in which the tragedy occurred, and who was there and what the rocket launched. This is the punch in the stomach. Once the West will be forced to admit that the plane was hit by the junta, the Kiev government will automatically switch from the state of the legitimate government of a state criminal terrorist regime.

In general, everything points to the fact that Russia and New Russia accumulated enough military, political and diplomatic arguments to exit the position impasse profitably using operational pause, but Washington and Kiev just get bogged down in the deeper problems. We have not even remembered the organization US-led coalition for war LIH, stupid American statement by Hong Kong, leading to a confrontation with China is not rubber not just American resources are stretched around the world - the strategic interests of the United States more and more localized in the regions of Ukraine and are far less Depending on the resolution of the Ukrainian crisis.

Well, when someone gets the opportunity to resolve a deadlock position in their favor, defeat your opponent tends to be rapid and catastrophic. Perhaps it is in anticipation of disaster Ukrainian authorities Brussels fully supported Russia's proposals to resolve the gas issue, but cynically refused to Kiev in the money needed to repay the debt (2 + 1 billion by the end of the year), after which it becomes possible to resume gas supplies to Ukraine. Truth and lies here mocking mine - delivery only on prepayment. And money from Kiev and never will be. Location prepayment something to take? And the EU is well aware of all this.

And if the EU understands everything, but says to ease sanctions, support Russia in the gas dispute, then it is certain that the days of Kievan regime are numbered. Europe does not want to stay in the winter without gas, which is inevitably going to steal from the pipe Kiev. That is, to the time of Kiev regime wants to steal something, he should have to cease to exist. We are waiting for good news. Some ask, "Why a truce?".

Rostislav Ishchenko, president of the Center of Systems Analysis and Forecasting

Photo: Tyzhden.ua
Central News Agency Novorossia

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Confirmed rumors that the Nazis, at a time when the bulk of the Donetsk airport was under their control, militia offered a deal. Occupants are required to leave defenders Novorossia six small settlements (villages) to APU troops could occupy them, in return they promised to send a strategically important facility (airport) at the disposal of the army Donetsk HP. Naturally, the soldiers of the militia of these conditions do not agree. At the same time, Kiev junta denied punitive attempts to negotiate with the DNR on the exchange of the airport on the settlements.

Currently defenders Donbass during heavy fighting could fully squeeze the invaders from the territory of the air harbor, with most of the Nazis was destroyed. However, despite the loss of a strategic point, militants continue to offer the junta militia exchange for six settlements. Only this time, the occupiers promise to withdraw all their troops from neighboring areas to the airport. Apparently, in order to questionable deal struck militias profitable fascists continue to inflict artillery strikes on residential areas of Donetsk.

Defenders of New Russia, in turn, refused to negotiate these absurd questions. Participants themselves storming important object in general can not understand how it is possible to exchange the six settlements of civilians on that whatsoever, especially against the background of success army Donetsk HP.

Especially questionable are the words of the Nazis, given their deceitful nature. Hardly defenders of their native land will be used for the exchange of settlements rather regroup, they will start to kick arrogant person Bandera until they do not run away, leaving behind a previously captured towns and villages.

Sergey Lyzhin
Central News Agency Novorossia


Yesterday, an official statement was made by the chief of the Political Administration of the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Donetsk Edward Basurin.

The authorities of the Republic of Donetsk accused in firing units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, which are in the Donetsk airport.

The purpose of the shelling, according to them, were just civilians Donetsk. The Defense Ministry of the Republic believe that in this way the Ukrainian authorities to intimidate the citizens of Donetsk, and trying to blame the blame on the "third force."

"The propaganda of the enemy has invented a kind of" third force "that is imaginary unit militias, not obeying Commander of the Republic. Obvious absurdity of such statements.

In addition, fragments of shells found at the scene, irrefutable evidence of their membership of the Ukrainian army. In service of our army is simply no such artillery systems that shoot like ammunition, "- said in a statement.

"Guide DNR, Department of Defense, and all armed groups of strictly adhere to the peace agreements reached in Minsk.

Department of Defense DNI has a clear and well-organized chain of command. As part of the militia no division acting in its sole discretion. There are no divisions, primarily artillery, any calculation that would have the authority to open fire without an order of command.

All unit commanders informed of the need for strict observance of the Minsk agreements, as well as the fact that a violation of the ceasefire entails criminal liability under the laws of war.

Fire departments are allowed to open only in response to the shelling of residential and public buildings, industrial plants and locations of the forces of the DNI.

We know the coordinates of the enemy. We will strictly adhere to Minsk agreements, but we reserve the right to respond to attacks on civilian neighborhoods of our cities, "- said Edward Basurin.

Sergey Volodin
Central News Agency Novorossia

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Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine legalized slavery in the country .. So Kiev is trying to find money to pay the loans received from the United States, the EU and the IMF. This decision of the Ukrainian authorities due to the fact that Ukraine is now can be called bankrupt.

Ukrainian authorities had to introduce the legislation, the term "compulsory labor" which stipulates that citizens will be involved in enforcement work. The press release of the Ministry of Social Policy, with reference to its head Lyudmila Denisova. Presenting your attention the text:

"In connection with the situation in the east of the country, the Cabinet of Ministers at today's meeting made changes in order to attract able-bodied persons to community service ... Defined the term" compulsory labor "which stipulates that citizens will be involved in the enforcement of work .. . without requiring consent. "

The works will involve all categories of citizens, except, of course, politicians and oligarchs: the unemployed, employees of enterprises, students, and other individuals and other categories of citizens. They will be forced labor contract, but without pay.

Analyzing this document experts pay attention to the wording of the law: for example in the law there is the concept of "the parties' agreement", in which one of the parties can be forced to work "without requiring the consent." All of this is very similar to Orwell's dystopia.

It seems that the United States finally headed towards fascism and outdid themselves by setting the Ukraine the most that neither is on Nazi slave mode. That is what the United States and referred to as "democracy" and intend to spread their "democracy" everywhere.

The introduction of compulsory labor service, responded to, among others, the German newspaper Deutsche Wirtschafts Nachtrichten. She argues that "the new rules announced by the Minister of Social Policy of Ukraine, mean the introduction of forced labor, which violates the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Freedoms." Newspaper journalists try to characterize the Prime Minister of Ukraine Arseniy Yatsenyuk legalize forced labor "another step towards authoritarianism."

This decision of the Ukrainian authorities due to the fact that Ukraine is now can be called bankrupt. By the same debt, the IMF gave Kiev in debt another $ 17 billion to the Nazis seized power illegally could pay mercenaries, buy weapons and bullets to kill people in those regions that do not accept the legitimacy of the government that came to power in a coup. " Perhaps part of the reason it was now introduced slavery: it is necessary to reduce costs, to Kiev was able to return in full all their masters: the IMF, the United States and the EU.

Anton Karamazov.
Central News Agency Novorossia

The oligarchs have made in the media propaganda mouthpiece of ethnic hatred, war and death.

Yesterday in Odessa activists on the eve of World Mental Health Day, organized a flash mob "straight embroidery."

"During the theatrical action activists, dressed in" strait-embroidered "and foil caps, portrayed themselves as victims of Ukrainian TV propaganda, muttering" Putin is to blame "," no casualties and no casualties. Peremoga, Peremoga "," Glory to Ukraine! Vorogov death "," colorado themselves burned. Colorado, quilted jackets, the terrorists, "" Watching only Ukrainian, "- said on its website as" the Committee on May 2. "

Its flash-mob activists wanted to emphasize the harm mental health of our fellow citizens, who are Ukrainian TV channels, exposing people daily attacks military and nationalist propaganda.

During the action, the activists distributed the following statement:

"We want to disable broadcast on Ukrainian television. They foment ethnic strife and hatred raise degree in our society. We are tired of hate.

Oligarchs-owners of TV channels, in the interest of the purse, pits the people of our country together. That people are not thrown out of these parasites, they make people kill each other. That people did not break their mansions and limousines, they make our fellow citizens to break monuments. Promotion of violence, war hysteria turned Ukrainian media of the information source propaganda mouthpiece of ethnic hatred, war and death.

We demand to stop this car stupefying population, which aims to make us docile and not asking questions zombies. Ukrainian TV channels become dangerous for the mental health of our people, "- said the activists and called to" turn off zomboyaschik. "

Sergey Volodin
Central News Agency Novorossia


In Donetsk airport liquidated "front" special forces battalion punitive

According to sources in the Army of New Russia, in Donetsk airport assault groups militia destroyed the 1st Battalion, Special Purpose National Guard of Ukraine.

This unit recruited from proven Bandera militants considered ideological.

The battalion was formed more 15 March this year of "self-defense fighters Maidan." Bandera held monthly training on the basis of the military unit for special purposes and 15 April have taken up on combat duty in the area Raisins Slavonic.

Punishers distinguished cruelty during the fighting in the area of ​​Slavic and appropriate attitude towards the prisoners and locals.


At the parade in honor of the "independence of Ukraine" 24 August this year, the battalion was in the ranks, being armed with Israeli assault rifles TAR-21 (Tavor Assault Rifle-21).


Israeli rifles and farewell Commander Poroshenko not helped butchers participating in the occupation of Donbass.

"Dogs" -sobachya death!

Sergey Volodin
Central News Agency Novorossia

First Deputy of the Parliament of New Russia Alexander Kofman broadcast said that until there is a convincing victory over the junta and the trial of the war criminals, no international experts will not condemn the real perpetrators.

"There are daily evidence of regular, daily crimes Kiev punitive. These crimes we constantly find, after which Ukrainian "gebbelschina" begins to attribute these crimes to us.

Any experts prove timeline murder these people and prove that at the time there were Ukrainian troops. But, as in the story of "Boeing", it will all be washed out.

Everyone should accept the fact that without a victory, as in the 45th and without attracting violent criminals in Nuremberg because victory will not "- says a representative of New Russia.

Sergey Volodin

Central News Agency Novorossia


Representatives of the Army of Donbass declare that their boundaries are drawn more troops.

According to eyewitnesses, on Sunday October 5, 7 were seen with long-range guns 2A36 "Hyacinth-B" heading in the direction of Odessa Nikolaev. In addition, the same road was a "Grad" with an armored cab.

"Yesterday, it was necessary to leave Kharkov Donetsk region. Struck something that has not already been almost a month. Entire route is in military technology, and Izyum train station was a trainload of soldiers to be sent to the area of ​​so-called ATO" - note the witnesses .

Also according to local residents, on Friday night the whole station square of Odessa was in military equipment and night advanced to the south.

"The whole park in Odessa scored military equipment, which presumably preparing to send to the borders of the NPT," - said in a statement posted on the website of DNR.

Sergey Volodin
Central News Agency Novorossia


On Saturday Igor Gunmen made a prediction about the resumption of full-scale hostilities junta: "On Monday, may start already."

Deputy Minister of Defence of People's Republic of Donetsk exploration Major General Sergey Petrovsky DNR (alias "Gloomy") yesterday to questions about the probability of occurrence of the Ukrainian army, confirmed the suggestion Igor Strelkov, but his term postponed to Tuesday.

This is due to the fact that on Saturday artillery "Gloomy" and the battalion "Kalmius" covered positions staging junta. As a result, a massive strike, destroyed or damaged up to 20 tanks, 5 "Hurricane" killed and wounded dozens of people.

As the head of intelligence, "Beat significantly weaken their bronekulak, but not critical. Tomorrow is Monday, the day of heavy, so generals tolstopuziki team will be expected to nominate on Tuesday morning and will massively use MRL. We are ready and we have a couple of surprises. "

According to the Army of Donbass "on the outskirts of Donetsk echeloned in depth in the attacking enemy forces configuration - clusters of armored vehicles in the area Kurakhovo-Marinka and Karlivka-Avdiyivka-Sands. Friendly expected from the south-west and north-west. "

Sergey Volodin
Central News Agency Novorossia

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This man, speaking without excessive pathos, turned the recent history of Ukraine. Arriving at the slave from a small detachment of patriots, armed only with firearms, he left there a long string consisting of art donated ineptly Ukrainian army. After a few brutal military campaigns of the 20th century, he was the living embodiment of an intelligent Russian officer as inappropriate resembling cynical modernity that true honor and loyalty to their homeland have not lost their relevance. He became a symbol of the struggle is much greater than the struggle of the people of South-east from Kiev Nazi junta - and therefore became too dangerous at the head of the army began to form Novorossia ... Despite its lack of active events in the Donbas is already more than a month, Igor Gunmen never be stranger to our land, as well as it will not be far away for him. Because the territory of the Russian world is defined by other criteria than border posts and bureaucratic stamps politicians ...

- Igor, only in September in the Southeast, there were several important events and we can evaluate and discuss their results. Let's go in order. Your attitude towards signed on September 19 in Minsk peace agreement?

- I believe that the agreement is very negative impact on the fate of the people of New Russia, the fate of the Russian people of Ukraine. And if it is fully implemented, all the more so as it plans the Ukrainian side, it will be a disaster.

- In spite of the initial consent to paragraphs of the Memorandum, it is assumed in our territory holding elections on December 7, the government recently appointed DNR LC and the Independent Election date that will allow areas designated by the abbreviation, elect independent government. Your attitude towards these elections?

- I believe that this is a very big mistake, and, possibly, purposeful sabotage aimed at maximizing the fragmentation of the insurgent people and territory in the face of increasing enemy.

What kind of elections can be discussed when the fighting are almost non-stop? We're talking about a truce, but it exists de jure, the truce does not exist de facto. There is a war, a war opposition, are continuous attacks ... In the rear area of ​​the army, with a fairly narrow holding any free elections - is a fiction.

- Then how do you feel about the initiative to hold a council of war, and thus attempt to unite the territory - a real force in the interests of the people military commanders?

- Counter question - who is the initiator and organizer of the military council?

- This initiative Alexei Brain.

- Alex Brain - it's practically the only remaining territory Novorossia major commander, whom I certainly trust. Now I do not consider the level of battalion or mouth - there certainly is still quite normal commanders, whom I know personally and respect. Brainstorming - a person with whom we worked hand in hand, when he was in Lisichansk, and I Slovyansk that disciplined, constantly aimed at the execution of their military duty, does not bring about any dark and doubtful cases. If Alex is taken to organize a council of war, then I am 100% sure that this will be a positive event, you need at the moment.
And, I believe that all the warlords Novorossia need to gather in order to determine its position. The enemy threat is removed, and the fact that the resistance remains highly fragmented, uncoordinated - it is a huge threat. Whatever ended this war council - in any case it will not be useless.

Indeed, in the situation that has arisen, certainly needs to begin. Unfortunately, I do not have the opportunity to return to the territory of New Russia, because I would not let anybody go. I have not cleaned out in order to return again in some capacity. It is therefore expected that the arrow will come - will bring order - sorry to disappoint ...

- With the planned military council should ideally result in the unification of disparate forces of resistance into a single army of New Russia. But can there be a prototype of the proposed power vertical in the New Russia - as opposed to the existing unaccountable leadership to seize the initiative in the construction of the republic of the people? Because warlords already faced with the need to solve many problems of civilians, coma local government in these matters, and actually take into their own hands vital questions ... You must somehow manage territories in addition to conducting the war ... And that now is right?

- Speaking theoretically, certainly in wartime, especially in such a small rear area, neither of which the civil power must not be out of the question. Civil authority should be an adjunct to the military - it is an axiom of military art. So to speak, and in the German and Russian armies during the Second World War, the control zone, where acted solely military authorities, extended to 200 miles behind enemy lines, and all other bodies subordinate to it.

We now have the depth of the rear army of New Russia - a maximum of 100-150 km, and in some areas, and 15-20 km ... What kind of general civil government may be involved in the same Donetsk, which is subjected to daily shelling? And from Luhansk to the front line in Happiness - nothing at all ... What are these conditions can be elections, what is democracy? This is fiction. Fiction, which is created by spin doctors to order certain people ... They create a beautiful picture, a fiction - that are used to create the real thing instead. And to create the scenery and peaceful life for the legitimization of the people they were seated in the two republics - Zaharchenko, carpentry and others - need to conduct these elections, to say that the people elected them ...

From all points of view, it would not only cancel the elections, but also to create a single control Novorossia with responsible people in charge, with a predominance of the military command of the civilian. This will allow the maximum extent and to establish military supplies, and subdue the gang, who do not obey anyone, hang out on the borders of the Republic and not war ...

- What, in your opinion, it would be good to operate the civilian population to move in the right direction as much as possible in this situation?

- The issue is very complex, but I lie here I can not ... I think that people should prepare for survival ... Unfortunately, those people who are now dealing with issues of New Russia on the territory of Russia, who are authorized to do so, in particular, the notorious Vladislav Surkov, people who focus only on the destruction that no real and effective help will not have. Specifically, VY brilliantly distinguished himself in this regard in South Ossetia, in other regions, wherever he was, we were dealing with "the cuts" and looting instead of real help.

- In our case, the LC and the DNR - it's just the tools for the organization of the same processes?

- Yes, unfortunately, there came the command, which is aimed at ensuring that all drained and coarsely to make money. Promise they will be very much. The money will actually be allocated, but emphasize that money, for the most part, with such a leader and such artists - to not reach the people, in the best case, they will be partially transferred to the people who are trusted by Surkov, which he puts in all key areas and at the same time will ensure a system which makes it impossible to control the development of these resources. Will they just "cut" as they say in Russia, looting at all levels ... I predict in advance that half of these funds will remain in the accounts in Russia, the other half for the most part settled in the pockets of those people who have laid our great leader.

- With regard to the concept of the New Russia. Despite the obvious attempt to "merge" it began to revive public education remains quite decent and patriotic people who are able to continue the process it is a reunion of land south-east of Ukraine in a new way. You can even set the time, in what is the importance of New Russia and Russian society, and for people who do not quite understand where the land he lives - DNR, LC, Ukraine?

- From an ideological point of view - I have mentioned it more even in Slavic - New Russia today - a bastion of Russia. Donetsk, Lugansk, all the Donbass, all inclusive New Russia to Odessa - is part of Russia, the part that she had been forcibly torn criminals and traitors in 1991. Talk about the New Russia, as something separate from Russia, especially as on Ukrainian territory - generally unacceptable. Today, fighting zaNovorossiyu, we fight for Russia. The war is actually declared Russia, and even if it did not start in the Donbass, she would have started elsewhere - would begin in the Crimea, elsewhere.

Russia, acting in defense of its national interests, has caused such a reaction is the so-called international community, that the retreat back is simply impossible. And it is very unfortunate that the uprising of New Russia was not supported as well, as it happened in the Crimea. For me personally it is a great tragedy, because, coming with his squad in Slovyansk, I had hoped for something else entirely. Certainly not on such massive destruction and not on such a shameful result that today try to fix the agreement signed in Minsk. And today there are specific people and influential forces that even this result does not believe the final, and seek to destroy a New Russia.
But I know it's quite a lot of people with such aspirations do not suck, and are confident that this result is inconclusive ...

Interviewed by Anna Samelyuk
Central News Agency Novorossia


"In Ukraine, the former prevails abomination!" - Vladimir Rogov says about the fictitious "Armistice" and plans Ukrainian punitive action.

An interview with the leader of the Slavic Guards and co People's Front "New Russia" Vladimir Rogov, who recently returned from a combat zone. Donbas Vladimir involved the exchange of prisoners of war on the Resistance activists of the Ukrainian army.

Anton Karamazov.
Central News Agency Novorossia

n the shuttle bus I happened to be near a bald man of about 45, which flew on the same flight. If I braked border guards, its a bit late custom. In his Baule, as he told me there were instruments for biochemistry and for them a long time to check documents, even the dog led - obnyuhat.A then, who knows, maybe with the help of their drugs do ...

Eugene was the name of my traveling companion, appeared as a refugee from the Ukraine. Although refugee status in Russia, he did not get just dumped with their historical homeland immediately after maydauny took power.

In St. Petersburg, he took a job, gets, he said, seven times more than at home, and to return to Ukraine does not intend to.

- I - wide crest, - says Evgeny - But in the three days that I spent at home, has become a real Ukrainophobes.

What happened to people for five months - it's just impossible to imagine. Own mother does not talk to me after I refused to go to church with her to collect donations for the benefit of a battalion there. When I called natsgvardeytsev punishers, with her uniform hysteria happened. The National Guard, according to her, the defenders of "the whole of Europe from the Mongol-Tatar Putin plague."

To Independence mother was completely apolitical and religiously passive, and now the roof has gone specifically.

And it seems to be contagious - still my friend - I have two younger sisters and an older brother. He was like a normal person, though, too, that there was grumbling about the "Donetsk Colorado" and "Russian aggression", because of which, they say, all the troubles. But just brutalized sisters - I am their "zradnik, Putin's lackey, minion occupiers." Just do not climb into the fray. Promised to deliver me to the SBU as "separable" and recruited by the FSB agent provocateur.

Nephew, he was 16 years old, became a Nazi general. Walks with a red and black armband, all the walls in a room full of Nazi posters. Instead of "good morning" only "Glory to Ukraine!" Says, and he does not try to answer, as it should be ... Well, okay, it can be attributed to youth-nonsense, more scary: the mother of his Nazi habits encouraged.

Among former colleagues also normal people is almost gone. Osvidomilis became evil, and, the poor live, are becoming more aggressive. In the company we have great reductions. So, they say, in the lobby hanging announcement that the reduction caused by the "Russian aggression." When in fact it's much easier - the main consumers of our products have been in Kiev, Anthracite and Mariupol. Demand for products fell by almost three times.

- "He knows every Democrat - Putin is to blame ..." - I quoted the actual saying.

- And, you know, just so there and think - quite seriously replied Eugene, - Say, Putin prevents Ukraine's European integration. If not for him, we would have our products have long been sold in Europe under the European prices to give European salaries. And useless to explain to people that this will never happen simply because the certificate production Ukrainian Biochemistry EU unrealistic. And even if it happened to come to the European markets, we must somehow expel them with not only local producers, but also Chinese. Generally, strange to say, China is no association with the EU did not sign, but the whole of Europe inundated with Chinese products. A Ukrainian trade with Europe supposedly prevents the Kremlin. People blurred in the minds of the mass, sound arguments they do not perceive. Right zombies some ...

- Well, cold winter, food rationing, queues for firewood - all this will help prosveteleniyu in the brain - I tried to calm Eugene.

- No, I too once thought so, but now I see - the more life beats people over the head, so just above the glow of madness.

The word "zombie" is increasingly present in the lexicon of my Ukrainian friends. One companion from Mariupol had to send $ 400. Remittance excluded because cashing a plastic card in the ATM in big trouble. I suggested a cash transfer money to our common friend in Kiev.

- No, no, no, - protested fellow - he has now become an ardent svidomitom I for him - Colorado, and you - the occupier. And anyway, I am now with none of Kiev to know I can not. One two months ago called, asked for medicine to send a train conductor. And he so calm I said in response: "You're not dead or what?". As such zombies can communicate?

Yes, today Ukraine embraced mass insanity, very similar to the one that raged in Germany in 30-40 years.


Those who believe that ukrozombi "come to their senses", surviving hunger and cold winter, are mistaken. Did the Germans thought again, pomerznuv of Moscow and Stalingrad? No, they are fanatically to die for the Fuhrer and continued to kill Russian, which they absolutely done nothing wrong. And every right Ukrainian absolutely sure that all the troubles of Ukraine blame Muscovites from the XIII century, when Batu plundered and burned the ancient Kiev.

What does the Muscovites?

Yes, despite the fact that, from the standpoint of svidomitov, Russian no place not Slavs, and a cross between the Tatars with the Finnish savages, who lived in the thickets of the Volga. So if Baty burned Kiev, then blame the Muscovites. It is as undeniable as the fact that Putin will not allow Ukraine to Europe, and this - the only reason why the poor Ukrainians live.

Ukry - zombies, and zombies can not change their mind because they do not think.

In the 90s in Russia divorced fully totalitarian sects. We wandered in Tyumen sectarians literally crowds pester passers-racking them their religious bullxxxx. Once, I remember, a whole herd of morons in some sheets on the area came and prayed there, weeping, singing songs. They guru announced that at noon end of the world will happen. Instead, the end of the world came and cops for disorderly conduct their povintili. Right in the IVS had been brought to theirs guru who solemnly declared: "You, brothers and sisters, to pray so hard that God decided not to finish the light in this Friday. You saved humanity, thank you, all, all are free." Only then howling sectarians calmed down. Cops began to make them and release protocols to their homes. And it turned out interesting detail: at home, many were not. What for the house if they knew that in three years the world will end, and now we must not know about new wallpapers and sideboards experience, and for the salvation of souls ... In short, most of the sectarians were homeless and lived in an unfinished high-rise building. And they sacrificed their apartments for the salvation of mankind. Guru, I think, too, was in proportion.

Sectarians - morons? Of course, morons. Then I saw them many times - they were preaching a new date for the end of the world. Here they lived in hunger, cold, and unsanitary, but enlightenment brains they did not come. Several sects has died from the cold in winter, so their colleagues on the sect prikopalis right on the same construction in the basement and went to "save humanity" from the new end of the world. Why are they not to reason? Because zombies, but it is not treated.

Ukry - such as zombies.

The question, in fact, one: whether all or at least most of the citizens of the former Ukrainian ipanutsya to the state of a zombie? 12 years ago I was brought on to Tobolsk Orthodox seminar convened to discuss the struggle against totalitarian sects. There appeared a psychologist, sects, which sounded shocked many figure: in his opinion, to 15% of the population are potential victims of totalitarian sects, because they are human beings, prone to hypnosis, and their psyche has a number of vulnerabilities.

In order to convince the audience that he was right, he invited all interested to participate in the experiment: he will play the role of leader of a totalitarian sect, and will give participants the experiment simple commands - sit down, stand up, take a step, take off your shoes, etc. The task of the subjects - not to do what is required of them arm after one whistle, and strictly follow the instructions after two whistles. The results were impressive - through three shifts cycle (one whistle / whistle two), all subjects (seven people) have become weak-willed puppets - they waved their hands, clapping their hands, opened their mouths and squatted, being absolutely sure that this is what they should do to prove to others that their zazombirovat fail.

All in all, it was a mess, and - five minutes of hypnosis plus the herd instinct, which enhanced the hypnotic effect. In this case, the subjects did not fall into a trance, so the impact of hypnosis was not obvious, even for watching the experiment from the side. For those who are in the subject, I would say that it was the effect of the method of Erickson hypnosis, in which the concept of "negipnabelnosti" simply does not exist. Then, when debriefing some study participants stated that they had vague doubts that they are doing something wrong, but in reverse to convince them that all other subjects performing teams guru, and all wrong CAN NOT.

That this is the fundamental point - all just much easier to make mistakes and fatal than alone. The result of the experiment - seven of Orthodox Citizens, 100%, were vulnerable to totalitarian propaganda and lost the ability to perceive reality in a critical period of five minutes. Yes, I agree that any church - is a totalitarian sect in one degree or another, and psychologist sectologist worked with already well-prepared material. But, it shows the other - vulnerability to zombies has the majority of citizens, the only question is the duration and intensity of the impact on the psyche, and related conditions.

Ukrainians zombie intensively for more than 20 years. In order to make a reasonable person in the moron, more than enough. Now imagine that in the post-Soviet period a whole generation who had never been reasonable, it is a pure zombie product. In order to make it clear: the zombie in everyday life itself does not issue - it is not dripping saliva from the mouth, it does not emit inarticulate cries and batter head on the wall. Zombie concerns only certain aspects of life, and the mind a person loses only a signal from the manipulator, or going crazy in the automatic mode when an external stimuli, pre-programmed.

The essence of the program ukrozombirovaniya - the destruction of Russian and Russian culture, as I have already written many times (see, for example, my book "Kievan Rus' was not, or what historians hide" - there is given a historical perspective bloody Ukrainian ideas over the last 150 years). Therefore, activation svidomye in Ukra automatically occurs only at the moment when he is faced with "Russian spirit" (before excitation occurs when a city has sensed Polish or Jewish spirit). The presence of a number of Russian is not necessary. Svidomye can go off-scale, for example, if one suspects svidomye other underserved svidomye. Somehow I stumbled upon one of the Bandera forum a curious trade, where they discussed the photo May Called in Lugansk.

One ukronatsist expressed in that spirit that the Colorado, of course, should be killed, and males and females, but their larvae probably not necessary. Them, they say, you can still re.

Oh, what happened! Svidomye immediately pounced on his brother and zachmorili for "sympathy for Muscovites," and his statement was called the softest, "cotton provocation."

What is the percentage of zombies among citizens of Ukraine? This - the majority, and not just the majority, and most active. Why?
And think of the herd effect. Even those who doubt internally that should be svidomitom, hate Muscovites and burn alive Colorado, behaves as svidomye, because it makes the most. For example, yesterday thousands ukroem zombies gathered on Lenin Square in Kharkov and piled monument Ilyich.

For what? Except for the fact that he Moskal, more and not for that. Although, in theory, every Ukrainian real need to hang in his satanic altar portrait of Lenin next to a portrait of Bandera. Bandera just wanted to make Ukraine and Lenin created it. In 1922, Stalin proposed to build the Soviet state on a federal basis, but Lenin insisted on the union apparatus. So on the political map of the world was first introduced Ukraine, first as a union republic, and in 1991 - in the form of an independent state.

Well, then, I'm on Kharkovites. In Kharkov, I worked in 2012, and I can testify that he had stolen there the day the fire was not to find. Kharkiv has always been a Russian city. But today he was sufficiently osvidomlen and banderizirovan. Several thousand zombies came and dumped the largest statue of Lenin in the Ukraine. And why no one came to defend him? Yes, because there was no one. Pathetic pile of Dissent otpizdili and pissing on the same square.

I know that the supporters of Russian-Ukrainian friendship I now say: that in April Kharkiv convincingly demonstrated his pro coming en masse to protect the monument to Lenin, they kicked maydaunov who seized the Kharkiv Regional State Administration, and there were no Kharkov, and come in large numbers Banderlog. I then ask another question: at the Kharkov Tractor Plant also come in large numbers Banderlog tanks for punitive renovating?

Kharkiv for the most part - the same ukry. I recall that a city - it is not a nationality, but a form of mental disorder. They just go to serve in the army punitive, and ability to make some even Kolomoysky Sonderkommando, they are just as happy killing of females Colorado, just hate Putin and his face - all Muscovites, who stole their Euro-dream of evrozarplatah. Yes, they use foul language power, but for what? A friend of mine who works just on HTZ, indignant that they have all the warehouses "scored the finished product" - the territory is worth hundreds of modernized tanks, but Poroshenko sends into battle against terrorists Ukrainian military on every old and ready to purchase modern tanks does not want to see, save money on election ...

Another friend of mine says that its establishment two young people are mobilizing, and the team collected their money on helmets and flak jackets. Note two young ukroem-moron received summons do not even think to save his life and escape to Russia, to which a total of 50 km. They - the zombies, they do what they are told - go and urinate Colorado, go and die. Tell that to happen, so they have become smarter, even if the fear of senseless death does not help them recover from svidomye?

Yeah, maybe in April Kharkiv was not yet in power ukroem zombie. But then I see only factor herd. Then the herd waved tricolors and wanted in Russia for free, "as the Crimea." Today the herd is embroidery and shouts "Glory to Ukraine!", So even Russian Kharkov rapidly ukrainiziruetsya. I repeat once again that the Ukrainians - is not a nationality, and the zombie virus.

Central News Agency Novorossia


In anticipation of the cold winter weather in Kiev started a real communal crisis. The fact that the inhabitants of the capital of Ukraine do not get hot water, "Kyivenergo" switched to gas-saving mode, which was the cause of the problems of citizens Square. In addition to difficulties with hot water (which can still be obtained by warming the cold, according to the mayor of Kiev Vitali Klitschko), residents are faced with the problem of lack of electricity. On the 26th of last month began mass blackouts, again associated with the need to conserve resources.

Against the background of a crumbling Ukraine stands out Novrossiya that, despite a range of problems, slowly but surely going up the hill. According to the head of Lugansk HP - Carpentry Igor republic is ready for its first winter.

Igor Carpenter said that the restoration of power supply systems, which are in poor condition after the Nazis actively trying to erase the city from the face of the earth, take no more than a week. Already on October 15 will start the heating season and if all goes according to plan, then we can say with certainty that civilians LC will not freeze in the winter in their own homes.

In addition, while the criminal Kyiv authorities at pains to break the will of the defenders of the Donets Basin, Luhansk, HP has been preparing for the coming cold and problems with food. As a result, Carpenter said that the country managed to harvest corn and sunflower, which can provide people with oil and bread until the next year.

According to the head of LC, collected 120 thousand. Tonnes of grains, as well as 150 thousand. Tons of seeds. That should be enough for you to not have to buy any bread or flour, or sunflower oil.

And let the people of Kiev, meanwhile, warm water ...

Sergey Lyzhin
Central News Agency Novorossia

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Elections in New Russia moved from a 2 on November 9, 2014

Guide the self-proclaimed People's Republic of Donetsk plans to postpone the election of deputies of the so-called Supreme Council and the head of the republic said yesterday First Deputy Prime Minister Andriy Purgin DNR.

"We're really in sync with colleagues from the self-proclaimed People's Republic of Lugansk plan to move the election date to November 9th. This is due to the need to align the humanitarian situation. Restoration work by 2 November to finalize, we can not", - said Andrei Purgin.

Earlier, the Central Election Commission of the self-proclaimed People's Republic of Lugansk appealed to Parliament LC to postpone the election date from the 2nd of November 9, due to the large volume of repair work at the polls.

Today, on the postponement of the elections will be a press conference by the CEC.


In late September, authorities Novorossia announced that the elections held on November 2. In the election of the people of Donbass elected members of parliament and heads of republics. CEC plans to organize an opportunity to vote for all citizens registered in the region.

In particular, to participate in the elections by e-mail will be able to residents of Ukrainian troops occupied areas. Also cast their vote will be able to refugees who find themselves in the territory of Russia. For these categories of citizens will be open polling stations in Rostov, Voronezh and Belgorod.

Sergey Volodin
Central News Agency Novorossia

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DONETSK, October 7. /TASS/. At least 19 people died as a result of artillery strikes on Donetsk, eastern Ukraine, over the past 24 hours, the head of the self-proclaimed Donetsk’s People Republic defense ministry’s political department, Eduard Basurin told TASS on Tuesday.

Over the 24 hours at least three militias were killed and another 36 fighters were injured, Basurin said.

Earlier, the press service of the self-proclaimed Donetsk’s People Republic Interior Ministry said the remains of the bodies of four people were found after artillery strikes between the village of Biryuzovo and the cemetery of the mine 29. A criminal case was launched under the article ‘murder of two or more people’.”

Artillery fire hit the Kievsky, Kuibyshevsky and Kalininsky districts, the report states.

“Some people were killed at the scene and other people died in ambulances and hospitals,” the press service said.

According to the Interior Ministry’s data, a man born in 1941 was wounded from shrapnel when artillery strikes hit the area of Gladkovka.

MOSCOW, October 7. /TASS/. Kiev has been staging all sorts of provocations for disrupting the peace process in the southeast of Ukraine, Russian lawmaker Sergey Zheleznyak told the lower house of parliament on Tuesday.

“Despite the armistice, which is in effect in Ukraine in accordance with the Minsk agreements, the land of Novorossiya sees daily shellings with multiple rocket launchers and heavy artillery and ever more civilian deaths,” Zheleznyak said.

“The regime in Kiev has been staging all sorts of provocations to disrupt the ongoing peace process,” he added. “It is committing ever new crimes to cover up its responsibility for the heinous crimes committed earlier.”

“Unable to attain victory on the battlefield it has turned all firepower against innocent civilians, children and elderly people. We are witnesses to mass fatalities, as a matter of fact, crimes against humanity.

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At the headquarters of the DNI informed about the transition to the side of the militia of the 10th and 14th battalions of the National Guard under the territorial formed in Zhitomir and Cherkassy.

As you know, the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) were never consolidated union. For uniting all blue and yellow symbols has always been a lot of disparate groups that are constantly pursuing the interests of their employers, the oligarchs, in fact, a fair amount of fighters APU does not want to lose their lives for their interests clearly alien to them.

Naturally, this situation makes it possible to draw conclusions about the presence of deep contradictions within the ranks of "svidomitov." These contradictions - and easier to say, outright hostility - often expressed in the fact that we can observe: reports of permanent "the bases", clashes and open betrayal at the moment of fighting ..

However, the information received over the weekend, suggests that this trend has reached even greater momentum: because of the internal contradictions of the Ukrainian army is literally falling apart on some sectors of the front.

Thus, according to sources in the New Russia, including volunteer "Cat" brigade "East", even at the weekend two Ukrainian battalions of territorial defense (10th and 14th) were the way to the militia positions, leading fierce fighting with other parts of APU. Being blocked, the fifth of October in the evening they took a defensive perimeter at the exit of Volnovakha, took up a position on the post of GAI to the former meat market.

Thanks diversionary attacks of the Armed Forces of New Russia (VSN) to the side and Andreevka Novotroitsk, APU had to transfer their units to the neighboring sections of the front, resulting in blocked battalions have the opportunity to break into the ranks of the BCH night on 6 October.

The combined efforts of the now former Ukrainian soldiers smashed prevents them from battalion "Shahtersk" (former battalion "Ukraine" Oleg Lyashko).

During the battle cherkasstsy destroyed several dozen fighters Ljashko, captured several prisoners natsgvardeytsev, but they themselves lost 24 fighters.

However, a combined detachment of the 10th and 14th terbatalonov - reportedly militia - joined their ranks.

As previously reported, about 400 soldiers of the battalion wrote reports on the refusal to carry out his mission and advancing to the front. In the presence of the military was then one armored personnel carrier, a few anti-aircraft guns and RPGs.

"Cherkasy" stood under Volnovaha Donetsk region. Leadership ordered them to go to the checkpoint near Donetsk repel artillery and armored vehicles. In this case, security forces armed with small arms, gave the old bus and trucks.

Military claimed - ready to fight, but to go to his death do not want to. "Or (to put in front of us) of the problem, which we can do with our arms, or (give us) weapons to perform the tasks that are set before us," - said the deputy battalion commander then "Cherkasy" Vladimir Melnik. At the same time press secretary Alexei ATO Dmitrashkovsky called Battalion cowards who were afraid of war and do not want to continue the service ...

Earlier, on the side of the militia fighters crossed Kharkov territorial battalion.


By Tatiana Dobrodeeva.
Central News Agency Novorossia

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