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US/NATO/EU and the desperate subversion of Ukraine

Steven Gaal

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Fighting for the Donetsk airport continues every day. Militia army Donetsk People's Republic successfully reflect the assaults of the Ukrainian army.

Voenkor unit Motorola Gennady Oak said: "ukry again announced the silent mode. Now the area Vzletka airport lies almost dead company Ukrainian soldiers. An eerie sight.

They died the night before last - they shot Ukrainian artillery. Ukry tried to break through to the new terminal, came very close, given our return line, they thought that we begin a massive attack and their artillery began shelling.

And Ukrainian artillery mistakenly put a company of Ukrainian soldiers. Ukrainians Ukrainians killed. Someone in Kiev need this war, protracted war at the airport ....

There is information that, under the regime of silence they want to bring to vzletku representatives of the OSCE - to take out the dead bodies. "

Advisor to the President of Ukraine Yuri Biryukov said yesterday on the air, the Ukrainian military have completed the tasks in the Donetsk airport and soon he will leave.

"Now it is more than a symbol of the invincibility of our guys , and after some time, will probably be given the order to withdraw from our positions, because every day are shelling out large-caliber buildings are destroyed, and after some time will have to go into the basement , but it is not defense.

Airport apparently released from our presence after another set of strategic objectives.

At least, now it is a springboard for attack. If the plans for the attack will not, and in accordance with the agreements Minsk has no such plans, the airport will leave in the near future ", - said the adviser Poroshenko.

Sergey Volodin
Central News Agency Novorossia

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In full compliance with the "best" traditions of their ancestors celebrated "day of glory UPA" Bandera offspring involved now in the zone of ATO in the village Sirotino Severodonetsk district DNR.

As reports "Voenkor", citing sources in the New Russia, the occupiers was brutally raped an underage girl. And, after a group of abuse these nonhumans blew construction foam into the vagina of his battered and torn to death victim.

At the moment, the girl is in intensive care in Severodonetsk.

And these scum of the human race still dare to arrange gadenkie "historical reconstruction", during which depict rape Ukrainian women soldiers of the Red Army?

Here is what Alex Baburin:

"On the day of the liberation of Zaporozhye authorities staged rape of Ukrainian Soviet soldiers ... In the morning there were no signs of trouble ... and then ... I'll try to explain everything without insults and maximum restraint ... ..

Today, like every year, was on the "crossing", in place of crossing the Dnieper by Soviet troops in 1943. Like every year, held a solemn meeting. You know, I'm already used to the fact that the Regionals "pereobuvatsya" in neonatsionalistov, to the fact that President spits in the face to veterans, depriving them of a holiday on February 23, but it struck me to the core, have not experienced a greater fury ... Everyone has a good time as he wants. If Sin Ukrainian people (do not know exactly, but much like the idea of ​​it) wanted to demonstrate sadomasochistic show their friends from City Hall, RSA or regional administrations - please. But why not do it in any DC? For demonstrate obscurantism living war veterans - is blasphemy. In front of guests, veterans, the song "Plyne leveling" appeared dance, the main part of which was a dramatization of beatings and rape by Soviet soldiers girlies Ukrainians, greeters "liberators" with flowers ... you find it hard to imagine it? And I saw it with my own eyes. After the rally, drove home two veterans and two children of war. I will not send you their experiences, but I had to apologize (why I ???) all the way and convince them that we, the younger generation, do not give to rewrite history and spot them a cherished memory, the memory of these heroes of the Ukrainian land liberators from the Nazis . You know, gradually emerging plan for the physical extermination of the elderly (heart they did not stone !!!) and expulsion from the country of unwanted (as in this country to raise children ???), in order to keep five million peasants, slaves and use our country as a raw materials appendage. Please, I ask you, those who despise such things, do not run out of the country, do not leave it in the hands of bad people ... PS I'm sure the next election of the mayor, Shin grew a Busan is the forelock, tse zhart ... not .. "

Tatiana Dobrodeeva.

Central News Agency Novorossia


Roth's security forces, which went on the attack yesterday at the airport terminal in Donetsk, came under its own artillery fire and died almost at full strength, RIA Novosti reported the militia headquarters.

"On the eve of the security forces launched a massive attack on the so-called new airport terminal. From the village of Sands of the airport runway came convoy of military equipment and about a hundred people. We opened fire on them, and then began working artillery siloviki" - said the representative of the militia.
Artillery struck at the very same law enforcers coming. The column was broken, she had to withdraw from the airport. Now on the runway is a few tens of dead security forces, militia OSCE-mediated talks that the troops they were taken, a spokesman Staff militia.

Donetsk Airport is a disputed territory for which are fighting between militias and security forces. Now militias control several buildings airport. The siloviki are concentrated in the surrounding area - the village of Sands and in Avdiyivka of which continue to fire position militias and neighboring areas of Donetsk

Alexander Nikishin
Central News Agency Novorossia


Yesterday German publication Bild published a report on developments in Ukraine.

Shocking pictures from the center of Kiev and other cities of Ukraine on October 14 showed how far gone initially peaceful protests. Nationalists came to a torchlight procession to celebrate the so-called Foundation Day "Ukrainian Insurgent Army", which collaborated with Nazi Germany.

In Parliament, the majority of deputies refused to this day to pass a law, glorify controversial guerrilla movement, including the fact that they are guilty of massacres of Poles.


Who are the people who spread frank Nazism, asks major German newspaper?

Azov battalion formed in May and now includes several hundred people. The reporter of the British newspaper "The Guardian", who spent much time with them, came to the conclusion that this force is made up of right-wing extremists frank, which attracts neo-Nazis, even with the countries of Western Europe.


Heraldry "Azov" - wolf hook - is a neo-Nazi swastika, banned in Germany.

Fighter named Dmitri, a member of the "Azov", told British reporters about their ideas: the Holocaust never happened; Russian, but the days of the President of Ukraine Poroshenko numbered, his murder is only a matter of time.

Openly racist ideas expressed and the commander of "Azov" Andrew Biletsky: "The historical mission of our nation at this critical moment of the creation of the white race to crusade for their survival."


But to be a consequence of the militants "Azov", according to German journalists, have nothing to do with the purposes for which the people of Kiev took to the streets during the protests of the Maidan, namely accession to the European democratic reforms.

Sergey Volodin
Central News Agency Novorossia

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Dear friends, colleagues, readers.

A year ago, October 14, 2013 was tragically killed our friend, a great man, the coordinator of the GCD Media Dmitry Terekhov. He was hit by an unidentified vehicle during a bicycle ride in Krylatskom and taken by ambulance to an unidentified hospital where he died.

Let me remind you the biography of Dmitry Jurevicha.
Born in 1958 in Petrozavodsk Karelian ASSR. In 1981 he graduated from the energy department Kishinev Polytechnic Institute. Served as an officer in the Transcaucasian Military District (Akhalkalaki, Tiflis). After his discharge from the armed forces engaged in scientific work. In 1986 he entered the graduate school at GOSNITI in Moscow.
In 1990 he defended his thesis in the field of plasma spraying of wear-resistant coatings, operating under conditions of sliding friction with lubrication. Candidate of Technical Sciences.
Since 1990, engaged in business, and introduces its own technological developments in various companies. Author and co-author of 12 inventions in technology plasma spraying, wear-resistant coatings and others. One of the inventions (plasma spraying technology) introduced in series production at Polotsk Repairs Plant.
Since 1991 he joined the political activity. He was a guide to the Moscow branch of the National Republican Party. In 1992 he participated in the creation of the National Salvation Front. In 1993 he took part in the events connected with the defense of the Supreme Council of Yeltsin. Took an active part in the events of October 3-4, 1993.
In 2000 he was among the 4-initiators of the project of creating the National Power Party of Russia. At the founding congress elected a member of the Presidium of the NSPR and the head of the Economic Commission NSPR.
The spring of 2002 came, among many other members of the Bureau, in a conflict with one of the Co-Chairmen of the NSPR - B.S.Mironovym because of disagreement with the busy Mironov extremist and anti-state position imposed by the party. Warned that this position will lead to the refusal to register the party, which subsequently occurred. Ceased to attend the meetings of the Bureau, and was expelled from the NSPR B.Mironovym with other dissenters from this position by members of the Bureau.
In 2003 he participated in the creation of the National Party of lifting. He took an active part in the election campaign in the State Duma in 2003 under the auspices of the party "Rus". Led the team that performed in the regions of radio and television in the expense of free time games "Rus".
Since 2002, engaged in journalistic activities. Editor in chief of coming out in 2002-2005. newspapers "wall to wall" and "The last argument." Since 2006, the deputy chief editor of "opponents".
Since 2007 - one of the four Co-Russian public organization "Russian Journalists' uniting journalists and media national patriotic and statist orientation in 45 provinces of Russia.
Author of pamphlets and books: "How long will this people despise me?" (The struggle against the exhibition "Caution, Religion!" At the Sakharov Center, "Hu of Mr. Putin? (Controversy in the national-patriotic camp about the identity of the incumbent President of Russia)" and "Make a fool of the people" (according to the theory and practice of information warfare), as well as numerous articles. Constantly playing in the air, "People's Radio" in the "Religion and Society" and others.

I met with Dmitry on the social network Makspark publishing his article. He immediately joined the work of the patriotic Maksparka helping advice, word and deed. In his initiatsive on Maksparke was created community news "News Feed Maksparka", which eventually became the largest news community that social networks, promoting patriotic values ​​and leading the information war with the liberal part of the social network.
Dmitry conducted on Sundays at the National Radio program "Information War", which line up the basics, theory, practice, methods of information warfare. Only now, at the climax moment for Russia, when we are forced to confront the aggression of information, both in Russia and in the Ukraine, you begin to realize how far ahead looked Dmitry.
He was a sensitive friend, talented man, an uncompromising fighter. I want to express our condolences to the mother Dmitry, as well as his many friends.
God rest the soul of thy servant, Dmitry!
Eternal Memory !!!

Alexander Nikishin
Central News Agency Novorossia

"Now the election rally in Odessa, I've been shot. It was the work of Shevchenko - the candidate of the oligarch Kolomoiskiy "- said Ljashko on his page on Facebook.

Previously responded to Ljashko appeared on television Kolomoiskiy speech, in which the tycoon said about his mother policy.
"This oligarchic beast Kolomoysky passed the red line. After his next lie on the pros (TV channel "1 +1" - approx. LOOK) about my mom she went to hospital with a suspected heart attack. While this stinking Parhat muzzle watering buckets me lies, I endured. When he got down to my mom for my child with his wife - I do not forgive. If, God forbid, Benya, with my mom something happens, I'm out of the ground will fetch and kill "- wrote Ljashko.

Kolomoysky known as one of the sponsors of the National Guard of Ukraine, announces reward for the capture of activists DNR. It also funds the battalion "Azov", one of the instigators of which was Oleg Lyashko, confessed that the battalion is half of the criminals.

It is possible that the struggle with Kolomoiskiy Ljashko may be associated with a campaign to clean up the political field, which was developed recently in controlled Kolomoisky Ukrainian media.

Source: vz.ru
Central News Agency Novorossia

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DONETSK, October 18 (RIA Novosti) - Gunfire between the Ukrainian security forces and Donetsk People's Republic (DPR) independence supporters has resumed in the vicinity of the Donetsk airport, RIA Novosti reporter said Saturday.

Sounds of artillery, gunfire and explosions are heard in the Kiev and Kuibyshev areas of Donetsk, which are adjacent to the airport.

Earlier, the representative of the independence supporters, known as the commander of the airport defense, said that the Ukrainian side was pulling significant reinforcements to the airport.

According to him, the security forces constantly attempted to break into the area of ​​the airport, which is now generally controlled by militias. Only in the last two days, security forces have made two such attempts involving infantry, armor and artillery. They managed to take control of an old airport control tower, where they set up two mortars. Independence fighters reportedly killed 70 security forces soldiers and destroyed several units of military equipment.


The damaged main terminal of the Donetsk Sergey Prokofiev International Airport is pictured during fighting between Donetsk People's Republic (DPR) independence supporters and Ukrainian government forces.

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In early October, the headquarters of the international human rights organization Freedom House in Washington, the former head of Yukos, Mikhail Khodorkovsky delivered a speech denouncing the Russian government and the president. Speech, which was the basis of the manifesto published the following. With the support of a global financial oligarchy, Khodorkovsky has put forward some conceptual theses, using similar Russian man comparisons, analogies and associations, and even sometimes by copying techniques patriotic rhetoric. With an enviable pathos and claim the status of a kind of last resort, the former oligarch trying to reconcile the irreconcilable. Alien to Russia and the Russian people, liberal "values" as it were "add" in close and dear to the Russian heart of the concept of national pride and justice, creating a dangerous illusion of organic compatibility. Khodorkovsky, as it teaches the active part of the society to the future of liberal reforms initiated by world behind the scenes and more - says about them, as the only possible and useful. Unfortunately, just ignore this compilation of "warm soft" and leave it unanswered impossible. Too dangerous voice sounded from the lips of an explicit enemy of Russia and too destructive nature may result in a attempt to implement its proposed scenarios. On the globalist, liberal scenario imposed Khodorkovsky under the guise of a new round of "reforms", we have to give your, Russian, patriotic response. It is not just idle speculation escaped from home to abundant and extraordinary felon, is the ideological program of the new coup d'etat in Russia - the "road map" oligarchic revolt aimed, as always in Russian history, against the rulers, the people and the State. Well, we explain all the points.

Russian selection, social justice and national mobilization

1 100 years ago, the last Russian Tsar-Martyr Nicholas II wrote: "Circle of betrayal, cowardice and deceit." He was referring to is not the people, not fools and are not expensive, but around him at that time the political, military and economic elite. Treason elites concluded that the greatest world power, the Russian Empire collapsed. 200 years ago under the leadership of the political elite of the British envoy participated in the regicide of Emperor Paul, which subsequently led to the Napoleonic invasion and the War of 1812. 400 years ago in the Time of Troubles, the political elite of Russia swore impostors and the Polish king, changing and our homeland, and Faith, and only an uprising Russian militia saved in that period, and Russia, and Orthodoxy, ushering in a new dynasty of Russian tsars. Since then, Russia has changed little. Russian rulers relying on the Russian people bring their lives on the altar of the Fatherland, a beefy, corrupt comprador elites do not disdain any means to betray the motherland and cowardly to change the Emperor, to rob and subjugate the people to achieve personal short-term gain. But after a long and painful years of turmoil always peace comes - came out of the crisis and the bloody wars Russia has once again started to steadily develop. 23 years ago (before our eyes with you), history repeated itself again, "Red Empire" really needs a serious and extremely cautious reform, instead, was looted, pillaged and destroyed by a pack of "recoloured" and sells the recent "ideological enemies" senior party officials and joined them unscrupulous nouveau riche. History is accelerating ... its windings are getting shorter. And here again - the second time on our short lifetime - just beginning to recover from the past "pogrom" the country is threatened greedy divide. And those who have not given final plunder our suffering homeland in the 90s, now crave revenge.

2 10-year prison sentence for you, Mr. Khodorkovsky - it's really a tragedy. After all, how much could be stolen during this period! And now your only goal - is to catch up. Let's look at the last 10 years of your life. From 1991 until his arrest you, Mr. Khodorkovsky, "out of nothing" (ie not having invested a penny, but appropriated tens of billions of dollars of public property) created a huge financial and industrial empire, becoming one of the richest men in the country. At the same time, as well as all the then oligarchs generously "walked over the corpses," Do not hesitate se6ya any moral constraints, plundered and devastated huge Soviet industrial heritage. Bathed in money and "elitism" of anything currently no denying. In those same years, I and many of my friends and comrades fought almost continuously for the Russian people, and for Russia, against the enemies of the Fatherland. First, in Transnistria, then in Bosnia, and then in Chechnya. And while we are suffering one defeat after the treachery of so-called "new elite," retreated, gritting his teeth, followed by a contemptuous and hateful comments corrupt "democratic" media, you, Mr. Khodorkovsky, and you do not even like we remembered needs of the country and its people. And because the experience we have fundamentally different. You have learned to steal, rob, and lie, and we - and the people to defend Russia. Even when away from us no one has claimed. Prison always changes people, sometimes - for the better. You, alas, the proper experience of this is removed. After all, even returning to the freedom you have not pleaded guilty absolutely nothing. Moreover, immediately again in the camp of the enemy, thus confirming that sat at it.

3 What kind of "stolen" You all can talk? You, whose credo was to steal, steal and steal? You have done something or built in your life for yourself that could steal you personally? No. Because anything other than theft, fraud and robbery, you were not engaged to prison. Of all your achievements personally I am willing to recognize the socially useful result unless those boots that you "stitch" in custody. From the moral point of view, only your work and this is the only one worthy of your whole, to put it mildly, rather dirty life highly talented thief and swindler. But the worst thing is that this work does not go in your favor, and, judging by what you are acting now, and have not led you to realize your own mistakes and crimes. When the true patriots of Russia and the Russian people engaged in battle in the New Russia, you received a pardon by President Putin, immediately sided with his enemies and the enemies of Russia. You were on the Russophobic Independence and collected in enemy territory all the "color" of Russian traitors to rally anti-Russian spring. You say that "Russia has ceased to evolve"? This is a direct result of your activities, your privatization comprador your policy. Now you are calling us to radical reform? In alliance with whom? With outspoken enemies of Russian? Proceeding from patriotic motives?

4 Vividly your "patriotism", Mikhail Khodorkovsky, is manifested in the repetition of the search "horror" of Russia as "a threat to Europe and the world." Once this threat loudly (and far more talented) Goebbels shouted, and before him - Napoleon and the British Lord Palmerston and Disraeli. After - Winston Churchill and President Ronald Reagan, who called void sumnyashesya USSR an "evil empire." So you, Mikhail Borisovich, went quite well-trodden path. I suppose, in the belief that only you alone - "the most intelligent" and something that the uptake in the history, and all the Russian people - full of idiots and ignoramuses. Well, even pants, which are easy to deceive and intimidate the specter of "World War III", that they have agreed to waive their Fatherland and help the lost half-brother in the New Russia in exchange for "as long as there was no war." But the main destination of this appeal is not in Russia. This kind of "oath" to those who throughout history Russia wanted to eliminate it. In my opinion, there is a typical shulerskih reception at which operates with marked cards player, understanding that it is about to withdraw to clean water, immediately accuses partner of cheating. Headed by the global financial oligarchy Western world, part of which you, Mikhail Borisovich, endeavor to introduce us - going to destroy or conquer the neighbors always and everywhere began to accuse future opponents, attributing to them exactly own intentions. So we can say: Russia really threaten war. In the hope that it will be frightened and surrenders, allowing a first disarm, and then finally finish. What can I say? The task of the present Russian patriots (not regulars Washington "Freedom House") is to be prepared to repel aggression from the West, because only in this case, Russia will be able to prevent it and to defend their sovereignty.

Return to Russia

5 Speaking of "European values", you, Mr. Khodorkovsky, do not understand (or pretend that you do not understand) that they have no relation to the real, traditional European values. It revives them today in the Russian President Putin. And those "values" that are now imposed on the world financial oligarchy as a "European", cause in Europe itself mnogosottysyachnye protest. When was the last time more than 20 years ago, the Soviet leadership decided to "turn" to these so-called "Values", the country was split in the end, looted and humiliated, and the Russian people suddenly appeared the biggest divided people in the world. Since coming to power, Putin has begun to correct the disaster 90: Taming the absolute power of the oligarchy, nationalize the elite, to restore the shattered economy. As the establishment of the order of the President found it possible to show mercy even to such a bastard, how to prison have revealed themselves to the world you are, Mr. Khodorkovsky. But you do not appreciate it. Probably because you have found grace provided a sign of weakness. Because you, Mr. Khodorkovsky, of course, would not stand on ceremony, is not it? And now, the President deceiving his false repentance, you are going to take revenge on him for everything? For the fact that he made a bid to strengthen the state and the protection of national interests at the expense of comprador elites? What is not allowed on the cheap to sell the largest reserves of natural resources to the Rothschilds, condemning Russia for external control? That punish you for openly expressed the intention to remove him from power by unconstitutional means? With your words, while in custody, you are "much overrated." But just coming to freedom, you again found themselves on opposite sides of the front with the Russian people in the war for the Russian Mir, live and hard confrontation in the Donbas. Your hatred of Putin led you not only in the enemy camp of the President personally, but in the enemy camp of the Russian state and the entire Russian people. How dare you upbraid Putin that he stood up to protect the people of the Crimea and the New Russia, can not sustain the West Ukrainian Nazis set over the Crimea and Donbas bloody dictatorship? After Russian protect yourself and your life. You're blaming the victims themselves that they supposedly have the audacity to defend himself. The Third World War is excluded, while Russia is strong and powerful enough to ensure even asymmetrical, but the strategic parity, and while there are people in power that are not ready for a promise to enter supranational financial elite to sell on the vine his country and his people. We will give a fitting rebuff to your persistent and waned over the years, to enter into the desire to sell something that you do not own. And do not allow re-just as it was 23 years ago, inspire yourself through false slogans.

6 What you're talking about "European values ​​and Euro-Atlantic civilization," not only has nothing to do with Russia, but in direct contravention of our national history, psychology, and destiny. Europe has long moved away from their own Christian values, lost in the abyss of the most vile evils, and the much-vaunted "Euro-Atlanticism" is nothing more than a geopolitical doctrine of global domination the United States, against the peoples of the world, still preserving their own religion, sovereignty and national traditsii.U Russia, already twice in the recent past affected by leprosy "advanced European ideas" and suffered grievously for Infatuation own elite and intellectuals today are two ways: either to return to yourself, to regain their faith, their tradition, their values, their sovereignty, or dissolve in the global West, becoming a slave and disappear as a civilization, having lost everything. Again, I stress - how outstanding hypocrisy you, Mr. Khodorkovsky, possess, when regret about lost art, literature, science, space, and other achievements of imperial and Soviet "totalitarian past." Truly, "regretted wolf mare -Leave tail mane yes"! But even if we assume that some of what you have said remotely true, then I ask you to brush up on a little history: Russia received the Christian faith is not with the Catholic West and the Orthodox East from - directly from the Eastern Roman Empire, the Byzantine Empire, for a millennium remaining guardian of true Christianity. However, if you talk about the Christian faith?

7 All that Russia is today, was created by our people and our country in a desperate struggle to preserve their own identity, freedom and sovereignty. In the fight against enemies both from the West and from the East. Russia has developed first as a nation-state that has grown into a great empire because she was flexible enough in his ability to perceive the positive experience of neighbors. And nothing in this no shameful for her or sverhpochetnogo - because this is the way of all the peoples who have sane rulers who are building and developing their own state. Borrow - not to blindly copy. Enough already ... dokopirovalis. One Marxism, bringing to us from Europe, in a country that has managed! Every nation and every country is unique. And like any field of fine grasses and a scattering of different colors and beautiful humanity in its inflorescence unique peoples, even fighting among themselves for "a place in the sun", but not like a "lawn manicured public", which seek to turn it into "Euro-Atlantic obschecheloveki. "

8 Euro-Atlantic values ​​- "values ​​of a strong and just state"? Strong, Mikhail Borisovich Currently, these values ​​lead to the extinction of the nations of Europe, which they follow and that once created it, this very great Europe, which is so fond of saying our homegrown liberaly.V This is your so-called "justice"? However, you, for obvious reasons, do not care about the historical destinies of some sort of Germans, Frenchmen or Britons. Like Russian, Bashkirs, Tatars, Lezghins and so on. Well, the "strong state" - presumably, refers to the United States? After all, the "strong" (ie, a truly sovereign and independent) states has remained in Europe. Last sovereign state in Europe outside the former USSR, who dare to defend the interests of its citizens - Yugoslavia - defeated and subdued 15 years ago. Bowed to the "Euro-Atlantic choice" bombs and missiles, the blockade and rebellion strange aliens and heretics migrants. Now the queue Belarus and Russia, is not it? Foothold in the Ukraine has already been created and was the last jump? Encouraged by the global financial oligarchy values ​​("European", "Euro-Atlantic", "universal", etc.) - is the value of the complete destruction of the nation-state and the radical abolition of all that is vaguely reminiscent of social justice. Here, Mr. Khodorkovsky, you either ignorant or deliberately lying. Well, to "ignorance" - I was just, "just to be witty" - illusions flaws in your education I have. Liberalism, which you maintain, as has the final goal of absolute globalization, the leveling of all peoples and religious communities under one consumer "comb" and approval authorities of the global financial oligarchy as the elimination of all historical states (EU project - the first step in this direction) . In economic policy, liberalism is not only in practice but also in theory firmly denied social justice. Freedom of the market, of which the solid liberals, is incompatible with the redistribution of income, as urged by supporters of social justice. The more Russia will be involved in the processes of globalization, the faster will lose its sovereignty and the ability to carry out social policy. Now, about the "mobilization". We, of course, need a powerful national mobilization against aggression "evroatlantistov" aimed at accelerating and the final looting of Russia under the pretext of "integration into the world community" and "the global economy." Mobilization of both state and public. For not only threat looming over the state sovereignty of Russia, but also on cultural and moral identity of its people, degradable strongly advocated to introduce the "Euro-Atlantic" vices - sodomitskim debauchery, pedophilia, murder of children and the elderly (abortion and euthanasia), drugs, terrorism, and all Incidentally, that carries with it a "new world order humane."

9 "Anyone who wants to be strong, can not afford to be retarded." Absolutely true thesis. And that is why the decision by President Putin on the full rearmament in 2020 is absolutely appropriate response to Russophobe hysteria from the West. Russian military leaders of the military-industrial complex, the regional industrialists and entrepreneurs need to replace the comprador elite 90s, the so-called "oligarchs", typified by you, Mr. Khodorkovsky, a. Russian oligarchs are foreign - their capital and the family in the West, although they amassed their fortunes by exploiting the Russian people. They represent the interests of the global financial oligarchy, think in terms of ultra-liberalism and, in fact, consider themselves to be something of a colonial administration. Therefore prefer to voice their "revelations" your "prophetic" by the mouth of Washington.

10 Today, it is not in Europe, and in Russia itself. Our way - back to themselves. It is necessary to go back to Russia, to our history, our culture, our mission. This mission has always been to bring the light of the Christian faith, the ideals of social justice and good people of the world, to be "holding" of evil, as the Apostle Paul said. We had a very troubled past. The whole of the 20th century Russia was shaking with fever bloody revolutions and wars of extermination. But, thanks to passed severe tests, Russia has managed to keep much of what Europe has lost almost forever. And if Europe wants to return to their own traditions and the Christian principles it on the road with us, and not with the financial oligarchy USA, carrier nations of the world godless civilization moral decay, the ideological zombies, spiritual and physical death.

Building a fair society

11 "The modern Russian society is arranged unfair" --govorite you. Totally agree. But (I repeat written above) so it did just like you and you. Taking advantage of the crisis of the USSR, you are robbing and killing, appropriating to the hands of the national heritage. So you and your cronies laid the foundations "of contemporary Russian society," where the most cynical and despicable layer, acting in collusion and instructions overseas curators, acquired all the levers of economic and partly political power. Immediately after coming to power, Putin has begun to rectify the situation, but the injustice that has become in the 90 law is deeply rooted. Therefore, returning to our society of social justice will be a long and difficult process. But I believe that we will get through this without the advice of fugitive ex-oligarch nazhivshego his fortune in the looting of the national wealth created by hard work of generations of Russian people.

12 In reading your criticism of privatization (by the way, is quite reasonable), I am amazed at your cynicism: You and people like you have gained their wealth during this particular criminal seizure of public property, and is now trying to blame it on someone else, but not those who are actually guilty. Privatization - which it was - it was not "skew" is a crime. As a result, the property received are not ordinary people, but agile and unscrupulous minority. And the larger "chunks" of the property was acquired with the direct support of foreign financial capital, was walking literally "over the corpses." Do you not know this? Putin and here began to establish the correct proportions, passing the state the most important strategic sectors of the economy. Thus, he is just trying to fix the disastrous consequences of criminal privatization. Without the elimination of the oligarchy, based just on the criminal privatization, there will be no social justice, no full development of private enterprise.

13 The fact that the bowels should belong to the people, but in doing so, you are completely right. I have already said, that sometimes (though rarely) a prison is beneficial. At this point, the shift is undoubtedly positive. But that is exactly what happened to you: your assets laundering established energy companies were transferred to the control of the state, ie the people. How else can you make the bowels of public property, if not through their nationalization and redistribution of the profits out of them extracted, the benefit of all citizens? This excludes private ownership of large objects in the field of energy production. History of Yukos - an example of how the bowels returned to the people. Efficiency of the use of mineral resources - the second question. First they need to take away from you and others like you, and then use as efficiently as possible. And now let's hard to argue with the fact that the use of the resource rent is far from ideal. The main thing is not to leave anything of natural resources in the private ownership oligarchy.

14 The proportional tax scale - quite the right way. This is a movement towards social justice. But not you, Mr. Khodorkovsky, who became rich by plundering his people and vyvezshego Captal abroad this reason. What country you pay taxes? In Switzerland, in England, in the United States? Return the stolen people, start with yourself, pay taxes in Russia. Or for that you first need to be sure to become the president himself? One looks like an oligarch recently in the same electorate swore in the neighboring country. Poroshenko his name. Swore all their belongings back-breaking labor to give the people of Ukraine! But something was not in a hurry. So start with yourself! Spread the image of "a responsible taxpayer"! Then maybe you someone (strongly naive) and believe.

15 Liberalism in your understanding, Mr. Khodorkovsky, is an absolute fallacy. This false teaching, completely ignoring God, spirit, culture, humanity, society, and focuses primarily on the individual, his private interests and the material sphere of finance. Liberalism in this sense entirely incompatible with true freedom: how can a man be free if the society in which he lives, is a percentage slavery, debt bondage of the international financial oligarchy and its local overseers? If all human life is subordinated to the search for and enhancement of intangible benefits and the status of a bank account is the measure of all things? Today, liberalism is a totalitarian ideology, on the distribution of which the United States built its global hegemony. For Russia, it is unacceptable in any form - neither politically nor economically or legally. And that's the most important thing for you, Mr. Khodorkovsky, liberalism is the ultimate truth, and national development and social justice, you have prepared for populism. New Russian liberalism is doomed, it does not accept neither the right nor the left. This colonial ideology that goes against our Russian identichnosti.Pytayas destroy this identity for the triumph of the ideology of liberalism, and you destroy Russia. I think, in this Your ultimate goal lies.

16 Socio-oriented, based on Christian values ​​the state - this is the goal of this strategy is a landmark, and Russian patriots. In achieving this goal completely free to join the "right" and "left" supporters of the monarchy and socialism. And of course, such a state must be based on strict adherence to the rule of law. But what to do with it have you? After all, you have to seduce the people, and he is now inclined to listen to the slogan of a "socially oriented national state" (not quite sure how to build a "national" government in place centuries of the Russian Empire, in which lived peacefully and developed hundreds of peoples). This bone you throw us to the Russian people. But Russian - not trusting flock, twice in the past century "klyunuvshee" promises "rivers of milk and honey Tides" and as a result of his blood shed oceans. I sincerely hope that we have learned something and will be able to distinguish the true from the fake, wrapped in a nice wrapper. Socially oriented national state - who is anything but you, the oligarchs, the lackeys of the Rothschilds. Leave Mr. Khodorkovsky, national and social: these concepts requires clean hands and impeccable biography.

War - a tragedy, which sometimes can not be avoided

17 United States, and American hegemony - this is war. We see it in Libya, Syria, Iraq, and Afghanistan, Ukraine. Wherever the United States assists the "color revolutions", the Nazis came to power, the extremists, fundamentalists. Be a supporter of the United States, the West and NATO - it means to be a fascist accomplice, attorney War. This war is being waged against all of humanity, not wanting to live the American rules and serve humbly and slavishly interests of the global financial oligarchy.

18 This war is being waged against Russia against Ukraine. Those heroes who rose to defend the Russian World, who fights in the New Russia, do not want this war. They wanted peace. But the price of peace can not be freedom and dignity. In the context of the neo-Nazi junta given to the authorities in Kiev your hosts, Mr. Khodorkovsky, and supported by you personally - life is not a life, and the world - not the world. And Russian in Crimea and New Russia rebelled for freedom and justice, for the right to their national development, for their language and culture. It was a war against war. Your calls for peace not just hypocrisy, it is a betrayal. Like everything else, however. We're just on opposite sides of the front, and your words to me, to take an active part in the hostilities in the New Russia, sound like calls from the other side, "Russian, surrender! Will the world! You cheated! "In response to this in combat there is one answer. Guess yourself, what. Russia's problem today is not that for her the war is (as you say) the alleged "driver." In contrast, Putin has done and is doing everything possible to avoid the "big war" (small already unleashed US hands Kiev and goes, taking dozens of lives every day). Blame the Russian government that it does not throw Russian world to fend for themselves, blasphemous. In defending this thesis, You get support for pro-Western comprador elites meet regularly in anti-Russian "peace march". With the same as those who stand on the side of Russia's historical and social justice (which is the vast majority), you have to say goodbye forever. You on the other side of the Crimea and the New Russia, and they are now, more than ever unite Russian supporting Putin unequivocally decisive steps in this direction.

National mobilization

19 The current authorities have brought Russia to the very threshold of a decisive breakthrough in the direction of independence, power and freedom, which is able to bring it out of the area of ​​direct influence of American hegemony. Unfortunately, in my personal opinion, said jerk clearly inhibited (think your secret and clear minded, still have an enormous influence because of the stolen wealth and domestic political influence, they bought). Visible and fluctuations on the need of moving forward. But the population of the country is quite ready for it, and that's what scares you. Hence the hysteria about the threat of "Chinese protectorate." "China threat" - while in theory. A protectorate of the United States Open, set over Russia as a result of the Gorbachev-Yeltsin treason - until now, that is, on the face. The main threat to the sovereignty of Russia - in an aggressive onslaught of the global financial oligarchy, frightened possibility of "loss" of Russia from a slop trough "of the colonial economy." In its fifth column, one of the ideologists of which you are.

20 The global financial oligarchy desperately and furiously fighting against the revival of Russia. If Russia will survive, it has a future; she'll be back in history and win. But if to power in Russia will come hates all Russian mercenary agent of the global financial oligarchy (such as you), we will collapse into the abyss, in comparison with which the bandit 90th we seem like child's play. Disintegration of the country with all the consequences in the form of wars, rampant poverty, hunger, epidemics and large-scale man-made disasters - that's what awaits us in this case. That, as it happens (though still in a much smaller scale), I have personally observed more than once or twice. More recently - in Ukraine, where the most "berries" is also yet to come. But you, Mr. Khodorkovsky, now want to help the West again destroy what Putin started to recover in 2000 e.No You can not, because we - the Russian, God is with us! The global financial oligarchy, the priests of Mammon, putting himself in the place of God and on his own behalf controlling the destinies of the world, began to play. American hegemony is crumbling like a colossus with feet of clay. West falls: the indigenous population is dying out; Europe in 20 years will be Muslim; Christian culture has been driven to the periphery of public life; China officially became the world's largest economy; The United States is unable to pay its huge foreign debt; their shock waves on racial and social grounds, in the throes of West spreads through the world only chaos and destruction, blood and suffering. We have to go in a different direction - toward the revival of the Great of Russia against all threats and challenges. And a huge reversal in this regard has already been made - Putin annexed Crimea, and no one can take away we have it!

21 You are talking about the Russian feat, but reduced it to the moderation and labor. Apparently, you believe that the future happiness of the people of Russia in slave labor for a bowl of soup for the benefit of the global financial oligarchy, which you represent. And for shoddy "spectacle", offered in addition to the Balanda and guaranteed to return to a state of the next simplest animal instincts. Well, then - "only over our dead bodies!" The Russian people have very different horizons and goals, rather than a dumb submission corrupt western elite. Here I digress from your thesis and briefly articulate our Russian response, which is expressed by the simple formula "For Faith, Tsar and Fatherland." During these sacred notions Russian people for centuries were to die, knowing that fighting for them - are fighting for themselves and for their future. Today it is quite a specific loyalty: the Russian Orthodox Church, the Russian state and the Supreme Commander Vladimir Putin.

22 Fifteen recent years Russia was preparing to leap into the great Russian future. It's time to commit.

Igor Gunmen
Sober Petrograd
Central News Agency Novorossia

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For the third day in the expanses of the Internet travels widely reported that the United States to Ukraine flew some transport planes loaded with American howitzers and reserve wonderful high-precision missiles "Excalibur", allowing for 40 kilometers, figuratively speaking, the protein in the eye zasandalil.


"Heavy American weapons being transferred to the Ukraine, as reported by a source in the New Russia. Airbase Altus, Oklahoma flew C-17s of the 58th Air Transport Squadron, loaded with 155-mm howitzers M777, ammunition and personnel. Aircraft sent to Ukraine, roughly - in Kharkiv and Dnipropetrovsk. M777 - a howitzer, which uses high-precision and long-range ammunition M982 Excalibur. When using an external guidance via satellite or UAV, such shells at distances up to 40 km can direct hits to amaze even individual tanks and vehicles. M777 effective in matters of counter-battery fire . "

In general, did not make a poet's soul injections petty offenses - once said the great classics of Russian literature. I'll try to explain in the fingers, why it's garbage, even if it would be true. No, it's not the size of the aircraft. C-17 is capable of carrying even tanks. So howitzer it fit easily. And not alone. The thing quite different. In the specifics of modern mechanized warfare and the issue price.

Nobody ever anyone weapon just does not give. Even stable and is not going to disappear regimes. It is only on paper, it can be transmitted in the form of any help. In real life, to get a freebie, happy novoobladatel always pays. Just something else. Concessions for the exploitation of natural resources, for example. Or decrease in the price of transit of something important for the patron through free-riders. So, when we say that it is not necessary to write off bad debts for the supply of weapons, you can only smile wryly corners of the lips. No, just write off all at once - bad taste, of course. If arms can shake off real money, then they must shake off. But, in general, it is a long time already managed to recoup "on alternative options." Moreover, with a very good rate of return. But in general, yes. Essentially it does not change. Even their ancient tracked reconnaissance vehicles CVR (T) United Kingdom Latvian army a week ago officially "presented" at the price of 515 thousand. Dollars. Apiece. Although these machines are still in the British war in Bosnia involved. Then in both the Iraq war and another in Afghanistan. And still ... the floor Leman apiece. But this is not important.

Not enough to have a gun. To be sure it is necessary to have more shells. Very many shells. Ukraine is the current fighting, frankly, for free. With the exception of the newest tanks "Hold" (in fact, is the modernization of T-64), everything else she did not buy. All heavy weapons after the partition of the country got a huge Soviet army and its rear stocks. So it's on paper during the fighting in July and August, with the captured militia, Ukraine has lost about 190 tanks for the price (when considered together with ammunition) 2 million. Dollars. Thing. Ie to 380 million. bucks. In reality, these tanks Kiev did not cost a penny. And 400 - 500 armored vehicles, which are 0.7 to 1.5 Leman apiece (approximately $ 450 million. Dollars. Overall) - too. SPG 2S3 "Acacia" is worth a little less tank. At the level of 1.6 - 1.8 million. Dollars. Normal high-explosive projectile to it costs about 20 thousand. Dollars. USA. Even with the starvation mode shooting, no more than 5 shots on the barrel, in the white light, like a lot of money flying away a quarter million dollars. To suppress the strong point of the mechanized infantry company must be up to 70 projectiles caliber 152 - 155 mm. Such reference points, including spare and roadblocks and the usual battalion can create up to a dozen. Total income 700 shells.

Here are some of these:


Please note, not the destruction, but only to the suppression of the ASO. The difference is the following. For the purpose of military terminology is considered to be depressed if she ceased to resist and lost 20 to 30% of its fighting capacity. It takes 700 rounds per battalion. A simple calculation shows. So he took a run at all, needed at least two similar impact. And for assured destruction - three. 2000 rounds of 20 thousand. Dollars. Apiece. 40 million. Dollars. USA only to destroy one battalion. At BCH now about 40 "Calculated battalions" ... This is not counting any other strengthening and infrastructure. For example, at the beginning of the large Ukrainian offensive in late July, just one day at Gorlovka fell more than 400 shells. And we have not yet considered the mortar shells, rockets to the MRL and the more OTR "Point", where each missile costs as 2-2.5 tank.

War - it is very expensive. Ukraine can afford it only because spending stocks made it not very long ago. In the videos captured with parsing field artskladov Amvrosievka under the frame across snarjadnye boxes and shells, according to the labeling issue 80s of the twentieth century, ie more Soviet. Only this allows Kiev not to pay "real cache" those 1.3 - 1.8 billion. Dollars. Dollars a month, that really stands the Ukrainian army this war. It is limited to only PRCS fuel prodpaykami and monetary officials salaries. And that money is not enough. Army goes into many sneaky tricks to avoid paying the combat, bonus, and many - even salaries and treatment of wounds. For the money in the treasury almost none. No - even when it is not necessary to buy bullets and shells.

But with foreign weapons is a joke will not work. Let's start with the fact that our shells to the western weapons are not suitable caliber. Soviet standard - 152 mm, the western - 155 mm. There are many other important differences, but this is enough. So, getting the battery ever M777, for every simple shot OFom (high-explosive projectile) will have to give 20 kilobaksov real live money. Battery of six guns made one shot - 1.2 Leman down! Took another shot - another 1.2 Leman! Well, all right. Old shells, not to spend money on deposit, can be delivered to Ukraine at a discount. Because, as fighters for democracy, even if only for lyamu. 200 thousand. - Discount! To suppress the company strong points, I recall it should shoot ten times ...

One battery. And they should be dofiga and more. APU in service are the order of 20 batteries of 152-mm caliber. Somewhere 120 - 150 guns. Minimum flow rate of 5 shots a day total daily consumption of ammunition is 750 rounds per day. 15 million. Dollars. Night. 450 million. Dollars. Monthly.

Oh, I almost forgot. One shell (together with the charge transport and packaging) weigh about 70 kg. 750 shells is 52.5 tons. In the night. 25 standard freight wagons per month. Which will have to immediately start to carry out NATO. Please note, only the very minimum. It is still an additional cost to the price of the shells themselves.

That kind of money in Ukraine is not there. From the word at all. Because about incompatibility ballistics trunks, firing tables, the lack of trained gunners can not even begin. It becomes secondary. Vaughn Poland in the late 90s with great fanfare acquired 128 German tanks "Leopard-2A4". And where? So what? "Leopards" are in the pits, and Polish armored forces go to the "post-Soviet" T-72 (532 machines) and in tanks proprietary RT-91 (232 units), which is a common modernization of the same T-72. Because the army - it's not just big iron toys, painted in the same green color. Army - a timely supply of appropriate nomenclature of petroleum products, supply the necessary range of spare parts, the methodology for calculation of crews and maintenance personnel. For example, on the T-72 autoloader is, and on the Leopard 2A4 it is not because there is required to prepare the "extra crew member" - loader. And a lot of other issues.

No, personally I'm all for that Ukraine tried to come even on the same rake. Vyklyanchivanie military-technical, more precisely, a direct military assistance from NATO, not only instantly make Ukrainian army totally unfit for action, but also completely ruin it in one - a maximum of two months of fighting. At all. In the best traditions of the old British saying: "If you want to destroy a medium-sized rich country, just give her a cruiser." Especially because now from Ukraine of the two conditions are voiced so far only sizes. Wealth should not even start.

So do not confuse empty political populist rhetoric with reality. No C-17, no M777 in Ukraine does not bring. Except for the balances of the former Soviet Eastern European countries, and that real money, no foreign weapons in Ukraine will not appear. End of story.

Ah, yes, "Excalibur." Such a shell is, yes. M982 is called "Excalibur". Really has CWE 3 meters at a distance of 40 kilometers. Does exactly misses "the protein in the eye" to install does not work, because the protein breaks into fragments that can not be reconstruction. However, to achieve this effect, together with a gun, it is necessary to have different equipment somewhere else for 19 - 20 million dollars from the plant starting illumination purposes, and well-trained thereto. Shell looks like this.


Its price is 220 thousand. Dollars. Dollars per share. Ie about five pieces on the lam greens. And as of October 29, 2013 all of these shells all over the world were shot 640 pieces. I emphasize that throughout the world, everything. Why someone decided that Ukraine near the "Excalibur" just to be allowed to stand around?

Sergey Shiptenko
Central News Agency Novorossia

DONETSK, October 18 (RIA Novosti) - The self-proclaimed Donetsk People's Republic will soon begin issuing its own passports, DPR Prime Minister Alexander Zakharchenko said Saturday.

"We will assign a new Minister of Justice, issue our own passports, like we already issue certificates of marriage and birth," Zakharchenko said at a meeting with voters in the city of Novoazovsk.

He advised, however, that the residents of the region should not get rid of their Ukrainian passports yet.

The minister also stated that educational institutions in Donetsk may begin issuing Russian-style diplomas.

"Almost all universities are operating in Donetsk… We are negotiating for [students] to receive Russian-type diplomas," he said.

Residents of the Luhansk and Donetsk regions declared independence following a February coup, refusing to recognize the new Kiev authorities. The republics declared their sovereignty based on the results of referendums held in May.

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DONETSK, October 18. /TASS/. At least 15 civilians in the city of Donetsk were killed in shelling over the past 24 hours, Prime Minister of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR) Aleksandr Zakharchenko said on Saturday.

DONETSK, October 19 (RIA Novosti) - Shelling and clashes continued in Ukraine's turbulent eastern provinces despite the previously agreed ceasefire, killing at least two civilians in the besieged city of Donetsk, the local self-defense forces said in a statement Saturday.

"Ukrainian army troops fired Grad [missiles] at the Kirov district and Savrasov Street [in Donetsk]. Two civilians died after a shell hit a residential house," the statement published on the official website of the Donetsk People's Republic (DPR) government said.

Earlier reports said that Donetsk had been targeted for shelling throughout Saturday, with a mortar round hitting a pumping station in the Kuibyshev district and wounding several employees, according to the city hall.

Violence continues in the area near Smile, a village west of the city Lugansk, where militias are battling with pro-Kiev forces, according to both government and DPR sources. Smile (pronounced as smee-le) has been a flashpoint in the conflict this week.

The pro-government Channel Five TV channel cited a Ukrainian serviceman as saying Saturday that their army brigade had been encircled, while a source in the militia headquarters said they were following through on the ceasefire agreement and not attacking unless they had to defend civilians.

"At the same time, we are forced to act on the military provocations and stop artillery attacks on civilians," a spokesman at the Luhansk militia headquarters said.

DONETSK, October 19 (RIA Novosti) - The self-proclaimed Donetsk People's Republic (DPR) will never become part of a united Ukraine, the breakaway region's Vice Prime Minister Andrei Purgin said Saturday.

"The latest estimate is that the conflict has so far killed 4,000 people in Donbas. We can't talk about any political alliance or a unity state with Kiev after what has happened," Andrei Purgin told journalists.

He described the existing ceasefire in eastern Ukraine as a respite ahead of the winter and said it was not the first step toward the "return" of Donbas under the Ukrainian jurisdiction.

Purgin said that the Donetsk republic was not going to elect its members to the country's parliament, known as the Verkhovna Rada. The snap parliamentary elections are scheduled for September 26.

He added that the same went for the December 7 elections, set by Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko's law on the special status of Donbas, a large swathe of land in eastern Ukraine.

"We will hold our own election on November 2. I can hardly imagine why we would take part in the Verkhovna Rada elections. Even if we elect our representatives, there are no guarantees they will not get killed in Kiev. It's enough to know what they do to opposition politicians there," Purgin said.

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While the Nazis in the territory of New Russia systematically violated the ceasefire (including the use of heavy weapons systems), life in the Donetsk HP is gradually transformed into a peaceful course. This was reported by Alexander Zaharchenko - Premier of the Republic and its possible future head.

Guide DNR is working to address a whole range of problems associated with bureaucratic issues. At the same time, the prime minister said, this state of things does not seem favorable to the authorities of Ukraine, so that the latter are constantly trying to sabotage the process. However, the real harm in this area to put the Ukrainian side could not. In contrast to the violence and the consequences of the genocide ...

At the moment, the republic's authorities began issuing its citizens birth certificates and marriage altered samples. At the same time, appropriate services are actively working on the need for the issuance of passports to residents of Donetsk, HP will be able to start getting in the near future.

In addition, the state is working on getting rid of people, "the shadow of war," ie, the effects of hostilities. As part of these activities will gradually get out of checkpoints located on the road connecting the city with each other. Pre defensive positions - more precisely, units, they are, will be subject to a single command. As far as possible, roadblocks will be dismantled. First of all this kind of activities will breathe life into the region, to establish communication and trade between the settlements.

Of course, that before really peaceful life in the Donetsk and Lugansk HP is still far. However, people do not lose hope and do everything possible to hasten the moment when they can look at the sky without fear ...

Sergey Lyzhin
Central News Agency Novorossia


Despite the continued shelling, Donetsk HP seeks reserves for economic development, and production. Guide republics making every possible effort to improve the welfare of the citizens of New Russia, restore torn down infrastructure, implementation of pay and benefits, pensions and wages.

Currently addressed questions about the future productive capacity of the Donetsk HP. Alexander Zaharchenko reports that the companies that are in the territory controlled by the militia DNR, will be nationalized. This statement was made by the Prime Minister of the Republic at a meeting in Novozavodskaya where Alexander Zaharchenko made to the electorate. He also said that the process has already been started, at the moment three companies taken under temporary management, including two owned by the representative oligarchy Akhmetov.

The state will take under his "wing" factories producing alcoholic beverage production. There will also be introduced price controls all the most needed food.

Another step to meet the residents of Donetsk HP is serious concessions regarding payments on loans. Introduced a mode called "grace period", it implies the suspension of the obligations of citizens to the banks at the time of fighting and tension in the state.

Considerable forces left to restore the coal industry, according to Alexander Zaharchenko this industry is the backbone of the DNI. Donetsk itself supposed to supply the fuel for free the current winter. As for Ukraine, the Prime Minister stressed that the termination of coal supply fascist neighbor can lead to so-called "rolling blackouts."

Sergey Lyzhin
Central News Agency Novorossia

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12:04 GMT:

At least seven people died and 36 were injured in the Donetsk Region during shelling, the Donetsk People’s Republic told RIA Novosti.

“The shelling is very intense, five self-defense forces have been killed, 30 injured,” the deputy head of the self-defense forces, Eduard Basurin, said. “As for civilians, a couple was killed … near Donetsk and six civilians injured,” he added.

According to the Ukraine Council of National Security and Defense, 13 troops have been injured in the last 24 hours in the Donetsk Region.

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Internet literally exploded appearance first record, and then the video recording of how a terrible day May 2 rescue service in Odessa for almost 40 minutes ignored pleas for help from those who burned alive in the House of Trade Unions. How do I find bloggers dispatcher that day fateful day was captain of Civil Defence Svetlana Koeva. Do you agree with the fact that this woman - the hero of the tragedy?

On the record clearly audible that Koeva in response to dozens of panic calls about the fire, assured the people that nothing they believe their own eyes, that supposedly burns in the open, that's okay ...

Terrible record was originally published online edition "Dumskaya.net."

As the authors of the publication, the first call about the fire entered the room 101 at 19.35, when the radicals set fire to the camp on the Kulikovo field. However Koeva refused to send back fire brigades, citing the fact that "burning in the open, nothing threatening."

Ten minutes later, at 19:45 showered panic calls, that is already burning himself House of Trade Unions, but manager still refused to take action.

The first fire brigade was sent to the scene of the tragedy only at 19:56 - almost half an hour after the first reports of a fire on the Kulikovo field.

Ladder to the burning building only sent at 20:08, that is, after 36 minutes after the first call. Thus, for nearly 40 minutes rescue service in the face of the controller operational focal point GSCHS Svetlana kojic actually not taken adequate measures to rescue dozens of people.

Here are some replica terrified citizens of Odessa, who reported kojic fire, and her answers:

- The first floor is lit fire to the door bastards!

- There's only a tent, but they do not threaten anything.

- The building is lit, the windows inside the burn!

- Dana team. There's nothing threatening, there's just burning tires.

- There is lit House of Trade Unions!

- No, there is not lit House of Trade Unions.

- Are you going to drive? There is already building Unions lit, everything inside is burning inside people!

At this point Koeva hangs up, and then rejects dozens of calls.

- Goes machine, - she says one of the calls when the fire is already blazing brightly.

- Just one? !! There are children!

- What are the children?

- Women and children, their maydanyne it locked!

- A neighbor called, said she was in the building, she says, we're burning alive!

- You tell me her phone number.

- Wait, now, I shock hands are shaking ...

- You will find - then call back.

- Have found, I am afraid I did not get through to you: 067-487-xx-xx, name is Olga

/ I would like to know whether it was possible to survive this Ole ... /

- There's my mom, they suffocate!

- With what they hand?

- From what you side, Mommy? They do not know ...

And so on. D.

And here is what about Svetlana kojic a year before the tragedy edition "Evening Odessa":

"At first, Svetlana, as she says, it was scary to take responsibility: taking a message, send the call fire rescue units. "Over time, you get used to this stress: my job - helping people. Of course, worry, and for the guys who put out the fire (I will keep in touch with them), and for those whom they save, "- says Svetlana."

Now this page "Evening Odessa" is full of such comments:

"I do not Is this the lady who refused to send fire engines when burning house unions in Odessa and the people in it? Heard these terrible record of negotiations. Pulled as she could, asking unnecessary questions, please call or hung up, or lied. People jumped, suffocated, burned. How would she live? "

"Probably coming to its remote calls in the evening May 2, 2014 will be her dream is still very, very long time ..."

"The fault of kojic killed about 300 people on the Kulikovo field in the hero-city of Odessa, she could help these people, but did not. Her work - not to help people, and cynically throw them to die in a difficult situation, shouting to understand ... "

"I hope that Svetlana would not such a case, it calls for half an hour to save the family, and ignore it."

According to the materials prepared by the Internet
Tatiana Dobrodeeva.
Central News Agency Novorossia

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On the eve of October 18, the guerrillas Putivl Detachment. Sidor Kovpaka destroyed one of the posts of the "right sector" at the entrance of Sumy.

As reported by Voenkor.info, guerrillas threw grenades at a checkpoint occupiers, was tied with wire, and fired home-made submachine gun.

Results of the attack on the checkpoint: burnt jeep "pravosekov" trophies guerrillas were five machines and a variety of ammunition.

The agency also reported that two days ago, two more pravsekov were found in the vicinity of the city of Sumy tied to a pole wire. Legs corpses had gnaw stray dogs.

Thus, checkpoints. obsustroennye Ukrainian occupiers, do not guarantee their safety.

Alexander Nikishin
Central News Agency Novorossia


October 19 assault groups punitive Kiev junta, supported by artillery and armored vehicles attempted to capture the airport in Donetsk in the area of ​​the former military base.

According to sources at the headquarters of the Army of New Russia, all enemy attacks were repulsed. According to eyewitnesses, a clash at the airport of the capital of DNR were particularly fierce. The Ukrainian side is used in addition to small arms and mortars, howitzers.

At the same time the formation of Ukrainian settlement area Sands during the day repeatedly made shelling Donetsk. Basically shells fell near the railway station.

Around 19:00 artillery army Novorossia produced a powerful volley in punitive positions near the settlement Sands, and then shelling civilian areas in the punitive stopped.

According to the militia artillery DNR struck the Ukrainian units that tried to break through to the control tower and the end of the runway Donetsk airport. Earlier punishers caused fire attack on the center of Donetsk, is destruction and victims. Kiev Nazis continued shelling the area of ​​the mine "Panfilov".

Commander of the army of DNR with the callsign "Givi" explained that attacked the airport invaders were defeated, leaving only group that was able to take the tower, the fight continues.

Alexander Nikishin
Central News Agency Novorossia


Residents of suburban settlements of Mariupol - Talakovka and Gnutova - staged a rally against the Ukrainian punitive stationed on their territory. Villagers outraged that they are used as "human shields."

Residents of suburban settlements Talakovka Gnutova and staged a rally against the Ukrainian security services. This was reported by local media.

People need to roadblocks Ukrainian military moved away from their villages and homes. They are tired of living under small arms and artillery fire of the conflicting parties. They believe that they have made an unwitting human shield. The villagers are tired of living in constant fear, as their locations are often caught in the crossfire during the fighting. In their opinion, the Ukrainian army guilty that their homes were bombed and destroyed. Outraged people do not want to hear the argument that "now there is a war." In this case, they say, "declare war, not the ATO."

Residents have made on this issue an appeal to the so-called "ATO" and "Defence Staff" Mariupol and collect signatures for him among the villagers.


Tatiana Dobrodeeva.
Central News Agency Novorossia

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In Moscow Suvorov Square on Saturday held a rally-concert in support of New Russia "Battle of Donbass".

In front of the Cultural Center of the Armed Forces gathered several hundred supporters of those who fight in the Donbas.

Participants of the rally once again expressed their political support to the residents of the south-east of Ukraine and Russia called on the authorities to provide them with economic assistance.

Leading the rally leader of the "Battle of Donbass" Alexei Mr.Zhivov stressed that activists have done everything, to question Novorossia not shut up and not merged.

"We can not remain silent when the Donbas killed innocent civilians. We need to help all that we can! After all, only a thousand kilometers away from us the same Russian deprived of life. As a taxpayer I am willing to feed the Donbass, while there will not be restored peaceful life. Many, I think, are also ready, "- he said. The participants supported Zhivova chants "New Russia - Russia!" And "We stand for the Donbass!".

Patriotic songs in live performance interspersed with performances by attending the rally volunteers and community members.

The speakers put forward a number of requirements:
-prekraschenie domestic political pressure on the movement in support of the Donbas, Igor rifle and his supporters; -presechenie attempts left-liberal forces rioted in Moscow;
-prekraschenie fighting on the territory of the DNI and the LC and excretion of the military units of the Ukrainian army to their places of permanent deployment;
-rassledovanie all war crimes Kiev junta with the involvement of the UN, the OSCE, the Hague Tribunal and the Venice Commission;
- The payment of compensation to the families of those killed and injured residents of New Russia and the allocation of funds for the restoration of the Donbass; the elimination of all illegally seized property of Donetsk and Lugansk oligarchs in favor of the people of New Russia.

The leader of the anti-fascist resistance in Nikolaev Larissa Shesler said at a rally: "New Russia - not just a nice word. This is - a new stage of existence of Russian Southeast Ukraine. New Russia - Russian prospect for the entire world, the possibility of creating a just society free of nationalism and the dictatorship of the oligarchs. It is for this fight and kill hundreds of Russian people in the Donbas. "


At the end of the meeting adopted an appeal to the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin.

In particular, it is said: "The former Donetsk and Lugansk region of Ukraine as a result of war and aggression on the part of the new Ukrainian government received heavy damage. Hundreds of thousands of people homeless. Thousands killed and maimed. A significant part of the industrial infrastructure damaged or destroyed. We know firsthand that in the Donetsk and Lugansk were first death from starvation.

We ask you, as the head of the Russian state:

- Initiate Novorossia recognition as a political subject of international law, to establish an independent republic with this diplomatic relations, to provide financial, humanitarian and military-technical assistance to the young sister republic;

- Recognize New Russia as a political entity in its "natural" borders on the administrative borders of the former Donetsk and Lugansk regions of Ukraine;

- Ensure republic Novorossia uninterrupted humanitarian assistance from the Russian Federation for the recovery of the domestic market of New Russia. Prevent a humanitarian disaster, providing them with the necessary products, machinery and equipment necessary to ensure the viability of the republic in the autumn-winter period;

- Affect the investigating authorities of the Russian Federation, and to encourage international institutions and organizations to a full comprehensive independent investigation into war crimes of the new Ukrainian authorities in the territory of the republic New Russia, as well as on the territory of Ukraine in its modern political boundaries.

We look forward to your help and support, both on the legitimately elected president of Russia and politics, by all means, protect the people of the Crimea and the Donbass.

Consider the compatriots living in the "seized territories" of the former Russian Empire Russian part of the world, worthy of assistance, support and protection. "

The rally was attended militia commanders and fighters. The action participants were able to learn about what's happening in the Donbas these days firsthand.

Sergey Volodin
Central News Agency Novorossia


The former head of the People's Republic of Lugansk Valery Bolotoff urged to continue "the fight started" and "liberate the occupied territories" and called elections in the Republic of season and clearly resolved. He wrote about this in his Facebook.

"The last time I was often asked: My attitude to elections and if I would participate in them? To begin with, I consider them out of season and not possible under martial law, as well as clearly resolved.

We must continue this struggle to liberate the occupied territories and to continue negotiations on an equal footing, and not in the status of asylum.

Currently primary objectives not believe a political farce, and the termination of the death of civilians and defenders of the republic. Believe it is important to unite disparate militias, to improve the humanitarian situation, to stop the looting and start giving the people, not to take away from them.

The country remained loyal to warlords me, I thank them, as well with me to stay true to me and the people of the LC team that helps me solve a lot of questions on the organization of humanitarian and military aid.

I never betrayed and betray people of Lugansk region. I have been with you from the beginning and will remain to the end, continuing to fight in every way possible.

This is our land! "

Sergey Volodin
Central News Agency Novorossia


About junta

"... The war continues and will continue. Poroshenko only resumed his old shulerskih game, which has already successfully played the spring, quickly stolen by pumping gas into storage.

Russia in its result, will not receive any money for gas, no real truce of Donetsk and Lugansk, no lifting of sanctions.

In short - do not get anything, and will save time.

War in the New Russia will constantly irritate ulcers in the underbelly of Russia.

If Novorossia sacrifice - the problem goes to the Crimea, and everything will continue on a new circle. "

On the New Russia

"I assume that the turmoil is just beginning and the more resolutely Russia will move forward now, the more likely that the most serious consequences of turmoil we escape. And, accordingly, the longer will stagnate '(including - in the New Russia), the harder it will be for us to proceed impending crisis. "

About Vladimir Putin and his team

"Around Putin has a team that somehow solves the problem that they were made in more than a decade.

But then came the general crisis requiring rapid, radical and responsible decisions. And during it became clear that in addition to the president, no one is able to operate in the new environment.

Someone stupid fears, but most are not ready, can not and does not want to learn. "


"The attack will start from the moment when Putin will start the same, to which Stalin began after the disastrous defeat of 1941 (remember that they followed the triumphs 1939-1940) - that is, the rotation of its decrepit and liberal-oriented team.

Without this, any, even the most correct and decisive action will be relegated him unfit (and covertly resist) performers to incompetent and humiliating defeat. "

"With the current team can be guaranteed Putin reached only to the Hague Tribunal."

Answers II Strelkova questions offline reenactors.

Sergey Volodin
Central News Agency Novorossia

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In the Kiev region of Donetsk powerful explosion, the cause of which, according to preliminary data, could be hit ballistic missile "Point Y" in the factory of chemical products.

The explosion took place about 12:15. Its capacity has reached such force that windows were broken in the building of Donetsk Gorteploset, where at that time there was a meeting with Andrei Purgina, Denis Pushilin, Victor Rogacheva, head of the company, and Igor Martynov, Acting Head of the city administration.

The blast blew out windows in the rooms and people thrown on the floor. Note that the building is located 15 km from the alleged epicenter of the explosion.

The sound of breaking was heard in all the districts of the city. Employees who were smokers Donoghue, where the seat of government of DNR, told: on the upper floors felt so strong vibration that one might have thought - the building collapses.

Information about the victims and destructions unavailable. Witnesses said the huge column of smoke, which is visible from the plant himizdely around which there are living quarters.

At the moment, the sound of gun mounts can be heard throughout the city. In the city of disruptions to mobile communications.

Sergey Volodin
Central News Agency Novorossia

Alexander Melkovsky gently explained to journalists that a soldier who returned from the war zone, "maybe not quite a stable psychological state."

Search Engines volunteers from the organization "People's memory" for several days been collecting bodies punitive in fields near Donetsk. At the moment, they have found 155 bodies of soldiers and battalions of the National Guard under MAT.

"The bodies are in terrible condition, many of them torn apart by wild animals. Ukrainian military did not bury their dead soldiers, and just throwing them in the fields and on roadsides. In the best case, the soldiers just added dropwise thin layer of soil of their comrades, or laid their bodies leaves and branches, "- said the volunteer" People's memory. "


Alexander Nikishin
Central News Agency Novorossia

Position of the Cossacks and the RRG "Batman" in the village were attacked Bold 3 columns of Ukrainian troops that came to the aid of a blocked militia checkpoint.

Ukrainian column consisted of four tanks, infantry fighting vehicles and armored personnel carriers more and manpower. However militias to keep the defense as long as the soldiers of New Russia, closes the coverage of the roadblock and threatened by the environment, not moved to a safe position.

In this part of Cossack units interact with the RRT "Batman" and a battalion commander with the callsign "Bully." Now militias withdrew to prepared positions and defending the village. In the ranks of the militia was held rotation, the fight continues.

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In the Kiev region of Donetsk powerful explosion, the cause of which, according to preliminary data, could be hit ballistic missile "Point Y" in the factory of chemical products.

The explosion took place about 12:15. Its capacity has reached such force that windows were broken in the building of Donetsk Gorteploset, where at that time there was a meeting with Andrei Purgina, Denis Pushilin, Victor Rogacheva, head of the company, and Igor Martynov, Acting Head of the city administration.

The blast blew out windows in the rooms and people thrown on the floor. Note that the building is located 15 km from the alleged epicenter of the explosion.

The sound of breaking was heard in all the districts of the city. Employees who were smokers Donoghue, where the seat of government of DNR, told: on the upper floors felt so strong vibration that one might have thought - the building collapses.

Information about the victims and destructions unavailable. Witnesses said the huge column of smoke, which is visible from the plant himizdely around which there are living quarters.

At the moment, the sound of gun mounts can be heard throughout the city. In the city of disruptions to mobile communications.

Sergey Volodin
Central News Agency Novorossia


Torchlight processions, rallies in Kiev and other Ukrainian cities, portraits of Bandera, live Tyahnibok, Fahrion, Sirotyuk. Statements slaughter one another, and all the attacks on the Russian Federation.

Russia is not a party to the internal conflict in Ukraine, but is closely following the developments there. Do you think that this will continue. Intuitively feel that the European countries, and later joins the United States, together with the Russian Federation will drown you as Gerasim Mumu. The United States has no choice. Know that is not right. Broken, and everything will be fine. Against Russian diplomats some amusing aunt at the State Department. They say that it's a trick the United States, a distraction. In any case, the West will not interfere. And revenge is not. Compare the international prestige of the Russian Federation and its. If loud yells, at the moment only scaring residents of the central and western parts of Ukraine and Europe.

Moscow And you give a damn. Liberals love you. In 1945, the Soviet Union crushed the monster is no match for you. This answer Sirotyuk. The setting for you is not good. On your conscience and usurper blood Donbass, who died young military draft in the Ukrainian army, the persecution of the Orthodox Church, the Russian Federation insults, disrespect for Russian. I do not think too much you support the population. You will march, imagines a hero, but someone has to keep your horde, feed, water and air caps throw.

Nothing creative in your work is not. The material production is not involved, do extortion, squeeze someone else's business, violating the rule of law, bёte windows in government buildings. Or is it not you? In other words, sit on the neck of the working people and are drones. Bees drones thrown out of the hive.

In Kiev, easily took power. Tried in the Donbas swing right, did not work. Once again, try to be the same. It is a pity that dragged along on the death of recruits. Will you for this reservation behind barbed wire.

In the power to go I do not advise, disgraced. What kind of reaction is the lady with the last name starting with F, when you look at her performance, even if it is specially selected? Causes melancholy pity. In my head the phrase "white poles", "Kanatchikov dacha", "bathing Mountain" and the like. Do not have to tear the country, she was tired. The word "international boycott," you know? I know that ignore. Tens of thousands of the victims of nothing they say?

Youth, "mentally" fledgling (not physically), I advise you to get away from the radicals. You do not need a fascist and Bandera romance. Parents want to see you in these series? Perhaps some do not interfere. Thieves honorary romance, but it is better to work.

War Party, identified with the Nazis, should voluntarily withdraw from politics. If you do not listen, then along with the galloping and throwing people in trash cans can be fun folk "catch fascist".

Alexander Eliseev,
Central News Agency Novorossia

"We are united, my brothers and my friends. I am yours, and you - mine. And we all have one source, one start - a single father. All of the bright, beautiful and honest that we have in our life comes from Him, and in Him is rooted. "
St. Svyaschennoispovednik Dosifej Nishsky and Zagreb

Dear brothers!
Over Nis, Serbian capital of World War I, the hill rises Chegar. His story - a story of the heart, which beats only for one thing - for the sake of freedom of the Fatherland. On it in 1809 Serbs were defending their faith and freedom from the Turks, paying the highest price - putting their heads, knowing that these are building the foundation for freedom of his people and his homeland. And their heads were literally used for the construction. Turks head to wall instead of brick in a unique monument - Tower of skulls, which still testify to their faith, courage and determination.

Looking at the photos from your homeland, photos of your struggle, suffering and sacrifice for the sake of the Precious Cross that you put between yourself and the enemy, we can not compare you with our heroes with Chegara. Just as they once you today fit into the book of eternity, in the book of life. Your struggle is the same as them, your heart just like them, beating the sake of freedom. And just as they once defended its limits, family and all Orthodox, so the defending and you are: your struggle is our struggle.

Life under the occupation of those who want to change the minds of the people, - a thing far more destructive than war. You have remained faithful to the ideals of their ancestors in a time when many of these ideals have changed. Today, in many countries is much easier to change than to remain faithful. Change today, and heads of state, and the patriarchs and metropolitans. And now Orthodoxy again changed leaders in Kiev, and you have correctly decided not to obey the traitors. Similarly, Isidore, Metropolitan of Kiev and All Russia, in 1439, the year betrayed Orthodoxy, signing a union with the Pope, but the Russian people will never agree. Likewise, we do not agree to the union with Serbia on the Vatican, to which we motivate such ecclesiastical lords, as Isidore, we do not agree with the fact that Kosovo and Metohija - that other State, the country with Islamic and NATO standards of life, even though it signed by representatives of the Belgrade authorities in Brussels. We have a long fight, and you started it.

Today's ideological enemies wish to discredit all the most valuable and the most moral of the people, to capture the natural resources in order to free people became slaves. To do this, the world's promoters gay parade attacked Kiev and Kosovo. Although these two areas temporarily occupied, free people of Donbass marred gloating occupiers for his love of truth and right. We who love the Russian Orthodox people, including for Kiev, where the patron saint of our brotherhood Dosifej Nishsky studied theology, especially hard to realize that this city is now under the control of non-Christians. But you today - hope and confirmation that the opposition to evil possible.

Dear brothers!

Every day we are mentally and in our prayers. We hear terrible pictures, but your resolve most. Your victory will be our victory. Your heroism gives us the strength and confidence that we endure, and because Serbia is now under the occupation and invasion of enemies. Our brothers in Kosovo and Metohija experience what was intended to you, and therefore most of all we want you to stand and won. Flag of freedom of New Russia and will fly over Serbia. Therefore, remember us in your prayers. Ascended from the trenches and ditches, and the ruins of the burned houses, your prayers are now closer to the Lord. May the Lord resurrected, the prayers of all the saints Russian and Serbian give you the strength to survive, to win and reach the Kingdom of Heaven!

Brotherhood svyatogo svyaschennoispovednika Dosifeya, Nis, Serbia
Central News Agency Novorossia

On October 20, due to the deteriorating health of Mariupol Mayor Yuri Hotlubey was hospitalized for a course of inpatient treatment. First Deputy Mayor Gennady Mitrofanov also missing - he is on vacation. Reported by city portal 0629 with reference to the site of the City Council.

However, local journalists are reminded that May 29 Hotlubey already left for the hospital, but returned to his duties soon after went out of the city militia.

Meanwhile, it is reported that before the MVD of Ukraine took the third line of defense of Mariupol. In this case, the defense headquarters assures that all is quiet in the city, and the "sound of artillery fire, which Mariupol heard yesterday (October 19) in the evening - this training fire from anti-aircraft guns, carried out at the site of ATU forces."

Meanwhile, according to another source, in the city there is an increasing tension. At the same Mariupol city website reported cases of looting by the battalions of the National Guard. In particular, in the village of Pavlopol Novoazovskiy area under the guise of unknown soldiers of the regiment of "Azov" engaged in systematic looting, violence and even murder.

It also reported on the frequent cases of kidnapping citizens. How to tell the locals, the other day in the city was the funeral of 19 people, whose corpses were found in the industrial area, according to "Rossiyskaya Gazeta".

In such a situation, according to the militia in brewing discontent of the population, and Mariupol is on the verge of rebellion. Perhaps this fact is due to the deterioration of health and the mayor of the city, to be back in a hospital bed.

Earlier it was reported that the head of the Interior Ministry of Ukraine due to a case of looting disbanded battalion "Shahtersk." It is possible that for the same reason, may soon be disbanded and other volunteer battalions the National Guard. Today Ukrainian portal Vesti.ua writes that in line battalion "Krivbass" oligarch - the governor of Dnipropetrovsk region Igor Kolomoisky.

Alexander Nikishin
Central News Agency Novorossia


As you know, at a meeting with residents Novoazovsk October 18, Prime Minister Alexander DNR Zaharchenko mentioned Kharkov land as a potential part of the New Russia. This markedly disturbed Ukrainian media, especially because in the Kharkiv and Kharkiv region in the areas of action of resistance to power junta follow one another.

So, on the eve of the railway line was blown up in Kolomak area, interrupting for a while communication between Poltava and Kharkiv. In the Kharkiv region in Lozovoy this morning not far from police department again appeared the inscription "HNR" ("People's Republic of Kharkiv") and October 17 were torn flags of Ukraine, Kharkov posted along the roads.Against the background of these events local police decided to remind citizens that from 1 October "Kharkiv region" is the month of "voluntary surrender of weapons population."

"Russian Spring"
Central News Agency Novorossia


Vadim wrote Kirpichev serious analytical article " New Russia converted to Russian Ukraine reservation ? ". His excitement is understandable. New Russia is in danger? Of course. She was in danger from the moment when the People's Governor Gubarev at the meeting declared the independence of the Republic of Donetsk, and the area began to sing "Get up huge country, stand up fight to the death with the dark fascist force ...". She is alive, thanks to the heroism of New Russia, and all those who came to him for help.

Now the situation is not very encouraging. In the Patriots offense occurs on Putin. It seemed that after the brilliant joining of Crimea he also famously go and Novorossia. But, but, but! It would be possible, if the West was democratic, not in words but in deeds. But now all the rage and all the forces of the West fell on Russia. In the event of an attack NATO military assistance nowhere to wait. Even China, whose leader calls Putin a friend, not declared its readiness together with Russia to hold the fort. This is bad!

For a long time it would be wise to create a bloc of BRICS countries Anti-NATO. I think that for such a unit would be happy to have joined Cuba, Iran, Argentina, Venezuela, Vietnam, Ecuador, Syria and many other countries. Then not only the USA, but we could broadcast on behalf of the world community.

If Russia suddenly break, then China can be alone with a powerful, heavily armed enemy. Therefore, try to try to "get into the skin" of Putin.

The main enemies of New Russia - not even ukrofashisty, which Novoross already hard hit, and the Russian oligarchs and the Liberals inherited Putin inherited from Yeltsin's successor as his power. They are "friendly crowd standing at the throne ...". Power can not be underestimated. In their hands the key sectors of the economy, government, finance, banking ...

The head of one of the largest Russian banks Sberbank RF Gref believes Donbass "we do not need." He credits the government in Kiev. Chapter Rosalyuminiya and GAZ`a Deripaska belonging to him in Yaroslavl factory manufactures diesel engines for Ukrainian tanks. That's it!

In 2000 - the first year of Putin's presidency - the horizon seemed bleak. Liberals captured everything! Russia was divided into parts, kroili far and wide. On television russophobia blossomed in full bloom! I must admit that slowly but surely noose around the neck of the Russian people is weakened. Unfortunately, landing in prison tycoon (Khodorkovsky) was the only one. Hopefully, this is just yet ...

So what do the pro-Russian patriotic citizens? The duty of each of us - to help Novorossia all that we can, all that capable.

Novorossia managers wish to draw lessons from Minsk "arrangements." Do not allow them Runaround Ambassador Zurabov. Guided Putin said it was not ours, and your negotiations with Ukraine.

On the need to help the New Russia must always remember the Crimea. It should provide humanitarian and other possible assistance. Because, first of all, he himself is a part of New Russia. Secondly, the occupation of the fascist regime of South-East Crimea from Russia cuts, turns it into an enclave, which significantly reduces the defense potential of the Crimea, and also reduces the number of tourists from the central region of Russia.

Sergey Korobkov,
Central News Agency Novorossia

The Truce is Over

"After today's firing of rockets Donetsk truce, even formal, must be considered to be terminated" - a message posted in the evening on October 20 in his Twitter Prime Minister of the People's Republic of Donetsk Alexander Zaharchenko.

Today in the afternoon to the building where the meeting was held with representatives of the authorities of DNR employees of heating systems, hit by a rocket. As a result of the explosion there were no fatalities, but there are wounded. At a meeting attended by the first vice-premier Andrei Purgin DNR and several other Republican officials. As the press service of the City Council of Donetsk, a strong shock wave swept across the city. According to residents in many areas in buildings and homes povyletali not only glass but window frames completely.

According to the head of the city administration Igor Martynov in the Kuibyshev region exploded ballistic missile "Tochka-U", released by the city Ukrainian army.

Also during the day marked ten violations of the ceasefire by the Bandera:

With the artillery positions of the Nazis, located in the area of ​​human settlements and Avdiyivka Sands continued shelling of Donetsk. In the period from 11.00 to 14.45 three shelled residential districts of the Kiev region. Damaged four multi-storey houses. With the use of a tactical missile complex "Tochka-U" produced missile strike on homes located within walking distance from the prospectus and Panfilov streets of Rosa Luxemburg in the Voroshilov district. At 12.35 using MLRS "Grad" suffered fire attack on the plant chemicals in the Kuibyshev region. Two are injured at the plant civilians, destroyed warehouses, damaged office building;

At 10.20 made mortar attack militia units located in the area Nikishin;

At 11.45 on the part of the mound Grave-Acute perfect artillery raid on the southern outskirts of the Peter and Paul Fortress. Damaged house, destroyed two cars belonging to local residents;

At 12.15 on the part Trehizbenki mortars were fired at the Army position LC in bold;

At 14.45 on the part of the village of Sands of MLRS "Grad" dealt a blow to the fire pit October. Killed two civilians.

According to residents Novoselovka, at the checkpoint, located on the southeastern outskirts of the village, on suspicion of having links with the militia were arrested and taken away in an unknown direction, two young men. Owned Vehicles Bandera burned them.

Alexander Nikishin
Central News Agency Novorossia

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British journalist Graham Phillips witnessed the shelling plant Ukrainian troops and militia positions phosphate mines.

Militias commented on the situation and suggested that tomorrow Ukrainian media accused the army of fighters DNR.

"We have no losses, are preparing for their attack" - battle summary of Givi 20.10.2014 Donetsk Airport.

The unit commander "Somalia" with the call Givi gave a summary of the combat at the airport in Donetsk 20.10.2014 voenkoru militia.

He said that the Ukrainian troops tightening the equipment and manpower to the line of contact. Army soldiers are preparing to repel the DNI approaching storms.

Givi also said that the losses for the day the volunteers there, and the enemy lost 13 men killed and 6 wounded.

According to radio interception militia learned that killed the commander of the Ukrainian army with the call "Heaven."

PS Motorola is alive and well.


Ukraine continues to "clean" the fascist formation. The other day the battalion was disbanded "Shahtersk" - the reason for such a radical step was extremely low moral level militants units. The battalion has participated in crimes against the civilian population of the Donbass. The Nazis looted, raped, abused and killed the people who in the fighting did not participate. Of the seven hundred soldiers "Miner" fifty committed crimes. And this is only proven cases.

Now the threat looming over the dissolution of the territorial battalions belonging Kolomoiskiy. Can dissolve while only three parties: "Azov", "Aydar" and "Krivbass". This is due, primarily, to the almost complete lack of discipline in the ranks of militants oligarch. Soldiers constantly deserting, and have fallen into disrepute among civilians, for committing crimes, like a moral monster had ceased to exist, "Miner".

At the same time the leaders of the Nazi battalions believe that disbanding is not associated with crime and low-fighting qualities units. It has been repeatedly pointed out that the Organized Army militia virtually nothing to oppose the Nazis. If we consider the "Azov", the deputy battalion commander said that he will be disbanded due to the failure under Ilovaiskaya.

It is noted that the rebels cease to be subject to the financing of their oligarch. It can also cause the dissolution, which applies to the battalion "Donbass".

The only problem is the fact that learning to kill Nazis scarcely begin to quiet life ...

Sergey Lyzhin
Central News Agency Novorossia

With the advent of workers dneyokkupanty increased intensity of the shelling of Donetsk. Civilians and militia reported that the explosions do not stop for an hour.

In this case, the main goal of the Nazis was a chemical plant in Donetsk, moreover, shells exploding at the airport, occupied defenders Donbass. To determine the potential of the opponent and the location of the guns army intelligence group Donetsk HP had a foray into the enemy's rear. As a result, intelligence militia found no less than twenty-three self-propelled artillery, which the Nazis located in the area of ​​human settlements and Avdiyivka Sands. It is believed that these heavy bombing of Kiev and the Kuibyshev region of Donetsk.

Due to the fact that the occupants are uninterrupted fire, there is no possibility to evaluate the damage caused infrastructure. It is known that there are victims in the bombing, as some citizens of Donetsk HP go to the hospital for help. However, the exact number of victims at the moment can not be called.

Earlier raked chemical plant was again aim Ukrainian army. At this time, the Nazis were able to inflict much more damage than before. As a result, a powerful attack with heavy artillery systems, including - jet, the occupants managed to undermine the TNT factory warehouse. Despite the fact that explosives are placed underground, security officials APU able to reach it. Explosion of such force that was heard far beyond the city. The blast blew out windows in nearby areas. Detonate the explosives used to work in the mines of Donetsk HP.

Sergey Lyzhin
Central News Agency Novorossia

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