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Was Jack Ruby a candidate for mind manipulation?

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From the article: “There is, too, the strange behavior of Lee Harvey Oswald’s murderer, Jack Ruby, that I and other JFK assassination researchers have recounted(I did so in LBJ and the Conspiracy to Kill Kennedy). Ruby, for those not aware of it, acted strangely during the murder of Oswald. Police officers who wrestled him away from Oswald recount that Ruby’s hand was tightly clenched on his pistol, repeatedly attempting to pull the trigger long after his gun was no longer pointed at Oswald. Once in his cell, Ruby acted agitated and anxious, almost manic, until he learned Oswald had died, at which his behavior changed dramatically: he calmed completely down, as if a burden had been lifted. Strange behavior for a man who faced the electric chair. Some suggest that Ruby, too, was a candidate for mind manipulation.”


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Reminds me of the dance of the little brown bottle. Maybe the time at which he was told Oswald was dead he and the little brown bottle crossed paths again then to forever disappear. Which reminds me of the unidentified man in the basement who definitely seems to pass something someone huddling over Ruby.

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Ruby was a candidate for much simpler things, eg. Extortion,blackmail, etc. He probably had to kill LHO, or be killed ( or have his sister killed...). His behaviour was odd the entire weekend. He was at the police station trying to get into the interview room, he was at the midnight press conference (where he corrected the DA as to LHO being a member of Fair Play for Cuba. How did he know that? Wink, wink!), he was delivering sandwiches, he went to synagogue (although not known to be devout), ...

Having spent many an hour watching Bogart, Cagney, Robinson, and Raft movies in my 11 years, even I knew that there was a conspiracy when LHO was "rubbed out" on live tv.

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Poor Jack Ruby...he was just a medium mob guy who had to pick up the pieces when Officer Tippits didn't manage to kill Oswald and become a National Hero. I don't think Ruby was happy with his role since he knew what could/would happen.

I mean let's be fair to Jack...any nervousness was definitely founded. He shot Oswald (maybe fatally) and never left jail until he was dead.

The guy really got the ass end of the deal.

Edited by David S. Brownlee
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Yes yes but he was on drugs. He was speeding and coming down regularly. The description refers to him settling right down when hearing Oswald was dead. The settling could just as likely be whatever kicking in. Ephedrine, hunger suppressant but also very harmful to the proper functioning of the brain when abused.

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